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As you make your way toward the usual class meeting in the barnyard, you noticed the dim lighting and black covers over the usual creature's pen. The only light source came from near the middle of the hall where a campfire is fully lit. The previously absent, but not forgotten large padded blankets were laid around providing perfect padding to sit on. Right on one of them was Professor Thompson who had quite a large box on one side that occasionally shook and a closed bag on the other side near him.
-- OOC: The lesson has already started. Just joining in? Don't post having your character arrive in. Simply post continuing from the latest one as if they were present all along.
Where are we at?
Post 1 - Greetings + First question. Post 2, 3 - Responses + Getting to know the little Dragons. Post 4 - Flying the little dragons.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Through hoops five, six, seven and eight!
GOSH! They were making loads of progress here. Adi was impressed with Reptar and his flying abilities thought the dragon had not flown much better. Talk about awesomeness! "You're doing great, Reptar! Keep it up!'' Gotta encourage him right? YUP!
Adi cast the Fire Making Charm yet again to make his dragon go through the ninth hoop but this time its right right clipped the edge of a hoop. Uh oh! He stared up, hoping that Reptar was okay. And yesh! The baby seemed to be! It was still soaring so freely and happily towards the next hoop!
The third part of her training was to get her through those hoops. He wondered if Thumbelina would still listen to him now that she could fly on her own. She was doing so well thus far by following his guidance. Henric whistled for his dragonette, hopefully she could hear him down below. Thumbelina stopped and turned around, curious over the sound he made. He whistled again to further catch her attention and pointed towards the hoops."Thumbelina! Go through that hoops!"he called to her, grinning broadly. Thumbelina seemed to understand him perfectly because as soon as he made the signal by whistling, she immediately flew past her dragon friends and through six of the hoops within seconds. Oh merlin! Look at her go! Henric was so proud of her, he couldn't help but clap for her."Brilliant! Thumbelina!You got it!"he cried excitedly. He wished he had some dragon food treats right now, she absolutely deserved it! Henric turned to wave at llia, his dragonette was almost catching up with hers.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi’s wand was yet again directed at Reptar’s tail while he jogged below, glancing up every two seconds or so to make sure everything was in tip top shape. Also, he was still worried about that little clip Reptar had had on the hoop. He couldn’t help it, okay?
It certainly didn’t help that the munchkin seemed to be slowing down. Adi’s worriedness made him forget for a while that Thompson had stated that towards the end the dragons would get tired. But the moment that bit of information reappeared in his brain, he brightened up. Soon you’ll have time to rest, Reptar.
Adi helped guide it through hoop ten then elven and then twelve.
Ilia's plan seemed to be working and her winged partner flew through hoop thirteen smoothly, without flame prompting. The fourth year kept walking towards hoop fourteen and singing praises to her charge. She was certain that Henric would tease her later for it, but he sang just loud enough for Astrid to hear hopefully. The higher she sang though.......the more interested her little dragon seemed.
Astrid seemed to be getting tired, but she only had two more hoops to go. "Come on big girl, you can do it!" It wasn't about competition at this moment, which was different for Ilia. She was a very competitive sort of girl, but past the initial realization that if they could win in some form she got to see Astrid more.....it didn't even register to her this time. It wasn't about being the best or extra house points.......she just wanted her new friend to become stronger and truly get a feel for her wings. When she was bigger, to be able to soar and feel the wind carrying her.
"Incendio." She tickled her underside with flaming warmth once more for maternal encouragement. Number fourteen down! She saw Henric's wave and smiled at him, returning the gesture just slightly. Ilia did not want to exaggerate her hand movements and distract the adorable little ball of scales anymore than she already was.
Alright......this was it. The last silvery hoop was in their sights. Astrid seemed to be petering out as far as energy went though and started flying lower and more awkwardly once more. "This is the last one baby girl! You can do it!" She gave one more flame nudge and began to sing a little louder and higher. Her cheeks were blushing a bit pinker as she side glanced at Henric. He could probably hear her now and would probably tease her about how she sounded later. Still, she sang to her and gestured in hopes that she would do well through the last hoop.
She was tired, it was clear as she almost didn't seem like she would make the last hoop. She was so close to the bottom of it her left wing brushed the side and she tumbled forward a little. Ilia was waiting right beneath just in case though and the little dragon let her flight descend smoothly.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Oh, yeah.
Reptar was DEFINITELY moving super slowly now. Awwwwh, he was getting burned out. “You can do it, Reptar! You can do it!’’ All this Hufflepuff needed now were the pom poms to be a full time cheer leader though he wasn’t sure he could do those spinny tricks and stuff those girls did. Hehe.
The Dragon seemed to have heard his cheering and taken heart and with the aid of another Fire Making charm under the belly/ tail area, albeit its slow speed, it flewthrough hoops thirteen and fourteen. At fifteen, it seemed to barely make it through. Adi sped up so that he could be there to assist his friend to the tank but he was in for a surprise. It soared and landed heavily on his head.
The sixth year laughed. “I know you love it up there.’’ He reached up to pat the baby. He could totally see why Benny, Henric, Hady and Ilia adored them. “Alright, you need rest, okay? I’m going to help you into the tank. Thanks for being a great partner.’’ Without having to do the heavy work of coaxing Reptar down, Adi simply cast the Levitation Charm. "Wingardium Leviosa!" The appropriate wand movement allowed him to guide the dragon safely and gently in to the tank. “You’re an awesome fellow, Reptar.’’
Henric went to stand by llia's side as they monitored their dragon's progress. Her dragon seemed to be reluctant to move from its position until llia's started to sing in her native tongue again. She had found a way to lure her dragon back to her attention just like he did with his by whistling. Her voice certainly draw his attention away from Thumbelina for a moment. Woah...Henric couldn't help admire his bestfriend and her talent, he blinked. What...no no...not now...he needed to get back to his own dragon! Speaking of his dragon, where was she?
He caught Thumbelina momentarily distracted with a dragon fluttering beside her, not only that she was stirring off the course."Thumbelina, don't go back that way and stop flirting with that boy dragon!"he cried exasperatedly. He whistled again fro her attention.
"Incendio!"he cast at his dragon.Reluctantly, Thumbelina flew past more hoops as she was instructed. "Yeah...that's right... move on young lady,"he glared playfully at his little dragonette,wagging his finger at Thumbelina as he did so. Yes..yes..no boy for you until you're 21!!
As Astrid began to glide down slow, Ilia gave her a hand. "Wingardium Leviosa." She suspended her little charge comfortably and magically in the air and into her arms. She slowly walked with her towards the tank, though she didn't want to. "You did great little one! I'm so very proud of you!" She gently petted the scaly bronze head with her wandless hand. Big beautiful bronze eyes looked back up at her, not in begrudging or annoyance, but possibly understanding of some kind.
Ilia didn't think she truly understood the words themselves, but perhaps the intent or feeling behind them. "I love you little one." She whispered to Astrid while she cradled her and started quietly singing an old Norse lullaby that her mother had once taught her.
Sadly their time for today was coming to a close and she levitated her dragon into the tank. Ilia was certain, without a doubt in her mind, that putting the young dragon back was absolutely the hardest part of the lesson, or any lesson she had yet to date. "Have a good rest Astrid, you earned it!" She encouraged her little friend as she settled into the tank.
When she turned away to reclaim the seat in which she had begun the lesson she choked back the urge to let a tear or two fall. Young creatures were absolutely her soft spot and she never wanted to let go of them. As she sat down, she loosed her long braid so that her golden locks fell freely upon her back and shoulders once more. Also, it was a great way to 'accidently' let it fall into her face. Not that she would be upset or show it , you know, just in case.
Last edited by VRSCIKA; 07-09-2015 at 07:11 AM.
Reason: Missed a word and the sentence sounded odd. I'm sorry >.<
They were lagging behind, it seemed. But no matter, they were going to get back in the game and this time they were going to do it with more fire power. “Alright Thumbelina, let’s catch up with the rest!” Pointing his wand at her, he cast the fire-making spell again. And there she went, his dragon racer, with her magnificent speed! Wooo! Thumbelina went through each hoop like a pro~ She was already on her tenth hoop and now heading towards her eleventh. “Great job! Four more to go, you can do it!” he cheered her on.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
SPOILER!!: Professor
Well, well.. didn't the air feel a little tense? Preposterous, it had to be from the heat. Now that everyone was settled with their snacks, Professor Thompson set the remaining snacks aside. "Good.." In regards to those who had contributed their thoughts and answers, despite how... unique some were.
Anyways, that box had been rocking long enough, " Now as you all have noticed the coverings over all the stalls. Not only is it for the protection of the fellow creature residers.. But the dark presents a soothing atmosphere to them." Now who was 'them', exactly? "Norwegian Ridgebacks." Did the Professor just say that? Well, to prevent some students from questioning their own hearing, he gave the moving box a simple tap opening it.
Revealing the poking head of a little brown dragon. A curious one as he peered around at everyone before making a 'hiccup' like noise. "Not just your average Norwegian Ridgebacks, special ones that had been sized accordingly for our own handling." As Javier then picked up one to set in his hand where it sat perfectly, before he handed it one to the student sitting nearest, gesturing them to send it down as he sent more one by one until everyone had one. "After enough letters and compromising, a Sanctuary was generous enough to allow us a chance to handle them. With the conditions as you see being their size temporarily being small to be able to be handled by any student in here."
Javier then finger petted over the black ridges to its little head, making it cough a spray of little fire, "Not adults quite yet, they have a number of years before being sent elsewhere." Before looking at the students again, "They'll need some names, don't you think? How about we get acquainted with them. You can pet and talk with them, maybe even help cook the marshmallows faster by rubbing under their neck." As he then did so with his index finger, making the little dragon spray some fire.
--- OOC: As explained, feel free to get acquainted with the little dragons. Should take no more than three labelled posts. Lesson will continue in 24 hours from this post. =) [/QUOTE]
What did Professor Thompson just say? Norwegian Ridgebacks? Wow... And now they were each getting a little dragon to hold? Zhenya took the dragon that had been passed down to her with great caution. Uhhh... what if it fire sneezed on her? Fire laughed, fire coughed or just fire breathed on her? She didn't want to be charcoal... but the dragons were very awesome. And now Professor Thompson was advising them to encourage the dragon to breathe fire? Zhenya wasn't sure about that bit just yet, but now she had to name the little thing?
Zhenya felt the ridges on its back and looked around to compare the sharpness. It appeared that the ridges on this dragon weren't as severe looking as some of the other ones. Perhaps it was a male? Zhenya had a think about what she should name it. What should she name a male dragon? "Felix," she said, turning up one of the corners of her mouth. "Yes, how about Felix? Felix the Ridgeback?" she asked the dragon, feeling comfortable to stroke it under its neck, making sure it was facing away from her. Yum roasted marshmallow!
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
As regards to the next question, "The dragons will return to their normal size once they are safe back home." Which wasn't right now, thankfully from the looks of things. Javier looked on this particular student among the others, especially after a particular action happened. "Mr. Fuller-Thompson, come here." The dragon was tiny with its own teeth, yes, but still a dragon bite was a dragon bite. Waiting until the Hufflepuff approached him did the Creatures Professor took him by the wrist to examine the finger. Hm. It looked alright, with the exception of the little poke imprint. "See me after class." Before patting his shoulder letting him return to his original spot.
"Now, who is ready to attempt to train them?" Professor Thompson then asked the whole class before continuing, "Typically the Norwegian Ridgeback has grown its wings shortly after emerging from the egg, but doesn't put any use to them for another year." So, "These dragons due to being in captivity haven't had as much opportunity to stretch their wings. So we're going to allow them the chance to." With that, Javier then held his wand up to cast a lighting spell showcasing the floating glimmering silver hoops suspended in the air all around the whole Creature Housing stable that they were residing in. Suddenly, the coverings had another use today.
"Now those with longer hair will want to tie their hairs back as we will be guiding them to fly in the air through the hoops." How exactly? "A dragon gains their ability to fly with the help of their mother or father who flies below them, breathing fire out to encourage them to stay up longer." Before the worries could kick in, "Not to worry, as mentioned before the heat is very soothing to the dragons as their tough skin can endure the highest of temperatures. So with our wands we will be using the fire spell, Incendio in their direction to guide them through all the hoops to the finishing line right into the tank." Which he then pointed out to be in the far end near the other double doors that led to the Walkways. The tank was sitting perfectly perched on a table. Empty for now.
"There are about 15 hoops total. The real challenge however will be on actually convincing them to take flight." Javier then held his little dragon. She was getting the name Lotte as he finger stroked the top of her head. A fiesty one though as she just missed the chance to bite at his finger. "There are a number of ways to convince them. There's the Animal Friendship charm, or just simply finger stroking the inner lines of their wings. That'll get their attention." Which he then did so, making Lotte turn her head not in a happy mood. "Stop once they begin looking towards you and then slowly hold the hand out raising it towards the air-" Which as soon as he began doing so, Lotte did not hesitate to fly away from this man. Now Javier aimed his wand towards her tail, "Cast, 'Incendio' directly under them until they start to fly in the direction you want them to. You will eventually have to get up along the way." Now it became clear what the Professor meant by them staying on the floor for the duration. "You will find near the end they will grow tired and want to rest, so you can simply use the Levitation spell, Windgardium Leviosa to set them into the tank."
At last, the incentive, "Of course not everyone will finish at the same time. But to make the effort, the first three who successfully manage to guide their dragon all through the hoops and into the tank will earn extra points." Along with, "And permission to visit their new dragon friend this summer." Win, win. Yes? "Get ready and.. go."
--- OOC: As mentioned you will have to guide the little dragon into the air through 15 silver floating hoops. With the use of Incendio under them and Windgardium Leviosa to land them into the tank at the finish line.
This should take no less than six labelled posts. You will have roughly 48 hours from this post to complete it. Feel free to vm, pm, dm via Javy's twitter any questions you have. =)
Zhenya watched as some silver hoops appeared in the air. They were going to be flying the dragons? THEY would be flying with the dragons? Zhenya immediately smoothed back her long hair into a bun, away from tangles and fire damage. She had used Incendio plenty of times, so she felt comfortable not practicing it. There was no need. It was almost as simple as scourgify. Zhenya watched Professor Thompson demonstrate everything. Incentive to win with points and a visit with the dragon? Zhenya wasn't particularly interested in dragons, not like many of her classmates. She knew some of them would love to work with dragons. So it wouldn't have bothered her if she won or not, it wouldn't have meant as much to her as it would to the others. However, she would have liked the chance to visit Vaska.
Zhenya first started by stroking the inner lines of their wings. Zhenya did this, with her index finger, giving Felix a gently stroke around his wings. He flapped them open and that was when Zhenya held him out, hoping he would take flight. Nope, he put his wings down and closed his eyes. Huh...
Angel listened to what the Professor was saying, okay now she was afraid she was very afraid, the Professor wanted her to actually fly the dragon, well not fly on it but she had to direct it.
"Nice Crazy!" Angel sighed as she looked at the dragon. "Yo....yo...you w...won't hur...hurt me r...right?" Angel thought she might as well ask the question. "Or run off?" Angel had a funny feeling her dragon would run off or try and hurt her whilst it was in the air.
Angel looked around and saw her friends already finishing or nearly finishing. Well she didn't care, she was going to be the last to finish, she wanted to take a month if the Professor let her, that way she knew the dragon wouldn't do anything.
Angel stroked the inner lines of crazy's wing and then she pointed to the air when she had the creatures attention, she watched as it took off, okay this was going to be very scary, the only nice dragon she knew was toothless and Spyro all the other dragons were really mean.
"Incendio!" Angel smiled as she watched as the dragon started to go in the direction she wanted it too fly in. Okay so this might be okay and was better than flying on the dragon, though she was still nervous of it doing something she didn't want it too.
Thumbelina went through the eleventh, twelfth , thirteenth....fourteenth hoop ..."One more to go, Thumbelina!" he cheered on, giving her a boost by casting the Incendio charm again. Henric couldn't be more prouder for his dragonette, she managed to push herself tirelessly to the end of the course by herself! Bravo! "You did it!!" It was like watching the muggle Olympics and he being the proud coach for his athlete. T.T
Angel was looking up into the air as she watched Crazy going through the first hoop maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as she thought it would be.
Angel looked away for a second to see how everyone else was doing and when she turned back Crazy was going to wrong way. Well that would teach her not to get interested in other students work wouldn't it.
"Incendio!" Angel smiled as she guided Crazy back along the course, seriously this was not cool, now she went through the first hoop again, what was the matter with the dragon, Angel followed to make sure she went through the second hoop no problem. Angel beamed when it did, well that was a bit better.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Activity Post 1
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hady had been so entranced with watching Boo she'd hardly heard Professor Thompson speaking. It took her a few seconds to realize she should be listening to him and that he was moving the lesson along, now explaining what the task was going to be. Blinking a few times and stretching a little...carefully so as not to bother the dragon whom was comfortably perched on her shoulder she shifted her attention to where it needed to be.
Lifting her head upwards she was able to see the hoops, all fifteen of them. Which she was somehow supposed to coax Boo into flying through. Flying. Something her little friend didn't seem to want to do. She'd give it a go though just like always.
"Alright Boo, sorry to disturb your little nap here but we have a task to do." Carefully rising to her feet Hady collected the small dragon from her shoulder setting her down on her forearm. Using her free hand she lightly stroked one of her wings earning a snap at her finger. "Whoa easy there..." she muttered pulling her hand back just before she could get bitten. "It'll be fun, trust me Boo. You'll enjoy this." She hoped anyhow.
This time she wasn't going to be so bold. Rather she reached out and ran a finger down the ridges on Boo's back like she'd done earlier, Boo twisting her head to look at Hady a quiet but annoyed sound being heard.
This was definitely turning out to be the best class of the term. The little one he had just got himself acquainted with was now named 'Nala'. Oh yes. Noel had checked her teeth like the professor had said and almost got bitten. ALMOST. So it was all good.
Noel was coo-ing and baby-ing and finger petting Nala as the professor spoke next. Despite the fact that they would get extra points, Noel groaned. Couldn't they just play with the little ones and do things later. BUT the summer visit made it all worth while, Noel supposed.
"Okay Nala, lets do this," he smiled and his fingers stroked the inner lines of her wings.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
They were going to teach the dragons to fly. Janelle looked at Sparky and explained excitedly. Guess what Sparky? You are going to learn something new today......and you will LOVE it! You are a big boy dragon and big boys get to fly. Isn't that exciting." Sparky looked at Janelle with the dragon equivalent of a blank stare.
"Maybe I'd better show him". Janelle thought. Putting her arms out like an airplane, she pretended to fly around in front of her dragon. "It's super fun and you even get to go up into the air." Demonstration over, Janelle pulled a rubber band from her pocket and tied her hair back. Then she picked Sparky up and placed him in her hand. Now how was she going to get him started? She decided to go with stroking his wings.
Janell took her finger and gently ran it along the inner lines of Sparky's wings. Apparently that was not the most pleasant of sensations because the dragon suddenly spread his wings and gave Janell a look. "Sorry buddy, just trying to get you started." While Sparky had his wings spread out, Janelle decided to take advantage of the opportunity. She raised her hand as high as she could and waited. "Go on Sparky. You can do it. Just like I showed you." She waited, hoping the dragon would give flying a try
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Just as Noel got little Nala's attention, he gingerly moved his hand toward the hoops. And just as he did, Nala flapped her wings and flew.
Noel grinned wide - "Atta girl," he cheered, before taking out his wand and clearing his throat before saying: "Incendio" He was slightly worried that the fire might vanish and she'd lose her direction but he had to try, didn't he? Almost everyone was easily getting their little ones through the hoops, he was one of the few who hadn't done that yet.
Determined, the fifth year moved along with Nala, with his wand pointed beneath her. "That's it ...." he whispered as she started moving in the direction he wanted her to. "Come on ..... "
... and .... in she goes through the first hoop."YEAAAH!!!"
Such a proud daddy he was right now.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
At first, Janelle thought Sparky was not going to fly. However after a few seconds, he cautiously took off. "Good boy Sparky", Janelle said as she quickly took out her wand. "Incendio", she said, and pointed the wand beneath the dragon. As he began to fly, Janelle held the wand steady and tried to get the hang of directing Sparky where she wanted him to go. With one eye on the dragon and one eye on the first hoop, she led him in that direction.
It was amazing how animals were just born with the ability to do certain things. Sparky was still testing his wings, but he was doing a pretty good job so far. They got close to the first hoop and Janelle carfelly guided Sparky through it. "You're doing great. Keep on going." Everyone liked to get a little encouragement when they were trying something new. One down, fourteen to go.
On they went, with Sparky flying and Janelle guiding, to the next hoop. She wasn't sure what was going to get tired first, Sparky's wings or here arms. Probably both. As hoop number two approached, Janelle positioned herself to get the dragon through it. Made it. They were rolling now and Sparking was getting better and better at flying.
Fortunately, hoop number three was not far from hoop number two. Sparky went through it like he had been flying forever. Janelle was sure to keep the flame right beneath him and looked around for the next hoop. "I see it Sparky. It's over there." Off they went.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Kate had barely gotten to know her little dragon when it was time to train it to fly. She just hoped she'd gotten to know him well enough to be able to coach him to fly without him getting mad. She'd figured out earlier she had chosen a male dragon. No way was she checking its teeth, but she did check the ridges on its back and determined they were less sharp than others, meaning he was likely a male.
Sparky, she decided to name him.
Kate approached Sparky again. "Ready to fly, Sparky?" she asked, because it was probably best to approach a dragon with politeness. She reached out her hand and stroked the inner line of his wings. Sparky seemed to like this, as he just stood there enjoying the back scratch-type attention for a while before turning toward Kate. "Hi there," she said.
Sparky spread his wings, and Kate looked at him with wide-eyes, realizing he was ready to fly. "You can do it," she encouraged him. She patiently waited a few moments for Sparky to decide to get going, until finally, he rose off the ground ready to fly.
So. SO. What Toby was gathering from that answer was that if one were to BORROW A TINY BABY DRAGON... it wouldn't just randomly get bigger when it was sleeping under one's bed, right? That was definitely how it sounded to him. Or... his friend. Yes. That friend he was totally asking on behalf of.
In any case, there were now other matters to attend to. When the professor called him over, Toby got right up and did so, his dragon back on his shoulder again where it appeared quite happy to stay. He held out his hand when it became obvious that that was what Thompson wanted to see him about, tried to stand as still as he could and said, "It's okay. It doesn't hurt or nothing." Which was a lie, but it only hurt because of the fire now, and that part had been his own fault. At the instruction to see him after class, Toby nodded. "Alrighty." It was much different from when Airey had asked him to do the same, because THAT time there had been yelling and pointing and the astronomer had gone a scary shade of red. This time Toby was pretty sure he wasn't in any trouble, AND he was all kinds of distracted by Sparky, so there was none of that emotional turmoil. NICE.
And back Toby went to his place, sitting down and listening to the instructions for the main activity while Sparky rooted around in his hair. Hey, COOL. Fire spells! Toby could totally DO those, he was a pro at them kinda sorta.
FIRST, though, Sparky had to get up in the air. Toby held out his hands again for him to step out onto, all the better to start the activity. The charm or the non-magic way? Usually Toby went with the non-magic way, but it looking like the wing-stroking method sort of riled the dragons up a little and made them fly that way. But... Toby always liked to work with animals without that Animalis Fidelis charm if he could help it, soooooo... non-magic method it was.
"Time to fly, Sparky!" he said to his little dragon friend, rubbing his neck one last time to see him spit flames - it was cool, okay? - before moving his hand to the creatures wings.
It occurred to Toby, as he ran his fingers over the inner linings of Sparky's wings which caused the dragon to automatically huff and spread them out, that this was like tickling them. In which case, no wonder they wanted to fly away when it happened. "C'mon boy, you need to-" At that moment, Sparky's head turned towards him, and Toby immediately stopped and held out his hand. The tiny dragon took flight. Rahhhhh. RAHHHHHHH.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Noel was feeling waaay proud. Nala was doing so WELL. It wasn't like others weren't either but his eyes were obviously only and only on her. Aas she progressed further, Noel felt the need to move and so he did. Holding his wand under her, the fire burning - he directed her through the fifth hoop. He wondered if he could do this and make her travel through the castle.
Moving forward and with so many little dragons flying around, Noel trip just enough to make Nala change her direction. "Noo .. not here, that way, Nalaa" steadied himself and again pointed the wand under her and directed her toward the next hoop.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
The answer to Janelle's question was: her arm. Her arm was definitely getting tired and Sparky was still going strong. Making sure to maintain her concentration, Janelle switched her wand to her other hand to give her right arm a break. They were heading for hoop #four and Janelle did not want the dragon to miss it. Sparky seemed to be having a great time exercising his wings, at least Janelle thought he was.
Keeping her wand steady, Janelle led Sparky to the left and made a beeline for the next hoop. He was through it in a flash and on they went to the next one. "You are the best Sparky. You're doing a fantastic job for a rookie flier." Janelle felt a little sorry that her dragon was unable to live our in the wild. He couldn't be free, She guessed he had the next best thing though because he was being well cared for. And getting all of her special love and attention.
"Here comes the next one.", Janelle said as they approached the sixth hoop. They were almost halfway home. "Keep going." They could do this.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Activity Post 2
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
This was going to happen. Boo was going to get herself into the air AND she was going to fly. Even if Hady had to get herself bitten and burned once more she was making this happen.
Lifting Boo a bit higher Hady ran a finger slowly under the inner part of the smallish dragons wing causing Boo to stretch her wings out while giving the girl what she would consider a glare. At least it wasn't a bite. Repeating the action once more soon saw Boo puff a bit of fire in her direction before snapping her wings up and down taking flight into the air! "That's it! You got it....keep going!" Hady praised her friend.
Quickly removing her wand from it's holster Hady pointed her wand just below the dragon and cast a firm "Incendio" the flames from her wand reaching just underneath Boo's belly. Keeping her arm steady with her other hand she walked forward guiding Boo through the first hoop and then the second. "Atta girl, way to go." Her dragon was doing an awesome job.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle and Sparky had a rhythm going now as they zipped along on the course. The dragon seemed to be enjoying his flying lesson and the second year was definitely having a good time. Every now and then there would be a little glitch in their coordination, but soon they were back on track again.
The middle part of the course didn't seem too bad. Sparky made it through hoops seven and eight without a problem. His confidence apparently growiing, the little dragon seemed to want to veer from the planned route. Janelle gave a little extra oomph to her steering and Sparky was directed to hoop number nine. By now, he knew what to do and sailed through hoop after his initial desire to go elsewhere.
All of a sudden, it was as if the dragon could sense the next hoop. This was good. Fortunately the closest hoop was the one that they should be heading for. Janelle just kept the fire burning and let him fly.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Nala was wavering. She certainly didn't completely want to go straight through the hoops. Twice she wavered but the fire was making her, or forcing her to stay on track. Well ... that wouldn't do.
Not guiding her as such anymore, the fifth year let Nala decide her own way and just moved with her. Smiling, and cheering on her - his wand close to her, still encouraging her to fly as she may. The dragon glided higher and Noel watched proudly. Knowing he had to make sure she wouldn't get tired before completing the hoops, Noel again moved his wand beneath her and guided her back to where the hoops were.
And Nala zooomed passed into the sixth hoop, roaring fire out. Noel loudly cheered as she proceeded enthusiastically toward the seventh hoop and spun round it and then through it too.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Norah was waaaaay ahead of Professor Thompson, uh huh. Way. Ahead. You know why? She was aaaalll over the wing-stroking thing. Did everybody KNOW how cool it felt? Because the whole entire thing was really, really cool. Like reallyreallyreally. The coolest ever. She only half-listened to the instructions because Posy was doing a little fidgety thing with her little feet and it was kind of the cutest thing she had ever seen. Sorry, dude, but she had priorities. Cuteness priorities. It was a thing. Totally.
Something with fire. Riiiiiight. And flying. Flying then fire. The Hufflepuff held her face close to Posy's, drawing back quickly when she bared her teeth. Had those little teeth always looked so sharp? Keeping her hands well away from the front of her dragon's little mouth, she ran a finger along the ridges on her little dragon spine. "Time to flyyyyyy, Posy. This is your MOMENT." The little dragon shifted on her hand but did nothing even kind of close to flying. Uh. Norah moved her finger to the inner lining of Posy's wings and petted her there too. "C'mon Posy, fly!" There was a very encouraging spreading of wings, then....nothing. Did dragons speak english?