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While the Lions' Den may be the focal point of the Gryffindor common room, all the real action happens over here in the game lounge. Sofas and bean bag chairs are strung about the room in a haphazard, but comfortable, manner and off to the left is a large table with enough chairs for eight people to sit. A shelf on the wall above the table is stocked with all sorts of games and activities for curious Gryffindors to utilize. To help the lions take home the Gobstones Cup, there is a Gobstones set to practice with. Just be sure to clean up any of the smelly goo that comes spurting out from the gobs. You can also find a wizards' chess set and Snitch Snatchers on the shelf. If games are not your style, on the opposite side of the room is a grand piano waiting and ready to have its ivories tickled for a sing-along.
While Snitch Snatchers is one way to get your quidditch fix, the real quidditch treat can be found in the middle of the room in the form of a modified muggle foosball table that has been made to look like a quidditch pitch. There are no knobs to move the players around, instead all you need is your wand and to tap one of the figures on the team you wish to control while saying 'GRYFFINROAR' and away you go! As long as you are holding your wand, all you need to do is order the little figures around. Be wary of the tiny golden snitch that will start zooming around on its own accord. The figures will not return to being inanimate until it is caught!
In the back of the lounge you will find a medium sized tray topped with soil, and spray bottles containing brown liquid beside it. It may seem strange, but this is the resting place of the Gryffindor Tower Lion topiary. The Topiary Lion moves around on his own accord, and is responsive to a pat or two. Just remember to spray his roots with fertilizer and water them occasionally when he's on his pan... or else he might wither and die. On the wall behind the topiary is a display case holding dozens of Dandy Lion flowers that will purr, roar softly, and paw at the air with their leaves when you get close.
Gryffindor Common Room design is based on the drawings by Whisperwings
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Jackson was in a mood to just spend his free time around the common room. This place was quiet great, tho. They provided some games and reading room and the most important thing for him: THEY HAD A GRAND PIANO HERE! Holy Merlin, he was glad that he sorted into Gryffindor since... he wasn't sure if other houses provided piano like in here. Wait, the students were allowed to play this, right? Well, why on earth Flamsteed put on the piano at their common room then if it's not for the students. Hehe.
Enthusiastically, the Korean boy walked to the game room and found the lonely black grand piano stood there. It seemed like no students were interested to play it? Poor piano guy. Waving his wand to clean the dust, he grabbed the seat, bend his knuckles and touch the pretty ivory keys. "Hello..." He whispered. Maybe he should play a song or two.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
He finally had some free time from classes for two hours so Yoongi decided to spend some time in the game room. He knew he had to study for his OWLS especially because he had exams in 3 subjects he never learned at Charms school and needed to cram in 5 years worth of knowledge in a very short time. Maybe he could ask the professors in question for help? But not now, he wanted to relax fot the time being.
Upon entering the room, he immediately noticed Jackson at the piano. He seemed to be looking at it with interest. "Jackson!" he called from across the room and walked towards the piano as well. "You play?"
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Now that Natalia had toured the entire castle from the towers to the dungeons (okay, maybe not the whole thing, but she visited the important parts), it was time to explore her own house common room! The girl who was so enthusiastic about the ancient castle would have toured her own living quarters already, right? Yeah no.
After she had heard that the Gryffindor common room offered a game room, Nat had hurried up the steps to see for herself. YES, there was indeed a game lounge, equipped with all the necessary games, Gobstone set, wizard chess set...everything! Natalia would very much like to spend all of her time here, but she could not possibly concentrate on school work if that was the case.
Strolling around, Natalia noticed a couple of people hovering over what looked liked from a distance, a piano. Curious, Natalia tip toed over quietly to see for herself. Oh look, it was Jackson and Yoonfoogi! Hurhur. *EVIL SMILE*
Natalia took this opportunity to entertain herself.
"...Boo!" Natalia sneaked up from behind, muttering the word in a low volume, but the in contrast to the quiet background, it was enough to startle someone without blowing off their years. Beaming, Natalia settled herself on the bench in front of the piano. "I do!" She answered Yoongi's question that was originally meant for Jackson. "What should I play?"
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
He was about to play a song when suddenly he noticed a boy called his name. Turning back, he saw Yoongi walked toward him. "Ah, Yoongi-nim." He smiled to his dorm buddy. "Yeah I uh... I have been playing since I was.. little." He was around five years old when his father introduced him to piano and he's already falling in love with it. Piano was his first love. Hehehe.
He started playing a song. Well, not a song. Just a simple do-re-mi to warm up his fingers. Jackson hadn't played much since he left Kirin and there's no piano in his brother's apartment which was kinda frustrating. Maybe he should start playing a simple song. Fingers already on the keyboard and he was ready to play. But then... another person came and out of nowhere she just said "I do." Like she agreed to marry her fiance. "Oh, you again." the Korean boy said. "Who asked you to play?"
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Again with the Yoongi-nim. He wanted to tell him to not call him that but he also did not want to hurt his feelings. Because telling that would mean he had said his English wasn’t good and from what he had heard at the Feast, a nim at the end was a good thing…right?
So he did play? Obviously or else he wouldn’t have been getting ready to play the piano. Yoongi put his hand in his pocket and got out a lip balm. He pulled it open and then SCREAMED out loud at the sudden whisper coming from behind them. He had dropped his lip balm , it rolled across the room and under the piano. Turning around he started to whine at Nat. “Whyyy’d you do that?!” seriously, he did not like scary stuff!
Looking like he was on the verge of tears, Yoongi turned around and marched to the piano. “No one plays anything until I have my lip balm back! It’s more important than you two” rude , he knew, but he NEEDED it. His precious lips depended on it. He got to his knees and crawled under it. Obviously forgetting he's a wizard and could easily summon it.
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
When Yoongi screamed at Natalia's little surprise, the Lioness couldn't help but to chuckle in amusement. "No particular reason." Which was true. "Sorry, if I actually scared you. I didn't think it would actually...scare you." Natalia was still clutching her stomach from laughter, shaking her head in amusement. These boys were so fun to mess with.
Oh, what was with the attitude? "Yes, it is me." Natalia wasn't too fond of the Korean boy's rather critical demeanor towards her arrival. "You don't look so happy about it?" The fourth year Lioness sneered as she sort of scooted Jackson further to the end of the piano end. "I told myself to play, and I will." And if he was going to be condemning about it, then Natalia would not hesitate to break his finger. Don't mess with Natalia the Awesome.
"Your lip balm?" Was the cheap chapstick that important to Yoongi that he needed it immediately? Even Natalia never owned a lip balm for more than two days (she always lost them, of course). "Just get another one." Natalia replied simply, brushing off the issue. But after watching Yoongi dropping to his knees in attempt to retrieve the lip balm, Natalia sighed to herself and pulled out her wand.
"Accio lip balm!" The chapstick swooped into Natalia's hands gently from under the piano. "Wow, did you forget you know magic or something?"
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
It had taken Ben a lot of time and effort to create the posters Flamsteed had asked for in the homework. No odes for him thank you...he wasn't exactly the one to enjoy getting up in front of others even if he could manage to come up with the words. But eventually the sixth year had come up with the master idea and had five relatively matching posters to go hang up around the castle in search of Pebbles. Interestingly enough...there was a bit of words there on the poster.
Now all he had to do was post them up around the various floors of the school. Given he had been working on them in the common room, Benny figured he'd start there. Flamsteed was their head of house after all and thus the pet rock was important to the house. Not finding any posters in the game lounge, the boy chose it at his first spot to work with. He grabbed one of the posters and his wand from his pocket and moved to an open spot on the stone wall.
A sticking charm used at the four corners of the paper did wonders...once he got it looking level. "There..." he mused stepping back to look it over. One poster up....now onto the other four. The boy returning his wand to his pocket and rolled up the other posters before heading out to do just that.
Angel couldn't believe that they had finished their own game and now they were going to give it a test and who better to try the game out with then her fellow co-creator of the game. She couldn't wait to see what they would do with this game, it had taken them awhile to get everything working right but well everything had glitches to begin with right.
Angel look at the board that she had set up after retreating it from where it was stored, she knew she would have to take it back but for the trail run she wanted to be somewhere private and the common room game room was the perfect place, it was so lucky that they were both in the same house wasn't it.
Angel smiled as she looked at the counters it had taken them a while to figure out what to use but in the end they had agreed on these she just hoped her spell of a mini peeves taking you to jail if you landed on Go directly to Jail worked and well the classroom would change when someone bought them, anyway she had the fake money, though she had no idea how to set this up, she couldn't remember what they had decided on and she hoped that Marsha could remind her when she got here, the board other than that was already to go.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
SPOILER!!: Liam/Angel
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel couldn't believe that they had finished their own game and now they were going to give it a test and who better to try the game out with then her fellow co-creator of the game. She couldn't wait to see what they would do with this game, it had taken them awhile to get everything working right but well everything had glitches to begin with right.
Angel look at the board that she had set up after retreating it from where it was stored, she knew she would have to take it back but for the trail run she wanted to be somewhere private and the common room game room was the perfect place, it was so lucky that they were both in the same house wasn't it.
Angel smiled as she looked at the counters it had taken them a while to figure out what to use but in the end they had agreed on these she just hoped her spell of a mini peeves taking you to jail if you landed on Go directly to Jail worked and well the classroom would change when someone bought them, anyway she had the fake money, though she had no idea how to set this up, she couldn't remember what they had decided on and she hoped that Marsha could remind her when she got here, the board other than that was already to go.
Skip-running down the stairs from her dorm, Marsha made her way to their games corner to meet Angel. They were meeting to test run their game now that they had finished it before they submitted it to Professor Glendower for grading. Hehe. She was comfortable, since they are playing after dinner and she didn’t have to be anywhere else tonight. Why would she not be comfortable when she had that option? Hehe. She definitely needed to thank Angel for going to collect their game so she didn’t have to.
Plopping herself into the chair next opposite Angel, Marsha grinned at her waving quickly in hello ”How are you?” She asked as she made herself comfortable, curling her legs up underneath hersellf. Then she took to looking the board over to see how it looked. So far, it looked awesome… If she did say so herself. There were six gold animal totems for the counters and it had taken them a minute to come up with them, but eventually they had settled on;
A lion for Gryffindor
A badger for Hufflepuff
A snake for Slytherin
A raven for Ravenclaw
A dragon from the Hogwarts motto and
A pheonix from the school’s history with Harry Potter and Dumbledore… It seemed fitting with the Chamber of Secrets just being opened again as well…
They looked so gooood.
Grinning, as she looked it over she nodded and nodded again, and she told Angel as much. ”We almost look good to test… Anything that isn’t set up yet? Oh… the money and the bank…” She smiled. ”Did you want me to set them up? Or are you away to?” She didn’t want to be pushy… after all, Angel had set most of it up before she had even come down from her room.
Angel watched as Marsha came into the room, this was going to be epic and she couldn't wait to test the game out but first they had a few things to finish like someone had to be the bank.
"Well if I had the money I'd want to buy sweets, it's so good that I'm not a really bank." Angel giggled. "I'd bankrupt myself in the end." Angel really thought that but for now she was trying to figure this out.
"So I was hoping maybe you wanted to be the bank and you can set the money up." Angel knew it was fake money but you never knew you might be able to use it in shops, though technically that was wrong.
HOM HM2 - Post 2 [<3 Sorry about the link, I didn't think it would work here.]
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
SPOILER!!: Angel
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel watched as Marsha came into the room, this was going to be epic and she couldn't wait to test the game out but first they had a few things to finish like someone had to be the bank.
"Well if I had the money I'd want to buy sweets, it's so good that I'm not a really bank." Angel giggled. "I'd bankrupt myself in the end." Angel really thought that but for now she was trying to figure this out.
"So I was hoping maybe you wanted to be the bank and you can set the money up." Angel knew it was fake money but you never knew you might be able to use it in shops, though technically that was wrong.
Marsha laughed, grinning at the older Gryffindor. ”Well, sweets are awesome… but I think thats tooo much sweeties. Even for me!” Though, in saying that the Welsh girl didn’t actually have too sweet a tooth - her Mama alway told her she was hyper enough without it… and it WAS true, so she tried to be good… even if it didn’t always work. Hehehe.
Listening to her though, even SHE thought it was a good idea if she kept a track of the money. ”Okay, so I think… we were going to do it the same as the muggle version?” Right? Maybe? Picking up the pile of paper she started to dish them out. They had found seven famous witches and wizards for the faces like muggle money had, and they had charmed the paper into seven different colours - before Angel had duplicated the paper to give them banking money.
Once they each had the right amount of money in front of them, she set out the property cards and set up the bank. They had decided to forgo the different stages of rents, simply one stage of rent per property, and once you owned the full colour that went up for each of them. She was excited to play though. ”Which counter do you want?” She asked, looking over the golden pieces in front of them.
Angel giggled as Marsha gave out the money and she fished into her bag. "So I take it that you won't want to share these with me then." Angel stuck her tongue out at her younger friend, she had brought a tin of roses out of her trunk to share whilst they played the game.
Angel then looked at the tokens okay so now she had to figure out which one she was going to do. "Can I be the dragon please." Angel hoped that Marsha didn't mind her picking that one. "Well I think we are ready." Angel looked at the board.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
SPOILER!!: Angel
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel giggled as Marsha gave out the money and she fished into her bag. "So I take it that you won't want to share these with me then." Angel stuck her tongue out at her younger friend, she had brought a tin of roses out of her trunk to share whilst they played the game.
Angel then looked at the tokens okay so now she had to figure out which one she was going to do. "Can I be the dragon please." Angel hoped that Marsha didn't mind her picking that one. "Well I think we are ready." Angel looked at the board.
Marsha laughed… ”Well… maybe I can have one or two?” GRIN. Of course she was going to have one, if she was offered. It was just RUDE otherwise. Totally. That was her philosophy and she was sticking to it. hehehe.
Looking over the tokens, the red-haired girl nodded. ”Of course, go for it.” She handed the dragon to Angel and then picked up the phoenix herself. Grinning wide, she put herself on the ‘great entrance’ spot, her heart beating fast as they got ready to test the game.
”Okay… here we go…” After asking Angel if she should go first as she was already holding the two dice, she grinned as she rolled them onto the table. A four and a two. ”Six spots.” She said, moving her phoenix from the starting spot to the dungeons spot. She handed over the dice and sat back to watch. They had decided that like in the muggle version, you couldn’t buy properties on your first go around the board. "You're go!"
Angel smiled as she opened up the box of chocolates. "Just help yourself when you are ready." Angel was totally enjoying this and she couldn't wait to get started, she watched as her friend rolled a six.
Angel looked at her piece on the board and then she rolled the dice, one landed on a five and the other a six. "I was lucky there." Angel giggled as she moved her piece eleven spaces, she pretended too have dragon wave at the phoenix as she went past.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
SPOILER!!: Angel
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel smiled as she opened up the box of chocolates. "Just help yourself when you are ready." Angel was totally enjoying this and she couldn't wait to get started, she watched as her friend rolled a six.
Angel looked at her piece on the board and then she rolled the dice, one landed on a five and the other a six. "I was lucky there." Angel giggled as she moved her piece eleven spaces, she pretended too have dragon wave at the phoenix as she went past.
Marsha laughed, and soon helped herself to a nutty type chocolate, feeling sheepish for even thinking she didn’t have a sweet tooth… though she didn’t have any where NEAR as sweet a sweet-tooth as her some of her family… she would at least as easily munch on some fruit.. maybe. Heh.
Watching as Angel rolled an eleven and moved her dragon to the first pink spot. ”Woah, that’s ¼ of the way round until you can buy.” Grinning she rolled for her turn, and smiled at the nine that they added up to. ”Okay… 1...2...3...“ She counted around the board, laughing as she landed on the Ravenclaw Common Room.
Oh, let’s say hi to your sister and my Aunt Benny…” She had more family she could mention - but she’d realised that just confused matters. Heh. Family was huge, at least there were would be less and less of her aunt and uncles here after Summer. Taking over Hogwarts!
Hahahaha. Literally right now, thanks to their game.
Marsha laughed, and soon helped herself to a nutty type chocolate, feeling sheepish for even thinking she didn’t have a sweet tooth… though she didn’t have any where NEAR as sweet a sweet-tooth as her some of her family… she would at least as easily munch on some fruit.. maybe. Heh.
Watching as Angel rolled an eleven and moved her dragon to the first pink spot. ”Woah, that’s ¼ of the way round until you can buy.” Grinning she rolled for her turn, and smiled at the nine that they added up to. ”Okay… 1...2...3...“ She counted around the board, laughing as she landed on the Ravenclaw Common Room.
Oh, let’s say hi to your sister and my Aunt Benny…” She had more family she could mention - but she’d realised that just confused matters. Heh. Family was huge, at least there were would be less and less of her aunt and uncles here after Summer. Taking over Hogwarts!
Hahahaha. Literally right now, thanks to their game.
Angel watched as her friend rolled and landed on the Ravenclaw Common Room "Hey this is cool, maybe I'll land on their one day and I can see what it's like for my sister." Angel giggled seriously she wished that she could go into all the Hogwarts common rooms but she knew she'd get into trouble.
Angel now had to roll, she rolled the dice and got double 5 angel then moved another 10 spaces, to end up on a red. "This is awesome." Angel giggled. "I take it I get another go for getting a double, like in the muggle version." Angel rolled again and got a one and a six to land on the boys bathroom. "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Angel shivered a bit, this was one piece of the board that Marsha could buy, she didn't even want to think about what it was like in there.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
SPOILER!!: Angel
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel watched as her friend rolled and landed on the Ravenclaw Common Room "Hey this is cool, maybe I'll land on their one day and I can see what it's like for my sister." Angel giggled seriously she wished that she could go into all the Hogwarts common rooms but she knew she'd get into trouble.
Angel now had to roll, she rolled the dice and got double 5 angel then moved another 10 spaces, to end up on a red. "This is awesome." Angel giggled. "I take it I get another go for getting a double, like in the muggle version." Angel rolled again and got a one and a six to land on the boys bathroom. "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Angel shivered a bit, this was one piece of the board that Marsha could buy, she didn't even want to think about what it was like in there.
Marsha laughed. ”It kinda stinks that we can’t go into the other common rooms to see friends and family… but I guess we can do that in most of the school so it isn’t too much of a sacrifice to give up three rooms in the whole school.” Giggle.
Marsha nodded her agreement that a double would give a second roll… oh, the boys bathroom. Hahaha. Angel was so funny. ”I don’t know, might be fun to see what it was like on the board without actually having to go inside the bathroom in Hogwart.” Marsha was still giggling at Angel’s reaction as she picked up the dice to take her shot.
Moving the seven spaces around the board, she landed on their first ‘always’ spot. ”Oh! Always… Lets see how these cards work while we are playing a game…” She giggled as she picked one of the cards from the top of the pile.
Originally Posted by Always Card
While walking through
the castle one day
you find a new secret passageway.
Advance to the Great Entrance.
”Oh, nice!” She said out loud before reading the card to Angel. She moved her phoenix from her ‘always’ spot to the ‘great entrance’ spot. With a grin, she passed the dice back to Angel happy that from her next turn she could start to buy properties.
Sapphire entered the Gryffindor Game Lounge to find something interesting to do. Her eyes met a box of Snitch Snatchers carelessly stacked on the shelf and went to retrieve it. She carried it down with her, sat on one side of the room, and set the game before her.
Phi took her wand out, pointed it to one of the little pieces and muttered, "Wingardium leviosa." She continued to cast simple Charms on the pieces, simultaneously practicing and enjoying herself make the miniature Quidditch pitch come alive.