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The Eagles sit under a brand new navy and bronze banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. It was once said that the Hogwarts House Elves are the best in the world. It is up to your stomach to agree... but surely it will! Why wouldn't it like elf cooking?
If you're thirsty, there is also fresh pumpkin juice and water on the table, regardless of whether or not it is actually mealtime.
Originally Posted by Announcement
NEW RULES: In the spirit of making a fun change in our everyday routine schedule, headmaster has issued the following rules to be followed by students and staff alike:
Please hum the school song when you enter the Great Hall on Saturdays.
Must try a new food every Thursday dinner.
Please say everyone's name backwards at breakfast.
Those who are caught not following the rules will receive appropriate consequences.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Breakfast was Benzi's favourite meal of the day. There was nothing he enjoyed more than walking into the Great Hall after a run and a shower, fresh and ready for the day only to be greeted with the delicious smell of wonderful, cooked to perfection EGGS. Yes. Benzi loved eggs. Poached, scrambled, fried, however way you do them, Benzi adored the way the house elves did eggs.
Happily sitting down, the seventh year was in the process of piling his plate when suddenly, very RUDELY, a red envelope was dropped onto his eggs.
Uh oh.
Looking to verify that the owl was indeed from his mother, Benzi PANICKED as he tried to work out why on earth his mother would be sending him a howler. WHERE WAS SURI WAS THIS FOR HER. It was beginning to burn at the edges, OH NO OH NO did she not KNOW that he was a prefect now had she FORGOTTEN.
Okay, he was calm. CALM. Everything was FINE. He was chill, this was probably nothing, he hadn't done anythi-
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Breakfast was Benzi's favourite meal of the day. There was nothing he enjoyed more than walking into the Great Hall after a run and a shower, fresh and ready for the day only to be greeted with the delicious smell of wonderful, cooked to perfection EGGS. Yes. Benzi loved eggs. Poached, scrambled, fried, however way you do them, Benzi adored the way the house elves did eggs.
Happily sitting down, the seventh year was in the process of piling his plate when suddenly, very RUDELY, a red envelope was dropped onto his eggs.
Uh oh.
Looking to verify that the owl was indeed from his mother, Benzi PANICKED as he tried to work out why on earth his mother would be sending him a howler. WHERE WAS SURI WAS THIS FOR HER. It was beginning to burn at the edges, OH NO OH NO did she not KNOW that he was a prefect now had she FORGOTTEN.
Okay, he was calm. CALM. Everything was FINE. He was chill, this was probably nothing, he hadn't done anythi-
He was in the middle of his own breakfast when the disturbance began at his table. Unable to focus solely on eating, Rooney's eyes drifted to a few seats down and to his prefect. His prefect that was being..violently screamed at. Shouted at? Screamed at? Either way, it was definitely unsettling. The second year dreaded his own mother sending him a howler and was glad that Calliope was the sibling that wrote weekly to their parents. Rooney had never been good with communicating with his mother that he didn't miss her as much as she missed him. She didn't understand how much he enjoyed being at school and the chances it was giving him to learn more than she could teach him.
"She sounds happy that your sister is in Slytherin." He offered, before selecting three eggs and placing them on a plate, passing them in the direction of the older Ravenclaw. You know..since his had been...violated. And there were definitely more than three on his plate originally.
"What happens if you eat more than three?" Was it a universal fact that you should only have three eggs? Or just..a Rider rule? Ha... He was a little funny, huh?
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by Shanners
He was in the middle of his own breakfast when the disturbance began at his table. Unable to focus solely on eating, Rooney's eyes drifted to a few seats down and to his prefect. His prefect that was being..violently screamed at. Shouted at? Screamed at? Either way, it was definitely unsettling. The second year dreaded his own mother sending him a howler and was glad that Calliope was the sibling that wrote weekly to their parents. Rooney had never been good with communicating with his mother that he didn't miss her as much as she missed him. She didn't understand how much he enjoyed being at school and the chances it was giving him to learn more than she could teach him.
"She sounds happy that your sister is in Slytherin." He offered, before selecting three eggs and placing them on a plate, passing them in the direction of the older Ravenclaw. You know..since his had been...violated. And there were definitely more than three on his plate originally.
"What happens if you eat more than three?" Was it a universal fact that you should only have three eggs? Or just..a Rider rule? Ha... He was a little funny, huh?
WHY WAS IT HIS FAULT THAT SURI HADN'T OWLED MUM IT WASN'T HIS RESPONSIBILITY even if he'd said he'd do it first thing after the feast. Where was she? WHERE WAS SHE?? Staring DAGGERS at the Slytherin table and tried to ignore the LOOKS he was getting from everyone, Benzi was just about to march over there when a voice spoke up and he was momentarily distracted. Huh?
"She... is. I think," he replied, blinking down at the boy and silently taking the offered plate of eggs. A very small amount of eggs but eggs nevertheless. Why was a kid giving him food? What was going on? "Thanks."
Oh, fantastic. "No, just eating too many eggs isn't good for you and I eat a bunch so.." he shrugged, "yeah." Thank you mother, now he's eating breakfast with a baby who's rationing his eggs. Great. GREAT.
He'll definitely owl her now, he thought to himself as he very pointedly added another two eggs to his plate.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
WHY WAS IT HIS FAULT THAT SURI HADN'T OWLED MUM IT WASN'T HIS RESPONSIBILITY even if he'd said he'd do it first thing after the feast. Where was she? WHERE WAS SHE?? Staring DAGGERS at the Slytherin table and tried to ignore the LOOKS he was getting from everyone, Benzi was just about to march over there when a voice spoke up and he was momentarily distracted. Huh?
"She... is. I think," he replied, blinking down at the boy and silently taking the offered plate of eggs. A very small amount of eggs but eggs nevertheless. Why was a kid giving him food? What was going on? "Thanks."
Oh, fantastic. "No, just eating too many eggs isn't good for you and I eat a bunch so.." he shrugged, "yeah." Thank you mother, now he's eating breakfast with a baby who's rationing his eggs. Great. GREAT.
He'll definitely owl her now, he thought to himself as he very pointedly added another two eggs to his plate.
"Only a think?" It hadn't sounded like it to Rooney, but he couldn't be positive because he didn't know Benzi's mother. Benzi and Suri's mother, it seemed. Maybe she emphasised all of her words and turned one sentence into three and found a problem with hearing something from friends and not her children. That was something that his own Mama would get annoyed with, and that was why Rooney kept Calliope in check with his life by leaving her notes with five things he had done that day if he hadn't already relayed it to her face to face. But even still, he wrote it down so that she could put it into their letters home.
Reaching into the back of his trousers, Rooney's hand grasped around his notebook and he considered how he could write this. Egg addict? Egg intolerant? Egg research needed? Benzi Rider was a mystery to Rooney and it only aggravated him that he couldn't piece things together. Why wasn't egg eating good for you? Why wasn't it good for Benzi Rider? "That's five eggs. You're only supposed to have three."
Maybe he needed to add that Benzi was unable to count..
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Sha was hungry. So super hungry… but the worst thing was she couldn’t see any of her friends at the Gryffindor table. Howeverrrr she could see Benzi AND Roo sitting together at the Ravenclaw table. How awesome was that? Two of her friends, that she didn’t think knew each other… Though they were both Ravenclaw’s so there was a bigger likelihood that they would know each other than say Rusty and … Benzi. Right? Did that make sense? Eeeeeh. Who knew.
She just wanted food.
Were there scrambled eggs? Could she have toast and bacon? Oh, and sausages… Sausages were ALWAYS good.
Nodding to herself as she moved to the Ravenclaw table. That's five eggs. You're only supposed to have three. Frowning slightly, she looked at Roo as she sat down next to him. ”Why… are you only supposed to have three eggs, Benzi? Eggs are amazing.” Sha looked confused as she grabbed herself food, piling up a fry-up and pouring apple juice into her goblet.
”Oh… morning!” Quick grin before she started to eat.
anybody can claim the biting teacup. There are two in this table *whistle*
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Gryffindor? Check.
Hufflepuff: Check.
And now she moved to the next table: Ravenclaw. Sneakily she moved to the Ravenclaw house table and scanned around if there's somebody saw her from afar. Clear. She'd better do this quickly. Okay! Ava then grabbed two biting teacups and placed them on the table. Hopefully it wasn't her own brother who got the 'lucky' teacup. Noooope...
Quickly she left the table to the Slytherin's. Just one more house table then she's done!
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
So here he was on a Saturday. Because he was hungry. And also because he had transfiguration homework. And also because he wanted to be with Sophie Brown.
So why not kill three birds with one stone? That was exactly the reasoning behind this Great Hall visit.
Except instead of heading to the Gryffindor table like he normally would, he was headed straight towards Ravenclaw. Mostly because change was sometimes nice. And also because he had a Sophie Brown on his back.
.... Oh and he had started to hum the tune of the school song too because apparently there were rules about that. But otherwise, piggy back ride was happening. Great hall was happening. Ravenclaw table was happening. And homework was happening.
And once they reached their final destination, Zander bent down to deposit Sophie Brown.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
So here he was on a Saturday. Because he was hungry. And also because he had transfiguration homework. And also because he wanted to be with Sophie Brown.
So why not kill three birds with one stone? That was exactly the reasoning behind this Great Hall visit.
Except instead of heading to the Gryffindor table like he normally would, he was headed straight towards Ravenclaw. Mostly because change was sometimes nice. And also because he had a Sophie Brown on his back.
.... Oh and he had started to hum the tune of the school song too because apparently there were rules about that. But otherwise, piggy back ride was happening. Great hall was happening. Ravenclaw table was happening. And homework was happening.
And once they reached their final destination, Zander bent down to deposit Sophie Brown.
Transfiguration was, admittedly, not Sophie Brown's best subject. Sure, she hadn't FAILED her OWL in it, but she had gotten the LOWEST POSSIBLE PASSING GRADE, which felt like a failure. Still, she had expected to outright fail, so... it was kind of good that she exceeded her own expectations to be... acceptable rather than a troll or dreadful or anything. Acceptable would... suffice, but that didn't mean she was going to like it.
It helped that there was a new professor, though. York was nice and not Bellaire, so that was two very strong points in the woman's favor. Maybe Soph could pull off another Acceptable or maybe even and EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS in her NEWTs with some non-scary guidance.
Doing her homework with Zander helped, too. They had gotten the same A grade on their OWLs, so really, it made loads of sense that they'd work together since they were on the same level. They'd both be bad at things and feel better about themselves because the other had a hard time, too.
Outstanding relationship status right there, ladies and gentlemen.
Humming the Hogwarts tune right along with him, Soph hugged Zander good up until the moment he let her down, at which point she gave his hair an affectionate ruffle and slid onto the bench, eagerly tugging him down beside her. "You should go first, with the transfiguration stuff. Show me how it's done." While she piled food onto both of their plates and poured drinks into their goblets, heavy in the portions because they were GROWING TEENAGERS and THERE WAS NO LIMIT TO HOW MUCH THEY WERE ALLOWED TO EAT, all right?
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: love u more
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
Transfiguration was, admittedly, not Sophie Brown's best subject. Sure, she hadn't FAILED her OWL in it, but she had gotten the LOWEST POSSIBLE PASSING GRADE, which felt like a failure. Still, she had expected to outright fail, so... it was kind of good that she exceeded her own expectations to be... acceptable rather than a troll or dreadful or anything. Acceptable would... suffice, but that didn't mean she was going to like it.
It helped that there was a new professor, though. York was nice and not Bellaire, so that was two very strong points in the woman's favor. Maybe Soph could pull off another Acceptable or maybe even and EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS in her NEWTs with some non-scary guidance.
Doing her homework with Zander helped, too. They had gotten the same A grade on their OWLs, so really, it made loads of sense that they'd work together since they were on the same level. They'd both be bad at things and feel better about themselves because the other had a hard time, too.
Outstanding relationship status right there, ladies and gentlemen.
Humming the Hogwarts tune right along with him, Soph hugged Zander good up until the moment he let her down, at which point she gave his hair an affectionate ruffle and slid onto the bench, eagerly tugging him down beside her. "You should go first, with the transfiguration stuff. Show me how it's done." While she piled food onto both of their plates and poured drinks into their goblets, heavy in the portions because they were GROWING TEENAGERS and THERE WAS NO LIMIT TO HOW MUCH THEY WERE ALLOWED TO EAT, all right?
And once Sophie had slid down, Zander reached a hand up to fix his hair, whilst Sophie tugged him down to sit on the bench. Alright so before homework he just wanted to eat food. So of course he'd be able to waste a good amount of time choosing what to-- Man. Sophie was already on top of that.
He had zero excuses.
Cool. Sigh. "Thanks, Soph," Smiling at her all the while. Merlin, that was a lot of food. Exactly what he wanted too.
But anyways, he had to start this off, didn't he? As per Sophie's request of course. So the Gryffindor reached into his pocket to grab for his wand, before studying the table before him.... "I guess I'll start off with one of the easy ones, then?" Because she had the first years doing the quill one in class, right? Maybe. Zander couldn't really remember.
He reached across the table to grab for a stray salt shaker. Awesome he'd transfigure this. "Okay... Scrib-luh-forz," not that difficult to say. He had this in the bag, totally. Pointing then flicking to the right, the Gryffindor concentrated hard on the salt shaker, trying to see it as the quill he'd want it to turn into. "Scribblifors!" Uh. Maybe not. He scratched his head before trying again, "Scribblifors!" Erm. "I just need to warm up, maybe some food would help. You should try it," he forked something or another from his plate and stuffed his mouth. Yeah. Food would definitely help.
He couldn't transfigure on an empty stomach. Simply not done.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Tia figured she may as well get going on some of the homework that was piling up, so what better way to start than while at lunch. Some of the tasks involved included food anyway so it only seemed appropriate.
One of the spells she already was well-versed in - changing an object to a water goblet she'd been able to do for a couple years now. But she hadn't ever tried it non-verbally and considering it'd been introduced to her, now was as good as time as any to continue to work on her non-verbal casting. And might as well do it with a spell she was full comfortable with.
Now, what object to change? Maybe her fork? Yes, that should work nicely. Three taps on the fork with her wand and a very thoughtful and concentrated, Vera Verto. Watching eagerly she sighed, because she knew what should happen and what did happen were very different. She was ALMOST there, as evidenced by the top portion of a goblet with a four pronged stem. It was like a mutant fork and goblet.
Maybe if she cast it again it would work? What harm could it do anyway. Three taps on the goblet!fork mutant, and another concentrated, Vera Verto, and wah-lah! Just to prove that it was successful, however, she picked up the pitcher of water and poured it into the goblet and took a sip satisfactorily.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
And once Sophie had slid down, Zander reached a hand up to fix his hair, whilst Sophie tugged him down to sit on the bench. Alright so before homework he just wanted to eat food. So of course he'd be able to waste a good amount of time choosing what to-- Man. Sophie was already on top of that.
He had zero excuses.
Cool. Sigh. "Thanks, Soph," Smiling at her all the while. Merlin, that was a lot of food. Exactly what he wanted too.
But anyways, he had to start this off, didn't he? As per Sophie's request of course. So the Gryffindor reached into his pocket to grab for his wand, before studying the table before him.... "I guess I'll start off with one of the easy ones, then?" Because she had the first years doing the quill one in class, right? Maybe. Zander couldn't really remember.
He reached across the table to grab for a stray salt shaker. Awesome he'd transfigure this. "Okay... Scrib-luh-forz," not that difficult to say. He had this in the bag, totally. Pointing then flicking to the right, the Gryffindor concentrated hard on the salt shaker, trying to see it as the quill he'd want it to turn into. "Scribblifors!" Uh. Maybe not. He scratched his head before trying again, "Scribblifors!" Erm. "I just need to warm up, maybe some food would help. You should try it," he forked something or another from his plate and stuffed his mouth. Yeah. Food would definitely help.
He couldn't transfigure on an empty stomach. Simply not done.
Of coooourse it was exactly what he wanted. They had been dating for... Merlin, how long was it even now? It felt like forever, in a very, very good way, so of COURSE she knew what foods he liked. Of course, they both had ravenous appetites and liked just about the same things, so it was easy for her to dish stuff out. Some for Zander, some for her, some more for Zander, a little bit extra for her. Soon enough, their plates were piled just about evenly - except she might have had a little more on hers. But, y'know, they weren't past stealing a forkful of each other's food anyway if they wanted more of something. Really, their plates were pretty much destined to be shared at some point anyway.
"Welcome," she chimed brightly, then turned her gaze to smile over at Zander and watch him fondly as he started his first attempts, shoveling food into her mouth all the while. An easy one, yes. That was the best way to start, then they could just work up from there.
...Except Zander was not having an easy time with this one. Merlin. This was one of the few spells Soph knew she could do from the list with complete certainty, so she felt a little guilty watching him there practicing like that with no success.
Smiling at his words, Soph replaced her fork for her wand and nodded at him. "Yeah. Food's good. M'glad we chose to do this here." Turning her attention to the pepper shaker, she murmured, "SKRIB-luh-forz," to get her head in the game, and then with intent, "Scribblifors!" with a point and flicking motion to the right of her wand.
The pepper shaker transfigured into a nice, long quill, and Soph picked it up and lightly teased the end of the feather against Zander's neck.
"Don't worry, this is the only one I feel confident on anyway." And she was gonna keep brushing it against him till he made her quit. Hehehe.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: love u more than most
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
Of coooourse it was exactly what he wanted. They had been dating for... Merlin, how long was it even now? It felt like forever, in a very, very good way, so of COURSE she knew what foods he liked. Of course, they both had ravenous appetites and liked just about the same things, so it was easy for her to dish stuff out. Some for Zander, some for her, some more for Zander, a little bit extra for her. Soon enough, their plates were piled just about evenly - except she might have had a little more on hers. But, y'know, they weren't past stealing a forkful of each other's food anyway if they wanted more of something. Really, their plates were pretty much destined to be shared at some point anyway.
"Welcome," she chimed brightly, then turned her gaze to smile over at Zander and watch him fondly as he started his first attempts, shoveling food into her mouth all the while. An easy one, yes. That was the best way to start, then they could just work up from there.
...Except Zander was not having an easy time with this one. Merlin. This was one of the few spells Soph knew she could do from the list with complete certainty, so she felt a little guilty watching him there practicing like that with no success.
Smiling at his words, Soph replaced her fork for her wand and nodded at him. "Yeah. Food's good. M'glad we chose to do this here." Turning her attention to the pepper shaker, she murmured, "SKRIB-luh-forz," to get her head in the game, and then with intent, "Scribblifors!" with a point and flicking motion to the right of her wand.
The pepper shaker transfigured into a nice, long quill, and Soph picked it up and lightly teased the end of the feather against Zander's neck.
"Don't worry, this is the only one I feel confident on anyway." And she was gonna keep brushing it against him till he made her quit. Hehehe.
Okay honestly, he wasn't even ashamed that she had gotten the spell so easily. Clearly his mind was elsewhere (ahem, the glorious pile of food waiting for him on his plate) and transfiguration was all about intent, right? And well, Zander wasn't really trying his hardest to make this happen. So of course, it didn't work. Though uh, hopefully that's why and it wasn't just because he couldn't do it or something. Because then that'd truly be embarrassing.
He gave her newly turned quill an approving nod. "Looks good, Soph." Okay, now it was his turn again. But hold on. He need one more spoon full of something or another. 'Cause honestly, food was the worst. You couldn't just ever have one spoonful of it and be satisfied. Always had to have some more, y'know? It was the way things worked.
"Okay," again he looked at the salt shaker, wand at the ready. "Scribblifors!" He pointed and flicked to the right, waiting for something magical to ooooooooooooh.
"Woulda look at this quill," he held it up to the light. Glorious, truly.
Anyways. "Your go," he grinned, giving her a slight nudge with his elbow.
And for the record, he probably wasn't going to make her quit.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Okay honestly, he wasn't even ashamed that she had gotten the spell so easily. Clearly his mind was elsewhere (ahem, the glorious pile of food waiting for him on his plate) and transfiguration was all about intent, right? And well, Zander wasn't really trying his hardest to make this happen. So of course, it didn't work. Though uh, hopefully that's why and it wasn't just because he couldn't do it or something. Because then that'd truly be embarrassing.
He gave her newly turned quill an approving nod. "Looks good, Soph." Okay, now it was his turn again. But hold on. He need one more spoon full of something or another. 'Cause honestly, food was the worst. You couldn't just ever have one spoonful of it and be satisfied. Always had to have some more, y'know? It was the way things worked.
"Okay," again he looked at the salt shaker, wand at the ready. "Scribblifors!" He pointed and flicked to the right, waiting for something magical to ooooooooooooh.
"Woulda look at this quill," he held it up to the light. Glorious, truly.
Anyways. "Your go," he grinned, giving her a slight nudge with his elbow.
And for the record, he probably wasn't going to make her quit.
"Just like you," she replied coolly to his comment about "looking good," and Soph proceeded to look entirely too smug with herself as she traded out her quill for another forkful of food to shovel into her mouth while Zander tried again.
Grinning through her mouthful when he got it on his first try now, Soph gave him a congratulatory thumbs-up and quickly shoveled another forkful of food into her mouth, chewing quickly because it was meant to be HER turn again. "Mmhmm," she acknowledged his turning it back to her, but she was having a little problem chewing because there was SO MUCH FOOD in her mouth. Way too much. The worst.
After about half a minute, she finally swallowed her last bit of food and took a healthy gulp of her pumpkin juice - actually, she was gulping it down, and before long her goblet was empty.
Intentional, actually, because now she was going to turn it into something else. Or... try to. "I thiiiink I'll give... the mushroom one a try." She cleared her throat purposefully, gave the goblet a long squint, then cast, "Fungifors!" ...But she forgot what the wand movement was, so she just pointed her wand, and nothing happened. Err. ERRRRRR. "What was the wand movement for this one? Was this the point 'n upward flick, or is that the... the matchbox... Flintifors one?"
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: oops
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
"Just like you," she replied coolly to his comment about "looking good," and Soph proceeded to look entirely too smug with herself as she traded out her quill for another forkful of food to shovel into her mouth while Zander tried again.
Grinning through her mouthful when he got it on his first try now, Soph gave him a congratulatory thumbs-up and quickly shoveled another forkful of food into her mouth, chewing quickly because it was meant to be HER turn again. "Mmhmm," she acknowledged his turning it back to her, but she was having a little problem chewing because there was SO MUCH FOOD in her mouth. Way too much. The worst.
After about half a minute, she finally swallowed her last bit of food and took a healthy gulp of her pumpkin juice - actually, she was gulping it down, and before long her goblet was empty.
Intentional, actually, because now she was going to turn it into something else. Or... try to. "I thiiiink I'll give... the mushroom one a try." She cleared her throat purposefully, gave the goblet a long squint, then cast, "Fungifors!" ...But she forgot what the wand movement was, so she just pointed her wand, and nothing happened. Err. ERRRRRR. "What was the wand movement for this one? Was this the point 'n upward flick, or is that the... the matchbox... Flintifors one?"
NEWT level pressure was getting to her head, man.
Luckily for Sophie, Zander had managed to swallow his mouthful of pumpkin juice before laughing at her smooth reply. SOPHIE BROWN PLS. That could've ended up everywhere. And he probably would've died had it shot out from his nose. Pumpkin juice did not fair well with the nose. He knew from experience. Ahem.
He did watch her amusedly as she downed her entire goblet though. Sweet Merlin. How much pumpkin juice did that girl need!? "Woah, Soph aren't--" Oh. Now it made sense. She was gonna use her goblet. Riiight. Well, Zander was just gonna use one of the empty ones near them. 'Cause there was no way he was chugging down his pumpkin juice. Moderation. Otherwise he might be sick.
The Gryffindor grinned as he took another forkful off his plate and stuffed his mouth with food. He watched as Sophie went to cast the spell, but was truly surprised when she didn't ooh-- he knew this one. Erm. There were SO many spells. "I think that's the matchbox one," he nodded, scratching his head. "Mushroom is... Oh! You've gotta make an 'n' with your wand. Kinda reminds me of a mushroom cap, that's how I remember it."
Nod. Nod. Nod.
Without memory tricks, Zander Adair would be failing every single one of his exams.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Luckily for Sophie, Zander had managed to swallow his mouthful of pumpkin juice before laughing at her smooth reply. SOPHIE BROWN PLS. That could've ended up everywhere. And he probably would've died had it shot out from his nose. Pumpkin juice did not fair well with the nose. He knew from experience. Ahem.
He did watch her amusedly as she downed her entire goblet though. Sweet Merlin. How much pumpkin juice did that girl need!? "Woah, Soph aren't--" Oh. Now it made sense. She was gonna use her goblet. Riiight. Well, Zander was just gonna use one of the empty ones near them. 'Cause there was no way he was chugging down his pumpkin juice. Moderation. Otherwise he might be sick.
The Gryffindor grinned as he took another forkful off his plate and stuffed his mouth with food. He watched as Sophie went to cast the spell, but was truly surprised when she didn't ooh-- he knew this one. Erm. There were SO many spells. "I think that's the matchbox one," he nodded, scratching his head. "Mushroom is... Oh! You've gotta make an 'n' with your wand. Kinda reminds me of a mushroom cap, that's how I remember it."
Nod. Nod. Nod.
Without memory tricks, Zander Adair would be failing every single one of his exams.
Heeehehehe. Sophie offered Zander a simple, innocent shrug at his laughter, and was even MORE pleased when he didn't say a single thing to refute it. Which meant, of course, that he agreed that he looked good.
Glad he knew it.
Oh. Yes. Okay. So... the matchbox Flintifors one was the one with the upward flick... and YES. Okay. The 'n' shape, that was easy enough to remember, because it kind of looked like they were DRAWING the cap of a mushroom. "Cool. Okay. Thanks. Got it." Maybe. Hopefully.
Squinting again at her goblet, Soph pointed her wand at it, took a brief moment to fully envision the goblet turning into a mushroom... then waved her wand in the 'n' shape and cast with deliberation, "Fungifors!"
A short little plump mushroom now took the place of her water goblet, and Soph positively beamed over at Zander. "Thanks for your help." She would've gotten it EVENTUALLY after a few tries of testing various wand movements, but it was nice to have him there and be a solid support system.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: i thought i'd switch things up for once, make life interesting
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
Heeehehehe. Sophie offered Zander a simple, innocent shrug at his laughter, and was even MORE pleased when he didn't say a single thing to refute it. Which meant, of course, that he agreed that he looked good.
Glad he knew it.
Oh. Yes. Okay. So... the matchbox Flintifors one was the one with the upward flick... and YES. Okay. The 'n' shape, that was easy enough to remember, because it kind of looked like they were DRAWING the cap of a mushroom. "Cool. Okay. Thanks. Got it." Maybe. Hopefully.
Squinting again at her goblet, Soph pointed her wand at it, took a brief moment to fully envision the goblet turning into a mushroom... then waved her wand in the 'n' shape and cast with deliberation, "Fungifors!"
A short little plump mushroom now took the place of her water goblet, and Soph positively beamed over at Zander. "Thanks for your help." She would've gotten it EVENTUALLY after a few tries of testing various wand movements, but it was nice to have him there and be a solid support system.
"Your tuuurn." And her turn to eat more food.
No, Sophie Brown that is not what it meant.
What it meant was that he thought she was completely ridiculous. And also a big goof. Man, no wonder he liked her so much.
But enough on that, there was homework to do and food to eat. Merlin, did he hate homework. But boy did he LOVE food. If that much wasn't already apparent with the sheer amount he had already managed to eat off his plate. Aheeeem. And Soph had given them a lot of food too.
"Nah, I didn't even do anything," he said grinning at her work. "Bet you knew it, just got jumbled in the presence of all that other stuff you've got up in there," he nodded at that head of hers. Probably was hard trying to remember ALL the things. At least Zander only had to pick and choose from the little that occupied his brain. Sophie Brown though, she had loads up there.
"I guess I'll do the mushroom one too then," for the sake of continuity. He did take a sip from his own goblet, though he didn't chug it's entire contents. Instead he reached across the table to pull over an unused one. "Fungifors!" he pointed waiting for the transformation.
When it didn't happen right away, the Gryffindor drew his wand back into the air and tried again. This time REALLY thinking about the mushroom he wanted to see. Once he drew an invisible 'n' in the air, he tried again, "Fungifors!" Aaaaaaaaaay.
And that is how it's done. "Don't know why anyone would wanna transform things into a mushroom though," at least a quill was useful.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Text Cut: life is always interesting with you around :')
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
No, Sophie Brown that is not what it meant.
What it meant was that he thought she was completely ridiculous. And also a big goof. Man, no wonder he liked her so much.
But enough on that, there was homework to do and food to eat. Merlin, did he hate homework. But boy did he LOVE food. If that much wasn't already apparent with the sheer amount he had already managed to eat off his plate. Aheeeem. And Soph had given them a lot of food too.
"Nah, I didn't even do anything," he said grinning at her work. "Bet you knew it, just got jumbled in the presence of all that other stuff you've got up in there," he nodded at that head of hers. Probably was hard trying to remember ALL the things. At least Zander only had to pick and choose from the little that occupied his brain. Sophie Brown though, she had loads up there.
"I guess I'll do the mushroom one too then," for the sake of continuity. He did take a sip from his own goblet, though he didn't chug it's entire contents. Instead he reached across the table to pull over an unused one. "Fungifors!" he pointed waiting for the transformation.
When it didn't happen right away, the Gryffindor drew his wand back into the air and tried again. This time REALLY thinking about the mushroom he wanted to see. Once he drew an invisible 'n' in the air, he tried again, "Fungifors!" Aaaaaaaaaay.
And that is how it's done. "Don't know why anyone would wanna transform things into a mushroom though," at least a quill was useful.
"Yeah, you did," she argued, a big, playful grin spread across her lips as she talked through her mouthful of food. "Nuh uh. I needed YOU. I would've been sitting here forever trying to figure it out." She offered him a nudge and giggled softly, settling down and eating more food as she watched him try his transfiguration attempt.
Also... chugging the whole goblet of pumpkin juice? Yeah. She was feeling that now. Maybe... she needed to slow down a bit. Urgh.
Despite her discomfort, she smiled broadly when he succeeded and gave his arm an encouraging squeeze. "You're better at this stuff than I am." There was actually a bit of truth to that, too, really. Soph might have had him beat in Potions, Astronomy, Ancient Runes, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and probably even Charms... but he had her beat wth this.
That actually... felt really good. Refreshing. She LIKED him being better at her than stuff and beating her at things. She wanted him to be better than her, and GENUINELY, not just the kind when she let him win. No, this was a good feeling.
She loved it.
"Yeah, I was thinkin' the same thing. There's no use for a mushroom. Unless you're just tryna change the object into something more harmless. I dunno." She wasn't going to ask questions, though. Magic was just a funny thing sometimes.
...Okay, using her goblet to change into a mushroom hadn't actually probably been the best idea, because now she was thirsty. So... after reverting her quill to its normal state of a pepper shaker - because she didn't want to just CHEAT and revert her mushroom back into her goblet for the sake of the assignment - Soph gave the pepper shaker a long, hard squint and cleared her throat purposefully. One tap, two taps, three with her wand, "Vera Verto!"
A successful attempt, and Soph proceeded to pour herself some more pumpkin juice. "Got it." HIS TURN.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
"Yeah, you did," she argued, a big, playful grin spread across her lips as she talked through her mouthful of food. "Nuh uh. I needed YOU. I would've been sitting here forever trying to figure it out." She offered him a nudge and giggled softly, settling down and eating more food as she watched him try his transfiguration attempt.
Also... chugging the whole goblet of pumpkin juice? Yeah. She was feeling that now. Maybe... she needed to slow down a bit. Urgh.
Despite her discomfort, she smiled broadly when he succeeded and gave his arm an encouraging squeeze. "You're better at this stuff than I am." There was actually a bit of truth to that, too, really. Soph might have had him beat in Potions, Astronomy, Ancient Runes, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and probably even Charms... but he had her beat wth this.
That actually... felt really good. Refreshing. She LIKED him being better at her than stuff and beating her at things. She wanted him to be better than her, and GENUINELY, not just the kind when she let him win. No, this was a good feeling.
She loved it.
"Yeah, I was thinkin' the same thing. There's no use for a mushroom. Unless you're just tryna change the object into something more harmless. I dunno." She wasn't going to ask questions, though. Magic was just a funny thing sometimes.
...Okay, using her goblet to change into a mushroom hadn't actually probably been the best idea, because now she was thirsty. So... after reverting her quill to its normal state of a pepper shaker - because she didn't want to just CHEAT and revert her mushroom back into her goblet for the sake of the assignment - Soph gave the pepper shaker a long, hard squint and cleared her throat purposefully. One tap, two taps, three with her wand, "Vera Verto!"
A successful attempt, and Soph proceeded to pour herself some more pumpkin juice. "Got it." HIS TURN.
Zander shook his head, still going for another forkful of food. There wasn't any use to arguing, but Sophie would've gotten to the movement eventually. She was so incredibly smart. It was at times almost intimidating. But then again, she was Ravenclaw for a reason.
"I'd say we're pretty even," actually. 'Cause had they both done about the same on their OWLs? Plus, Zander was only starting to get the hang of it because he finally had food in his stomach. It was a lot easier to think straight when his tummy was happy. MHM. But also hearing Sophie say that did make him feel good. 'Cause he was miserable at basically everything else. Well, no, not miserable. He was only miserable at Runes and Defense, really... But he was always way behind Sophie in everything. Got kind of discouraging sometimes.
But he was used to that, which is why this made him feel nice. Huh.
But enough on that, he had a spell to cast. "... You sure you need some more pumpkin juice, Soph?" he asked chuckling. Hadn't she chugged enough of it already? HEH. But right. He was going to cast a spell on the erm.... On a fork. Yeah.
Laying his fork down against the table, he squinted at it hard trying to envision exactly what he wanted it to transform into. "Flint-ee-FORS," easy enough. Pointing and flicking upwards he went ahead, "Flintifors!" Errrr... "Flintifors!" Atta boy.
He picked up the newly turned matchbox and assessed it between his fingers. Looked like a matchbox to him... "Your go," he grinned as he-- wait a minute. He needed that fork. Hmph.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Last edited by ArianaBlack; 10-10-2015 at 08:40 PM.
Reason: i totally put the title in the first time mhm
Zander shook his head, still going for another forkful of food. There wasn't any use to arguing, but Sophie would've gotten to the movement eventually. She was so incredibly smart. It was at times almost intimidating. But then again, she was Ravenclaw for a reason.
"I'd say we're pretty even," actually. 'Cause had they both done about the same on their OWLs? Plus, Zander was only starting to get the hang of it because he finally had food in his stomach. It was a lot easier to think straight when his tummy was happy. MHM. But also hearing Sophie say that did make him feel good. 'Cause he was miserable at basically everything else. Well, no, not miserable. He was only miserable at Runes and Defense, really... But he was always way behind Sophie in everything. Got kind of discouraging sometimes.
But he was used to that, which is why this made him feel nice. Huh.
But enough on that, he had a spell to cast. "... You sure you need some more pumpkin juice, Soph?" he asked chuckling. Hadn't she chugged enough of it already? HEH. But right. He was going to cast a spell on the erm.... On a fork. Yeah.
Laying his fork down against the table, he squinted at it hard trying to envision exactly what he wanted it to transform into. "Flint-ee-FORS," easy enough. Pointing and flicking upwards he went ahead, "Flintifors!" Errrr... "Flintifors!" Atta boy.
He picked up the newly turned matchbox and assessed it between his fingers. Looked like a matchbox to him... "Your go," he grinned as he-- wait a minute. He needed that fork. Hmph.
He may have thought they were pretty even - and deep down, she may have thought they were pretty even - but she liked boosting his ego and making him feel good about himself, and still... he WAS looking pretty good right now, both in physique and in transfiguration. So, she wasn't going to back down.
"You're better. And cuter."
Boom. Argument over and won.
She took a sip of her new goblet of pumpkin juice when Zander was teasing her, and Soph threw him a playful nudge at his words. "Hydration is important, Zander Adair." But she didn't take any more sips because... he could see right through her, couldn't he? He probably definitely knew she was feeling uneasy from chugging so much before. Pffft. He thought he was so sly.
And he was, too, because he made the matchbox one look SUPER easy. With a defiant sort of huff, Soph didn't even wait for him to tell her it was her turn and repeated his wand movement at HER own fork, pointing her wand at the fork then giving it an upward flick as she cast, "Flintifors!" ... "Flintifors!" she tried again with more determination, and she let out an audible and visible sigh of relief when her fork turned into a matchbox, identical to Zander's own.
"We should become professional transfigurers. We're SO good at this." And she jovially bopped him on the head with her matchbox just because she could.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Breakfast. Apparently they had to say everyone’s name backwards at breakfast, one of the interesting new rules this year. How were you supposed to do that? After getting a bowl of oatmeal topped with some nuts and fruit, Penelope pulled her notebook and a quill out of one of her magically enlarged pockets. Opening it it the first blank page, she wrote her name, Penelope, and then wrote it backwards as Epolenep. Eh-puh-len-ep? Was that how people were supposed to say her name at breakfast? It would be so much easier if she had a name that was a palindrome, like Hannah or Ava, the same spelling when it was written backwards.
Penelope looked up again as an owl dropped a package with a letter attached to it in her oatmeal and spilled the contents of the bowl all over the table. That would be from her mother. Why did her mother's owl always drop things in food? This wasn't the first time it had happened. Penelope picked up the box that now had her breakfast all over it. Opening it and reading the letter would have to wait, but now she would have to clean up the mess that the owl had made by tipping her bowl of oatmeal over.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Penelope!
Originally Posted by griffin
Breakfast. Apparently they had to say everyone’s name backwards at breakfast, one of the interesting new rules this year. How were you supposed to do that? After getting a bowl of oatmeal topped with some nuts and fruit, Penelope pulled her notebook and a quill out of one of her magically enlarged pockets. Opening it it the first blank page, she wrote her name, Penelope, and then wrote it backwards as Epolenep. Eh-puh-len-ep? Was that how people were supposed to say her name at breakfast? It would be so much easier if she had a name that was a palindrome, like Hannah or Ava, the same spelling when it was written backwards.
Penelope looked up again as an owl dropped a package with a letter attached to it in her oatmeal and spilled the contents of the bowl all over the table. That would be from her mother. Why did her mother's owl always drop things in food? This wasn't the first time it had happened. Penelope picked up the box that now had her breakfast all over it. Opening it and reading the letter would have to wait, but now she would have to clean up the mess that the owl had made by tipping her bowl of oatmeal over.
The Great Hall wasn't Reagan's ideal choice for breakfast spots...BUT...Okay, so, it was getting ridiculously cold outside on the grounds, and due to the castle being made of stone, that cold seemed to be seeping into the corridor walls and floors. Even all the way up in the towers. So, only because of that, Rea had dared to venture into the large hall.
It was still a bit drafty, too, wasn't it?
Bundled up in her warmest winter clothing, thermals, and scarf, she carried her usual bag (and a large basket of muffins she'd baked herself) towards the Ravenclaw house table. To share, you know? They were tasty; made with 100% vegan butter, spices, fruits, and vegetables. Setting it down next to Penelope, who Rea knew from their common room, the older Claw grinned. "Okay there?" Not waiting for a response, she pulled her own wand and proceeded to help with the clean up.
They had to look out for one another, you know?
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____