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Astronomy Lesson 1 :: The Moon {formation theory & tides}
The first thing you may notice as you step into the Astronomy classroom on this especially sunny afternoon is that Professor Flamsteed is no where to be seen. Is this another test your constant vigilance or is the man uncharacteristically running late? Which ever the reason, you best find a seat among the large semicircle of desks and follow the instructions on the blackboard that read:
Take out a quill and write your FULL name and year on the piece of parchment provided.
Once you have done so, give it a tap with your wand.
The parchment, enchanted by the professor himself, will turn into a sturdy wood name plaque when you do so.
Did you remember to use the lint roller on the small table outside of the classroom? It was there next to the sign that reads, "Not to be used as a brush for your hair" and has the signature of a former student in the bottom right corner.
So come on in and have a seat. Class will begin....well...as soon as the professor graces you all with his presence.
⌦Lesson Progression
▸ question 1 :: KABOOM! What was all THAT about?
▸ question 2 :: Why is the Moon important? Do you think the Earth be fine without its existence?
▸ question 3 :: What do you know about tides?
▸ mini activity :: BE THE MOON! Sort of. In an abstract sense.
▸ main activity :: MOVING OUT!
▸ main activity :: house vs house sandcastle battle instructions
OOC: This is IC your character's FIRST Astronomy lesson of the term.
Class will officially begin in approximately 14 hours from the time of this post.
This lesson has officially started! Please do not announce your character arriving late and just pretend like they have been in class all along. You are free to jump in any time and should use the lesson progression links to keep up.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Abby fixed her name plate to the front of her desk and thought and raised her hand and said "It could be like how the universe started" Abby wasn't sure but it was worth trying her hand
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
Yeah, the name plate thing, it was off... this was something he might have to see to later. There was nothing he could do about it at the minute.
Zeke had turned it so it was facing the front of the room and was about to look to the door to see if Professor Airey was near when SUDDENLY... there was a THING in the AIR. Eyes widening to mark the fact that he was impressed by this display, he was furthermore impressed as ANOTHER appeared also - but VERY quickly he realised this might not be a good thing.
Uh oh?
Without turning his head, the voice calling to DUCK AND COVER was quickly comprehended and with a screeching of his chair he dived for cover under his desk.
When the coast was clear, and with a tentative touch at some of the debris scattered around them, Zeke smiled and resurfaced. Awesome. AWESOME. Airey was all sorts of awesome.
Introduction aside, he was already wondering if THEY were going to make things explode and destroy planets again, he was GOOD at those things. So when the question came, he felt he was prepared for it - somewhat.
Hand up, he supplied, "Professor, was that like one of them asteroid-metior-shower-collision-things? Like the ones that killed the dinosaurs?" Or... did the dinosaurs die for some other reasons. IN FACT!... were dinosaurs and dragons related? DID DINOSAURS STILL KINDA EXIST?! OR... DID THEY LEGIT EXIST?! He felt as though this was an epiphany moment.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Oh yeah. Adi was very right. Henric was not in the mood to be social. Just look at him slouching there in his seat. Meh. He must talk to the other boy after class... get him to cheer up. And hello, Sophs! Adi grinned at the other bouncy Puffer.
Duck and cover?! Were they being attacked? Adi didn't care; he barely had a chance to register the hissing sounds before he grabbed Philipe and yanked him down below the safety of his desk... just in time too. WHAT HAD CAUSED THAT CRASH?
The sixth year peeked over his desk just in time to receive a few hits in the face with whatever stray objects that were flying around. The hit he really registered was the one to his nose and much to his surprise, it didn't hurt him/ It just sort of bounced off his nose. Hehe.
Adi straightened up. "Yo, Philipe. You can sit back up now.'' It was just Professor Suits and his funny antics LOL. But what was that all about that just happened? The sixth year raised his hand. "A Professor trying to give his students a heart attack on their very first Astronomy class?'' he suggested.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Text Cut: Flamsteed in all his nerdy glory
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
While the professor is still no where to be seen, a large spherical form suddenly reveals itself to the class. Floating well above your head, there are no distinguishing features on the rocky looking sphere to give you any indication as to what it may represent...but surely inquisitive minds like yourselves already have a few theories swimming through your heads.
Spinning rapidly on its axis, the large sphere - approximately 5 meters in diameter - is actually quite dull to look at once you have gotten over ooh-ing and awe-ing at its sudden appearance.
However, a few minutes later the low hissing sound of something whizzing through the air catches your attention and suddenly there is another sphere (about half the size of the first) hurtling itself towards the first.
"DUCK AND COVER!" the professor shouts from the doorway to the classroom in his usual suit attire.
In just enough time for you to get under your desk, the smaller sphere CRASHES into the first, sending bits of rocky - but surprisingly soft and squish to those who actually get hit with some of it - in various directions. The debris that does not propel itself towards desks results in a disk of orbiting material around the large sphere while the smaller sphere has seemingly, well, gone completely KABOOM.
And is it just you...or has the spinning of the large sphere....slowed down a little? Perhaps it is just the shock of a collision playing tricks on you.
Looking quite pleased with himself despite the obvious dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, the Astronomy professor picked walked by the table holding the lint roller - failing to notice the change on the sign for now - and shut the door behind him. "Nothing like starting the term off with a BANG, I always say," he chuckled as he strolled to the front of the room and stood beside the blackboard.
"Hello everyone and welcome to Astronomy. For those of you who are new among us, I am Professor Flamsteed - although you may call me Professor Airey if you prefer. If you all could please take your seats and cease all side conversations so that we may begin properly that would be absolutely stellar." Yes? Thank you.
"Now," he said, clasping his hands together rather dramatically while he bounced giddily in place. "Just what was all THAT about, do you think?" he asked, gesturing towards the above sphere and all the floating debris around it. "Oh yes, name plates where I can see them."
So he could actually call upon new students by their names rather then "you" or "that Ravenclaw" or what have you.
OOC: Class has officially begun! Please do not post your character arriving after this point unless you are willing to accept any IC consequences that may occur
You do not need to wait for Professor Flamsteed to call on your student to answer, just go ahead and have your character raise their hand and assume that he has done do. Remember, wrong answers count just as much as correct ones, so do not feel like you HAVE to be right. Let your character speak for themselves and get creative!
Got a question? Please do not hesitate to VM or PM me. Or if it is IC go right ahead and ask it of Professor Flamsteed.
Class will resume as soon as I get the chance to reply to everyone - most likely in 24 ish hours.
... What was that?
Grabbing his bag and QUICKLY covering his head because HELLO ROCKS AND SCREAMING PROFESSOR, Benzi's screwed his eyes shut and prepared for impact. Then he frowned, because he didn't hear the sounds one might expect to hear when rocks shot at you a mile a minute. Nor did anything hurt.
Puzzled, he removed the bag and looked up, slow understand dawning on his face just as Professor Flamsteed entered. Right, now he remembered. Flamsteed had a thing for dramatics. Nerdy dramatics.
Could he be a smartypants? Because he totally knew this. At least, he was 95% sure he knew this. Eh, why not. "That looks like some sort of astronomical body hitting a planet sir, and the debris that didn't get enough energy from the blast got trapped in the gravitational pull and formed a ring around it. Kind of like the rings around the planets in our solar system. Perhaps they'll even form a moon," he said, his hand raised and looking expectantly at the professor.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Angel put her name tag right where the Professor could see it, she then raised her hand and smiled as she thought about what the Professor was on about. "Professor is it a comet breaking up on impact with the earths atmosphere?" Angel wasn't sure if it was right but that happened right.
At the sudden movement, Leah turned her attention to the object that appeared. "Oooh," she whispered, her brown eyes on the sphere. She could not tear her eyes away from it, until she realized that it was just spinning around and around and around. Oh hey, there was its little friend! Grinning, she watched as the second thing flew in and -
She slipped out of her chair and ducked before she even heard the instruction. As the Fifth Year expected, the two spheres smashed into each other. Still squatting under her desk, Leah looked towards the blackboard where the tired-looking professor stood. Starting the term with a BANG. Haha, very punny. She stood up straight and wiped her hands on her robes in case of any debris that might have landed near her. Grumbling under her breath about unnecessary mess, she sat back down at her desk.
Leah raised her left hand while she straightened her name plaque with her right. When she was called upon, she said, "That was a little sphere crashing into a big one." He asked what it WAS. And she was a literal person.
That was crazy. That whole little ordeal just then. COULD HE NOT DIE ON THE FIRST DAY? Hugh cracked a grin at the thought of death. He was still unsure if it was a concept or not. Existence, man. Existence.
Whatever. He was over it now.
Flopping into his desk, he scribbled out his name and put it on the front of his desk.
W. Hughbert
7th Year Slytherin
Once that was settled threw up his hand. "You were just trying to remind is about the futility of fear because for all intensive purposes existence is a construct." AMIRIGHT? Right? Hehehehehe.
It seemed that nothing had changed where Flamsteed was concerned. He still held the first class of the term and he still had that ridiculous lint roller. Michael ignored it, how could he possibly get dirty or produce any fluff on his robes when the only place he had been was the Common Room? He did raise his eyebrows however when he heard a Ravenclaw girl cast the revealing spell. This was Astronomy, right? And not DADA? Just to be safe, he cast a protective spell around himself.
He scanned the room checking to see who was already there and did notice the absence of the Professor but thought nothing of it, Professor's were often late to class. He did spot the chick (Emmylou) who had yelled at him at the Opening Feast and he tossed her a wink as he passed by her desk. Oh he was going to have fun tormenting her. He finally settle on sitting near two girls who looked to be his age (Zhenya) and (Eden). "I wonder what Flammy has in store for us today." He muttered as he threw himself into the chair. He picked up his quill and wrote his name and year before tapping the parchment with his wand and watched with disinterest as it turned into a plaque.
Originally Posted by Squishy
As more people walked in, Lux sent them waves and smiles. It was no surprise to her that Kace chose to sit with Emmy since they were dating. Even though things were still rocky, she felt that they were an adorable couple.
It was Eden!! Happily, Lux hugged her friend the best she could while they were sitting beside each other. "Haaaai!" Even though they had seen each other on the train, they hadn't talked much and yep... She had missed her friend!! Then she was being pulled into a hug of her own. EEEP!! "Hey there, Hugglepuff!!" Smiling, she returned the hug. Maybe she should come up with a nickname of her own for Sophia, but Hugglepuff just fit her too perfectly.
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
... What was that?
Grabbing his bag and QUICKLY covering his head because HELLO ROCKS AND SCREAMING PROFESSOR, Benzi's screwed his eyes shut and prepared for impact. Then he frowned, because he didn't hear the sounds one might expect to hear when rocks shot at you a mile a minute. Nor did anything hurt.
Puzzled, he removed the bag and looked up, slow understand dawning on his face just as Professor Flamsteed entered. Right, now he remembered. Flamsteed had a thing for dramatics. Nerdy dramatics.
Could he be a smartypants? Because he totally knew this. At least, he was 95% sure he knew this. Eh, why not. "That looks like some sort of astronomical body hitting a planet sir, and the debris that didn't get enough energy from the blast got trapped in the gravitational pull and formed a ring around it. Kind of like the rings around the planets in our solar system. Perhaps they'll even form a moon," he said, his hand raised and looking expectantly at the professor.
Eden smiled and nodded at the boy[Michael] who took a seat near her. She...didn't think he looked TOO familiar, but at the same time....he looked.....a TINY BIT FAMILIAR? Maybe? eh? But he knew who Flammy was. So. Obviously he had gone here and Eden was just SUPER NOT OBSERVANT of the other houses O_o
She shrugged in his direction. "It's always a hoot, though, whatever he does have planned," she said, and she held out her hand. "I'm Eden, by the way--" nice of her to introduce herself, really.
OH OH HUGS from Lux--OKAYOKAY--Eden patted Lux's back and just snorted. "Lux...Lux...we can hug after class...silly puffer thing." She teased, smirking over at the redhead in a cheerful way. SEEEEE? Classes were making her feel a lot more NORMAL and BETTER about all the things. She didn't even care that Gabe was here. IN FACT--WHOOH, Gabe was here. That meant RAVENCLAW power.
Eden could play nicely.
And Benzi. Benzi was here. Benzi, whom she didn't know how she felt about, Benzi. Benzi, Cutty's friend---ahahahshqwiudhiuqhdih. Eden just waved back at Benzi with her eyebrow cocked before---
The Irish girl probably mumbled something....under her breath, but when she realized it was just Professor Flamsteed employing his usual shenanigans, she took a deep breath. Okay.
And no, Eden had no idea what it was. But she raised her hand anyways. "Things going...BOOM." Yep. Eden McGee was brilliant. This was a brilliant answer.
The Ravenclaw actually literally and completely HATED that Astronomy didn't come naturally to her... >.>
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
And now the class was starting to fill up, with both new faces and old ones that he was either familiar with or not. Adi came in, waving to him but clearly heading in a different direction. Fine by him. He in turn waved back and decided to get a couple more pieces of parchment ready for notes while they awaited Flamsteed's arrival and the beginning of class. Angel came in as well and sat down but she seemed distracted as well, even greeting the absent professor.
Benny didn't have much time to dwell on that before chaos insued. First a large spinning sphere suddenly appeared above their heads. And then there was a whizzing sound and the sixth year soon caught the sight of the other sphere. He almost didn't need the yell of instructions as he did not like the trajectory of the smaller object, the boy slipping from his seat only to have something hit his head. Huh? Thankfully it wasn't as hard and potentially hurtful as it had appeared.
And so class was begun with a bang.
The sixth year eased his way back up to his seat, raising his hand at the question. "Um....it was how the craters on the moon were formed." Seemed as good an idea on what the demonstration represented as any.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Everything was in it's place just where it ought to be as she checked to make sure all was well once more. Her eyes had just landed on Elvis as a LARGE sphere thing came into the room instantly drawing her attention upwards. What was that?!
Before she could question it in came a smaller one. Quickly at that! This couldn't be good...was what entered the young girls head just as there was a shout of "Duck and Cover" from the doorway. Whoa, wait now...what? With little less then no time to think that over she quickly but gently took Elvis into her hand and pushed her chair backwards before dropping down to the floor under her desk.
Good gosh if that wasn't clearly a wake up call this child didn't know what was! As the moment passed and bits of 'rock' rained down on them she actually began to laugh softly. Slowly moving to sit back on her seat when they were told, continuing to cradle Elvis for a bit longer. Cause seriously, way to frighten a young Pet Rock Professor!
"Um it looks like comets colliding Professor." She answered while raising her free hand into the air. "Elvis just wants to be sure that those bits of rock that rained down on us weren't his family at all." That would be really sad if they were.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Layla really wasn’t in the mood for lessons already. With a slight grumpy frown on her face, the blonde was seated towards the edge of the classroom around no one in particular. She didn’t mind Astronomy as a lesson, it was pretty much muggle physics anyway interspersed with a few magical activities here and there. The classroom environment was relatively serene until the Professor decided to make his grand entrance. She didn’t even bother cracking a smile. Sometimes she really did question how these people managed to get a teaching post at such a school, did they Headmistress just let anyone in? Still, Flamsteed was alright as far as the calibre went. He knew his stuff, even if he went around it in such unorthodox ways.
She ducked, mostly due to the fact she was five foot ten tall and if anyone was going to get hit by the impending sphere of doom it was her. Once the coast was clear she looked up at FROWNED at the Professor as he finally made his presence known. She had written her name on the name tag although this being her seventh year she was hoping that Flamsteed knew it by now. Not that she said much in lessons but still.
As for the question? Layla could’ve said a million answers as to what she was really thinking. “Are you trying to make a big impression on our new students Professor?” she asked although she knew that it was not the right answer. She didn’t care what the real answer was.
Unlike Benzi, Noel was SLOW to react. He was still staring with awe when the professor yelled to duck. Instead of ducking, the fifth year's head turned with a 'WHAA' and then KABOOOOM.
Though alarming for a second but being hit on the face with squishy and soft stuff wasn't that bad. He frowned though, spitting out bits that went into his mouth.
Professor Space sure loved his theatrics.
Noel listened to students suggesting it was comets colliding and maybe meteorite explosions and then there was Leah being literal. He snorted at that before adding his two cents in: " ... could that be planets colliding, sir?"
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Thornton was having flashbacks to his first year when things exploding over his head in this room had sent him fleeing for a corner. Adjusting the wooden plaque that bore his name, Thornton Baines barely flinched this time, as little squishy pieces of debris rained on his head.
Brushing them from his hair, Thornton considered what seemed to be the collision, as others had said, of an asteroid with a planetary body. But he was more focused on the ring that now circled the sphere, trying to puzzle through Flamsteed's purpose.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
There had barely been time to register what was actually happening...when Flamsteed suddenly burst into the room. Ducking...and covering. Right. Gabe...did that.
From beneath the desk, he kept his eyes glued to the astonishing spectacle. It wasn't everyday lessons offered up this kind of visual. Naturally, after the shock wore off, he could appreciate Flamsteed's ability to make an entrance. A+, really...
...and due to the excitement, Gabe had missed previously offered answers. Save for Hugh's. Unfortunate, as he liked to copy those down for reference. So, carefully getting back in his seat, and smiling just a little at Hugh, he raised his hand. "You're trying to demonstrate how these sorts of collisions, the ones between planets and other astronomical objects, behave after the fact?...which heavily depends on how strong the individual planet's gravitation pull is."
He was reminded of Saturn...and Jupiter, actually. Jupiter was the only planet to top Earth in that sense.
........Was it safe to start note-taking?....Or was there going to be an encore?
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Toby, who had of course de-linted and taken his usual seat and set up his name plaque (reading Tobias Nestor Fuller-Thompson, Seventh Year) in an easily seen place, had been staring at that big rocky sphere much like pretty much everyone else probably was. Immediately upon seeing it, his thoughts had gone to 'planet', on account of how it span much like a planet would... though... a lot faster.
Airey's voice suddenly ringing out didn't seem to bother the Hufflepuff all that much. He blinked and looked to the doorway, a little slow on the uptake, and as a result managed to miss the sight of the second 'celestial' object hitting the first. He'd forgotten to duck, and so caught a bit of 'rock' upside the head, though it didn't hurt so much as make flinch in surprise. Well then. Rude.
But not really, it was all in a day's work play in in Astronomy. Toby took a moment to brush away bits of explosion from the top of his desk, though kept a piece to fiddle with, then looked back to the Star Man as he began doing the teaching thing.
Okay, question. He TOTES had this. Maybe. And if not? Class was for LEARNING, right? No big. Toby stuck his hand in the air.
"Waaaas iiiiit... a demonstration about how big zoomy space things - that's the technical term for asteroids and meteors and all that, y'know - can affect a planet's... uhh... spinny-ness... rotation... revolution?" Revolution? VIVA LA PLUTO."Like maybe they knock them off course, which changes, uh... stuff." Airey's favourite word, right? "Or maybe slows them down because of momentum reasons. Or totally changes the angle of the axis, like with Uranus." He pointed at the big... thing. The one that still existed and span above them. "'Cause that one's moving slower now." Yeah, that's what it looked like, and Toby trusted his senses right now just as he trusted everybody and everything.
Finally shutting up, Toby went back to fiddling with the weird squishy soft rock that had whapped him in the head earlier. So squish.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Damien needn't be told twice, ducking his head as the debris came flying at him, it was probably harmless, but he didn't want to chance it, not even with professor Airey who was, well, pretty alright in his book, after all, he had listened... Sort of, to Damien's robe debate... Certainly hadn't been mean about it.
Further analysis was needed.
Oh right. Sphere, what did it mean? What did any of it mean, really? What was the point of existence and life? "That everything and anything is inevitable including the collision of one heavenly bother with another?" It wasn't completely wrong, just not exactly right, ether.
He was in an existential mood, okay? It was what happened when you lost your girl and your soul.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Duck and cover - Tia heard the shouts of the professor but just minutes too late as some of the rocky squishy substance hit her arm but more importantly the shaking? Sent her ROCK onto the floor.
"Zurrrrrrrrrr!" The fifth year exclaimed as she flew off her seat in efforts to save her rock. She'd barely owned it a week - she couldn't lose it YET! Especially not in Flamsteed's lesson of all lessons. He would revoke her ownership.
Scooping it up off the floor, Tia hugged momentarily before resuming her seat though she was still hugging it close to her as she readjusted her things barely having listened to what her peers had suggested about the bang. Impression on the new students? Really? Shaking her head, she raised her hand. "Perhaps it was related to the celestial forces in the sky tonight? Or a demonstration of what happens when two asteroids collide?" She suggested, lowering her hand.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
He looked over at Adi about to say hello when he'd heard some one shouting. Get down... Wha--
Woah! Next thing he knows is someone is yanking him under the desk, his head hitting the desk on the way down. He winced and looked over at Adi, rubbing his head after landing with a loud thud... No, he didn't think he was going to like this class now. Random explosions and now there was a bump forming from the fall down. He stayed down for a second longer then when his classmate pulled him down, trying to protect him or whatever.
When he came up he looked at the professor. Was this supposed to be a joke? If so he really wasn't amused, and he was sure the school would get an earful once his mother heard... wasn't Hogwarts supposed to be a serious place for learning? Not joking around and goofing off, especially by the teachers.
So Philipe just stayed quiet for his question, not wanting to answer, or really knowing, why Flamsteed thought that it was a good way to start class.
Huh? Duck and cover?! Before he could even comprehend what was actually happening, a blast of flying 'rocks' came crashing down into their classroom and Henric being one of the few who didn't quite react as fast as his fellow classmates was pretty much hit squarely in the face. It didn't hurt or anything, thank goodness...It took him a moment to realise what just happened. And when he did, he muttered in astonishment,"What in the blazing cauldron was that?!"
There were still remnants of the flying pieces attached to his hair and Henric couldn't help frown even more that his hair was ruined because of it. Great..he would need to fix it later. Oh and yes...his eccentric professor making his grand entrance yet again. Henric thought he might want to show the class of how planets were made. You know, the gravitional pull of all the comets combined to form a symmetrical sphere of life greatest existence. My oh my...Henric...thought you weren't interested at all but apparently you do.
Norah's eyes widened and she couldn't keep a grin from taking up her whole entire face as she dove under the desk. HOLY BANANAS. HELLOOOOO BIG SMASH BOOM THING. She was on her knees under the desk, beginning to bounce up and down as she watched and ending up hitting her head on the desk with a muffled thump. "Ow." SEE it was a good thing she hadn't brushed her hair ever this morning, the curly stuff was a good cushion for mean desks.
She returned to her seat beaming at Professor Flamsteed, 'cause was it just her or had he gotten cooler? What was the explosion noise thingy about? About COOL NOISES, obviously. And stuff. Loud stuff, mostly. But she was a fourth year now and that meant she had to have a better answer than that...even if she hadn't thought of a good one yet. "Is it like that time we smashed those planets together? 'Cept only one of theses ones went kaboom..." It was a shame, really. The big one would have an awesomesauce kaboom.
Margo screeched when she saw what was happening! She dove under her desk as quick as possibly! Dear Merlin was their professor trying to kill them? That was not what Margo had in mind being back at Hogwarts!!!! And then something hit her ankle. "I've been hit!" Margo said in a loud voice, but not quite a shout, and then she looked down and realized that it didn't really hurt at all, no injury had occured here!
So slowly peeking over her desk to make sure the worst of it was over, Margo stood up, brushed off her cloths and returned to her seat. Whew......okay now knowing it didn't hurt maybe it was a pretty cool way to start the day. "It's that like the Big Bang Theory." Margo added trying to remember all of her random facts. "Isn't that how the solar system was created?" Margo hoped she was right.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle was startled by the sudden appearance of a UFO followed shortly thereafter by another one. She stared as the second object headed rapidly toward the second one. Everything would have been fine if the Professor hadn't scared the living daylights out of her with his shouting.
Not needing a second warning, Janelle dove under her desk, just in the nick of time. Peeking out from under it, she saw the collision that caused the smaller object to disintegrate. Well OK then. As the now present Professor addressed the class, it was time for the first question.
Janelle wasn't sure, but she would try to answer the question. She raised her hand and gave it a go. "The little UFO seemed like a meteor crashing into a planet. The meteor was destroyed, but it didn't destroy the planet. It just changed it a little bit." Well that was kind of stating the obvious. What did it all mean though? That, was the $64,000 question.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
"Professor how did you DO THAT?" she asked, her eyes wide with amazement and a huge grin on her face. She poked some of the debris that had flown off the... things... "What's it made of? It's all squishy! Are planets made out of this? I thought they'd be hard." Cause other people were saying planets right, so maybe that's what it was?
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
She didn't know WHAT happened, but that loud crash practically scared her out of her seat. The moment the debris started going everywhere her head was already covered with a book to prevent being hurt by the debris, which thankfully worked. The fifth year was so freaked out by what had happened, she hadn't even heard what Professor Airey had asked the class.
Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader
What was that noise? James looked up and STARED. SPINNNNYYYY. He was so tempted to touch it. Could he touch it? He was going to touch it. He had just put his quill down when he heard a shout and immediately slid down from his chair to the floor. He peered out at the man who was strutting through the room and blinked at the sort of joke.
He was half out from under his desk when he heard the greeting and finally, Jay plopped himself down in his chair with a newfound appreciation of being thoroughly prepared by his mum for anything that happened. His blue eyes focused on the bouncing professor and then he looked up at the spheres again. He reached haphazardly for his name place and settled it so it could be seen before opening his mouth to speak and shutting it when someone else said what he'd been thinking.
After a moment of deliberation, James finally spoke and said "Was that an enactment of a future apocalyptic event?" Oh, he knew big words for an 11 year old. MHMMM.
Yesterday is not ours to recover But tomorrow is ours to win or lose.