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The black lake stretches for some distance along the shores of Hogwart's Castle and is home to the school's own Giant Squid. Some say if you stand out here long enough yelling his name you might catch a sighting of him but some may be lying and you'll possibly end up with a sore throat but no squid to show for it.
Along the edge of the lake is a small swimming dock for the adventurous who don't think walking into the water is a big enough entrance. By the dock are small boats that can be taken out for a lovely afternoon of sailing--after you've gotten the Groundkeeper's permission. Be sure to wear the life vests and no pushing!
There are also several trees by the lake, one with a hole and a hollow inside filled with books that have been left there over time. If you take one, be sure to place one in exchange to keep the system alive.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Another day and another time to check her flag to see what the tide level was at!!
Yawning, Lux stepped outside the castle and towards the lake. Of course she had managed to eat breakfast first because there was no way that she would do work on an empty stomach. It just wasn't possible for her. She had also been a good student, and woke up early to do this recording. Yep. Here she was at 8:00 am. Even earlier than yesterday!!
Reaching the shore, she waded into the water with her rain boots. It wasn't hard to spot her flag and she was glad that she remembered EXACTLY where she had put it. Time to measure and see if the tide was higher or lower than it had been yesterday. Sticking her ruler under the water, she placed it right against the pole and took note of the exact spot the water line reached. The information was then recorded into her notes:
SPOILER!!: Notes
8:30 a.m.
Placed flag 3'' into the ground a few feet from the shoreline. Water level measured at 6'' which means a relatively low tide.
2:42 p.m.
Checked water level exactly 6 hours and 12.5 minutes after first recording. Water level is still relatively low, increasing by .25''. Water is as calm as it was during the first recording.
8:00 a.m.
Water level is relatively low at 6.5'', which is .5'' higher than yesterday morning's reading. Water also seems to have traveled a few cm up the lake bed. Water has remained calm.
Satisfied with her work, Lux put the ruler away and made her way back to the castle.
Hufflepuffs and their NEVER ENDING energy! Tobias’s high spirits put Adi in ann even better mood because it was THAT contagious. “Gosh, you weigh a TON, Toby!’’ he kidded as his friend splashed into the water. Cue the fake huffs and puffs! LOL. “You’re.’’ Huff. “Welcome.’’ Puffff!
Chuckling to himself, Adi retrieved his own ruler from his pocket. His parchment and quill were in his bag but he would update his notes later. The important thing was to get the measuring done. As Toby did his own, the sixth year sought out his own flag. Locating it and after checking his watch to ensure that it was at least six hours and twelve minutes since the flag had been first stuck in the water, he held the ruler against it just as he earlier.
Adi peered closely at the little lines on the ruler, wanting to ensure that he got the correct measurement. You know, he was actually a little disappointed in what he saw. Even though he knew that there shouldn’t be much change but he was hoping there would have been.
He looked over at Toby. “Nope. Three point seven inches here. Point seven inch more than this morning.’’ Which would be a little over one and a half centimetre difference, yes? His calculations could be off. The Puffer made a mental note of his finding as he waded over to Toby, ruler back in his pocket. “What did youuu come up with?”
WHAT?! Well, Toby certainly had never been told that before. He didn't mind though, 'cause it wasn't like a proper insult, and maybe Adi was joking, so he played along. "Oi! Rude!" Oh, it was soooooooo tempting to splash the other boy, and he actually sort of went to do so, but REMEMBERED himself just in time. So nah. Naahhhhh. No splashy.
"Mine went up by a few centimetres," Toby said, reaching the shore and debating between adding to his notes NOW or drying himself off first. In the end he went for drying, 'cause if his notes got WET the ink would run and smudge and then today's work would be pointless. Sooooo he got to work with the hot air charm. "Which is like... one-and-a-bit inches." Maybe 'cause he'd been further out? Did it work like that? Maybe it was just... magic. Or a dodgy ruler. He finished drying off (kinda... he was now MOSTLY dry at least, save the squelching shoes, and was now belatedly thinking he should have used Impervius).
Toby reached his bag and extracted his crumpled notes, adding the new measurement underneath this morning's one, and checking his watch for the exact time. He hadn't got it at EXACTLY the right moment but close enough. Airey had said 'approximately', anyway.
Day 1 - 6:03am
Flag placed a few metres out from shoreline
Water level/depth/whatever = 2 feet exactly
Day 1 - 12:17pm
Water level thingy = 2'1.2"
Basically an extra three centimetres than what it was this morning
For a moment, Toby looked over the measurements so far, and mused over whether that was normal, or less than usual, or more. Well... he'd find out eventually, over the next week, right? "Looks like I'm done then..." Maybe? LOOKS LIKE IT.
And so, Toby shoved the notes unceremoniously back into his battered school bag and grinned at Adi.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Another 6 hours and 12.5 minutes later, Lux was making the trek down to the lake so that she could take her afternoon measurement. She was on fire with this homework assignment, and getting a lot of use out of her rain boots!! Yaaaay for her!!
Stopping at the shore, she rolled her pant legs up. She hadn't bothered to do that earlier today because sleepy, and as a result she had gotten all wet. Even though a drying spell had solved the issue in no time, it was still preferred to not have wet clothes. Call her picky. Hehe. Now it was time for her to get started!!
Smiling, Lux stepped into the water and headed over to the flag. She could already tell that the water had moved a little further along the shoreline because the position of her flag in relation to the shore was a bit different. That would be made a note of in her observations, but for now she was going to do her measurement. The ruler was placed in the water, and she made a note of how many inches was submerged. Her findings were recorded in her notes:
SPOILER!!: Notes
8:30 a.m.
Placed flag 3'' into the ground a few feet from the shoreline. Water level measured at 6'' which means a relatively low tide.
2:42 p.m.
Checked water level exactly 6 hours and 12.5 minutes after first recording. Water level is still relatively low, increasing by .25''. Water is as calm as it was during the first recording.
8:00 a.m.
Water level is relatively low at 6.5'', which is .5'' higher than yesterday morning's reading. Water also seems to have traveled a few cm up the lake bed. Water has remained calm.
2:12 p.m.
Water level is relatively low. An increase of .25'' from this morning. This is the same amount of increase as there was between yesterday morning and afternoon. Water has moved a little further along the shoreline and continues to be calm.
There. Today's work was done. Pleased, Lux placed her notebook back in her bag before heading back to the castle.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Squishy
Lux could tell that Professor Cassie didn't like thinking about what happened, because she frowned. Best not to dwell on the subject. Nodding, she said, "Healer Murdoch is amazing." She had literally saved him and Bay.
Asking Professor Thompson about the squid was a great idea. [b]"We should! And maybe if we call out to him that will work too!! Clearing her throat, she cupped her hands around her mouth. "Bartholomew Henreeeeey." Hehe, would that work?? Lux was really curious to find out as she eagerly gazed at that water. If not, maybe she could start singing to him... There were loads of songs about the water and he could like one of those!
Keeping her eyes glued to the water, Lux nodded. It was true that weird stuff always seemed to happen at this school. Honestly she wondered half the time how Hogwarts was allowed to stay open. "Oh, how come you had to share a common room?" Interesting. Too bad it hadn't been Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but it was what it was. "It's always good to think of the memories! So you and Professor Glendower have been friends all along?" Aww, that was sweet. It was amazing to have best friends and she loved hers. "And that's very true about adventures! They seem to be a very Gryffindor thing as well." But she didn't want to break her promise. There were loads of adventures to have on land!
Cassie was looking out at the lake when she heard Lux say about Cece, her smile grew and she nodded, “Yes we are very lucky to have such a talented healer. She really is amazing.” Leo would have probably been so much worse if it hadn’t been for her that term. Giving her a few appreciative snaps, Cassie looked back at the lake.
“Oh goodness.” She jumped as Lux yelled Bartholomew’s name, “I’m not sure that’s the best way to get him, but if he is near the surface I’m sure he would hear.” Though she wasn’t sure she’d yell for him he might get scared away. Moving a bit closer she looked down into the lake, “It’s starting to get colder out, so maybe he is spending more time towards the bottom.” The winter weather was going to be there before they knew it, so she wouldn’t be surprised if he did try to stay deeper in the warmer waters.
She tried to think about her seventh term, it had been lots of fun and a very found set of memories, though she wasn’t fully remembering why it went the way it did. “A flood if I remember correctly.” Yes, she thought that was right. Chuckling as she thought of her best friend she nodded again, “Yes we were childhood friends even before coming here. I remember being so exciting seeing her sorted into my house.” Nessa being a bit younger was hard while she was at school and Nessa wasn’t, but it soon changed when she arrived at school. “You don’t have to be a Gryffindor to have an adventurous side.” She grinned hoping Lux didn’t use houses to hold her back on doing fun things.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
After his last afternoon lecture, Ethan quickly made his way towards the Black Lake for the last time to finish his Astronomy homework. The Slytherin was fully aware that he needed to be on the spot before the scheduled time. He did break into a run still because...well, the lake was kind of far, but he did manage to reach his flag five minutes before 6:12 P.M.
As he gulped for air, the Slytherin took out his notebook, muggle ruler. One minute before the time, Ethan settled his notebook on the ground, and stuck his ruler against his flag. The thing is...he can’t see a thing...or if he’s reading the right flag. The Slytherin got his wand out, and non-verbally casted a light with it. “Lumos.”
Yep, right flag! Ethan then directed his wand towards the ruler, and took note of the measurement. Well, the moon has started to pull on the water because it gave him a higher reading versus the one he got earlier.
Picking up his notebook, he scribbled down his findings:
SPOILER!!: Notebook Day 2 PM/Evening
Day 1 :: 6:00:12 AM (Monday)
Water’s distance from flag is at 11.55”. Low tide.
Day 1 :: 12:12:30 PM (Monday)
Water’s distance from flag is at 13.25”. Low tide. Moon’s pull weaker at high noon.
Day 2 :: 12:00:05 PM (Friday)
Flag’s base is now covered in water. Water is at 0.5 centimetres from the base. High tide today.
Day 2 :: 6:12:30 PM (Friday)
Flag’s base still covered in water. Water is at 0.72 centimetres from the base. Moon has a stronger pull during the evening.
And he reckoned it will get higher after six hours. Happy with his results, the sixth year stood up and kept his notebook and muggle ruler inside his pocket as he eyed the lake before him. Ever since he stepped in Hogwarts, he had never interacted properly with Bartholomew. The last Astronomy lesson was an exception though, because that was official business. Ethan absent-mindedly waved at the lake, assuming that the giant squid was lurking in the shadows, keeping an eye out on his beloved lake.
With a grin, Ethan turned and raised his illuminated wand, and headed back to the castle. Dinner time!
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Her mental notes were repeated over and over until she was able to find something to write on. It was actually a chocolate frog wrapper, but that didn't matter. It wasn't like she was going to turn that part in. AJ would transfer it to a nice and clean sheet of parchment... probably ten minutes before she had to hand it in. Ahem.
There were even more orange flags then there was this morning. It was a good thing AJ drew a unicorn on hers so she would know which one it was. Most people probably just put their name on the flag, but where was the fun in that? Wading out in the water the lion spotted her flag. Okay. Now she just needed to know how much of a difference there was from this morning.
She smoother out her chocolate wrapper and checked her watch. It was exactly six hours and twelve and a half minutes later. Would it really matter if she was a few minutes late, she wondered. Not only that, but if she did happen to be late she just wouldn't tell Airey. AJ would just mark down the time she should have been there on her little log and no one would know any better.
All she needed now was her handy dandy ruler. Where did she put that thing? AJ patted herself down, and was just about to get upset when she found it in her back pocket. Oh yeah. It had been smacking her back while she walked out here. How could she forget it was there? Anywho...
The measurement was now reading two feet and three inches. What was that in centimeters again? AJ walked back to the shore and jotted down more information on her chocolate wrapper.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Hehe. Toby was joking tooooo! Adi just KNEW it. Someone so bouncy and friendly could not get angry that easily, riiiight?
Okay, so there was bit of a difference between his and Tobias's measurements, reasons to which he would figure out later. But first, he needed to write down his findings! He followed his fellow Hufflepuff onto the sandy shore and collapsed on the ground. Naaah, he didn't care about getting sand on his clothing. He could clean all that up in a flash.
Out came his parchment and quill.
SPOILER!!: Astronomy Tide Log!
Aditya Rehman Astronomy Homework- Tide Log Day One: 6:00
It's a great morning for a wade out into the Lake and get started on homework. The Flag was stuck 4 feet off shore and the water measures three and a half inches.
Day One: 12:12/12:13 PM
This midday, the water rose to 3.7 inches, point seven inches more than the morning's measurement. Not much of a difference there.
Annnnnd done! Updating his notes and day one's measurement were both down. Six more days to go! Adi returned the grin to Toby. "See you around. I'll remind you about this for the next six days.'' Indeed he would. In the meanwhile, Adi would just flop here and enjoy the cooooold. Hehe.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
After having put the flag into the lake earlier in the day, Zander had gone about his daily life activities without so much as thinking of the tides. It was only when he sat down to attack some of the homework that had been piling up, that he finally realized HE HAD AN ASTRONOMY LOG!! Ahem. Cool. Totally cool. The Gryffindor was suuuuuper lucky because only 6 hours had gone by and he still had time to get down there before it got too late. HA. See, he had actually planned this the whole time.
It took some effort to get moving, 'cause he was in a very comfy corner of the Reading Room, but he grabbed his ruler, wand, and a snack for later before walking out to the lake. Now came the hard part: trying to find the flag. If only he had charmed it a different color or something. That way he could tell it a part from the others. Sigh. The things he only thought about once it was already too late.
Though, he quickly remembered trying to get his a little further into the water HA!in attempt to help him spot it much easier. Found ya! It was also pretty easy to spot the giant loopy handwriting from a few feet back. With that in mind, the Gryffindor set out to make some more measurements, though he had to roll up his trousers before hand so that they didn't get wet on the way into the lake.
Once that was taken care of, he quickly made his way towards the flag, sticking his ruler into the dirt right up against it. Cooool. Now he just had to make a reading and then TADA all done for the day. See, this homework stuff wasn't even that hard. It just wasn't any fun. He wasn't having fun, okay? Okay, okay... Maybe a little. But it wasn't every day that you got to go into the lake for homework.
Anyways, he watched as the water hit the ruler a few times, but waited for the ripples to settle down before he came up with a solid measurement. Annnnnnnnnnnnnd oh. It wasn't even that big of a difference. Huh. Was he doing this wrong? Couldn't help but wonder, y'know? Anyways, he tried to commit the number 103 cm to memory as he ran back to his small pile of stuff. Once on land, he quickly took out his notebook and began scribbling, noting that there was only a 1 cm difference from earlier in the day. Was that 'cause of the tides?! Or... Just because of human error?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Abby laughed as Tyler played along with her and teased and said "Well it is your favourite bad girl" Abby knew that he knew it was her and that is what she loved about Ty
Tyler pretended to think for awhile although he knew that it was Abby. "Hm...my favorite bad girl huh? " Tyler asked her chuckling. "Would it happen to be my beautiful and smart girlfriend?"Tyler asked smirking.
I got nine lives here in this wasteland don't care I'll drive car in the ground Don't need nobody to save me, give up you know I'm never slowing down!
It was as nice a day as any for a walk, done outside of the walls and away from papers and books. Refreshing, to say the least, except that not only were there a plethoria of kids out and about, but memories seemed just as eager to rush up and greet him. Made his walk-patrol a bit difficult, and mightly distracting.
And so it had taken him some time to make it towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest, stopping a good hundred paces or so where the trees swallowed up the afternoon light. A frown held its place on his brow as he stooped to pick up a few flat faced rocks. They got a thoughtful turn in his hands before he sent one skipping across the black water, bounding along the sleek surface like his thoughts skittered across memories and contemplations.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Kace came back at night to see how his tide flag was going. As he neared the site of where his flag should be, he got out his notes and began to check them just in case. As he checked them, he noticed he needed his reading from tonight. Then he began to measure how much the tide had changed.
SPOILER!!: Kace's Notebook
Kace Lecium
Astro Log
Tidal Wave Assignment
Day 1 @ 8am: The Flag was like 3 feet off shore from what I could tell and the water measures 2 inches. That seems a bit close but hey what can you do.
Day 1 @ 7pm: I came back a little bit late to see if the tide had changed. I realized the tide was kind of high. The measurement is only 3 inches from where it was originally. So basically the water leveled rose.
Difference- 2 inches for Day One.
Now onto doing the next day. I mean it was Monday now. He would possibly try this out tomorrow before this assignment was due for the next class. He got his flag and name and took it away to be used for the next time he was here. He saw Puck was struggling and at least he wasn't the only one.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Cassie was looking out at the lake when she heard Lux say about Cece, her smile grew and she nodded, “Yes we are very lucky to have such a talented healer. She really is amazing.” Leo would have probably been so much worse if it hadn’t been for her that term. Giving her a few appreciative snaps, Cassie looked back at the lake.
“Oh goodness.” She jumped as Lux yelled Bartholomew’s name, “I’m not sure that’s the best way to get him, but if he is near the surface I’m sure he would hear.” Though she wasn’t sure she’d yell for him he might get scared away. Moving a bit closer she looked down into the lake, “It’s starting to get colder out, so maybe he is spending more time towards the bottom.” The winter weather was going to be there before they knew it, so she wouldn’t be surprised if he did try to stay deeper in the warmer waters.
She tried to think about her seventh term, it had been lots of fun and a very found set of memories, though she wasn’t fully remembering why it went the way it did. “A flood if I remember correctly.” Yes, she thought that was right. Chuckling as she thought of her best friend she nodded again, “Yes we were childhood friends even before coming here. I remember being so exciting seeing her sorted into my house.” Nessa being a bit younger was hard while she was at school and Nessa wasn’t, but it soon changed when she arrived at school. “You don’t have to be a Gryffindor to have an adventurous side.” She grinned hoping Lux didn’t use houses to hold her back on doing fun things.
Lux knew that Professor Cassie would feel appreciative of the Healer. Not only because she had saved Mr. Kitridge, but because she was such a nice woman. Was there anyone that she DIDN'T like?? Giggling at the snaps, she did some of her own. "These are fun." Snap. Snap. Snap. Snaps for the Healer. Snaps for everyone.
She hadn't meant to startle anyone. Just having some fun and hoping to cause a stir in the water. That would mean that Bartholomew Henry was around and listening. Curiously she headed closer to the water with Professor Cassie. Perhaps she was right, because the cold weather wasn't so nice. Maybe squids didn't like it much either. "Maybe he is going down where the mermaids are." Lux wished that she could see the mermaids but didn't think it was possible unless they came to the surface. Biting her lip, she picked up a small stone and skipped it across the water. "I don't like the cold either. I'd much rather be in the heat." Though humidity could be awful as well.
It was interesting to hear that Hogwarts had flooded. Lux could never imagine it happening. The lake was big, but it didn't seem big enough to cover a whole castle. "Did you see the mermaids then?" It would be so cool if Professor Cassie saw mermaids. Maybe she saw them with Professor Glendower! "Friends are amazing, but I lost some of mine." Oh well. It was what it was and she was totally cool with it. Sometimes friendships weren't meant to last. "But I have a lot of close ones who are in Hufflepuff with me. We are an awesome House, aren't we?" Lux loved Hufflepuff though she was trying to get more in touch with her Gryffindor side. "I've had some adventures! Like with the cartography club when we found the Chamber of Secrets. And we also found a secret passageway!"
It was as nice a day as any for a walk, done outside of the walls and away from papers and books. Refreshing, to say the least, except that not only were there a plethoria of kids out and about, but memories seemed just as eager to rush up and greet him. Made his walk-patrol a bit difficult, and mightly distracting.
And so it had taken him some time to make it towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest, stopping a good hundred paces or so where the trees swallowed up the afternoon light. A frown held its place on his brow as he stooped to pick up a few flat faced rocks. They got a thoughtful turn in his hands before he sent one skipping across the black water, bounding along the sleek surface like his thoughts skittered across memories and contemplations.
It was a nice day indeed, and being a person who'd spent 12 years of his life mostly outdoors, Cosgrah didn't miss this chance. So he made his way to the lake to watch the waters and...
...ah, a fellow colleague!
Well, Cosgrach wouldn't be able to stay alone - unless Sabel shooed him away, so he made his way to the young man.
"A lovely day, huh?" he said casually as he, too, stared into the depths of the forest.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Ruler, parchment and quill was in one pocket...the shaft of a bright orange flag was gripped within the palm of his right hand. Benny was ready to set up his little part in the astronomy homework. Of course as he made his way down to the Black Lake after breakfast, it was clear he was far from the first one there. Numerous orange flags already in place reminded him why his name was written on his own flag.
Benjamin Atreyu
Not that he expected to be one of the first ones,given when the assignment had been given first of all. He really had to work on his time management. At least he still had the week he needed to do it. Making his way down to a less occupied portion of the lake's coastline, Benny looked around for his best choice of flag locals. Some were on the ground at the water's edge or a little within the water...others were farther out.
Finally making a decision, he took off his socks and shoes, thankful he had opted for shorts with the idea of working around water. Benny then waded into the water a couple of feet and stuck the pole of his flag down into the muck at the bottom. The boy careful to make sure it was secure before letting go of it. He then took out his borrowed ruler and began measuring the distance from his flag to the waterline on the score, stepping out of the water in the process.
"28 inches" he mused aloud as he swapped ruler for quill and wrote it down for his records. A good enough place to start.
Benjamin Atreyu
Astonomy Tide Records.
Day 1:
- 9:14am - Flag is 28 inches from the shore.
All written up and satisfied, he took note of the time and left the lake, planning on his next appearance later in the day.
Time to go measure his waves for day two. Kace went to bed early and he got some good sleep. As he made his way to the lake before breakfast he noticed the tide was really low. Hmm perfect condition to log. He saw his flag already in the mud. He went to look at it and it was low. It was only like one inch as he measured with his ruler. He nodded and began to log it in...
SPOILER!!: Kace's Log
Kace Lecium
Astro Log
Tidal Wave Assignment
Day 1 @ 8am: The Flag was like 3 feet off shore from what I could tell and the water measures 2 inches. That seems a bit close but hey what can you do.
Day 1 @ 7pm: I came back a little bit late to see if the tide had changed. I realized the tide was kind of high. The measurement is only one inches from where it was originally. So basically the water leveled rose.
Total: 3 inches all together for Day One.
Day 2 @ 7am- The next day I noticed the tide is really low. I measured only one inch from the bottom.
He hoped his log made sense. After recording his measurements, he felt his stomach rumble and he needed to get breakfast. He packed his stuff up and then went to the great hall. He would come back this afternoon. He was gonna eat some pancakes and bagels now that sounds good.
Kace made his way back to the lake to see if the tide changed. He only measured once inch this morning. I mean that was pretty low. He had his ruler and log with him. He realized the tide didn't really change. He frowned and it only raised another inch. So I guess 2 inches all together is what it measured. He began to log for Day Two in the evening.
SPOILER!!: Kace's Log
Kace Lecium
Astro Log
Tidal Wave Assignment
Day 1 @ 8am: The Flag was like 3 feet off shore from what I could tell and the water measures 2 inches. That seems a bit close but hey what can you do.
Day 1 @ 7pm: I came back a little bit late to see if the tide had changed. I realized the tide was kind of high. The measurement is only one inches from where it was originally. So basically the water leveled rose.
Total: 3 inches all together for Day One.
Day 2 @ 7am- The next day I noticed the tide is really low. I measured only one inch from the bottom.
Day 2 @ 5pm- As I came back just before dinner, I realized the tide didn't really change. It only risen up to one inch. All in all the flag read 2 inches for the day.
With that done and he hoped he did the assignment right, he was now off to get some well deserved dinner after doing some studying. He got his flag and was going to return his supplies now. This homework assignment was kind of interesting though.
It was a nice day indeed, and being a person who'd spent 12 years of his life mostly outdoors, Cosgrah didn't miss this chance. So he made his way to the lake to watch the waters and...
...ah, a fellow colleague!
Well, Cosgrach wouldn't be able to stay alone - unless Sabel shooed him away, so he made his way to the young man.
"A lovely day, huh?" he said casually as he, too, stared into the depths of the forest.
The stone left Sabel's hand at an awkward toss, the jerk from the startling address sending it spinning sideways into the calm lake. Sabel blinked at the ripples for a moment before straightening and looking over, a moment passing before recognition put a name to the face and a small smile on his lips.
"Professor Culloden." Should he even be calling other Professors, Professors? He was hardly a kid at Hogwarts anymore. He turned a stone in his hand, noting the direction of the man's gaze before he tossed one of the rocks easily to him.
"It most certainly is." Turning back to the lake, he skipped another stone across the surface. "What brings you out here? Reprieve from duty, or just enjoying the weather?"
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
You know what was super annoying? Having to get up early to go and check on her little orange flag. The only thing that was harder than that was remembering to do so. AJ wasn't a person that was on time. In fact she was almost always late. It had been quite an adjustment getting to her classes on time. The professors didn't take too kindly to lateness. Go figure. People sure were hard to please sometimes.
As the lion made her way down to the lake, a thought occurred to her. Did she even have to get her so early? Her eyes bulged out of her head as she tried to remember where it said that on her homework memo. Really AJ? She was just going to pretend that she was one hundred percent sure she had to be here at the crack of dawn. (it was only like 8:30 am) It was the only way she could stand to be around herself at the moment. And considering she couldn't exactly leave herself behind, it was a good idea not to annoy herself. Merlin, this was going to be a long day with AJ.
Wading out in the water, she spotted her unicorn from a bit of a distance. Being different could really pay off. She didn't have to try and find her name in a sea of orange flags. Who else could find their flag this quickly? Nobody, that's who.
Okay. She needed to measure this thing again. Pulling out her ruler, she saw that the current measurement was 2 feet and 3.5 inches. Were was her log at? She had transferred her findings from the chocolate wrapper to an actual piece of paper. Looks like it went up .5 inches. The tide seemed to be on the same track. In the mornings it was higher. At least it had been for her. The fourth year scribbled down her latest reading and made her way back to shore. She needed food, and she needed it now.
SPOILER!!: log
Day 1 8:00:00 AM
2 feet and 4 inches
Day 1 2:12:05 PM
2 feet and 3 inches
Difference: 2.54 CM or 1 IN
*Slightly lower tide.
Day 2 8:30:00 AM
2 feet and 3.5 inches
Difference from Day 1: .5 IN or 1.27 CM
*Seems that the tide is higher in the mornings.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Crunch, cruuuunch, crunch.
Those were the noises heard when Simon walked on the leaf covered grass towards the Black Lake. In fact, the sixteen year old boy couldn't see the green grass below him. The wind picked up slightly, making him shiver and wish that he brought a jacket. Winter was coming. And he knew it would be here quite soon.
Hopefully the winter wouldn't be like his third year here where it was almost an eternal winter with magical ice zombies. He chuckled, remembering Zander's, his mate, suspicions about Professor Romanos. Oh those were good times.
After finding a comfy spot by a tree with a gorgeous view of the Black Lake, Simon pulled out his notebook and began jotting down some ideas of what he wanted to accomplish this year. He needed some goals. The boy had plans that needed to be achieved on time.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by Alexia Lestrange
Tyler pretended to think for awhile although he knew that it was Abby. "Hm...my favorite bad girl huh? " Tyler asked her chuckling. "Would it happen to be my beautiful and smart girlfriend?"Tyler asked smirking.
Abby smiled at Ty and said "Yeah i think you have got it in one Ty, i have missed you a lot"
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Setting an alarm would have most likely been smart on her part because time had a tendency to get away from her. Hogwarts had a thing about electronics and stuff so she didn't know if it would even work, but that sure would be an awesome excuse to use. Airey probably wouldn't let it fly though. She could feel a space rant coming up about responsibilities... the kind of thing that had absolutely nothing to do with space, but he always managed to throw it in anyways. It just so happened that she was right on time so the rant could be avoided. Thank merlin for small miracles.
Wading once more out into the water, the brunette spotted her flag and made way over to it. Feeling around in her pocket, she found a chocolate bar and popped it into her mouth. Before she had gotten very far out, she stepped on something and lost her footing. During the fiasco, she swallowed a large piece of chocolate whole.
Cough. Splutter. DEATH
Flopping around and trying to breathe at the same time proved to be difficult. This was the end. She was going to die doing homework. This was the worst possible way to go. At the very least it was the chocolate that was going to take her out. Death by chocolate wasn't too bad. It had a certain ring to it. Finally it dislodged and she threw up a smidgen in the lake. There were only a few chunks. No big deal. Totes nothing to see here.
After her near death experience, she finally reached her flag, and grabbed ahold of her ruler. The measurements now read 2 feet and 3 inches. That meant that her measurement was right back to what it was at the end of the first day. Boring. AJ jotted down her notes in the middle of the water. She wasn't always the brightest crayon in the box. Time to go back to her common room and find some more chocolate. What were the odds that she would choke again? No really. What were the odds? She wasn't a Ravenclaw!
SPOILER!!: log
Day 1 8:00:00 AM
2 feet and 4 inches
Day 1 2:12:05 PM
2 feet and 3 inches
Difference: 2.54 CM or 1 IN
*Slightly lower tide.
Day 2 8:30:00 AM
2 feet and 3.5 inches
Difference from Day 1: .5 IN or 1.27 CM
*Seems that the tide is higher in the mornings.
Day 2 2:42:05 PM
2 feet and 3 inches.
Difference: .5 IN or 1.27 CM
*Tide went down a smidge. Water is boring. The only eventful thing that happened was me choking on my chocolate and blowing chunks in the water.[
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
So Zander had been planning to go out to the lake before breakfast, but he woke up slightly late. And one thing lead to another... And well, he didn't even have time to get breakfast. When it came down to it, he cared more about food than about homework. So if he had to make a decision, it would've been breakfast. You know? So with this in mind, of course he didn't even have time to make it down to the lake beforehand. Unfortunately.
So on his way down to the kitchens, he remembered that he had a flag sticking in the water and that maybe he could just get the measurements out of the way while he was already down there because that sounded like a good plan. So yeah, stopped by the kitchens to pick up a few muffins and then made his way down to the black lake.
It was really, really difficult putting his muffins down, but he'd just make sure to keep an eye on them while he went to make his measurements. Speaking of which, he kind of remembered where he had put the flag, so this time around it didn't take him as long to find it. Ha. Thank Merlin. He still had to finish up his Runes homework after this.
Anyways, he stuck the ruler down into the lake, trying to wait for the water to settle down a bit before he made any observations. The water actually did look lower this morning, he could tell. Maybe. Actually, what did he know? He didn't have an eye for this kind of thing. Oh. 102 cm. Alright. That sounds about right. He practically ran back to the grass to grab a muffin and only after devouring it whole did he remember to jot down his notes.
Ahem. He'd be back here later. Yup.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Emms
Crunch, cruuuunch, crunch.
Those were the noises heard when Simon walked on the leaf covered grass towards the Black Lake. In fact, the sixteen year old boy couldn't see the green grass below him. The wind picked up slightly, making him shiver and wish that he brought a jacket. Winter was coming. And he knew it would be here quite soon.
Hopefully the winter wouldn't be like his third year here where it was almost an eternal winter with magical ice zombies. He chuckled, remembering Zander's, his mate, suspicions about Professor Romanos. Oh those were good times.
After finding a comfy spot by a tree with a gorgeous view of the Black Lake, Simon pulled out his notebook and began jotting down some ideas of what he wanted to accomplish this year. He needed some goals. The boy had plans that needed to be achieved on time.
Ian was just chillin’ like a villain - quite literally chilling because holy macaroni was it COLD up in hurr, taking a stroll through the grounds because… Well, because why not. Also he was getting a little tired of just sitting around the boys’ dormitory playing muggle video games all day.
There was a head full of dark hair beneath the boy’s favorite tree.
Ian slowly approached the stranger, brown eyes narrowed suspiciously. Maybe if he peed on him the weirdo would go away and write his novel somewhere else. Seriously, who even sat around writing diary entries these days? Get with the program, kid.
“Hey, you’re in my spot,” announced Ian, poking the boy on the shoulder with the tip of his foot. He had yet to realize it wasn’t a stranger after all.
Mel grumbled. She got the supplies for Astronomy and now she had to go in the Black Lake... that meant getting wet. Melek hates water but she had to get over this one way or another... Mel needed to get this homework done and if she had to go into the lake twice daily for a week then that is what she was going to do. She got to the edge of the lake, finally. "Hello, Lakey... mind if I measure you?" Melek rolled her eyes at how weird she was then doubled and tripled checked that she got everything. She took out her log and quill and preceded to write after looking at her watch to figure out the time.
SPOILER!!: log
Melek Somnez Seventh Year Ravenclaw Astronomy Homework
Day 1:
Morning: 8:30 am
Melek waddled out a little and began marking her spot with the flags. She took out the measuring stick and started to measure the lake. She leaned closer, trying to get the most accurate reading then she waddled out, writing it down in her log.
SPOILER!!: log
Melek Somnez Seventh Year Ravenclaw Astronomy Homework
Day 1:
Morning: 8:30 am
The water was 2 feet and 1 inch.
She glanced at her watch. "I will see you about 2:42 give or take some minutes, Lakey." Melek sighed and dried off, packing everything and making sure that her flags were still in place before heading off to do her other homework and go to her classes.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Gryffindoll
Ian was just chillin’ like a villain - quite literally chilling because holy macaroni was it COLD up in hurr, taking a stroll through the grounds because… Well, because why not. Also he was getting a little tired of just sitting around the boys’ dormitory playing muggle video games all day.
There was a head full of dark hair beneath the boy’s favorite tree.
Ian slowly approached the stranger, brown eyes narrowed suspiciously. Maybe if he peed on him the weirdo would go away and write his novel somewhere else. Seriously, who even sat around writing diary entries these days? Get with the program, kid.
“Hey, you’re in my spot,” announced Ian, poking the boy on the shoulder with the tip of his foot. He had yet to realize it wasn’t a stranger after all.
Simon continued to write in his notebook. The boy had to accomplish many goals this year. Biting his lip, he moved his pen across the page, lightly and smoothly.
To do:
Advertise the consulting agency more
Prank Ethan
Cook in the kitchens
Give Zander the comic books
Ask Professor Botros and Flamsteed about being a Professor
Ask Agatha....
His quill slipped, making a lovely diagonal slash of ink across his page. "Not again," muttered Simon. This was the fourth time today, someone had messed up his handwriting. At least this time, it wasn't his homework. Simon raised an eyebrow at the boy poking him. "Ian? What are you doing here?" he asked, startled to see the Gryffindor boy again. Then the Slytherin realised how awkward his comment was. Biting his lip, he laughed. "Well of course, you go to the school..." Really smooth, Si. Very smooth. "Seat? This is your seat?" He laughed again, shaking his head. "What do you own it or have your name written on it?" Simon moved over slightly and began checking the grass for the name because for some reason, he had a feeling that Ian would be the type of person to label all of his seats.
Mel marched back to the lake about 6 hours ago. She had done the morning measurements about half past 8 and it was getting to be around 15 til 3 so she was just a few minutes late buuuuuut it shouldnt matter that much... right? Right... She sighed and took out her log and looked at her watch.
SPOILER!!: log
Melek Somnez Seventh Year Ravenclaw Astronomy Homework
Day 1:
Morning: 8:30 am
The water was 2 feet and 1 inch.
Afternoon: 2:45 pm (sorry for being about 2 and a half minutes late, professor)
She sighed and then looked for her flag before waddling into the lake. She took out the measuring stick but before she could get a measurement something touched her leg. Her eyes widened and she screeched. "AAAAAAAAAAH!" She dove underwater some to look around but she saw nothing. Melek came back to the surface and grumbled. "Lakey, behave now... I need to get measurements of you again... I am sorry if I am disturbing you but just hold on... it would take just a few moments!" She didnt know why she was talking to the lake but it was helping her from not freaking out about being in the water so... it didnt really matter that it was weird, ok? She went to get the measurement again and sighed in relief as she leaned in close and got the number. She swam back onto the bank and dried off before going to write in her log.
SPOILER!!: log
Melek Somnez Seventh Year Ravenclaw Astronomy Homework
Day 1:
Morning: 8:30 am
The water was 2 feet and 1 inch.
Afternoon: 2:45 pm (sorry for being about 2 and a half minutes late, professor)
The water was 2 feet and three-fourths of an inch.
The difference of the water levels was one-fourth of an inch. This might be caused by some disturbance when I freaked out because something that I dont know what it was brushed against my leg. The water appears to be higher in the morning but more observations will be needed to make sure.
She closed her log and looked out at the lake, "I will be back in the morning to come measure you again, Lakey... but this time be good and not cause me to nearly get a heart attack... I need the information for my astronomy homework!" Melek huffed and went back towards the castle thinking about stopping for a snack.