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The Badgers sit under a brand new gold and black banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. It was once said that the Hogwarts House Elves are the best in the world. It is up to your stomach to agree... but surely it will! Why wouldn't it like elf cooking?
If you're thirsty, there is also fresh pumpkin juice and water on the table, regardless of whether or not it is actually mealtime.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace heard Clara's question and he grinned sheepishly. "Alright you got me. I did burp at one point. Sorry I couldn't help it." At least he covered it up right? He didn't want to burp in her face. I mean that would have been rude and then Clara would definitely like hate him for eternity. He didn't want that. He saw the list and it seemed right to him. I mean he couldn't control his stomach gurgling sounds. Now he waited patiently for the readings now.
"Let's see what my stomach has been telling.." he said and he slid over his divination textbook incase she needed it.
So he had burped? Ew ..... Clara rolled her eyes, finding it typical that he would burp. "It's fine," she assured him after a moment .... it wasn't as if he could have helped it, really. She was just thankful that: A, he hadn't literally burped in her face, because that would be disgusting, and B, she hadn't burped.
"Lets," she agreed, about to get out her own textbook when he slid his across to her. Well .... she supposed that would be easier. "Thank you," she said, giving him half a smile before flipping to the page she needed. Clara followed the text with her finger. "It says that the quiet sounds and times when there were no sounds indicate that you're feeling calm, and ... that you have a stress free future with good thing to come." That was much more positive that hers had been. She looked at the next meaning and furrowed her brow.
"But, apparently, having lots of loud sounds close together means that you're very stressed and that bad things may come." She frowned. "Does that even make sense? Can you be stressed and calm .... and have both good and bad things to come?" Heh. "I think you're in for a roller-coaster year," she informed him, almost smirking. Unless, of course, Divination held no merit and was unreliable as was her belief. "And, lastly," she finished, once again skimming through the text to find what she needed, "the burp is 'evidence' that you speak your mind and don't hold back." That much seemed obvious to her.
.... "What do you think?"
Not that she really cared. She just wanted to know if it was reliable for him.
Patiently Lux waited as Mel listened for her stomach sounds. It might look weird to anyone who was passing by, but then maybe not since everyone would know what the homework was anyway. Besides, she wouldn't have cared. She did her own thing no matter what people thought.
When her friend was done the reading, it wasn't too surprising to hear that her stomach hadn't been gurgling and rumbling all over the place. It seemed that she didn't have very loud digestion. "Divination isn't always accurate, but yes... I am slightly worried about my NEWTs next term though I'm not really stressed." Yet. That would occur next term. She didn't even want to think about that right now. It was very nice of Mel to offer to listen if there was something seriously wrong. But it looked like more things were bothering HER.
"What stories have you heard?" Lux couldn't really remember specific stories besides the one where it had flooded Hogwarts - but that had been years ago. She was curious. "Did talking to it help?" Facing fears was a hard thing to do, and anything that made it easier was good in her book. Nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Frowning, she wished she could help Mel feel better about her boyfriend leaving.
She shrugged, "Oh well... at least I am done with the homework no matter if it came out right or wrong." Melek picked at her food and sighed. "Yeah... the NEWTs are hard and stressful..." Mel sighed and laid her head down. "My parents were telling me all these scary stories about mermaids attacking and a huge squid and stuff..." She shrugged. "I guess... a little bit...." Lux sighed and waved her sorry to hear thing away. "I dont care anymore... I just need to forget about him..." She sighed and looked away, pouting.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Somnium
She shrugged, "Oh well... at least I am done with the homework no matter if it came out right or wrong." Melek picked at her food and sighed. "Yeah... the NEWTs are hard and stressful..." Mel sighed and laid her head down. "My parents were telling me all these scary stories about mermaids attacking and a huge squid and stuff..." She shrugged. "I guess... a little bit...." Lux sighed and waved her sorry to hear thing away. "I dont care anymore... I just need to forget about him..." She sighed and looked away, pouting.
Well, it was nice to see that Mel was doing pretty well with the homework despite stressing over NEWTs. "I am sure you will do amazing on your exams." She was a Ravenclaw and smart after all.
...Yeah. She wasn't going to say anything about the mermaid comment. Instead she frowned. That was not cool. Mermaids were sweet creatures and she could not picture them ever doing anything so mean. It had to be a rumour and nothing more.
"You need to forget about him. You have friends to help you with that!" Including her of course.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
With the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables already blue, it was time to do the rest of the house tables. She couldn't just leave two of the tables unchanged, and she was going to get back at Hufflepuff for turning the Ravenclaw table yellow. Once the Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff tables were all blue it would look odd if the Slytherin table was the only house table that wasn't blue. Pointing her wand at the Hufflepuff table she cast, "Colovaria!" The Hufflepuff table looked better blue. Maybe they should just leave all of the tables as blue and not change them back. The other houses might not agree about all of the tables being blue. Even if it was just for a short time, she was going to turn all of the house tables Ravenclaw blue. The only house table that she hadn't changed yet was Slyherin, and it too would soon be blue.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Someone had changed her lovely yellow Ravenclaw table to blue. Lux didn't like that since she had only been trying to show some love for the House.
Maybe she would show some love for her own House instead!!
Excitedly she skipped over to the Hufflepuff table...and saw that it was blue too. Okay, she hadn't planned to recolour anything, but it would be nice to have one yellow table in the great hall and someone had been mean and recoloured her work.
Pointing her wand at the table she said, "Colovaria!" There. Now nobody better change it again. She was hurt that someone was being mean when she was only trying to show the Ravenclaws some Hufflepuff love.