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The Snakes sit under a beautiful silver and green banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. The food will arrive after the Headmistress' traditional feast speech. To all Slytherins, both new and old: enjoy the feast!
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Most of the students at this table seemed pretty focused on talking with everyone else - which was alright. It gave her time to watch and see a bit of what they were like before she officially met any of them. So she noticed the girl that was saying something about pet rocks - and there was a kitten at this table? - and some boy was reading - and lots more.
Fascinating table, this was.
Originally Posted by Mordred
The golden haired boy sat beside his brooding Mordaunt cousin, and took a sip of water from his goblet without a word. There was not much to say anyway. As he placed his goblet down, he lazily watched the sorting before them, and clapped occasionally when a new student got sorted into the Snake House. One of them sat close to them, and Ethan made his presence known by grinning at the girl. “Hi. Welcome to Slytherin.”
Ugh. When did he become so bad with greetings and introductions?!
There was one welcoming her to the house though. "Thanks," she replied with a smile. "Glad to be here."
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
"Hey. Welcome to Slytherin." He said smiling at the wee firstie. He wanted her to say something, because he liked to laugh to himself about the squeaky voice they still had, but this one was very quiet. "I'm Cutty Mordaunt, 6th year and best friends with both Prefects. If yer need anything don't be afraid to ask." He offered perhaps unintentionally reading as a bit poisonous.
And here was another. Plus an introduction and an offer to help? "Thanks. Good to know," she said, giving him a smile too. Though the question was, was he saying that to be nice, or did he expect something in return? Time would tell. "I'm Jenna Hensley. Third year."
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Was she really running that late? By the time the small teen got close enough to her house table she was seriously considering turning around and walking the other way. It was crowded and right now she wasn't sure she wanted to deal with so many people. Letting out a small breath Hady quickly scanned over those already seated.
Finding an empty spot at the table she slid onto the seat without so much as a sound. She wasn't much in a talking mood but that didn't mean she'd be rude to anyone if they were to speak to her. Hady knew better then that no matter how she was feeling or whatever the reason she wasn't disrespectful. What she really needed right now though was coffee...iced coffee actually. Could she possibly get that here? Probably not. Sigh.
With her eyes fixed on the table and one of her hands fiddling idly with the locket around her neck it was somewhat clear she wasn't currently paying full attention to anything around her. Or so that may have seemed anyways.
Noticing another girl sit at the table looking a bit distracted, Jenna almost turned back to watching the rest of the table, but she was somewhat curious, and it wouldn't hurt to initiate at least one conversation tonight.
"Hey," she said, hopefully clearly enough for the girl to hear even with all this chatter and noise at the table. "You okay there?"
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Daisy choose to ignore his comments about the tree. She was past that and was now focused on her name. “Did you fail muggle studies last year or something? You’re calling me a hippie every time you call me that. It’s rude and it’s mean and it hurts my feelings. I have a name. Use it. ”
Why did she even bother with him? He was rude and mean and a giant turd. His smirk was just making things worse. She wanted to grab him around the neck and throttle him until he turned blue. “You know why you were up in that tee?” she threw at him instead hoping her words would hurt him, but she doubted they would. Noah seemed to lack the basic thing that defined him as human; feelings and empathy. Gone were her memories of him being nice while he was in pain last year by the lake and all she remembered were the barbs and the cauldron cakes, the snarkiness and the name calling from the past year and a half. “You were hiding. Just like you were hiding in the ice cream parlor.” She still didn’t know the whole reason he was upset and that was his own fault. She didn’t know him well at all, and it wasn’t for lack of trying or caring. “If you want to be alone, then fine. Be alone! If you keep being rude and mean and downright nasty to people, you’ll be alone for the rest of your life. Just keep running and eventually nobody will care about you.”
Someone at her own table was calling her. She looked over and waved, leaving Noah without saying goodbye.
*He smirked seeing that he was getting under her skin about her name. Noah wondered why it bothered her so much? Then again he hated it when his sister Emma called him Bean Head.*
"Oh but I am calling you by your name. Your parents named their child after a flower hence the nick name flower child. Trust me there are far worse things to be called."
*Her next comment caught him off guard. Who was she to talk to him like that? This girl knew nothing about him. No matter how right she may be in her comments that didn't mean that she got to say it to him. Jumping up Noah glared down at Daisy, his smirk long gone. With a growling whisper he said to her in her ear,*
"Don't you dare act like you know me or my life. If you do it again you will be sorry..."
*Pulling back he started to head out of the great hall. His happy mood at being back to the castle was now ruined, thanks to a certain flower child.*
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Brooklyn
Oh, and Hady had arrived. Her fellow third year got a slight smile from her, but otherwise not a sound. It didn’t look like Hady wanted to talk anyway and there was always the dorms later.
Hady had lifted her gaze for a brief moment from the table to check around her as the table grew louder. Mm look see that, right there? No words at all needed for a simple 'hello'. Spotting the small smile coming from Brooklyn, Hady gave her a slight grin with just the barest hint of a nod of her head in return. There was nothing more needed then that when it came to her fellow third year as they understood each other and would have more then enough time to talk later on.
SPOILER!!: Jenna
Noticing another girl sit at the table looking a bit distracted, Jenna almost turned back to watching the rest of the table, but she was somewhat curious, and it wouldn't hurt to initiate at least one conversation tonight.
"Hey," she said, hopefully clearly enough for the girl to hear even with all this chatter and noise at the table. "You okay there?"
Before she was able to go back to her thoughts of just a moment earlier she caught the voice of a girl near her. Shifting her attention that way she was able to see the blonde about her own age...she wasn't sure who she was honestly. Most be another transfer student. She probably should've been paying a bit more attention during the sorting, a little to late for that now though. "Hey, erm yeah I'm alright just thinking I guess." Thinking to much most likely but yeah. "Welcome to Slytherin..I'm Hady."
Shifting slightly to sit up a bit straight she took a second to scan over the other tables quickly possibly checking for someone. However not spotting what she may have been searching for her eyes once more returned to her table and the new girl that had spoken to her.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Great. THINGS were happening. People were fighting, again. Caleb's eyes went towards...that one child who had been talking to a Gryffindor, before storming out of the hall angrily. Ok, one crisis averted. Then there was...another kid, getting a kiss on the cheek from some girl. Not too bad, BUT the possibility for badness was there...so he would keep an eye on them. As prefects did.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi could see the pride on Caleb's face. Who could blame him? Eleven OWLs was something to be VERY proud of. "That great! Erm, if you don't mind me asking but which one did you fail?'' Caleb had written all twelve OWLs, right? "I didn't do so bad. Got all twelve though I had expected to see one T on my result list.'' It had been a relief to pass them all.
"Runes," Caleb admitted without any hesitation. He knew (from being nosy) that a few other people had failed that one too, so he didn't feel ashamed or anything at doing badly on that one. It had to been rigged or something, it was the only thing he could think of. "And I didn't TOTALLY fail, I got a P...so it could have been worse," he chuckled.
He didn't tell Adi this, but if he'd gotten a T, he would not have even come back to school. Nope. No way.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
The prefect was talking to her, and based on how closely he'd watched her chat up Rorie and Puck, she'd PROBABLY have to be on good behavior. Dot turned her attention back to the older boy, eyeing him dubiously for all those big disarming grins he was bestowing. Suspicious.
"Sir is a sign of respect, not of age. I don't sir even every grandpa, but I sir you. So." So deal with it. "I had a good summer. I took dance classes with my Kyroh friend and my baby brother is learning to walk and I went swimming so much my hair turned GREEN for a bit and I got 18 new freckles. What did you do?" It probably wasn't as good at hers, but hopefully it was interesting.
Oh, well, when she put it that way...that made it better. It was still weird though. "Well, thank you then," he told her with a soft smile. "Kyroh...he's that Ravenclaw kid, right?" he asked. He was pretty sure he had met him once or twice. Or at least seen him at classes.
"Did a lot of swimming and lounging around. Figured I deserved it after my OWLs," he explained. Duh. EVERYONE in his year deserved a break!
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Feeling much more like herself, instead of her gloomy, gross side, she finally looked up and around. Catching the eye of Caleb in doing so for a quick glimpse. "Wha's the matter, Prefect boy?" She toyed, drinking out of her goblet. "Afraid I'll do something horrible? Or have you just never seen a pretty girl before?" Rorie contained the smile fighting to be seen at the memory of that time Cutty tried to convince her to ask Caleb to be her fake boyfriend. Come on, Cutters, come on.
Caleb couldn't tell if the girl was joking or not. He was terrible read when it came to sarcasm and stuff, mostly when it came to girls. He could read other guys all day - but not girls. It was a terribly useless trait.
"Just doin my job...can't blame me, right?" he told her with a smile. Trying to diffuse the situation with a bit of humor...but also acknowledging that he'd be STUPID to not watch her for obvious reasons.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Ah, there was Rorie, the girl with the pink hair who had caused so much FUSS last term. Caleb tried not to stare at her, but it was hard...after all, would she really be that surprised if he kept an eye on her? Did she really blame him? Sure enough, after no more than a few minutes, some tension seemed to break out between her and Dot - and of course Cutty was in the middle of it. Because Cutty.
But Caleb was relieved to see that the younger girl apologized and didn't seem to mean any harm by it. Trying not to glance at them too often, he looked back at his goblet of pumpkin juice and took a sip. Trying to stay cool and collected, while also keeping an eye on things - being a Prefect was a real ART form, you know.
Anyways, back to Dot...
"Sir? Geez, way to make me feel old," Caleb said with a chuckle, shaking his head. SIR was his father. Well, ok, Caleb was ALSO his father...but you know. Caleb was sixteen. Not a sir.
"Anyways, have a good summer, Dot? Since you stayed out of trouble and all," he added with a polite smile. This summer had been AWESOME for him, so he assumed everyone ELSE had a great summer too.
Once he'd made sure that Rorie and Dot weren't going to kill each other, he turned his attention to Puck, his co-prefect who had decided to join them. AHA! SO IT WAS CUTTY!
"What loonie guy wants to impersonate a GIRL?" he joked with a jesting grin at the Gryffindor prefect before turning to Cutty and feigning a head shake of disappointment. "Why am I friends with you again?" he asked his dorm mate.
Seriously. He questioned it on a daily basis.
But back to serious stuff..."Nah, I wouldn't narc on ya," he assured his friend softly with a shrug. "I mean, unless you murdered someone and tried to pin it on Puck. No harm no foul, yeah?" he added with a sly grin. Caleb hadn't really done ANYTHING bad during his time at Hogwarts, if they found out he let a Polyjuice convict slip past him - and not do ANYTHING bad, really - how mad would they get? Seriously? Not mad, he was guessing.
Oh, Adi was talking to him...about OWLs. Gross. But Caleb had expected these convos to pop up...and he had determined (after a few angry runs around his neighborhood to let off steam) that he was DAMN PROUD of his results. Runes was stupid. No one needed it. That helped him feel at ease about the whole thing..."Pretty good, passed 11 of them! More than my dad ever did," he said with a grin. "You?" he asked. He was sure Adi did just as well, if not better. Hmm. He was curious to hear what everyone else had gotten on Runes. Had a lot of people failed? That would DEFINITELY make him feel better.
Speaking of OWLs...Caleb turned to Ethan and grinned. "No prob, mate! I know you had a rough one...good to hear you did well, though," he added with a genuine smile and a pat on the back. That was an accomplishment, it really was...being sick with dragon pox and then doing well on OWLs? Caleb wouldn't have been able to do it. He would have had to be committed to St. Mungos. "It was good, nice and relaxing...but yeah, not long enough to recover from those exams!"
Now to Kace, who seemed like he was definitely trying to NOT talk about graduation. Caleb didn't blame him. The thought of being an adult was just awful. "Nah, I can't imagine you'd want to sneak back in here, just to sneak into the kitchens. Food in the real world can't be THAT bad, right?" he joked.
"Yeah, I guess so - I just hope no one, you know..." he trailed off, his hand waving, hoping that Kace knew what he was implying (Death. He didn't want anyone to DIE) "...this term. That was a rough one," he said with a shrug. Seriously. His luck had been the WORST last term. Sure, not as bad as Greg's, but...it was HIS house, ya know?
Yeah, so just...no death please.
And finally...Grayson. Hehe. Caleb grinned. "Oh yes. Just HORRIBLE. Relaxing and letting off all that steam after OWLs. Bloody awful. So you looking forward to your la..." he trailed off, however, when Ruby finally made her way to the table - WAVES HELLO for you, Ruby - and...pulled a kitten out of her bag.
First a Puck imposter on the train, now Ruby giving her boyfriend a kitten? He thought the Banner sister was supposed to be GOOD with boys - did she not know what a GIRLY gift a CAT was? He was surprised Grayson wasn't running for the hills. A girl giving a guy a LIVING thing was like...asking him to give her a ring and move into a flat above the Leaky with her. That was RESPONSIBILTY.
He was going to ask WHY Ruby was giving her a boyfriend a kitten, but...nope. He didn't care that much. He wasn't sure he wanted to know, honestly. He wasn't sure he wanted to know ANYTHING that was going on in his house this term. Everyone seemed to have gone loony over the summer.
Great impression they were making on the firsties, which, SPEAKING OF...
"Hey everyone! Welcome to Slytherin!" he called to the youngsters as they approached the table. We aren't all weirdos, I promise.
"Cause yer Slytherin and I know all yer secrets." Cutty joked when Caleb asked why they were friends. For real, though. Caleb and Cutty had been at that table the longest of any Slytherins currently at that school and slept in the same dorm for the past 6 years. If they knew nothing of each other it would mean effort was put towards that. "Oh, by the way yer talk in yer sleep." He added, in case people started thinking Caleb was the sort of boy who would confess to anything. The thought of Caleb confessing anything, even if DEAD WRONG, amused Cutty.
Text Cut: Rorie
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Quite taken aback by the apology being given to her by Dot, Ror kept quiet for a few moments. In what seemed to be some sort of shock. Coming back, she cleared her throat and straightened herself up. "Understood and like Puck says, it wasn't sincere. It was...a joke, I suppose." Look, Cutty, look! She was being mature. The redhead had a point though. Ror did have the best hair in the house. Haaaairrr fliiiiipp. Peace handshakes all around.
Feeling much more like herself, instead of her gloomy, gross side, she finally looked up and around. Catching the eye of Caleb in doing so for a quick glimpse. "Wha's the matter, Prefect boy?" She toyed, drinking out of her goblet. "Afraid I'll do something horrible? Or have you just never seen a pretty girl before?" Rorie contained the smile fighting to be seen at the memory of that time Cutty tried to convince her to ask Caleb to be her fake boyfriend. Come on, Cutters, come on.
It was like Rorie was a lady or something. There she was, talking to Dot like a mature witch and misaddressing Caleb with a legitimate question. She could do this fake girlfriend stuff rather well. He imagined Rorie Hazelwood in a dress, a seagreen fishtailed taffeta number and long dark gloves. Her hair pinned up and matching the gown. His imagination then went on to paint her at a polished round table in the company of Bertie Crouch, Merlin, the owner of Sleakeazy Inc and James Bond each of which seemed totally captivated by the inaudible words that were coming from her glossy red lips.
Text Cut: Brooklyn
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
See, it was a kitten. Even Brooklyn could have told anyone that, not that she’d been inclined to say anything. She’d smuggled Tywin into feasts before, after all, so Ruby shouldn’t get in trouble. Hopefully not. More lectures were hardly what the third year wanted to deal with this early in term. A repeat of last opening feast was not going to be appreciated, but then, she also hardly cared what Grayson chose to name said kitten. Not that she’d been asked. She likely wouldn’t be, and that didn’t bother her. She could keep her awesome name choices for pets to herself. And she wasn’t going to be adopting any pet rocks either. It wasn’t necessary.
Her blue eyes had shifted from eyeing the Gryffindor next to her, still involved in the conversation with Rorie and Cutty about something or other to the arrival of the tiny blonde (Tabby). She’d remember that, and she gave the girl a nod. She might prove useful, but that remained to be seen. Just as whatever in the world was going on with half the people around her would get figured out eventually. Whenever she felt like spending the time.
Also known as whenever she wasn’t ignoring Adi, although those blue eyes had flickered over the Hufflepuff as she’d returned her attention to the group as a whole. That and the staff table, with the odd appearance of the tour guide guy from their trip to Loch Ness proving to be awfully intriguing. She didn’t feel like fighting more grindylows after all. At least he wasn’t trying to make any speeches. Oh, and Hady had arrived. Her fellow third year got a slight smile from her, but otherwise not a sound. It didn’t look like Hady wanted to talk anyway and there was always the dorms later.
Hmm, and both Cutty and Grayson had spoken to her. She tilted her head slightly at the shortening of her name done by Grayson, speculatively. Cutty’s use of her last name hardly bothered her after all, but the other was nearly the despised nickname. It wasn’t though, so she decided it was okay. “Aside from the field trip?,” she asked, in response to both older snakes’ question. Obviously they knew how that had went. “My sister got engaged.” Which she found about as exciting as watching paint dry. It was something, though. They could interpret it how they pleased.
Oh, and Ethan was giving her candy. It made up for the mistake during the field trip a little, and he got another smile as she accepted the packet. “Thank you.”
"Oh!" Cutty's mind raced with a number of concerns that your average thirteen-fourteen year old would not give two damns about. Like were they a good family? Do you hate him? You hate him don't you? And, what happened did he knock her up? But he went for the more civil route and asked, "Are you going to be getting new brothers and sisters? Or is he an lonely only?" She?
Text Cut: Adi
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi could see the pride on Caleb's face. Who could blame him? Eleven OWLs was something to be VERY proud of. "That great! Erm, if you don't mind me asking but which one did you fail?'' Caleb had written all twelve OWLs, right? "I didn't do so bad. Got all twelve though I had expected to see one T on my result list.'' It had been a relief to pass them all.
"It's good to know my efforts are being appreciated,'' Adi replied with a smirk. Cutty Mordaunt was quite the fella, a reason why he was one of the coolest persons Adi knew. But back to sweet talks! Chocolate from Quebec! Nom Nom! Adi could go for those even if the snapping on the tongue sounded painful. LOL. "It's so touching that my opinion matters to you, Cutty.'' He feigned a sniffle and wiping away a tear from his eye. Anywayyy... "That sounds like a fair deal. I think it's a great idea just don't go giving too much credit, okay? You might end up having a difficult time getting your money.'' Adi knew all about the credit stuff. His dad did work in a bank after all.
The sixth year laughed. "No you're not. Your face has some worthy advice.'' Though he suspected Ruby would not care about the advice coming from Grayson's face. Ohh! A fist bump! These were as good as squishugs and hair ruffles. He folded his fingers of his left hand inwards to enthusiastically return the bump. "Planning anything cool for your final year?" Something awesome to go out with a bang, perhaps?
"You're welcome, Dot.'' Adi flopped back down on the bench. was food going to be here soon? The Head Minion was hungrrry. "Really?'' There was an interested look from Adi... and plus he was totally thrilled that she would go along with his idea. "Of course I promise! Who would disobey a direct order from the Queen?" As long as it did not involve him having to go into the Snake common room... not only because other students were not allowed there but he also did not think the Bloody Baron would take very kindly to that if the ghost was around at any of those particular moments.
"Cilla!'' Adi called out to his friend the second he saw her. "How are you?" Why was she looking so out of it? She was okay, riiiight? Concerned friend here. Also, there went Brooklyn ignoring him again though he did notice her look in his direction. But Agatha had arrived! "Hi, Ballerina wife!'' he mouthed as she sat down next to another guy.
"Tell me about it." Adi had a point and Cutty found it easy to agree with. It was actually something he'd considered before. For a long time. Hence his lack of snobbery when talking with the underclassmen. He had opportunities for them. If they were ambitious enough, that is. "I'm thinking of asking for collateral for some. Booht, not fer yer. I'll joost find yer and beat yer if yew owe me money. Joost joshin'! Yer credit's always good here."
Text Cut: Kace
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace nodded towards Cutty and he realized that he had been talking to Echo. He wondered if he knew her. I mean he must have because Echo was in the same house as him. He grinned when he said he knew Braedon. He snorted when he mentioned he was a wise man. "A wiseee man?" he asked again to clarify raising a skeptical eyebrow. That was something new. He never heard that before. "I don't think he is very wise might I add." he shrugged. "Also be on the look out for a new student coming here next year. He is my cousin coming possibly to the Slytherins."
Now his attention on Grayson. He laughed at his choice of words and that is how he would describe his summer too. "Well that sounds like a lot of fun. Where was my invite to the pool party?" he only joked of course. I mean he wouldn't miss out on a pool party and maybe he could have brought Emmy. "Yeahh not really. Just went to the Quidditch camp over the summer and that is about it. No traveling for me." Yeah traveling might happen this term. We shall see. "Who are you kidding?" he commented when he said it was freaky being a seventh year. "I mean I just remember meeting you and now we are graduating together brother." he motioned between them. "I thought you were a sixth year bro?" he asked just stating his thought. "It does feel nice man being on top of the school not gonna lie.." he laughed.
He heard Caleb's comment and he turned his head and grinned. "Yeah I mean muggle food isn't bad if the person prepares it correctly you know? I mean my grandma can make a mean meatloaf and turkey. They are great on sandwiches." he winked. Hopefully he knew what he was talking about. Aaahh last term yes. He remember quite vividly. "Yeah I know what you mean. That was a rough term and you lost someone from your house so it must be rough.." he frowned. I mean Gregorie was a great slytherin. He missed the little dude. "So you excited for the new term. I hear we have a new professor.." he said mentioning the new detail to the Slytherin prefect.
Kace could disagree all her wanted. Cutty would not take it personally, he KNEW in his mind that the sort of information contained within the walls of Braedon Gallagher's grey matter of was utter importance. Utter importance!
"Great Circe, Lecium! How many cousins do yer have?" He asked sounding as if he thought there was or should be a finite number.
Text Cut: Hugh
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Hugh might as well have been wearing a does-not-belong sign on his head and he did not mind that at all. Whatever kept the people at bay so that he could do his work in relative peace.
Cutty did not see the sign obviously.
Hugh flipped a page and tilted his head at a particularly graphic diagram, "Freud. He was a pioneer for the study of psychoanalysis and had a theory that..." The Slytherin trailed off and very earnestly (because he did not understand the concept of being malicious) added, "Nevermind, yo. Not something you would understand." Hardly Cutty's fault he was simple.
Hughbert was great. For a number of reasons not least of all the aforementioned tendency to bring laughter into the the lives of others. But then this. Cutty didn't know what to call it. Perhaps it was unsolicited identity assignment. It saved a brother from having to lie or pretend too hard. Cutty, and perhaps anyone else could simply walk right up to Hughbert and assume an identity.
POP! You're a simpleton!
The smile on Cutty's face for having realized this amusing little party trick of Hugh's looked silly and misplaced for the conversation thus far probably adding to the idea that he would not understand. "Maybe yer right.", he added nonetheless for good measure.
Text Cut: Hugo
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl
There were too many people at the Slytherin table and not exactly people from his house, he didn't mind but he was hungry and crowds bothered him.
Hugo shook his head, "Nah. I couldn't even talk to her during the summer field trip" it was hard, really. "But I gotta talk to her this term because I think she is graduating" she needed to know who was the boy with the Wolverine mask at the masquerade party. "You are going to help me, don't know how yet, but I'll let you know" maybe Dante could help him to distract anyone who could be around Marigold. Something like that.
Oh well.
He greeted Cutty, "What's up?" and the next thing he asked him was a little bit weird. Hugo was puzzled, "Err yeah...very...interesting" he had no clue of what was Cutty talking about. So, first of all, "What is MOL?" Please, enlighten him with your knowledge. Hugo needed it.
Then, he spotted a new Slytherin. "Hey" and waved at the girl (Tabitha). He hated to be a firstie because everyone else already knew each other and he didn't.
"It's an abbreviation for stock in a wizarding business. It's short for Moldivate and Glints Limited." Cutty informed the boy with a smile. It was such a joy to be passing on information to the younger yeared folk. "They make potions." He added.
Text Cut: Spotty Dotty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
No one was reacting correctly, and it really really bugged Dot. Not that she wanted Puck (and Rorie) to be mad at her, but she didn't want her well-crafted ire to be laughed at. Why did people always laugh at her when she wanted to be taken seriously? It was ugh-inducing.
She sulked a little, although mention of her second place win (to Puck... ugh again?) did brighten her back up a bit. "You're not making much sense. You must take confusion classes from Cutty. But thank you, and also... you too. Your designs were really pretty."
As for her threatening Cutty, and it somehow being okay because they were friends... that wasn't anything like friendship in Dot's world. "You could dress in snakeskin head to toe, but you're a Gryffindor all the way to your cream-filled center. 'sides, you probably shouldn't threaten your friends." Because knowing Cutty and Rainbow Rorie, too many threats and they'd stop playing so nicely.
The prefect was talking to her, and based on how closely he'd watched her chat up Rorie and Puck, she'd PROBABLY have to be on good behavior. Dot turned her attention back to the older boy, eyeing him dubiously for all those big disarming grins he was bestowing. Suspicious.
"Sir is a sign of respect, not of age. I don't sir even every grandpa, but I sir you. So." So deal with it. "I had a good summer. I took dance classes with my Kyroh friend and my baby brother is learning to walk and I went swimming so much my hair turned GREEN for a bit and I got 18 new freckles. What did you do?" It probably wasn't as good at hers, but hopefully it was interesting.
"Oh, a joke?" Dot cast a skeptical eye at Puck before looking at Rorie again. And her glorious hair. So much jealousy was burning in her soul right now. "It's okay... I'm not very funny either. Funny works better for people who are really clever, you know? Ravenclaws... they're really funny." Dot was just silly, which wasn't the same thing.
"Can you show me how to get my hair to be that color?"
And there was Cutty heard from. Or not heard from, since he totally ignored her own threats, her frustration, all her blasted FEELINGS about whether or not to hex off his face, and comment on raspberries. AS IF ANYONE CARED ABOUT HIS LOVE OF RASPBERRIES.
She sighed loudly. Dramatically. With greatest theatricality, and a hair toss for good measure. "You're stupid and infuriating and you don't even care. There's something broken between your mouth and your eyes, Cutty, and it makes my brain hurt. And I'm not speaking to you again until I have my revenge for what you did to Kyroh." Pause pause pause. "But then we can be friendly-like again."
The new girl. Dot would focus on her. Tabby cat, the new girl. Blue eyes rolled playfully, although perhaps she should warn Tabby cat that Slytherin boys were the worst. The. Worst. "My real name is Charlotte, but no one calls me that. My dad called me after his mum, so she was Charlotte and I was Dot since I was born." Or maybe a few days after, since she wasn't clear on when she was abandoned and became a Wojack.
"Oh, the squid? Yeah, he visits. And mermaids too, although they're not beautiful like you'd expect. There's a shark too, I think, only he disguises himself as a water plant. And then there are real water plants." It was basically a great place to sit and watch stuff, since they didn't have proper windows.
"I'm not really a queen, silly. But you're older and smarter and nicer than me, so maybe you'll help me if I send you a paper airplane anyway," Dot didn't really want to be obeyed. She wanted to be... revered. Not feared, but adored. There was an important difference, y'know?
"Are you glad to be back at school? Or did you have such a very good summer that you miss it?"
The things Dot was saying all struck chords within the older demon child. Her ire was all for Kyroh. Cutty wondered if she wanted him to be her boyfriend. Or was she just that protective of those she considered her mates. Well if he was anything to go off of the latter was more than likely true. They were friends, sure but there was no nail-painting or exchange of secret information over what they thought of boys at the school. That was Ruby Banner. Her loyalty was interesting, though. Was she really angry?
"If yer still angry after dinner we can talk in the common room, Dot." Like snakes. Privacy and all, but also the thing with he and Kyroh was too long to explain over dinner.
Text Cut: Jenna
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Most of the students at this table seemed pretty focused on talking with everyone else - which was alright. It gave her time to watch and see a bit of what they were like before she officially met any of them. So she noticed the girl that was saying something about pet rocks - and there was a kitten at this table? - and some boy was reading - and lots more.
Fascinating table, this was.
There was one welcoming her to the house though. "Thanks," she replied with a smile. "Glad to be here."
And here was another. Plus an introduction and an offer to help? "Thanks. Good to know," she said, giving him a smile too. Though the question was, was he saying that to be nice, or did he expect something in return? Time would tell. "I'm Jenna Hensley. Third year."
Noticing another girl sit at the table looking a bit distracted, Jenna almost turned back to watching the rest of the table, but she was somewhat curious, and it wouldn't hurt to initiate at least one conversation tonight.
"Hey," she said, hopefully clearly enough for the girl to hear even with all this chatter and noise at the table. "You okay there?"
"Nice to meet yer, Jenna." Cutty smiled. That was when he heard the Headmistress make her speech. Ooh, so she'd be stepping into the Herbology role, would she? She was one of those witches that was stronger than she looked. Not a rose with thorns but the other way around. Cutty dug that. "Speech time, let's eat!" He said enthusiastically, picking up the olives and pushing them onto his finger tips like little finger puppet hats.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
"Just doin my job...can't blame me, right?" he told her with a smile. Trying to diffuse the situation with a bit of humor...but also acknowledging that he'd be STUPID to not watch her for obvious reasons.
Cutty could feel the tension between Caleb and Fakey Babycakes and it was thrilling to the boy. It was exactly as he'd pictured it. Someone to give Caleb's empty, bored and diligent hands something to keep busy with. Stimulation. So he'd forgive Slytherin the trespasses he'd severely punish other houses for committing.
Last edited by SlytherinSistah; 05-08-2015 at 05:56 PM.
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
He grinned and sat down next to Echo for a bit. "Heyy Echoo!" he greeted her just as enthusiastically. He knew the topic of Emmy would be in this conversation somewhere. "Oh she is by the lion table. She is talking to other people. She likes to be social.." he grinned. I mean no wonder they got along so well. He laughed at her tot's awesome. "Yeah Hogwarts is tot's awesome. Can I use that phrase now?" he teased her a bit.
"HAIIII" she replied after getting up from her seat and hugging him!! and oh yes, Echo some times forgot that her cousin was in a different house. "that sounds like Emmy to me" she laughed as she finally let go of Kace, he kind of felt like a big brother to her. "You can use that phrase now, but you owe me a chocolate frog every time you do." and there was her Slytheriness.
Laughing she sat back down as she smiled back up at him. "are you excited for the new year? im really excited. I want to make loads of new friends" telling him as she lit up with the possibility of making new friends.
"HAIIII" she replied after getting up from her seat and hugging him!! and oh yes, Echo some times forgot that her cousin was in a different house. "that sounds like Emmy to me" she laughed as she finally let go of Kace, he kind of felt like a big brother to her. "You can use that phrase now, but you owe me a chocolate frog every time you do." and there was her Slytheriness.
Laughing she sat back down as she smiled back up at him. "are you excited for the new year? im really excited. I want to make loads of new friends" telling him as she lit up with the possibility of making new friends.
He chuckled and liked this little slytherin's energy. She seemed so bright and bubbly. He nodded in agreement, I mean Emmy wouldn't be Emmy if she wasn't social. Ohoooo this little kid was trying to con him. "Well then you trying to make a business now out of me?" he asked with a raised his brow. Look at her with her inner slytherin.
"Yup I am totally excited for this new term. I mean I get to see all of my old friends and such. I am not looking forward to classes because I gotta take a test at the end of year..." he trailed off to see her expression. "I know right? Who wants to take exams. Exams are sooo lame." he laughed and winked. "Did you have fun with Emmy this summer?" He wanted to know how Emmy was with her cousins.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Oh, a joke?" Dot cast a skeptical eye at Puck before looking at Rorie again. And her glorious hair. So much jealousy was burning in her soul right now. "It's okay... I'm not very funny either. Funny works better for people who are really clever, you know? Ravenclaws... they're really funny." Dot was just silly, which wasn't the same thing.
"Can you show me how to get my hair to be that color?"
Ror was way caught up in her own thoughts about the Ravenclaws being the 'funny ones'. They were okay at humour. Most of the time, they would just logically stun them until they were forced to laugh awkwardly. Her ears picked up Dot's question and she turned to face her, taking a moment to come back to Earth. Her grey-blue eyes scanned her head and face. "Why would you want to change it? Hair as aesthetically red as yours captures eyeballs everywhere." She paused to take a drink of her goblet. "Mine was a boring brown."
Text Cut: Caleb and Cutty
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Caleb couldn't tell if the girl was joking or not. He was terrible read when it came to sarcasm and stuff, mostly when it came to girls. He could read other guys all day - but not girls. It was a terribly useless trait.
"Just doin my job...can't blame me, right?" he told her with a smile. Trying to diffuse the situation with a bit of humor...but also acknowledging that he'd be STUPID to not watch her for obvious reasons.
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
It was like Rorie was a lady or something. There she was, talking to Dot like a mature witch and misaddressing Caleb with a legitimate question. She could do this fake girlfriend stuff rather well. He imagined Rorie Hazelwood in a dress, a seagreen fishtailed taffeta number and long dark gloves. Her hair pinned up and matching the gown. His imagination then went on to paint her at a polished round table in the company of Bertie Crouch, Merlin, the owner of Sleakeazy Inc and James Bond each of which seemed totally captivated by the inaudible words that were coming from her glossy red lips.
Cutty could feel the tension between Caleb and Fakey Babycakes and it was thrilling to the boy. It was exactly as he'd pictured it. Someone to give Caleb's empty, bored and diligent hands something to keep busy with. Stimulation. So he'd forgive Slytherin the trespasses he'd severely punish other houses for committing.
She smiled at the prefect, a subtle smile. "I was unaware I was such a troublemaker." The snake picked at the cracked polish on her nails, "I promise I'll behave...today." Muuahaahaha.
An attempt to hide her mischevious grin, she turned to look at Cutty, who seemed to be in his own little world. There were days she just wanted to crack open that dome of his and peer inside. Curious Cutty, curious. Ror did take this moment to plant a kiss on his cheek, though. Just because she could.