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Stepping into the arena, you are immediately enveloped with the light shining into the room, either morning or evening depending on what time you decide to enter. If you can tear your gaze away from the intricately designed windows and high ceilings could, you can see to the very right of the room, there is the long platform in which supervised duels will take place while four benches on either side are placed at a safe distance for those who would like to sit and watch. Just ahead of the platform in the right corner, there is a door, though pay no attention to it. It's locked for a reason.
Towards the back wall, there are various types of practice dummies, both stationary and moving, depending on what difficulty the practicer wants. Don't be afraid to go all out with your spells, for these dummies are charmed to repair themselves. There is one practice dummy set aside that will shoot spells back to the practicer, however, permission from a Professor is required to use it. To the left side of the arena are two sets of stands, eight seats high, that look out to the entire arena, comfortable for those who would just like to watch what's going on all around or for general purposes such as studying or relaxing after a long day in the arena.
The middle of the room is quite empty, due to the fact that the defense Professor enjoys presenting lessons in here, but please, despite the brilliant light that shines through the arena due to the large windows, it is not some place to sunbathe or fall asleep. You will be levitated out with a good dose of cold water splashed on you if caught.
Awesome, they would practice the spell on each other.
Beaming, Lux used Finite to stop her dummy's dancing even though it looked like it was having a lot of fun. As she turned to face Eden, she found herself suddenly dancing... Wow, talk about sneak attack. Mentally kicking herself over the whole lack of constant vigilance thing, she tried her best to aim the spell right back but it was hard to when her feet wouldn't stop moving. UGH!!!
The first three attempts zoomed past Eden, but she was determined to make a hit and the dancing was an added challenge that she was more than willing to take on. Lux did not give up that easily. "TARANTALLEGRA!!" Haha, take that.
Eden giggled into her hands. SHE FELT SO SNEAAAAKY! heheheehe! ^__^ She didn't feel TOO bad because it was a friendly enough spell. Nothing harmful, in a sense.
She was about to 'finite' that sucker when LUX SHOT IT AT HER! Eden cackled and dodged--THREE TIMES--before Lux FINALLY HIT HER. UGH. RUUUUUDE. Eden's legs suddenly started DANCIN' ALL OVER THE PLACE. WOW. She was a bit overwhelmed---Merlin--but wow...she was dancing pretty well. That was the one good thing about this spell. Now..
"LUX!" she said, as she danced and jived towards Lux. "I'm going to try to FINITE you without--without majorly screwing up--" she said, out of breath--her legs were tired and SHE WAS GETTING TIRED--
She aimed her wand at Lux and TRIED to stay on am--"Finite--"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Eden giggled into her hands. SHE FELT SO SNEAAAAKY! heheheehe! ^__^ She didn't feel TOO bad because it was a friendly enough spell. Nothing harmful, in a sense.
She was about to 'finite' that sucker when LUX SHOT IT AT HER! Eden cackled and dodged--THREE TIMES--before Lux FINALLY HIT HER. UGH. RUUUUUDE. Eden's legs suddenly started DANCIN' ALL OVER THE PLACE. WOW. She was a bit overwhelmed---Merlin--but wow...she was dancing pretty well. That was the one good thing about this spell. Now..
"LUX!" she said, as she danced and jived towards Lux. "I'm going to try to FINITE you without--without majorly screwing up--" she said, out of breath--her legs were tired and SHE WAS GETTING TIRED--
She aimed her wand at Lux and TRIED to stay on am--"Finite--"
BEAMING, Lux was so proud of herself for managing to make a hit while in the middle of dancing around the arena. That took some serious skill - or luck. Yep, she was going with the former and wished that Bay was here to see it; but then she always wished he was there so nothing new.
Somehow or another, Eden's spell connected and suddenly she wasn't dancing anymore. Awwww, boo. That had been kind of fun actually. Lux supposed it was time to do the same thing herself so that she could move on to the next sell and blast her friend with something else. "FINITE!"
So we're they going to surprise attack again? Lux was waiting with wand at the ready. She was all over this constant vigilance thing.
Good thing the answer was good enough for Angel as she smiled in response and apologized for her behavior. "It's alright," Benny assured her since it hadn't been a bad thing, or something that really bothered him. He returned the offered hug as if to confirm there really was no hard feelings between them, simply nodding as she confirmed in turn that he had been correct with his answer.
As for the return to the activity at hand, he had to admit her instructions made him think again on what he had been thinking before she got there. "Of course," he said, giving in to her request as he stepped away from her. Benny didn't want her getting upset that he wasn't playing fair. He was supposed to be trying his best to learn and practice the spells in question. Making a bow in true dueling fashion, the older Gryffindor paused just long enough to slip his wand out and to pick which spell to use before actually casting.
"Confundo" His wand moving in a hooking motion as he aimed at Angel.
Angel was totally looking forwards to this duel, the only problem was that she might hurt her boyfriend and she didn't want to do that if she could help it because it might actually upset her if he got an injury that was her fault. "Be careful Benny-Boo." Angel smiled. "I don't want you hurt or anything." Angel bowed and then waited.
What a spell to start with, was he trying to confuse her into next year. "Protego!" Angel shouted as Benny did the wand movement. "You need to be quicker than that." Angel giggled as she looked at her boyfriend, this really was going to be fun
"Levicorpus!" Angel did the wand movement as she said the spell. "Levicorpus!" Angel decided to whisper the spell a second time, trying to trick Benny, he she had to practice them right?
BEAMING, Lux was so proud of herself for managing to make a hit while in the middle of dancing around the arena. That took some serious skill - or luck. Yep, she was going with the former and wished that Bay was here to see it; but then she always wished he was there so nothing new.
Somehow or another, Eden's spell connected and suddenly she wasn't dancing anymore. Awwww, boo. That had been kind of fun actually. Lux supposed it was time to do the same thing herself so that she could move on to the next sell and blast her friend with something else. "FINITE!"
So we're they going to surprise attack again? Lux was waiting with wand at the ready. She was all over this constant vigilance thing.
Eden laaaughed a little when she stopped dancing and saw Lux with her wand at the ready. "Well....let's see what's next on my list--" She leaned over to check her notebook, which was still on the ground.
"Evanesco!" she said, looking back up at Lux. "This one....what do we even PRACTICE on with this one? We clearly can't practice on each other..." Well, they could, but Eden didn't want to. That was a BAD idea. "Um...We could just do it on the dummies..but they're kinda' big...so..it'll be harder but that's okay--we'll be getting our practice in and stuff." She flipped through her notebook to see if she could find the wand movement in here at all...
"I actually think this spell might a simpler one..." she aid, biting her lip in thought. "Well. I'll let YOU go first this time, yeah?"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
WHAT was that smacking sound? O__O
Adi turned away from the dummy to find his girlfriend had FINALLY arrived. His face automatically lit up as it usually did when he laid eyes on her. "Hi, AJ.'' He noticed she was chewing on something. Of course she was. Nothing ever came between her and food... or whatever it was that she was eating.
"You all set?" he asked, approaching her and leaning in to kiss her cheek just because he wanted to do that. Hehe. Anywaaay, he shuffled back so that he could put a bit of distance between himself and AJ. This wasn't reallllly a duel, right? Was the bow necessary? Eh... Adi made one all the same.
Annnnd he was all set to start! "Incarcerous!'' Adi pointed his wand at AJ. Was he worried about the rope or cord hurting her? Duh, of course he was but he also knew his girlfriend was a super tough girl and she wouldn't want the fact that he was her boyfriend to stop him from using the spell on her.
Adi and I had been together for over a year now, but everytime she saw him she got butterflies. Not to mention that she hadn't seen him much because of all the studying he had been doing. The boy needed a break if you asked her. AJ was happy that she got to spend time with him and she got to duel all at the same time. This was going to be fun.
"Mmmhmm," she murmured as she popped another piece of candy into her mouth. Chew, chew. Mmm. This was good. The only bad thing was that she didn't have anything to wash her treat down with. She could still feel were Adi had kissed her on the cheek. Goodness, she loved that man.
Adi went back to his side, and bowed. Another piece of candy went flying into her mouth. Before she could even finish chewing, AJ had ropes all around her. Did they say go? Was she SO distracted by her food that she was caught of guard? Were was her wand? This was the exact thing the professors were going on about. Whoops. "Erm, I think my wand is in my back pocket." Or was it in her shoe? No, she would feel that. Cue flirty grin.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: This funny girl! <3
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
WHAT was that smacking sound? O__O
Adi turned away from the dummy to find his girlfriend had FINALLY arrived. His face automatically lit up as it usually did when he laid eyes on her. "Hi, AJ.'' He noticed she was chewing on something. Of course she was. Nothing ever came between her and food... or whatever it was that she was eating.
"You all set?" he asked, approaching her and leaning in to kiss her cheek just because he wanted to do that. Hehe. Anywaaay, he shuffled back so that he could put a bit of distance between himself and AJ. This wasn't reallllly a duel, right? Was the bow necessary? Eh... Adi made one all the same.
Annnnd he was all set to start! "Incarcerous!'' Adi pointed his wand at AJ. Was he worried about the rope or cord hurting her? Duh, of course he was but he also knew his girlfriend was a super tough girl and she wouldn't want the fact that he was her boyfriend to stop him from using the spell on her.
Adi and I had been together for over a year now, but everytime she saw him she got butterflies. Not to mention that she hadn't seen him much because of all the studying he had been doing. The boy needed a break if you asked her. AJ was happy that she got to spend time with him and she got to duel all at the same time. This was going to be fun.
"Mmmhmm," she murmured as she popped another piece of candy into her mouth. Chew, chew. Mmm. This was good. The only bad thing was that she didn't have anything to wash her treat down with. She could still feel were Adi had kissed her on the cheek. Goodness, she loved that man.
Adi went back to his side, and bowed. Another piece of candy went flying into her mouth. Before she could even finish chewing, AJ had ropes all around her. Did they say go? Was she SO distracted by her food that she was caught of guard? Were was her wand? This was the exact thing the professors were going on about. Whoops. "Erm, I think my wand is in my back pocket." Or was it in her shoe? No, she would feel that. Cue flirty grin.
One would have thought that AJ would have gotten her wand out, right? But she didn't . Adi EYED her. "Is your candy more important than practicing the spells?'' he asked somewhat sternly. He was only being stern because he was concerned about her not being serious right now. But he knew she was good at defending herself. She proved that with each duel they had.
Annnd yesh, he did recognise that particular grin. Adi smirked and let the magical ropes binding the Gryffindor fall away. "That grin will get you no where.'' Hehe. Okay, that was a lie. It would allow her time to get her wand.
"Ready, AJ? Got your wand? Candies all in your stomach?" LOL. Maybe now she'd pay attention to him and their practice. Anywayyy... "Carpe Retractum!" Orange light shot from his wand the moment Adi made the whip like wand movement. This had been one of the first spells he had learnt after coming to Hogwarts but it was also one of those he least used.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
One would have thought that AJ would have gotten her wand out, right? But she didn't . Adi EYED her. "Is your candy more important than practicing the spells?'' he asked somewhat sternly. He was only being stern because he was concerned about her not being serious right now. But he knew she was good at defending herself. She proved that with each duel they had.
Annnd yesh, he did recognise that particular grin. Adi smirked and let the magical ropes binding the Gryffindor fall away. "That grin will get you no where.'' Hehe. Okay, that was a lie. It would allow her time to get her wand.
"Ready, AJ? Got your wand? Candies all in your stomach?" LOL. Maybe now she'd pay attention to him and their practice. Anywayyy... "Carpe Retractum!" Orange light shot from his wand the moment Adi made the whip like wand movement. This had been one of the first spells he had learnt after coming to Hogwarts but it was also one of those he least used.
Did he want her to say the truth or what he wanted to hear? Because if it was the truth he was going for, then that answer was obvious. "Yeah, it is." Well, he DID ask. Besides, it wasn't like they had a rapid spider on the loose in the castle. She was safe. Not to mention that if it came down to it, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of AJ protecting herself. "But, I am ready now." Hopefully that would end any rants before they had a chance to start.
The lion couldn't help but to smile. "Kind of seems like it did." The ropes had fell from her, and now she had a fighting chance. "I can charm my attacker and then go in for the kill." Make them think she was a dainty little girl could give her an advantage because she was anything but.
Okay. She was ready now. "Wait." She shoved the last few pieces of candy into her mouth and swallowed them. "Okay. Now I am ready." She had retrieved her wand from her back pocket, and went from silly to serious in about .5 seconds. AJ was able to deflect his spell, and call out her own in record time. "Stupefy!" That was a handy one to be able to perform.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Sugar addict! <3
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
One would have thought that AJ would have gotten her wand out, right? But she didn't . Adi EYED her. "Is your candy more important than practicing the spells?'' he asked somewhat sternly. He was only being stern because he was concerned about her not being serious right now. But he knew she was good at defending herself. She proved that with each duel they had.
Annnd yesh, he did recognise that particular grin. Adi smirked and let the magical ropes binding the Gryffindor fall away. "That grin will get you no where.'' Hehe. Okay, that was a lie. It would allow her time to get her wand.
"Ready, AJ? Got your wand? Candies all in your stomach?" LOL. Maybe now she'd pay attention to him and their practice. Anywayyy... "Carpe Retractum!" Orange light shot from his wand the moment Adi made the whip like wand movement. This had been one of the first spells he had learnt after coming to Hogwarts but it was also one of those he least used.
Did he want her to say the truth or what he wanted to hear? Because if it was the truth he was going for, then that answer was obvious. "Yeah, it is." Well, he DID ask. Besides, it wasn't like they had a rapid spider on the loose in the castle. She was safe. Not to mention that if it came down to it, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of AJ protecting herself. "But, I am ready now." Hopefully that would end any rants before they had a chance to start.
The lion couldn't help but to smile. "Kind of seems like it did." The ropes had fell from her, and now she had a fighting chance. "I can charm my attacker and then go in for the kill." Make them think she was a dainty little girl could give her an advantage because she was anything but.
Okay. She was ready now. "Wait." She shoved the last few pieces of candy into her mouth and swallowed them. "Okay. Now I am ready." She had retrieved her wand from her back pocket, and went from silly to serious in about .5 seconds. AJ was able to deflect his spell, and call out her own in record time. "Stupefy!" That was a handy one to be able to perform.
Adi shook his head in resignation. He knew all too well that was a truthful answer on AJ's part. Not that she lied to him, anyway. "Your candies can do your practice for you then.'' Hehe.
Adi stuck out his tongue. "Don't expect your opponent to be so understanding or this good looking if you happen to have a real duel.'' Aha. So that was the strategy on her part, huh? Adi admitted (in his head) that it was a pretty good one. Out loud he said, "You'll fool no one.'' He said that just because he loved teasing her.
Gosh, she was turning out to be a sugar addict more than he was! "You didn't even share,'' he chided her. But hey! What a great deflection! Wasn't she just brilliant? And he would have to admire that brilliance later. Incoming spell! "Protego Maxima!'' Adi quickly pointed his wand upwards, towards the Arena's ceiling in the process. Maybe AJ was too fast, maybe he wasn't concentrating properly. Whatever the reason, this stronger version of the Shield charm did not work one hundred percent well for him.
The Hufflepuff found himself on his back, slightly groggy after AJ's Stunning spell went though his shield. He sat up blinking rapidly. Thankfully he hadn't been fully stunned. Ugh! He needed to work on THAT spell. But time to get to his feet, yes? YEP! Hopefully he didn't fall over again.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
SPOILER!!: sweet boyfran!
Adi shook his head in resignation. He knew all too well that was a truthful answer on AJ's part. Not that she lied to him, anyway. "Your candies can do your practice for you then.'' Hehe.
Adi stuck out his tongue. "Don't expect your opponent to be so understanding or this good looking if you happen to have a real duel.'' Aha. So that was the strategy on her part, huh? Adi admitted (in his head) that it was a pretty good one. Out loud he said, "You'll fool no one.'' He said that just because he loved teasing her.
Gosh, she was turning out to be a sugar addict more than he was! "You didn't even share,'' he chided her. But hey! What a great deflection! Wasn't she just brilliant? And he would have to admire that brilliance later. Incoming spell! "Protego Maxima!'' Adi quickly pointed his wand upwards, towards the Arena's ceiling in the process. Maybe AJ was too fast, maybe he wasn't concentrating properly. Whatever the reason, this stronger version of the Shield charm did not work one hundred percent well for him.
The Hufflepuff found himself on his back, slightly groggy after AJ's Stunning spell went though his shield. He sat up blinking rapidly. Thankfully he hadn't been fully stunned. Ugh! He needed to work on THAT spell. But time to get to his feet, yes? YEP! Hopefully he didn't fall over again.
AJ couldn't help but to smile as she watched her boyfriend shake his head. She knew all too well what that meant. "Too late. Unless, they can practice from inside my belly." Then she would be impressed and insist on having a candy army with her at all times. It would be a win-win for her. They could protect her OR be a yummy snack. Either way there wouldn't be any complaints from this girl.
More smiling was happening. "I know I would never stumble across somebody more attractive." Adi was perfect in every way in her eyes. "But, you never know. I'm not one that should be underestimated." She was sure that she could fool some people. Maybe not everybody would fall for it, but there had to be some people that would. Besides, the only time that she would be able to be caught off guard was when she was stuffing something into her mouth. On second thought THAT happened often so maybe she should pay better attention, and practice these spells. Hmm.
"Maybe I would have if you didn't hit me with a spell before I could even swallow my sweet treat." Okay, she hadn't actually planned on sharing, but he didn't have to know that, did he? "Next time." She needed to work on the whole share bear thing anyways. She had hit Adi was an excellent stunning spell. She wanted to jump around and give herself a high five, but she was in the zone. AJ wanted to show Adi exactly why he shouldn't worry about her.
Without waiting for him to get his bearings, she unleashed another spell. It really didn't matter which one she tried because there was so many spells that were foreign to her and all of them could be practiced. Levicorpus sounded fun. AJ decided in a split second to give that one a try. "Levicorpus," she cried out.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Eden laaaughed a little when she stopped dancing and saw Lux with her wand at the ready. "Well....let's see what's next on my list--" She leaned over to check her notebook, which was still on the ground.
"Evanesco!" she said, looking back up at Lux. "This one....what do we even PRACTICE on with this one? We clearly can't practice on each other..." Well, they could, but Eden didn't want to. That was a BAD idea. "Um...We could just do it on the dummies..but they're kinda' big...so..it'll be harder but that's okay--we'll be getting our practice in and stuff." She flipped through her notebook to see if she could find the wand movement in here at all...
"I actually think this spell might a simpler one..." she aid, biting her lip in thought. "Well. I'll let YOU go first this time, yeah?"
Next one up was Evanesco, and Lux could definitely see Eden's point about not practicing it on each other. She definitely didn't want to enter a state of 'non-being', and she didn't want to do the same thing to her friend. Dummies on the other hand...that was different.
"Sounds good to me. I doubt the Headmistress wants people disappearing." It was already bad enough with what happened to Gregoire. Once again Lux was amazed that the school managed to stay open after everything because the Chort business had been more than bad enough.
With a nod, the redhead pointed her wand towards one of the dummies. "Evanesco!"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
SPOILER!!: sweet boyfran!
Adi shook his head in resignation. He knew all too well that was a truthful answer on AJ's part. Not that she lied to him, anyway. "Your candies can do your practice for you then.'' Hehe.
Adi stuck out his tongue. "Don't expect your opponent to be so understanding or this good looking if you happen to have a real duel.'' Aha. So that was the strategy on her part, huh? Adi admitted (in his head) that it was a pretty good one. Out loud he said, "You'll fool no one.'' He said that just because he loved teasing her.
Gosh, she was turning out to be a sugar addict more than he was! "You didn't even share,'' he chided her. But hey! What a great deflection! Wasn't she just brilliant? And he would have to admire that brilliance later. Incoming spell! "Protego Maxima!'' Adi quickly pointed his wand upwards, towards the Arena's ceiling in the process. Maybe AJ was too fast, maybe he wasn't concentrating properly. Whatever the reason, this stronger version of the Shield charm did not work one hundred percent well for him.
The Hufflepuff found himself on his back, slightly groggy after AJ's Stunning spell went though his shield. He sat up blinking rapidly. Thankfully he hadn't been fully stunned. Ugh! He needed to work on THAT spell. But time to get to his feet, yes? YEP! Hopefully he didn't fall over again.
AJ couldn't help but to smile as she watched her boyfriend shake his head. She knew all too well what that meant. "Too late. Unless, they can practice from inside my belly." Then she would be impressed and insist on having a candy army with her at all times. It would be a win-win for her. They could protect her OR be a yummy snack. Either way there wouldn't be any complaints from this girl.
More smiling was happening. "I know I would never stumble across somebody more attractive." Adi was perfect in every way in her eyes. "But, you never know. I'm not one that should be underestimated." She was sure that she could fool some people. Maybe not everybody would fall for it, but there had to be some people that would. Besides, the only time that she would be able to be caught off guard was when she was stuffing something into her mouth. On second thought THAT happened often so maybe she should pay better attention, and practice these spells. Hmm.
"Maybe I would have if you didn't hit me with a spell before I could even swallow my sweet treat." Okay, she hadn't actually planned on sharing, but he didn't have to know that, did he? "Next time." She needed to work on the whole share bear thing anyways. She had hit Adi was an excellent stunning spell. She wanted to jump around and give herself a high five, but she was in the zone. AJ wanted to show Adi exactly why he shouldn't worry about her.
Without waiting for him to get his bearings, she unleashed another spell. It really didn't matter which one she tried because there was so many spells that were foreign to her and all of them could be practiced. Levicorpus sounded fun. AJ decided in a split second to give that one a try. "Levicorpus," she cried out.
"You're right. It's waaay too late.'' LOL. "Of course you wouldn't. No one has this hair that you like so much.'' Cue the wink! "I pity anyone who underestimates you, AJ.'' Seriously, he did. Outside she looked all easy going and soft and all the things nice but get her fired up and you would definitely get burned.
"Maybe you should have been paying attention. After I'm done here, I'm going to have a date with my Chocolate Frogs and you're not invited.'' N'aww, he was joking. Adi had brought along enough for the two of them.
On his feet? Check!
Feeling groggy still? Check!
Adi shook his head vigorously, trying to regain normalcy. Of course AJ took advantage of that and the Badger found himself soon up in the air, dangling from his ankle. The Arena looked funny upside down. And so did his girlfriend. Hehe.
Oh wait. Wasn't he supposed to be doing something? Yeah. Here it came. "Confundo!" He had barely done the hook like wand movement when he felt himself falling...falling to the floor of the Arena in a heap.
Heh. It seemed AJ's spell wasn't that strong because he would have been required to use the counter spell to get down.
Cutty had started to shorten the gap between he and Kace when the boy struck back with ...
Looking more dancerly than athletic, Cutty tried jumping to the side. The spell had, however hit him in the one shoe and this caused him to do a rather uncoordinated half-turn. The sound of him breathing in and out as Hirase roared out an order. "Finite!", Cutty said whipping his wand at his shoe and freeing himself of the half-turn blues. Cutty thought to free Kace of his jinx as well, but considered that pointing his wand at him before the customary introductories would be counter-productive. Plus, the boy was capable of doing it himself.
It surprised Cutty that Hirase would point out the formalities, but maybe there was something in that. Gryffindors. He didn't have many enemies amongst them and he admired their energy. Boundless and fearless. It was so, so useful. It was a perfect opportunity to test Hirase's utility too in the semi-controlled environment of the Hogwarts dueling arena.
Although, he said nothing, the Slytherin held his wand firmly to his side and bowed toward the duelists to show he was ready to begin. For real this time.
Text Cut: For Julia/Soph, DADA HW Timeline
It was one of those moments that Cutty had timed perfectly. His stomach was neither full nor empty and his potion was in the waning phase with just enough potency to keep him from doing anything stupid, yet allowed for sharp unhesitating reaction. Mordaunt had done it on purpose. He looked down at the crinkled parchment and considered the spells he could've been perfect on as he waited like a spider for anything to get stuck or blown into the dueling arena.
Kace saw Cutty was ready to duel. He nodded towards the fellow Slytherin and held his wand to his side and bowed to his opponent. Now this was gonna be a real duel! He wondered who was gonna be first so he decided to cast his spell first.
He gave his wand an upward flick and said the incantation, "LEVICORPUS!" and he hoped Cutty would be hanging by his ankles. As soon as he cast his spell he turned and saw a familiar face out of the corner of his eye.
Originally Posted by Optimist
Puck was simply leaning against the doorway as she looked into the dueling arena. Even though she hadn’t been in the class because well HELLO who wanted to be near Truebridge too much? She honestly kind of scared the normally unshakeable girl.
Her perfectly (because lets face it when where they ever not perfect?) sculpted eyebrow raised as she watched Kevin, Kace, and Cutty dueling? “What are you guys working on?” She asked as she peeled herself off of the wall and took a few deliberate steps toward the boys in question...speaking of which this was the first time she'd even been around Kevin since the happenings on the sixth floor corridor.
Kace smiled when he saw his best friend Puck. "Oh nothing we are just dueling for Defense Against the Dark Arts homework.." he said pointing to his wand. "You can join us if you want Puck.." he suggested.
Last edited by Expecto-Penguin; 03-12-2015 at 03:27 AM.
Reason: Adding Title of post
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
SPOILER!!: Angel
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel was totally looking forwards to this duel, the only problem was that she might hurt her boyfriend and she didn't want to do that if she could help it because it might actually upset her if he got an injury that was her fault. "Be careful Benny-Boo." Angel smiled. "I don't want you hurt or anything." Angel bowed and then waited.
What a spell to start with, was he trying to confuse her into next year. "Protego!" Angel shouted as Benny did the wand movement. "You need to be quicker than that." Angel giggled as she looked at her boyfriend, this really was going to be fun
"Levicorpus!" Angel did the wand movement as she said the spell. "Levicorpus!" Angel decided to whisper the spell a second time, trying to trick Benny, he she had to practice them right?
So she didn't want him to go easy on her...did that work both ways? Angel wanted him to be careful so Benny supposed it did. That she wasn't going to purposely pull any punches sort of speak just because she cared about him so he in turn had to be cautious and keep her spells from hurting him. "I'll do my best," the older Gryffindor remarked, figuring it was really all he could promise. That he wouldn't allow himself to get hurt just as much as he would find a happy medium between truly trying on her and not risking too much harm to her.
Ben watched as his spell was blocked with relative ease before bracing for whatever was to come back to him in return. "I'll keep that in mind," he stated simply in response to her remark.
Nope..not that spell. "Protego!" he cast, blocking the spell that Adi had tried on him in their earlier duel. The first one anyway. The whispered spell that followed after was only partly blocked as its precursor had weakened the shield and the fifth year found his feet pulled out from under him again. He really didn't seem to have the best luck protecting himself from that spell.
Now it was time for the next in his list of chosen spells. Taking a brief yet deep breath, Benjamin aimed once more at the girl across from him. "Petrificus Totalus!"
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
"You're right. It's waaay too late.'' LOL. "Of course you wouldn't. No one has this hair that you like so much.'' Cue the wink! "I pity anyone who underestimates you, AJ.'' Seriously, he did. Outside she looked all easy going and soft and all the things nice but get her fired up and you would definitely get burned.
"Maybe you should have been paying attention. After I'm done here, I'm going to have a date with my Chocolate Frogs and you're not invited.'' N'aww, he was joking. Adi had brought along enough for the two of them.
On his feet? Check!
Feeling groggy still? Check!
Adi shook his head vigorously, trying to regain normalcy. Of course AJ took advantage of that and the Badger found himself soon up in the air, dangling from his ankle. The Arena looked funny upside down. And so did his girlfriend. Hehe.
Oh wait. Wasn't he supposed to be doing something? Yeah. Here it came. "Confundo!" He had barely done the hook like wand movement when he felt himself falling...falling to the floor of the Arena in a heap.
Heh. It seemed AJ's spell wasn't that strong because he would have been required to use the counter spell to get down.
It was totally too late. Maybe she could puke them up, but surely they would be useless. Maybe there would be a spell for that though. Oh, and then she could EAT them again. Just think about how much money that could save her in the long run. AJ was pretty sure she was on to something here. After the duel she would talk about this because right now she needed to focus on this whole defending herself thing. Adi didn't underestimate her. "I pity the fool." Hehehehe.
"I like chocolate frogs. I like dates." It seemed only rational that she should be involved in that date. It was the best kind if you asked her. AJ was just going to have to call his bluff because one way or another she was going to EAT a chocolate frog today. And it was going to be one of Adi's frogs.
Concentration needed to happen because so far she had an advantage, and she didn't want to go and mess that up. She was on top right now. The lion watched as Adi was dangling in the air by his ankle. "Wicked." For a moment she just stared in awe at her brilliant work. That was the first time ever that she had tried that spell out, and it had worked.
Apparently a moment of losing focus was all Adi needed because he regained his composure and had hit her with another spell. No time to think about what to do next because all of a sudden confusion washed over her. She blinked a few times and tried to remember why she was here. "I think I was a taco. I'm just going to go..." AJ was just about to walk out when she realized that she was in the dueling area. Was she in the middle of a duel? With her boyfriend? "Why do you want to duel me? I thought you loved me." What happened? AJ blinked some more.
AJ didn't know what to do, but she couldn't just stand here and not protect herself. "Relashio." What did that spell even do? This girl had no idea. You know what sounded better than a taco? A nap. AJ plopped herself on the middle of the floor and curled into a ball. "Goodnight."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: AJ, AJ, Chocolate Frog eater! xD
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
"You're right. It's waaay too late.'' LOL. "Of course you wouldn't. No one has this hair that you like so much.'' Cue the wink! "I pity anyone who underestimates you, AJ.'' Seriously, he did. Outside she looked all easy going and soft and all the things nice but get her fired up and you would definitely get burned.
"Maybe you should have been paying attention. After I'm done here, I'm going to have a date with my Chocolate Frogs and you're not invited.'' N'aww, he was joking. Adi had brought along enough for the two of them.
On his feet? Check!
Feeling groggy still? Check!
Adi shook his head vigorously, trying to regain normalcy. Of course AJ took advantage of that and the Badger found himself soon up in the air, dangling from his ankle. The Arena looked funny upside down. And so did his girlfriend. Hehe.
Oh wait. Wasn't he supposed to be doing something? Yeah. Here it came. "Confundo!" He had barely done the hook like wand movement when he felt himself falling...falling to the floor of the Arena in a heap.
Heh. It seemed AJ's spell wasn't that strong because he would have been required to use the counter spell to get down.
It was totally too late. Maybe she could puke them up, but surely they would be useless. Maybe there would be a spell for that though. Oh, and then she could EAT them again. Just think about how much money that could save her in the long run. AJ was pretty sure she was on to something here. After the duel she would talk about this because right now she needed to focus on this whole defending herself thing. Adi didn't underestimate her. "I pity the fool." Hehehehe.
"I like chocolate frogs. I like dates." It seemed only rational that she should be involved in that date. It was the best kind if you asked her. AJ was just going to have to call his bluff because one way or another she was going to EAT a chocolate frog today. And it was going to be one of Adi's frogs.
Concentration needed to happen because so far she had an advantage, and she didn't want to go and mess that up. She was on top right now. The lion watched as Adi was dangling in the air by his ankle. "Wicked." For a moment she just stared in awe at her brilliant work. That was the first time ever that she had tried that spell out, and it had worked.
Apparently a moment of losing focus was all Adi needed because he regained his composure and had hit her with another spell. No time to think about what to do next because all of a sudden confusion washed over her. She blinked a few times and tried to remember why she was here. "I think I was a taco. I'm just going to go..." AJ was just about to walk out when she realized that she was in the dueling area. Was she in the middle of a duel? With her boyfriend? "Why do you want to duel me? I thought you loved me." What happened? AJ blinked some more.
AJ didn't know what to do, but she couldn't just stand here and not protect herself. "Relashio." What did that spell even do? This girl had no idea. You know what sounded better than a taco? A nap. AJ plopped herself on the middle of the floor and curled into a ball. "Goodnight."
"Good thing I'm not one of those.'' Because if he was, he would be a goner in less than a second. She did like dates and chocolate, did she? SMIIIIIRK! "Maybe you'll get an invite. I'll see how it goes by the time we're done here.''
Yes! The spell hit her! And AJ's reactions were PRICELESS! Not to mention funny. Adi found himself cracking up. Tacos? She thought she was a taco? LOL! Uh oh! Was she going to leave before they had a chance to complete their practice? Adi was about to take off after her but she apparently changed her mind even in her mind addled state. "I do love you. That's why we're doing this. And I happen to be beating you at it.'' Haha. Lies. They were evenly matched.
Relashio? He wasn't holding anything... except his wand. Nothing to get his grip of of here, AJ. Instead, Adi deflected the spell with the regular Shield Charm. It was not one of his chosen five but Protego Maxima seemed to hate him for the moment.
Oh Merlin! Adi really lost it right then. He doubled up and started laughing. The sight of AJ curled up and then saying good night. "It's too early to sleep, AJ.'' Why not have her join him in all the laughter? "Rictusempra!'' He followed up the incantation with the tricky wand movement. AJ would forget about sleeping in no time!
So she didn't want him to go easy on her...did that work both ways? Angel wanted him to be careful so Benny supposed it did. That she wasn't going to purposely pull any punches sort of speak just because she cared about him so he in turn had to be cautious and keep her spells from hurting him. "I'll do my best," the older Gryffindor remarked, figuring it was really all he could promise. That he wouldn't allow himself to get hurt just as much as he would find a happy medium between truly trying on her and not risking too much harm to her.
Ben watched as his spell was blocked with relative ease before bracing for whatever was to come back to him in return. "I'll keep that in mind," he stated simply in response to her remark.
Nope..not that spell. "Protego!" he cast, blocking the spell that Adi had tried on him in their earlier duel. The first one anyway. The whispered spell that followed after was only partly blocked as its precursor had weakened the shield and the fifth year found his feet pulled out from under him again. He really didn't seem to have the best luck protecting himself from that spell.
Now it was time for the next in his list of chosen spells. Taking a brief yet deep breath, Benjamin aimed once more at the girl across from him. "Petrificus Totalus!"
Angel looked at her boyfriend as he did the next spell. "Protego!" Angel looked at her boyfriend, this was just a bit too easy for her. "I thought I told you not to go easy on me." Angel giggled she would have to tell him off soon if he didn't do anything more interesting soon, these spells he was doing now were just so easy to defend, why not use incedio or something wicked, so she could sing my skirt is on fire. Though actually she hoped he would never use that spell on her she would pout if he did and she would wibble.
*Wibble* *Wibble*
Why was he trying to make her stand still so she couldn't defend herself, was this part of his master plan, well she would get him back. "Duro!!" Angel did the wand movement and then straight after the first one she shouted again. "Duro!!" the wand movement was done again.
Maggie was WAVING and stuff. From the other side of the room. In case he HADN'T seen her, she was now walking towards him. Avoiding the dueling students obviously. She really did NOT want her hair to go green or something. Because ew. Nope. So no accidental spells cast on her okay? Yes thank.
"Hiiiii!" She beamed at him once she was close enough. There was a wand in his hand. Hey, there was a wand in HER hand too. TWIIIIINNSSS. "What are you doing here?" Hmm?? Not dueling. She could see THAT.
Toby blinked at the sound of his name and instinctively looked around for whoever it was that was yelling it. He didn't have to look for long, because the speaker was waving at him and coming straight over aaaand...
"Hey Maggie," Toby said with a grin once he was pretty sure the girl with within earshot (and didn't require him yelling back). "Oh, I'm just..." Uhh, good question. The sixth year looked up and around at the others in the room and then back again. "Observing, I guess. Need to do that homework, trying to decide if I should work on the dummies or find a partner." He looked back at her and THAT was when he noticed that she was holding a wand too. "You homeworking too?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Her hand holding that of Tobias Fuller-Thompson, Sophie entered the dueling arena, her wand already out in her free hand and her game face ON.
No, Sophie Brown was not a coward. She just knew that there was power in numbers, okay? And she liked that Tobes would have her back and kick the snot out of Cutty Mordaunt if he tried to give her more nightmares. Well... she had never SEEN that kind of aggressive side of her best friend, but she had high hopes that he would snap the Slytherin like a twig if he intentionally hurt her. So. There was that.
At the sight of her dueling partner today, she gave the Hufflepuff's arm a squeeze, offered him a smile, then crossed the room toward Cutty. "Hi, best friend." She still got a kick out of that greeting, no matter how little she trusted the guy, and smiled unwaveringly as she twisted her wand around in her hands. "How are you?" It wasn't meant to be small talk - it was her sizing up her opponent, really, and getting a read on his present mental state.
Originally Posted by Felixir
Toby was not entirely sure what he was doing here. Well, no, that was a lie. Soph had wanted him here for, like, moral support or something, while she worked with Cutty.
He didn't really understand her suspicion, or her hesitance about the Slytherin, not being the kind of person who knew what it was like to distrust someone. But she'd wanted him here, and so here he was. Toby may not have fully understood, but he knew that Soph was always around for him when he needed her, and of course he'd always do the same.
Once they got there, Toby returned Soph's smile. He unlinked his arm from hers though, and hung back so they could get started without him all up in their business. He could be present from afar, after all.
In any case, Toby still had a tendency to think back and get a little sad about certain Cutty related things. But, not wanting to try and force any sort of friendship, he found it easier to sort of... keep his distance. Even if it would have been nice to have his friend back like before.
But huh. Seeing as he was here, it wouldn't hurt to get his own spell practice out of the way. Toby had been intending to practice on a dummy, as he straight-up didn't want to risk hurting anyone else or anything, but as he looked around he noted that not many people were going for that option. As a sixth year, it was probably expected of him to partner up with someone.
What to do. What to doooooo. Toby stood deliberating for a moment, twirling his wand between his fingers and keeping back out of the way of any duelling pairs, making sure to be vigilant and all that as he tried to make up his mind.
It didn't go unnoticed. The affectionate hand holding, the arm-squeeze and looking into her dude's face...It was still so confusing to the Slytherin. It read as needy and pathetic where she didn't have to be. There was always the glaring fact that Brown was female and he did stop to consider that perhaps she knew the accepted limitations of that. The world does receive better a fragile female with flaws than it does a strong durga with nothing to fear. He'd encountered that even as a Wizard in their magical society. It was always a point of contention when people found they couldn't control him with guilt, remorse or affection. He thought it scared them, as it did Sophie Brown. Her last owls were nothing but fear, really. All she was asking was to not be hurt by him. It was a simple request. And he admired her passive aggressive tactics and intelligence.
Yes. He did like Sophie Brown. Regardless of what other students thought she was, he had his own opinions and ruthlessness respects the opponent. He gave a nod of greeting to Toby. "I thought Tempus...I mean, Thompson-Fuller was yer best mate. Does that mean I get kisses too?" Joshing. Not that he'd object. "Lookin' fer a partner, Brown? I mean fer DADA homewehrk?" Of course.
Text Cut: Stephertonington
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace saw Cutty was ready to duel. He nodded towards the fellow Slytherin and held his wand to his side and bowed to his opponent. Now this was gonna be a real duel! He wondered who was gonna be first so he decided to cast his spell first.
He gave his wand an upward flick and said the incantation, "LEVICORPUS!" and he hoped Cutty would be hanging by his ankles. As soon as he cast his spell he turned and saw a familiar face out of the corner of his eye.
He saw Lecium's wand arm prep in the move before the move, his tongue begin to form the 'L' sound and he stepped back to spare a moment for strategy. The spell hit him and immediately Cutty was afloat. His body assumed a 'lifted kitten' type position before he drifted to the side and shot out, though not as his opponent, "Siccus Aerous!". The gust of wind that spouted from his wand he used to propel him. A moving target's hard to hit.
"Stupefy!" He said, shooting back at Lecium.
Last edited by SlytherinSistah; 03-12-2015 at 03:14 AM.
Reason: Edited for Stephanoodle. <3
It didn't go unnoticed. The affectionate hand holding, the arm-squeeze and looking into her dude's face...It was still so confusing to the Slytherin. It read as needy and pathetic where she didn't have to be. There was always the glaring fact that Brown was female and he did stop to consider that perhaps she knew the accepted limitations of that. The world does receive better a fragile female with flaws than it does a strong durga with nothing to fear. He'd encountered that even as a Wizard in their magical society. It was always a point of contention when people found they couldn't control him with guilt, remorse or affection. He thought it scared them, as it did Sophie Brown. Her last owls were nothing but fear, really. All she was asking was to not be hurt by him. It was a simple request. And he admired her passive aggressive tactics and intelligence.
Yes. He did like Sophie Brown. Regardless of what other students thought she was, he had his own opinions and ruthlessness respects the opponent. He gave a nod of greeting to Toby. "I thought Tempus...I mean, Thompson-Fuller was yer best mate. Does that mean I get kisses too?" Joshing. Not that he'd object. "Lookin' fer a partner, Brown? I mean fer DADA homewehrk?" Of course.
Sophie didn't even see that Tobes was over there being social and friendly and finding a partner of his own - no, her sights were firmly glued upon Cutty Mordaunt, and she crossed her arms smoothly in front of her as he spoke. It was hard for her to keep up her tough-girl face, though, when the boy spoke. "Thank you for using his correct last name," she smiled involuntarily, unable to resist when someone acknowledged Tobes' wicked awesome life happenings, and she snorted in good humor when he mentioned kisses. "Bet you'd like that too much." Cue the wiggly eyebrows.
Twirling her wand at her side, Sophie scrutinized Cutty briefly from head to toe - he looked fairly normal today, not overly jittery or suspicious. In fact, he seemed kind of calm. Almost like... well, like this was just going to be another day for him, no ulterior motives. "Mhm," was her agreement to his partner offer, and at this point she did look over at Tobes to find that he was busy with a Slytherin girl. That was okay. Maybe he wouldn't be needed at all and... this was going to be totally fine and just two students practicing spells together, hm?
As she removed the full spell list from her pocket, she squinted at it, examining each and every one before peeking up at him curiously, "What spells d'you need to work on? And I know that Glacius is not one of them, so don't even try. I'll end you." She was grinning playfully and there was absolutely no malice in her voice.
He saw Lecium's wand arm prep in the move before the move, his tongue begin to form the 'L' sound and he stepped back to spare a moment for strategy. The spell hit him and immediately Cutty was afloat. His body assumed a 'lifted kitten' type position before he drifted to the side and shot out, though not as his opponent, "Siccus Aerous!". The gust of wind that spouted from his wand he used to propel him. A moving target's hard to hit.
"Stupefy!" He said, shooting back at Lecium. [/textcut]
Kace saw his spell hit Cutty and he beamed and score one for Lecium. He managed to get the Slytherin. He was very pleased but he shouldn't bask in his glory when he was hit with stupefy and he got blasted a little bit and landed on his butt.
He winced and got up and wondered what spell he could use next but he gotta give Cutty kudos. Well played Slytherin....well played indeed. He then next thought of his spell and knew to use Protego next time. He raised his wand and said, "IMMOBULUS!" and did the wand movement necessary.
Sophie didn't even see that Tobes was over there being social and friendly and finding a partner of his own - no, her sights were firmly glued upon Cutty Mordaunt, and she crossed her arms smoothly in front of her as he spoke. It was hard for her to keep up her tough-girl face, though, when the boy spoke. "Thank you for using his correct last name," she smiled involuntarily, unable to resist when someone acknowledged Tobes' wicked awesome life happenings, and she snorted in good humor when he mentioned kisses. "Bet you'd like that too much." Cue the wiggly eyebrows.
Twirling her wand at her side, Sophie scrutinized Cutty briefly from head to toe - he looked fairly normal today, not overly jittery or suspicious. In fact, he seemed kind of calm. Almost like... well, like this was just going to be another day for him, no ulterior motives. "Mhm," was her agreement to his partner offer, and at this point she did look over at Tobes to find that he was busy with a Slytherin girl. That was okay. Maybe he wouldn't be needed at all and... this was going to be totally fine and just two students practicing spells together, hm?
As she removed the full spell list from her pocket, she squinted at it, examining each and every one before peeking up at him curiously, "What spells d'you need to work on? And I know that Glacius is not one of them, so don't even try. I'll end you." She was grinning playfully and there was absolutely no malice in her voice.
But she absolutely meant it.
"Yeah, yeah I would." He said, shamelessly agreeing. He had no problem lying, but there was also the fact that he had no problem telling the truth, each in their own time. For him that time was always and only when it suited him. It made it hard to know when to take or leave his word. This particular time, the truth was done for amusement.
"Yeah, I heard they got married and adopted Tobes. Good fer 'im! He deserved better, didn't he?" It was just Toby and his gran last Cutty'd heard anything. Now he's got two dads. Or two mums, or one of each maybe. Depends on how they worked it out in their individual household.
A small, faintly little smile played off and on on his face when he heard her mention Glacius. There was such a fuss over it and it was good times. At least, according to Mordaunt. But it did make it crystal clear who was with Sophie Brown and who didn't really care all that much. Had he known he could've just asked, he might have opted for that. She must have trusted him to some extent, afterall. She'd given him a list of her very best friends. And even offered him to join her ranks. "Well, yer know to be honest. I'm actually good at all of them. Booht, I suppose it neveh hurts ter do 'im again. Maybe I could try fer wehrdless magic." He felt he was more of an independent contractor. "I think I'll be going with Duro, Confundo, and that one we saw Banner do...Impiriano."
Text Cut: Kace
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace saw his spell hit Cutty and he beamed and score one for Lecium. He managed to get the Slytherin. He was very pleased but he shouldn't bask in his glory when he was hit with stupefy and he got blasted a little bit and landed on his butt.
He winced and got up and wondered what spell he could use next but he gotta give Cutty kudos. Well played Slytherin....well played indeed. He then next thought of his spell and knew to use Protego next time. He raised his wand and said, "IMMOBULUS!" and did the wand movement necessary.
The spell that Lecium had hit him with earlier wore off and he came hurtling to the ground. His wand hand though, he did not dare tear from it's duty of sworn battle. He'd rather use one wrist and break it than relinquish to the distraction of something so silly as cushioning a fall.
There were a lot of spells Cutty wouldn't have minded getting hit with. But immobulus wasn't one of them. He hated, HATED down time! "PROTEGO!" He said, throwing the spell at the one just casted by Lecium and letting the protection do it's work whilst he found a better position.
The problem was, Lecium was good at deciding what spells to use. "Densaugeo." Ha! Let Lecium try and even pronounce the spells correctly with overgrown teeth.
He still hadn't acknowledged Puck. Too busy being a jerkface and dueling.
Last edited by SlytherinSistah; 03-12-2015 at 04:27 AM.
Defense against the dark arts homework? Was this that class she hadn’t gone to because…well detention was going on? She wondered as she glanced between Kace and Cutty.
“You guys just dueling?” She asked and shrugged. “Sure probably a good idea to learn how to duel properly” she nodded and grinned over to him as she made her way closer to the two.
“Hey Cutty,” she grinned as she watched the spell hit Kace. Snort. Really. Buckteeth. Kace was going to look like a RABBIT.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
"Yeah, yeah I would." He said, shamelessly agreeing. He had no problem lying, but there was also the fact that he had no problem telling the truth, each in their own time. For him that time was always and only when it suited him. It made it hard to know when to take or leave his word. This particular time, the truth was done for amusement.
"Yeah, I heard they got married and adopted Tobes. Good fer 'im! He deserved better, didn't he?" It was just Toby and his gran last Cutty'd heard anything. Now he's got two dads. Or two mums, or one of each maybe. Depends on how they worked it out in their individual household.
A small, faintly little smile played off and on on his face when he heard her mention Glacius. There was such a fuss over it and it was good times. At least, according to Mordaunt. But it did make it crystal clear who was with Sophie Brown and who didn't really care all that much. Had he known he could've just asked, he might have opted for that. She must have trusted him to some extent, afterall. She'd given him a list of her very best friends. And even offered him to join her ranks. "Well, yer know to be honest. I'm actually good at all of them. Booht, I suppose it neveh hurts ter do 'im again. Maybe I could try fer wehrdless magic." He felt he was more of an independent contractor. "I think I'll be going with Duro, Confundo, and that one we saw Banner do...Impiriano."
Ha. Haaaaaaaaa. There was AGREEMENT about the kissing thing which brought a smug smile to the Ravenclaw's face. Did Tobes hear THAT, hm? Sophie Brown was KISSABLE. Maybe she wasn't exactly attracting the kind of people she wanted to attract, but still. She liked knowing people other than Tobes wanted to kiss her, even if Tobes was the only person she wanted to kiss for the rest of her life. It was a good ego boost, and there was more casual wand-twirling as she responded brightly, "Can't help that I'm so irresistible." Heh. Her tone was very recognizably teasing again, mostly because she didn't know how else to handle the situation otherwise.
Merlin, the only other time Cutty had ever made her smile this much was when they were under the influence of the camaraderie concoction. "He did, for sure." Her gaze had drifted back over the Hufflepuff where her gaze lingered as she continued along, "They're the best parents in the world, too. S'a shame he didn't get to grow up with such great parents, but... y'know, better late than never, I guess. They're really good to him." Sophie was suddenly aware that there was a sort of longing, jealous emotion building in the pit of her stomach and became hyperaware that she may have been showing that in her expression, so her gaze snapped back to meet Cutty's and was accompanied with a smile.
Good at ALL of them, eh? She shouldn't have really been surprised, but it was a little disappointing that he didn't seem to have any weaknesses with his spellwork, except perhaps with non-verbal wandwork, but they hadn't even been taught that yet, so it wasn't really a proper weakness at all. What WAS this guy bad at, huh? Anything? Besides not hurting people's feelings?
"That's cool. I need to work on... umm... Impiriano, too," she looked to her list, naming off the ones she had circled that she planned to perfect today, "and Revertoscutum, yup, and Loricatus and Homenum Revelio aaaand the Patronus Charm. I'm pretty close with that one, but no... y'know, defined figure yet." She paused, making note of what spells she needed to use for him to get his practice, then pocketed the paper and got into what she thought was a proper pre-duel position. Which meant that she just bowed and then followed it up with a salute in jest, a stupid grin accompanying it. Could he tell that she'd never done an official duel before? Because she hadn't. Dueling wasn't her thing.
"Remember this is a fun thing, okay? No taking your inner deepest darkest angers out on me. We're best friends now." He was following that, right? That he wasn't meant to unleash the dark wizard inside him and kill her? Yes?
Originally Posted by In the different timeline, but not as different as we first had?
Originally Posted by Optimist
Defense against the dark arts homework? Was this that class she hadn’t gone to because…well detention was going on? She wondered as she glanced between Kace and Cutty.
“You guys just dueling?” She asked and shrugged. “Sure probably a good idea to learn how to duel properly” she nodded and grinned over to him as she made her way closer to the two.
“Hey Cutty,” she grinned as she watched the spell hit Kace. Snort. Really. Buckteeth. Kace was going to look like a RABBIT.
"Greyvson." The Slytherin greeted warmly, whilst he considered that he hadn't seen Puck during that class. Also, they needed to get working on getting her badge back, if the powers that be weren't going to return it to her anytime soon. "We're wehrkin' on defensive spells we need to perfect." He informed the Gryffly lady in much the same way that a muggle might tell his younger sister who'd just interupted him that he was pumping iron. "It's fer homewehrk. They gave oos a list of spells we're meant to be perfect at and we've got to chose 5 that we need to wehrk on most." It occurred to him that he and hadn't gone over what spells either of them needed to work on. It wasn't a problem, in Cutty's mind. Unless Kace needed to work on something very specific like Bombarda or Colloportus. Something like that would definitely require set up. "Yer only need to wehrk on five spells, Lecium. Which ones do yer head in the most? Besides the immobilizing charm?"That was one out of the way, though, wasn't it?
Text Cut: Lil Sophie
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
Ha. Haaaaaaaaa. There was AGREEMENT about the kissing thing which brought a smug smile to the Ravenclaw's face. Did Tobes hear THAT, hm? Sophie Brown was KISSABLE. Maybe she wasn't exactly attracting the kind of people she wanted to attract, but still. She liked knowing people other than Tobes wanted to kiss her, even if Tobes was the only person she wanted to kiss for the rest of her life. It was a good ego boost, and there was more casual wand-twirling as she responded brightly, "Can't help that I'm so irresistible." Heh. Her tone was very recognizably teasing again, mostly because she didn't know how else to handle the situation otherwise.
Merlin, the only other time Cutty had ever made her smile this much was when they were under the influence of the camaraderie concoction. "He did, for sure." Her gaze had drifted back over the Hufflepuff where her gaze lingered as she continued along, "They're the best parents in the world, too. S'a shame he didn't get to grow up with such great parents, but... y'know, better late than never, I guess. They're really good to him." Sophie was suddenly aware that there was a sort of longing, jealous emotion building in the pit of her stomach and became hyperaware that she may have been showing that in her expression, so her gaze snapped back to meet Cutty's and was accompanied with a smile.
Good at ALL of them, eh? She shouldn't have really been surprised, but it was a little disappointing that he didn't seem to have any weaknesses with his spellwork, except perhaps with non-verbal wandwork, but they hadn't even been taught that yet, so it wasn't really a proper weakness at all. What WAS this guy bad at, huh? Anything? Besides not hurting people's feelings?
"That's cool. I need to work on... umm... Impiriano, too," she looked to her list, naming off the ones she had circled that she planned to perfect today, "and Revertoscutum, yup, and Loricatus and Homenum Revelio aaaand the Patronus Charm. I'm pretty close with that one, but no... y'know, defined figure yet." She paused, making note of what spells she needed to use for him to get his practice, then pocketed the paper and got into what she thought was a proper pre-duel position. Which meant that she just bowed and then followed it up with a salute in jest, a stupid grin accompanying it. Could he tell that she'd never done an official duel before? Because she hadn't. Dueling wasn't her thing.
"Remember this is a fun thing, okay? No taking your inner deepest darkest angers out on me. We're best friends now." He was following that, right? That he wasn't meant to unleash the dark wizard inside him and kill her? Yes?
If they'd never found the cause and cure for the aging that plagued the school only years ago, Cutty could've carved out a living for himself playing the slots and tables in Blackpool. He would've then had the experience to reference a hot one-armed bandit to Sophie Brown. It may have landed on all grapes or lemons, but whatever your preference, it paid out. And that was the important part. He watched and noted with curiousity and callousness as her expression faded from casual joy at the mention of her boyfriend to less favour when getting into the specifics of his homelife. Cutty wondered why. He could come up with a few ideas, but they were quite far from jealousy for want of a nicer homelife for herself. In fact, Cutty wrongly assumed the opposite. He thought the comfort with which Brown spoke to adults and the merciless Ghengis Khan-like conquering of them told of someone who had had very personal attention from her parents or at least some adult family members.
He underestimated her adaptability. Or at least, didn't consider it.
"I'm adding the Disillusionment charm and the Patronus. And I think we'd better go in two tehrns at a time each. We can pair the Disillusionment with Revelio. Then yer can practice Loricatus as I try to hit yer with Rictusempra. That way if it hits, yer can joost use the pleasant sensation to fuel yer wehrk on the Patronus." Butthead was apparently in a bossy mood as he hammered out the strategy for the lesson plan. With his wand in his hand, he walked out a few paces before facing Brown again.
"We're best friends, Brown. Don't worry. I won't hurt yer. I'm not an angry pehrson, booht, I won't coddle yer. If yer mess oop, I'll let yer know." Just so she knew. "I will give yer the witches privilege, though. Yer have first go." He said, bowing to her as the custom of dueling dictated.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
SPOILER!!: amused Adi XD
"Good thing I'm not one of those.'' Because if he was, he would be a goner in less than a second. She did like dates and chocolate, did she? SMIIIIIRK! "Maybe you'll get an invite. I'll see how it goes by the time we're done here.''
Yes! The spell hit her! And AJ's reactions were PRICELESS! Not to mention funny. Adi found himself cracking up. Tacos? She thought she was a taco? LOL! Uh oh! Was she going to leave before they had a chance to complete their practice? Adi was about to take off after her but she apparently changed her mind even in her mind addled state. "I do love you. That's why we're doing this. And I happen to be beating you at it.'' Haha. Lies. They were evenly matched.
Relashio? He wasn't holding anything... except his wand. Nothing to get his grip of of here, AJ. Instead, Adi deflected the spell with the regular Shield Charm. It was not one of his chosen five but Protego Maxima seemed to hate him for the moment.
Oh Merlin! Adi really lost it right then. He doubled up and started laughing. The sight of AJ curled up and then saying good night. "It's too early to sleep, AJ.'' Why not have her join him in all the laughter? "Rictusempra!'' He followed up the incantation with the tricky wand movement. AJ would forget about sleeping in no time!
A smile slowly creeped across her lips. "Yeah, good thing." If he happened to be one of those guys then he would learn real soon and wouldn't make that mistake again. Snort. "I'm coming." Invite or no invite, it really didn't matter to her.
What was really going on? All she knew was that the love of her life was hitting her with spells when all she wanted to do was eat and sleep. Was that really too much to ask? She didn't think so. Plus, Adi of all people know how important tacos were to her. Blink. Blink. "You don't love me... that's why you want to keep me from my tacos." Jealous much? Beating her? A cackle escaped her mouth. "I win at life." He was delusional. Not to mention that she wasn't even trying to duel. "CHEATER!" Surely there were rules against this.
The floor was super comfy. In moments AJ was able to doze off. Almost as soon as she drifted off, she heard a voice. Ugh. Her mom was always bothering her about something. "I'm not going to wear a dress and go to your stupid party, mooooom." Goodness. How did you go about getting some rest around here? Just as AJ was about to drift back to sleep an intense tickling sensation took over her entire body.
Giggle. Snort.
Her eyes landed on Adi. "Heeeeey... why are you still trying to fight me?" Her laughing continued because she was SO ticklish and this was intense. She rolled back and forth on her sides. She had to get him back. Adi apparently wanted a war. "Tarantallegra!!!" Want a show, Adi?