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The walk down the first floor corridor is quieter than what one might be accustomed to when heading towards History of Magic class as there is no music to greet you today. But once you arrive at the classroom door you are greeted with the large sign that hangs outside - one that a returning student probably was already expecting.
Make an Entrance
Just inside the classroom is a long table covered with a cloth. It is apparent that there are several.. somethings under that cloth, but just what they are is not easily discernible. You'll probably find out soon enough. Professor Glendower is waiting at her podium for students to arrive, a cheerful welcoming smile on her face.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Some days the hardest thing about History of Magic wasn't the actual lessons, but the entrance.
Today was one of those days.
Lux stopped outside of the doorway and peeked inside. There was already quite a few students in the classroom. Biting her lip, she tried to decided what she should do. Handstands were nice, but she had already done them before. She had also done cartwheels... OOOH!! She had it!!
Beaming, Lux started doing her mermaid dance that she had invented. Woooo. So much fun. She boogied right on up to her desk. "Hello, Professor!" And hello friends. Everyone got waves.
Zhenya walked down the quiet corridor for History of Magic. Uh, yeah, it was quiet! Zhenya walked into the classroom quietly and saw Professor Glendower sitting at her podium. "Hello Professor, how are you?" she asked with a greeting, before eyeing the long table. What on earth was under there? Zhenya peeled her eyes away from it, knowing that she would surely find out what it was soon enough, once lesson started. So, she turned around to find a seat, pulling out her parchment, ink, quill and textbook.
Nessa was very excited for today’s lesson. She had wanted to try a different approach to her lessons this year to keep things fun and fresh. Not that she didn’t like the way her lessons had been in the past, as a matter of fact she loved them, but change was always good to keep people on their toes and keep them excited. She was lost in these thoughts when the first student arrived to class.
”Well, hello, Zhenya!” she greeted the Slytherin with a bright smile. ”I’m doing quite well, thank you. I hope you can say the same.” She noted the girl’s glance towards the covered table but she wasn’t going to give anything away just yet. Instead, she just smiled at her as she went to find her seat then turned her o the door to watch for the next student to enter.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
You know what? If Benny didn't want to believe him then there was nothing he could do about it. And he was going to do his entrance! The Hufflepuff cleared his throat, shuffled into the classroom and burst into a familiar song:
"Move your body like a hairy troll
Learning to rock and roll
Spin around like a crazy elf
Dancin' by himself
Boogie down like a unicorn
No stoppin' till the break of dawn
Put your hands up in the air
Like an ogre, who just don't care
Oh! Can you dance like a hippogriff?
Na na na ma ma ny na na ny na!"
It was 'Do the Hippogriff!' by The Weird Sisters. Hehe. Everyone should know that, right? Accompanying Adi's singing was him doing weird movements that he improvised at the last moment (he had planned the singing, not the dancing). Head banging was included. He reallllly wanted to sing the entire song but he figured Glendower would get bored of him so he ceased his dancing directly in front of the woman's podium, a grin on his face but it wasn't the usual bright and cheerful one. It was more like forced and 'I'm sad but I don't want to show it'. "Hi, Professor. I hope you're alright.''
Just then he noticed the covered table. "Professor, are we having a feast?" Food would cheer him up right now. Yup, yup. Anwaaaay. Adi opted to sit waaaaaaaaay at the back of the classroom. He was going to hide from people today. So intent on doing this, he failed to notice his good friend Zhenya already there.
And that next student would be Adi. Nessa smiled widely as the Hufflepuff burst into class singing. It certainly was a good choice for her to forego the welcoming music this time (though in reality, she had just been a little scatterbrained and had forgotten), for she wasn’t so sure if there was competing music that Adi would be so inclined to sing this song! She was very tempted to sing along, but this was his entrance and she didn’t want to steal his thunder. Instead, she settled for dancing along a bit, similar to Adi’s own dance moves, ending with very enthusiastic applause when he finished in front of her. ”Well done, Adi! Thank you for that very entertaining rendition!” Her smile faltered just a bit as she noticed his own smile seemed a bit forced. ”I’m doing just fine.. I hope you are as well?” Her eyes glanced to the covered table at his question and she shook her head. ”No, not today.. unfortunately some activities don’t go well with food..” But a snack was a nice idea for a different day.
SPOILER!!: Emmylou
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
Her second favorite class was today! YES! She needed a new word or just face the facts that History of Magic and Divinations were her two favorite classes. The sixth year walked to the History of Magic classroom. She was sure that she had everything that she needed for today's class and even an extra notebook just in case because the one that she had been using for her other classes was getting full and she was always one to write for than what she needed to write in class. Emmylou beamed at Professor Glendower. "Hello Professor Glendower. How are you today?" she asked taking a sit in the front row.
Nesa smiled brightly at Emmylou as she was the next student to enter. ”Hello, Emmylou! I’m doing wonderfully today, thank you for asking!” She did so appreciate such thoughtfulness. ”I hope you are doing well today..”
SPOILER!!: Benny
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
He did notice the usual sign to make an entrance, except this time he not only had no idea what to do, he didn't want to do anything. The Gryffindor was almost dragging himself to class. So instead Benny practically sulked quietly into the classroom only to find not many had arrived already. His presence would be noticeable without a crowd. Not to mention Adi was, as usual, one of the first ones there.
"Hello Professor," he said simply, a contrast to the more cheerful woman. Benny then made his way to a random seat away from his friend. He didn't want to run the risk of them being partnered up at the moment if he could help it. It was just too awkward.
Nessa turned her eyes towards the door again as the next student walked in. Was she reading too much into things or did his demeanor seem a little off? Still, she smiled brightly at the boy as he greeted her. ”Hello, Benjamin.. I hope you’re doing alright today.” If not, she’d be more than happy to lend a listening ear after class if needed.
SPOILER!!: Marsha
Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich
Having skipped from the Great Hall to the History of Magic classroom, Marsha was grinning happily when she arrived. So, it was with a huge smile over her face that she followed the others, from lunch in to meet Professor Glendower. ”Good afternoon Professor.”
She handed the woman a small posy of pansies, in various shades of purple. Pansies were one of the only flowers that she knew anything about, but with a smile she handed them to her Professor. ”I found these outside… and well, the frost is starting to set in and pansies don’t do so well in the cold… and well, I thought you might like them for your office desk.”
…. She was babbling.
She’d never done anything like that before… she didn’t even know if Professor Glendower LIKED flowers… but really, they had been asked to enter respectfully… and she’d at the very least done that… right?
Handing the posy over, Marsha moved to take her seat, hoping that no-one had seen her mumbling away to the Professor like an idiot. Don’t mind us, just sitting back here. Quiet and silent. Yup.
Nessa smiled brightly as the next student walked in wearing her own wide smile. She still had trouble with some of the first years’ names being only midway through the term, but she was fairly certain her name was Marsha. ”Good afternoon,” she began greeting her in return, stopping as her eyes fell on the flowers from the girl’s outstretched hand. Oh, goodness! How very sweet! ”Why thank you so much!” she beamed as she took the flowers. ”I would love them for my office.” She conjured a vase and filled it with water before placing the flowers inside and setting it on the corner of the covered table.
SPOILER!!: Norah
Originally Posted by Sararara
Norah flounced into the History of Magic classroom with a winning smile on her face, head held high. Curtsying in front of Professor Glendower, she nodded her head regally and looked up to give her a little wave. "Hi Professor!" She made her hand into a cup shape and waved slowly and dramatically at the rest of the students before sliding into a seat near the front of the classroom. How was THAT for an entrance? They could just call her Queen Norah from now on, yep.
She laid her note taking materials on her desk, paying special attention to her new glittery silver ink. It got a special place 'cause it was the best part, yep yep yep. With a grin at Professor Glendower again, she sat straight up and interlaced her fingers on top of the desk. Royalty was respectful, everybody knew that.
Nessa watched as Norah came into the room next, matching the smile on the girl’s face as she made her entrance. ”Good afternoon, Norah,” Nessa greeted her in return, giving her a curtsy also. ”I hope the day finds you well.”
SPOILER!!: Clara
Originally Posted by natekka
The redhead slipped inside, at least observing the request to 'be polite'. That was the best that Professor Glendower would be getting from her. "Good afternoon, Professor," she said warmly, picking out a seat fairly near the front, before getting out her resources.
Nessa gave the Ravenclaw an encouraging smile, sensing the girl was perhaps not in the best mood today. That was unfortunate, but hopefully her day would get better, and maybe her lesson would be a pleasant distraction. ”Good afternoon, Clara,” Nessa returned the girl’s greeting, watching her pick out a seat.
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Eden was feeling kinda' sad today. She was....severely missing Phoenix...and she just...didn't wanna' feel like that right now. She followed in after Clara and didn't bother making an entrance.
"Professor Glendower--" she nodded at her and sighed a she slumped next to Clara. Did she have to talk? She just met eyes with Clara before shaking her head, as if to tell her not to ask.
Goodness.. seemed to be quite a few of her students who were in a less than overjoyed mood. Still, Nessa gave this girl an encouraging smile as well as she shuffled into the room. ”Hello, Eden.. I hope everything’s alright today..” If not, her office was always open and she’d be happy to talk.
SPOILER!!: Henric
Originally Posted by Symphora
Henric walked into the classroom,history of magic..whoop whoop! Time to put more history knowledge into his long term memory brain. He stopped to read the sign,"Make an Entrance...Respectfully" Alright then he would try...he sauntered forward towards the smiling professor,"Hello Professor...I can't wait for your lesson to begin,"he greeted politely. He then faced the class and bowed as well,"Hello...umm..." He gulped, alright maybe not...he was going to pass on the dramatic entrance scene, that was Adi's thing not his."..well..nice to meet you all again...uhh....goodbye..."He briskly walked past them so he could seat at the back like always,"Oh hey Adi!"he waved.Where was Benny? Henric looked around and spotted him seated on the opposite side.Weird, didn't these two always seat together and not always at the back? He wanted to wave at Benny too but he didn't seem to look cheerful today.Hmm...oh well...he took a seat beside Adi. Whaat...this was his favourite spot. He even carved his name...not physically...but mentally...on this seat.Yup yup.
Watching the next student come in, Nessa smiled brightly. ”Well, you’re in luck,” she grinned. ”You don’t have long to wait!” Nope, class would be starting in just a few minutes! And she thought today would be rather fun. She beamed approvingly as he made a dramatic gesture towards the class, knowing that this was his personal take on an entrance. How creative!
SPOILER!!: Rorie
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Rorie was quite happy she had decided to pull her rainbow locks in a bun today. Approaching the 'Make an Entrance' sign, she folded the sleeves of her robes up her arm and tied the tail to her waist.
Perfect handstand by Miss Rorie Hazelwood. 10 out 10 scoring. THE CROWD GOES WIIIILDDDD! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Wobbling her way into the class, she kept her balance even. Can't land any roles with a broken wing, can she?
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE back on her own two feetsies. TA-DA. Autographs available after class. THX.
One thing that Nessa had noticed were lacking lately was the acrobatics. She had gotten rather used to the impressive feats from when she first started, yet there hadn’t been any today. Until now. She watched with delight as the next person to enter the classroom did so on her hands. Nessa thought it was Rowena Hazelwood as she tilted her head to try to get a better look at the upside-down face. Either way, she was impressed. ”Wonderful job!” she applauded before the girl righted herself to find a seat.
SPOILER!!: Brian
Originally Posted by laurange
Entering the room and making a small bow towards Professor Glendower, he offered her a wide smile. "Good afternoon, professor. I hope you've had a good morning." Mmhm. Now he'd just find himself a seat somewhere in the back and maybe she'd be able to ignore him if he should fall asleep at any point during the lesson.
Nessa gave the boy a small bow and a wide smile in return. ”Good afternoon Brian. Why, yes, I did have a good morning.. I hope you did as well.” Hmm, a back row seat... She really should arrange the seats better so everyone was at optimal location for best learning and participation.
Originally Posted by Felixir
Pausing outside the room to gather himself, Toby then ran and skidded into the classroom, sliding across the floor and doing jazz haaaands, with a big smile on his face. A smile that anyone who knew him well enough might recognise as completely forced.
The room set-up, that long table, the podium, none of it made Toby too curious, because Hogwarts. No one class was different to the next in this place, so he took it all in his stride as he went across to take his usual seat by one of the windows.
"Hey Professor, good to see you," he said simply, offering Glendower a little smile as he took a seat and got his things set up.
Eeep, Nessa loved dramatic entrances like those, especially the jazz hands. She offered Toby a welcoming smile, unaware that his mood might not be as cheerful as normal, and watched him find a seat. ”Hi Toby,” she returned his greeting. ”Fantastic to see you as well.. hope you’re having a lovely day.”
SPOILER!!: Sophie
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
So, rather than making a big entrance, Sophie simply entered the room, gave a polite salute in greeting to Glendower, and offered up a nice, "Hi, professor. Hope you're well," before taking a seat. That was all from her, and the sixth year kept to herself as she got out her materials for class.
Smiling pleasantly at Sophie as the girl entered her classroom, Nessa returned her salute. ”Hello, Sophie.. I am doing quite well, thank you. And I hope you can say the same.” She did enjoy respectful and polite which Sophie never failed to display.
SPOILER!!: Ethan
Originally Posted by Mordred
Ethan opened the door and peeked inside the classroom before entering. He had to make sure it was safe and whatnot. Spotting the professor and the long table before her, the Slytherin pushed the door open and entered the classroom. “Good day, Professor.” The fair haired teen grinned at the woman, and snagged a seat beside Zhenya. “Hey there, Z.” A friendly grin and wave was given, and took out his writing implements out after.
Hmm, that was a low-key entrance from Ethan but he got a pleasant smile nonetheless. Though she did wonder if something was going on with some of the students that they not come in as excited for class as usual. ”Hello, Ethan.. Hope you’re having a great day!” She watched him take a seat with his friends then she turned her eyes to the door again as more students trickled in.
Originally Posted by Hera
Despite entering through the door in a regular fashion - as he did now since the shine off it wore of quickly in his first year - he did notice the difference in the room. NO MUSIC. Thank Merlin.
"Hello, Professor Glendower," he greeted as he moved to take his usual seat.
Nessa gave a pleasant smile to the next student to walk in, watching him as he found a seat. ”Hello, Zeke.”
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
So in a very normal and casually relaxed manner the third year opened the door to the room, brushed a strand of green hair back behind her ear which never seemed to stay in place and entered the room. "Hello, Professor. How are you?" she greeted warmly with a small wave of her hand before making way to her normal set and sitting down taking out her usual items of parchment, quill, and textbook.
Nessa smiled widely as Hady entered the room with a wave. ”Hello, Hady.. I’m doing just fine, dear. How about yourself?” She gave an approving nod as the girl readied her things at her desk. Not that they’d really need all that today, but it was always good to be prepared.
SPOILER!!: Grayson
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Whatever. Grayson did make an entrance but by practically leaping into the classroom. Knees bent, a grin on his face and his arms outstretched, the boy posed at the front of the classroom, almost as if he was saying 'TA-DAAAAAAA'! Yeah, ta-da, the handsome seventh year was here. JAZZ HANDS.
Was he done embarrassing himself?
The answer was yes. Readjusting himself, the Slytherin threw a wink out to the audience -- none for the haters -- before turning his attention towards the History of Magic professor. "Hey, Professor Glendower." Smiles for her because she was cool and all. He then moved away to swagger over towards an empty seat and sit down. Ready to learn, yo.
Nessa smiled widely as Greyson entered the room with a flourish. What a way to announce one’s presence, she loved it! ”Hello, Greyson,” she greeted him in return. ”Nice to see you today.”
SPOILER!!: Angel
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel couldn't wait for the first History of Magic Lesson to start, but first she had to make an entrance and today she had the perfect one, she walked towards the door before she stopped a few metres away and she went to the side of the door... she poked her head in for a few seconds before she went to the other side and did the same again.
Angel then rolled into the classroom and hid behind the Professor desk before she peeked her head up from behind it, looking around... she was so being a spy. "Hello Professor!" Angel smiled as she picked herself up from the floor. "How are you today?" Angel suddenly went and found herself a seat.
Hmm, now this was rather curious. Nessa tilted her head as she watched Angel stealthily enter the room. She turned around behind her as the girl poked her head up and she was rewarded with a wide smile. ”Hello Angel! I’m doing quite well, how are you?” That was a rather creative entrance, very unique to the girl’s personality, which Nessa always appreciated.
SPOILER!!: Zander
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
You know what? He was just gonna march into the room like a soldier. He lifted one knee then the other as stiffly as he could and made his way into the-- Oh. "Hi, Professor," he greeted her, accidentally breaking out of character in the process. But he couldn't help it. He was curious. What was she hiding under the cloth? OR MAYBE the cloth was the prop this time. Unlikely, but possible. "Are we gonna be ghosts today?" You know, wear the cloth over their heads like people did for Halloween? Man, Glendower was brilliant.
Ooh, another creative one! Nessa stood at attention as Zandar marched into the room. ”Hello, Zander,” she greeted him in return with a wide smile before her eyes followed his gaze. She couldn’t blame him for being curious. Oh that was an interesting guess. ”Well.. not in the literal sense..” Probably not really in the figurative sense either the more she thought about it.
SPOILER!!: Jackson
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Well, what should he do? Jackson was a good in singing but just singing sounded... not really special. Okay. "Good day Professor," He greeted. "At first I thought I'm in heaven because I see an angel, right in front of me." HEHEHE. Micky taught him how to do that. "Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for. I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more. You know it's true: Everything I do, I do it for you."
Jackson, stop. Now go to your seat.
He smiled and waved to some familiar face like Zhenya. Adi, and Ethan. He also waved to Henric, but he decided to take a seat a little bit far from him.
”Good day, Jackson,” Nessa greeted the boy with a wide smile as he entered the room next. Oh my, what a charmer this boy must be. She smiled appreciatively as he serenaded her and the class, indulging him in some applause as he was finished. ”Why that was lovely! Thank you so much for that delightful song!.” She watched him find a seat with his friends then glanced at the time. Nearly time to begin!
Originally Posted by Squishy
Lux stopped outside of the doorway and peeked inside. There was already quite a few students in the classroom. Biting her lip, she tried to decided what she should do. Handstands were nice, but she had already done them before. She had also done cartwheels... OOOH!! She had it!!
Beaming, Lux started doing her mermaid dance that she had invented. Woooo. So much fun. She boogied right on up to her desk. "Hello, Professor!" And hello friends. Everyone got waves.
Oh my, another creative entrance! Nessa smiled widely as she watched Lux dance into the room. ”Hello, Lux.. how very inventive!” She knew her students were very creative and she just loved it when they showed it. She watched as the girl turned to her friends, then decided to begin class. It was that time now and anyone else would just have to catch up.
”Hello, everyone!” Nessa brightly greeted the class as she walked towards the center of the room to address everyone. That was their cue that class was beginning and that they should end their personal conversations now. It was time for some fun learning! ”Today we are going to do something a little different. I know we are all accustomed to putting ourselves into history so to speak for class to better understand the events and, while we will still do that in a sense, today’s lesson will be much broader.” In fact, it would encompass much of the term! And she was sure that it would disappoint a few that there would be neither dressing up nor playacting today, but it would still be plenty creative!
”I’m sure many of you are wondering what is under the cloth on the table today, and we will get to that in just a little bit. As a hint, they are things that will help immerse ourselves into history, using your own unique and creative perspective. But for now, let’s talk about history in its most general sense." She started to walk around the room a little as she looked at each of them. "What is history? What does history mean to you? And what are ways that history is conveyed to other people? Let's start a discussion.."
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Kace was really wondering what was underneath the table. I mean there could be anything underneath the cloth. This is what he gets for being curious. He was gonna get his mind off it for a little bit and heard the Professor ask the class about the main topic of history. He puckered his lips and began to think about what history meant to him and what is history. He looked around and noticed others were thinking. He began to write it down in his notebook first before he spoke out loud. He didn't want to be the one idiot who said the wrong answer.
SPOILER!!: Kace's Notes
History means to me.....a way of unraveling the past?
It means....a way of getting answers to the unknown or documenting facts.
- I mean none of us were there for the wizarding war.
History is documenting events that happened and retelling the stories others have seen.
He saw what he had and he was gonna go with it. Kace raised his hand and began to start the discussion, "Professor I think history means to me is a way of unraveling the past. It sometimes answers our burning questions we have like the Wizarding War that happened here at Hogwarts. I also think it means a way of getting answers to the unknown and documenting facts. For the definition aspect, it means like documenting events that happened and retelling stories others have seen."
That is what he thought. I mean I guess his answer was enough to get the discussion going right? He waited back quietly to hear others answers.
Norah, who hadn't even noticed the mysterious thingy mabob all covered in cloth, immediately grew squirmy. What was under there? WHAT was under there? WHAT WAS UNDER THERE? Did Professor Glendower know how badly she needed to see what was under there, 'cause it was really REALLY badly. This was kinda mean for such a nice professor, y'know putting students through the AGONY of waiting. It was a grown up thing, probably. They liked to make people wait for a million gazillion years before they got to see surprises even though at the ripe old age of fourteen she was much too grown up to wait that long to see anything. It was like they had a whole entire making-people-wait GAME just to make her squirm. That wasn't very nice, y'know. And grown ups called themselves 'role models.'
She tapped her toes on the floor to keep from EXPLODING from all the curious energy, putting one hand, complete with squiggly wiggly fingers, in the air. What kind of question was that, anyways? Professor Glendower was the teacher, she should probably know her very own subject. That was another grown up thing, asking questions you already know the answer to. As much as Norah had thought she'd learn all those weird grown up secrets by the time she was THIS old, it still hadn't happened. Lame. "History is like stories," she began simply when she was called on. "They're stories about stuff that has happened according do whoever's telling 'em, and any story about the past is history. I guess it probably has to be a true story, but sometimes people may make a mistake or exaggerate or something, because I think a lot of history is spread around by people telling it, or writing it I guess. Just like you tell us about history, and my mum tells me about the history of when she was 'my' age, and that was aaaaages ago. That's history too." She made a wrinkly face as she put her hand down, 'cause those kinds of mum stories were never any fun. They were usually all about how Norah was doing something wrong, and who liked to hear about that? Not her, that's who.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Professor Glendower returned his greeting, thankfully one of staff who still chose to use his full name. Of course she must have noticed his demeanor because she spoke of him feeling alright. All Ben could do was give a slight shrug before she moved onto the next person who had entered the classroom and said hello. His lips weren't in the mood for any extranious talking at the moment. He saw the wave in his direction coming Lux and only made a half-inclination of his head on response.
Sorry Benjamin Atreyu was being his old, shy self right now.
Soon enough class was beginning anyway and the Gryffindor was doing his best to pay attention to the professor rather than anything else. Huh? Cloth....what cloth? Oh....that cloth. Yep, he had definitely been distracted and missed that. As for the question, it seemed his voice was still lost so he was going to be simply listening...for now anyway.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Brooklyn didn’t feel very well. Not that anyone could have noticed, aside from the fact she’d just quietly snuck into the classroom earlier without her usual royal entrance. Her head was pounding and she hadn’t felt like eating anything. She just felt like curling up and sleeping, but instead she was here. She was here, and trying desperately to focus on the discussion. Too many people were talking. It was only making the pounding in her head feel worse, to the point she’d nearly decided to give up. She couldn’t do that to her House, though. Slytherin needed points.
Raising her hand slowly, she spoke softly. “History is what the winners say happened before them. Stories, legends…” Her answer trailed off as she slipped her hand under her hair to scratch at the back of her neck. She really couldn’t focus. It was all too annoying. Spiders, or whatever Cutty had said back when they’d been under the influence of fear potion. It was all stupid, and she didn’t like feeling icky.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Dante was here. Not like he would miss it or anything. He liked Professor Glendower. And he was interested in the table cloth or whatever it was for like a moment. Then he lost interest. He only looked at it because it might have had food underneath it. He was hungry.
"Like Brooklyn said. History is written by the victors"
Somebody famous said that. Don't remember who.
Probably some old white guy.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
So they weren't dressing up as ghosts, then? Man. It was a good guess though. Zander thought so. But if the cloth wasn't gonna be used for costumes, then what was it hiding? The way Professor Glendower said it, made it sound like books. Man. That was a horrible surprise. As if it wasn't enough having to lug around this giant HoM text book as it is. Now they had even MORE books.
Except for she never said that they were books. But Zander was a brilliant guesser, as everyone probably already knows given his great intuitive skills from the past. Like the whole Cold One thing. Or his brilliant Runes OWL score, he guessed on the ENTIRE thing. Zander was probably the best guesser the school had ever seen. AHEM. Jokes.
He had to practically tear his eyes away from the cloth 'cause curiosity and all. But it was evident that the lesson was off to an official start... So here goes nothing.
And cue the vague introduction question. Ah, Glendower didn't disappoint. It was always the same with the Professors here. Zander was starting to recognize the pattern. And you know what history meant to Zander? Absolutely nothing because it was a pretty boring subject. Except for he couldn't say that out loud because a) Professor Glendower is AWESOME b) the whole 'second chance' with the badge thing c) he actually did well on this OWL so there were expectations and d) wait, what was the question again? "History is all about knowing mistakes from the past, so you don't make 'em again in the future." Yeah, he could contribute too.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
What is History?
Well that was easy. Was it even necessary to start with this, he'd been 'learning' the subject for over two years... HERE... and a great deal longer in Muggle school.
Hand up, Zeke figured now might be his only opportunity to participate. "History is the study of events that occurred in the past, the people who lived in the past, the way things were in the past and how it has led to how we are today. We can do this by looking at evidence from the time like artefacts and written things which are primary sources. But more often the history we learn is the one that is considered to be most significant, but it doesn't mean that we get a true impression of a time. And to add to that, the perspectives that we're taught may be biased through what the government wants us to learn or biased because of your own personal preference or perspective to a time that we learn. If people don't like Goblins, then they're less likely to teach to Goblin's perspectives of the issues that led to the Goblin Rebellions." Yeah, yeah.... how do you like them apples?!
So.. in summation, Hisotry sucked. He wondered how many people had been ripped off by the 'study' of History. How many peoples names and actions had been forgotten? Whenever he went ANYWHERE there were billions of monuments for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, but did he know anything about them? No.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
"I'm doing well, thank you," Hady responded with a light smile. The day was still young and there was more to come. So far so good though for the time being.
And so the class began. With a maybe easy question depending on how one looked at it. All her fellow classmates seemed to be giving roughly the same answers so what Hady raised her hand it was slowly. "History is everything and anything from yesterday and before. All the good and the bad some worth remembering and some not. It's a ton of events brought about by others choices as well as our own and how the events played out." Everything eventually turned into the past. It was just the simple matter of what was important enough to be remembered and what wasn't.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by emjay
Nessa was very excited for today’s lesson. She had wanted to try a different approach to her lessons this year to keep things fun and fresh. Not that she didn’t like the way her lessons had been in the past, as a matter of fact she loved them, but change was always good to keep people on their toes and keep them excited. She was lost in these thoughts when the first student arrived to class.
”Well, hello, Zhenya!” she greeted the Slytherin with a bright smile. ”I’m doing quite well, thank you. I hope you can say the same.” She noted the girl’s glance towards the covered table but she wasn’t going to give anything away just yet. Instead, she just smiled at her as she went to find her seat then turned her o the door to watch for the next student to enter.
”Hello, everyone!” Nessa brightly greeted the class as she walked towards the center of the room to address everyone. That was their cue that class was beginning and that they should end their personal conversations now. It was time for some fun learning! ”Today we are going to do something a little different. I know we are all accustomed to putting ourselves into history so to speak for class to better understand the events and, while we will still do that in a sense, today’s lesson will be much broader.” In fact, it would encompass much of the term! And she was sure that it would disappoint a few that there would be neither dressing up nor playacting today, but it would still be plenty creative!
”I’m sure many of you are wondering what is under the cloth on the table today, and we will get to that in just a little bit. As a hint, they are things that will help immerse ourselves into history, using your own unique and creative perspective. But for now, let’s talk about history in its most general sense." She started to walk around the room a little as she looked at each of them. "What is history? What does history mean to you? And what are ways that history is conveyed to other people? Let's start a discussion.."
"That's good, Professor," she said in reply. "I'm going well too," she said with a smile. Though study was tedious and stressful, she was doing well.
Ooh different! Zhenya liked things being changed. She still wondered what was on the table. But they wouldn't be finding out for a little while, so she would have to do a bit more waiting. So they were starting generally. That was good, general, then work it down to something more specific. Zhenya had a think about what she was asking them. What did History mean to her? Well... that was a hard question, history was just history. Now she had a big think about what history meant specifically to her. Hmm... She raised her hand, "Professor history is a lot of the past, remembering what has happened in the past. Whether it's remembering the facts of what happened, giving credit to those who deserve it, for example a witch who invented a spell or something. It's also important to remember what happened in the past, either to remember people and their sacrifices, or to remember the horrors so it doesn't happen again, like the first and second Wizarding War."
Hmmm. What is history and what does it mean to me? Hmm. The sixth year didn't know if she should raise her hand or not. It was an open discussion so maybe not. Emmylou looked around. Kace was writing notes before he said something. She jotted down a few notes while listening to everyone. "I don't fully agree with Zander when he said that it is about learning about past mistakes." Emmylou paused. "I mean, it is about learning past mistakes but it can also be a window to the past in a different way. In the past life was different and there were different ways people did magic. For example, history in the muggle world can be about how their technology had advanced." Emmylou wasn't sure she was really getting anywhere with what she was saying. Thinking about something and understanding it was different than thinking about something and trying to explain it to someone. Emmylou was going to answer the second question but she was sure that what she just said answered it.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Henric turned to face the front when the professor started to speak. He thought about the question for a second before raising up his hands to answer,"History to me are events from the past that has been documented and studied for centuries, they are formed by the people and made by the people themselves. Mankind can made history no matter what status they are,whatever happened yesterday can be 'His Story' to tell,"Henric chuckled a little at his own definition. Pun intended.
He also wondered what was under that cloth, hope it wasn't something scary.
He skipped making an entrance that day feeling not particularly well and looking it. His hair was combed, but his face was paler and he appeared almost...sticky? It was not a good look. Still, he made it a point to make it to History of Magic. Maybe they'd talk about Barty Crouch Snr. again. Maybe they'd be reanimating his bones, he thought noticing the sheet covering...something nearby.
Professor Glendower started on the right foot, though apparently. It was an immediately interesting question because it was immediately revealing. A way to gain perspective without having to ask any questions himself. He wanted in on the conversation, but first, time to play a little game. A little game called 'validating the Professor's ego by taking a softer field of study and making it seem harder'. The sickly 6th year put his hand up. "History could be thought of as sort of a portal. A look through time to gain a sense of relativity. Not joost a record of events, booht a record of motion and a way to gauge where we're at in time and space and possibly where we're going. Additionally, it also gives insight into the minds of the people who lived at the time and who were reporting historical events. Looking at Queen Margaret, fer example, she went to extreme lengths to get her son to be king of England and that looks a bit strange when you consider our modern perspective. We've had many queens, booht at the time she couldn't have done it and was hated for her power." And rumours. Oh the rumours they spread about her. Which was the part Cutty enjoyed most about the subject. It was like an almost never ending gossip rag.
"I guess history is mostly conveyed through the written wehrd, if that's what yer mean, Professor. Although, if yer mean how is it presented, then I'd have to say that unfortunately alorra the times it's joost alorra names and dates." The part about other people threw him.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
As a matter of fact she DID want to know what was under that cloth. Wasn't there a saying her mom always said? Curiosity killed the cat? To which AJ would always respond... but satisfaction brought him back. Boom. Only she was trying super hard to be patient. What if she lost points for peeking and it ended up being so not worth it. Life decisions were mad hard.
History though. "Before you I always thought history was super boring. It's just a bunch of dead dudes... what's the point?" It was true. "But now I see that we can learn a lot from history. Some of those old dudes and dudettes made our world a better place." The professor made learning the boring stuff fun and AJ actually learned more.
Glendower was awfully nice, wasn't she? Her cheery disposition was a little overwhelming sometimes, but today it was brightening Sophie Brown's spirits. Greatly welcome, even. And... okay, wait. Was the professor implying that there would be no dressing up today? No acting? No putting themselves into history in THAT way?
A wave of relief had washed over this Ravenclaw and she visibly relaxed in her chair, slumping forward a little in her seat and propping her head up on an elbow. She was still attentive, but this change of pace for the class made her feel unhinged. Slumping and relaxing was completely appropriate.
The stress of classes was just too daunting sometimes, okay? Something different was encouraging.
At the professor's question, Sophie considered her classmates' answers. It was a very broad, open-ended question, which she appreciated. She liked being able to improvise a bit and add fluff to her response. With a raised hand, Soph went ahead to offer up to the discussion, "History is important 'cause it's brought us to where we are today, and kinda like Zander said, it's important to know about what's happened in the past to understand not just where we are today but how to improve for our future, too. History means to me... well, m'super appreciative of our history, 'cause if it weren't for the people of the past and the things that happened... we wouldn't have these desks we're sitting at and spells and potions and stuff wouldn't have been invented. Like, there's a certain order to the world - we're nothing without history and understanding the past, 'cause that's necessary for any growth moving forward." She'd rambled a bit there and repeated herself, but she... wasn't entirely herself today. Her brain was a bit muddy and her thought processes were jumbled, so that explanation would've had to suffice.
Also... Merlin, what was wrong with Cutty? He looked bloody awful.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Dot liked Glendower a lot, so she wouldn't say her first thought... that history was kind of boring unless they were acting it out in this class. Like her gram was always trying to tell her old stories about people who were like dead or over 40. It was blech.
But that was just one part of the question, so Dot focused on the parts that wouldn't offend the professor. "Professor! Lots of people just get their history out of books, which isn't bad, probably, but it's awful biased based on who does the writing. Like a wizard is gonna think that the contributions of wizards and the people he supports did things right and Muggles or witches or people not like him were wrong. So you have to look at history from a closer source to the real story. Like newspapers. Or people who were really there, but lots of them."
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Whoaaaa, so many questions. It was barely ten minutes into the lesson and Brian's head was already spinning. His classmates were already answering the questions, though, and he was probably better off writing all this down. Or maybe he could doodle instead? History was the past, that was pretty clear but he was never really a fan of his own Muggle hisory, Magical history just seemed longer and more irrelevant.
And then there was a small lull in the discussion and Brian figured that he probably had to answer before he was called out on daydreaming during the lesson. Swallowing a sigh, he raised his hand. "History is anything that happened two minutes ago, on back until the dawn of time. Some of it, people think important. That we can probably learn lessons from it but I think we discount people's personal histories a lot. Those might be less famous, but they're still important." Oh. That was a lot more than the Hufflepuff had meant to say. Blinking a bit at his own wordiness, he returned to doodling taking notes in his notebook. That was weird. He normally didn't even have such complex thoughts.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Awh! Professor Glendower had joined him with the dancing! Wasn't she just one of the best Professors ever?! Adi momentarily forgot his anger and hurt as he did a bit of a bow before the woman. "Thank you, thank you! I hope I didn't hurt your ears." Hehe. "I'm alright...ish. Thank you for asking.'' Lieing... not Adi's thing so an in between answer would do. And no food? How disappointing. But he couldn't wait to see what was in store for the lesson.
"I'm alright, Henny,'' Adi replied, through gritted teeth, still glaring at the back of Benny's head. And yeah, he hadn't missed the brief glance the Lion had shot their way. What did he care, anyway? Adi was a liar in his book as far as he was concerned. Thank gosh the lesson was starting. Something to distract him! FINALLY! Adi rested his left cheek on his corresponding hand as he absently doodled on his parchment rather clumsily with the other hand but that had to be stopped as he thought of answers to Glendower's questions.
"History is the study of past events. Honestly, history doesn't mean much to me because I always found it boring even though it's important.'' Sorry, Professor. Though History of Magic with the bubbly woman wasn't boring AT ALL because she had such fun classes. "History can be conveyed to others through textbooks.'' There! Simple and short answers because he wasn't much in the mood to do thinking. Right now he wanted to cast Cantis on Benny.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Hehe, Professor Glendower liked her dance. That made Lux smile. The Mermaid Boogie was going going to take the world by storm; she could see it now.
Anyway, lesson time. She didn't have much time to dwell on Benny's almost non-response to her greeting because hello mysterious objects under a cloth. Definitely curious now. Hopefully things would be explained soon, but for the moment she was trying to think about history. It was a little harder to do when the topic was so broad, but she would still try her best.
After a few moments, Lux raised her hand. "I think history is events from the past that are recorded so that future generations can know about them and possibly learn from mistakes others have made. History can also help someone know more about themselves in a way...because it gives an idea of where they came from." Did that make any sense? Or was it only logical in her head? "Oh, and like Brooklyn said: it's the winners who make history." That was about it.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
After Clara had gotten comfortable in her seat, and thrown a somewhat weary smile at the Professor, she glanced across at Eden. Her best friend was giving out some major sad vibes today, but she knew her well enough to know that she didn't want to talk about it. It wouldn't really make a different if she did want to talk about it, the redhead already knew what was wrong. It was obviously Phoenix. It was always Phoenix. Always.
Eden's feelings towards Phoenix were enough to make Clara angry at him for making her feel so strongly about him, but she also respected them. She could see how important they were to each other.
These were all out of class things, however, so she tried to focus back on the lesson. What did history mean to her? Being the avid reader she was, her mind jumped straight to definitions and literal senses of the word. She stuck her hand in the air. "History, by definition, means 'the study of past events', especially in connection to people and humanity. It's often seen in the form of life lessons - learning from the mistakes of the past and building upon what we've learnt." She could go on, but she wouldn't.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Did that Gryffindor just.....?
Gabriel was staring at him [RandomRaven] with a dumbfounded expression firmly in place. It could never be said that the Lions lacked confidence, that much was for sure......but his attention was soon drawn elsewhere, as it was known to do. Questions were being asked and answers being given, some more detailed than others.
History, as an aside, was one of Gabe's favorite subjects for one very uncomplicated reason: It never changed. It was the same set events retaught over and over again. Of course, the perspective differed from time to time, based on whoever was lecturing and presenting the material...but the gist was constant. He liked constants.
This wasn't to say that it was always TRUE, however. Consistent or not.
"History is often falsified....over time." Perspective was a very curious thing. If you controlled the publication of books and the writing, you could make the events twist and turn into whatever you wanted them to be. Dot had the right idea about that.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
History was a funny thing. As a kid, the subject had never really been one on his favourites. He'd always been very focused on moving forwards. Always just keep moving forwards, never looking back, always making progress. In his young mind, looking back was this big unspeakable thing, but as he'd grown older Toby had realised that sometimes, looking back was necessary. And then, when good things started to happen, he found that looking back could even be enjoyable. He still preferred to look forward rather than dwell on things (not that it always worked that way for him), but these days he was at least a little less... extreme about it.
These thoughts all flitted through Toby's head while he stared off out the window and twirled his quill out of fidgety habit. He did this for a long while, thinking about things. waiting until there was a lull in the input from the other students before looking to Glendower and raising his hand to speak.
"I guess this is kinda what Zander said," he began, his expression making it clear that he didn't even mind that he was going to repeat the same point. It felt important for him to say it, acknowledge it out loud for the first time. Also, he wanted to say it with the positive twist. "But sometimes you gotta look back, see what went wrong or right, and that's the best way of knowing how to keep moving forward, and how to keep making things better. I used to think that the only way of moving forward was to only look forward, not dwell on the past, not ever. So I never ever did that. But sometimes you have to look back to know how to move forward. Or to understand what's happening in the here and the now. Whether in general history or, like, personal history, y'know? And I think it's easiest to look back at history when you're looking back at good things."
See? He'd learnt stuff.
Of course. That was completely leaving out the fact that Toby tended to ignore or lowkey deny the parts of history that didn't fit his idealistic views of things. But that was a problem for another day.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
The Korean boy just grinned when Glendower said that she loved his sing. Hehehe. It's not that hard to impress this Professor, to be honest. If only all professors were like her...
Anyway. back to lesson time.
What is history? Jackson raised his hand and gave an opinion. "History is.. something that already happened in the past and somehow it can affect the current and/or future activity. So... That's why history cannot be separated from our life."
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Angel smiled at the Professor. "I'm awesome Professor." Angel was glad the Professor was okay, she then listened to what the Professor was saying about History. "Professor, isn't that where someone says to you when you destroy their favourite thing, Your History?" Angel had been told some people said that to others.