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Once you've made your entrance, you can choose which table to sit at from the wide central walk space running up to the staff dais. The floor has been polished over the summer to a sheen so shiny that you can see your own appearance in it. Awesome!
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: He says only if he's allowed to tease her XP
Originally Posted by Lislchen
He had a point. Of course he did.
UGH! Why was he right?
Maggie frowned and sent another bluebell flames charm towards the door. Just because there was nothing else for her TO do right now and not doing anything made her feel anxious. "I know." She replied quietly. More frowning was happening. Also she was back to glancing around to see if there was SOMETHING they could use to defend themselves.
Or you know, hide from the spiders at least.
Well that was a dumb answer. Forgetting all about being confused about Zeke's offer to protect her, Maggie wrinkled her nose at him. "NOW, I mean." But it was nice he was so confident about not dying today.
He was bringing that up NOW?? The favor she owed him. Seriously??? "I won't choose your life over mine." In case that's what he was going to suggest. Just saying. That wasn't happening. "What if we surrounded ourselves with fire?" That sounded like a good plan in case the spiders actually came INTO the Great Hall.
Of all the things he expected her to say, he hadn't thought she would say those two words without following it up with something else. How... underwhelming. But it meant she thought he was right, right? Which was a good thing, despite the reality of it all.
He had known she meant NOW, duuuuuhhhh, but his answer was still the same. Now and today were one and the same, and experiencing his death was not on his to-do list. Did SHE have to be so morbid? Maggie needed to relax somewhat, was she forgetting they all had wands? SURELY they wouldn't all die just like that, they all knew enough to be able to stand a decent chance - 'cept maybe the first years, they were screwed.
And if he thought her question had been silly, her response to his joke was even sillier. As if he'd trade her life for his. PFFT. He wasn't a monster. Did she think he would?
Zeke just shook his head, not even dignifying the ludicrous notion with a response. Just, no.
He was bracing himself now, perhaps prematurely, but he was ready to launch into attack mode if a single hairy spider leg dared enter the hall. Even Maggie's suggestion didn't ease the tension. "It could work, maybe, but it would have to be darn impressive fire, or we'd only be hindering ourselves." The last thing he wanted was to be trapped in a ring of flames if the spiders used their long legs to stilt-walk over them. Could they even do that? He was sure that they could jump. Not good. Not good.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Maggie
Tightening her grip on her wand again, she looked back over to see what the other students were doing. And found herself meeting Hady's gaze for a brief moment. Yeah. What was Zeke doing over here with her? Maggie glanced back to the Gryffindor next to her. Then back to the door. This wasn't going to work. And she was genuinely starting to get worried that she'd made the wrong decision by staying here.
It was while he was lost in thoughts that he noticed a figure a short way away from them. Hady. He raised an open palm to wave, but it hung stationary in the air until it dropped back to his side. Maggie's words turning his attention back to her.
She thought they needed a better plan?
"I'll say, there has to be a better way of taking them out." Cause bluebell flames wouldn't stop him, let alone killer spiders. Not to mention he wasn't sure how long the charms would hold out on the entrance hall.
Hearing Professor Glendower go on about WEARING basilisk skin didn't do much to appease him either. That was... dumb. The charm already involved a basilisk. Not to mention spiders had like a million eyes and they would be able to see just fine that they were little humans with skin on them.
"We'd be better off transfiguring dragons to burn them to a crisp... or shrinking them... or enlarging one of us to squish them... or something." Yeah, yeah, those were EPIC ideas. Why hadn't anybody else thought of that? Hhhhmmm? Did HE have to save EVERYONE?
"If you want I can shrink you and hide you, you won't die, promise."
His gaze flickered back to Hady where she was casting a bluebell flame of her own. He could hide her too.
There was much going on around them. People talking about basilisk skin or something and going off to the forest to rescue those that were missing and others casting them bluebell flame charm like herself. And yet there were still some others doing whatever else it was they were doing. It was getting rather confusing but none the less she would keep her cool. Even if those insanely overgrown spiders were to bust through those doors right now...Hady would keep her cool. She had to.
It was then just as she was about to cast the charm herself that she had glanced sideways to see what some of the others were doing. Her eyes had met Maggie's for just the briefest of seconds before her fellow house mate had turned away. Well alright then...were they still not seeing eye to eye? Probably. It seemed that this year they weren't as social as they had been. Oh well.
Before Hady could turn her attention back to the task at her Zeke had noticed her. However he didn't do or say anything either. A raise of his hand was it. Not even a proper wave?... Had she missed something?! Giving a tiny nod of her head that was probably barely seen to the lion she forced herself to do what needed to be done. If he wanted to stay there and talk with Maggie that was fine, she'd say hi to him later on.
Unconsciously rubbing her neck with her hand the Slythin inhaled sharply letting the breath out slowly. Dropping her hand to her side she rummaged through her robes pocket and pulled out some parchment. Perfect. Taking a sheet of the parchment she cast the bluebell charm on it before carefully levitating it over towards the bottom of the doorway. Her focus needed to be here right now, right?
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
SPOILER!!: Nurse Murdoch
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
[…]And here was another person telling her how to handle her students. "Like I told Flamsteed over there, I am not sending my Slytherin students out there to their impending death." Again, she didn't care who liked it or not. "If and when you ever become a head of house," which Cece did not ever see happening, "then by all means, you go ahead and let your students do whatever they want. But for now, you just worry about yourself and not what I'm doing."
Not waiting for a reply from her, Cece turned on her heal and walked away. She had more important things to do than stand around arguing with this nut.
So the older Slytherin girl either hadn’t heard her call after her, or more likely, thought Daisy, had ignored her. She stopped chasing her about half-way through the hall. And then Nurse Murdoch herself came marching past. “Nurse Murdoch!” Daisy called trying to get her attention over all the noise in the hall. She hadn’t even attempted to join the other students and adults in their offense against the spiders. The spells they were calling to use were just not Daisy’s forte and she would have been more in the way and a bother than a help. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
super late! joining Quigley and trying to catch up... >_<
♥ Gryffindor ♥ ★ Ravenclaw ★
SPOILER!!: ...just Quigley here...
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Everything was getting loud and confusing real fast. Students shouting across the room, Professors giving orders. The man was getting a headache. His ears throbbed painfully, matching the rhythm of the throbbing veins in his forehead. A quiet room would be appreciated after this was all over but for now, he would suffer through.
"We don't have much time and need to minimize our margin for error. Last I heard, the spiders took them off in the direction of the forest. I leave the removal of the agelines to the Professors in on that. Let's get a move on that." Seemed the spiders had travelled far to escape the ageline when taking their victims back. They on the other hand didn't have the luxury of time and needed to bust in immediately. "Those willing to go on the defensive need to be at the ready. The Daydream charm is powerful enough and it'll already contain one basilisk. With the snake skin cover you lot will compose the other one. It'll allow you to get close enough to stun and blast these spiders when they come charging. Once I've cast at the door try not to head through it or you'll be under the daydream charm as well." Because they WOULD come charging, he could feel it.
"Charmers with me." The Professor stepped down from the dais, finally removing that painful charm from his throat. Normal talk now, yeah? No more of that loud stuff?
The man headed for the door to the Great Hall, trusting those that had volunteered would be right behind him. "What we'll need to do is cast this charm on any and all entrances. It'll take focus and concentration. Leave no windows or doorways unchecked. We need these creatures believing without a doubt that they are face to face with their worst nightmare and that'll take intent and imagination. Now listen closely." As he spoke, he pressed his ears to the door, trying to pick up anything with their over-sensitivity. From what he could tell the coast was clear. "I'll take this one, by means of a demonstration. The incantation is 'Sentio Somnium' and you'll make a circular motion in the direction of the object you want charmed."
Maddox cautiously pulled the door open, just a little then all at once. "Everyone out, I don't want you walking through this door after I've cast it, not yet anyway." They'd have to when they fell back to help protect the castle. The man waited a moment for them to step through before drawing his wand and casting. "Everyone clear on that?"
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Maddox eyed the doorway he'd just cast at suspiciously. It wasn't that he doubted it would work but rather that the man always preferred seeing the fruits of his labour to be sure they were air tight. This HAD to work. No second chances, those things were coming back.
He was glad Tanner had chosen to join them before he cast otherwise she'd be stuck walking around with the image of a large snake giving her death glares.
The Charms Professor looked to his group again, the one that was steadily getting bigger with even a member of the Ministry joining them. "Let's get the Entrance Hall taken care of. They all left the castle, I suspect this will be the way they'll re-enter; easy access, quick route, no need for hiding anymore. Listen carefully because we don't want them knowing something's up. Even though this will require imagination don't get too imaginative. Focus on making the daydream exactly like the reality of the castle, only thing we're adding is a large basilisk. Think large yellow eyes--like mine." You know...when he was a cat. Not NOW. Not the blues he sported this second.
"Don't leave any doorways or windows uncast at. No matter where they slip in, they need to be under the charm. Understand that when we run back inside we'll be caught in the daydream too. For the more faint at heart please keep in mind it's a dream, nothing more. Let's move out." And with that he proceeded further into the Entrance Hall, still cautiously glancing around and trying to catch the faintest noises with his ears.
Sapphire was trying to focus, but all the activity around her made that very hard to do. She wanted to go help with search and rescue, or join Professor Flamsteed, but knowing that Charms was her talent, Phi kept her eyes on Professor Quigley and listened. Not wanting to miss anything the Charms professor might say, she didn't say a word except when casting charms. And even then, her ears were on alert. She followed the group as they moved further into the Entrance Hall. This was serious.
Phi caught a glimpse of several adults she suspected were from the Ministry and wondered if her brother was among the group. Probably not. Hopefully not. It would be harder for her to stop the tears dangerously creeping out if she knew Peri was around. She needed to keep it together and be brave.
Of all the things he expected her to say, he hadn't thought she would say those two words without following it up with something else. How... underwhelming. But it meant she thought he was right, right? Which was a good thing, despite the reality of it all.
He had known she meant NOW, duuuuuhhhh, but his answer was still the same. Now and today were one and the same, and experiencing his death was not on his to-do list. Did SHE have to be so morbid? Maggie needed to relax somewhat, was she forgetting they all had wands? SURELY they wouldn't all die just like that, they all knew enough to be able to stand a decent chance - 'cept maybe the first years, they were screwed.
And if he thought her question had been silly, her response to his joke was even sillier. As if he'd trade her life for his. PFFT. He wasn't a monster. Did she think he would?
Zeke just shook his head, not even dignifying the ludicrous notion with a response. Just, no.
He was bracing himself now, perhaps prematurely, but he was ready to launch into attack mode if a single hairy spider leg dared enter the hall. Even Maggie's suggestion didn't ease the tension. "It could work, maybe, but it would have to be darn impressive fire, or we'd only be hindering ourselves." The last thing he wanted was to be trapped in a ring of flames if the spiders used their long legs to stilt-walk over them. Could they even do that? He was sure that they could jump. Not good. Not good.
It didn't seem like he'd chosen that then. She would've just said no, though. Ignored that she did owe him. But it was actually a pretty good idea....although Zander probably couldn't really protect her anyway. Like. He was DUMB. He'd gotten a lint roller stuck to his hair after all. Okay, yeah, no Maggie could think of something better for him to do than try and protect her.
"I AM pretty darn impressive." Maggie said with a pointed look, her wand still pointed at the door. Not that she was still casting that bluebell flames spell. They really needed something better. So despite the fact that Zeke of course DID have a point, if push came to shove she WAS going to do that fire stunt.
"I just hope they don't make it inside."
The great hall. They'd clearly already made it into the castle.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Not friends then, but teasing will happen *halo*
Originally Posted by Lislchen
It didn't seem like he'd chosen that then. She would've just said no, though. Ignored that she did owe him. But it was actually a pretty good idea....although Zander probably couldn't really protect her anyway. Like. He was DUMB. He'd gotten a lint roller stuck to his hair after all. Okay, yeah, no Maggie could think of something better for him to do than try and protect her.
"I AM pretty darn impressive." Maggie said with a pointed look, her wand still pointed at the door. Not that she was still casting that bluebell flames spell. They really needed something better. So despite the fact that Zeke of course DID have a point, if push came to shove she WAS going to do that fire stunt.
"I just hope they don't make it inside."
The great hall. They'd clearly already made it into the castle.
He had been talking about the fire, but the Maggie he knew was showing her colours: 50 Shades of Princess.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... that's what you think," he said after drawing out his contemplative mmm-ing. Yeah. No. He wasn't going to let her have that just yet, despite it being somewhat true. She WAS impressive, for all sorts of reasons, but none he was going to admit to. Her ego was big enough as it was. "I would expect more from a Princess," he noted with a shrug, his hazel eyes returning to the door of the hall.
It felt like time was moving incredibly slowly, and it probably was, but a part of him expected the spiders to crash through any second, and he still didn't know which plan in his head he was going to go for. Could spiders see through disillusionment charms? Did they have... senses to see things like that?
Maggie's words echoed his thoughts and he found himself nodding. "That would be preferable." Though he WANTED action, for the sake of everyone else, and Maggie, it would be best to avoid it. There were only so many lives that he could save.
Eden(and Gabe, really) had scurried BACK into the Great Hall--Merlin--and she was so fired and panicked that she momentarily forgot that they had CAST A DAYDREAM CHARM--
And yikes.
Eden blinked a few times and squeezed Gabe. A BASILISK--
but wait.
Her mind was reeling, and she had to tone down the feeling of dread she was having right now because she could remember doing the daydream charm--this was all fake. She saw a basilisk but...she knew it wasn't real. It didn't mean she didn't feel absolutely terrified, though. She was frozen.
A tiny part of her even wanted to...watch the fake basilisks because LOL giant snake here! Eden was fascinated and all by it...but she grabbed Gabe's hand harder and tore off to where a slew of tables were against the wall. "I don't know what to do--I'm scared--" she admitted, but in a calm manner, as she eyed the doorway into the great hall...what if the spiders got in here and knew it was all a fluke?
Text Cut: As long as he doesn't TELL her he thinks she's impressive I'm ok with that XD
Originally Posted by Hera
He had been talking about the fire, but the Maggie he knew was showing her colours: 50 Shades of Princess.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... that's what you think," he said after drawing out his contemplative mmm-ing. Yeah. No. He wasn't going to let her have that just yet, despite it being somewhat true. She WAS impressive, for all sorts of reasons, but none he was going to admit to. Her ego was big enough as it was. "I would expect more from a Princess," he noted with a shrug, his hazel eyes returning to the door of the hall.
It felt like time was moving incredibly slowly, and it probably was, but a part of him expected the spiders to crash through any second, and he still didn't know which plan in his head he was going to go for. Could spiders see through disillusionment charms? Did they have... senses to see things like that?
Maggie's words echoed his thoughts and he found himself nodding. "That would be preferable." Though he WANTED action, for the sake of everyone else, and Maggie, it would be best to avoid it. There were only so many lives that he could save.
That's what he should be thinking too.
Because it was THE TRUTH!
Her eyes flicked over to him and then she turned rather quickly while stepping closer to him. Her wand? Yeah, it was now pointed at his face. "You want me to show you?" She asked with a slightly amused smile. Maggie wasn't bad or anything, she was just....trying not to think about the possibility of her imminent death. More from a PRINCESS though. That's when her smile slowly turned into a slight smirk. "Since I'm the princess, YOU should be the one trying to impress me, no?" She lowered her wand, glancing back over to the door.
Still no spiders, good.
Preferable. Yes. Definitely. What was also preferable was that the search and rescue team found and rescued the missing people.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Zeke says he's not silly enough to tell her such things. We're good. XD
Originally Posted by Lislchen
That's what he should be thinking too.
Because it was THE TRUTH!
Her eyes flicked over to him and then she turned rather quickly while stepping closer to him. Her wand? Yeah, it was now pointed at his face. "You want me to show you?" She asked with a slightly amused smile. Maggie wasn't bad or anything, she was just....trying not to think about the possibility of her imminent death. More from a PRINCESS though. That's when her smile slowly turned into a slight smirk. "Since I'm the princess, YOU should be the one trying to impress me, no?" She lowered her wand, glancing back over to the door.
Still no spiders, good.
Preferable. Yes. Definitely. What was also preferable was that the search and rescue team found and rescued the missing people.
He liked them, and loathed them.
Giant Spider invasions, bad surprise. Chocolate cake for breakfast, good surprise. Maggie with a wand pointed at his face... an interesting surprise.
"It's bad etiquette to point wands at faces," he informed politely, and really he was looking rather smug with himself, because SHE didn't faze him. But nevertheless he raised a hand slowly and manoeuvred her wand to the side so that he wasn't in ANY danger of having his face rearranged, not that she would. Or could. Ahem. "But by all means if you want to put on a show for me," he grinned. He had no objections to such things.
Smirky smirky... was it just him, or did ALL Slytherin girls just smirk all the time?
He couldn't help but scoff at her response though. HE was to impress HER? "So you're not already impressed?" he asked, caught slightly off guard despite being amused. He was rather impressive, he thought.
Following Maggie's gaze to the door, he briely speculated how the others might be doing... but he WAS appreciating the distraction that was Maggie.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Marsha’s wand was in her hand, in fact she hadn’t considered letting it go. She had moved to stand in front of her Aunt Xandra who was still sitting against the wall and had decided pretty early on that she was going to make sure no-one and nothing got past HER to injure and harm her aunt. She kept the others in her view though, AJ and Lance; Dot and Kate; all of the Professors.
Every time the grand hall doors opened, her heart hammered in her chest. She couldn’t believe how stable she felt, considering her adrenaline was sky-high and she had been SO SUPER close to having a mental breakdown when they had finally reached the Great Hall after their Herbology class… Did that class seriously happen today? It felt like it was at least a month ago - her brain was tired… her body was close to collapsing BUT she couldn’t move or let her guard down because Xandra wouldn’t know something was coming towards her until it was too late.
Personally, Sha thought this was the perfect place for her to be… anywhere else. Anywhere else that meant she didn’t need to be 100% aware, might mean she would collapse and cry and NOT be brave like a Gryffindor… like her friends and family needed her to be. Though… if her heart could slow down a little, that would be perfect.
Text Cut: lolol okay good. Also I'm glad they're keeping each other entertained right now
Originally Posted by Hera
He liked them, and loathed them.
Giant Spider invasions, bad surprise. Chocolate cake for breakfast, good surprise. Maggie with a wand pointed at his face... an interesting surprise.
"It's bad etiquette to point wands at faces," he informed politely, and really he was looking rather smug with himself, because SHE didn't faze him. But nevertheless he raised a hand slowly and manoeuvred her wand to the side so that he wasn't in ANY danger of having his face rearranged, not that she would. Or could. Ahem. "But by all means if you want to put on a show for me," he grinned. He had no objections to such things.
Smirky smirky... was it just him, or did ALL Slytherin girls just smirk all the time?
He couldn't help but scoff at her response though. HE was to impress HER? "So you're not already impressed?" he asked, caught slightly off guard despite being amused. He was rather impressive, he thought.
Following Maggie's gaze to the door, he briely speculated how the others might be doing... but he WAS appreciating the distraction that was Maggie.
Normally Maggie would've been upset, angry even, about Zeke CLEARLY not taking her seriously. Normally Maggie would've hexed him to prove it. Normally he would regret ever speaking to her, let alone not taking her seriously. But this wasn't a normal kind of situation.
So instead, when Zeke moved her wand away from his face, Maggie just grinned at him.
And then raised her wand again to boop the tip of his nose with it.
"You couldn't handle it." She said quietly, a smirk playing around her lips. Nope. He certainly couldn't handle her showing him how truly impressive she was. Especially not while they were quite close to dying. Being eaten alive. By those spiders. Her face briefly reflected how worried - and somewhat scared - she really was as her eyes flicked back to the door again. She could hear them speak. Were they buying the Basilisk thing?
Before she could get TOO lost in thoughts about dying before she could do so many things, Zeke spoke again. "Impressed?" She took a moment to look him over. Then Maggie just shrugged nonchalantly, clearly not TOO impressed.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: because desperate times calls for... this... whatever it is
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Normally Maggie would've been upset, angry even, about Zeke CLEARLY not taking her seriously. Normally Maggie would've hexed him to prove it. Normally he would regret ever speaking to her, let alone not taking her seriously. But this wasn't a normal kind of situation.
So instead, when Zeke moved her wand away from his face, Maggie just grinned at him.
And then raised her wand again to boop the tip of his nose with it.
"You couldn't handle it." She said quietly, a smirk playing around her lips. Nope. He certainly couldn't handle her showing him how truly impressive she was. Especially not while they were quite close to dying. Being eaten alive. By those spiders. Her face briefly reflected how worried - and somewhat scared - she really was as her eyes flicked back to the door again. She could hear them speak. Were they buying the Basilisk thing?
Before she could get TOO lost in thoughts about dying before she could do so many things, Zeke spoke again. "Impressed?" She took a moment to look him over. Then Maggie just shrugged nonchalantly, clearly not TOO impressed.
Hehe. He could do better.
Just when he thought he had succeeded in disarming - well not DISARMING exactly, but lowering said weapon - he was wrong. He hadn't raised his to counter whatever action she was going to take, so when all he received was a prod to the nose he was happy to leave it at that. He'd let her have that one.
There was something in the way she looked, and the way she repeatedly looked to the door that told him she was... rattled. Considering though that there were no screams yet, not loud raspy spider shouting of ATTACK then they were safe, right? Right? They needn't worry, they were just spiders after all. Ahem.
"I can handle anything, it's a Gryffindor thing," he replied eventually, taking a step to the side to position himself between Maggie and the doors to the Great Hall. If she was going to spend so much time looking that way, he'd make it easier for her. "But if you don't want to prove me wrong... I'm okay with that too."
And then there was that. The look. The assessment.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
This wasn't working.
Well okay it was working in the sense that she had the bluebell flame charm down. However repeating said charm over and over again just wasn't keeping her focus as well as she hoped. She was actually starting to fidget about slightly now.
Lifting her foot she rubbed her ankle with her shoe, her eyes scanning the room for someone to talk to. Someone that could draw her attention elsewhere at least for a brief moment. Everyone appeared busy though and that's when her eyes landed on him once more. The Lion. He was still speaking with Maggie.
It was okay though right? Surely they wouldn't mind her joining them... Maggie was her dorm mate and Zeke was her bestie so it only made sense to go over even if it was for a second or two. If they didn't want her there she'd go do her own thing again. Yeah that was good.
Her mind made up and before she could change thoughts Hady wandered over to where Zeke and Maggie were. She wasn't loud upon her arrival nor was she super quiet like normal. She didn't even cover his eyes like she typically would simply opting to lightly tap his shoulder and wait for him to turn around.
Just when he thought he had succeeded in disarming - well not DISARMING exactly, but lowering said weapon - he was wrong. He hadn't raised his to counter whatever action she was going to take, so when all he received was a prod to the nose he was happy to leave it at that. He'd let her have that one.
There was something in the way she looked, and the way she repeatedly looked to the door that told him she was... rattled. Considering though that there were no screams yet, not loud raspy spider shouting of ATTACK then they were safe, right? Right? They needn't worry, they were just spiders after all. Ahem.
"I can handle anything, it's a Gryffindor thing," he replied eventually, taking a step to the side to position himself between Maggie and the doors to the Great Hall. If she was going to spend so much time looking that way, he'd make it easier for her. "But if you don't want to prove me wrong... I'm okay with that too."
And then there was that. The look. The assessment.
And he... failed?
Zeke pouted with mock hurt. Challenge accepted.
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
This wasn't working.
Well okay it was working in the sense that she had the bluebell flame charm down. However repeating said charm over and over again just wasn't keeping her focus as well as she hoped. She was actually starting to fidget about slightly now.
Lifting her foot she rubbed her ankle with her shoe, her eyes scanning the room for someone to talk to. Someone that could draw her attention elsewhere at least for a brief moment. Everyone appeared busy though and that's when her eyes landed on him once more. The Lion. He was still speaking with Maggie.
It was okay though right? Surely they wouldn't mind her joining them... Maggie was her dorm mate and Zeke was her bestie so it only made sense to go over even if it was for a second or two. If they didn't want her there she'd go do her own thing again. Yeah that was good.
Her mind made up and before she could change thoughts Hady wandered over to where Zeke and Maggie were. She wasn't loud upon her arrival nor was she super quiet like normal. She didn't even cover his eyes like she typically would simply opting to lightly tap his shoulder and wait for him to turn around.
A Gryffindor thing, huh?
Well, his confidence was oddly intriguing. That is until he positioned himself between herself and the doors. Well not she couldn't see them anymore. That was annoying. What if the acromantulas just came crashing through the doors? And then she didn't see them right away. But then again, Zeke would be eaten first which was....
Wait. SHE was dumb. This whole acromantula business was making her brain extra slow today. Was he trying to...protect her? Or at least appear to be doing so? What was-
Maggie hadn't really gotten around to saying anything, just looking at him curiously for the time being. Which was also why she didn't notice Hady was approaching them until she was almost right next to them. Eyes flicking over to the fellow Slytherin, she quickly put on casual smile.
"Your friend is being really...gallant right now." She moved back to allow Hady to join them.
Toby had absolutely done as Airey had said when the time came to it, sending the flames at the door and everything and hoping to provide some sort of distraction or cover or whatever. Mostly he found himself focusing on those coming back in through the doors - all humans, thankfully - and trying to understand what might be going on from any information he overheard. Seemed like there wasn't really much to hear, though, because they were all heading right back out again. Toby watched as a bunch of adults and kids got under the 'snakeskin' and marched back out into the Entrance Hall, and wondered if it was maybe too late to head out with them and make a mad dash for the Forest. But he stopped himself. For reasons.
Instead, Toby left his partially shredded outer robes on whatever table he'd been stood near and headed across to the doors of the Great Hall, waiting for a chance to peer out if and when they looked open, so he could maybe see what was going on. It was impossible to just stand back and wait, and if he wasn't going to go out and help, he would wait here by the doors for the moment that everyone returned. Or for the moment that a bunch of giant spiders broke in... like a first line of defence? Because there were little kids in the room that needed to be protected? Either way, he'd just... stay right here. Playing with bluebell flames, levitating and spinning them in the air while he kept an eye on those big doors.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Maggie AND Hady <3
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
This wasn't working.
Well okay it was working in the sense that she had the bluebell flame charm down. However repeating said charm over and over again just wasn't keeping her focus as well as she hoped. She was actually starting to fidget about slightly now.
Lifting her foot she rubbed her ankle with her shoe, her eyes scanning the room for someone to talk to. Someone that could draw her attention elsewhere at least for a brief moment. Everyone appeared busy though and that's when her eyes landed on him once more. The Lion. He was still speaking with Maggie.
It was okay though right? Surely they wouldn't mind her joining them... Maggie was her dorm mate and Zeke was her bestie so it only made sense to go over even if it was for a second or two. If they didn't want her there she'd go do her own thing again. Yeah that was good.
Her mind made up and before she could change thoughts Hady wandered over to where Zeke and Maggie were. She wasn't loud upon her arrival nor was she super quiet like normal. She didn't even cover his eyes like she typically would simply opting to lightly tap his shoulder and wait for him to turn around.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Text Cut: Whatever this is. XD and HII HADY HII
A Gryffindor thing, huh?
Well, his confidence was oddly intriguing. That is until he positioned himself between herself and the doors. Well not she couldn't see them anymore. That was annoying. What if the acromantulas just came crashing through the doors? And then she didn't see them right away. But then again, Zeke would be eaten first which was....
Wait. SHE was dumb. This whole acromantula business was making her brain extra slow today. Was he trying to...protect her? Or at least appear to be doing so? What was-
Maggie hadn't really gotten around to saying anything, just looking at him curiously for the time being. Which was also why she didn't notice Hady was approaching them until she was almost right next to them. Eyes flicking over to the fellow Slytherin, she quickly put on casual smile.
"Your friend is being really...gallant right now." She moved back to allow Hady to join them.
Had he broken her somehow? She wasn't speaking, she was just looking at him again. Not to say he minded the attention, he didn't. What he wasn't sure of, was what a lack of reply MEANT. Because with girls, they always meant something and he was confident that Maggie was no exception to that rule.
A light tap on his shoulder alerted him to the fact that someone was behind him and so he turned to see who it might be. Hady. "Hey, glad you could make it," he grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her in closer for a short hug before letting go, Maggie's words echoing in his head as she said them.
THAT was the word she used to describe him. HA! It was obvious she was impressed, because that was an impressive word. He was winning.
"Aaaawww, you think I'm gallant," he cooed at Maggie, his grin widening a fraction.
"Maggie's been entertaining me with how impressive she is," he informed to Hady before adding, "I'm not sure I believe her yet, but you practically live with her, so what do you think?" And now it was HIS turn to give her the once over, his gaze starting at her blonde hair, trailing down to her feet and back up again to rest on her blue eyes. It was obvious, if she was a candy wrapper, she was a delicious looking one.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Eden(and Gabe, really) had scurried BACK into the Great Hall--Merlin--and she was so fired and panicked that she momentarily forgot that they had CAST A DAYDREAM CHARM--
And yikes.
Eden blinked a few times and squeezed Gabe. A BASILISK--
but wait.
Her mind was reeling, and she had to tone down the feeling of dread she was having right now because she could remember doing the daydream charm--this was all fake. She saw a basilisk but...she knew it wasn't real. It didn't mean she didn't feel absolutely terrified, though. She was frozen.
A tiny part of her even wanted to...watch the fake basilisks because LOL giant snake here! Eden was fascinated and all by it...but she grabbed Gabe's hand harder and tore off to where a slew of tables were against the wall. "I don't know what to do--I'm scared--" she admitted, but in a calm manner, as she eyed the doorway into the great hall...what if the spiders got in here and knew it was all a fluke?
There was still screaming...but for entirely different reasons than before.
Gabriel had SEEN Professor Quigley perform the daydream charm on the Great Hall doors. He remembered it happening...but that singular knowledge did NOT stop the 'daydream' from being any less terrifying. True to his nature, Gabe tried to dart off, hide, save himself...but Eden had him firmly planted to the spot with her hand...
So, he began FLAILING dramatically, trying to free himself...so he could dart off, hide, and thus save himself.
...but before he could...thankfully, because who was to say there wouldn't be another incident of his face meeting the wall...(he'd done that before, embarrassingly enough)...Eden was leading him towards tables...and sitting him down...but Gabe didn't want to sit. If he sat, he couldn't run away...or...er.
Scared? Yes...there was a lot of that.
He was trembling noticeably. He needed a hug. He needed his potion. He needed to be someplace different. Not necessarily in that order..."We're staying right here." No fighting. No defending. No possibilities of dying. If the fighting seeped into the Great Hall, Gabe was throwing himself through a window and running.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Fellow Snakette and Lion!
Maggie hadn't really gotten around to saying anything, just looking at him curiously for the time being. Which was also why she didn't notice Hady was approaching them until she was almost right next to them. Eyes flicking over to the fellow Slytherin, she quickly put on casual smile.
"Your friend is being really...gallant right now." She moved back to allow Hady to join them.
Had he broken her somehow? She wasn't speaking, she was just looking at him again. Not to say he minded the attention, he didn't. What he wasn't sure of, was what a lack of reply MEANT. Because with girls, they always meant something and he was confident that Maggie was no exception to that rule.
A light tap on his shoulder alerted him to the fact that someone was behind him and so he turned to see who it might be. Hady. "Hey, glad you could make it," he grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her in closer for a short hug before letting go, Maggie's words echoing in his head as she said them.
THAT was the word she used to describe him. HA! It was obvious she was impressed, because that was an impressive word. He was winning.
"Aaaawww, you think I'm gallant," he cooed at Maggie, his grin widening a fraction.
"Maggie's been entertaining me with how impressive she is," he informed to Hady before adding, "I'm not sure I believe her yet, but you practically live with her, so what do you think?" And now it was HIS turn to give her the once over, his gaze starting at her blonde hair, trailing down to her feet and back up again to rest on her blue eyes. It was obvious, if she was a candy wrapper, she was a delicious looking one.
Either the two of them were just that into their conversation or Hady was just that good with being quiet. Even when she wasn't attempting to be. Maggie noticed her first though and greeted her with a-a...was that a smile? Holy crow! Hady could hardly think of a handful of times she'd seen that girl smile and even less that were directed at her. So being the ever fair Slytherin that she was she gave a small nod of her head and just the slightest of grins to her. She also didn't miss what the blonde had said about Zeke as well just as she'd tapped the boys shoulder.
Zeke? Maggie had called Zeke Gallant. There was plenty of things Hady could come up with for Zeke but that had never been one of them. Right now though she didn't feel it in the moment to bring up what she thought of her Lion. For he already knew. Which is why she kept her mouth shut simply waiting for him to turn around.
And when he did turn she was greeted with his usual grin as well as his one armed hugged. Hady slid both her arms around him lightly however greatly welcoming the hug even if it was a quick one. It was just long enough though she her to lean her head forward enough and just barely whisper into his ear, "Where have you been?" before pulling back when she was let go. Her eyes scanning over him quickly checking to see that he hadn't been hurt, her own eyes showing just a hint of worry for a tiny moment before she quickly masked the feeling.
Zeke was talking once again and this time his question was directed at Hady however he was asking her about...Maggie. Letting out a small breath of air she shifted her eyes towards the girl in question before looking back at her friend not having missed the way he 'cooed' when he spoke to Maggie a moment ago. Zeke had been teasing her right? That was what the cooing was about? But then he was also looking at her fellow house mate as if he were just noticing Maggie. Whatever was happening here she didn't know and she was certain she didn't want to know. She didn't even want to answer the question but it was Zeke and she ALWAYS answered him. "Just because you live with someone doesn't always mean you know them." Could she just leave it at that? Please. It was the truth really so no lying had been done.
Her fingers tightening around her wand Hady cast a quick glance over her shoulder towards the main doors making sure things were still alright. So far no giant spiders arriving to kill her...or them.
Text Cut: I just remembered our Transfig team. XD Where's Brooklyn?
Originally Posted by Hera
Had he broken her somehow? She wasn't speaking, she was just looking at him again. Not to say he minded the attention, he didn't. What he wasn't sure of, was what a lack of reply MEANT. Because with girls, they always meant something and he was confident that Maggie was no exception to that rule.
A light tap on his shoulder alerted him to the fact that someone was behind him and so he turned to see who it might be. Hady. "Hey, glad you could make it," he grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her in closer for a short hug before letting go, Maggie's words echoing in his head as she said them.
THAT was the word she used to describe him. HA! It was obvious she was impressed, because that was an impressive word. He was winning.
"Aaaawww, you think I'm gallant," he cooed at Maggie, his grin widening a fraction.
"Maggie's been entertaining me with how impressive she is," he informed to Hady before adding, "I'm not sure I believe her yet, but you practically live with her, so what do you think?" And now it was HIS turn to give her the once over, his gaze starting at her blonde hair, trailing down to her feet and back up again to rest on her blue eyes. It was obvious, if she was a candy wrapper, she was a delicious looking one.
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Either the two of them were just that into their conversation or Hady was just that good with being quiet. Even when she wasn't attempting to be. Maggie noticed her first though and greeted her with a-a...was that a smile? Holy crow! Hady could hardly think of a handful of times she'd seen that girl smile and even less that were directed at her. So being the ever fair Slytherin that she was she gave a small nod of her head and just the slightest of grins to her. She also didn't miss what the blonde had said about Zeke as well just as she'd tapped the boys shoulder.
Zeke? Maggie had called Zeke Gallant. There was plenty of things Hady could come up with for Zeke but that had never been one of them. Right now though she didn't feel it in the moment to bring up what she thought of her Lion. For he already knew. Which is why she kept her mouth shut simply waiting for him to turn around.
And when he did turn she was greeted with his usual grin as well as his one armed hugged. Hady slid both her arms around him lightly however greatly welcoming the hug even if it was a quick one. It was just long enough though she her to lean her head forward enough and just barely whisper into his ear, "Where have you been?" before pulling back when she was let go. Her eyes scanning over him quickly checking to see that he hadn't been hurt, her own eyes showing just a hint of worry for a tiny moment before she quickly masked the feeling.
Zeke was talking once again and this time his question was directed at Hady however he was asking her about...Maggie. Letting out a small breath of air she shifted her eyes towards the girl in question before looking back at her friend not having missed the way he 'cooed' when he spoke to Maggie a moment ago. Zeke had been teasing her right? That was what the cooing was about? But then he was also looking at her fellow house mate as if he were just noticing Maggie. Whatever was happening here she didn't know and she was certain she didn't want to know. She didn't even want to answer the question but it was Zeke and she ALWAYS answered him. "Just because you live with someone doesn't always mean you know them." Could she just leave it at that? Please. It was the truth really so no lying had been done.
Her fingers tightening around her wand Hady cast a quick glance over her shoulder towards the main doors making sure things were still alright. So far no giant spiders arriving to kill her...or them.
While they were doing their hugging thing, Maggie's eyes once again flicked over to the door. Which she could see again, you know, because Zeke was busy greeting Hady and hadn't moved with her when she'd taken a step back. So the distraction was gone for a moment and she found herself getting worried again. Although it was rather quiet outside. Seemingly.
Which could be the calm before the storm for all she knew. Also if the acromantulas weren't HERE, it meant that they were probably outside which could turn out pretty bad for Noel. And you know, the others. Not that she WANTED the spiders to be here. No, they could just stay as far away from her as possible for all the cared. Also she still hadn't spotted some of her friends in the Great Hall.
Where was Dante?
Zeke managed to get her out of that mindset again however when he commented on her calling him gallant. He did know she'd been making fun of him, right? Even though it was somewhat true. She'd said that for Hady's sake. So when he took it seriously, Maggie just made a point of rolling her eyes and shaking her head, turning towards Hady. She got it, right?
And then they were talking about Maggie. Heheheh. She raised her head and straightened up a little when Zeke looked at her. Impressive huh? Although APPARENTLY he needed Hady's input on the matter. Gosh, Zeke, rude much? Maggie poked him in the arm with her wand before giving Hady a curious look. Yes, hmm? She should start saying how impressive she really was and all that.
Only she didn't. But instead gave a rather vague answer.
Which didn't faze Maggie. "She just doesn't want you to think I'm more impressive than her." She continued to smile and even gave Hady a sort of side-hug. Girls gotta stick together you know. She was such a good girl-friend.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Snake Ladies, and we DO need a Brooklyn, yep
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
SPOILER!!: Fellow Snakette and Lion!
Either the two of them were just that into their conversation or Hady was just that good with being quiet. Even when she wasn't attempting to be. Maggie noticed her first though and greeted her with a-a...was that a smile? Holy crow! Hady could hardly think of a handful of times she'd seen that girl smile and even less that were directed at her. So being the ever fair Slytherin that she was she gave a small nod of her head and just the slightest of grins to her. She also didn't miss what the blonde had said about Zeke as well just as she'd tapped the boys shoulder.
Zeke? Maggie had called Zeke Gallant. There was plenty of things Hady could come up with for Zeke but that had never been one of them. Right now though she didn't feel it in the moment to bring up what she thought of her Lion. For he already knew. Which is why she kept her mouth shut simply waiting for him to turn around.
And when he did turn she was greeted with his usual grin as well as his one armed hugged. Hady slid both her arms around him lightly however greatly welcoming the hug even if it was a quick one. It was just long enough though she her to lean her head forward enough and just barely whisper into his ear, "Where have you been?" before pulling back when she was let go. Her eyes scanning over him quickly checking to see that he hadn't been hurt, her own eyes showing just a hint of worry for a tiny moment before she quickly masked the feeling.
Zeke was talking once again and this time his question was directed at Hady however he was asking her about...Maggie. Letting out a small breath of air she shifted her eyes towards the girl in question before looking back at her friend not having missed the way he 'cooed' when he spoke to Maggie a moment ago. Zeke had been teasing her right? That was what the cooing was about? But then he was also looking at her fellow house mate as if he were just noticing Maggie. Whatever was happening here she didn't know and she was certain she didn't want to know. She didn't even want to answer the question but it was Zeke and she ALWAYS answered him. "Just because you live with someone doesn't always mean you know them." Could she just leave it at that? Please. It was the truth really so no lying had been done.
Her fingers tightening around her wand Hady cast a quick glance over her shoulder towards the main doors making sure things were still alright. So far no giant spiders arriving to kill her...or them.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Text Cut: I just remembered our Transfig team. XD Where's Brooklyn?
While they were doing their hugging thing, Maggie's eyes once again flicked over to the door. Which she could see again, you know, because Zeke was busy greeting Hady and hadn't moved with her when she'd taken a step back. So the distraction was gone for a moment and she found herself getting worried again. Although it was rather quiet outside. Seemingly.
Which could be the calm before the storm for all she knew. Also if the acromantulas weren't HERE, it meant that they were probably outside which could turn out pretty bad for Noel. And you know, the others. Not that she WANTED the spiders to be here. No, they could just stay as far away from her as possible for all the cared. Also she still hadn't spotted some of her friends in the Great Hall.
Where was Dante?
Zeke managed to get her out of that mindset again however when he commented on her calling him gallant. He did know she'd been making fun of him, right? Even though it was somewhat true. She'd said that for Hady's sake. So when he took it seriously, Maggie just made a point of rolling her eyes and shaking her head, turning towards Hady. She got it, right?
And then they were talking about Maggie. Heheheh. She raised her head and straightened up a little when Zeke looked at her. Impressive huh? Although APPARENTLY he needed Hady's input on the matter. Gosh, Zeke, rude much? Maggie poked him in the arm with her wand before giving Hady a curious look. Yes, hmm? She should start saying how impressive she really was and all that.
Only she didn't. But instead gave a rather vague answer.
Which didn't faze Maggie. "She just doesn't want you to think I'm more impressive than her." She continued to smile and even gave Hady a sort of side-hug. Girls gotta stick together you know. She was such a good girl-friend.
Where had he been? Zeke's grin grew. Did she not think that he would want to follow the action? He wasn't about to stay here all cooped up like a sitting duck. Even now he longed to go charging toward the forest, taking down as many creepy crawlies as he could. Alas, it wasn't happening. "I was being charming in the entrance hall," he supplied, not bothering to whisper as she had. Of course, by being charming he meant that he was CHARMing the hall, yeah, yeah? She understood, right? But the look in her eyes wasn't missed as she gave him a once over. He was fine. Not even a scratch. He gave Hady's arm a nudge with his elbow, his grin softening a little. "You 'kay?" he asked in return. She looked fine, good, well... but it was possible he could have missed something.
But geez, Maggie! For a brief second Zeke frowned as her wand made contact with his arm. He was greatly tempted to poke her back, or wet her again... water was a girls enemy, was it not? Their hair was usually their primary concern. Why she had even poked him was beyond him. Did he say something wrong? And judging by Hady's lack of immediate reaction, she wasn't all too impressed either.
What did he say?
She did respond though, so that was something, but it told him nothing about Maggie. If anything it told him more about how the two ladies got along, and perhaps not very well? That thought flew out the window as Maggie hugged Hady though, so... he was clueless. Girls were so weird.
"Uh huh..." he mused, unsure of WHAT he was ALLOWED to say in response to something like that. "I never said anything about anyone being MORE impressive ," he clarified. How and why would he think anyone could be more impressive than Hady? She was awesome.
He noticed again that Maggie was looking toward the door, and Hady too... and frankly he didn't feel the need to anymore. If something was going to happen, it would have by now. SURELY. Still, until they were dismissed, all there was to do was stand around and talk... the standing they were doing quite well, the talking, perhaps not so much.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Snakette and Lion
While they were doing their hugging thing, Maggie's eyes once again flicked over to the door. Which she could see again, you know, because Zeke was busy greeting Hady and hadn't moved with her when she'd taken a step back. So the distraction was gone for a moment and she found herself getting worried again. Although it was rather quiet outside. Seemingly.
Which could be the calm before the storm for all she knew. Also if the acromantulas weren't HERE, it meant that they were probably outside which could turn out pretty bad for Noel. And you know, the others. Not that she WANTED the spiders to be here. No, they could just stay as far away from her as possible for all the cared. Also she still hadn't spotted some of her friends in the Great Hall.
Where was Dante?
Zeke managed to get her out of that mindset again however when he commented on her calling him gallant. He did know she'd been making fun of him, right? Even though it was somewhat true. She'd said that for Hady's sake. So when he took it seriously, Maggie just made a point of rolling her eyes and shaking her head, turning towards Hady. She got it, right?
And then they were talking about Maggie. Heheheh. She raised her head and straightened up a little when Zeke looked at her. Impressive huh? Although APPARENTLY he needed Hady's input on the matter. Gosh, Zeke, rude much? Maggie poked him in the arm with her wand before giving Hady a curious look. Yes, hmm? She should start saying how impressive she really was and all that.
Only she didn't. But instead gave a rather vague answer.
Which didn't faze Maggie. "She just doesn't want you to think I'm more impressive than her." She continued to smile and even gave Hady a sort of side-hug. Girls gotta stick together you know. She was such a good girl-friend.
Where had he been? Zeke's grin grew. Did she not think that he would want to follow the action? He wasn't about to stay here all cooped up like a sitting duck. Even now he longed to go charging toward the forest, taking down as many creepy crawlies as he could. Alas, it wasn't happening. "I was being charming in the entrance hall," he supplied, not bothering to whisper as she had. Of course, by being charming he meant that he was CHARMing the hall, yeah, yeah? She understood, right? But the look in her eyes wasn't missed as she gave him a once over. He was fine. Not even a scratch. He gave Hady's arm a nudge with his elbow, his grin softening a little. "You 'kay?" he asked in return. She looked fine, good, well... but it was possible he could have missed something.
But geez, Maggie! For a brief second Zeke frowned as her wand made contact with his arm. He was greatly tempted to poke her back, or wet her again... water was a girls enemy, was it not? Their hair was usually their primary concern. Why she had even poked him was beyond him. Did he say something wrong? And judging by Hady's lack of immediate reaction, she wasn't all too impressed either.
What did he say?
She did respond though, so that was something, but it told him nothing about Maggie. If anything it told him more about how the two ladies got along, and perhaps not very well? That thought flew out the window as Maggie hugged Hady though, so... he was clueless. Girls were so weird.
"Uh huh..." he mused, unsure of WHAT he was ALLOWED to say in response to something like that. "I never said anything about anyone being MORE impressive ," he clarified. How and why would he think anyone could be more impressive than Hady? She was awesome.
He noticed again that Maggie was looking toward the door, and Hady too... and frankly he didn't feel the need to anymore. If something was going to happen, it would have by now. SURELY. Still, until they were dismissed, all there was to do was stand around and talk... the standing they were doing quite well, the talking, perhaps not so much.
His answer made her laugh softly. Her first laugh in quite some time actually. "Charming? Uh-huh sure you are," she teased softly smirking at all. Clearly she knew exactly what he'd meant but the way he had worded his response left it open for her to joke with him a bit. There was noway she'd pass up that chance.
Hady's reply to Zeke's questions though cost her a-a hug? Another hug. What was it with all the hugs from people today? Not that she was complaining really but a hug from Maggie?! Now that was something different and confusing. Even if she didn't think of Maggie and herself being all that close let alone all buddy-buddy the third year somewhat returned the half hug thing or whatever it was. As well as a playful roll of her eyes. Really? Maggie. More impressive then her? Nah-uh.
"In your dreams Maggie," Hady replied grinning a little her eyes showing a hint of possible playfulness. Maybe. Or maybe she was being serious. It was kind of hard to tell right then for her gaze shifted back to Zeke. Nothing seemed to impress her much anymore.
Where had he been? Zeke's grin grew. Did she not think that he would want to follow the action? He wasn't about to stay here all cooped up like a sitting duck. Even now he longed to go charging toward the forest, taking down as many creepy crawlies as he could. Alas, it wasn't happening. "I was being charming in the entrance hall," he supplied, not bothering to whisper as she had. Of course, by being charming he meant that he was CHARMing the hall, yeah, yeah? She understood, right? But the look in her eyes wasn't missed as she gave him a once over. He was fine. Not even a scratch. He gave Hady's arm a nudge with his elbow, his grin softening a little. "You 'kay?" he asked in return. She looked fine, good, well... but it was possible he could have missed something.
But geez, Maggie! For a brief second Zeke frowned as her wand made contact with his arm. He was greatly tempted to poke her back, or wet her again... water was a girls enemy, was it not? Their hair was usually their primary concern. Why she had even poked him was beyond him. Did he say something wrong? And judging by Hady's lack of immediate reaction, she wasn't all too impressed either.
What did he say?
She did respond though, so that was something, but it told him nothing about Maggie. If anything it told him more about how the two ladies got along, and perhaps not very well? That thought flew out the window as Maggie hugged Hady though, so... he was clueless. Girls were so weird.
"Uh huh..." he mused, unsure of WHAT he was ALLOWED to say in response to something like that. "I never said anything about anyone being MORE impressive ," he clarified. How and why would he think anyone could be more impressive than Hady? She was awesome.
He noticed again that Maggie was looking toward the door, and Hady too... and frankly he didn't feel the need to anymore. If something was going to happen, it would have by now. SURELY. Still, until they were dismissed, all there was to do was stand around and talk... the standing they were doing quite well, the talking, perhaps not so much.
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
His answer made her laugh softly. Her first laugh in quite some time actually. "Charming? Uh-huh sure you are," she teased softly smirking at all. Clearly she knew exactly what he'd meant but the way he had worded his response left it open for her to joke with him a bit. There was noway she'd pass up that chance.
Hady's reply to Zeke's questions though cost her a-a hug? Another hug. What was it with all the hugs from people today? Not that she was complaining really but a hug from Maggie?! Now that was something different and confusing. Even if she didn't think of Maggie and herself being all that close let alone all buddy-buddy the third year somewhat returned the half hug thing or whatever it was. As well as a playful roll of her eyes. Really? Maggie. More impressive then her? Nah-uh.
"In your dreams Maggie," Hady replied grinning a little her eyes showing a hint of possible playfulness. Maybe. Or maybe she was being serious. It was kind of hard to tell right then for her gaze shifted back to Zeke. Nothing seemed to impress her much anymore.
Oh, the cheese was with this one today, wasn't it?
Charming. Really.
Maggie's face clearly reflected what she thought of his words, and even Hady seemed to agree. Which was good because she wanted Hady on her side for all of this. Simply smirking slightly she watched the other two for a moment, positively surprised when her Slytherin dorm mate even returned the hug. Good. Very good. This was going perfectly.
Spiders? What spiders?
Hahahahahaha. Yeah. In her dreams. I KNOW RIGHT?? Funny. Of course she was more impressive. Maggie only grinned though, rolling her eyes at Zeke looking somewhat confused by the whole thing. Oh boys. It was a girl thing. Of course he wouldn't understand. Silly Gryffindor.
"ANYWAY!" Enough about their impressiveness. "Thank you for...being SO brave." Maggie moved towards Zeke and...gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But you need protect Hady now." Which technically could be taken as an insult to both of them because it implied that a) Hady NEEDED protecting and b) Zeke couldn't handle protecting both of them.
However, Maggie was smiling all the while, so OBVIOUSLY it couldn't be meant as an insult, right?
And with yet another grin and a small wave to the both of them, Maggie skipped off.
To...err...some place else. Away from the door though. Obviously.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Slytherin girls are super confusing, it's a thing
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
SPOILER!!: Fellow Snakette and Lion!
Either the two of them were just that into their conversation or Hady was just that good with being quiet. Even when she wasn't attempting to be. Maggie noticed her first though and greeted her with a-a...was that a smile? Holy crow! Hady could hardly think of a handful of times she'd seen that girl smile and even less that were directed at her. So being the ever fair Slytherin that she was she gave a small nod of her head and just the slightest of grins to her. She also didn't miss what the blonde had said about Zeke as well just as she'd tapped the boys shoulder.
Zeke? Maggie had called Zeke Gallant. There was plenty of things Hady could come up with for Zeke but that had never been one of them. Right now though she didn't feel it in the moment to bring up what she thought of her Lion. For he already knew. Which is why she kept her mouth shut simply waiting for him to turn around.
And when he did turn she was greeted with his usual grin as well as his one armed hugged. Hady slid both her arms around him lightly however greatly welcoming the hug even if it was a quick one. It was just long enough though she her to lean her head forward enough and just barely whisper into his ear, "Where have you been?" before pulling back when she was let go. Her eyes scanning over him quickly checking to see that he hadn't been hurt, her own eyes showing just a hint of worry for a tiny moment before she quickly masked the feeling.
Zeke was talking once again and this time his question was directed at Hady however he was asking her about...Maggie. Letting out a small breath of air she shifted her eyes towards the girl in question before looking back at her friend not having missed the way he 'cooed' when he spoke to Maggie a moment ago. Zeke had been teasing her right? That was what the cooing was about? But then he was also looking at her fellow house mate as if he were just noticing Maggie. Whatever was happening here she didn't know and she was certain she didn't want to know. She didn't even want to answer the question but it was Zeke and she ALWAYS answered him. "Just because you live with someone doesn't always mean you know them." Could she just leave it at that? Please. It was the truth really so no lying had been done.
Her fingers tightening around her wand Hady cast a quick glance over her shoulder towards the main doors making sure things were still alright. So far no giant spiders arriving to kill her...or them.
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
SPOILER!!: Snakette and Lion
His answer made her laugh softly. Her first laugh in quite some time actually. "Charming? Uh-huh sure you are," she teased softly smirking at all. Clearly she knew exactly what he'd meant but the way he had worded his response left it open for her to joke with him a bit. There was noway she'd pass up that chance.
Hady's reply to Zeke's questions though cost her a-a hug? Another hug. What was it with all the hugs from people today? Not that she was complaining really but a hug from Maggie?! Now that was something different and confusing. Even if she didn't think of Maggie and herself being all that close let alone all buddy-buddy the third year somewhat returned the half hug thing or whatever it was. As well as a playful roll of her eyes. Really? Maggie. More impressive then her? Nah-uh.
"In your dreams Maggie," Hady replied grinning a little her eyes showing a hint of possible playfulness. Maybe. Or maybe she was being serious. It was kind of hard to tell right then for her gaze shifted back to Zeke. Nothing seemed to impress her much anymore.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Text Cut: You two cuties. <3
Oh, the cheese was with this one today, wasn't it?
Charming. Really.
Maggie's face clearly reflected what she thought of his words, and even Hady seemed to agree. Which was good because she wanted Hady on her side for all of this. Simply smirking slightly she watched the other two for a moment, positively surprised when her Slytherin dorm mate even returned the hug. Good. Very good. This was going perfectly.
Spiders? What spiders?
Hahahahahaha. Yeah. In her dreams. I KNOW RIGHT?? Funny. Of course she was more impressive. Maggie only grinned though, rolling her eyes at Zeke looking somewhat confused by the whole thing. Oh boys. It was a girl thing. Of course he wouldn't understand. Silly Gryffindor.
"ANYWAY!" Enough about their impressiveness. "Thank you for...being SO brave." Maggie moved towards Zeke and...gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But you need protect Hady now." Which technically could be taken as an insult to both of them because it implied that a) Hady NEEDED protecting and b) Zeke couldn't handle protecting both of them.
However, Maggie was smiling all the while, so OBVIOUSLY it couldn't be meant as an insult, right?
And with yet another grin and a small wave to the both of them, Maggie skipped off.
To...err...some place else. Away from the door though. Obviously.
Hady was laughing, Maggie wasn't, so he had succeeded in amusing at least one of them. "You know I am," he teased back, mirroring her smirk. Really though, he DID have it in him to be charming, he had manners and things, but it wasn't something he was going to display all the time.
And whatever was transpiring between the two girls came to an end - something he was thankful for, because deciphering one girls thoughts and actions were hard enough, let alone two of them. Not to mention when girls got together they were all sorts of strange.
He was still standing where he was when Maggie stepped closer, thanking him... for being so brave?
Uh, and there were lips on his cheek. Her lips were on his cheek?
Zeke nodded by way of saying 'you're welcome' or something to that effect, whether or not she was being sincere he wasn't able to comprehend at the minute, and nor did he really care. Lips. Cheek. What? Why?
Maggie's comment about protecting Hady almost went unheard as she left them, but there was nothing that would stop him from doing so, if it came to it. The suggestion wasn't necessary.
Slowly he turned his gaze to Hady. Did SHE know what just happened?
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: You two (Cause Hady ish keeping comments to herself :p
Oh, the cheese was with this one today, wasn't it?
Charming. Really.
Maggie's face clearly reflected what she thought of his words, and even Hady seemed to agree. Which was good because she wanted Hady on her side for all of this. Simply smirking slightly she watched the other two for a moment, positively surprised when her Slytherin dorm mate even returned the hug. Good. Very good. This was going perfectly.
Spiders? What spiders?
Hahahahahaha. Yeah. In her dreams. I KNOW RIGHT?? Funny. Of course she was more impressive. Maggie only grinned though, rolling her eyes at Zeke looking somewhat confused by the whole thing. Oh boys. It was a girl thing. Of course he wouldn't understand. Silly Gryffindor.
"ANYWAY!" Enough about their impressiveness. "Thank you for...being SO brave." Maggie moved towards Zeke and...gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But you need protect Hady now." Which technically could be taken as an insult to both of them because it implied that a) Hady NEEDED protecting and b) Zeke couldn't handle protecting both of them.
However, Maggie was smiling all the while, so OBVIOUSLY it couldn't be meant as an insult, right?
And with yet another grin and a small wave to the both of them, Maggie skipped off.
To...err...some place else. Away from the door though. Obviously.
Hady was laughing, Maggie wasn't, so he had succeeded in amusing at least one of them. "You know I am," he teased back, mirroring her smirk. Really though, he DID have it in him to be charming, he had manners and things, but it wasn't something he was going to display all the time.
And whatever was transpiring between the two girls came to an end - something he was thankful for, because deciphering one girls thoughts and actions were hard enough, let alone two of them. Not to mention when girls got together they were all sorts of strange.
He was still standing where he was when Maggie stepped closer, thanking him... for being so brave?
Uh, and there were lips on his cheek. Her lips were on his cheek?
Zeke nodded by way of saying 'you're welcome' or something to that effect, whether or not she was being sincere he wasn't able to comprehend at the minute, and nor did he really care. Lips. Cheek. What? Why?
Maggie's comment about protecting Hady almost went unheard as she left them, but there was nothing that would stop him from doing so, if it came to it. The suggestion wasn't necessary.
Slowly he turned his gaze to Hady. Did SHE know what just happened?
Hady rolled her eyes at Zeke holding back a laugh. "Oh totally. Most charming Lion I know," she commented with a small grin. Was he really? Probably but then again she wasn't that close with any other guy Lion's as she was with him. So it probably didn't count much then.
Maggie didn't exactly comment on what she'd said earlier and that was fine by her. They could move on with all this. Whatever this was. Confusion! Yeah it finally occurred to her that this was confusion. None of it made any sense. Especially when Maggie moved closer to Zeke and thanked him. The blonde thanked him. Zeke. What the heck was going on here? Something strange because then Maggie also went and kissed his cheek. Hady was beyond confused but she managed to keep a straight face not letting anything show. Seriously though had Maggie been bitten by something and she was confused? Cause the girl just didn't seem like herself right now.
And then to make things more complicated it was suggested that Zeke protect her. Hady! No. Just no. She did not need protection. She was way more then capable to handle herself thank you very much. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear Hady focused herself not to glare in Maggie's direction, rather she just looked away from them both for a moment.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Where were they? Where they all safe? Did they get to Noel? Were Benny and Benzi still in one piece? What about Hayley and Logan? Marsha nipped at her bottom lip as she waited anxiously for everyone to return. Were the Professors still in one piece? Had they managed to get awat from the acromantulas?
Okay... beginning to feel annoyed at being left behind people. Being in the dark wasn't fun AT ALL.