This thread outlines the course your characters will take in order to 'survive' this transfiguration lesson. A list of spells will be provided for you to choose from. You may also include other useful book canon or SS canon spells in order to aid your charrie in getting through the course. The student will the most point will be the star student until ousted by another in the next class.
Spells Points
Gemino-cause items to double 8
Vera Verto- animal to water goblet 6
Avis- conjure birds 10
Incarcerous- binds target 3
Inflecto Telum- fires arrows 7
Caught- restrains your attacker 3
Vipera Evanesca- turns snake to smoke 2
Draconifor- turns anything into dragon 7
Other Spells
Spells used outside of the ones provided value 5 points each.
Phase 1
You step under the canopying trees and before you know it you are being surrounded by a swam of locusts and mosquitoes. They will not stop unless you stop them. Beware of carrying them into your phase
Hint: Mmmhmm bet those are tasty Phase 2
By the time you escape the savage locust the jungle's humidity has taken it's toll on you. You should be extremely parched by now. Oh look a pond! Just a minute before you dip your face or hands in! Piranhas are in that water. And there are other critters running around too...maybe they can help.
Hint: Dip up that water and drink like royalty but don't use your hand Phase 3
The trek further into the jungle takes you to a bridge..rickety and old. Oh no! Seveal steps are missing and you certainly can't jump across...somehow..some way you're going to need to repair that bridge
Hint: gotta make more Phase 4
You've made it across? Congrats but it's just getting real. As soon as you touch solid ground (thank Merlin because that bridge was shaky) you're chased by GIANT HUNGRY spider. Don't think you can outrun them either. Are you a whimp or are you a wizard? Stand and fight!
Phase 5
Oh wow you actually made it out alive? Good on's almost over..but alas you're at a cliff....rough going because you can see the other side. Professor Bellaire is seated under a shade sipping some cool coconut water with a house elf fanning her with banana leaves. Aren't you thirsty for some coconut water and shade? Come on over..... Yeah I know..wizards can't fly..tough luck for you..
Quackface got schooled.