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The Charms Annexe is a converted space on the third floor housed in one of the small towers. It is a round tower room which opens onto the Charms Corridor and stands opposite one of the smaller stairwells that leads up to the fourth floor.
With wide window sills, big enough to sit in, it is the perfect space to curl up with a textbook and study your charms. The round room itself is mostly empty, and has been set aside for practice purposes. Students are permitted to practice any charm they have learned in class during the term or from the Professor or an approved tutor. Duelling and fighting are NOT permitted in this space.
To the sides are shelves of books that contain information on charms for varying skill levels in the event you might like to try something new on your own. The only other thing in the room is a large chest towards the top left corner which contains any items that may be needed for charming purposes. The chest itself is locked, but can be opened with simple unlocking spells.
On the wall facing the door is a board that will occasionally have challenges on it for you to try your hand at while you work towards getting better as well as the names of those who've mastered previous challenges. They aren't a must but they could prove beneficial.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
Please note that the Professor's office is just on the other side of the wall and he has ways and means of monitoring activity within this room. Don't let him have to come over and break up the party.
Feel free to have your charries stop by for a little extra charms work guys. If you need the Professor's help just title the post as such and I'll have him swing by ^^
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Charms homework was going to be a piece of cake, and he LOVED cake.
He didn't even mind swinging by on his weekend to get some practice in, he was heading down this way anyway, so... no skin off his nose. It was merely a detour, one that would eventually lead him to the Great Hall, or the kitchens if he was later than he was anticipating.
Entering the Charms Annexe in his casual jeans and T combo, wand in pocket, Zeke paused not far into the round room to take everything in. How had he never visited here last year??? Hhhhmmm? It was pretty neat looking. Lots of things to touch and see and use. And there was the chest!!! Zeke strode over to the glorified container that held things on which he could practice the charm they'd learned in class, only... it was locked?
Confused, he pulled out his wand and with a swift backward 'S' and the incantation "Alohomora," he heard it click open. Lifting the lid, Zeke peered at the contents. There really was STUFF for them to practice on. Grabbing hold of the first thing he saw, Zeke pulled out a brass looking pot and carried it a short way to the middle of the room.
It was nice having the space to himself.
Sitting himself down cross-legged, Zeke held his wand in front of him and so the practice would begin. "Dim-----" wait, why was this incantation so hard?
Yeah, that was it. Zeke tried just the incarnation one more time, attempting to get it rolling off his tongue as it had in class. "Dim-in-uendo... diminuendo."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: The Little Lion Man! <3
Originally Posted by Hera
Charms homework was going to be a piece of cake, and he LOVED cake.
He didn't even mind swinging by on his weekend to get some practice in, he was heading down this way anyway, so... no skin off his nose. It was merely a detour, one that would eventually lead him to the Great Hall, or the kitchens if he was later than he was anticipating.
Entering the Charms Annexe in his casual jeans and T combo, wand in pocket, Zeke paused not far into the round room to take everything in. How had he never visited here last year??? Hhhhmmm? It was pretty neat looking. Lots of things to touch and see and use. And there was the chest!!! Zeke strode over to the glorified container that held things on which he could practice the charm they'd learned in class, only... it was locked?
Confused, he pulled out his wand and with a swift backward 'S' and the incantation "Alohomora," he heard it click open. Lifting the lid, Zeke peered at the contents. There really was STUFF for them to practice on. Grabbing hold of the first thing he saw, Zeke pulled out a brass looking pot and carried it a short way to the middle of the room.
It was nice having the space to himself.
Sitting himself down cross-legged, Zeke held his wand in front of him and so the practice would begin. "Dim-----" wait, why was this incantation so hard?
Yeah, that was it. Zeke tried just the incarnation one more time, attempting to get it rolling off his tongue as it had in class. "Dim-in-uendo... diminuendo."
Deciding that he should get an early start to the Charms homework, Adi took off for the Annexe. Entering it, he wasn't quite surprised to find someone already there. Zeke, looking quite at home, was already practicing. Adi could hear his voice repeating the Shrinking Charm's incantation. The Hufflepuff wondered if the Gryffindor would want some company but first he needed an object to shrink.
Adi wandered over to the chest which was locked. He figured it must have locked again after Zeke got his object. "Alohomora!'' With the aid of the wand movement in the shape of the letter S but backwards, blue light shot from the wand, allowing the chest to be opened.
The fifth year grabbed the first object he saw- a blue vase in the shape of a shoe, shut the lid then headed over to Zeke. "Hiya, Zeke!'' he greeted cheerfully. "Hope you don't mind a little company." He plopped down next to the other boy and instantly began muttering the incantation.
"Diminuendo, Diminuendo, Diminuendo, Diminuendo...'' The familiar incantation rolled right off Adi's tongue.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Homework #1 Post 1
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hady had some Charms homework she had to get done and that's why she was currently making her way up to the third floor. She needed a small break from reading and writing letters so it was best to get some work done.
As she reached the Charms Annexe room she pulled her hair back into a messy ponytail and entered the room. Looking around she nodded slightly in approval. The room was rather large and quite bright from the huge windows. She liked it, it had a comfortable relaxing feel to it.
Making her way deeper into the room she found the trunk she knew she would need to get an item to work on from. Trying the lid on the chest Hady frowned slightly when it wouldn't open. Was this the wrong chest? Glancing around the room she didn't see another one so this one had to be it. Pulling her wand from the pocket of her hoodie she pointed it at the trunk.
"Alohomora!" She whispered softly waving her wand in the familiar backwards S formation. When the trunk clicked open she smiled to herself returning her wand to her pocket. Peering inside the trunk at everything she pulled out a light green bowl. It didn't really matter what she practiced on did it?
Taking the bowl and closing the lid on the trunk she made her way towards an empty spot giving a wave to both Zeke and Adi as she passed them. Sitting down in a corner she set the bowl at her feet and pulled out her wand once more.
"Diminuendo, diminuendo.." She mumbled under her breath.
Angel was totally going to enjoy this, she thought that it was going to be interesting to see how this spell went... she had done it so good but could she continue with that or would other things mean that things went wrong... she was still trying to figure out what was going on between Adi and AJ but she wasn't having much success, mainly because she couldn't get time to talk to her sister one on one.
"Alohomora!" Angel used it to open the chest and took out the first object she saw that wouldn't be broken... she saw that it was a ball of some sort but she had no idea what sort of ball it was. "Hi Zeke, Adi." Angel smiled at them both, this was going to be amazing she could tell.
"Diminuendo!" Angel decided that she would practice the incantation again. "Diminuendo!" Angel was sure she was getting that down right. "Diminuendo!" She smiled as she realised that she hadn't forgotten it which was good because it would have been bad if she had forgotten it.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Feeling confident in her ability to cast the shrinking spell they had learned in class, Lux decided to head over to the Charms Annex and get the homework out of the way early. It never hurt to get more practice in, and the spell might prove to be. helpful when she had to take her Charms O.W.L. at the end of term.
Entering the room, she was pleased to see that Zeke, Adi, Hady, and Angel had already gotten started. Awesome, she wouldn't be working alone. "Hey guys!" Making her way over to the chest, she saw that it was locked again; it must be something that automatically happened whenever the lid was closed. Using Alohomora she quickly opened it before sifting through the objects inside and selecting an old silver goblet.
Taking a seat by her friends, Lux got comfortable before deciding that it was a good idea to say the incantation a few times. "Diminuendo... Diminuendo... Diminuendo." Not too bad, the words came to her easily.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
It was an easy enough charm, if you got the incantation right, so THAT was what he really needed to get a handle of. And in the short time he'd been there, he'd done well enough with that task. What did surprise him, was that one minute he was entirely on his own, and in the next there were PEOPLE. He didn't mind the company, it was just amusing that they'd all thought to come at the same time.
"Hey, Adi," he greeted, "go for it." No harm in having company at all, it would make time pass quicker - and there was the benefit of having a potential tutor as well should he need it. Charms though, was an easy enough subject.
Before he knew it, Hady arrived and he returned her wave with much enthusiasm, a fleeting grin crossing his lips before he focused on the incarnation again.
"Diminuendo." Still had it.
THEN there was an Angel - in the literal sense, followed closely by Lux, they both received a friendly "Hey," from him.
"Diminuendo." Yep... he was good to go!
With his wand extended in front of him, he pointed it at his brass pot thing, and performed the charm, his intent focused on shrinking the item. "Diminuendo!"
Just as it had in class, his charm worked... like a charm, and the pot shrunk considerably in size. It was, tiny, sooooooo small in comparison to what it had been.
Angel gave Zeke and Lux a small smile as she looked at her object... so she had to shrink it right, she decided that the next thing to do would be the wand movement and so she started to work on that just practicing it with her hand and then she went for her wand.
Angel practiced the wand movement with her wand and then it was time to use the spell on the object. "Diminuendo!" Angel closed her eyes and tried to imagine what she wanted to happen, she did the wand movement and hoped that everything would be right.
opening her eyes slowly... she looked and smiled.
The object was smaller which was exactly what she wanted to happen, she totally loved how the object had shrunk in size... she wondered if you could make the object really, really, really small so only a microscope could see it.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Homework # 1 Post 2
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hady didn't miss Zeke's grin as she waved and passed him, giving him a quick grin of her own. Cause yeah he deserved a grin from her.
Settling into her spot and mumbling the incantation under her breath a few more times she was ready. Pointing her wand at the gree bowl before her Hady opened her mouth to attempt the charm, however she heard someone greeting them all. Lifting her head she spotted Lux. "Hey Lux!" She greeted the older girl.
Now attention back on the bowl she held her wand pointed at it as she recited the charm she knew well now. "Diminuendo!" Her green bowl shrunk down to almost nothing making her smirk proudly. First try!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Now Adi didn't feel as though he were disturbing Zeke. Besides, if the younger boy needed help with anything, the Puffer could help. He was good at that. Hehe. Oh, looky! Others were joining them as well! First came Hady, whom Adi waved to before setting the vase directly in front of him.
By the time he had done that, Angel entered the room. "Hey, Angelfish!'' She got a wave too. Noting that Zeke was going to have a go at the spell, Adi decided to watch his shot. It was safe to say the boy was successful! "Well done, Zeke!'' he said as he waved to Lux then examined the pot. How tiny it had gotten.
Now he was going to have a go. "Diminuendo!" Point! Look at that vase! One moment it was big enough to hold a great deal of flowers and a few seconds later, it looked like it could hold only a few.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Upon receiving the homework assignment, Evie went back down to the Charms corridor to look for the annexe. She had seen it on her way to class, but hadn't looked inside. As she entered, she saw a few other students in there already working on their homework.
Evie went over to the trunk full of items and looked for some to practice on with the new spell they had just learned. She picked up a teddy bear, a rubber ball, a wooden spoon, and a candlestick. She mentally applauded the charms professor on his collection of random items.
After she had her items, Evie went over to a free windowsill and sat down, setting her items beside her. Then she got out her wand and set the teddy bear right in front of her. "Diminuendo," she said with a point with her wand, and the teddy bear shrunk right away. She proudly smiled to herself and set the teddy bear aside. One down, three to go!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Smiling at her friends, Lux was happy to see how well they were all doing with their practicing. Everything would be perfect if her Lion was here with her, but she had the two-way mirror to talk to him with and would be using it later which made her happy.
Turning her attention back to her goblet, Lux heard someone else enter the room but didn't really pay attention to them for the moment. Hopefully it wouldn't come cross as being rude, but she was trying to concentrate in order to perform the spell. After placing the goblet down in front of her she pointed her wand at it. "Diminuendo!" The goblet shrunk before her eyes, and happily she picked it up. So cute. Everything was cute tiny...besides the spiders. Spiders were never cute, though they were less freaky when they weren't gigantic.
She still had her jar of spiders in her dorm, and was seriously considering letting them loose on the grounds though she kept forgetting to with all the schoolwork she was doing.
Okay, so Charms homework was to practice their spell. That's simple enough because Margo really needed to practice. She was only able to get the spell to work half the time, and that simply wasn't good enough for her. So arriving the practice arena, there was already some students in there working on the spell.
Margo picked up a jar, similar to the one they had already used in the lesson, that was probably good, she could use the same techniques. Pointing her wand at the jar. Margo said "Diminuendo" and gave her wand a small jab forward just like she did in class.
And to her great surprise the jar began to shrink. "I DID IT!!!" Margo cried smiling, awesome!!! Maybe she was finally getting the hand of this!! After all this practice she should be an expert at it.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Hehe, this was fuuuuun.
Heading back to the large chest, Lux unlocked it again before selecting a doll. Dolls creeped her out in general, but this one wasn't so bad and it would do. Besides, it had red hair like her and was wearing blue. Blue was the best colour ever.
Returning to her spot, she sat cross-legged and propped the doll up in front of her. Maybe it would look a lot cuter when it was tiny because right now it really was a little creepy. Pointing her wand at the doll, she concentrated hard on what she wanted to do. "Diminuendo!"
A tiny little doll to go with the tiny little silver goblet. Now it was time for her to choose something else to shrink.
Eden fumbled into the Annex. She had run here. Why? She didn't know. Sometimes Eden McGee just felt like runnin'. There was nothing WRONG with that.
She went over to the chest--where she ASSUMED there things for them to practice and do the homework with. The spell had been pretty easy this time--but Eden wondered if she had been really comfortable in the classroom. Hmph. The chest didn't open. She pulled at it like...twice before she realized it was locked. meeehh. "Alohomora--" she said in an annoyed way, and the trunk popped open.
Let's seeeee.
Eden stuck her hand in, closed her eyes, and pulled something random out. Aaaand--out came a SLINKY.
IT WAS THE CUTEST SLINKY THAT EDEN HAD EVER SEEEEN! She played with it the whooole way to the spot on the floor that she wanted--twisting it this way and that--and PLOPPED down, still playing with it.
But. She had to PRACTICE! So first--hm--she should probably say the spell a few times. "Diminuendo!" she said confidenly as she set her wand on the ground so that she wouldn't ACCIDENTALLY shrink anything. That would be quiiiiite terrible. Heh. "Diminuendo--DIMINUUUuuuuUENDO." It was quite fun to say. And the wand movement was so simple, too--
Charms was going well. So far.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Norah breathed a huge sigh of relief when she entered the annexe and saw there were no ginormous spiders this time. PHEW. Thank MERLIN. She waved at her friends who were already there before walking over to the trunk on the other side of the room. Luckily somebody had already unlocked it 'cause the third year had totally forgotten THAT particular spell. Sticking her head inside, she rummaged through the objects and pulled out a a big rubber duck. Ooooh. Cool!
She whispered "Diminuendo. Diminuendooo. DiminUENdo." under her breath as she walked to an empty space in the room. Setting the duck on the floor, Norah stood over it and pointed her wand down in its direction. "Diminuendo!" After a moment's pause, the duck began to shrink until it was an itty bitty rubber ducky half the size of the original. "Yeah!" One down, four to go! She could DO this.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
After unlocking the chest again, Lux was back on the hunt for something to shrink. How Professor Quigley had acquired such a random collection of items she had no idea, but at least she wasn't short of objects. Finding a whistle, she was half-tempted to practice on it before figuring that it was already small enough on its own. In the end she settled on a football - or as they called it in Canada, a soccer ball.
Lux liked soccer, so she was definitely going with this.
Repeatedly tossing the ball in the air and catching it, she made her way back to her spot then lay the ball in front of her. "Diminuendo!" she said as she pointed her wand at it. Now she had one tiny soccer ball. Maybe the little doll could play with the little ball. That would be so adorable.
She would find one more thing to shrink, but she was having so much fun that she didn't want to stop. Still it was probably best no to take all the objects because that wouldn't be fair to all of the other people in the room who were practicing.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Cilla walked into the room to find many of her classmates doing their homework. She walked over to the chest and after quickly rummaging through the various items, retrieved a teddy bear.
Cilla then headed for an area of the room that would give her enough space to practice her work.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
The fun was almost over and Lux was having a hard time deciding what she wanted to shrink next as she sifted through many random objects. There was a pretty music box which was set down for a small violin which was in turn set down for a handheld mirror.
Oooh. She was looking good today if she said so herself.
She stared at her reflection before remembering that she was supposed to be doing her homework. She just couldn't help that she was feeling pretty was all.
Mirror in hand, she made her way back to her spot so she could use the spell one more time. Maybe later on she would practice some more in her dorm but it was also a good idea to study different spells as well since any of them could end up being on her exam. "Diminuendo!" A tiny mirror to look at her reflection in only it was too small to reflect anything really.
Pleased with herself, Lux reverted everything back to its normal size before putting it back in the trunk. Done her homework, she waved goodbye to her friends and headed off to get something to eat.
Margo was watching all the other students around her practicing as well. It was pretty cool seeing every one succeed. Margo set the jar she was working on, that was now much smaller, on the table and turned to look for another object to give her homework a try on.
Margo picked up teddy bear that was in the chest. What was this doing in there? Who knows, Margo wasn't one to judge the Charms Professor. He was slightly scary in class so she certainly wasn't going to turn up drama over here. Margo set the bear on a desk and focused on the bear. "Diminuendo" Margo said pointing her wand forward....and nothing.... Jeepers!!!!! "WHY WON'T THIS WORK" Margo shouted, Man!!! This was so annoying, how could she not make this work everytime!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Homework # 1 Post 3
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Having successfully shrunken the blue bowl Hady used her wand to undue the charm with a quiet "Finite". With the bowl once more at it's original size she rose to her feet and quietly crossed the room using her wand to unlock the trunk once more. Setting her item inside she choose another one. This time an orange shaped seashell. It was odd that it was in the trunk but oh well she'd use it.
Closing the lid on the trunk she returned to her spot in the corner and sat down. Placing the seashell at her feet Hady pointed her wand at it, "Diminuendo". Only this time nothing at all happened. Frowning slightly the second year picked up the shell to look it over before setting it down again. It appeared fine so why hadn't the charm worked?
Maybe she needed to aim better since this was a small item? Bending down a little bit she pointed her wand at the seashell again and repeated the charm. "Diminuendo!" This time it worked and she grinned watching it shrink down to almost nothing where she actually had to look for it on the floor for a moment.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Cilla decided to practice the incantation without the wand movement. During the lesson, it had taken Cilla some time to get the proper pronunciation down to a fine art.
Cilla closed her eyes and repeated several times in her head, "Diminuendo!". Slowly, Cilla then opened her eyes, ready to commence the full spell.
She sat down on the floor, her back resting against the wall. The teddy bear was positioned in front of her. Pointing her wand at the stuffed animal, Cilla firmly said, "Diminuendo!"
Soon, the teddy bear was the size of a locket. Cilla smiled to herself. She then pointed her wand at the shrunken bear and said, "Finite," to return it to its normal size. She got up and walked back to the trunk to get her second item.
While charms was a pretty cool class --not one of her favorites but not one of her least-- Ophelia really didn't want to be here doing homework. Gross. However, her Clarke family instinct as her mom liked to call it had taken over, and she begrudgingly made her way to the annex, ready to practice. Or at least something of that effect.
Carefully putting her bag down next to her, the blonde looked around for her first item to shrink. There was some really cool stuff here! Music boxes and stuffed animals and things like that. It was like an antiques store and the second year wanted to play with everything she could get her hands on.
Rummaging through the items, Ophelia found a teacup and grabbed that, smiling to herself. It was just like a bigger version of the ones she played with as a child, which was really cool.
Tearing herself away from all of the cool items, the blonde moved slowly to a part of the room where she could practice in peace, shrinking the teacup at her leisure. If she didn't get away from all of the stuff soon, the curly haired girl would spend all of her time examining the items and not doing what she was supposed to be doing. And that wasn't good.
People are drawn to you because of your peaceful and nurturing persona. While
quite softspoken, you put the needs of others above your own needs and show
a real empathy for all living things. Your warm heart could keep a blizzard away.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Cilla pointed her wand at the lock on the chest and said, "Alohomora." She returned the teddy bear and retrieved a large spinning top. It was larger than the bear so Cilla thought it would be something to really test her skills.
Cilla returned to her spot on the floor and placed the spinning top in front of her. She aimed her wand at it and said firmly, "Diminuendo!"
The top had shrunken to half its size. Cilla wanted it to be smaller so another attempt or two was needed.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Homework # 1 Post 4
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Smirking slightly at how small she was able to make the seashell she cast a quick "Finite" in it's direction instantly changing it back to its normal size. She was getting good at this! One more item should do it.
Picking up the seashell and getting to her feet Hady made her way to the trunk once more casting the unlocking spell at it. Lifting the lid when she heard its lock click open she placed the seashell back inside. This time she moved a few items around finding an old worn goblet. Taking the goblet she closed the trunk and returned to her spot in the corner of the room for the final time.
Hady set the item down on the floor and pointed her wand at it. "Diminuendo!" She recited easily a look of knowing in her eyes as the goblet shrunk down with her watching. She was getting really good at this charm.