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Behind a large, gilded, and beautifully restored mirror on the fourth floor is a secret passageway. Unfortunately it doesn't lead anywhere because of a cave in, but if one could get the mirror off the wall, one could find a neat hiding place...
Oddly enough, the mirror always reflects a scene of handsome chandeliers, elegant landscape oil paintings, and golden draperies, which is not at all the corridor opposite it.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Chance hadn't talked to Beezey in a few weeks now. The friendship break had rocked his world a little bit. Biance was dead. They had avoided each other in the common room and great hall. During certain activities that involved music, they hadn't even made eye contact. The person that Chance could go and find to do anything crazy he came up with, was no longer talking to him.
Chance sighed.
He found himself making his way to the room they have first met. He entered the room after a few wrong turns and grinned at the mirror that was deposited on the wall. Chance headed towards it. The same room was there. The fanciness of it always bewildered him. He liked to be fancy when he needed to be. He put his hand to the mirror and felt the coldness of it. He still wished he could visit the place inside the mirror. It could be his own little fancy get away.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
The great mirror wasn't one Adi would often visit. It so happened that he was randomly walking along the corridor where the object was situated after another trip to the Moving Staircases for one of his crazy little experiments (which yielded nothing, by the way).
The Hufflepuff paused before the Mirror looking more at his own reflection rather than the paintings and chandeliers. Yep, he knew that wasn't what the opposite side reflected. "Hello, handsome.'' Hehe. Adi was of course, speaking to himself. He shook his head hard to give his hair to naturally mess it up a little more. There! Much better!
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
The great mirror wasn't one Adi would often visit. It so happened that he was randomly walking along the corridor where the object was situated after another trip to the Moving Staircases for one of his crazy little experiments (which yielded nothing, by the way).
The Hufflepuff paused before the Mirror looking more at his own reflection rather than the paintings and chandeliers. Yep, he knew that wasn't what the opposite side reflected. "Hello, handsome.'' Hehe. Adi was of course, speaking to himself. He shook his head hard to give his hair to naturally mess it up a little more. There! Much better!
Jackson was just back from the library. He just got some copies of OWL exam from Mr. Kitridge, the librarian. Yeah, he already started preparing his OWLs from now. He didn’t want to be late because he still remembered if his father wasn’t really satisfied with his OWL result: say goodbye to his music career. Sigh. Before he went back to Gryffindor common room, the Korean boy stopped for a while at the mirror and looked at himself. Well, it seemed like he lost some weight. Maybe because of OWL stress.
His chocolate brown eyes spotted a very familiar face. Oh yeah, he was sooooooo familiar. “Hey there, Adi hyung.” Lately he didn’t call every senior with those hyung and noona call anymore, but to some people that he’d called them with those nick before (like Adi or Zhenya—well, the reason why he still kept calling her noona because he had difficulty to pronounce her name) he still kept that. “What are you doing?”
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Jackson! <3
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Jackson was just back from the library. He just got some copies of OWL exam from Mr. Kitridge, the librarian. Yeah, he already started preparing his OWLs from now. He didn’t want to be late because he still remembered if his father wasn’t really satisfied with his OWL result: say goodbye to his music career. Sigh. Before he went back to Gryffindor common room, the Korean boy stopped for a while at the mirror and looked at himself. Well, it seemed like he lost some weight. Maybe because of OWL stress.
His chocolate brown eyes spotted a very familiar face. Oh yeah, he was sooooooo familiar. “Hey there, Adi hyung.” Lately he didn’t call every senior with those hyung and noona call anymore, but to some people that he’d called them with those nick before (like Adi or Zhenya—well, the reason why he still kept calling her noona because he had difficulty to pronounce her name) he still kept that. “What are you doing?”
Had to fix the hair.
Adi had gotten quite used to wearing it messy now so messy it would stay! He winked at his reflection. “You’ll age like fine wine.’’ It wasn’t that he was vain or anything. It was just that he felt like complimenting himself even though he got them from others too. Hehe. And who was that? Adi turned so that he came face to face with Jackson. He smiled brightly.
“Heya, Jackson hyung.’’ Listen to him trying out Korean! But there was something he was unsure of… “Did I use that word in the right context?’’ Ehhh, maybe it would been a better idea to ask that first before actually using the word. Heh. Adi and his sometimes impulsive behaviour.
Oh! What was he doing? "I was just checking out how handsome I am.'' Adi laughed before continuing. "Nah, just fixing my hair.'' He gestured to the mirror. "It's a pretty cool mirror, isn't it? That's not even the reflection of the corridor on the other side.''
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Had to fix the hair.
Adi had gotten quite used to wearing it messy now so messy it would stay! He winked at his reflection. “You’ll age like fine wine.’’ It wasn’t that he was vain or anything. It was just that he felt like complimenting himself even though he got them from others too. Hehe. And who was that? Adi turned so that he came face to face with Jackson. He smiled brightly.
“Heya, Jackson hyung.’’ Listen to him trying out Korean! But there was something he was unsure of… “Did I use that word in the right context?’’ Ehhh, maybe it would been a better idea to ask that first before actually using the word. Heh. Adi and his sometimes impulsive behaviour.
Oh! What was he doing? "I was just checking out how handsome I am.'' Adi laughed before continuing. "Nah, just fixing my hair.'' He gestured to the mirror. "It's a pretty cool mirror, isn't it? That's not even the reflection of the corridor on the other side.''
He didn't remember that he'd ever skip any meal. Well, sometimes he just got some milk and grilled cheese and it's not really good menu for dinner. He needed to eat more and healthier because studying was exhausting, and he needed food for energy. Besides, he wouldn't look that handsome if he's too skinny. Hehehe.
The Korean guy just chuckled when Adi tried to call him hyung. "Well uh.. You pronounce it right but actually it means big brother in Korean and since I'm younger than you so..." Literally he just called him 'big brother.' "It's uh... not really necessary when you're not in Korea. But yeah, Korean people love that if you try to use that calling because... it shows respect." The Korean guy explained that to the Hufflepuff prefect. Yeah, it's complicated but addressing an older person with that kinds of calling shows that we respect them. That's what he heard.
Checking out how handsome he is?
HAHAHAHA! He's such a funny guy. "Don't worry, you're still handsome." He said grinning. "You should try to put some hair gel or wax on it." He suggested. His brother is a big fan of pomade, a hair product which is made from beeswax and he'd tried to put it on once. His hair did look great, but it's soooo hard to clean it, he had to wash his hair like three times to get the rid of it.
Jackson just realized about this mirror when Adi told him. Yeah, it just showed the chandeliers, oil paintings, and golden draperies and there's no chandelier, painting and draperies at the back. "Hmmm... Yeah, it is."
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: This guy! <3
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
He didn't remember that he'd ever skip any meal. Well, sometimes he just got some milk and grilled cheese and it's not really good menu for dinner. He needed to eat more and healthier because studying was exhausting, and he needed food for energy. Besides, he wouldn't look that handsome if he's too skinny. Hehehe.
The Korean guy just chuckled when Adi tried to call him hyung. "Well uh.. You pronounce it right but actually it means big brother in Korean and since I'm younger than you so..." Literally he just called him 'big brother.' "It's uh... not really necessary when you're not in Korea. But yeah, Korean people love that if you try to use that calling because... it shows respect." The Korean guy explained that to the Hufflepuff prefect. Yeah, it's complicated but addressing an older person with that kinds of calling shows that we respect them. That's what he heard.
Checking out how handsome he is?
HAHAHAHA! He's such a funny guy. "Don't worry, you're still handsome." He said grinning. "You should try to put some hair gel or wax on it." He suggested. His brother is a big fan of pomade, a hair product which is made from beeswax and he'd tried to put it on once. His hair did look great, but it's soooo hard to clean it, he had to wash his hair like three times to get the rid of it.
Jackson just realized about this mirror when Adi told him. Yeah, it just showed the chandeliers, oil paintings, and golden draperies and there's no chandelier, painting and draperies at the back. "Hmmm... Yeah, it is."
Oh, look at that Adi had actually gotten the word's pronunciation correct! WOOT! But on the down side... seeeee? He just knew he should have asked Jackson about the context of the word FIRST. Too bad his mouth worked faster than his brain sometimes. But hey! At least he was learning things. "Hyung means big brother,'' he mused to himself, now turning this way and that to look at his reflection. "What means little brother?'' Then he could call Jackson the word that meant that.
Hehe. Even Jackson knew he was handsome. "Thanks.'' Grin! "You aren't that bad looking yourself.'' Because complements needed to be returned and Adi hadn't said that just because he wanted to. He had said it because it was true. Hmmm. Hair gel or wax? "I hadn't thought of that. thanks for the suggestion!'' There hadn't been any need for him to use any of those stuff before; just the regular shampoo thingy in the Batman bottle he had been using for as long as he could remember.
"I wonder if we could figure out how it does that.'' Adi prodded the glass as though hoping the mirror would reveal it secrets but of course nothing like that happened. Sigh. "So, Jackson. What have you been up to? You like Hogwarts?"
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Oh, look at that Adi had actually gotten the word's pronunciation correct! WOOT! But on the down side... seeeee? He just knew he should have asked Jackson about the context of the word FIRST. Too bad his mouth worked faster than his brain sometimes. But hey! At least he was learning things. "Hyung means big brother,'' he mused to himself, now turning this way and that to look at his reflection. "What means little brother?'' Then he could call Jackson the word that meant that.
Hehe. Even Jackson knew he was handsome. "Thanks.'' Grin! "You aren't that bad looking yourself.'' Because complements needed to be returned and Adi hadn't said that just because he wanted to. He had said it because it was true. Hmmm. Hair gel or wax? "I hadn't thought of that. thanks for the suggestion!'' There hadn't been any need for him to use any of those stuff before; just the regular shampoo thingy in the Batman bottle he had been using for as long as he could remember.
"I wonder if we could figure out how it does that.'' Adi prodded the glass as though hoping the mirror would reveal it secrets but of course nothing like that happened. Sigh. "So, Jackson. What have you been up to? You like Hogwarts?"
Glad to see that there's somebody who seemed interested to learn some terms in his mother tongue. He's very opened to teach his friends any kind of Korean stuffs like language, culture and anything else. "Well, to call someone who is younger we usually use 'dongsaeng'. It works for both girl and boy." But... "But not all people are glad to be called that." He didn't like to be called that. It means that he's still young, spoiled, and immature. Being called dongsaeng sometimes means that he was still considered as a baby.
Well, Jackson knew that he was handsome. No need to mention that, hyung.
Yeah, hair gel or wax. Hadn't he heard about those products? "Yeah," The Korean guy nodded. "I usually use the gel for making my hair looks a little bit wet and stiff." Hehehe. Well, better being addicted to men's hair care products rather to chapstick (eyes Yoongi Hyland). "My brother loves the wax one for hair styling, but it's quite hard to clean it."
Hmm... Such a common question huh? "So far, it's great." The Korean guy said. "Kinda different with my former school, the Professors here are way more fun. People's here are nice too." Still, sometimes he felt homesick because in Kirin he still could explore his music talent. To cure that, he mostly spent his time singing and playing piano at the common room or room of requirement.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Oh, look at that Adi had actually gotten the word's pronunciation correct! WOOT! But on the down side... seeeee? He just knew he should have asked Jackson about the context of the word FIRST. Too bad his mouth worked faster than his brain sometimes. But hey! At least he was learning things. "Hyung means big brother,'' he mused to himself, now turning this way and that to look at his reflection. "What means little brother?'' Then he could call Jackson the word that meant that.
Hehe. Even Jackson knew he was handsome. "Thanks.'' Grin! "You aren't that bad looking yourself.'' Because complements needed to be returned and Adi hadn't said that just because he wanted to. He had said it because it was true. Hmmm. Hair gel or wax? "I hadn't thought of that. thanks for the suggestion!'' There hadn't been any need for him to use any of those stuff before; just the regular shampoo thingy in the Batman bottle he had been using for as long as he could remember.
"I wonder if we could figure out how it does that.'' Adi prodded the glass as though hoping the mirror would reveal it secrets but of course nothing like that happened. Sigh. "So, Jackson. What have you been up to? You like Hogwarts?"
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Glad to see that there's somebody who seemed interested to learn some terms in his mother tongue. He's very opened to teach his friends any kind of Korean stuffs like language, culture and anything else. "Well, to call someone who is younger we usually use 'dongsaeng'. It works for both girl and boy." But... "But not all people are glad to be called that." He didn't like to be called that. It means that he's still young, spoiled, and immature. Being called dongsaeng sometimes means that he was still considered as a baby.
Well, Jackson knew that he was handsome. No need to mention that, hyung.
Yeah, hair gel or wax. Hadn't he heard about those products? "Yeah," The Korean guy nodded. "I usually use the gel for making my hair looks a little bit wet and stiff." Hehehe. Well, better being addicted to men's hair care products rather to chapstick (eyes Yoongi Hyland). "My brother loves the wax one for hair styling, but it's quite hard to clean it."
Hmm... Such a common question huh? "So far, it's great." The Korean guy said. "Kinda different with my former school, the Professors here are way more fun. People's here are nice too." Still, sometimes he felt homesick because in Kirin he still could explore his music talent. To cure that, he mostly spent his time singing and playing piano at the common room or room of requirement.
He'd been on his way back to his office, hands buried in his pocket and his walk all too casual when he thought he heard voices. It was completely out of his character to go finding said voices when he knew for a fact who they belonged to. Wasn't to say he was avoiding them, but rather he didn't need to see them, he needed a nap.
Funny thing was, as he continued along the corridor and turned into the next he did end up running into the boys by the mirror talking about hair gel and Korea. Huh. Odd combination right there. Students were odd. It was just one of those facts.
"Hello boys, fancy running into you both here." He whispered, mostly because he could have been sure they were down another corridor but it was all the same to him. He directed a grin at the one who'd spoken last. "So you think the Professors here are fun, huh?"Snort. How easily that word could be interchanged with 'insane' but they were practically the same in his book.
The man straightened some, taking in his own features in the mirror, wondering if his teeth really looked that sharp all the time. "What exactly are we doing with our hair now?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: You two! <3
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Glad to see that there's somebody who seemed interested to learn some terms in his mother tongue. He's very opened to teach his friends any kind of Korean stuffs like language, culture and anything else. "Well, to call someone who is younger we usually use 'dongsaeng'. It works for both girl and boy." But... "But not all people are glad to be called that." He didn't like to be called that. It means that he's still young, spoiled, and immature. Being called dongsaeng sometimes means that he was still considered as a baby.
Well, Jackson knew that he was handsome. No need to mention that, hyung.
Yeah, hair gel or wax. Hadn't he heard about those products? "Yeah," The Korean guy nodded. "I usually use the gel for making my hair looks a little bit wet and stiff." Hehehe. Well, better being addicted to men's hair care products rather to chapstick (eyes Yoongi Hyland). "My brother loves the wax one for hair styling, but it's quite hard to clean it."
Hmm... Such a common question huh? "So far, it's great." The Korean guy said. "Kinda different with my former school, the Professors here are way more fun. People's here are nice too." Still, sometimes he felt homesick because in Kirin he still could explore his music talent. To cure that, he mostly spent his time singing and playing piano at the common room or room of requirement.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
He'd been on his way back to his office, hands buried in his pocket and his walk all too casual when he thought he heard voices. It was completely out of his character to go finding said voices when he knew for a fact who they belonged to. Wasn't to say he was avoiding them, but rather he didn't need to see them, he needed a nap.
Funny thing was, as he continued along the corridor and turned into the next he did end up running into the boys by the mirror talking about hair gel and Korea. Huh. Odd combination right there. Students were odd. It was just one of those facts.
"Hello boys, fancy running into you both here." He whispered, mostly because he could have been sure they were down another corridor but it was all the same to him. He directed a grin at the one who'd spoken last. "So you think the Professors here are fun, huh?"Snort. How easily that word could be interchanged with 'insane' but they were practically the same in his book.
The man straightened some, taking in his own features in the mirror, wondering if his teeth really looked that sharp all the time. "What exactly are we doing with our hair now?"
"Dongsaeng,'' Adi repeated cautiously lest he messed up this word too and offended Jackson. "Dongsaeng. Dong- say-eng. Did I say that right?" And this time, his brain worked faster then his impulsive mouth. "It's okay to call you that then?''
Aha. That was why the new guy's hair sometimes looked like that! "You happen to have any left? I could try some.'' This Puffer was always up for trying something new. "I haven't used gel in a really, really long time.'' Probably since before coming to Hogwarts. His hair never required the use if that. "Wax will make everything look shiny.'' He imagined himself in shiny hair. Hehe.
"We are a nice bunch,'' the Hufflepuff confirmed, smoothing out a wrinkle in his clothing. Why was he being so fussy though? It wasn't like he had a meeting with Bellaire. Maybe it was he dislike for tardiness that was rubbing off on him. "Yup! The Professors are! Their classes are even-'' Oh hey! Speaking of Professors!
"Hi, Professor Quigley!'' No shouting or anything. He remembered the man disliked loud noises. "Why are you whispering?'' Should they be whispering too? And about their hair... "Jackson's giving me some tips on keeping my hair looking good,'' Adi informed, moving a little out of the way so Quigley could admire his own reflection.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
"It's more like... dong-seng." He corrected Adi. And was he fne if he called him dongsaeng? Shrug. "Well uh... I don't like when my brother refers me as dongsaeng because... I know that he means that I am such a big immature baby to him." Pout. Kang Micky always loved to tease him. But the Korean guy knew that his friend didn't mean to tease him like that. So.... "Yeah, I don't mind if you call me that." An exception for his friend.
Did he bring his hair gel? Jackson tried looking for it at his backpack. Nope, he did not bring it. "I think I left it at my dorm." He said. He's not that kind of person who loved bringing cosmetic or hair care product around. Like Yoongi Hyland, he brings his chapstick everywhere and his lips aren't that chapped badly."Maybe we can try it later?" Next time he'd bring the hair gel and let the Hufflepuff prefect use it.
Just about he's talking about the Professors in Hogwarts vs the Kirin, the Charms Professor came and whispered to them. Why he had to whisper, huh? "Professor Quigley." He spoke in low voice and slightly bowed to him. He just chuckled when Adi mentioned that he's giving some advice about hair care. "I just... suggest him to put some gel though."
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
What in Merlin's beard were they going on about and what exactly was a dung-sen? Huh? The man blinked at the two, not sure he'd caught most of the conversation. Didn't help one of the kids was Korean, might have been speaking a whole other language and he'd never have the slightest clue. Funny how that worked.
Hair gel, he could better understand, not from having used it but because the term was English enough and he could actually keep up.
"Reckon the Groundskeeper's got some hair gel on him. The bloke's all about that mop on his head." And it was true. Maddox had never attempted a conversation with the man but he seemed...spirited enough when it came to his hair, in much the same way Airey was about Pebbles.
He paused at the Hufflepuff's question. "Whispering? Who's whispering? I'm afraid I haven't the slightest idea what you mean, Mister Rehman." Or DID he? "In any case, a good blow out charm could get you a nice look for your hair too." That or it could leave it looking absolutely winded and horrendous but some people were willing to take that risk.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Way to go, Adi. Leave it to you to butcher up the words like that. "I didn't mean to say it wrong,'' he said by way of apology before he tried again. "Dong seng, dong seng. Dongsaeng.'' Yeah! That sounded MUCH better and a whole lot closer to what Jackson had said. He was officially learning Korean, yo! It was a plus that the Gryffindor had agreed to let himself be called that despite the meaning of the word. Yay! "Thanks, Dongsaeng!'' Surely Jackson had figured Adi had not nor would ever mean to call him immature.
He waited patiently and hopefully as Jackson checked his back but the Hufflepuff was out of luck. Rats! Well, there was nothing he could do about that right now but he could always look forward to using it another time. "Alright. I'll hold you to that.'' Hehe. Adi would.
Quigley had advice on the subject of hair care too. Or rather he was referring Adi and Jackson to someone- the groundskeeper. ''I have trouble understanding him sometimes, Professor.'' LOL. He had not realised he had started to whisper too. Was the Charms Professor weak or something? Was he sick and could not speak properly? DID HE NEED AN APPLE? "Professor, do you need an apple to fix your voice?" Or fix you spirit or whatever it was the reason you were whispering?
Adi tilted his head. Interesting! This spell sounded VERYYY beneficial. "Can you show me how the spell works, Professor?" He would get the man an apple or two or three for this. "I can practice on Jackson's hair if he'd let me.'' LOL!
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Finally his friend got the pronunciation right. Yay! "Good." He put on his thumb up to him. "I can teach you more Korean like... the greetings, basic phrase." It wouldn't be hard, he promised. But when it came to write the hangul (Korean letter), he'd better not to teach him that because it was difficult.
Suggesting the groundskeeper to use hair gel?
"He needs a good haircut, even the best hair gel ever cannot help with his messy hair." The Korean boy said. "And I don't understand him either, hyung." He said to Adi. Maybe because of his accent or he's just weird... Dunno. "Oh, remind me to bring my hair gel next time." So they could try styling hair with the gel. Hehehe.
He knew that this Professor is obsessed with apples, even when they were in class he could eat like... three for four of them. But did apple really could help him with the voice? Shrug. "He needs a cough drop, not an apple." Wait, did the Professor just told them about a good charm to keep their hair looked good? The Korean guy eyed the Hufflepuff prefect when he wanted to practice it on him and just chuckled.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
He could have asked what their fascination with hair was and he could have asked about that word the two kept saying, but Maddox preferred to just keep staring into the mirror, poking lightly at the top canine on right side. Seriously? How long had they been this sharp? It was no wonder munching provided the relief it did.
The fact neither really understood the 'stylish' Scottsman amused him. It was true, he could spend some time amending that thick accent for the sake of the students but that was half of what made it so funny. "I understand him enough. These days he's busier talking about things trying to eat him in his hut. 'Fraid he's not been much of a conversationalist since that incident." But it was all the same to him. He didn't have much reason to talk to him; not really his sort of company.
Maddox blinked at Adi's question, not really sure how he'd respond. What would apples do for his voice? The man would agree all the same if it got him an apple. "It's this condition I have. I'll need a couple apples before my voice can return to normal." He lied. NO THANK YOU FOR THE COUGH SYRUP.
Ick. "I say we try the apples before moving to any more drastic remedies." Juuuuust saying. And the kid wanted charm demonstrations. Eh...eh...the man was feeling unbelievably lazy at the moment. The last thing he wanted was to give a mini lesson. Why the hell were children so studious outside of the classrooms? Eh. "Maybe next time, Mister Rehman."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Wheee! It seemed Jackson had faith in him not to damage anymore words. Well, in any case, Adi had indicated since back on the Hogwarts Express that he was interested in learning a bit of the language. "That would be awesome! Plus some other basic words.'' Yeah! Then he could say that he can speak a bit of Korean!
He laughed when Jackson mentioned the Groundskeeper needed a haircut. "I think he looks cool. Cool hair for a cool personality.'' That was his impression, anyway, from since during the summer when they were on the field trip. The Hufflepuff looked curiously at Quigley who was seemingly admiring his teeth. "Something stuck in your teeth, Professor? Is the Groundskeeper loosing his head, do you think?'' Very curious stuff indeed.
The boy whispered back to Jackson. "Apples are his remedyfor everything, I bet.''
Awh, man! Why did Professors insist on dashing his hopes sometimes? It seems Adi would have to bribe the man with apples. Yeah, he might be a Puffer but he wasn't that silly to know Quigley was trying to get apples out of him but he just went along with it all. Hehe. "I'll get you a dozen yellow apples so your throat will be better and for you to teach me that charm.'' Hey, it was a bargain! A win-win for both of them. And Jackson too since he seemed to like the idea of having the charm tried on him.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Like he'd said, he loved teaching people with his mother tongue. Jackson might be not their best Korean tutor but he'd tried his best to do that. "Well, if you really interested to do that we can start soon. But You have to be patient because Korean is quite difficult for some people." He explained. Back when he was in Seoul, his family often being a host family of exchanged wizard and witches from the other countries and they did say it's difficult to speak Korean with their English tongue.
His chocolate brown eyes widened when Quigley mentioned that the Groundskeeper was being attacked at his hut. Seriously? "I hope he'll be fine soon, or maybe that makes him won't come back next year." He did know about the groundskeeper at Hogwarts didn't last long for more than two or three years, he forgot. Micky told him about that.
Meh, this Professor was such an avid eater of apples, huh? "How many apples that you eat for a day, Professor? Six? Seven? A dozen?" The Korean boy curiously asked. Maybe Adi was right, apples was his cure for EVERYTHING. And bribe him apples so he could teach them the hair good-looking charm? Hmmm....
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Was there something in his teeth? What now? Maddox squinted into the mirror, wondering if he'd missed something before realizing it was only a question. The man sucked at his teeth once just in case before averting his gaze to the two again. "Nothing in my teeth, thank you for the concern, Mister Rehman."
Ah dear, it seemed the two had gotten the wrong impression from what he'd said. The man didn't mean he was attacked, simply that he thought he would be. Too late to set them straight now--or so he would tell himself. "I'm sure he'll be fine, minor attack really though he'll tell you otherwise if you ask him. Can't say I see him returning after this." That, at least, wasn't a lie. The man looked more and more jittery every time he saw him. "Can't say for sure he's not losing his head...he's not acting like a man thinking straight but we shouldn't be discussing the man; it's rude and he wouldn't appreciate it." Which meant they were probably done calling him mad for one afternoon.
Rehman did know he could hear him right? Even with all the whispering going on? Yes? Just making sure.
His brows crinkled a little at the Hufflepuff. "It's...not my throat that's preventing me from teaching you the spell." He didn't even remember copping to something being wrong...oh wait, he might have hinted at it. Sigh. When lies started catching up. His attention flickered to the Gryffindor. "I've never tried keeping score before but I bet I could easily polish off a dozen without realizing." Nothing wrong with that either.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"Isn't learning a new language always difficult?'' questioned Adi. "One time I tried at Spanish. I gave up learning it after a few nouns and counting to ten.'' He laughed, thinking back to his pre teen years. "I got to counting further along in French but I abandoned that too. I know Hindi a little but that's only because my mom speaks it and I watch the movies and listen to a ton of music in that language.''
Jackson mentioning that he hoped the Groundskeeper would return made Adi think about the constant change of persons they had had over the years. "It's like with the DADA Professors back in the days when Harry Potter was in school, isn't it?'' he mused to the other two. "Maybe the Groundskeeping job is jinxed.'' The Puffer looked at Quigley again, the man with nothing in his teeth. "I wonder what messed with him.'' The Charms man seemed to think it was something minor yet Scott thought otherwise.
A dozen apples in one day? Man, did Quigley have an addiction! "When did you realise you like apples soooo much, Professor? It's like my obsession with sugar. Do you have apple trees at home?'' He was curious but Adi grinned now. "I thought for a moment you had a chunk of apple stuck in your teeth just now.'' You know, when he was examining them.
I think Quigley is more avid apple eater than Gary XD
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
"Isn't learning a new language always difficult?''
To be honest: yes. He found English was difficult at the first time he learned it. So many pronunciation that aren't familiar for his Korean tongue. But practice makes perfect, huh? The more he spoke English here (because nobody understood Korean), the more he fluent speaking that language. "Yeah, language is difficult. But.... If you're hardworking enough, it'll be easier." The Korean guy said. "I knew English because both of my parents were studying abroad before they went back to Seoul and they tutored me since I was young." But then he became a bit slacker and rarely spoke English around when he still lived in Seoul.
Jinxed? Hmm... "Maybe." Or maybe because the job being groundskeeper was boring or didn't earn much galleons, that's why they decided to quit. Dunno, it was a mystery. When Micky was still in school, he said that at least there were four people who'd ever worked as the groundskeeper.
A dozen apples in one day?
Merlin, was he addicted to apples or anything else? Well, no wonder. Apples are such a great fruit, not very sweet and crunchy at the same time. Hmmm... Now he wanted apples too. "Well, maybe you should grow an apple tree at your office, Sir." He grinned. "Speaking of, I haven't seen an apple tree around the ground, maybe they should have one."
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Now wasn't that an interesting thought, the position being jinxed much like in the old days when the cursed position was Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Can't deny it's possible." He mused, rubbing his fingers against the stubble at his chin. Perhaps he'd shave again. The man was yet to decide which look he preferred but back to the topic on hand....
"Reckon not even he knows what spooked him. Only insists it was fast and could possibly eat him. Some students've been reporting their pets missing and so did Thompson. Suspect it couldn't hurt to be a little more cautious." He himself had almost been stolen right off his desk late one night but the moment he jerked awake and went into human form again, whatever it was disappeared.
So no, he wouldn't completely call the Groundskeeper mad but at the same time...the bloke needed to calm down before he got himself--or anyone else for that matter--hurt.
"You two haven't noticed anything strange have you?" He trusted they would know to report suspicious activity if they did. Couldn't hurt.
And what was with all the questions about apples? Merlin. "I wouldn't exactly go calling it an obsession," Even if it was, "more like an affectionate relationship. Got plenty of apple trees back home, a whole orchard that I like to walk threw on warm summer afternoons." It was a lie to be sure but they didn't know that and he DID want an orchard, just had nowhere to put it was all...
"Getting a tree inside my office could be an inspired idea. It would only take a bit of spell work to have it all set." But it was perfectly doable. His brows rose a little at the boy's confession. "You haven't?" Perhaps it was for the best. Maddox had run into an apple tree or two but he'd be damned if he'd let others know about it if they didn't already because then he'd have to share. Best to keep it to himself. Mhm. "That's a shame. I myself have given up looking. Simply a lost cause." And they would leave that where it was.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi was hardworking. Being a Hufflepuff said that all! "I think I can manage,'' was his enthusiastic reply. ''I'm on a mission to learn as much Koran as I can before this year is out.'' And Jackson would be his language Professor! If he chose to be, of course. The old interest of learning a new language was being awakened again. Maybe if all went well with Koran, he would choose another one to learn as well. "Can you teach me basic phrases? Good morning and stuff like that?" Also, being younger certainly did help with this... to bad Adi was showing a serious interest so late.
"It might be the only explanation,'' Adi mused. "I seriously doubt all of the last Groundskeepers decided they hate the job.'' He raised an eyebrow. "Eat him? It would have to be something huge possibly. Yes, I did hear about those, Professor. It's the reason I keep Gus with me practically everywhere I go.'' The sixth year fished into his pocket to bring out the toad. "I haven't seen anything.'' He glanced at Jackson. Had the other guy noticed anything? "Is this...thing, whatever it is, it seems to be only after creatures, right? At least from what we know but I wonder why it would go after Mr Scott?" Curious, curious.
The Hufflepuff snorted. Right . Quigley could call it what he wanted but it was an apple obsession. Mhmm. Gosh, an entire orchard! Did the man truely live off apples along? O__O But the Charms man was getting the look from Adi. His response about Jackson not seeing any apple trees seemed... off. At first it sounded like Quigley had seen one there before but then his next reply suggested he hadn't. "I've seen one around, Jackson. I could show you.'' Hehe. What do you say to that, Catman?