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"I am well, thanks" Hady replied in response to Professor Glendowers greeting. Sitting up a little taller and straighter in her chair the third year watched all her friends and fellow classmates enter the room. A few of the entrances managed to make her smile a little bit. Before long the lesson was beginning and her full attention was at the front of the room with the professor. A large grin formed on her face when she heard they were going to have a fun lesson and talk about different games. Lots and lots of games. Being a witch yet growing up mostly around muggles Hady knew tons and tons of games. So this questions was a simple one as she raised her hand into the air and gave her answer, "There's wizards chess, the muggles also have a form of chess they play however the pieces don't move at all." The same idea however but the wizards put a little spin on the game having the pieces move where they were told and attack the other players pieces to take it's spot. It was actually quite cool to play and just to watch. |
Games? He can do games. They've been doing games in almost all of their classes that term, so he was up for it. Question is, will they team up again with Gryffindor? While he listened to the professor up front, Ethan was busy picking out cobwebs off of his hair. As he did so, he placed the remnants on Cutty's head, who was seated in front of him. Nothing to see here, professor. Just a bit of 'brotherly love', that's all. Oh and what was the question? Games, eh? Ethan waved a hand in the air, and answered the question. "Quodpot, professor." Not that it's his favourite game, but that little girl over there who was seated beside his cousin mentioned Quidditch, so the other variant came into mind instantly. Putting his hand back down, Ethan kept on pulling out cobwebs from his hair. "Er...just washed my hair today! Seriously..." Oh and about the dusty first floor? It was worse now, compared to the last time he was talking to Lady Iris. The entire hallway was covered with dust and cobwebs, and not just the portraits. Huh. |
Cobwebs, Urgh. Seriously, what was wrong with this classroom? He wasn't sure that Glendower let her classroom like this. Tsk tsk tsk.... The Korean guy was busy cleaning of the webs at his shoulder. Ewww... And now back to the lesson. Professor Glendower asked them about games. Hmm... They're gonna be playing games again, right? He was about to mention gobstones since he's the player of the match when Gryffindor played against Slytherin. Hehehe. But somebody had mentioned it before, damn it. "Wizard chess, Professor. I don't really enjoy it by the way." Jackson answered as he raised up his hand to the air. |
Janelle turned her attention to Professor Glendower as she began to speak. It was time for class to begin. As the Professor began to explain the topic for today's class, Janelle couldn't help but smile. Games. Oh this was going to be fun. She liked games, any kind of competition really. Before she could wonder what game they might be playing, there was a question. Janelle's hand shot into the air. She had a game to name, but unfortunately she was not fast enough. Someone beat her to the punch. With her answer already mentioned, Janelle had to do some quick thinking. Her possible choices were dwindling by the second and she was having a hard time thinking of more games. Then she remembered something. "There's a game called Shuntbumps." Janelle had never played it, but it sounded like a lot of fun to her. |
GaaassSSSSPPPPP! Toby's hand shot straight up at that question. He had an answer that didn't even HAVE to spring to mind because it was ALWAYS on his mind. "QUID-... oh." Oh. Someone else had already mentioned it; he'd not initially processed that fact on account of his enthusiasm. Sooooo, Toby lowered his hand again, and seconds later it was BACK UP in the air. "Quid-... wait..." AGAIN, he lowered his hand. NO, Toby. C'mon, get your head in the game. Wait... game. UP went his hand. "QUI-... rahhh, I mean... uh..." THINKTHINKTHINK "Creaoeaoaoethceoanananan. Or something. It's a game that was banned, because it was super dangerous. I don't know how to say it. Creathaceanonon?" Creaothceann was the word Toby had been going for, but he'd only ever read it before, in his battered and well-read copy of Quidditch Through the Ages. And throughout all the years of reading the bizarre words, he'd never found out how to say it, so in his HEAD it was jibberish, which... was now an issue. "Createtheoceannaneaon???" The point was, he knew a thing. A HISTORY thing, too, so this was big. Okay, he only knew it from Quidditch reading, but still. There were... probably some much easier answers to have given. ... #YOLO |
Adi piled his books and equipment onto his desk, flicking his eyes at the covered things and brooms in front of the class. Oh! There was the guy bestie! A sneezing one too. "Heya, Benny.'' He pointed to the seat next to him. Yep, the sneezing Dragon was sitting next to him today. "I'm surprised you haven't sneezed fire and smoke.'' Hehe. Adi looked back in time at the entrance to see AJ and her bubble. HAHAHA! She looked funny. And Angel O__O He was not going to ask what was up with that entrance. "Hey, AJ, Hey, Angel.'' The Hufflepuff did notice Henric and his new hairdo. Plus he also noted Ilia checking it out. He smirked. Something was up with those two. Mhmmm. .................... Annnnnd class was starting! WOOT! They were going to talk about games? Professor Glendy was on a roll with her fun classes, yo! Not that this was anything new. She always made her lessons fun even though he had not put that over properly to her in the last class. the thought of that embarrassed him and he quickly re-focused on the present lesson by raising his hand. "Cricket, Professor!'' was his WAAAAAAAY enthusiastic reply. Cricket... his beloved cricket. But.... wasn't that more of a sport than a game? Ehhh... who cared? CRICKET! :loved: |
. . Gabriel readjusted himself in his seat and nervously glanced around. Someone had already mentioned HIS game, unfortunately...Wizarding Chess...or simply Chess. Gabes were especially good at this game...as it revolved around strategy and focus. Also, it helped him with his anxiety issues at times...but that was... That was something different altogether. "Would.....dueling be considered a game?" |
Oooooohhh GAMES. This was already going to be loads of fun, she could tell. Even if it meant no coloring. Norah beamed at Professor Glendower as she recorded each of her classmates' answers in her notes. The only issue with that was that by the time she'd put her hand in the air to answer, she didn't have any ideas that hadn't been mentioned yet. Uh. Did they have to be wizard games or could they be any games? As she couldn't remember if the professor had specified, the fourth year answered, "Well, muggles play football a lot. People from all over play that one." She'd SEEN them at it. With a small shrug, she brought her hand down again. It WAS a game, anyways. Wizards could probably play it too, if they wanted. Wasn't nearly as fun as fling though. |
Benny shook his head as Professor Glendower showed concern over his sneezing. "I think its the cobwebs," he mused. They were made up enough dust to send anyone sneezing. He couldn't help being happy as Adi motioned for him to sit next to him which he did. It was only a few moments before Angel came running in and screaming, coming to a rest behind him seemingly scared of something, "You okay?" he asked his turn to be concerned. Thankfully he could relax when it appeared to be her entrance. Too bad AJ apparently hadn't thought of that as she came running in worried. And covered in bubble gum. And then their was Henric...with a new look. Okay that got a confused look briefly from the Gryffindor. But then he relized he really didn't care. He mught be back with Adi but he and the younger Hufflepuff had a way to go. Besides the professor was starting the class so it was there that his focus needed to be. He only had to think of a game to offer and quidditch and gobstones was already mentioned. Um...why did he feel weird when Angel suggested her game? "There's a muggle game called Scrabble," he offered after raising his hand. Granted he had seen wizards play it but it came from the muggle world. |
Eden wondered what professors loved about GAMES this term. They either wanted to focus their classes around a game, like in here, or like...PLAY a game. It was fun, yeah, and consistent, so Eden didn't mind, but she was just so curious. She raised her hand. "There's a muggle board game called MONOPOLY--I think it might be AMERICAN, too, I'm not sure--but it's so COOL and like--I think we should totally make a magic one because it would be AWESOME and we could do like, instead of the four railroad, different magical ways to TRAVEL--" she stopped herself before she went on. Ahem. "Yeah. Monopoly." |
Games. There were so many out there, and her classmates had said most of the ones Kate could think of right off the top of her head. As soon as she had her hand raised, she heard the voice of somebody else calling out the very idea she had. Kate lowered her hand and thought it over. There was wizarding games and then there was muggle games. Then there were the games both witches, wizards, and muggles played. So what hadn't been named yet? "There's the Magical Symbols Game," Kate said, raising her hand. She remembered hearing about how it had appeared in the Daily Prophet at one time or another. |
The cobwebs didn't bother her. Not really. They got in her way and...okay, so they did annoy her, but this was Hogwarts. She had given up hope of it becoming a normal school. Whatever that was because she for sure did not know that. Steering her thoughts back to the lesson she thought about games. She's played tons of them either with Kennedy or Danny or Jeremiah. Some mentioned by her classmates sounded familiar, and before hers was said, she raised her hand. "There's a board game named Trouble." You hit the little bopping thing. Heh. That was always fun. Hitting things. |
"Would 'Stichstock' be an acceptable answer professor?" She asked upon her turn. Her slight accent showed through at the pronunciation of the originally German word. She did say games, she did not specify ancient or currently relevant. Besides, she was pretty certain that her uncles had played it before. |
Games? Oh sure... Dot knew loads of games. She was an expert with games, even if she made a lot of them up. And the rules changed every time she played them. That was the way to know if someone was really your friend, they let you change the rules mid-game. What was a for-real game, though? "Musical Broomsticks, Professor. We used to play that at birthday parties when I was little." |
Still not sure whether or not that was Angel's entrance or if she had actually been spooked, AJ plopped down in a chair nearby the trio. AJ beamed at the professor's response. "You're welcome." Unless those were brooms they could fly into the air, she really wasn't that in love with them. Mainly she was trying to take away from the gum all over her face. Anywho, the lesson was starting. Games. Ohhh... this was going to be another fun lesson. The lion listened thoughtfully to the answers everybody else gave. When something came to mind, she raised her hand. "There is jump rope. It's even more fun when two people hold the rope and you get to jump in the middle. Add in an extra rope and you have a party." So much fun. |
Text Cut: Grayson, Zander & Marsha "Blackjack, Professor." He said putting his hand in the air. "It's a card game where value amounts are assigned to the cards and yer object is ter get yer hand to add up to 21 and not more than. It's not really for kiddos, though." Which was why he explained it in case any of the students hadn't been familiarized yet with gambling card games. Cutty himself had never tried it. Shhh. |
They were going to be learning about games?? AWESOME. Lux was down for anything that involved games because they were always fun. She was loving all the activities the Professors were doing this term because they were a blast and provided a good distraction from sads. There were a few suggestions she could offer in response to the first question, but a lot of her classmates had beat her to them. Instead, she took out her notebook and started writing down the examples. |
Games? Like...board games? Caleb knew of a few, mainly because his Uncle had a bunch of them at his house when he was growing up and he'd seen commercials for them. He'd only played a few though. Some of the ones people were naming were totally unknown to him, but he had a few he could name, at least. He raised his hand. "There's a muggle game called Perfection, you have to put these pieces into the correct space and there are a LOT, it's kind of like a puzzle, and if you don't do it before the timer goes off the whole thing EXPLODES!" he cried. A bit of an exaggeration but you know, same thing. |
[ Quote:
But back to the discussion. Nessa nodded happily at the Ravenclaw as she was the first to offer an answer. “Gobstones is indeed a fun game.” She didn’t quite get all the rules, or at least she could never tell who was winning or losing, but she did enjoy watching the school games with Cassie. Quote:
SPOILER!!: Muggle answers Quote:
“Okay, so I just wanted us to generate a list of games that we play or ones that we don’t but have been played at some point. And that was a good start.” There were still a bunch of games not named, but they didn’t need them all, she just wanted to get them in that mindset. And she wasn’t going to write anything on the board. If they wanted to jot down some things in their notes, that would be fine. “Before we move on, let’s continue talking about games in a discussion. Why do we play games? Think about the ones you like best, and ones you never want to play. What is it about those games that make it that way for you? “And, while you are thinking about that.. a couple of the games that were mentioned are no longer played. There are actually plenty of games that were played at one point in history that are no longer played. You can take a look in your book for some others, if you are wanting to know.” She wasn’t going to name any more as she did want to keep the discussion moving and they had plenty of other things to get to. “Why do you think some games become outdated while others stand the test of time? Many of the games that we play today were invented years ago… why are they still popular while others die out?” Just a little food for thought before they moved on. |
Emmylou didn't really know what to say for games. Did Professor Glendower mean board games or just games in general? What about hide and seek? That's a game or cops and robbers or manhunt. Those were just muggle games and the manhunt one is too scary for Emmylou. She knew now that she should have asked that question before. Now back to the second question. Why do we play games? It was a discussion so she didn't have to raise her hand. "I think as humans we need something to do when we're bored. I also think it's good for get togethers or little parties that people have where some people don't know each other." The sixth year nodded and smiled. "It's really good for social interaction. Depending on the type of game it can make people think and help open their minds to different ideas and help them problem solve." She was pretty proud of her input! Really what was the worst that could happen? People wouldn't agree with her answer because they don't have the same opinion as her? That wasn't bad at all. |
Kace heard Professor Glendower's question and thought about it. Why did he continue to play the games he loved with his family while there was some he couldn't stand. He raised his hand to answer, "Well Professor the reason I continue to play the games I love is because you already know the rules. I mean it is simple and easy. I like games with simple rules and are easy to explain to others. I don't like games that take too long like Chess. I prefer Quidditch where I am involved in the action without too much thinking involved." he shrugged. I mean he was pretty smart he just wasn't into the logical thinking aspect too much. Now onto the outdated question. He thought about it and gave his thoughts. "Well I think games become outdated because they are overplayed. You get bored easily with a game you have played time and time again. I think it is all due to you being determined to playing the game. You need to be in the right mindset." That is how he felt. He was gonna be quiet now and let someone else speak. |
How disappointing. Professor Glendy did not know what cricket was. Adi shook his head, wishing more persons would follow the sport. Cricket WAS invented in England, after all. Cue le sigh. Ah, well. Time to answer those questions! The Hufflepuff raised his hand. "We play games for leisure and just to have a good time or if we want to get involved in something more active we play those games.'' Er, he had no memory exactly why he had started with cricket. Adi just knew that one day he had picked up a bat, hit a ball and broken a neighbour's window during a game he and his friends were playing. Hehe. "I like playing cricket for Kace's reason. The action. Plus, I'm good at it.'' He had trophies to prove that, you know. "I think some games survived longer than others because the games that died out may have just being too boring for some and never caught on. New and exciting games came along and everyone got caught up in those.'' With his thoughts give, Adi now lowered his hand. |
WELL Glendower didn't SPECIFY and Eden was more familiar with muggle games, anyways, since she was raised MUGGLEY. So she just nodded as Glendower accepted all the answers...and BEAMED when she said Eden's THINKING was good. HEH. GOOD. Now, why did some games die out? Eden raised her hand. "Well, society as a whole changes gradually over time, and our ideas of fun gradually change, too. Like the ancient Greeks and Roman used to watch people fight to the death for fun, too--but now, we'd be appalled at such a sport--though, Quidditch is pretty close, eh?" she smirked to herself. "But like I was saying--I think we just...change, as a whole, on what we find fun and entertaining. Some things will always be fun, in essence, but the rules change slightly depending on the society." AHEM. |
Did Eden just say that Quidditch was like sports where people fought to the death? Toby looked nothing short of HURT at that. People didn't die playing Quidditch, not these days anyway, and Toby would never associate himself with anything where that kind of thing was considered fun. He sat there fiddling with his parchment for a moment, absentmindedly rolling in the corners of it until he'd accidentally made it so it would no longer lie flat on the desk. Oops. Eventually, though, Toby got over it and raised his hand. "Maybe it's kinda like anything, how things go in and out of fashion. Like clothes and stuff, except games and sports stick around for longer. Things go out of favour 'cause they don't appeal to people anymore, maybe 'cause of danger. Even Quidditch used to be really different, it's been changed to be safer and so Snidgets aren't used anymore and everything, except it kept the name and the basic rules so technically it's still the same thing. I think things just naturally change and stuff when people's attitudes towards it change. Like society and stuff." Yeah? Yeaahhhh. |
With no reason to raise her hand Hady reached into her bag and pulled out her textbook flipping it open to the correct chapter so she could take a quick glance at some of the games listed there. Not lingering to long on her reading, she could read more later she also pulled from her bag a quill and some parchment on which she quickly began taking down notes in her small neat handwriting while waiting on the next question. |
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