emjay | 05-08-2014 03:08 AM | History of Magic Rules and Expectations http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o...psf59858be.jpg In Character Rules- Respect - Please be respectful of me and your fellow classmates. We are all special and unique and we all deserve respect! It will make class so much more enjoyable if we all keep that in mind and remember the golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated.
- Preparation and Punctuality - Please be prepared with the necessary classroom materials and make sure you're on time. Being late disrupts the flow of class.
- Class Participation - Class is so much more fun when everyone contributes! I look forward to everyone participating in discussions and activities.
Out of Character Rules- All SS Rules and SS RPG Rules apply at all times and in all school RPG threads.
- Please know and keep in mind the difference between In Character (IC) and Out of Character (OOC). Any IC offenses will be punished In Character (points loss, detention, etc.). Any OOC offenses will be punished Out of Character (a warning or infraction in accordance with SS site rules for you, the member). Also, please remember that Professor Glendower is just my character and any of her IC actions should not be taken personally OOC.
- Please do not edit any of your posts in my lessons. Answers that are edited will not be counted and it is not necessary to add or change information especially after the fact.
- Plagiarism is unacceptable for both classroom answers and homework. Please make your character's answers his/her own. Do not copy anything directly from the internet or other source. It's ok if your character does not know every answer, creative answers are welcomed too.
- If class has already started before you have gotten a chance to post, feel free to pretend that your character was there the entire time. If you post that your character has arrived late, he/she may have IC consequences.