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Wearing holes in your robes? Forgot to bring your dress robes for those special school balls? Look no further than Gladrag's for all your wizarding apparel needs!
SPOILER!!: Apparel Pricing
Apparel Plain Black Robes: 3 galleons House Themed Robes: 3 galleons, 5 sickles Dress Robes (assorted colours and materials): prices range from 5 galleons, up to 10 galleons Cloaks (Plain black): 2 galleons Cloaks (Black with Brass or Silver Fastenings): 3 galleons Sweaters: 2 galleons, 8 sickles Shirts/blouses: 1 galleon, 2 sickles Skirts/trousers: 2 galleons, 4 sickles Vests (grey): 1 galleon, 10 sickles
* Note: if there's any apparel not listed, but you think should be, don't hesitate to see Ms Longshadow at the main counter, as she will be more than happy to check the back stock or order it for you if it is unavailable in the store.
Custom orders are available and prices vary depending on the request. Alterations for anything are available as well, upon request and included as a one-time free of charge before leaving the shop. Repairs and tailoring is also available starting at 1 galleon, depending on the fabric.
The window display was absolutely perfect. Summer could only imagine how many people it would draw to the shop and the urge to add to it was strong. She had gotten a new shipment of scarves in and there was one outfit that could definitely work with a scarf.
After selecting an emerald green one made of silk, she approached the display when she spotted-"COBWEBS?" Summer Longshadow didn't deal with cobwebs. Summer Longshadow kept her shop neat and clean and cobwebs were not part of her display.
He needed something to wear to a wedding that he would be going to in a few months. He could still wait and not get anything until last minute but he knew that wearing his cowboy hat, flannel shirt, jeans and cowboy boots wasn't a very good idea. His sister would kick him out of the venue if he dressed like he always does. His baby sister was getting married. He was so happy for her and her soon-to-be husband. Jace walked into Gladrags, he hadn't been in Hogsmeade in a very long time. He was just at Diagon Alley over the summer to help his daughter get some new robes, a wand and books for her first year at Hogwarts. He couldn't believe that his youngest was already attending Hogwarts. It was shock to him already. He's had quite the past few years though. Looking around Jace knew that he really didn't fit in around these neck of the woods. He was proud of who he was even if people would give him looks for how he dressed or even the way he talked.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
He needed something to wear to a wedding that he would be going to in a few months. He could still wait and not get anything until last minute but he knew that wearing his cowboy hat, flannel shirt, jeans and cowboy boots wasn't a very good idea. His sister would kick him out of the venue if he dressed like he always does. His baby sister was getting married. He was so happy for her and her soon-to-be husband. Jace walked into Gladrags, he hadn't been in Hogsmeade in a very long time. He was just at Diagon Alley over the summer to help his daughter get some new robes, a wand and books for her first year at Hogwarts. He couldn't believe that his youngest was already attending Hogwarts. It was shock to him already. He's had quite the past few years though. Looking around Jace knew that he really didn't fit in around these neck of the woods. He was proud of who he was even if people would give him looks for how he dressed or even the way he talked.
Summer did give the customer looks from her place by the shopfront display. The man's fashion choices were unique to any she had seen recently but that only meant it was her job to help the poor gentleman update his wardrobe.
"Welcome to Gladrags!" The shopkeeper approached with a smile in place and looked the man up and down. "What can I help you with today?
Hogsmeade weekends probably didn't hold the same appeal for Nessa as it likely did for the students of Hogwarts. Not when she lived in Hogsmeade, sharing a house with her BFF, and she came into town as often as she liked. But, when the first Hogsmeade weekend rolled around for the students, Nessa took the opportunity to venture out for herself.
She had had a lot on her mind lately, a lot of conflicting things that she really needed to think about and work out. It left her feeling flightier than usual and she thought a little shopping would help. Maybe a new outfit.
Walking into Gladrags, Nessa first glanced at the shopkeeper tending to the display. Summer, she thought her name was - having a house in Hogsmeade, she knew most of the shopkeepers by name or face, whether they really knew her or not. "Oh, dear, I hope everything's alright?" She looked a little distraught over something, but it didn't seem that urgent as she was soon off to help a customer.
She then turned her brown eyes towards the dresses as she headed that way, noticing the man dressed a bit unusually nearby. Not that she thought all that much about it, she thought dressing uniquely according to one's personality was very important. "I love your hat!" she informed him, smiling brightly. Maybe that's what she needed today, a new hat!
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
As Jace looked around he really needed a woman's opinion or well advice. Being where his ex-wife didn't even give a damn about how he dressed, although he was pretty sure that she didn't even care about him to begin with but that was a totally different story and he wasn't going to be bitter about it. Being married for almost twenty years seems like you should really know a person but you really don't when you have nothing in common.
Jace turned around when he heard a woman's (Summer) voice. So he was in luck today. Just as long as luck stayed on his side for the rest of the day. A nice warm welcome but he did see the look that she was giving me. It had to be the clothes that he was wearing and it was soon to be the accent too. "Thank you, ma'am." Jace said, his accent a little low and southern, a Texan accent to be exact. "I need something to wear to my baby sister's wedding. She would have my neck if I dressed like this at her wedding." He almost did to his other sister's wedding. "I don't want anything too dressy." That's not his style.
The man heard someone else walk through the door as he was telling the shopkeeper what he wanted but he was probably too vague. It was a woman (Nessa) heading over to the dresses. Was this more of a woman's shop? He wasn't going to be wearing a dress to his sister's wedding. Jace nodded to the other woman that had just walked in. "Why thank ya, ma'am." He gave her a warm smile. "Working outside for a most the day it really blocks the sun from my eyes better than most sunglasses." It really kept him cool or the fact that some days he didn't wear a shirt.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Jasmine hadn't been to Hogsmeade in a lonnnnggg time. She really wanted to visit and she finally got the chance. It was the weekend and she was off and she wanted to check out this store and see what they had to offer. She never heard of this store when she was in Hogsmeade. It was Gladrags Wizardwear. Hmm interesting name. As she opened the door, she noticed some other people were here and even the shopkeeper. She wanted to get a nice gift for one of her cousins. I mean they asked for a house robe but she wanted to see how expensive they were. As she made her way to the back of the store, she noticed a man (Jace) who had a unique look to him. He had a country look to him. I mean Jasmine did know country music and he seemed like a country boy.
She grinned at the woman's comment. I mean he did have a nice hat. She laughed at the truthfulness of the statement. Then she butted in because she didn't want to sound rude. "Nice outfit of choice.." she smiled. "Sorry I had to comment as well because my family is somewhat from the south and they always wear hats like that.." she pointed and she felt herself blushing. Then after that she kept herself busy looking through the clothes. She did need things for her best friends birthday soon.
Oh, the man had an interesting accent to go along with his interesting hat and Nessa returned his smile. "Well, it's functional as well as fashionable... how lovely!" Nessa always thought fashion was best when it not only looked good, but was practical too. "I was just thinking that maybe I could use a fun new hat myself. Might just be what I need to lift my mood." She gave him another pleasant smile, before allowing her brown eyes to wander the immediate vicinity. She didn't see quite any hats that looked like his though.
When she glanced back, she noticed another woman had neared and Nessa gave a friendly smile. Though she was slightly confused by her words. Did she mean South England? Nessa was from South England and surely she did not have that sort of accent, but perhaps the woman meant another country in a different part of the world. Like the US. That could be a southern US accent.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Jace's hazel eyes looked around the shop. He was now surrounded by three women because another woman (Jasmine) walked into the shop. This was a woman's shop? He just wanted something dressy but not too dressy. Being surrounded by woman would make Jace's teenaged self so happy right now but he was almost forty-two years old now, next month to be exact.
The man's eyes went back to the other woman (Nessa) that had walked in right after him. He really liked her spirit. There needed to be more women in the world like that. Where looks didn't matter so much to society, comfort is the most important part of it. But not only comfort in clothes but in your own skin. He was teaching his eleven year old daughter that and he was also teaching her that no man should treat her like a piece meat, she deserves to be treated like a princess, once she's older a queen. If that said person didn't treat her like that then he would be answering to him. But most of all he's been teaching her to not let people push her around. "You know..." He said walking over to her. "you don't have to buy a new hat at all." He shook his head. He took his hat off, showing his tan bald head and put it on the top of her head. "You can have my hat." He smiled at her. "And before you say no, please just take it. I have plenty more at home." Although this hat of his was his favorite but he saw something in this woman that he never really saw in many other women. She's a one of a kind this one. "My names Jace Van Zandt, ma'am." He smiled at her. "It's very nice to meet you." He nodded.
After giving his hat to the woman (Jasmine) he just met he turned to the other woman, fairly younger than him. Possibly over ten years. She was complimenting his outfit but part of him felt like she was judging him. Jace just gave her a nod. "Thank you, miss." He said while looking around at the selection of clothes they had. "Whereabouts does your family live? If you don't mine me asking of course." He knew some big named wizarding families and even some muggle families.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
After giving his hat to the woman (Jasmine) he just met he turned to the other woman, fairly younger than him. Possibly over ten years. She was complimenting his outfit but part of him felt like she was judging him. Jace just gave her a nod. "Thank you, miss." He said while looking around at the selection of clothes they had. "Whereabouts does your family live? If you don't mine me asking of course." He knew some big named wizarding families and even some muggle families.
Jasmine grinned at this guys physique. He seemed pretty buff for an old guy. I mean he just heard her compliment which was nice. Jasmine had to remember she did have a boyfriend still. I mean she could do a little window shopping couldn't she? "What are you looking for?" she asked referring to him looking at the clothes. Aah so this guy was a curious one. Should she answer or play hard to get. "Well I could tell you if you buy me a cup of coffee.." she teased. She was joking of course. "Well I used to live in Scotland with my mother and then I moved to London on my own. So I guess you can say Scotland?" she smiled. Then she began to look at more clothes. "How about you?" Being the curious one she was.
Summer was pleased as punch that the shop was filling up and she was more than happy to select some items for the cowboy (DinosaursOnASpaceship) while he chatted with the two woman about his hat. A hat which she was happy to see him giving away as it did not go with the dress robes she would be selecting for him today.
She returned a short while later with several choices draped over her arm and a polite smile on her beautiful face. "Excuse me, ladies. I've got some robes for Mr. Van Zandt, was it?" Two different shades of blue and one black. Black was classic. "These are fine selections for someone attending an event such as a wedding."
It had been a while since Nessa had bought a new hat and it wasn't at this particular location. In fact, she wasn't sure they had fancy or unique hats here. She couldn't remember if she had ever seen any here and she didn't currently see any. But she turned her eyes back to the man as he spoke to her again and she was quite surprised by what he said and did next.
"Oh goodness, no, I couldn't!" she exclaimed as he plucked the hat from his head and placed it atop hers. While she did rather like the cowboy hat, she couldn't just take a stranger's hat. But as he insisted and wouldn't take no for an answer, she smiled graciously. "Why, thank you, kind sir," she said with a slight curtsy and gentle tip of the hat. "Nice to meet you as well, Jace," she said, returning his smile as he introduced himself. "I'm Nessarose Glendower."
Brown eyes glanced at the younger woman as she clearly began flirting with Jace. Well.. it was slightly awkward for her to stand there and witness that, so she turned her eyes away to the rack of clothing right next to her, though she didn't move away. So what if she eavesdropped a little? She loved that kind of thing. But as she overheard part of the conversation, Nessa got rather confused. Clearly the woman had said that her family was from the South because of having a similar accent as Jace's, but wen questioned about it, she said Scotland. People from Scotland did typically have a unique accent but it didn't sound like that, nor was it south of much of anything. But it wasn't her place to comment and soon she was turning her eyes towards the shopkeeper as she came back with dress robes. Oh a wedding? "I think black is always a nice, classic choice for a wedding," she smiled brightly. Not that anyone was asking her opinion.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
"I just need some dress robes for my little sisters wedding." He still couldn't believe that she was getting married. The man smiled over at the younger woman (Jasmine). More like very young not younger. He tilted his head a little bit. Did she know what he was talking about? "Oh you're from Scotland?" He asked. That was far from where he was from and still lived to this day. "I'm not from around here. I'm from Texas. I went to Hogwarts when I was younger...a lot younger but I'm not from around here." Jace just nodded to the woman, she was just confused.
"I am insisting. Please take it. I don't mind at all." Jace smiled and looked at the woman (Nessa). She looked really adorable and beautiful with the hat on. Not that she didn't look beautiful without the hat on because she did but he wasn't going to say that out loud. They had just met and she would think he was a freak. "My hat...I mean your hat really suits you." Jace chuckled as she curtsied and tip her hat at him. She had character that was for sure. "It's a pleasure to meet you Nessarose Glendower." Jace gave her a friendly smile. "That's a very beautiful name." He was flirting a bit and being his normal self by being nice to everyone but yes there was some flirting in there. Jace was going to compliment her beauty but he thought that would be too much and besides he barely knew the woman.
Jace heard his name from the shopkeeper. "No need to call me Mr. Van Zandt. You can call me Jace." He smiled and nodded. He looked at the dress robes that the woman had chose for him. "My little sister's wedding is in the summer and she begged me to get some dress robes now but hmmm."He was thinking out loud but he didn't mind at all. He looked at the clothing more. "They are very fine selections ma'am." He smiled as he looked and tried to figure out what color would look better. "Would both colors be very warm in the sun? It's going to be held outside with an ocean view." Thank goodness the sand would come later when everyone stepped on the beach. He knew that his sister would force him to wear nice shoes on the beach when he wanted to have no shoes on. He turned his head when he heard Nessa. She was right. Classic color. "I really do like the black. But the blues they're different something I don't see too often at a wedding." Jace knew that he was probably going to pick the black because of how his sister was and she was probably going to find a date for him and he didn't want to go with a stranger or someone that his little sister was choosing.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise