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In the History of Magic wing of the first floor lies a smaller, unused classroom. Taking the time to fix it up to suit her needs and that of the Hogwarts populous, Professor Glendower has adorned one wall with ceiling to floor mirrors, complete with ballet barre for stretching and warming up, and has stocked a closet with a multitude of art supplies. A small, upright piano sits in one corner of the room and a few chairs sat around several tables are at another end.
Feeling a bit creative? You've come to the right place! This room may be used for extra activities set up by Professor Glendower but may also be used by any student or staff wanting to let off a little creative steam. All talent levels welcome!
OOC: This room is open for students and staff to RP. All classroom and SS rules apply. And please remember to be respectful of Professor Glendower's things.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Did garlic really work with vampires? AJ wasn't sure, but it sounded cool. Also, she personally didn't want to wear the necklace, but she would love to help keep others safe. Listening to the instructions, she headed over to where Benny and Adi were already duplicating them. That was cool because AJ was actually more comfortable with the reducing spell.
She watched them hard at work, and when several of the fangs were duplicated, AJ snagged her a handful. It was her turn to help. Teamwork got things done. "Reducio." It was still big. Noooo. Now was not the time to have spell problems. Hopefully it was just a fluke.
"Reducio." AH! Much better. "Reducio." Another small one. Cool. She was a fang reducing machine.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
"Dupladius! Dupladius!"
Benny continued working on duplicating replicant fangs from his original one, getting the feeling from the professors that they had to work quickly. He momentarily paused and looked up from his spellwork as Zhenya moved to join him, asking a question of him. "Sure..." he answered seeing no problem with it. Plus it worked on clearing off some of the work area so he could fill it with more of the full size kind. "Dupladius! " he cast once more, returning to his work.
The sixth year momentarily stopping again as Morgan answered his question. The response echoing his own thoughts and nearly confirming it. They would have to duplicate from the original three and then duplicate more from the others. Looking briefly at his companion, he wondered if the duplicates should be duplicated before they were shrunk or not. Oh well...it would likely work either way.
Angel decided that she would join in with all this information. She now had to figure out how to do that.
Angel decided to go and work with the Professor, she thought that it would be cool to help them with their work.
"Reducio!" Angel took one of the duplicate fangs and shrunk it... she wondered why they only needed three fangs if they were doing this, she decided not to ask the question though. "Reducio!" Angel reduce another one and then she looked around to see if there was any more she could shrink.
"You're welcome, Professor,'' Adi said cheerfully to Professor Cassie before getting water and cookies now for Professor Glendy. And yesh, he was ready to start with whatever it was that the Professors had in mind so now he focused his attention on the Divination Professor. Ohhh, protection necklaces! It sounded like something they would do in Runes class but here's to hoping it would work!
Okay, so he would be one of the persons duplicating the fangs since he was still in possession of the one he found. Just let him have a moment here to down a cookie or two, please. Om nom nom! Right! He was ready!
"Dupladius!'' Wheee! Now there were TWO fangs. "Hey, Bev. You can help shrink these.'' Since Zhenya was working with Benny. Adi cast a look towards AJ. Did she want to help him, too? "Dupladius! Dupladius! Dupladius!'' More and more fangs were taking over the table he was at so the Hufflepuff pushed those to the side to make room for more.
"Dupladius! Dupladius!''
Going over to Adi, Beverly took the fangs he had duplicated and started casting Reducio on them. She concentrated enough to shrink them about the size she imagined Morgan wanted them.
Looking over at Adi, taking the newly duplicated fangs, she suggested, "We can trade if you get tired." You know...'cause she was grateful for his kindness back in the Chamber.
Man, she was feeling like her fierceness needed a retouch. Meh. She'll punch or hex something. Yes. Later.
Text Cut: Professor Morgan
Originally Posted by Bazinga
"There is no power in them at the moment. As I've mentioned the venom has dried out long ago with the years it has sat and the movement that's been down there during the time. I have a plan for that don't worry." She have her an encouraging smile. "Yes we are going to try. " They had to try at least.
Turning her attention back on the blonde, Beverly nodded understandingly. There was a plan. That was great, really. Just as long as she got one of these and lived to tell the tale. Which OF COURSE she would. And it would be a wise idea if she stopped thinking about surviving because that brought in a lot of factors and she really needed to concentrate on this.
"How many exactly do we need?" And why hadn't more students volunteered. Hmph. They shouldn't get any.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
With her wand gripped in her hand and ready to go, Kate quickly decided that she would get straight to work duplicating some of the teeth. She sat down next to a small pile of them and placed one out before her. With a flick of her wand toward the tooth, Kate called out, "Dupladius!" The single tooth became two teeth, but Kate didn't stop there.
Kate adjusted the same tooth before her once again then flicked her wand toward it. "Dupladius!" she said again. Kate continued like this until she had six teeth, enough to make a good, strong necklace she thought. "Professor?" she asked, looking toward both the professors in here. Either one could answer. "Do you want us to start stringing them into necklaces now?"
After she listened to Cassie get the students started on getting the teeth ready for the necklaces, Nessa walked around watching them reduce and duplicate them. She'd help herself, but she felt her time was probably best used for passing out the supplies as they worked, then she'd demonstrate how to create the necklaces.
She handed out long lengths of cording and smaller pieces of wire to each student, setting them at their place at the table. "If you'll all look up here a moment? I will show you how to start make the basilisk fang necklace, when you are ready."
Nessa picked up one of the teeth from the nearest table and held a piece of wire in her other hand. "Now I've given everyone some pieces of wire, you will start with that, beginning to wrap it around one corner at the top. Make sure to do it very tightly, then wrap it around the other corner at the top. You should have about a third of the wire left and you will use that to wrap around the middle of this piece of cording like the ones I handed out." Once she worked the wire around both of the top corners of the tooth, she picked up a piece of cording and wrapped the rest of the wire around the middle of it.
Finished, she held up her example. "Now.. we have one more thing we need to add to our necklaces to help make it a little more effective. Professor Cassie will explain that when we are ready. And when you feel you have enough teeth, you can get started on making the necklaces. Are there any questions?"
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi went on duplicating more and more of the fangs so that the pile was growing. In no time they would get this done if they kept up this teamwork. Awwh, Bevvy was being such a good sport. But she was right. He WAS getting tired of repeating that one spell so often. "Okay, I'll start shrinking them.'' The Puffer swapped the real fang for a duplicate and began doing just that. After downing some water and another cookie, of course.
"Reducio! Reducio! Reducio!'' More mini fangs! But a few mini fangs later, he had to pause to look up at Professor Glendy. Oh? She had given them some wire? In mild surprise, the sixth year looked down on the table. Sure enough there was wire there. It seemed he had been paying all his focus on the fangs he hadn't realised this earlier. Oh well... his Professor now had his undivided attention.
Okaaaay, so they do some twisty things with the wire on both end of the fangs so that it was secured by the wire. They could do that! But right now, he was going to continue to shrink some more fangs, yeah? There was still quite a bit of those left to be done.
And nope. No questions from him! But he was sooooo curious about what Professor Cassie had to show them.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
She had been busy working with the rest of them when she heard a question from Beverly. "I know it seems like some work, but if this does help you will be heroes to the rest of your classmates." She gave them all an encouraging smile. "We are going to make as many as we can." She knew their time was limited and she kept sensing more and more things.
Hearing Kate's question and then seeing Nessa start the next process she watched closely. Nessa was certainly better at the craft things then she was, so she was very happy her friend was there today. Watching how to put the necklace together Cassie began the process. Stringing a few fangs before she set them down.
Moving back to the front of the room she pulled out big vials and set them across the front table, "Has anyone ever heard of muggles using bear or deer sent to attract other animals or scents to scare animals off? This is what we are going to be doing today. In these there is Basilisk Venom scent. I want you to place each fang into the scent to get it all over them." She did this to show them how. "It will dry quickly so you can touch the fang, but the scent will stay." Placing the finished necklace around her own neck she grabbed a few others that she had been doing.
"Once you get as many as you can done go ahead and head out to start passing them out. Come back for more. We will leave one fang here for in case you need to duplicate more." Turning she started on more necklaces.
ooc: okay guys! With all that's going on with the castle right now, I think we need to wrap this up So go ahead and post them finishing up the necklaces. If you RP them giving one person the necklace PM it to me for five extra points. Pm's need to be to me by July 25 11:50 p.m. EST for credit! Happy Rping! This thread won't close so stay and RP as long as you want! Cassie and Nessa are always happy to help and we are always happy to play.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
The fangs were still getting duplicated and she was still shrinking them. It seemed like the best way to go since she had this whole shrinking thing down, and was in her groove. "Reducio." How many had she shrunk so far? Who knew? How many students were in Hogwarts? Were they making them for the professors too? Probably. They didn't want to be spider food either. AJ wasn't sure if the spiders even meant any hard. Seriously misunderstood...
Thank goodness for magic. Could you imagine how long this would take otherwise. Or the fact that it really wouldn't be possible at all, come to think of it Although,
Her ears perked up as Glendower began to explain the necklace process. This is where the muggle work came in. She was going to need more cookies.
Ohhhh. Cool. Basilisk venom was going to be rubbed all over the fangs. AJ didn't have any intention of actually wearing the necklace, but she was now. Yup. Purely because she wanted to smell like a snake. Who wouldn't? Understanding what she needed to do, she gave the shrinking a break, and moved on to necklace making.
Who would be the first one to get an original snake venom smelling necklace made by yours truly? Not to mention they would totally keep them safe. Or so the professors said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi paused with the shrinking of the fangs focus on Cassie. Aha! This was a brilliant idea she had! Actually, he had heard of persons doing stuff like that but he was never sure if it worked or not. Shrug. If it were two Professors he trusted it were Cassie and Glendy.
The Hufflepuff decided he had shrunk enough fangs. He could always return to that and the duplication but for now he would be getting that Basilisk venom scent all over these mini fangs. Adi got a vial of the scent and began following Professor Cassie's demonstration. Into the scent... annnnd sure enough it dried off pretty quickly. There! He now had one finished necklace. Could he take this one? Yeah, Adi decided he would. He placed it around his neck then reached for another mini fang.
Wrap the wire around both ends, dip, let it dry and repeat!
Everyone in the Castle was going to have one of these to protect them for the evil spideys.
Morgan may be sugar coating it, but Beverly liked the sound of the that. A Slytherin hero. Not a bad way of ending her Hogwarts era. Although, troll slayer would've been a lot more fierce, but whatever. Not like trolls were taking over.
Nodding and turning her attention back to Adi after listening to Professor Glendower, Beverly started duplicating the fangs. She was going to need to recharge after this. Her stomach grumbled as she imagined a feast at dinner. Yes. She was going to treat herself.
A while after, when the pile of fangs looked hefty enough, she took some wire and wrapped it around the one she was holding, just as Glendower explained, then added the cord. She was keeping this one, but in order for it to be effective she needed to bathe it Basilisk Venom scent. Just as Morgan said, it dried quickly. Beverly tied it behind her neck. There. She was protected.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Some time later--Beverly had lost track of time--she had what seemed enough for her friends and housemates. She took the fangs by their cord and stuffed them inside her bag, making sure the phials in her bag wouldn't make noise. Good thing for charms, eh?
"I'll be distributing these now." She nudged Adi. "Thanks for today. Thanks professors." And she was out.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Kate nodded along as the professor answered her question. So she could start stringing together a necklace, but first, she needed enough teeth to at least make two necklaces. No way was she going to make only one and then just give it away. She didn't go through all this work just to be so heroic she died in the process and forgot to save herself.
Kate placed another tooth in front of her. "Dupladius!" she said. The tooth multiplied, but Kate didn't stop there. She pointed her wand at another tooth and did the same spell. "Dupladius!" Pretty soon, Kate though she had enough teeth to make herself a necklace and then one or two more for some others.
She collected all the necklace-making material and then began the process of stringing the necklaces together. This was certainly not the most fashionable necklace, but if she made it through this school year alive, fashion was the last thing on her mind.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
They were going to be the heroes? Zhenya was sure the real heroes would be the ones fighting against the spiders. Perhaps exams would be suspended? Doubtful.
Zhenya started to make the necklaces with the shrunken basilisk fangs, just like Professor Glendower showed them. Twisting the wire tightly around the fang, then attaching it to the cord. One would be for her, no? And whatever other ones she made, she could hand out to people. That should be easy enough, just roam the castle looking for people and hand them out, right?
Now they had to dip the fang into the basilisk scent. That was a great idea! The spiders would be scared of the scent and flee. But what about once everyone left for the summer? What if the spiders came back and took habitat inside the castle? What if they closed Hogwarts? The thought started to take hold, before she mentally shoved it out of the way. She didn't have enough room in there for anxiety and study. Once she had done about 5 necklaces, she took them to the front and dipped them into the basilisk scent.
Angel was working flat out on a couple of necklaces and she looked around to see most people had done loads more... Well never mind she had been trying to make the couple she had done amazing. She finished them off and then heard the Professor say something about scent, she went over and dipped them both in the scent and then she left.
"Oh, I'm good. I'm fine, yeah," Toby said, nodding in response to Beverly (and Glendower, though she had been addressing everyone) and trying to keep a lid on the fidgeting a little bit lest anyone get all concerned or whatever. Which wasn't necessary because he was super mega absolutely a hundred percent fine all the time always. Yeah. "A-okay." Just... couldn't... sit still.
Anyway, Toby was getting quite stuck into making the protection necklaces. Thing was, even though he was pretty TERRIFIED of spiders, he didn't think they would really try to HURT anybody. Sure, they bit people and Toby himself had suffered a few bites, but it was only because the spiders were hungry and not out of malice. He could tell. So... yeah. He didn't think they really needed to be protected from the creatures.
BUT... having a basilisk fang necklace sounded SUPER cool, and Toby was up for it. He grabbed himself an unclaimed duplicated basilisk fang and waved his wand at it. "Dupladius." Yep, just gonna duplicate OF the duplicate so he could make a FEW, and then... again... and again, until he had about six. "Reducio... Reducio..." A few moments later, and they were all shrunk too. All but the sixth, that was, so that he could make more out of that one later if there was time. And he didn't want to shrink it yet in case he LOST it.
Easy as piiiieeee. As long as the spell held for as long as it was being used in the necklace of course, but Toby thought that would still look pretty cool.
Having watched Glendower do the demonstration with the wire, Toby thought he was prepared enough to give it a go himself. And it was kinda tricky and fiddly, but soon enough his first basilisk fang was all wired up. Toby glanced up at the others to see if he was getting it right and if his looked like theirs, before taking a length of cord and attaching it to that. He was so so sooooooo absorbed in his work that he sort of lost concentration on anything else in the room.
After he'd done the first one, the others were a lot easier to work on, and it became faster work. That was always the way. Soon Toby's fidgety fingers were used to the motions of making the necklaces that he was flying through the task, quite enjoying it. It was a cool thing to keep his hands busy.
Toby had just finished up on his fifth necklace and had picked up his wand to duplicate his extra fang when he tuned back in and heard Professor Cassie tell them about the basilisk venom scent thing. OOOOOH, THAT was his next step now. Toby took all the necklaces and went right ahead to do that.
"I think..." he said, once that was done, and he eyed his little group of necklaces. "I'm gonna go hand some of these out, then come make more when they're gone." Nodding. Lots of nodding. Mainly Toby felt the need to start moving about again, and around the castle. Energy, you know.
SO... Toby went to do that. "Be back soon!" he told nobody in particular, making sure he had everything and going out to search for necklace needy students.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
She worked on some more necklaces and watched as the students started to finish up. She wanted to give them the best of luck wishes, but she didn't want to come of nervous if it was even going to work. So instead she gave them each a nod and a smile as they exited the room. Looking around at the empty room she sighed and started to clean up. "I think if we just leave a few items on one table that should be enough if they come back needing more, what do you think?"
She moved closer to her best friend as she spoke, "Thank you for helping me with this today. I know it wasn't all that easy and you taking up the back was really brave and ah-mazing." She gave her best friend snaps. She was very proud of them and what they did, only time would tell if it worked. For now though she was going to be happy that her SNACinators were so awesome and worked really hard to help their classmates and professors.
Once she was finished with her demonstration, Nessa watched as some of the students began to follow her lead in making their own basilisk fang necklaces and she walked around the room, looking to see if anyone needed assistance. As Cassie began speaking again on what to do next, she stopped and gave her her full attention. Yes, this was going to be such a help in keeping the situation from escalating and she smiled a bit as she listened.
After a few of the students dipped their necklaces into the vials, Nessa did the same with hers, then took a seat at one of the tables to make a few more. There were a lot of students at this school and she wanted everyone to have the opportunity to wear one. Before she knew it, the SNAC members were starting to leave. Offering a reassuring smile, a wave, and a few goodbyes to the leaving students, she turned back to Cassie.
"Oh, yes, I think that's a good idea. They can come back and make more if they want." Nessa nodded as she looked at all the craft supplies on the tables. Then she looked up and beamed. "Of course I want to help and keep everyone safe. And we will totally do this!" She suddenly felt a rush of excitement. "We need some sort of gesture." Like a victory dance or something. It wasn't too soon for that, right?
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
This was going to work, it would work. Cassie couldn't think about it failing, no, she'd be too upset if she couldn't keep her students safe. She would think about it working and only that it would work. Looking over to Nessa she smiled, "You are awesome!" There were reasons she was her best friend all these years. She always just jumped to Cassie's crazy ideas and Cassie would jump for hers. It worked out perfectly. A sad fell over her for a moment thinking about summer and when she'd most likely be moving out of their house.
Pushing those thoughts out she grinned as he friend mentioned doing a gesture. "Totes!!" What should they do, this needed more then snaps, but what. An idea hit her and she beamed. "Chest Bump, I've seen others do it and it always looked so cool and big deal. Let's do that."
She went closer to her friend, "Ready?" This was going to be so cool.
Thinking about their victory gesture gave Nessa a renewed sense of confidence and she knew everything was going to be just fine. She ran her fingers over the necklace she had just made and put on, then turned her eyes to Cassie.
Chest bump? "Oh! That's perf!" Yes, she had seen her brothers do that before and it seemed very appropriate right now. And she was totally ready.
"Ready!" she beamed before backing up a few steps, then then taking a running leap to meet Cassie in a victory chest bump. Woohoo!
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Oh yeah this was going to be great! They had totes just made the best necklaces that were totally going to help. So a chest bump was the perfect ending. She stepped back as well as she jumped up and met Nessa chest to chest for the bump. Landing back on the ground she put her hand up to her chest, "Maybe we should leave the chest bumping the the males and their victory." It was fun and she was still smiling, but ouch it kind of hurt.
Not being able to help it she giggled and gave snaps, "I'm not sure what I'm more excited about right now. The fact that we got into the chamber and out, our necklaces, or the fact that we just totes did a chest bump." It was a great ending really.
Giving the room a final glance she looked to her friend, "Let's get to passing these out to as many staff members as possible."