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If permitted to enter the highly exclusive and incredibly pink palace of Headmistress Anastasia Reina (née Bunbury) Truebridge, please take a moment to allow your eyes to adjust. The current occupant of the Head chambers has distinct fashion tastes unlike any of her predecessors. And yes, she does re-do her office every three few years.
The large, thick black desk, which is easily the largest item in the room, rests on a fairly new, geometrically patterned pink and black carpet. In front of the desk are two nearly new black and pink, modernly styled guest chairs; behind it is what can only be described as a veritable throne. This, obviously, is where the Headmistress sits when she is in the office. If you're here to speak with her, you might as well have a seat in one of the guest chairs. You aren't welcome elsewhere in this office.
As you take your seat and look around, you'll notice that the room is lush with healthy green plants in black pots; new black curtains which are usually pulled back from the spacious windows; books and magazines scattered on matching black wooden end tables; and lots and lots of framed personal photos. Most of the photo occupants (the ones that you can see, anyway) are the Headmistress' husband, a former professor himself, and a baby photo of her now nine-year-old son, who is certain to grow up to be a genius. The largest photo, which sits facing the Headmistress' throne and the large window behind it, is of the three Truebridges from before they left Egypt.
The other frames on the walls of the room include portraits of former headmasters; a glass-encased man's cane; and a framed scrap of paper from one of Hogwarts' own student publications. In the back corner of the room, near the door that leads to the rest of the Headmistress' chambers, is a collection of very rare brooms locked up inside a black wood corner cabinet. In front of the cabinet sits a large pink wicker basket, usually containing a very pampered, very fat ginger cat. This is Gingersnapple.
Gingersnapple is most protective of his master's chambers, so if you truly wish to speak the Headmistress in her office, be aware that you are doing so at your own risk. Please note: This room is an animal-free zone... with the obvious exception of Gingersnapple.
OOC: You absolutely may not enter this office unless given the password or given IC/OOC access by the Headmistress. If you RP yourself here without following instructions, your post will be deleted.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
"As much as I wish it was a student," and their ickle messes, "I'm inclined to agree with you." And that right there, was enough to drive him to drink the tea. Tea wasn't really his thing, coffee helped more, but right now he could use it. Didn't matter what the flavor was.
The first sip burned his tongue, causing him to run it along the top of his mouth with a grimace. "I'll reach out to them as soon as we are done here." As soon as he had all his ducks in a row. Or chickens. Or whatever it was wizards and witches counted.
And then, all at once he felt like he was a student again, sitting across from the Head of Hogwarts. He was just missing his Gryffindor colors, and standing, he should be standing. What started out as a wide-eyed blink, turned into a chuckle and then full out laughter. And no matter how hard he tried to school it, it wouldn't stop. He'd blame it on a lack of sleep and overabundance of stress later, but for now, the Headmistress's words were endlessly amusing.
Best hire? Her husband was in Azkaban? Propaganda colored like a small child? It was the last one that did him in. The most ridiculous of them all.
"I think you should sign that on a thank-you card for them." Finally, he got enough air back in his lungs to force out a full sentence. The grin, took longer to fade and was only helped by another sip of the tea. Cooled slightly now.
As was his amusement by her final words. He really did feel like he was sitting across from the Head of Hogwarts, and his smile turned into one of genuine appreciation. "My desire to leave is not out of concern for myself." She deserved to know at least that much of his reasons. "But, all the same, thank you. They did well in selecting you as Headmistress. One of the best pep-talks I've had in a long time."
His smile said the rest. He was grateful. He'd stay. He trusted her. He felt, and hoped, they had each other's backs.
Another sip of tea and an off-handed question. "Who's your husband?"
Well about time he was agreeing. Annie kept her thoughts to herself and matched his tea drinking (FINALLY) with a sip of her own. He'd better like the tea, too. She grew it herself.
"Good. Should I know whom you will be contacting?" Just to be on the safe side? Not that she didn't trust Sabel, she just didn't trust... certain people within the Ministry. Wisely, she didn't trust them.
The laughter was an unexpected and somewhat welcome break from their tense conversation. Did Sabel sound a little unstable, with all that laughing? Yes. Had she intended to be funny with her erhm... pep talk? No. But would she chuckle too? Possibly. The Headmistress at least smiled briefly along with him. "Perhaps I should," she mused more lightly. "If I knew who it was, I would send it back, along with notes and an OWL grade, probably a P." They COULD do better, honestly. Even the threat about Quidditch had been less last-minute than this.
She nodded gracefully and returned the thanks with a murmured one of her own. "I try." Most days. "I'm married to Ethan Truebridge. He keeps a low profile now, but once upon a time ago... he also taught here. History of Magic, Ancient Runes, and even Defense Against the Dark Arts, for a short time." Quite the talented man, her husband.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Well about time he was agreeing. Annie kept her thoughts to herself and matched his tea drinking (FINALLY) with a sip of her own. He'd better like the tea, too. She grew it herself.
"Good. Should I know whom you will be contacting?" Just to be on the safe side? Not that she didn't trust Sabel, she just didn't trust... certain people within the Ministry. Wisely, she didn't trust them.
The laughter was an unexpected and somewhat welcome break from their tense conversation. Did Sabel sound a little unstable, with all that laughing? Yes. Had she intended to be funny with her erhm... pep talk? No. But would she chuckle too? Possibly. The Headmistress at least smiled briefly along with him. "Perhaps I should," she mused more lightly. "If I knew who it was, I would send it back, along with notes and an OWL grade, probably a P." They COULD do better, honestly. Even the threat about Quidditch had been less last-minute than this.
She nodded gracefully and returned the thanks with a murmured one of her own. "I try." Most days. "I'm married to Ethan Truebridge. He keeps a low profile now, but once upon a time ago... he also taught here. History of Magic, Ancient Runes, and even Defense Against the Dark Arts, for a short time." Quite the talented man, her husband.
Sabel's mood sobered rather abruptly, and instead of drinking his tea, he settled for staring into the bottom of the murky water. There were pieces at the bottom, pieces that shifted this way and that depending on how he rocked the cup. He felt like one of those pieces.
"Chosen." The name came off his lips reluctantly. Not because he didn't want the Headmistress to know, but because he was still fearful that someone else might know. "Chosen, and I'll be letting Bennett know too."
And not Rainey. The thought had his gut twisting with unease. He was going behind the man's back, something that made him surprisingly uncomfortable, but which there was little choice to. Truebridge didn't trust him, and that letter he had received so many months ago. Original YATI. It was clear. Legend.
Letting out a heavy breath, Sabel slid the mug back onto the table with two fingers. The lingering amusement had him smiling faintly. "A P. Seems fitting."
Really, she was right. It was a poor effort on their parts. Half done, half attempted. If it was the Cult.....
He shook his head, refocussing his attention on their next line of conversation. Her husband....And trying not to let his eyes fall out of his head or his sputtering surprise choke him. "Ethan? Really." Well. Fancy...that. Truebridge. Of course, it only made sense. "Good...Professor."
He cleared his throat, quickly diverting his attention to the piles on her desk. His surprise faded in an instant, his brow quirking. "You said your wards were tripped. Where were you when they were tripped?"
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
Sabel's mood sobered rather abruptly, and instead of drinking his tea, he settled for staring into the bottom of the murky water. There were pieces at the bottom, pieces that shifted this way and that depending on how he rocked the cup. He felt like one of those pieces.
"Chosen." The name came off his lips reluctantly. Not because he didn't want the Headmistress to know, but because he was still fearful that someone else might know. "Chosen, and I'll be letting Bennett know too."
And not Rainey. The thought had his gut twisting with unease. He was going behind the man's back, something that made him surprisingly uncomfortable, but which there was little choice to. Truebridge didn't trust him, and that letter he had received so many months ago. Original YATI. It was clear. Legend.
Letting out a heavy breath, Sabel slid the mug back onto the table with two fingers. The lingering amusement had him smiling faintly. "A P. Seems fitting."
Really, she was right. It was a poor effort on their parts. Half done, half attempted. If it was the Cult.....
He shook his head, refocussing his attention on their next line of conversation. Her husband....And trying not to let his eyes fall out of his head or his sputtering surprise choke him. "Ethan? Really." Well. Fancy...that. Truebridge. Of course, it only made sense. "Good...Professor."
He cleared his throat, quickly diverting his attention to the piles on her desk. His surprise faded in an instant, his brow quirking. "You said your wards were tripped. Where were you when they were tripped?"
Why was he so reluctant to share their names with her? It wasn't like whoever had planted these items in her office could get to the aurors before they did... could they? The thought startled her. "Chosen and Bennett. Fine lads." She definitely remembered Legend. "I suppose I should allow you to have the materials that were left in both our offices then... you can check them over for further incantations and traces of Dark magic, until your friends come to collect them..." Yes, she had changed her mind. Maybe the sight of those ridiculous magazines was starting to annoy her now. Or maybe she really did trust Sabel and his plans. Maybe.
A P indeed. Bunz nodded again but tilted her chin up suddenly when Sabel seemed to have a bit of a reaction to her husband's name. "Did you have him?" She couldn't recall, actually, didn't want to recall most of their early days as professors... and just like that, Sabel was moving the conversation along.
"I was in the back, in my private quarters." She leaned forward in her chair slightly to point to the back. "My cat didn't disturb them either. They only go off when an invited force intrudes." Like through the window, for example, or past the stone gargoyles without her permission or password... though now that she thought about it, what if someone had bypassed the gargoyles entirely? There WERE still passageways she didn't know about in this castle...
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Why was he so reluctant to share their names with her? It wasn't like whoever had planted these items in her office could get to the aurors before they did... could they? The thought startled her. "Chosen and Bennett. Fine lads." She definitely remembered Legend. "I suppose I should allow you to have the materials that were left in both our offices then... you can check them over for further incantations and traces of Dark magic, until your friends come to collect them..." Yes, she had changed her mind. Maybe the sight of those ridiculous magazines was starting to annoy her now. Or maybe she really did trust Sabel and his plans. Maybe.
A P indeed. Bunz nodded again but tilted her chin up suddenly when Sabel seemed to have a bit of a reaction to her husband's name. "Did you have him?" She couldn't recall, actually, didn't want to recall most of their early days as professors... and just like that, Sabel was moving the conversation along.
"I was in the back, in my private quarters." She leaned forward in her chair slightly to point to the back. "My cat didn't disturb them either. They only go off when an invited force intrudes." Like through the window, for example, or past the stone gargoyles without her permission or password... though now that she thought about it, what if someone had bypassed the gargoyles entirely? There WERE still passageways she didn't know about in this castle...
Sabel hesitated before reaching forward and taking the book and the magazines, refraining from lighting them on fire right then and there. He could think of several much better uses for the paper than sitting around in his desk until the MLE made their way over. But it would all look bad, worse than it did now. "I'll have a look, and send the owls out right away."
He traced his finger absently over the spine of the Cult book, a faint memory stirring. "Simon will be reserved as back-up. I'll only be asking Legend to come." He had his reasons. Reasons he didn't quite feel like explaining at the moment. "And if another article does get published...."
A small, amused smile touched the corners of his lips. "Well I'm sure I'll be back in your office in short manner."If. It was a big if, but it was still there. An if he found himself hoping for. It might help give answers to their questions, as infuriating as it was sure to be.
His attention came back up, his gaze lingering on her for only a second. "I did. My first term here." And that was enough for that line of conversation. Enough to make the both of them feel incredibly old.
Instead, his gaze tracked around the office, narrowing skeptically at the window, the bookshelves and almost every other piece of furniture. "Probably a good idea to double your wards and reset your password." He doubted she needed to be told. "And conceal any items that may be of a personal .... attachment."
His mind went back to the ash pile on his desk, to the letter he had already sent off....
Pushing himself to his feet, Sabel tucked the cursed documents under his arm. "I'll let you know as soon as I recieve word back from the Ministry. Thank you, for seeing me at such a late hour." A pause and glance at the rather untouched tea.
With a sigh, he reached forward, picked up the cup and downed the contents. When finished he held it up in a small salute. "And for the tea."
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Hmm, alrighty then. Legend it was. Bunz's blue eyes watched only Sabel as he took the book and then looked around the room once again. What was it like to be an auror? Was it really so scarring, so paranoid-causing? Should she not stay in her chambers tonight? She should probably take the floo to the cottage, shouldn't she? Yes, definitely, especially now that she knew Ethan had had Sabel in class... curiosity would drive her to ask one about the other.
But, alas, they should get back to work. "Right, of course. I've already reset the password--- which might be why you had troubles initially getting in..." And she smiled faintly at how young and hot-headed he had seemed but a half hour ago. "Of course. Thank you for your help. Keep me updated." She stood to show him to the door out of politeness, not because he needed a guide. Then, once the auror was out, Annie was off scribbling down a few notes from their conversation and double and triple checking her wards.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind