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The room located off the Great Hall was set up almost like a normal classroom. There were desks scattered about in that symmetrical way into which classrooms were usually organized, only Apollo had set up three big tables in the front of the room. The first table had a multitude of two items: mugs and rubber balls. He was hoping the mugs weren’t a bad idea; he didn’t much fancy cleaning up the mess of shattered ceramic.
The second table held lots and lots of APPLES. Apollo thought about munching on one as he waited for the bright and smiling faces of the youth to appear, but he also thought that was vaaaastly rude. The chewing—the way that juice would sometimes spit out from your mouth while chewing an apple—just, no. The middle-aged man was keen on appearing as polite as possible. Polite, happy to be here(because he was) and most importantly…EXCITED about passing on his knowledge. Young people were the future, after all.
The third table was probably the most interesting, at least to Apollo. He had set up three bins; the first one had many tiny rectangles of clay, the other had many different colored wires all round together, and the last one held very wet wax. Apollo had to soak the wax…..all night? in order for it to be in correct order for today’s use, but ah, well. No matter. He really didn’t mind!
There was a blackboard in the front of the room where Apollo had written his name in curly, large letters: APOLLO. Underneath it, he had written, again in his curly writing, “Mythology: A Look Back For Modern Magic”
He was leaning back against the middle table(the one with the apples) with his arms crossed, waiting patiently for students to arrive. It had been awhile since he had interacted with students this age; his granddaughter was the only young person in his life at the moment. No, Apollo was not nervous. He was much more curious as to how they would all take his line of work, the obscure and quite unprofitable kind of magical theory.
His hat hung on the chair next to the tables, and his bag of trinkets, too, sat atop the seat.
Hogwarts was quite beautiful, wasn’t it? Apollo waited for the students to arrive, a far-off look in his eyes. He took off his glasses and wiped the lens using his overcoat.
On each of the desks, Apollo had placed little name-tag stickers, the typical kind, for their names. He wanted to know to whom he was speaking at all times. Names were important…especially to Apollo.
OOC: Welcome to our seminar! My name's Kate (kayquilz)! *waves* Come in, have a seat, and relax! We are just so excited for this, and I hope you and your kiddies are, too! You guys have a bit of time before I officially start the seminar, so don't stress! <3
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Awww, they were moving on to the last activity. Lux pouted; she was really enjoying this seminar because she got to learn about mythology and practice new spells. Bay was going to hear about all this later. She was so excited to talk to him.
The next story had to do with Icarus, and OMG...she actually KNEW about him!!!
...And they could eat APPLES.
Taking a bite from one of hers, Lux waited to swallow before raising her hand; there was no need to be rude. "Icarus flew to close to the sun and it melted the wax. With no wings he couldn't fly anymore and fell."
Benny had been doing to best to follow along with the seminar, doing whatever activity that happened along with the various stories. He had to admit it was all interesting, even if he wasn't totally contributing at least vocally. It wasn't like he was the most vocal anyway and he could pay more attention if he simply listened and paid close attention to what was being said by the pseudo-professor and his classmates who seemed to get it.
As well as eating his apple.
The most recent story caught his attention and Benny tried to think if he knew it. Wax...feathers. A father...and a son...caught in a maze. Nope...didn't strike to clear a chord in his mind. "Tragedy involving someone falling while flying?" the Gryffindor guessed after raising his hand. The wings certainly had to play a part else why would they be mentioned...right? Just didn't know who was the one who died.
Apollo nodded over at Benny, and he DID get a sticker for answering, thank you very much. A YELLOW one. "Yes...falling was...involved?" definitely. He moved on to see if any of the ones who were guessing knew...unfortunately, Greek and Roman mythology tended to be a bit...predictable.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Apollo was the BEST, man! THE BEST! And they could eat their apples! Yaaaay! AJ must be pleased though not as pleased as Adi was now. He happily bit into his apple. Omnomnom. Food and story time. It didn't get better than this! Ooh! Daedalus and Icarus! He knew of this myth... or a little of it at least. Poor Icarus...
So since he did know this myth, Adi continued to eat his apple while his fellow Hogwartians gave their answers. CrunchNomNom! CrunchNomNom! CrunchNomNom! When it seemed as though the answers were drying up, Adi swallowed the bit of fruit in his mouth and raised his hand.
"Icarus flew too close to the sun with the wings causing the wax to melt and he fell into the sea over which they were flying.'' Right now, that song by Bastille was playing in his head. "Icarus is flying too close to the sun and Icarus's life, it has only just begun...'' Greeeat! Now he wanted to go listen to the song.
Apollo nodded at Adi. He actually didn't mind all of the crunching going on right now. Didn't kids think better with full stomachs anyways? He could handle a little crunching for that, yes.
"VERY GOOD--" he stamped a purple sticker on the boy's head. "VERY GOOD." Hehe.
Originally Posted by Squishy
Awww, they were moving on to the last activity. Lux pouted; she was really enjoying this seminar because she got to learn about mythology and practice new spells. Bay was going to hear about all this later. She was so excited to talk to him.
The next story had to do with Icarus, and OMG...she actually KNEW about him!!!
...And they could eat APPLES.
Taking a bite from one of hers, Lux waited to swallow before raising her hand; there was no need to be rude. "Icarus flew to close to the sun and it melted the wax. With no wings he couldn't fly anymore and fell."
"YES--exactly--" she and Adi were both familiar! Good good! He beamed at the class and waited for everyone to answer--oh gosh. This activity. HE WAS VERY PUMPED FOR THIS.
"Yes...Icarus was foolish..Daedalus spent the time to make the wings perfectly...and...well...yes, Icarus was too adventurous and flew too close to the sun. He, unfortunately perished in the ocean. Daedalus was devastated." Apollo didn't blame him.
But SMILING all big--Apollo made his way back to the front of the room. "For the FINAL activity--we will be doing a little ART project!" he grinned and gestured. "You can pick either wax...clay...or I even thought WIRE might be interesting." He indicated to the table. "Wax might be the hardest, clay the easiest. Choose whatever medium you want--but I want you all to make some WINGS. And you can keep whatever you make--and when we finish with that, I'll charm a few of them, and we can see which ones FLY the best." He grinned. "What this has to do with MODERN magic? Well, clearly this can easily be done--making wings that work--but we wonder about the science of it all...it's a hard relationship, that between science and magic...could magically charmed wings hold up a person? It's an interesting thought..."
Apollo wasn't even sure he knew the answer. They were still running tests and experiments back at his research group's building. The Icarus wings were...still very much a mystery, even to the experts in this field.
"So! Let's get to it! CHOP CHOP!" he clapped his hands twice and practically SKIPPED aside from the table to let them pick their medium.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hady quietly munched on her golden apple while she listened to the story and the answers that had been given. Or um well as quietly as one could actually eat an apple. Chewing and swallowing what was in her mouth she deposited the core into the trash bin at the front of the room and then went over to the desk with the items.
Which should she choose? Clay was easy enough she'd used it many times growing up and it'd been fun. Wire wasn't to hard either and it bent fairly well easily holding shape once you managed to get it how you wanted it. So the best choose would've been to go with one of those. However this was Hady and she wasn't about to go easy on herself.
Selecting the wax she gathered up a bit of it and returned to her desk. Pulling out a blank bit of parchment and her quill she quickly made a rough sketch of what she wanted the wings to look like before she got started. Now how exactly was she supposed to do this?... with some form of tools or just her hands? Glancing around she checked to see what everyone else was doing.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Sticker, sticker, STICKER!
Did that make three? Or was it four? Adi was loosing track but he didn't bother to think more of it for they were going to make wings! And have a race with them! Well, it wasn't really a race but it would be fun all the same. So. Clay, wax or wire? THAT was the question.
Nope, actually he had some more. "Er, Apollo?'' he asked the skipping man. "How do we do this? Bend the wire in the shape of wings and then use clay or wax to stick feathers or something to it?" Relevant questions they were, yes?
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Ian listened to the instructor and tried to decide which he would like to do. He wasn't the most creative or artistic person. His magic came from words and less with his hands. However, he wasn't above taking on a bit of a challenge. He began to think about classes he'd taken about birds and how their wings provided the necessary lift to enable flight. He wanted accurate wings, but he also wanted ones that would be useful if his were chosen. It just so happened at the library, he'd decided to gather a book about owls. He reached into his faithful satchel and pulled the book from it and admired the Great Owl on the cover. Such a majestic creature, but fearsome as well for it's prey.
He pulled open the cover and began shuffling through the pages, observing the shape of the wings. He was hoping to find an illustration of the wing structure, but wasn't able to find one. He collected some clay and then returned to his seat. He emptied the clay onto the flat table before him and began separating portions for carving.
Hady quietly munched on her golden apple while she listened to the story and the answers that had been given. Or um well as quietly as one could actually eat an apple. Chewing and swallowing what was in her mouth she deposited the core into the trash bin at the front of the room and then went over to the desk with the items.
Which should she choose? Clay was easy enough she'd used it many times growing up and it'd been fun. Wire wasn't to hard either and it bent fairly well easily holding shape once you managed to get it how you wanted it. So the best choose would've been to go with one of those. However this was Hady and she wasn't about to go easy on herself.
Selecting the wax she gathered up a bit of it and returned to her desk. Pulling out a blank bit of parchment and her quill she quickly made a rough sketch of what she wanted the wings to look like before she got started. Now how exactly was she supposed to do this?... with some form of tools or just her hands? Glancing around she checked to see what everyone else was doing.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Sticker, sticker, STICKER!
Did that make three? Or was it four? Adi was loosing track but he didn't bother to think more of it for they were going to make wings! And have a race with them! Well, it wasn't really a race but it would be fun all the same. So. Clay, wax or wire? THAT was the question.
Nope, actually he had some more. "Er, Apollo?'' he asked the skipping man. "How do we do this? Bend the wire in the shape of wings and then use clay or wax to stick feathers or something to it?" Relevant questions they were, yes?
Originally Posted by Edward Penguin
Ian listened to the instructor and tried to decide which he would like to do. He wasn't the most creative or artistic person. His magic came from words and less with his hands. However, he wasn't above taking on a bit of a challenge. He began to think about classes he'd taken about birds and how their wings provided the necessary lift to enable flight. He wanted accurate wings, but he also wanted ones that would be useful if his were chosen. It just so happened at the library, he'd decided to gather a book about owls. He reached into his faithful satchel and pulled the book from it and admired the Great Owl on the cover. Such a majestic creature, but fearsome as well for it's prey.
He pulled open the cover and began shuffling through the pages, observing the shape of the wings. He was hoping to find an illustration of the wing structure, but wasn't able to find one. He collected some clay and then returned to his seat. He emptied the clay onto the flat table before him and began separating portions for carving.
It seemed the kiddos were having fun and picking out their materials and whatnot. Well, that was good. While they worked on that, Apollo erased the blackboard and began to pack up some of the spare stuff into his backpack. How did EVERYTHING fit into it? heh.
He was sad to check the time and see that his time was almost up. Sigh. Well, this had been fun. He really enjoyed the teaching again. He hadn't taught in...what? Fours years since he'd "retired" and moved to England? He surely didn't feel retired, not with all of his research lately, and all the meetings he had with his research GROUP. But he loved his crew, a lot. They were fun.
Just like these students! SO MUCH FUN. He was sad to see it go...hmph. HMPH. "Well--we'll be running out of time eventually, dears! This was SO much fun! And I have enjoyed every minute of this, I assure you! And I hope you all learned some interesting things from me! And I hope the rest of your year goes swimmingly, and that you all feel as brilliant as I think you are!" He smiiiiiiled.
He would let them finish up their art work until the time ran out, but he wanted to get ALL of that in before it ended.
OOC: My seminar will be closing soon/eventually! Thanks so much for the IMMENSE FUN I had! Apollo and I appreciate you all! You can keep posting until the thread closes. <3 Thanks, guys!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
During her process or molding the wax, which wasn't easy by the way she heard Apollo begin speaking once more. This time it was something about their time almost being up.
Whoa, wait. What?
Aww man. She was having fun! Letting out a small sigh she wondered to herself if he'd ever return to the castle to give another Seminar or maybe even become one of the Professors should an opening he liked ever come available! Now that would be cool!
So it was with a small grin and a bit of hope for the unknown future that Hady continued her work. It was a slow process really being as she hadn't a clue what she was doing and she selected the toughest of materials but she was having a nice time of it. Slowly the wax was taking a messed up slightly loopsided form of wings. With a bit more detailing, shaping and some time the third year didn't think it'd look so bad in the end. At least she was putting some effort into all this even if she'd need a shower when she was done from the wax she was getting all over herself and underneath her finger nails.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Okaaaay, so they just shaped the wing out of one of the three stuff? Yep, Adi could do that! The only thing was, he changed his mind about using wax. The Hufflepuff instead opted for wire which he easily shaped, using his imagination.
Shape, shape, shape!
A few bendy moments later, Adi had one pair of cool (and clumsy) looking wings on his desk! Wheeee! Look at his creation! He looked around for Apollo and was disappointed to see the man packing up his stuff. Cue le sigh. Why had time gone by SO fast?
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
What? No sticker for her answer? Lux pouted. Oh well, it was time for another activity, and this time they were going to make wings. That sounded fun, but then all the activities they were doing today had been fun.
The only question on her mind was what medium to use.
Wire wasn't too hard - she had used it to make her topiary frame back in Second Year. Wax also sounded interesting, and she had never used it to make anything. Same went with clay. Muggles liked making things with clay, and it seemed pretty easy...so maybe she would go with that option. Yep, clay it is! Who cared if it was the easiest; the point of the activity was to have fun and make arts and crafts.
Grabbing some clay, she brought it back to her table so that she could get to work.