Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it anyhow:
I'n'I will see you through,
'Cos everyday we pay the price with a little sacrifice,
Jammin' till the jam is through.
We're jammin' -
To think that jammin' was a thing of the past;
We're jammin',
And I hope this jam is gonna last.
No bullet can stop us now, we neither beg nor we won't bow;
Neither can be bought nor sold.
We all defend the right; Jah - Jah children must unite:
Your life is worth much more than gold.
Professor Bellaire has once again brought the wonders of the tropics to the heart of Scotland itself. Older students will remember the warmth, sand and of course the tropical fauna of the replica of Sophia's home land. There is a
hut that automatically restocks itself with coconut water as well as regular water.
Hammocks are present along the beach under low hanging coconut tree but do not try to cross the barrier that keeps students from going into the actual 'sea' itself (you will be struck by a stinging hex).
Further additions to the Irie room includes three mini outdoor libraries, but don't let their looks fool you, they are adequately stacked.
The sections include:
Reference History Fiction
The library sections are located off the sand on what appears to be the edge of a lush and cool tropical forest. The difference in temperature is immediate once you leave the sands of the beach.
Professor Bellaire wishes to emphasize that this is room is not to be abused and certain decorum is expected. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in certain punishment and a permanent ban from the room.
Please note that while the library is fully functional certain books can only be accessed by using the official Hogwarts library. Please note that this room is LOCKED. If you wish to make use of this room, please see Professor Bellaire.