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High up in the top-most reaches of the Castle is a tower dedicated to Ravenclaw House. You come across the entrance in the form of a door on the 7th floor without a doorknob or a keyhole but a bronze knocker shaped like the head of an eagle. If, and only if, you answer the riddle that the eagle presents you correctly, you may gain entrance to the Ravenclaw Common Room. Hey, there's a reason that Ravenclaw is the house for those with brains.
Upon entering the Common Room you see a number of things but mostly you see the floor to ceiling windows that span around the airy, wide and circular room. Beyond their panes you can see what looks like all of Hogwarts' campus and the majestic mountain range beyond. One sweeping look through them and you can see the Forbidden Forest, Quidditch Pitch, The Greenhouses, the Black Lake, and even the shimmering light from the windows in Hogsmeade. At nighttime, the glass reveals the starry night beyond. The walls are covered in blue and bronze silk hangings and the midnight blue carpet covering the floor is decorated with stars just as the domed ceiling.
Placed on the centre of the curved wall is a large fireplace with plenty of navy blue sofas and armchairs placed around it as well as a few book cases and tables. They are there for students to lounge at, as they work on homework, socialize or just relax and enjoy the view between lessons. On a crowded night in the common room the fire place is a good meeting spot if you want to find someone to engage in a rowdy game of Gobstones or plan a party with.
Along the wall you entered there is the Announcements Board where all things will be posted regarding school events, lessons, and homework as well as the Study Tables that are provided for a more structured setting for Ravenclaws to do what Ravenclaws do best. The Grey Lady, the House ghost of Ravenclaw tends to visit this spot especially every now and then. And last but not least, to the right of where the impressive statue of Rowena Ravenclaw herself stands, is the staircase leading to the dormitories. Once you ascend these stairs, going to the right will take you to the ones allotted for the girls and the left will lead you to the ones reserved for the boys. Come in, relax, have fun and make yourselves at home.
All of the letters had numerical equivalents. Some calculations required using the reduction method on the numerical value of your name. She would have to practice doing these calculations on her name. She looked up from her Arithmancy textbook when she heard Eden saying that she was here. "Hi Eden." What had she been doing before Eden arrrived? Studying arithmancy, that's what she had been doing. "Are you any good at arithmancy?" A few of these calculations were slightly confusing, but she would be able to figure it out. Maybe Eden could help her.
Eden was glad to see Penelope didn't seem to care that she was late. Oh, thank Merlin.
She let her bag drop to the ground as she flopped next to the girl and shook her head. "Oh heck no...numbers are..NOT my thing...no...I...don't even TAKE Arithmancy." She said softly. "Having trouble?" she peered over at the book in Penelope's hand. "I wish I could help but...I'd probably just make things worse, to be honest."
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Eden was glad to see Penelope didn't seem to care that she was late. Oh, thank Merlin.
She let her bag drop to the ground as she flopped next to the girl and shook her head. "Oh heck no...numbers are..NOT my thing...no...I...don't even TAKE Arithmancy." She said softly. "Having trouble?" she peered over at the book in Penelope's hand. "I wish I could help but...I'd probably just make things worse, to be honest."
Eden didn't take arithmancy. She probably wouldn't be able to help. "Some of this stuff is a little confusing, but I should be able to figure it out. If I can't do it I can always ask someone else for help or get a book from the library or something." There was always a way to learn. Sometimes you just needed to put in more effort. You could learn a lot by spending extra time on studying. "What are your best subjects?" Even though Eden didn't know much about arithmancy, there would be other subjects that she did well in.
Eden didn't take arithmancy. She probably wouldn't be able to help. "Some of this stuff is a little confusing, but I should be able to figure it out. If I can't do it I can always ask someone else for help or get a book from the library or something." There was always a way to learn. Sometimes you just needed to put in more effort. You could learn a lot by spending extra time on studying. "What are your best subjects?" Even though Eden didn't know much about arithmancy, there would be other subjects that she did well in.
Eden snorted. "ALL of it is confusing to ME." She said with a grin. "Anyways--yeah--I'm better at...hands on type stuff? like Creatures and Herbology--those are MY subjects. It's why I write for them for the Quill," she said proudly. She wanted to ask Penelope if she had read any of her articles, but she didn't want to seem like a BIGHEAD so...she just smiled and nodded.
"I'm also okay at Charms. I got nine OWLs...so...I don't think I'm DUMB or anything...just...ehhhhh at Arithmancy. And numbers." Numbers were too scary. "What are your best ones? Subjects, I mean."
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Eden snorted. "ALL of it is confusing to ME." She said with a grin. "Anyways--yeah--I'm better at...hands on type stuff? like Creatures and Herbology--those are MY subjects. It's why I write for them for the Quill," she said proudly. She wanted to ask Penelope if she had read any of her articles, but she didn't want to seem like a BIGHEAD so...she just smiled and nodded.
"I'm also okay at Charms. I got nine OWLs...so...I don't think I'm DUMB or anything...just...ehhhhh at Arithmancy. And numbers." Numbers were too scary. "What are your best ones? Subjects, I mean."
Any subject would be confusing if you didn't know anything about it. Eden was good at hands on stuff? Good to know. "I've read some of your Quill articles. I think they're really good." Eden was a great Quill writer! "I'm not very good with creatures or herbology, but my mother and sister are great at that kind of stuff." She was definitely more like her dad in terms of creatures and herbology skills.
"I think divination is one of my best subjects. I'm also pretty good at astronomy, except for all of those times that I could have died in Professor Flamsteed's classes, but I don't think it means that I'm bad at astronomy." Professor Flamsteed's teaching style might not be the best for her, but she did enjoy astronomy when she wasn't getting hurt. She had been doing better at not dying in astronomy class this year. Maybe she could make it through the rest of her time at Hogwarts without any more incidents like that during Flamsteed's activities.
Ravenclaw may be the house of the wise, but it's certainly not the house of the clean. You sit there chatting with friends only to realize just how dark and gloomy it seems to be. Cobwebs covering the windows would certainly explain the gloominess of the room.
As if that wasn't bad enough, try taking the stairs to the dorm rooms and you'll find yourself surrounded by even more of those nasty, sticky, irritating webs.
Best not touch the walls, you never know what you might get into.
*wants to play with the Narrator, cruel to charrie, #YOLO*
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
It was just after dinner when Gabriel found his way back to the Ravenclaw common room. He wasn't set to leave for patrols for another hour and wanted to get an hour of Potions study in before the Final the following day. A quick review wouldn't go amiss, or so the Prefect thought. And he was getting more serious about Potions than he was other subjects. It was something he planned to take further after his education at Hogwarts.
Gabe had just stepped onto the seventh step, intending to go up to his dorm for privacy when he noticed the webs........on his face, because he'd stepped right into them.
Sputtering slightly, he tore them away from his eyes and mouth as he took several steps backward. Missing a step, Gabe stumbled, back hitting the wall. He grasped at whatever was close, trying not to fall down the stairs.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
The common room was not a place Sophie Brown hung around these days. It had once been a place she loved to hang out with Eves, Parbear, and CB, but... it didn't feel as much like home anymore. Maybe it was a sign that she was growing up or maybe it was simply that she loved being able to be around her friends from all houses as much as possible... but the fact of the matter was that she avoided lingering in the common room as much as possible. If people wanted her, they could catch her in her dormitory or knew she would be out and about. She was an active girl - staying cooped up in the common room wasn't her cup of tea.
Today, however, as she made her way to the common room, she had to battle far more cobwebs than she could remember in the past days. As she approached the bronze knocker, her wand was out and she vanished the cobwebs as she went instinctively, but when she entered the common room itself... uh, ew?
She'd tried not to pay the room much attention in the past months aside from checking to see who was present and who she could greet, but... the room felt even more uncomfortable and unsettling than normal. She paused in her journey to the dorm to take in the elements of the room - it felt almost like they were down in the dungeons. The cobweb infestation was extremely out of hand, and... the Ravenclaw sighed. As a prefect, it was probably, like... her responsibility to take care of the room, right? Maybe she could round up Tanner and Kitridge to stage a house-wide clean-up to restore everything to normalcy, but for now... she would do what she could.
Aiming her wand at the various cobwebs on the nearby wall, Sophie cast "Evanesco!" at one cobweb at a time, wanting them to go far, far away into non-existence. Bye bye, cobwebs. See you never.
...Was that Gabe over there? Sophie paid him a glance, observing what seemed to be the end of some sort of spazzing from him, but tore her gaze away because... if he knew she saw him, he'd be mega embarrassed, right? So she was trying to spare him the shame and mind her own business. She saw nothing, co-prefect.
Little Fox | ˝ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Clara woke from her nap with a start at the sound of a Gabriel falling down the stairs crash. Huh ... she definitely hadn't intended to sleep on the sofa, but studying for NEWTs at all hours of the day had left her constantly exhausted, so it wasn't any surprise.
She sat up slowly, getting her bearings, to look for the cause of the noise, but instead noticed something else.
Cobwebs. Everywhere.
And more than usual, it seemed. Over the last months, they seemed to have become a constant part of Clara's school life. They coated the books she read from, hung from the bed she slept in, and stuck to everyone and everything. She'd even stopped trying to clean every fifteen seconds because there was just no use; the cobwebs just accumulated a short time later. Oddly, she'd never seen the spiders that had to be spinning them. It was quite the mystery, and Clara was highly suspicious.
As she looked around the Common Room, she noticed Sophie. Oh. She shakily stood up and smiled at the younger Prefect. "Hello, Sophie," she said, furrowing her brow. "What was that noise?"
*confusingly makes this a separate TL from all...that, haha*
A Poop * k8 *
Originally Posted by griffin
Any subject would be confusing if you didn't know anything about it. Eden was good at hands on stuff? Good to know. "I've read some of your Quill articles. I think they're really good." Eden was a great Quill writer! "I'm not very good with creatures or herbology, but my mother and sister are great at that kind of stuff." She was definitely more like her dad in terms of creatures and herbology skills.
"I think divination is one of my best subjects. I'm also pretty good at astronomy, except for all of those times that I could have died in Professor Flamsteed's classes, but I don't think it means that I'm bad at astronomy." Professor Flamsteed's teaching style might not be the best for her, but she did enjoy astronomy when she wasn't getting hurt. She had been doing better at not dying in astronomy class this year. Maybe she could make it through the rest of her time at Hogwarts without any more incidents like that during Flamsteed's activities.
Eden smiled proudly. "Thanks! I do my best. Sometimes Gabe has to..you know, edit my articles a lot--" she SNORTED because Gabe took editing to mean, like, changing her VOCABULARY choices, but it was all okay, really. Eden had gotten over it. Pssssh.
"I'm OKAY at Astronomy...not my best, but I pass it well enough. And yeah..his classes tend to be...extreme, to say the least." She snorted and passed a hand through her dark blue hair.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Sophie!
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
...Was that Gabe over there? Sophie paid him a glance, observing what seemed to be the end of some sort of spazzing from him, but tore her gaze away because... if he knew she saw him, he'd be mega embarrassed, right? So she was trying to spare him the shame and mind her own business. She saw nothing, co-prefect.
No, no....no. Gabe couldn't currently feel embarrassment. He was far too busy sputtering and blinking away spider webs to consider his dignity at the moment...or to even note that she was there. These were particularly thick, weren't they? Not opaque in the smallest measure...and STICKY; they were clinging to his clothing like wet candy floss.
Getting his bearings finally, after several moments of strange battling and flailing, the Ravenclaw clumsily reached for his wand and cleared away the webs directly surrounding him...and then the ones further up the boys dorm stairs. No, he hadn't noted Sophie Brown doing the same...but in any case...
SPOILER!!: Clara!
Originally Posted by natekka
As she looked around the Common Room, she noticed Sophie. Oh. She shakily stood up and smiled at the younger Prefect. "Hello, Sophie," she said, furrowing her brow. "What was that noise?"
..and he hadn't fallen OFF the stairs. Most of the noise probably came from him bumping and thrashing against the wall...and railing...but unlike witih Sophie Brown, Gabe would've felt embarrassment had Clara seen.
At least he wasn't stumbling around anymore...and because of that, he could focus on cleaning the tacky webs off his school uniform...and his hair...and his face.
Note to self: watch where the heck he was going from now on.
Of course, now that he'd seen the state of the stairs, Gabriel was nervous to step into his dorm. Something had to MAKE the webs...and only one creature made them. Spiders. Spiders.
Merlin, he just wanted to pass his NEWTs. That's it. Was this additional anxiety and stress necessary?!
Instead of proceeding upstairs, Gabe retraced his steps...planning to retreat to a quiet corner in the common room. However, he caught sight of both Sophie Brown and Clara...and paused.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Clara woke from her nap with a start at the sound of a Gabriel falling down the stairs crash. Huh ... she definitely hadn't intended to sleep on the sofa, but studying for NEWTs at all hours of the day had left her constantly exhausted, so it wasn't any surprise.
She sat up slowly, getting her bearings, to look for the cause of the noise, but instead noticed something else.
Cobwebs. Everywhere.
And more than usual, it seemed. Over the last months, they seemed to have become a constant part of Clara's school life. They coated the books she read from, hung from the bed she slept in, and stuck to everyone and everything. She'd even stopped trying to clean every fifteen seconds because there was just no use; the cobwebs just accumulated a short time later. Oddly, she'd never seen the spiders that had to be spinning them. It was quite the mystery, and Clara was highly suspicious.
As she looked around the Common Room, she noticed Sophie. Oh. She shakily stood up and smiled at the younger Prefect. "Hello, Sophie," she said, furrowing her brow. "What was that noise?"
Originally Posted by Govoni
No, no....no. Gabe couldn't currently feel embarrassment. He was far too busy sputtering and blinking away spider webs to consider his dignity at the moment...or to even note that she was there. These were particularly thick, weren't they? Not opaque in the smallest measure...and STICKY; they were clinging to his clothing like wet candy floss.
Getting his bearings finally, after several moments of strange battling and flailing, the Ravenclaw clumsily reached for his wand and cleared away the webs directly surrounding him...and then the ones further up the boys dorm stairs. No, he hadn't noted Sophie Brown doing the same...but in any case...
..and he hadn't fallen OFF the stairs. Most of the noise probably came from him bumping and thrashing against the wall...and railing...but unlike witih Sophie Brown, Gabe would've felt embarrassment had Clara seen.
At least he wasn't stumbling around anymore...and because of that, he could focus on cleaning the tacky webs off his school uniform...and his hair...and his face.
Note to self: watch where the heck he was going from now on.
Of course, now that he'd seen the state of the stairs, Gabriel was nervous to step into his dorm. Something had to MAKE the webs...and only one creature made them. Spiders. Spiders.
Merlin, he just wanted to pass his NEWTs. That's it. Was this additional anxiety and stress necessary?!
Instead of proceeding upstairs, Gabe retraced his steps...planning to retreat to a quiet corner in the common room. However, he caught sight of both Sophie Brown and Clara...and paused.
The cobwebs were putting up quite the fight - they were so sticky, and she could see how they protested in their vanishment, but her efforts didn't go to waste. One cobweb at a time, she cleaned the common room wall nearest to her, taking care to even aim as high as the ceiling in an attempt to de-webify the room. Ravenclaws were cute and classy, there was just no TIME for these cobwebs everywhere.
A voice greeting her pulled her away from her endeavors, though, and Sophie turned to see - Clara! The sixth year smiled at the older girl, despite her concerned greeting, and offered a shrug of her shoulders as she went back to taking care of their cobweb problem. "Just Gabe bein' Gabe," Sophie siiiighed dramatically, but then turned to grin a cheeky grin back at her Co-Prefect. Just teasing, Gabe.
"Y'gonna be okay over there?" she further extended her condolences in a roundabout way to the male seventh year, genuinely a little concerned for him. He wasn't gonna, like, freak out any more, was he? He was good now?
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Eden smiled proudly. "Thanks! I do my best. Sometimes Gabe has to..you know, edit my articles a lot--" she SNORTED because Gabe took editing to mean, like, changing her VOCABULARY choices, but it was all okay, really. Eden had gotten over it. Pssssh.
"I'm OKAY at Astronomy...not my best, but I pass it well enough. And yeah..his classes tend to be...extreme, to say the least." She snorted and passed a hand through her dark blue hair.
Extreme. That explained most of Professor Flamsteed's classes. She was not the sort of girl who enjoyed extreme activities, especially when they involved Flamsteed. Something always seemed to happen to her when she was near the astronomy professor. "Yeah... Professor Flamsteed's activities have not always ended very well for me." One time she had even set her robes on fire with accidental wand sparks. That hadn't been his fault though, although he had unintentionally ruined some of her spare parchment that she kept in her pocket while putting out the fire. There were worse things that could have happened.
"Do you have a worst subject? I'm not great at herbology or creatures." Ancient runes was also really confusing.