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It was that time of the year again. You had to be up at the crack of dawn and for some of you even before that if you want to get something to eat before your transfiguration class.
As usual the classroom is spotless and the air is cool and crisp. Professor Bellaire as customary is standing at the front of the class waiting for you all to enter.
Today there are mirrors placed neatly around the classroom, one for everyone.
You know the rules, enter and wait for class to commence.
ooc: Please make yourself familiar with the clasroom rules before posting in class. Happy RPing!
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
After repeating the incantation so many times that he thought he might be able to perform the spell in his sleep, Zeke took a deep breath and analysed himself in the mirror.
He REALLY didn't want to stuff up, so to make himself feel more at ease, he cleared his mind and practiced only tapping his eyebrow with his wand. It WAS hard at first, because seeing was different to feeling, so after accidentally tapping forehead a few times, he was finally getting the hang of tapping eyebrow.
SO... tapping eyebrow and Capillus Colorum. Easy as beans, right? Surely. He even heard that Margo had been successful. If a first year could do it, then so could he.
After another deep breath in, Zeke focused his intentions on green coloured eyebrows, and tapped his right one with his wand, at the same time he enunciated the incantation, "Capillus Colorum."
It changed alright, just not completely. He leaned forward to look more closely in the mirror. It was still dark brown, but it had GREEN FLECKS in it. Like, SOME of the strands had turned.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Repeating herself over and over again only made the throbbing in her head worse. Giving up on going over the incantation after like the millionth time Hady fingered her wand pulling it from her pocket. She was ready.
This was about hand eye cordination as well as timing. No poking herself in the eye either. She had to tap, keep focus and say the proper incantation. It was like dancing or something. Keeping in time to the music or in this case in time with the pointing.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly she gently tapped her eyebrow once, twice, three times. That wasn't the hard part really. Moving on she needed a color...nothing horrible either. Maybe just a simple color like black for now? Then she could make it harder.
"Capillus Colorum" Hady spoke clearly tapping her right eyebrow with her wand at the same time.
It hadn't worked. That was okay she'd give it another go.
"Capillus Colorum" She tried again tapping her eyebrow once more with her wand as she focused on the darkness of the color black. There before her in the mirror was proof! She could do this! Her eyebrow changed from the very light brown to a dark black...it didn't suit her at all but she'd made it work!
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Okay, just eyebrows, got it. Hayden claimed a mirror and stood in front of it. She was ready to start practicing, but she wasn't going to jump right into the application. First she had to make sure she could pronounce the spell correctly. It wouldn't be good if she accidentally said it wrong and something happened that wasn't supposed to. Something bad.
"Cap-ill-us. Caplas." No, the second time was wrong. Hayden tried again. "Capillus." There, that was better. She said it again a few times to make sure she got it right. Okay, she had half of it down. "Color-um. Colorum. Capillus Colorum." Yes! Hayden smiled at herself in the mirror. She was happy to have been able to say it correctly, at least. That was the first step, and now she was ready to actually try the spell.
Agatha stayed quiet until now because she didn't care enough about those questions lies, she just didn't know the answers, sigh.
She sat there with a neutral expression all the way through everyone's questions and answers, trying her best not to show she was terrified of today's lesson. She knew she was probably going to end up killing herself because she was absolutely horrible at Transfiguration and they were using their own bodies that day. It was a goodbye-world lesson for her. Sigh.
But... huh. Fifth years were grouped with the younger kids this time and they'd be practising the least difficult spell. And well, if first years could do that, Agatha could too. Hmph.
After everyone was done talking and professor Bellaire told them to go to the mirrors to start practising, the Slytherin waited until a few of her classmates got up and started before she did so herself. Oh, Morgana, that was so bad. She was going to die. That was, if she ever got any spell done at all, because she just sucked in general. Urgh.
Taking a deep breath in front of one of the mirror, Agatha just stood there, holding her wand at the ready. She did nothing, though. Maybe if she just stood there holding her wand up pretending she was doing something... she'd get away with it.
Or said the spell out loud. That would sound like she was getting things done, too. "Capitu-" What was it again? Ugh, Morgana, help her. Agatha looked at the board and tried her best to read the words. "Capitum Calorum."
Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Great, she couldn't help but smiled when Bellaire said she was correct and they're gonna do the human transfiguration. Human transfiguration was fun, you know. Now the brunette girl hoped that they're gonna ask them to do human transfiguration for NEWT. Bianca then stood up from her desk and walked to the mirror.
She's gonna transfigure her ears into elf ears. Why must elf ears? Couldn't they transfigure other body parts like lips or nose? Well, just followed Bellaire's rules. Lucky that her hair was perfectly gathered into a neat ponytail so her ears were more visible.
She repeatedly muttered the incantation while watching herself at the mirror. "Auribus aquta... auribus aquta.. auribus aquta... aubrius.. oops, auribus aquta..."
This incantation was a tongue twister. Seriously.
Tapping her wand to her right ear, she tried to transfigure her hear. "Auribus aquta."
Her ear turned bigger and had a sharp point. Bianca couldn't help but cringed. THIS EAR WAS UGLY! Not to mention that even her palm was slightly smaller than her ear. OH NO!!! Please, Bellaire. Tell us the counter spell!
It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
With more determination than he thought was imaginable, Zeke imagined his face his GREEN eyebrows, like green green, PROPER green. Collecting himself and breathing calmly, Zeke stared at himself in the mirror, and then attempted to practice the spell again.
"Capillus Colorum," he said clearly, tapping his eyebrow with his wand tip.
To his absolute AMAZEMENT, his eyebrow - instead of just having BITS and FLECKS of green in there.. it WAS green, in its entirety. ZOMG! He'd done it! He did it! SUCCESS!
Focusing again, Zeke repeated the incantation and the wand movement on his OTHER eyebrow... and sure enough that one also changed , even if it was lacking the vibrancy and neatness of his first. It needed touching up.
Still, he had one GREEEN eyebrow and one STREAKY GREEN eyebrow.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Aw, maaaan. Evie wanted ELF EARS, not colored eyebrows. She briefly considered ignoring the directions, but she didn't want to get in trouble. Especially not with Bellaire. So, Evie huffed and found herself in a mirror before starting to practice the incantation.
"Capillus Colorum," she mumbled to herself. "Capillus Colorum, Capillus Colorum..." Evie looked at herself in the mirror and tried to decide what color she should change her eyebrows. She could do blue or bronze, for house spirit. But maybe she would save that for Gobstones days.
Hot pink, she decided, was a good choice. It would stand out.
Evie got her wand out, took a deep breathe as she pointed it to her left eyebrow and said, "Capillus Colorum." And to her pleasant surprise, it worked on the first try. Her eyebrow was HOT PINK.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Hmph. Well the answer to Kevin's question was way less satisfying than he was hoping for. But whatever, no matter..... So that meant he had to do the transfiguration thing now, huh? Oh Merlin. So um... Careful. They were meant to be careful. Except, being Zander Adair meant that careful didn't come quite so naturally. Though, uh, he'd have to try his best, huh?
What did she say the spell was again... Capillsomethingoranother. Like Caterpillar almost. But not. It had a second word too, didn't it? Uh. Looking around the room, the Gryffindor scratched his head with his wand nervously. What were those people saying...? Capilluh-something. Capillius something... Capillus colorum? YEAH.
That sounded enough like a spell. Capillus colorsomething. See, totally gonna ace these OWLs in the spring. Only not really. But he was studying okayyyy, it was just hard to learn all the old stuff while still trying to keep up with the new stuff and hey wait a minute?! Was that first year already doing the spell!?!?
Get on it, Adair. Sweet Merlin.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Awesome, she got to change her eyebrows to blue!
Lux was really starting to like these Transfiguration lessons more after last term, so it was a shame the the Professor scared her. Maybe Bellaire was feeling nice today though; after all she hadn't snapped at the people who sat out of turn and she DID give out points for answering the questions. But regardless of that she knew it was important not to mess this up because she didn't want to spend time as a Transfiguration spell gone wrong.
Getting up, she headed over to a mirror so that she could practice in front of it. "Capillus Colorum." She repeated the spell over and over again until she was sure she had the pronunciation down perfectly.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
This actually sounded like tons of fun, you know if only her and Adi were on speaking terms. He had tried to be on speaking terms with her, but she blew him off. AJ had a good reason to do so, but all it did was make her suffer that much more. Transfiguration was the class that Adi helped her out in every lesson. More heart pain. Uggggh. The whole turning your eyebrow a different color thing seemed exceptionally hard too.
Breathe, AJ. As AJ looked up, it was then that she realized she was sitting across from Adi. Oh great. That won't be a distraction at all. She was getting nowhere and fast. Time to practice the incantation before actually giving it a go? Yes.
"Capillus Colorum." It sounded so proper. "Capillus Colorum...Capillus Colorum...Capillus Colorum." There. The words were flowing and it was time to give it a go. Sigh.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
So they were to practice now?
Benny tried to imagine just what was going to happen with different colored eyebrows. Probably look really weird since at least his current ones matched his hair color. But then most people's did that. "Hmm..." he mused hearing his name and looking over at his friend. Wonder when he had gotten too distracted.
"Yeah...ready," he answered, figuring he probably should get a move on. Getting up from his desk, Ben gravitated towards his own free mirror to use for his practice and viewing. "Capillus colorum..." he murmered as he thought on the spell they would be using. "Ca-pil-lus co-lor-um....Capillus colorum...Ca-pil-lus co-lor-um."
Domino was pleased with her self as she managed to turn one of her ears to an elf ear. She pointed her wand at her other ear.
"auribus aquta," She said.
She smiled again when her ear turned into an elf ear. This was pretty cool. Did she want to keep them though? She admired her self in the mirror. Nah, it looked cool but it would probably get tired people staring at her all the time.
Hugh wasn't one to look in mirrors much. For reasons.
Namely reasons that were all marked on his face.
But this was for EDUCATION. A higher purpose. He supposed today he could make a concession. So he settled in front of the mirror and looked himself dead in the eye. Hello there, Hughbert.
He'd just say the incantation a few times to get it in his mouth. Throat clear. "Auribus aquta....auribus aquta.....auribus aquta.....auribus....." Focus, Hugh. "aquta."
He tilted his head to look at his ear and tried to imagine how it would look with a nice point...but didn't QUITE test that theory yet.
Given the all clear to work on his own. Dante looked in the mirror at himself. Yeah, nothing. special. Sup, Dante. Maybe after puberty he would just shoot up like his brother. He was really tall and they were family.
He was hoping. Being short sucked
Sounds like a cologne or something. Not something that would change his eyebrows a different color.
"Colorum Capillus, Capillus Colorum"
Fun to say.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Of course nothing happened. Adi's eyebrows remained black as ever. Ah well. He would try again. Yep. "What colour you going for, Benny?" he asked his friend curiously who was standing before the mirror beside him.
Adi was still focused on his own reflection, tapping his eyebrow without the incantation. His eyes shifted to the reflections in the mirror of the persons behind him. Since the mirrors were all around the room, he had a view of those he was backing. One of them stood out... AJ.
The Puffer wondered how she was faring. He really wanted to go over and help her as he always did. "She doesn't want it,'' he muttered and forced his eyes back on his eyebrow. He concentrated on the colour orange, tapped his brow and said, "Capillus colorum!''
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Transfiguration time! Hayden was able to say the spell, and the wand movement was very simple. She could tap her eyebrow, it was simple enough. Okay, ready.
"Capillus Colorum." She tapped her eyebrow with the tip of her wand, but nothing happened. Oh no. Hayden frowned at herself in the mirror, but she didn't let it get her down. After just a second, she bounced back and was ready to try again. She was optimistic, and confident that she was going to be able to get the spell right eventually. Human transfiguration was hard, right? So it made sense that she didn't get it right on the first try. Time to try again.
"Capillus colorum." She tapped her eyebrow again. The left one. This time, she made sure she was focusing hard. Hayden concentrated on making her eyebrow change color. She wanted it to be light blue, because why not? Actually, she'd just went with the first color that popped into her mind. Come on eyebrow, turn light blue. But it didn't. Hmph.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Text Cut: Bellaire
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
"Ah yes! 3 points." If that had happened to her, perhaps she would have turned Rhea, Tyler and Ariana into hedgehogs as well.
Sophia Bellaire almost grinned in unbridled glee, but alas she forced a neutral expression on her face. "Well let's just say...he's had to live with his lapse." So the rest of them better not mess up.
"Alright so now that we are a bit clearer we will move forward with our lesson." She turned to the board to scribble some other things down.
"First to fifth years will be changing the colour of their eyebrows, using this transfiguration spell, "capillus colorum"while the 6th and 7th years will be changing their ears to elf like ears using this spell auribus aquta. These are the simplest forms of human transfiguration we can do without actually using potions or canary creams. Both require a simple tap of the wand to the areas." That was simple enough right?
"The mirrors are to be used to monitor your progress."
She looke at them all. "Questions?"
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
Right so now that they had all asked their questions, it was time for them to start practicing.
"Everyone, position yourself in front of a mirror and start practicing. I cannot stress enough that you need to be careful and that you need to focus because you will be stuck with the result of your transfiguration spell...begin."
Those students who'd ACTUALLY said Professor Quigley had gotten TEN POINTS? Her competitive side flared up and she vowed never again to not speak up when she knew what the Professor was referring to. HMPF. Seven points more than she'd gotten now! Definitely not ever being politically correct ever again.
Well, in Transfiguration at least.
Anyways, time to transfigure! Relieved she wouldn't have to mess around with her eyebrows, she grinned at the mention of elf ears. Would make a killer Halloween costume right? Bambi quickly moved to stand in front of her mirror, and momentarily forgot about the lesson as she checked her reflection. Light make up? Check. Cute high ponytail? Check. Skirt smoothed down, buttons straight and lined perfectly. Yup. She looked good.
RIGHT Transfiguration lesson. "Auribus Aquta," she tested it out, rolling the spell over on her tongue as she flexed her fingers. Loose wrist, calm mind, easy peasy. The incantation was a bit funny to say so Bambi repeated it a few more times just to get the hang of it.
Turning her head so that her right ear was more visible - less of an awkward angle than her left one - she tapped her ear and cast, "Auribus Aquta!" She then watched with muted fascination as her ear began to swell and grow into something else. INTO SOMETHING REALLY NOT PRETTY. It also itched, but Bambi was too weirded out by this elongated pointy thing formerly known as her ear to to actually touch it.
. . . Did she have to do the other one? The spell wasn't difficult. She'd done human transfiguration back at Salem last year. Biting her lip, she leaned into the mirror for a closer look. She couldn't stop... staring at it.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____
Okay so this was interesting, and hey they were all already getting points for their answers…and Professor Bellaire seemed like an allay with the dislike of Professor Quigley thing…maybe she’d have to casually mention Professor Madman later in class? Like to Kevin? When complimenting people on their eyebrows?
Heck yeah this was happening.
She practiced her spell a few times, “Capillus Colorum,” there was a sort of softness to the sound of the word that really seemed nice as she said it. She really wanted to try the ear spell though – maybe she’d be able given the right to learn it?
“Capitum Calorum” she tapped her wand against her eyebrow and watched in her little mirror as it turned pitch black. Tapping her wand against the other eyebrow she tried again and watched in delight as it too changed colors…okay so? That was easy. What else could she do? She wondered as she again tapped her wand into her eyebrow “Capitum Calorum” she cast again and watched as it turned a bright pink.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Mirrors. Because knowing that she felt like crap just wasn't good enough. She was going to have to see it first hand as well. Sigh. It really was too early for all this drama, and she really should have eaten. This was not going to fare well, AJ could just feel it. The lion was going to try her best though.
With the practicing under her belt, she moved on to actually trying to change the color of her eyebrows. One of them anyways. Red eyebrows, it would bring out the lion in here. Or not. Probably not with everything going on. "Capillus Colorum." Tap.
All she saw in her mirror was a sad lion. AJ moved the mirror around to check out other people's progress. Oh look, there a first year (Margo) that had already gotten one of her eyebrows to change blue. Fantastic. She was getting shown up by kids.
"Capillus Colorum." Tap. Her eyebrow was still brown. It wasn't even a little shade to show that maybe something was happening. Nothing but disappointment.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
His wording certainly seemed to sound like that of those directly around him, including Adi beside. Silently repeating it some more until he might feel he was ready, Benny was watching himself in the mirror. "Um..red maybe..." he said with a shrug. It was as good a color to go with and at least it would look house-related. Not that he planned on having colored eyebrows past the time they were in the classroom practicing.
He couldn't quite catch what his best friend was muttering but he supposed if he was supposed know, he'd be told. Slipping out his wand, Benny decided he was ready to begin. So as instructed, he tried to picture a red eyebrow on his face before trying out a cast. "Capillus colorum!''
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle was actually excited. Changing the color of her eyebrows sounded realllly cool. She was more than ready to get started, but just a little worried about getting it wrong. Nope. She was not going to do that. She would think positively and she would get it right.
Step one was to practice the incantation. Janelle repeated it several times to get a feel for the words. "Ca-pill-us Co-lor-um, Ca-pill-us Co-lor-um, Ca-pill-us Co-lor-um" When the words finally came easier, Janelle felt that she was ready to try the spell. The wand movement just involved a tap so she didn't feel the need to practice that.
Moving close to a mirror, Janelle looked at herself. She tried to imagine herself with different colored eyebrows. It was hard. After thinking for a moment, Janelle decided to go for blue. Since it was her favorite color, she thought that was the best way to go. Knowing that concentration was key, Janelle focused on what she wanted. Blue eyebrows. Blue eyebrows. Then she tried once again to picture her brows with a nice turquoise hue.
Janelle looked into the mirror and tapped her wand against her right eyebrow. "Capillus Colorum", she said, trying to speak clearly. Annnnnd her eyebrow had one small blue stripe. Well, that was a start. Janelle kind of liked her brow stripe, but that wasn't the point of the exercise. She had to keep trying until she got it right. Back to the drawing board.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Ahh! Nothing happened again! Hmph. Transfiguration was not one of his best subjects but he had hoped to make that change especially since it was OWL year.
"Awesome,'' he said to Benny. "I'm going to make one of mine orange but I haven't decided on another colour as yet.'' Adi paused and eyed Benny. "Suggest a colour and I'll use that one.'' Yep. That sounded like a plan.
Still determined not to look at any reflection beside his own in the mirror, the Badger tried the spell for a third time. "Capillus colorum!'' Tap! "Capillus colorum!'' Tap!"Capillus colorum!''Tap! Oh hey Progress! Kind of...
The center of the brow over his right eye was bright orange! "Think it could pick up as a fashion trend?" he asked jokingly to Benny as he turned to show off his brow. He was talking so much because he figured it would keep him distracted from AJ. Yup.
Well now he actually had to try the spell on one eyebrow. Best not go full no eyebrows because that would be a seriously bad look for him. Bald he can handle. Just no eyebrows would make him look like a clown.
Okay, he got the spell down. He raises his wand to his left eyebrow. Or was it right because he was looking in a mirror. Huh the thing you think about to procrastinate. Best get this over with. "Capillus Colorum" Whoa his eyebrow turned magenta. That was seriously NOT COOL. The color did not suit him in the slightest. Eyebrows or not.
And now he looked weird.
Not cool
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Hugh could say the incantation pretty seamlessly now. But it was hard to focus when he was letting his mind wander. Mirrors were no fun. He'd rather be in his head instead.
So that was where he CHILLED, yo, until he had decided that he should perhaps try the ear spell out.
He drew his wand, focused and gave it a go, AHEM, auribus aquta!" His ear very slowly began to shift and shape into a nice point.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
She knew better than to try the spell without practice. Brooklyn did make note of the fact Professor Bellaire had said the spell would work on more than just her eyebrows. It could come in useful for Halloween, if she ever got her way and could dress up as Cersei. But for now, she would follow the instructions. She could experiment with it later, once she knew she could actually cast it properly. Although there was a brief moment, looking down at her notes, when she felt confident. At least she knew how to point her wand. Pointing was easy, and she was perfectly able to point at her eyebrow. Unlike, apparently, some Ravenclaws, which didn’t really prove their worth to her.
First, anyway, was practice. The pointing didn’t really need practice, but she moved so she was sitting right in front of a mirror anyway. That would be important later on, and she didn’t want to be stuck with a bad one. She’d just practice in front of it, and then actually use it. “Capillus colorum,” she murmured, just getting the feel for the spell. “Capillus colorum.” It sounded right, but she wanted to practice saying it a few more times before she tried it. She refused to be stuck with a weird eyebrow because she’d done it wrong.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥