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It's bright and early Monday morning and time for the first Charms lesson of the term. As you enter, you notice the room is in it's typical set up with the desks and chairs lined in three neat rows to allow easy access should the Professor need to move about--though this is highly unlikely.
The windows, as usual are wide open letting in the natural light from the outdoors. Nothing like a little fresh air and a BRIGHT classroom to keep everyone awake after what was a large breakfast.
The Professor stands to the front, leaned against his desk waiting for the students to arrive. If he looks tired, he probably is...but that's nothing new, is it? Behind him the board remains blank for now except for these instructions:
Originally Posted by Board
Write your names on the name tags at each desk then stick it to your shirts.
There was bound to be new students and just when he learned the old ones! Merlin! Come on in, the lesson will begin shortly.
OOC: The lesson hasn't officially begun yet, feel free to RP your students' arrivals and all that fancy stuff. Do remember the rules as you post. I should move this class in another 10-12 hours *crosses fingers*
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
And over the desk. And under the desk. Over. Under. Merlin, why were there so many DESKS in this classroom? Dot reached the end of the first row and considered quitting. Even if it meant that she wasn't showing the professor how devoted she was to his class. Even if she'd have to do tons of other things to get him to agree to teach her to be an Animagus.
This Slytherin just wasn't built for crawling around on the floor. Her ginger hair was starting to stick to the back of her neck and her forehead, her knees were getting sore, and she had a splinter from one of the desks. This was ugly hard work, and why were they doing it?
Quigley was letting her down right now. And her hands were dirty. It was very disappointing. She'd made it this far, though, so Dot turned at the end of the row and started down the next one with the heavy sigh of the martyr. LIFE WAS SO UNFAIR.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Ooohhhhh so Quigley too thought he had a preference for green. Good to know, good to know. "I'll keep that in mind then," he decided before moving on.
He WAS having serious thoughts about what today's lesson might entail, and he was just oh so eager to start, so when it was start time, he was super keen and all ears. VERY ACTIVE LISTENING WITH HIS WHOLE BODY. He could empathise with the non-morning people, he had been like that for much of his previous years, but so far it hadn't seemed to be an issue for him - especially not now when he was so alert.
So with their first instructions.... DRILLS!... he was up and out of his seat the second it was allowed. He took his position where Professor Quigley had indicated and braced himself. TO THE OTHER SIDE!
Of course he very literally DID charge forward, practically throwing himself beneath the table in front of him. UNDER! His elbows - despite the pain - propelled him forward until he was able to push his bodyweight up from the floor and brace to take on the next obstacle.
OVER! Thudding against the top of the desk, Zeke slid across it and landed on all fours on the other side, ready to army crawl under the next.
He wasn't bothering to be careful, bumps, bruises, scrapes and cuts where unavoidable for him so there was little point in trying to avoid it. Bumps and bruises would be a THING.
Up and over, down and under, up and over, down and under... until he was on the other side of the room from where he started. Granted he was MILDLY out of breath, but the adrenaline of having done that as fast as he possibly could was still carrying him through. He felt like jelly all over, but in a good way. Good jelly.
"That was awesome.... can we do it again? Or every lesson?" Yes? Please? RACES!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
There was the familiar eye roll from Henric! Adi must get that a million times a day from the younger guy. LOL. "Glad to hear it.'' Indeed he was. He had hated seeing his friend all down in the dumps for the last few days because of what had happened at the Entrance with Professor Flamseed. Oh! The apple. "I brought it from home. Thankfully it didn't go bad.''
Annnd there was Lady Lux taking up a seat on the next side of him. Awesome! PUFFERS UNITE! "Heeeeey, Lux!'' Adi greeted, always happy to see his closest female Puffer friend. He leaned back in his chair, surveying the others entering the class.
Enthusiastic sixth year here!
Ohh, looky! Feline man had shut the door! Charms was on the way! They were starting with...
... an exercise?
AWESOMEEEE! This was like being back at his cricket club with training! The coaches were always coming up with these work out things to keep their reflexes going strong on stuff. Adi practically leapt out of his seat. HE COULD NOT WAIT TO GET STARTED WITH THIS!
He bounded to the right like Professor Feline had said. Hey! No fair, Professor! Being in cat form definitely gave the man the best advantages because cats were... you know, cats. Fast, agile and what not.
Right! The line was moving and then it was his turn. Adi decided to start with crawling under the first one... then crawling over the next one... under... THUD! "OUCH!'' Adi saw stars, man. He saw stars. He rubbed his head. That out to teach him to be hasty about trying to get out from under the tables. Still seeing a few stars winking before his eyes, the boy went over the next table and under the next one and this time he did NOT bang his head. WOOT!
Row number two wasn't so bad either. By then, the stars had disappeared and thanks to his endless trainings over the summers, he improved with no bumps and thumps on this round though he did crawl under two desks without realising it
It must have been the thought of finishing this exercise that made Adi get all too enthusiastic again for the first desk he dove under for this row, he succeeded in BUMPING his again. "For all the Hippogriffs in the world sake!'' he muttered, staring hard in front of him and wondering if he would be seeing planets next. Maybe even galaxies but nope. His eyes seemed fine. Ignoring the throbbing in his head, he set off over the next desk, his breathing increasing a bit now. Wheeeee! What a work out! Under again, over again, and under and over... all the while his head was still prickling.
Adi emerged from under the last table, on the left side of the room. He had done it! Alllllll around the class he had dove under and climbed over tables! And now that was done, he could now concentrate on the slight headache he had as he waited for his breathing to return to normal.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SEE he WAS death glaring. Zander wasn't making this stuff up. The stare was practically blinding, even from the very back of the classroom where Zander decided to take a seat. Ahem. At least Professor Q wasn't that angry about the dropped apple? Or erm... If he was, he didn't do a bad job of hiding it?
Zander was kinda relieved about getting there pretty darn early too. 9 AM was difficult, but the Prefect managed and for once he didn't even feel that tire yet and-- Uh. Laps? LAPS AROUND THE CLASSROOM??? On second thought, he was exhausted, could he skip out on this one? As if laps weren't enough... They were meant to CLIMB and CRAWL under and over the desks? Uh. Professor Q... WHY?
It took him a few minutes to convince himself to get out of the desk, but Zander figured he was already far down on the 'death stare' list, so sitting out would only make it worse. Besides, there were worse ways to spend a morning... Right? GAH.
Unlike Mr. Catman who had very fast feet in his animagus form, Zander took it slow. Carefully crawling underneath the first desk and then trying to figure out the perfect way to climb over the next. It was a process. And it was already tiring and he hadn't even made it past the first row.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Lux sent the Professor a friendly smile as he thanked for the apple and was so ready to start an awesome lesson of Charms. She had Adi near her so he was nice company!
Instead of starting off with Charms, they were going to exercise. Lux never minded getting a work out, so of course she was game! Getting up from her seat, she did some stretches in order to be ready for some laps. Stretching was always important when exercising so she would never skip out on that part.
And look, Quigley was a cat again; how adorable!! Though she could see how he had a much bigger advantage than her and the other students. How was she going to do this without potentially hurting herself?? Shrugging it off, she lined up as instructed. She could do this!! Yeeeeeah!!
When it was her turn, Lux started by crawling under the first desk then crawling over the second. Under. Over. Under. Over. After what took like forever, she had completed the first row and was on to the next. More crawling and climbing, and it was a good thing that she was in shape, because this kind of exercise could be tiring not to mention the bruises she would have later.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Class was starting! What were they going to learn? Penelope stood up as instructed by Professor Quigley. Laps around the room? They were seriously going to run around the room? Did Professor Quigley know how far all of the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors had had to walk already this morning just to get downstair for breakfast and then to go to classes? It didn't look like there was a choice about running around... And the professor was a cat again. It would be all to easy for him to run around in cat form. Penelope lined up with the rest of the class. Over desk, under desk, over desk, under desk. This was harder than it looked. Quigley had made it look very easy, which probably had something to do with him being in cat form. Climb over a desk, crawl under a desk. Almost there! Penelope climbed over the last desk. She had made it. Were they going to actually start the lesson now?
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Yoongi wasn’t sure if the Professor was joking or not when he said they were going to do some exercises and he had been looking around at the others to see if he should laugh or not. He was glad he hadn't because the moment he had stood up, the chairs vanished to the side. He took off his sunglasses to reveal sliiiight bags under his eyes which was a DISTASTER for him by the way and walked to the back of the classroom.
Standing behind the Gryffindor Prefect , Yoongi watched how the Professor demonstrated how to crawl amd climb the desks. He then watched his classmates get injured here and there before it was his turn. He took a deep breath and jogged to the first row of desks. Thefirst desk was a disaster, he hit his head while getting up too early and the second desk he had to jump was so laughable even he couldn't help laughing out loud at his mistake.
But before he had reached the second row, the Gryffindor finally found a method that worked for him. He dropped down on his stomach and with the use of his elbows and feet, he shuffled under the desk like military agents would do. Next desk was jumping over it. He had soon realised that if he used his hands and arms as balance and grip, he could jump over the desk by swinging his long legs over it in one go.
Of course, this stategy wasn’t perfect as he had just learned it and he occasionally hit his knee against a desk but all in all he did think he was doing a pretty good job. He was definitely waking up now by the time he arrived at the third row. Which he jumped, crawled, jumped, crawled..... in fact, he was feeling good the moment he was done that he even jogged towards the side and began jogging in place while waiting for the other students to finish the course.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Okay what the heck made Professor Q think this was a good idea? It was the opposite of a good idea. It was like the WORST idea. Terrible. Zander was doing it all wrong too, apparently. Was there even a right way to climb up onto a desk? Because if there was, Zander wasn't doing it the right way. That part he was certain of. He was really struggling trying to jump on top and then trying to lower his head far enough when he went under.
This wasn't even fair! The firsties had such an advantage! They were tiny. Zander on the other hand was a GROWING BOY. NO. He was a growing MAN. This was not working for him.
But despite all of the internal complaints, he was getting further along. Falling behind a couple of enthusiastic firsties of course, ONLY because of previously mentioned reasons because Zander Adair was actually quite athletic (well, uh... sort of.. kind of?) thank you very much!!!
Probably the first time Zander would ever be caught saying this, but could they get started with the learning already? Merlin. he felt like such a Ravenclaw.
... Is this what it felt like to be Sophie Brown? Because Zander had imagined it'd be much better.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Ilia had been quiet this morning, minding her business in the back and watching everyone until the desks whisked away.......and now they were Going over and under them while following their now cat professor? She was rather surprised and mildly confused at the point of it all or how it would help, but she obeyed. Her method was a bit different in her attempt to be lady like and not get herself beat up by a desk. She set herself on the first desk and slid across it, then ducked and slid under the next one. Her set and slid up and over seemed to be going okay as long as someone else didn't run her over. If she got bruised from this, she was keeping the apple she had brought in her satchel. She was suddenly glad she didn't set it on the desk with the few others.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Ha. Nice seeing her again. Of course. Everyone should think that, and Brooklyn gave Professor Quigley a nod from her seat to show she’d heard him. See? Even professors who were grumpy half the time liked seeing her, so she didn’t know what other people’s problems were. They were just stupid, apparently. She knew her worth after all, and obviously there were others who did as well.
Others who had turned into a cat almost as soon as he’d finished ordering them to stand up and wake up. She was perfectly awake, thank you very much. She stood anyhow, seconds before she found her chair being banished to the side of the room, and turned to eye it narrowly. Rude. What if she’d still been sitting in it? Luckily, no one had to deal with that situation. Luckily for them, of course. She could have sat on the desk if she’d wanted, too, but the professor had ordered all of them to move over to queue up at the first row of desks. Before he’d turned into the cat, that was.
At least this was somewhere her size came as an advantage. Not that she wanted to do any of this. She’d rather not, actually, but at least she could manage to get through this without damaging herself. Ducking down as she got to the front of the line, she crawled under the first desk before popping back to her feet and over the second. Over, under, over, under, down the line and then she turned to attack the second row. Over, under, over, under… this was starting to get boring. She still refused to go any faster though. Everything was strategy. Proving she wasn’t reckless was this strategy.
Second row done, and off to the third. Under, over, under, over, alternating until she got to the last desk and she stopped, sitting on the top of the desk for a second. No injuries, of course. She didn’t get injured. After that second to show she was better than the others who were nursing bruises and headaches (she sees you, Adi), she slid off to join the rest of the group waiting for class to continue.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Another class. Another name tag. Michael supposed that it was better than having to say his name all the time. He quickly wrote down name and then stuck the tag to his chest.
Michael Toussaint
And before he could compile any thoughts about the Professor, the man was issuing them instructions and Michael raised his eyebrows. What is with the Professor's and exercise? Not that he minded, it was always good to keep in shape.
So he got up from his seat and crawled under his desk, he then stood up and vaulted over the desk in front of him and then he was crawling under another desk.
Lucky Astronomy was over otherwise he would definitely have needed Flammy's lint roller.
Alright, who let her into the sugar tin and more importantly, WHY? For a couple seconds, Maddox stared exceptionally wide eyed at the vastly enthusiastic First Year. She...would have no problems with the activity when it rolled around. "It's a pleasure meeting you too, Miss Fields...." He said, watching her bouncing in her seat.
Merlin, what'd they put in her pumpkin juice?? "I'm....well; concerned really." About you, but that went without saying, didn't it?
Maddox listened for a moment longer, in case any last minute stragglers were darting down the corridor to avoid being late. Once the second hand hit the hour of 9 officially the man had the door swing shut with a flick of his wand.
"Welcome to another year charms. For the benefit of those of you who are new, I am Professor Maddox Quigley and I'll," Obviously "be teaching you Charms. The name tags aren't only for me. They're for those of you who still don't know each other." Except that had only come as an after thought and they were really for him in the first place. Ahem. No one needed to know that.
"I can tell by the look on half of you that morning really just isn't the thing for you. It's fine. I can fix this." Really they could all thank Miss Kittredge later, she was brilliant. "I want everyone to stand. Yup, shake it off guys, you'll thank me for this later......................much later." Being as considerate as he was, he did wait for the last of them to be standing before banishing all the chairs to the sides of the classroom and toward the extreme back. "We are going to force ourselves awake which means laps around this room."
Maddox leaned off his desk, knowing he would regret this personally. "Not between the rows but in them. By that I mean crawling under a desk then climbing over another alternately until you lot get from one side of the classroom to the next. We'll start on the right; line up." Being the ridiculously good sport he was the man then shrank himself into the form of a cat and headed to the first desk on their little trek. He slipped with ease under it then hopped on to the one ahead of it.
This was all they were doing, under then over then under again until they completed all three rows. Just look how easily he was doing it! Being a cat had it's serious advantages, yes.
OOC: You don't actually need more than one post for this if you don't WANT to but please note that if you choose to do this in only one post it must be fairly detailed as the students are running the entire classroom. I'll move this class again in.....12-16 hours?
Concerned? About her? Rusty tilted her head at the professor, completely missing the point. Why would anyone be concerned? She was just SUPER MEGA EXCITED to learn to do MAGIC!! She loved magic. And she couldn't even DO it yet!!!
THE LESSON WAS STARTING!! Rusty started to MEGA FOCUS on the Professor as he started to talk, but OH THEN THEY GOT TO GET UP!!!! AND DO EXERCISE! See, Rowan was a fan of the exercise, she liked being energetic. Thing is, when it was at home she kinda got balanced out by all the other kids, but here... she didn't know enough people for that to happen yet, so she was kind of on turbo-mode. She stood up and bounced a little to get ready for what was coming but then-
Rusty SQUEALED with excitement as the professor turned into a cat. "OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!" She clapped happily, amazed at the whole... TURNING INTO A CAT THING!!! Gosh. Wow. This was AMAZING.
Rowan followed the rest of the class to the other side of the room and waited for her turn to start on the desk thing... she still couldn't take her eyes off the CAT!PROFESSOR. THAT WAS SO COOOOOOL.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Zhenya smiled at Professor Qui-tee… Quigley. Glad his summer wasn't terrible. How odd if someone would tell her their summer had been terrible, though. Surely some people did have terrible summers… Not her though. Her smile broadened "It was lovely, I got to go to Seattle for a holiday!" She got to see her old friend, turn sweet seventeen, and see her young siblings. It was much better than the previous summer, anyway.
She listened to Professor Quigley speak to them about their wakeup. Crawling and climbing around the room. Really? Zhenya was only slightly puzzled. Obviously some people were zombies in the morning, and of course ANY Professor would prefer their students being alert to learn. After all, Zhenya had to be a sponge this year! And she knew she must thank herself later for not wearing a skirt. Perhaps that was why the mighty Charms Professor didn't want skirts. A good suggestion. She stood up and walked towards the front to line up with her classmates, and almost laughed at the thought of Professor Quigley doing this. But the image her mind was painting was not of human form Quigley, but feline form. Yes. And then he DID turn into his cat form. She smiled to herself, watching him do it flawlessly, before she decided she would crawl under the first desk. Her pants would perhaps help her knees for this one, and she bent down and crawled under the first desk.
Tabitha had plonked herself in a seat, pleased with herself that she'd found the classroom, not because of her sense of direction, which was pretty much non-existent—but because she'd taken the initiative to follow the kids who looked like they were going somewhere with purpose. Albeit zombie-like-shuffling-it's-too-early-for-this purpose. The excitement of being at Hogwarts still hadn't dissipated and Tabitha could barley contain herself over the prospect of her first magic class EVAR. She wrote her full name out very carefully, complete with hearts above the 'i's, and a flower at the end, and pinned it to her jumper.
Tabitha-Rose Olivia Broadmoor
Tabby for short.
She couldn't help a giggle when the professor explained what they were going to be doing to wake themselves up. Tabitha was VERY awake, thank you very much, but this sounded FUN. The little blonde's eyes widened when prof morphed into a CAT. Woooooow. Animagus people were the cooolest. Particularly the CAAT ones.
This would have caused absolute chaos in Tabitha's muggle school. Hyper kids running around jumping over desks, but she trusted Mr Magic Professor. She watched some of the others kids take their turns. Then came hers! She crawled under the first desk, pleased, for once, to be little--and having a natural agility which came with it. Out she came at the other side and clambered up onto the next desk, standing up and running to the next. A leap of a jump to the next.. down and under again she went. This was just like the obstacle course in the park in St Ives where she lived.
Her pristine uniform which mummy had taken such care to iron and pack was going to be dusk ridden and creased-- not that Tabitha would even notice.
Scrawling untidily across his name tag, the second year fastened it to the front of his robes.
Dalton Fletcher
If anyone could read that, Dalt would pretty honestly be surprised: it wasn't that he was being difficult on purpose, just that his script was almost illegible and he wasn't going to make any effort to change that. Teacher and classmates could deal, okay? Just like he had to deal with being here.
Cue the token eye roll accompanying standing up. Yes, Dalton had decided to at least attempt to put some effort in this year, but did the Professors have to make it so hard to stick to that? Crawling and clambering around a classroom was not his idea of time well spent, and he almost regretted his decision to show up to the lesson. Already his robes were scruffy and dirty, so it wasn't that that he minded, but the effort for such a pointless task. Grimacing slightly, he got down onto his knees and crawled under his desk.
If he stayed here for the duration of the activity, would anyone notice?
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
XD. I never had this problem of being tiny but its fun XD
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Marsha had gotten a small smile back! Score. Okay.... but why was everyone bringing apples? Oh man! Were they supposed to bring apples with them? Nibbling on her bottom lip, Marsha decided that she would bring him TWO apples next class to make up for the fact that she obviously had missed something. .. Maybe that explained why there had been a HUGE barrell of apples in the common room last night... Hmmm.
Her pondering got silenced as their Professor introduced himself as Professor Quiggley. Another name to try and remember. Gosh. She hoped she had enough brain space! Listening to the words of the teacher, she nodded along with what he was saying. This all made sense. Yes, lets learn!
Or ... not ... Let's run hurdles.
Sighing, Marsha got up but silently was thankful that she had done some training with her Tad as she had grown up. However, being fit wasn't going to help her here... the desks seemed HUGE. WOAH!!! QUIGGLY WAS A CAT! HOW COOL WAS THAT?!?
Taking her place half way back the line so that she could see how others went about trying to get over the desks, Marsha nibbled her lip as she thought about different things she could try. When her turn came, she dropped to the floor and crawled on her hands and knees under the first desk. The crawling was going to be easy- she was so short that she could easily get under them without banging her head.The jumping over part, however wasn’t going to be easy.
She only had about a foot on the height of the desk, so jumping over like that tall boy (Yoongi) was definitely out of the question. She reached out and put her hands across the desk, and then pulled her body up the desk before letting go of the desk and reaching for the floor and then rolling off the desk onto the ground, tucking her head in as her legs flipped over (almost hitting the next desk - but not really because she was short). PHEW. GRIFFINS! This was going to take her a while this way.
Crawl. Heh, this was easy. Right, what about jumping? Using her hands on the desk, she jumped up onto the desk so that her knees caught the surface. Then she shimmied forwards and jumped off the other side. Hmm, that was a little quicker. SORRY PEOPLE for standing on your desks… but it was happening.
Now that she had a rhythm, she set about getting under and over the desks as quickly as her arms would let her. PHEW. Her arms were achy and slightly jellified… was their water? She could really use a drink right now.
Shaking off her arms as she completed the second row of tables, the Welsh girl took a few deep breaths to try and steady her breathing. However she knew if she actually stopped that she wouldn’t want to finish the course and not finishing anything she did … well it wasn’t an option so she waited for a student to pass her and then she jumped over the desk at the start of the row and got going.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Ethan gave the professor a final salute just to acknowledge his greeting. Cool professor is cool, and he deserved the gesture. He...or rather they, didn’t wait long because the class began just a few minutes after he entered the room. Without any protest, the soon to be seventeen year old stood up and took the opportunity to do an epic stretch. It’s something that most of them can’t do while in class, yeah? He too rolled his shoulders, and relaxed the back of his neck by rolling his head clockwise.
Ah yes. Much better.
And...say what? Before he could even do another stretch, his chair was banished towards the farthest wall of the room, and that they were instructed to form a line and do...that stuff. Ethan eyed the professor who turned into his cat form and followed him all throughout the series of desks with his eyes. If Quigley thinks that he’d be trolling every single one of them in the room, he’s wrong. The Slytherin saw it as an opportunity to build up his stamina. So yes, thanks Professor Q!
Ethan went over the first desk, then down...then up again until he reached the last desk on the first row. He had to ignore the first years and little people who zoomed past him, and tried his best not to curse at their size advantage. He’d love to race with them lot, however, he doesn’t have the gusto of an eleven year old anymore. Sad, right? While doing the activity on the second row, Ethan slowly picked up his pace as he jumped over the table with his hand, and swung his legs to the side, and ducked and rolled underneath the second table. He did the same for the third row, up, down, up, down, up. As he reached the end, he placed both of his hands on his hips and looked over his shoulder. Heh. That was awesome. Stamina Level = +1, and no bruises and head bumps for this teen.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Oh he seemed please about the green apple! Had she picked out a decent one then? She hoped so, the green ones were honestly her favorite so that was why she had chosen to give him one figuring maybe he'd like them as well. Hady grinned at him happily.
Sitting comfortably in her chair and listening quietly she was waiting for the class to begin when they were all suddenly told to stand up. Confusion filled her mind as the young girl rose to her feet just barely in time before everyone's chairs were gone and at the back of the room! Okay what was going one here!
Blinking her eyes several times she watched with slight amusement as the Professor changed into his cat form and then began crawling under desks and jumping over others. With the explanation that this was what they would be doing right now she shuffled about from foot to foot. Seriously what exactly did this have to do with Charms? She wasn't sure really but she got behind her fellow mates and waited her turn.
Dropping down to her knees and hands (gently) she easily crawled under the first desk without any trouble, finally being very tiny for her age helped her! Getting to her feet she used her hands to push herself up onto the desk in front of her and swung her legs over top of it before dropping down on her feet on the other side. Down onto her hands and knees again lead her crawling under another desk. Up once more and over the next desk.
This method was repeated several times until she stumbled slightly at the end of the second row landing a bit harder on her feet while sliding from the top of a desk. Taking a moment to regain some balance she dropped down to her hands and knees crawling under the next desk then it was up again and over another.
Finally making it over the last desk she moved to stand with everyone else a small look of accomplishment on her face. Patting a pocket on her robes she let out a sigh of relief to find that Elvis her pet rock was still where she'd hastely placed him before this exercise began. With him being safe and sound the snakette crossed her arms over her chest ignoring the slight throb in her knee as she waited for what was to happen next.
Oooh...Exercise?! Nice...Henric loved a good stretch in the morning, the most practical way to ease up all of his tensed muscles. He didn't need to be told twice when they were instructed to get up on their feet and start with their warm-ups.
He saw the professor turned into a feline cat! Brilliant! He wished he was a metamophagus too, how epicly cool would that be! He watched intently as the cat/Professor Quigley showed them what they were supposed to do. Ahh...that would be their obstacle course? Pffftt....easy peazy lemon sqeeziieee. He then eagerly followed the rest of the class and stood in line behind Adi.
While Adi was trying his best to complete the course, Henric couldn't help laughing when he saw Adi got hit on the head by the table. He knew of course it wasn't nice but he made up by cheering him on.
"You're alright,Adi?! Go on! Don't stop! You're holding up the line,mate!"he shouted playfully and took his turn next. He ducked under the table and crawled through with lightning speed. Not bad..not badd....right, next was to climb up the table, dropped down and into the next...He felt his breath was getting heavier and heavier from all the exertion but he won't let himself stop.He was already imagining himself being timed for it and the clock was ticking! Henric pulled his last strength to complete the last obstacle and he did with his amazingly agile body.He was panting when he got up and looked back.
Oooh, the lesson was beginning. Leah turned around to face the professor when she heard the door swing shut. And then there was the usual welcome to the lesson thing teachers did at the start of the school term that she did not really care about and - WHAT? Laps?
Frowning, she stood up right before her chair disappeared. She was already awake, couldn't he seee? Her skipping in and all that? She blew air out of her mouth and forced herself to the line that formed at the right side of the room. Wow, Quigley. CHEATER. If she was an Animagus herself she would do hundreds of laps around the room.
Reluctantly, she began running. It was good that she was not wearing a skirt. Maybe this was why he told them to wear comfortable clothing. She kneeled down and crawled under the first obstacle, then stood up when she made sure she was clearly done with this table because she did not want to bump into it. She thought jumping over a desk would be easier. It was not. There was no chance that she was going to jump over it in one go, so Leah heaved herself up onto the desk before jumping down from the other side. Weee!
This was actually not as boring as she expected. Before the knew it, she was done with the first row and turning around a corner to start the second one.
Too much food plus physical activity did not make for a happy Hugh. It was too much to ask of him, the crawling and the climbing and the general idea of movement right now. The Slytherin was not keen on this class today. It was starting poorly and would no doubt end in vomit. The question of when was still up in the air, yo.
Now? No, not now.
But Hugh was the slowest, most uncoordinated person pulling himself over and under the desks. He even fell off of one of the desks. He leaned too hard to the right once and down he went. TIMBER.
Hughbert shook that off and kept on plugging. Not well, but, YO, it was happening. And probably looked as painful (a construct) as it felt.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Abby listened to Professor Quigley and stood in line and could not believe that she had to do this but she proceeded to pull herself down under the first desk and over another desk and was not happy as she banged her knee on one desk as she clambered through it and she was glad when she got to the end out of breath and hopeful that was enough exercise for one day
Toby had never really minded mornings all that much. There was the odd day or two every now and then where he would be unbelievably tired and groggy, especially on waking up, but usually he was about as energetic and bouncy in the mornings as one would expect from... well... from someone like him. In fact, he usually took a morning run to really wake himself up, hence why he was a lot more with it than some other kids apparently were.
And he ALSO liked moving around. So when Quigley announced what they'd be doing, he sprang up from his desk and went to stand where directed. Over and under desks, that sounded AWESOME. Toby was so in. He didn't even need to be a cat to be ready for this. Being small for his age would be a benefit for going under, but would make leaping OVER that much more fun. Where was the joy in leapfrogging or jumping over a desk if you could do so with ease?
So yeah. YEAH. HERE WE GO.
First desk, and Toby all but dove to the floor and scooted under it, skidding across the floor on his belly and the springing up and attempting to leapfrog over the next one. Which... didn't go exactly to plan and actually caused him to take a bit of a tumble to the floor, but he was OVER. Then, already ON the floor, he army-crawled under the next desk, and jumped back up to roooooooooooll over the one after it. Under, over, under, over, under. NICE.
One row done, and the exhilarated Hufflepuff turned about and moved onto the next one. He SPRANG across the first desk with renewed vigour and the accompanying exclamation of, "Parkour!" then let himself drop to the floor with a thud instead of sticking the landing and wriggled underneath the next one.
Could they start every lesson like this?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Exercise?? This early in the morning?? After he had just came from the Great Hall and ate his weight in pastries and cream cheese??? This was not going to end well. Not at all. Chance looked around the classroom and kept his arms crossed trying to make his stomach digest faster. Cramps were no good in his book. He waited as person after person made their way through the desks. Chance had no idea what this exercise had to do with Charms but as he watched more people stumble over the desks or under, he grew more excited.
Then it was his turn. Smirking in a very Chance-like way. He headed for the first row. He was tall and lanky but he would make it through. He concentrated and crawled or climbed his way through the first row. He had narrowly missed his head a few times but had it tucked into his chest. PHEW! first row done and he hadn't managed to get any cramps or bumps.
Taking the second row the same way, Chance wandered where they supposed to be using some sort of charm to get these in a way they didn't have to crawl or climb them. Because, this was Charms after all. But the Professor hadn't said anything and none of the other students were making a path for their wands. YES! He had made it through the second row.
Hitting the third, he felt a familiar tinge in his side that was telling him he had ate too much earlier and now with the exercise, he should have waited. Sucking it up, he started the third row. More concerned at the growing pain in his side, he hit his head once or twice going through this row. He grumbled but managed to pull through. "I am the champion!" He grinned and threw his arms in the air as he finished the obstacles. He headed towards the growing number of people finished.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The apparently always and forever rational thinking Ravenclaw was here. He'd been wondering where she was when the first hoard of Ravenclaws made their entrances one behind the other and that question had been answered.
His brows rose when she extended her hand to offer something but within seconds he knew what it was and the smile was back on his face. "How very thoughtful of you, Miss Mancini. Is that....is that a hint of cinnamon I smell?"
No really, was it or had someone else snuck food in here while he was busy not paying attention? His nose was hardly ever wrong.
Well GOOD at least he seemed content to see her; and he even APPRECIATED the sliced apples. "Why yes, Professor. Lightly sprinkled with cinnamon is one of my favorite ways to enjoy apples. Not to mention the numerous health benefits that cinnamon has for your memory, for instance." Not that she was implying he was forgetful, but just improving memory was something everyone could be on board with.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
"Welcome to another year charms. For the benefit of those of you who are new, I am Professor Maddox Quigley and I'll," Obviously "be teaching you Charms. The name tags aren't only for me. They're for those of you who still don't know each other." Except that had only come as an after thought and they were really for him in the first place. Ahem. No one needed to know that.
"I can tell by the look on half of you that morning really just isn't the thing for you. It's fine. I can fix this." Really they could all thank Miss Kittredge later, she was brilliant. "I want everyone to stand. Yup, shake it off guys, you'll thank me for this later......................much later." Being as considerate as he was, he did wait for the last of them to be standing before banishing all the chairs to the sides of the classroom and toward the extreme back. "We are going to force ourselves awake which means laps around this room."
Maddox leaned off his desk, knowing he would regret this personally. "Not between the rows but in them. By that I mean crawling under a desk then climbing over another alternately until you lot get from one side of the classroom to the next. We'll start on the right; line up." Being the ridiculously good sport he was the man then shrank himself into the form of a cat and headed to the first desk on their little trek. He slipped with ease under it then hopped on to the one ahead of it.
This was all they were doing, under then over then under again until they completed all three rows. Just look how easily he was doing it! Being a cat had it's serious advantages, yes.
OOC: You don't actually need more than one post for this if you don't WANT to but please note that if you choose to do this in only one post it must be fairly detailed as the students are running the entire classroom. I'll move this class again in.....12-16 hours?
And then the lesson was starting. But not with Charms theory first and foremost. Tia just say wide-eyed for a moment as she comprehended the task at hand. They had to do WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT?!? Yea, it wasn't like she was a four foot eleven year old anymore. She was a fifteen year old adolescent young woman, Quigley. Like did he even know what that was LIKE? Not that she was terribly tall, fortunately but that was beside the point. Not one of your coolest moments, especially as he slipped into his feline form which made things even easier for him.
If she didn't like him, then she might have refused for the physical stretching activity, but alas not the case. Lucky for him.
Standing up, the ravenclaw watched enviously at some of the smaller or more limber children climbing and crawling with ease. Pao would have loved this activity. On her knees, she crawled under one desk and then hopped up on the next and jumped down into kneeling position... repeating through the first row. This actually wasn't TOO terrible but still, could someone please explain what this had to do with charms? Was she going to have to be this active on her OWL practical?
Onto the second row.... up ... down ... up down ... this was actually kind of dizzying more than anything. If she vomitted would she would be allowed to sit out the rest of the way? Not that she would on purpose. Oh look up, second row done. Tia glanced behind her to see who was behind her and had to beam at the fact that she was ahead of the gryffindor prefect. Not that she was surprised; she did have the advantage of being smaller than Zander...
Still though, she had to keep pace - she didn't want to be holding anyone up. Onto row three. This was more exhausting than just waking up early. Early mornings didn't bother her; exercise though, that was exhausting. Third row done. Onto the final row ...
Up ... down ... up down .... down ... down ..... could she just crawl through three more desks? Quigley wouldn't notice, would he? Besides she'd just say she would rather crawl the rest of the way than risk spewing up her breakfast. Okay, up one more desk and she'd crawl under the last two.
And done! Over to the side to wait for the rest of her class to finish ... and resist passing out. Could she please have chocolate or something cause otherwise she might not pay attention for the rest of the lesson? She did look pale ....
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯