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Entering in the barnyard, you are greeted with the rows of gated stables. Those who have been in "The Stables" previously will first notice the absence of being first greeted by Winged Horses. Where could they be? Why they've just been moved even further down towards the opposite open double-doors for easier access. Instead of fully cleaned out stables before you however, you see new creature inhabitants. Some familiar-looking from earlier classes and outdoor playpens, some not so familiar-looking.. Nearby the stables you see the wall with pink-glittered gloves and apron by the refilling tray of food. It looks fairly cozy otherwise around here now.
SPOILER!!: Assigned Stables
- Hairy & Lucy
- Matilda
Augureys: - Eddy
- Susie
- Tails & Tinker, Fairy & Bell | Owner(s): Angel & Aubrey Valentine (Harry174 & PhoenixStar)
- One girl fairy (rainbow wings with a purple dot) | Owner(s): Ezekiel Rogers (Hera)
- Two fairies |Owner(s): Benjamin Atreyu (Holmesian Feline)
- Two fairies (charmed electric punk haired) | Owner(s): Puck Greyvson (Optimist)
- Zelda & Lily | Owner(s): Sophie Brown (feeheeheeny)
- One fairy with dimples | Owner(s): Gabriel Banner (Govoni) & Zahra Kettleburn (Mad Eye Touz)
- Fred, Duffy & Snooki | Owner(s): Eden McGee (kayquilz) & Layla Ackerly (Lottiepot)
- Violet (purple wings) & Trinny (pink wings); (Gold-tinted hair) | Owner(s): Beverly Wayne (Deezers)
- Skye (shorter hair, taller) & Lisa | Owner(s): Grayson Whitlock (hermionesclone)
- Justin (longer blue wings) & Tinkerbelle (pink wings) | Owner(s): Kace Lecium (Expecto-Penguin)
- ( One transparent wings) & ( One taller, multi-coloured wings) | Owner(s): Aditya Rehman (FearlessLeader19)
- Cordelia (tallest girl), Puck, Tink (largest wings) & Spyro (purple and smallest) | Owner(s): Tobias Fuller-Thompson (Felixir)
- Two fairies | Owner(s): Lux Carrington (Squishy) - Trout (silver wings), Eggplant (purple wings) | Donated by: Alexa Cambridge (DaniDiNardo)
- Berry (blue wings), Salmon (pink wings) | Owner(s): Dima Toussaint (lemon)
Cutty bent down and lifted the baby griffin into his arms. He carried the fledgling and gathered a bottle of Frothe's Feathers 'n Furr (for -lings, -lets & cubs!) from the supply and set the baby griffin down onto the ground. It was still very cold out and so he decided to keep it inside where he could cast a charm to keep it warm. "Caelum Saepio,...Caelum Saepio." He said aiming his wand for the drafty corners and walls of the stable and moving it in a sideways figure eight. He then set the bottle of wash down and grabbed what was probably a feed bucket, still small enough that he wouldn't drown the baby or lose him in a top layer of bubbles.
Cutty put the griffin down and began to fill the metallic tub with water and it was about half full when Phlegz pulled up alongside it ...and drank from it. "Are yer thirsty, mate?" He said aiming his wand for the baby's mouth and conjured water. The beak moved and then the head threw back as the griffin drank much like a bird. The senior snake boy used that distraction to add the soap and then lift the griffin once more so that he could heat the water with his wand. He wasn't letting the griffin baby boy ingest soap soup.
He swished the water with his free hand placed the baby into the bath tub and it stood there with it's back straight and it's legs strongly supporting it. A bit like a show dog. Meanwhile, Cutty with one eye on the baby to make sure he didn't try to drink the water, fetched a few tools. A brush, two towels, and a horse brush for the lion part to groom it down when they were all done.
What did baby griffins play with? Cinna started looking through her bag for something for Jean to play with. She had a lot of stuff in her bag but nothing a griffin would probably want to play with. Except for maybe this, shoestring. Shoestring? What in the name of Merlin were those doing in her bag. Now how would a griffin play with a shoestring?
She pulled her sketchbook out of her bag, flipping through to a empty page she ripped out the page, crumbled it up and tied it to one end of the shoestring. Since the griffin was part lion and lions were cats really big cats.But still cats. Merlin,her cat loved to play with his ball on a string toy. "Jean. Do you want to play before bed time?"
Dangling the homemade toy in front of the baby griffin. She swished it slowly, trying to get Jean to play with the toy. Jean poked the paper ball back and fourth. Cinna laughed as Jean nipped at the toy now. She tossed the paper ball in a string across the housing area not too far away from where she could still see where Jean was. So while Jean ran after the toy Cinna would go clean Jean's space and change her hay.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
He returned shortly, eyes now able to give a more complete focus to the creature. Cutty knelt down near the baby and threw his tie over his shoulder. He began to roll up his sleeves and placed a hand on the back of the creature to begin the petting. Then both hands went into the water and carried up a dip of the warm, soapy liquid letting it fall against the back of the baby griffin.
Phlegon seemed alright with this arrangement for a few seconds, or perhaps a minute before he placed the first of his claws onto the edge of the bin and began to try to crawl out. "Nar...Naaar...La'la." Cutty disciplined and dug his index finger beneath the claw so that the claw had to perch and wrap around his finger instead of the bin lip.
The little griffin sat down and the handfuls of warm water were poured generously all over it's small body. The body wobbled unsteadily as the boy massaged and lathered the soapy liquid starting with the feathers, which fluffed and stuck out in pointed-ended clumps. The downy part looking for stringy. Then Cutty worked towards the furry part, lathering the undercarriage and moving around to the hind legs. He lifted one back paw, scrubbing inbetween the toes in case of stickers or other sharp debris. He cleaned between the pad with his fingers and grabbed the brush to work on the front claws. He lifted one and gave brisk swipes at the top and bottom not really wanting to deal with broken skin. They were still pink! His griffin was probably one of the youngest of the newly orphaned bunch.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Okay… So he was all cute and mostly limp and looking adorable… If she let him down, he would likely get hyper again, so maybe it was best to feed him now since he seemed comfortable right now anyway? She moved to get the two containers and her wand. She held onto Cadfael with her arm and wrist and managed to hold on to the bottle so that she could take off the tip/top. Once she had that resting on her knee, she heated the meat with ”incendio”. Thank you Professor Quiggley! Hehehe.
Once the meat was hot and melting, which was awful and disgusting to think about, she added some of the water from the second container that she had brought with her. Screwing the lid back on the bottle carefully, she shook the bottle. Back and forth it went, until the liquified meat and the water had mixed completely.
There we go. Ready, Cadfael?
She tipped the bottle upwards so that the mixture filled the tip of the bottle. She ran it over Cadfael’s beak and laughed softly as he latched onto it instantly. The smile stayed on her lips as she leant back against the wall and hummed to herself as the Griffin drank/ate from the bottle.
Phlegon kept trying to sit down in the tub, which had the immediate effect of Cutty reaching into the water and lifting the animal's backside so that he could more easily reach the tail. As if rolling dough snakes, he rubbed the tail from the base to the tuft between his palms getting all of the dust and mud off of it. Lastly, he worked the lather into the small wings getting into the spaces where they folded. It wouldn't do to get mites or fleas or anything like that in the spaces at this stage.
The boy then stood to his feet and held out his wand over the creature. "Aguamenti." He said, speaking the incantation to conjure water and rinsed the little baby griffin with it who, now more than anything, wanted to be done with the activity and get out of makeshift wash basin.
Cutty allowed this, since it would save him the trouble of taking Phlegon out of the tub himself. He grabbed towel one and hit it with a hot air charm before tossing it onto the body over the wings. The he grabbed towel number two and did the same only this time tossing it over onto the creatures aquiline head. He knelt beside the baby and began rubbing and dabbing away at the moisture on Phlegon until he was mostly just sort of damp. Taking up his wand again, Cutty aimed it his adopted son. "Siccus Aerous."
The warm gust of wind spurted out and Cutty used it to dry out the residual moisture from the griffin. The wings instinctively spread and the baby looked more grown as he seemed to be using the strong gust to fly with his feet on the ground. Cutty cut the cast and Phlegon looked shocked or perhaps displeased as if he were finally enjoying the grooming process only to have it end. He scooped up the little griffin and put him atop his sleeping pile of hay and other fibres, whilst he cleaned up by cleaning and folding the towels and disinfecting the feeding tub that had been used for washing.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Somehow, Dot did doze with her cheek pressed against the warm flank of Lorenzo-the-griffin, and she didn't wake up until the baby griffin squawked at her in disapproval and tried to eat her bright plait off the top of her head. She awoke in a rush, noise in her ears and the top of her head trying to come off, and Dot discovered her wiggly griffin was ready to be let out of his blanket bed.
"Go on with you, bad baby," Dot rubbed the top of her head and scowled as Lorenzo pranced and pawed and generally had a delightful time glorying in the attention of his mama Dot. It was hard to be mad at him, since he was having so much fun and he was a baby and he was so cute.
"I have to go now, Enzo, but I'll come see you again tomorrow, okay?"
He noticed the last time he'd bathed Phlegon that his claws, both the front and the hind claws were looking a bit...shabby. Or at least longer than they probably would be if the griffin were in nature and permitted to fly around, hunt, climb rocks and perch where it may. It was time for a MAN-incure.
"Phlegon?" He called for the creature. "Phle...", he then paused. Something hanging from the wall caught his attention and he made a distracted beeline for it. "Sweet Circe." He muttered underneath his breath as his eyes caught a glance at the pinky glitter apron and glove set. As if mandated by unseen forces, Cutty unhooked the apron and put it on. He didn't immediately remember that they belonged to the Creatures Professor. He just couldn't help it and put them on. That's what he got for not having lunch and a dosage of his Whimaway before visiting with his griffin.
The sparkly snake made himself visible to the wee baby griffin of his and stood there whilst the creature made its way over to him. Distraction, however. The reflective glitters bounced the light onto the ground and the walls nearby making the griffin react as if water and fish were nearby pouncing and nipping at the reflections of light.
Cutty took advantage of Phlegon amusing himself and went for the supplies again, this time taking out a bottle of Hoof 'n Groom foot treatment oil and a fine grade crystal file, which he sanitized thoroughly. "Scourgify, scourgify, scourgify!"
Phlegon threw himself into Cutty's legs with a soft bumping motion and Cutty knelt down toward the creature, lifting him onto his lap. He had a captive audience as he took the cleansed nail file to Phlegz front claws. "It feels like it's been ages, joost A-gess since I've seen yer last. Yew've gooot to stop hidin' out like this. Get out there and see the wehld. I'm gonna see the wehld, Phelgz. Graduate, see the wehld, get married and buy a house. I was thinkin' Yorkshire, booht maybe I'll do the southeast part of the country. It's all part of me 5-year plan. Oh! Did I tell yer about me 5-year plan? Yer ought to get one! Handy things they are. Lays it all right in front of yer so yer get all yer goals done." This gossip-like chatter came straight from the Liverpool beauty salon his mother used to take him to when he'd been on holiday with her. And they filled the gap as he filed claw by claw of the baby griffin's front set.
He lifted the back paw and although they were in better shape than the front eagly-like claws, he filed away at them as well, claw by claw whilst talking up a storm and going on and on about the currently political state of the wizarding world. "Now Lucia seems like a charming witch, booht I don't know about her husband. Sure, nothing severe has gone off LAATELY, booht I still think a year into office is too soon ter tell a THING."
Once the filing had been complete, Cutty threw the file behind his pink glittered shoulder and picked up the bottle of oil. Dipping the brush that it had come with he swiped it across the front of each of Phlegon's feet and began to massage it in. Now they'd grow out strong and there would be less chance of snagging and ripping and thus bleeding. He closed off the bottle of oil and returned the materials to supply storage. He turned to leave the creature housing, but spun around on his heels as he remembered to remove the pink sparkly apron and return it to the rack on which he found it.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Marsha alternated between humming and singing to him as he fed from the bottle. There was a deep sense of pride in seeing Cadfael happily eating the meal that she had specifically prepared for him. It had taken her a good bit of thinking on how she could make his meal without using the aguamenti spell, she had found a second option but it was just as highly advanced as the first so that option had been out. However, she had managed to have a quick conversation with Professor Thompson and he had helped her.
As Cadfael finished the bottle Marsha slowly lifted it out of his beak and set it on the hay next to her. Rocking him slightly, she kept him occupied as she poured the rest of the water that she had taken with her, into the metal container that she had brought with her. As she shushed and twisted slightly, she took her wand out and cast the hot-air charm at the water. She knew that it wouldn’t heat the water too much, but for a baby the water couldn’t be too hot anyway. She knew that much from helping to look at Alis.
Once the water was ready, she moved carefully and placed Cadfael into the water.
Although she was ready for his squirming, she didn’t quite manage to move fast enough away from his front claws so sported two new, small scratches on her wrist. Oh well, her cat Duchess had done worse to her. She couldn’t help but giggle though as the warm water slopped around Fael. Using her hand, she moved water over his head, just like she had watched her Mam do with Alis on countless ocasions.
Time to work out those wings. As he entered the creature habitat, Cutty recalled from the last time he'd bathed Phlegon that his reaction to the hot air charm was probably instinctual and that without a mother he would also have to be Phlegon's flight instructor. He could do that. There was nothing anywhere that said wizards couldn't be fantastic mother griffins and even if there were, Cutty wouldn't pay it much mind outside of how much he'd have to lose or gain by following or disregarding it.
He knew by this time where Phlegon liked to sleep, but this knowledge did not stop him from calling for his babyboy. He wanted to have him well-trained to come when called. It would prove too useful, he thought. So call to him he did, "Phleeeegon?"
The griffin was drinking from his water dish and came with a bouncy, little kid-like jaunt to the outside of the stables where the two could see one another. Cutty's buggy eyes locked on the baby, who had grown a bit. His magical silver sword was out and he aimed it straight at Phlegz. "Siccus Aerous."
Phlegon spread his wings and let the gust hit him for the duration of the spell. Cutty recharged it and casted again. "Siccus Aerous." This time he took a step closer and let the strength of the gust hit more directly. He wanted to see his babyboy flap.
And then it happened and Cutty smiled at the little creature.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
”See, bathtime isn’t as bad as you think it will be… its only ever the thought of getting into the bath that is bad.” Or, you know a shower… but generally once you got into it, everything was fine. You enjoyed the feeling of being clean and the time to not worry about anything else. Seeeeee. She watched as the Griffin moved around in the bath, but wasn’t trying to get out anymore.
After about five minutes, she took him out of the water and wrapped him up in the big blanket that she had taken with her. She pulled the bottom corner up, then folded the two side corners in to the middle. The top curved over Cadfael’s wet head, and she gently massaged the blanket over different sections of the baby to dry him gently.
Without realising it, her arms were once again swinging from side to side as she took to singing the gentle, soft Welsh lullaby that they sung to Alis when she wouldn’t sleep in the middle of the night. ”Mil Harddach wyt na'r rhosyn gwyn, Na'r rhosyn coch ar ael y bryn, Na'r alarch balch yn nofio'r llyn, Fy maban bach.”
OOC: The Welsh lullaby is called Mil Harddach. This is the link to a version of it, with both Welsh and English lyrics. <3
Cinna watched as Jean ran after the ball, for a minute. Then she headed over to Jean's spot change out the hay and get her space cleaned up so that she could go to bed. Jeans should be good and tired by the time the she had everything ready.
First she vanished all of the old dirty hay. Then she went over and bought new fresh hay over and spread it out around Jeans space. She summoned another blanket and laid it out over the hay, just to make it more comfy for Jean when she was ready to go to sleep. She packed up everything she had used to give Jean a bath back up in the bucket and pull it back. She only left out the brush and comb, she would used them before Jean went to bed. That was something that her nana would do every night when she was little, brush her hair before bed. She missed that.
She took her blanket that she had bought with her and picked it up and shook off any hay or anything else that might have been on it. Picking up the the bottle she cleaned it before putting it back. Then she went to get look for Jean.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Okay. So.
Marsha had decided that baby Griffins were definitely like babies. They didn’t do what you wanted them to do - ever. They did what they wanted, when they wanted and you had to change your schedule to suit theirs. She had witnessed her Mam make so many different plans over the last year and a half and then have to change them at last minute or re-arrange with friends because Alis wasn’t feeling well or hadn’t slept or simply wasn’t feeling well.
And considering she hadn’t managed to play with Cadfael who was now asleep in his blanket bed… well, it appeared he was very much like baby Alis. He didn’t want to play by anyone elses rules.
Once he was asleep, Marsha gently placed him in one of the warm corners of the stable so that she could spend the next ten minutes clearing out his stables. Having grown up working with horses, a baby Griffin didn’t even make her bat an eyelid. She was quick and methodical clearing the obviously dirty parts of the stable first and before laying new straw all over the floor. She replenished his water from the tap she found outside the stables… at least she wouldn’t need to take water with her next time.
Her own bottles that she had taken down with her were now in a pile outside the stable. Moving over to the quiet bundle that was Cadfael, she made sure that he was still sleeping. When she noted that he was, she made an indent in the new straw and settled his bundled up form in it. Slowly, she undid the blankets tightness, making sure that when he woke up he would be able to turn over and wriggle out of them.
With a soft smile on her face, she ran a single finger over his head again. ”Sleep well, Cadfael. I will see you tomorrow.” And with that, the small Welsh girl picked up her equipment and her wand and headed for Gryffindor tower for a shower. Then she would study until bedtime.
He was ready. Cutty could tell. The snake boy dug into his pocket and pulled out the dragonhide gloves that he'd been holding on to for the exercise and fired off a spell at them. "Impervius." Would that work? They were dragonhide, but they were also a bit worn for having hung on to them for so long and he knew Phlegon's claws would show them no mercy. He slipped the gloves on and bent over to lift Phlegon onto his shoulder and head outside of the housing with his wand in hand. When the reached a clear piece of land, enough so that Cutty could run for a significant amount of time and create a gust of wind beneath the creature's wings he stopped and walked over to the farthest end of the space. He turned quickly and tucked away his wand for the moment so that he could reach up and burrow his thumbs inside of Phlegon's front talons.
Cutty took off running, his hands that held the front talons prepared to rise on Phlegon's que. Aaaaaand, WINGS OUT! That was it. Cutty raised his arms up and Phlegon began to flap.
There would be no airborne moment, but this was important to build wing strength. So long as one more or less owns a griffin one might as well train it to be strong and fast.
Getting straight to work, Sophie filled a griffin-sized bathing tub with water using, "Aguamenti." It took a lot longer than she would've liked for it to fill up enough, but she figured it was time Genevieve needed to blow off some energy. Once the bucket was moderately full, Sophie took the small bottle of liquid for shampooing and poured it into the tub, then used her hand to swish the soap around and get it nice and stirred up. It smelled a lot like the stuff they'd used for the hippogriffs and she wondered if it was similar or maybe even the SAME soap. Either way, it smelled good, so... even if bath time ended up being a little messy, Soph didn't mind. She'd just smell good anyway.
With her bath tub full of sudsy water, Sophie went ahead and cast a hot air charm at the water in an attempt to heat it up. She didn't want it to be TOO hot, just nice and warm and comfortable, and fortunately, it didn't take TOO long for the tub's water to warm up.
This was too easy.
She gathered a sponge, then, and dropped it into the tub before finding a towel to set off to the side for drying-off purposes later. Then... that was good and all set, so she just had to brush Genevieve a bit first and... well. Merlin. She had to get Genevieve over to her first.
"Genevieeeeeve," Sophie beckoned, sitting down on the floor beside the tub with the brush in her hand as she patted her knees. "Come, Genevieve! Come!" The griffin didn't seem to know her own name yet, judging by how the griffin didn't respond to her at all. At. All. But eventually, the griffin saw Sophie looking at her, and Sophie went back to calling her name - and THAT is when the griffin scampered over and rammed into Sophie at full force as she sat in her lap.
Griffins these days.
"It's okay, girl. We're just gonna brush you." The Ravenclaw proceeded to do so, using the brush to gently stroke the baby griffin's feathers first, taking care to be light in her strokes before moving down to the lower half where there was fur. Genevieve didn't seem to mind one bit - in fact, she actually seemed to enjoy it.
Phlegiez claws were digging into Cutty's back and the boy could feel it enough that he wished he had a dragonhide robe to go along with the gloves. Instead he channeled his rush to his running and picked up speed which only made the griffin cling in more tenaciously. Cutty slowed until stopped and then plucked Phlegon from his shoulder. He placed the creature in front of him and the baby griffin seemed to be confused as though it did not at all want the exercise to end.
Cutty casted at the creature, this time to cause weightlessness. Squirming was happening and Cutty reached out to grab the front talons once more. He pulled the griffin up and above his head and began to run once more flying the griffin something like a kite. At first, the boy heard nothing, but then his big ears were onto the sound of flapping and beating which grew more and more active and almost frantic at points. Flippity-flippity-flap-FLAP!
There were other griffins in the pen who were watching Sophie brush Genevieve now, and Sophie almost wondered if they were jealous. Probably were, actually, and she wondered which griffins belonged to which of her classmates. Maybe Tobes' or Zander's griffin were here with her - actually, she bet they were one of the ones Genevieve had been antagonizing. It'd only be right, wouldn't it?
After a few minutes of careful, meticulous brushing of her griffin baby, Sophie sat up a little straighter and set the brush aside before gently turning Genevieve around to look her in the eye. "Genevieve. We're going to take a b-a-t-h. Well, you are, not me - hopefully, probably. This is a pretty small tub, so you're gonna have to go in on your own, but I'll be right here. This'll be fun, see?" Sophie picked up the sponge from inside the tub and held it up for Genevieve to see, and the griffin tilted her head slightly with curiosity.
That... was a good sign, wasn't it? She wasn't running from the bath? Maybe she LIKED baths. Ahem... yes. Very good. "Let's just get this over with, then," she decided, lifting up the little griffin... and setting her down in the water, anticipating some sort of griffin freak-out, but much to her delight, the griffin just laid down.
Thaaaaaaaaank Merlin for a GRIFFIN WHO ENJOYED BATH TIME. Or maybe Genevieve had just worn herself out by romping around with the others. Well... whatever the case was, Sophie Brown was incredibly grateful and looked very happy as she took the soaked sponge and gently began cleaning the griffin's torso.
Dot made a little creche out of the straw so that Lorenzo was fully cradled by soft warmness, and then she settled down in the straw herself, her head pillowed against his side. She would just stay here until Lorenzo woke up. For research sake, she wanted to know how long these naps lasted.
Plus then they could play when he woke up.
"I'm going to wait until he wakes up." Just FYI, Eden. "I don't tan. Maybe I should go somewhere cold instead. I burn horribly and then I peel, and then I have even more freckles than when I started. It's not a happy cycle for me." Dot closed her eyes and considered napping herself. "They're adorable, but are you sure you're set up for a full-sized griffin at home? My house isn't nearly big enough for a big creature like that."
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Somehow, Dot did doze with her cheek pressed against the warm flank of Lorenzo-the-griffin, and she didn't wake up until the baby griffin squawked at her in disapproval and tried to eat her bright plait off the top of her head. She awoke in a rush, noise in her ears and the top of her head trying to come off, and Dot discovered her wiggly griffin was ready to be let out of his blanket bed.
"Go on with you, bad baby," Dot rubbed the top of her head and scowled as Lorenzo pranced and pawed and generally had a delightful time glorying in the attention of his mama Dot. It was hard to be mad at him, since he was having so much fun and he was a baby and he was so cute.
"I have to go now, Enzo, but I'll come see you again tomorrow, okay?"
Eden nodded. Her griffin was asleep, too. "I'll probably wait for Hector to wake up, too," she said, and then she laughed a little bit. "Dot...'m Irish. I don't tan for anything..so I know that feeling all too well." Eden almost BURNED that week she spent with Phe in Greece at the beaches. Almost burned, but she knew how to protect that porcelain, Irish skin.
"...But freckles are really cute..." she said softly. But look! Dot had fallen asleep. That was...adorable, to say the least. Eden smirked to herself and decided she wouldn't wake the Slytherin up. She looked too peaceful.
Eden let Hector sleep awhile before she shifted in her spot, and the little cutie woke up, slowly, ruffling his feathers. "Ready to play?" she asked softly. She thought the little guy should get some well deserved exercise. There was a ball nearby--so Eden grabbed it and threw it a few feet away from her.
Cutty kept running, reaching one side of the area and then turning to run the full length of the other until the wing flaps seemed to come at regularly intervals. He looked at the ground and saw that the shadow casted by the creature indicated that Phlegon was in soaring position or would've been if he'd tuck his talons up and under. The lion half of him, though was out and elegant as if in a leap.
The creature made a sound as if happy and Cutty continued this back and forth running through a good deal of sweat and breathing. He hardly noticed he was bleeding from the claws along the traps.
The levitation spell gradually wore off and Cutty ceased his running. He pulled the creature back down to the ground and drew his wand. "Finite." He said, ending the floatation merengue and Phlegon landed talons first onto the ground. "Yer did good, Phlegz." He said patting the griffinboy on his side and walking the creature back to the sleeping quarters. He'd probably be plumb tuckered out after this.
She threw the ball a few times and after awhile, he looked a tiny bit tired. Hector slumped on his side, panting, and Eden flopped next to him. "Let's see...there's something else I'm forgetting..." she said, and AHA.
Running a hand over one of his feathers, she could FEEL the dirt. "You....need a bath. Stinky, smelly, little griffin baby you are." she pulled him closer and decided the best way to...give him a little clean up. She wasn't really prepared to give him a full out bath today..maybe tomorrow. But she COULD scrub him off a little bit.
"Aguamenti--" she let a stream of water flow from her wand to Hector, and some of his grime was washed away, but Eden knew she could come back tomorrow and do a better job.She then used her wand to dry the griffin off--OH. Hector REALLY liked the heated air..hehehe! It was making Eden LAUGH at how much he was loving it--preening into the air she was blowing at him.
Cinna found Jean still playing with the toy that she made for her. She sat down with Jean, to play a little with her. Taking the string part of the toy and pulling it, so that Jean would follow it. She lifted the ball up and swing it around. She let Jean bat it back and fourth. You're getting sleepy very sleepy.
Yeah that wasn't working was it?
Nah, it was working more on her than Jean. She was getting droopy eyes. Sooo with that she scooped up Jean and carried her over to where she had her stuff at. "Alright Jean we're going to brush you and get you ready for bed." She picked up the comb and combed through Jean's feathers first. She petted the griffin on the head after she did so good with that. Next the sixth year took the brush and brushed through the griffins fur.
She wrapped Jean up in her blanket and sat the little griffin in her lap. Rocking her to sleep. Humming a lullaby that her nana used to sing to her. She rocked and hummed until Jean was asleep. Moving her onto the other blanket and the fresh hay. Cinna decided that she would stick around a bit longer and sketch out a picture of the baby griffin sleeping, and just spend a bit more time with her.
Sittling in with her pencil and sketchbook, getting cozy, she put pencil to paper and hung out with the sleeping griffin for a while.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
"Scrub-a-dub-dub," Sophie cooed to Genevieve, then realized how absolutely lame that sounded. Must've been hanging around Tobes too much - he was a sucker for cheesy little sayings like that, judging by the way he talked to Curtis. Buncha nerds, the lot of them. But she continued along with using the sponge to get her griffin nice and soapy and squeaky clean, taking care to not get it too close to Genevieve's face, especially the eyes.
But soon enough, the baby griffin was covered thoroughly in suds and it was time to rinse her down. Taking the nearby bucket, Sophie filled it with water using Aguamenti again, then followed it with the hot-air charm again to warm it up. Then, she poured the warm water over the griffin with one hand and used her free hand to work out the suds. She repeated this many times before the griffin's feathers and fur were finally mostly suds-free... except for the water she was standing in. Hm. HMMM. Well. Looked like she'd just have to do what she could.
"C'mon, Genevieve," Sophie encouraged, lifting the very content griffin out of the tub and directing a stream of Aguamenti at the griffin's lower legs to get off the remaining soap there. Once THAT was done, Sophie took the big, fluffy towel and worked at drying off the griffin, who just stood there, letting the Ravenclaw do so.
In all reality, the griffin looked like it was ready to sit back down, flop over, and take a nap at any moment, so... Sophie worked a bit more efficiently to dry off Genevieve, and once the baby griffin was as dry as she could get and she got to brush her a bit, Sophie carried her back over to the blanket they'd left across the pen and set her back down on it, then observed with a smile as Genevieve made herself cozy and already closed her eyes.
...That was really, really cute, okay? Absolutely precious. Now SHE wanted one, too, and she hoped Tobes would actually get his way with Javy in keeping one as a pet for REAL. Ugh.
Trailing back over to the bathing area, Sophie worked on cleaning everything - she emptied the tub and cleaned it, cleaned the buckets and sponges, and made sure everything got put back the way it was when she found it.
This whole taking care of a griffin thing was actually pretty fun. Pets were never Sophie Brown's thing, but... this... was kind of great. It was too bad she couldn't keep Genevieve, really, and their eventual farewell to each other would be... a lot harder than she ever anticipated it would be.
Toby always felt spoiled for choice when he came down to the creature housing; the sheer number of creatures he could visit was almost overwhelming, and more often than not he ended up saying hello to practically every creature.
Today he had a different purpose for coming down here, but of course that didn't mean he wasn't absolutely going to give some of his the creatures a little attention, at least while he waited for Dakest. Upon getting to the creature housing a few minutes early, the Hufflepuff beelined for the fairies. He wanted to see the Hippogriffs too and check on Monty and maybe say hi to the nifflers (especially George) and just visit ALL THE CREATURES... but fairies got his attention first.
"Hey guys," Toby whispered, speaking specifically to his own as he opened up the enclosure to let the four of them out, before closing it again behind them. He eyed their wings as he did so, taking note of how they looked; more than once he'd come to visit only to find he had some very unhappy wingless fairies. Those were usually the times Toby got his sulk on. But NOPE. All okay. He let them flit around him and perch on his outstretched hands. "I'm here to protect you, y'know."
True story. He was like an actual proper Protector again.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Toby always felt spoiled for choice when he came down to the creature housing; the sheer number of creatures he could visit was almost overwhelming, and more often than not he ended up saying hello to practically every creature.
Today he had a different purpose for coming down here, but of course that didn't mean he wasn't absolutely going to give some of his the creatures a little attention, at least while he waited for Dakest. Upon getting to the creature housing a few minutes early, the Hufflepuff beelined for the fairies. He wanted to see the Hippogriffs too and check on Monty and maybe say hi to the nifflers (especially George) and just visit ALL THE CREATURES... but fairies got his attention first.
"Hey guys," Toby whispered, speaking specifically to his own as he opened up the enclosure to let the four of them out, before closing it again behind them. He eyed their wings as he did so, taking note of how they looked; more than once he'd come to visit only to find he had some very unhappy wingless fairies. Those were usually the times Toby got his sulk on. But NOPE. All okay. He let them flit around him and perch on his outstretched hands. "I'm here to protect you, y'know."
True story. He was like an actual proper Protector again.
A few things had changed at Hogwarts since he had been a student. That included the creature area. And you know what? It made him feel old. Very old. Despite the fact he was one of the youngest Professors in employment at Hogwarts currently. Still, old. He couldn't even imagine how ancient Abraham must feel, walking the halls and the corridors.
Still, it was nice to find a place he wasn't entirely familiar with. It added an element of contrast to what he was here to do today. Guard and protect. Something he was all too familiar with. Albeit, not with a student sidekick. Or more accurately, the sidekick to a student.
Speaking of, it seemed the boy was right on schedule. Or ahead of schedule, and already making his rounds with the creatures. Sabel stopped a short distance away, hands tucked in his jacket pockets as he watched the kid. A look of consideration was etched onto his features, one that wasn't entirely devoid of concern.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
A few things had changed at Hogwarts since he had been a student. That included the creature area. And you know what? It made him feel old. Very old. Despite the fact he was one of the youngest Professors in employment at Hogwarts currently. Still, old. He couldn't even imagine how ancient Abraham must feel, walking the halls and the corridors.
Still, it was nice to find a place he wasn't entirely familiar with. It added an element of contrast to what he was here to do today. Guard and protect. Something he was all too familiar with. Albeit, not with a student sidekick. Or more accurately, the sidekick to a student.
Speaking of, it seemed the boy was right on schedule. Or ahead of schedule, and already making his rounds with the creatures. Sabel stopped a short distance away, hands tucked in his jacket pockets as he watched the kid. A look of consideration was etched onto his features, one that wasn't entirely devoid of concern.
Each of the fairies seemed to be happy to get out and stretch their wings. Toby knew they had a lot of space in there, AND he knew who had built the enclosure so knew it was probably perfect. But it was sort of like Hogwarts; plenty of space to move around, tons of friends, but there was nothing quite like getting out from time to time. He smiled a little to himself as he watched them, and wondered, not for the first time, what kind of argument he'd have to make to be able to bring them home when he graduated. Probably a very good one, and he wasn't very persuasive, save for his hurt puppy dog look which he couldn't always do on cue.
So... now he had his own fairies out, Toby kind of felt bad about the ones he'd left inside the enclosure. Not that he could let them out, 'cause they belonged to other students, and it was a manners thing, y'know? Still, Toby bit his lip and watched them. Luckily, he'd never been very good at staying focused on one thing at a time, so when one of his fairies - Spyro, it looked like - flew past his face, he ended up watching the creature instead. Another of the fairies - Cordelia, maybe? - tugged on Toby's hair at that point, and he turned his head to look at her, finally catching sight of Dakest.
"Oh," the seventh year said, blinking, mildly surprised. He'd not heard him arrive. Like, at all. "Hi, Professor Dakest. Didn't see you." If Toby noticed the look on the man's face, he simply pretended otherwise and smiled at him. Because they were in the presence of fairies. Fairies were awesome.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Each of the fairies seemed to be happy to get out and stretch their wings. Toby knew they had a lot of space in there, AND he knew who had built the enclosure so knew it was probably perfect. But it was sort of like Hogwarts; plenty of space to move around, tons of friends, but there was nothing quite like getting out from time to time. He smiled a little to himself as he watched them, and wondered, not for the first time, what kind of argument he'd have to make to be able to bring them home when he graduated. Probably a very good one, and he wasn't very persuasive, save for his hurt puppy dog look which he couldn't always do on cue.
So... now he had his own fairies out, Toby kind of felt bad about the ones he'd left inside the enclosure. Not that he could let them out, 'cause they belonged to other students, and it was a manners thing, y'know? Still, Toby bit his lip and watched them. Luckily, he'd never been very good at staying focused on one thing at a time, so when one of his fairies - Spyro, it looked like - flew past his face, he ended up watching the creature instead. Another of the fairies - Cordelia, maybe? - tugged on Toby's hair at that point, and he turned his head to look at her, finally catching sight of Dakest.
"Oh," the seventh year said, blinking, mildly surprised. He'd not heard him arrive. Like, at all. "Hi, Professor Dakest. Didn't see you." If Toby noticed the look on the man's face, he simply pretended otherwise and smiled at him. Because they were in the presence of fairies. Fairies were awesome.
The expression Sabel wore was quickly replaced by a polite smile as Fuller-Thompson noticed, and greeted him. "Afternoon."
He moved forward, watching the fairies. They were interesting creatures, ones he'd not really had much opportunity to interact with. So, when one of the little ones flew close, he held up his hand like a perch, unsure if that was the right thing to do or not. Yes, despite his age, there were still things he was learning.
"Not sure why we keep these ones locked up. They're rather intelligent." Not that all animals weren't, but just more like human-intelligence.
His gaze turned from the fairy back to the boy before him. "Everything is all good and quiet I take it?"
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.