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It seems much cleaner down this end of the castle than it had been earlier in the term and Professor Glendower go up early today just to make sure her classroom was lesson ready. In fact, if you listen really closely you just might hear her humming to herself as she gets things ready for class to start.
Of course the familiar sign outside the door greets you as you arrive, but the inside of the room looks quite a bit different than what you might be used to as you walk inside. Instead of the desk-arm chairs, squishy bean-bag chairs are arranged circularly in the middle of the room. Off to the side is a table full of snacks - several varieties of elf-baked cookies as well as cups of hot chocolate and pumpkin juice. Professor Glendower is standing nearby, prompting you to help yourself before you take a seat for the last History of Magic class of term.
OOC - This class will be officially starting later today and will run through the next few days. My limited internet with moving the last week made it necessary to push the class back a little more towards the end of term and so there will be no homework, but it should be fun one
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Annnnndddd... it was HoM time.
With as much enthusiasm as he could muster, Zeke entered the usual classroom only to found a not so usual set up. Okay then. Yep. Totally cool.............. maybe.
"Hello, Professor," Zeke greeted politely as he dropped his bag at a beanbag chair, effectively claiming it, before moving to get himself a snack of something. He wasn't one to turn down food in class when it was an opportunity so nicely presented.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
No doubt it was going to be another FUN History of Magic lesson. It never ceased to amaze Adi that Glendy could come up with cool ideas to make said lessons awesome. As he made his way to class, he did notice how much web- free the place seemed to be and was pleased about this.
Today, the sixth year opted for a regular entrance- simply walking through the door. "Helloooo, Professor!'' A cheery greeting for a cheerful lady. Oh looky! Snacks! "Thanks!'' No need to encourage him further. Adi grabbed a cookie or two and a cup of hot chocolate. Sugar overdose! Hehe.
And... beanbags! COOL! "Hi, Zeke!'' Would the Lion mind if Adi took a seat next to him? Figuring no, he set his cup down before flopping onto the beanbag beside Zeke's.
Henric walked into the class, his mind was too preoccupied with too much stuff in his head to notice anything else around him. He was emotionally drained after sending Princess toadette on her last voyage. He hadn't had enough sleep too and his eyes were noticeably red but he didn't care.Henric stopped directly in front of the professor before muttering a respectful greeting,"Hello professor...I hope you are doing well today," He gave her a small smile before turning around to face the rest of his classmates who were already seated around and helping themselves with different assorted snacks. Woah...what was the occassion today? He sighed, knowing he wouldn't be in the mood for any delicious snacks for sometime.His grieve for his beloved pet toad was still fresh on his mind. He spotted Adi among the group and waved to him a little. He should atleast try to blend in...he could do this..yes..he could...for Princess....
"Hi guys..." He then sat on a blue beanbag near Adi, not going to bother trying to shift away if Benny happened to see them seated close together. He loved the colour blue anyway and would claim this as his own, Princess would probably do too if she was alive....*sobs*..he missed her terribly already....
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle arrived fairly early for History of Magic class. That was good. She had her entrance prepared too and did a quick cartwheel as she entered the room. Once she was upright again, Janelle noticed that they had a different setup today. It made her curious. What could they possibly be doing that involved beanbag chairs? She loved those things.
The professor appeaed busy, but Janelle greeted her as she went toward a seat."Hello Professor Glendower", she said cheerfully. "Hello everyone", Janelle said to her classmates who had already arrivved. Adi got a special wave as the second year plopped down into one of the beanbag chairs. The chairs were waaaay too comfortable. That might not be a good thing in a classroom setting.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Nomnomnom. Okay, so two cookies were NOT enough so the Hufflepuff bounded his wy over to the table to collect a few more. Good old Professor Glendy, taking care of he students like this. Just as he sat down, in came a sad Henny. Try as you might to hide it, Henny, Adi could see right past the smile. He set down his cookies, watching his friend intently. It had been recently they had said goodbye to Princess. Obviously Henric was still broken up over everything.
"Heya, Henny.'' It would make no sense asking the other guy how he was feeling. Adi rummaged through his bag to bring out three pumpkin pasties, neatly wrapped in tissue. It was a small gesture to help make his buddy feel better. "I don't think Professor Glendower would mind of you ate these now.'' The sixth year was saaaaaad for his friend. He picked up a cookie, noticing Janelle in the process. He returned the wave enthusiastically. Then his attention was back on Henric. Would he make it through the lesson?
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Last History of Magic lesson for the year.
Last History of Magic lesson forever.
Yes, Zhenya was sad. Gloomy. It was very close to exams, which were on her mind, but very close to saying goodbye to all of the wonderful Professors, fellow students, surroundings and lessons.
There was no grand entrance, unless crying and rolling into a ball was one of them? No, perhaps not. Brave faced Zhenya entered the class, and smiled at some of her friends; Adi, Zeke and Jasmine. "Hello Professor," Zhenya said, a bit sadly. She gulped. Couldn't be last lesson could it?
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Marsha had sort of skipped to class. Not quite skipping, but not quite sadly walking either… She didn’t like that she was coming up to the end of her first year at school… where had the year gone? Why did she have to wait for ALL of the summer before she could be back and learning more? SIGH SIGH. Though, on the up side, when she came back Suri would be joining her! How cool. Hehe. Silently, she hoped that the brunette girl would be joining her in Gryffindor - but regardless, it would be AWESOME to have her here.
Moving into the classroom finally, Marsha grinned and waved at the Professor. ”Hi!” Moving to the large table she smiled as she picked up a rainbow cookie and a triple chocolate cookie and a hot chocloate before thanking the Professor and moving to sit down. She wasn’t sure where to sit, so she at next to one of the older girls who looked sad (Zhenya) and held out her hand that held the cookies. ”Would you like a cookie?” ‘Because you look sad’, went unsaid.
No 'big entrances' from Toby today, nope. In fact, it was barely an entrance at all. IN FACT... it had almost been a non-existent entrance, because Tobias had been ultra-absorbed in his studying that he'd almost forgotten to go to class completely. Or maybe he was avoiding classes sort of possibly perhaps. It was easiest to just focus completely and utterly on the solo act of studying, really, and forget anything and everything else. He hadn't thought about what he was going to do once exams were over. In any case, he was here on account of remembering that this... would be his last every History of Magic class... and he was trying not to think too much about that either.
So yes, here he was, History of Magic textbook in hand because that was the book he'd been studying from earlier. He went to go and take his usual seat, but... different. The room was different. Toby blinked, then quietly took up one of the beanbags and totally bypassed the snacks. He nodded to Professor Glendower in greeting, managing a tiny smile, then settled down and opened up his textbook again. Not a second wasted when it came to studying, right?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
School's out for summer... almost. Yeah, she was going to miss her friends, but she had some pretty sweet summer plans that she was looking forward to. In her excitement, AJ took a running start and slid into the classroom on her knees. Ouch. Maybe that wasn't the greatest idea ever.
"Hello professor." And was that an assortment of sugary goodness? AJ walked over and grabbed several cookies. She decided on pumpkin juice to wash it all down with. MMM.
"Hey everyone." Yup, the greeting was for everybody seeing as she knew and liked them all. Deciding to sit closer to Marsha, AJ made her way over and plopped in a chair. The fourth year plopped a whole cookie in her mouth. Omnom.
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler
If Marigold had been more aware of her surroundings, she might've noticed that Toby looked the way she felt: tired, disoriented, and done with learning because studying had TAKEN OVER. So much. She felt like the inside of her brain, instead of being pinkish/grayish, had turned black with all the ink she had been rereading and scanning. UGH. Hopefully it would pay off, though - she did want to go to uni, after all.
"Hello, professor," she said, mustering up a smile.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Dot wasn't keen on making big splashy entrances, even if they were invited in this particular class, but she was always willing to drum up some spirit fingers and a dramatic curtsey for Professor Glendower before scurrying forward to find a seat.
"Good day, Professor. I hope we're going to do some dramatic arts today. Those are always really entertaining and informative." It wasn't sucking up if it was true, by the way.
Grabbing a cup of hot chocolate for herself as well as a chocolate chip cookie, Nessa took a seat in one of the beanbag chairs as she waited for her students to walk in. Everyone got cheery smiles and welcoming hellos, and some got appreciative applause from the professor for their creative entrances. She never did tire of that.
But it did not look like many would show today, though she could not say she blamed them for all that had been going on lately. Not that she condoned skipping class, she could just understand a little. Still, it was time to start whether more were coming in or not.
"Hello everyone! And welcome to our last History of Magic class!" Well, that was kind of sad, but Nessa didn't dwell on that for too long because she wanted to have an enjoyable lesson with her students. That was what all the cookies were about after all. And she gave Dot an extra big smile for her suggestion, even if they wouldn't be exactly doing anything dramatic today. Those were her favorite kinds of lessons too. "Please help yourself to some snacks if you haven't already. I thought for today we could have something of a fun and casual lesson, especially after all that's been going on lately. So just relax in your comfy seats for now."
She took a sip of her hot chocolate before continuing. "Let's start off with some stories. I'd like each of you to name a historical figure or event that has inspired you in some way, it can be anything as long as it made some sort of impact on you. Describe the person or event a little, and talk about what you might learn from that. I'll start -
"One of the first historical stories I learned about when I was young, was the story of Wendelin the Weird. Some of you might know her story.. She lived during a time where, sadly, some people were burned at the stake if they were thought to be using magic. But she knew about the flame-freezing charm which prevented any harm to come to her when she was burned at the stake. In fact, I believe that her overuse of the charm helped make it more widely known and maybe even saved some lives. I was always fascinated by her story, not only is it full of excitement and drama but she overcame adversity in a creative way." And she was all about those things. "I think that is something really important and valuable to learn in one's own life - how to creatively tackle life's problems. In fact, it was one of my favorites to act out." But that was another story for another day.
"Okay, so I'd like us to go around the circle and have each of you talk about your favorite historical figure or event, and talk a little about why it's influenced you.. Use your textbooks if you need a reminder.." She would hope that everyone had at least one special story in mind, but if not, she wasn't opposed to someone glancing through their books.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Last History of Magic class...WOOT!
Not that Kate didn't enjoy this class or the awesome professor teaching it. Oh, no. She loved both. Last class, though, also meant SUMMER BREAK! Kate let her mind drift for a bit as she thought about the things she wanted to do over the summer. CLASS, though. She needed to be focused on class.
So who was her favorite figure? Or what was her favorite historical event?
Kate had an idea on this one! Raising her hand, she said, "Neville Longbottom stands out in my mind. During the last Battle of Hogwarts, he was one of the key people when it came to defeating Voldemort. I think his victory is extra special, because it just came out of nowhere. Nobody really expected Neville Longbottom to do anything that brave or heroic." It had been a story that always stuck out in her mind. It taught a really good lesson, too.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Was it just him or did Zhenya look... sad? It had to be not just him for he just realised this was to be one of her final lessons. Now it was his turn to feel slightly depressed. He knew there would be persons missing him after next year but right now it was his turn to be in that position. He would miss that Slytherin girl like crazy. He smiled slightly to himself when he saw Marsha offer her a cookie. Adi tried to catch Zhenya's eye to give her one of his warm grins.
Annnd Glendy was getting started! Excellent! Adi shot a look at Henric. You'd better pay attention, buddy boy. He hoped Glendower's lesson would be enough to distract Henric. If not... well, Adi would just have to find a way to cheer him up later.
While students started giving their narration of their historical figure or event, Adi calmly nommed on his cookie, shooting looks at Henric ever so often. He was thinking... thinking about words and how to say them so they made sense. He had opted to go for a historical figure.
When his turn came, the Hufflepuff raised his left hand, cookie still clutched in it which caused some crumbs to fall onto his head. Woops. Hehe. "My favourite historical figure is Newton Scamander.'' Any surprises there? NOPE! There shouldn't be. "His extensive work with magical creatures and research on them is what inspires me to be like him. Without his work, we would probably still be unaware about a lot of things about these creatures.'' Adi shook his still raised hand enthusiastically as he spoke of the man, causing more crumbs to tumble on him but he paid no attention to it right now. "Newt worked at the Ministry, got lots of promotions and authored books. He contributed a great deal to Magizoology.''
Sooooo, one could see why Adi adored the old dude. The two had a lot in common- Hufflepuff House, the magical creature love, they both had LOTS of ambition... Adi was a new version of Newt, yo. Anywho, he finally lowered his hand to pay attention to the crumbs. A silent Evanesco vanished them all.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Food, he WAS going to help himself to food, and so he did. Cookies! Cookies were suitable for lesson-time snaking. Zeke took one and held it in his mouth before stuffing another in his pocket - totally legit btw. After grabbing a drink too, he returned to his beanbag where Adi had taken up a spot beside him. PufferMan got a nod.
He munched on his cookie in silence as Professor Glendower spoke.
Did they have to do this?
He couldn't say he really... cared? Things happened, and he didn't remember the dates of any of them.
But then for the sake of participation he blurted out the first thing he could think of.
"Lord Voldemort."
Yeah. YEAH! Cause he was QUITE the historical figure, no?
"Not cause he killed a bunch of people and stuff, but because he was powerful enough to influence society for so long." Don't ask him how long, he didn't do dates! "And like, not only did he reign over everyone but after he fell, he made a return and that in itself is super impressive... perseverance and all." How did it influence him? He didn't feel he needed to say.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
SPOILER!!: Marsha
Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich
She wasn’t sure where to sit, so she at next to one of the older girls who looked sad (Zhenya) and held out her hand that held the cookies. ”Would you like a cookie?” ‘Because you look sad’, went unsaid.
And then there were two; a young Lion. Zhenya smiled as she offered a cookie, and she took one, "Thanks, I'd love one," and nibbled on it.
"I'm Zhenya by the way," she said. Had they properly met before? Zhenya's brain was fried from all the study, and she couldn't quite remember.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Was it just him or did Zhenya look... sad? It had to be not just him for he just realised this was to be one of her final lessons. Now it was his turn to feel slightly depressed. He knew there would be persons missing him after next year but right now it was his turn to be in that position. He would miss that Slytherin girl like crazy. He smiled slightly to himself when he saw Marsha offer her a cookie. Adi tried to catch Zhenya's eye to give her one of his warm grins.
Zhenya looked up, just before Professor Glendower approached the class, and saw Adi. He had plastered on his face an Adi grin, which made Zhenya smile. She offered him a small wave, still eating the cookie. She would have perhaps said hello, or asked how he was, but at that moment, it appeared that class has began.
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by emjay
Grabbing a cup of hot chocolate for herself as well as a chocolate chip cookie, Nessa took a seat in one of the beanbag chairs as she waited for her students to walk in. Everyone got cheery smiles and welcoming hellos, and some got appreciative applause from the professor for their creative entrances. She never did tire of that.
But it did not look like many would show today, though she could not say she blamed them for all that had been going on lately. Not that she condoned skipping class, she could just understand a little. Still, it was time to start whether more were coming in or not.
"Hello everyone! And welcome to our last History of Magic class!" Well, that was kind of sad, but Nessa didn't dwell on that for too long because she wanted to have an enjoyable lesson with her students. That was what all the cookies were about after all. And she gave Dot an extra big smile for her suggestion, even if they wouldn't be exactly doing anything dramatic today. Those were her favorite kinds of lessons too. "Please help yourself to some snacks if you haven't already. I thought for today we could have something of a fun and casual lesson, especially after all that's been going on lately. So just relax in your comfy seats for now."
She took a sip of her hot chocolate before continuing. "Let's start off with some stories. I'd like each of you to name a historical figure or event that has inspired you in some way, it can be anything as long as it made some sort of impact on you. Describe the person or event a little, and talk about what you might learn from that. I'll start -
"One of the first historical stories I learned about when I was young, was the story of Wendelin the Weird. Some of you might know her story.. She lived during a time where, sadly, some people were burned at the stake if they were thought to be using magic. But she knew about the flame-freezing charm which prevented any harm to come to her when she was burned at the stake. In fact, I believe that her overuse of the charm helped make it more widely known and maybe even saved some lives. I was always fascinated by her story, not only is it full of excitement and drama but she overcame adversity in a creative way." And she was all about those things. "I think that is something really important and valuable to learn in one's own life - how to creatively tackle life's problems. In fact, it was one of my favorites to act out." But that was another story for another day.
"Okay, so I'd like us to go around the circle and have each of you talk about your favorite historical figure or event, and talk a little about why it's influenced you.. Use your textbooks if you need a reminder.." She would hope that everyone had at least one special story in mind, but if not, she wasn't opposed to someone glancing through their books.
And welcome to our last History of Magic class!
Zhenya had to blink a few times, and swallow the chunk of cookie in her mouth, harsh on her throat. Nope, no tears today Burton.
Zhenya felt quite relaxed, physically, in the chairs provided, and was glad to hear that they were having a more casual class. That sounded good, because Zhenya wasn't sure her mind could recite dates or events.
Zhenya had a think about a story she could share with the class, whilst continuing to nibble at her cookie. She knew the figure, he was in her mind, and she started to speak when it was her turn. "I admire, and am inspired by Damocles, who invented the Wolfsbane Potion. He was very smart and very dedicated to finding the correct formula to ease the suffering of the Werewolf, which is what I admire most. I hope that one day I can be as dedicated to finding a potion as helpful as that. But I also admire him for his contribution to society in general, by providing a tool to decrease the threat of werewolves."
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Gabe didn't need to look through his book, even though he was doing so, anyway. Just to have something to do with his hands...since he was stressed and nervous about being in this classroom. Or any classrooms, really. Any and all classrooms.
Also, if his hands were busy, they weren't shaking.
Gabe had made a decision. School life wasn't suiting him, anymore. He was ready to graduate and be done with this entire situation.
"Paracelsus...who was an alchemist." Nervous page flip after nervous page flip. "He was a free thinker and made many discoveries that were for the betterment of our kind...and muggles, also...I think." Gabe paused and leaned back, resting his hands in his lap. "I plan to study the sciences and change the face of the world, too...Not because any one person did, like Paracelsus, but because of people like him...and knowing it's possible."
Awkward throat-clearing.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hady had gotten to class and entered silently. Upon entering she did a full complete sweep of the room with her eyes taking in the small changes from chairs to beanbags (awesome change there she wouldn't complain about that) to the fact the room was cobweb free as well. That was what she wanted most! Letting out a small breath in relief she continued into the room giving Professor Glendower a small wave in greeting.
Pushing her bag up onto her shoulder she poured herself a cup of hot chocolate and took one cookie as well. A little bit of sugar couldn't hurt at all right now. Turning around another quick look around had her gaze fall upon her bestie and she grinned ever so slightly before making way to a beanbag close to him. Setting her bag at her feet Hady sat down and sipped her drink while listening quietly to the Professor.
However there was a problem. She had no clue which historical figure she wanted to speak of. There were TONS! Listening to those around her only Zeke's answer made her smirk a bit for she didn't expect anything else coming from him. Could they just skip over her please? At least until she was able to come up with something...
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Cookies and Hot chocolate. Hmm...
He was too busy eating some cookies and read on his notebook so he wasn't aware that the lesson was already start. By the time Professor Glendower spoke about the famous figure in wizarding history, the Korean boy still had cookies on his mouth and the crumbs were all on his desk. Oops, sorry Professor! He waved his wand to clean the crumbs and quickly sipped his hot chocolate.
Damn it, his tongue was burnt because of this very hot chocolate. "Sorry, Professor..." He said apologizing and then took his tumbler to gulp some water. Okay... "Personally I love Professor Dumbledore, the former Headmaster" He spoke up. "He's a great wizard and uh... Apparently he trusted that his students at the time were great in their own way, no judgement or things like that..."
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Tobias had taken to flipping the edge of the pages in his textbook while he read and waited for class to begin, but really, now he was in a room full of people he found it totally impossible to concentrate on any of the words. But still he tried.
Not for long, of course, because they were soon getting started. Toby looked up again from his book, but left it open in his lap, and looked to the professor as she started speaking. Truth be told, he did zone out for a while, as usual, but... he was still more or less following. There was an attempt.
So... a historical figure or event that... inspired him? Uhhh... well, that was pretty difficult, really. Toby didn't spend a whole lot of time thinking about wizarding history outside of his school studies. He'd always looked FORWARDS whenever he could, because in the past there was a whole lot of stuff he didn't like to think about.
As always, when Toby didn't quite know what to do, he defaulted back to the one thing he could always count on.
"The first recorded Quidditch game," he said when it was his turn, still fiddling with the pages of his textbook. Not that he needed it for reference for this particular answer. "At Queerditch Marsh. 'Cause I love Quidditch and all, and if there hadn't been a first game then we wouldn't have it around as a sport and I personally might not know what I was doing with my life and stuff. 'Cause Quidditch inspires me. 'Cause it's fun. And happy." Yes. Quidditch. Nice and safe. Not a single risk of thinking about any of the less happy things. And another thing that Toby liked to focus on. Perfect.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
"Hi Adi,"Henric replied. He fell silent once more and just watched the others happily gorged themselves on the snacks provided. He turned back to Adi when he saw him reaching for something in his bag. When Adi revealed the contents inside the neatly wrapped tissue paper, Henric's eyes instantly widened at the sight of his favourite food on his hands.
"It-Its that f-for me, Adi? No way...how you know I love these!"Henric's smile broadened even more at Adi's thoughtful gift for him."Thank you...man...I miss eating these...here, Adi..you should have one too,"he said, offering the rest of the pumpkin pastries to his friend. Adi was one of his few great friends he could count on whenever he was down with something. He hoped one day he could repay him back with the same kindness he received from him. He took a bite and his face brightened up a little. He grinned at Adi with his mouth full.
Class was starting now and they were asked to recall prominent figures throughout the history. There were tons really...he couldn't pick one. Of course,one of them was definitely Harry Potter, the chosen one who defeated the powerful Dark Lord Voldermort at the age of seventeen. His friends and family were famous too for taking part in the battle of Hogwarts. Henric would love to answer the professor but he wasn't ready yet. He was still in his grieving mode...
Angel looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "Professor, I think Merlin was cool." Angel now had to figure about things. "I think he was a special adviser to a king because he was so amazing, I watch loads of programmes about him, though obviously the muggles didn't know anything about him being a wizard, though they guest."
Sipping her hot chocolate in between devouring large bites of cookie, Sophie wiggled in her bean bag chair and settled down in it beside Tobes. It was storyyyytime today, which was mega exciting, and Soph continued enjoying her cookies as she took in Glendower's own story, then the students that followed suit. Cute stories, the lot of them, and the sixth year finished up her cookie just before it was her turn, when Tobes was talking - and of COURSE his was about Quidditch. Especially endearing, his story was, and when he was finished, Soph offered up the first thing that came to mind that no one else had said.
"I kinda have two notable historical figures, not just one - former Hogwarts Headmistress Rae-Branxton and her best friend and Deputy Headmistress Anjelica Lainey. They were, like, connected at the hip 'n my parents have told me how they were such good leaders TOGETHER because of just how close they were and they played off each other's strengths to keep Hogwarts safe and secure and they were, like, Aurors together, too, and they're just two super powerful, brilliant women who did a lot for this school 'n the wizarding world at large." She took a brief sip of her hot chocolate, then, but continued on, "They've influenced me 'cause they're like the defiNITION of 'girl power' and if they can be some of the greatest leaders of all time, then I can, too. I wanna be super cool and important and make a difference in a big way they way they did."
Of course, professor or headmistress of the school had never been a career path she had considered... but they made the job look pretty appealing in a big way, didn't they? If she wanted to make a difference in the world and make waves in helping people and saving the world, being a leader at a super dangerous school like this sounded like a perfect fit. Heh.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Everybody was coming up with super impressive things, and Santa Claus came to AJ's mind. What? He obviously wasn't real, thanks a lot mom, but the idea of him was pretty amazing. It shows that the mind is a powerful thing. She couldn't say that though. No. She needed a mature fifteen year old appropriate answer. Ha. We would see how long this mature thing lasted.
AJ shoved another cookie in her mouth as she bought some extra time? Ugh. Her mind was completely blank. Ummmm... Another cookie went in. At this point all she was accomplishing was adding way too many calories to her diet. Not that, that sort of thing really mattered to her.
Oh. She had something. Perfect timing too because it was her turn. Okay. The last bit of cookie pieces had been swallowed and a quick throat clearing session happened. She was ready. "Godric Gryffindor. I guess really all of the founders. They were brilliant witches and wizards. I especially like how three of the founders stood up to Salazar for what they felt was the right thing. It's influential to me because it shows that you can do the right thing even if it means losing a friend or making somebody mad." That actually sounded kind of lame out loud. AJ wasn't the poster child for making the right choices.
She was shutting up now. Another cookie was forced in just in case. Nope. She didn't have a thing else to add.