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The Snakes sit under a beautiful silver and green banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. The food will arrive after the Headmistress' traditional feast speech. To all Slytherins, both new and old: enjoy the feast!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
HELLO, SNAKE PEOPLE. Dot was in the house. Or really, in the castle. Dot was in the castle. She skipped to the middle of the table and took a seat - bum on the table, feet on the bench, and eyes on those still entering the Great Hall. She needed to see who was there and where they were sitting before she decided what seat to take. Slytherins were hard to know, and she might have to escape to the Ravenclaws for company.
For the first time Dante can slither on over to the Slytherin Table instead of having to put on that hat to decide what house he is at. It was an annoying hat. Glad for the free food on the train. Which was delicious because it was free. The first thing he sees is Dot sitting on the table. Like on the table and not in a seat. It was pretty cool.
Well, okay then.
"People Watching?"
It made sense to him, if that is what she was doing.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
It's an interesting crop of people here this year. Domino noticed a couple un familiar faces. She shrugged and took a seat at the Slytherin Table. She looked over at the Gryffendor table wondering where Chance was. He had to be in here after all, it is the start of term feast. As Domino looked around, she filled her plate as well with a few items of food.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Rorie smoothed down her bubblegum pink hair as she made her way over the house table that she guessed she was "sorted" into now. How dare they place that raggedy, old hat on her head?? That thing must've been placed on a million lice-ridden, snot-nosed brats!! Ugh, she needed a hot bath after that. Not to mention, that hat also tried to make conversation with her!! Rambling on about her name was also the name of one of the founders of Hogwarts--BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!! She couldn't care less. She just wanted to go back to Winchester. With her dad.
The fourteen year-old sat down on the edge of the table, glancing over at the table her partner-in-crime was separated into. Red, was their color. She glanced over at her house mates. Green. She looks good in green. Well, nobody actually looked good in these bathrobes-for-uniforms. Looking up again, she looked over at the blue tinted table. That's where Eden was. She needed to talk to her.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Meizzner
This was different.
For the first time Dante can slither on over to the Slytherin Table instead of having to put on that hat to decide what house he is at. It was an annoying hat. Glad for the free food on the train. Which was delicious because it was free. The first thing he sees is Dot sitting on the table. Like on the table and not in a seat. It was pretty cool.
Well, okay then.
"People Watching?"
It made sense to him, if that is what she was doing.
Oh, the Dark One himself. Dot gave him a cursory nod/smile/glance before returning her attention to the door and the people entering through it. "Yeah, 'course. Gotta see who got taller, who got better and worse looking, who got new robes, who got new shoes, who is new altogether, and who is going to cause us some drama worth watching. I don't want to miss anything, do you?"
Maybe he did. Dante was a strange lil Dark One, and maybe he had enough drama in his soul that he didn't want to see anyone else's. Dot was not so lucky.
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Rorie smoothed down her bubblegum pink hair as she made her way over the house table that she guessed she was "sorted" into now. How dare they place that raggedy, old hat on her head?? That thing must've been placed on a million lice-ridden, snot-nosed brats!! Ugh, she needed a hot bath after that. Not to mention, that hat also tried to make conversation with her!! Rambling on about her name was also the name of one of the founders of Hogwarts--BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!! She couldn't care less. She just wanted to go back to Winchester. With her dad.
The fourteen year-old sat down on the edge of the table, glancing over at the table her partner-in-crime was separated into. Red, was their color. She glanced over at her house mates. Green. She looks good in green. Well, nobody actually looked good in these bathrobes-for-uniforms. Looking up again, she looked over at the blue tinted table. That's where Eden was. She needed to talk to her.
Like, see here? New girl, pink hair, grouchy face, bad 'tude. Dot adored her already.
"Hi. I like your hair. Pink! So pink. Is it really real or did you dye it? I'm Dot. It's short for Charlotte, but no one calls me that." And now they weren't friends but they were acquainted, and Dot was pleased as punch to be acquainted with someone with such a grouch face already.
*for Dot, Dante, and Rorie...because WELOVERORIE and ALL you guys*
Puck had made up her choice and decided to visit her friends before heading over to where Rorie was sitting. “MAAAARINNNNAAAAAA” she happily chirped over to the pink haired girl that she already obviously loved…she practically loved her as much as she loved the babe which was saying something because she and the babe had that whole…food-baby-marriage.
She gave Dot a grin as well as one to Dante. Her red prefect badge pinned in place and glinting in the light. She was important. Like an empress. Yes? ALL HAIL EMPRESS PUCK “congratulations on getting into Slytherin Rorie!” she happily grinned.
Dot was asking Rorie about her hair and that was cool. “She’s cool isn’t she?” Puck asked even though she hadn’t really met Dot other than when she was Red…”Dot? That is an epic nickname.” She grinned. After all Puck was friendly to people...most people.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Another year, another cool and swagerific entrance into the Great Hall.
There wasn't anything special about the entrance other than the fact that his walk was more of a strut than a walk. Why? Because the start of THIS year had been MUCH better than the end of the previous year already. Who knew that one summer could change so much. And, to top it off, he was away from his parent's suspicious glances. Looking innocent got tiring after a while, you know? And nothing would stop the guilt from spreading inside of him, no matter how much time he spent away from the house.
Thank Merlin for Ruby Banner and Phoenix Toros.
But he was here. At the Slytherin Table because where else would he sit? He took a seat under the green and silver banner, glancing up and down the table as he went. "'Sup, Dot," Tiny person. "Potions boy." (Dante) Lulz. He remembered that incident, alright. "Dudette." (Domino) Who in the name of Merlin was SHE?! And then there was a girl whose hair was brighter than his future. (Rorie) Way to show a dude up, man. Jeez.
He was about to open his mouth and ask about the hair or congratulate her on getting into the best freaking house in the school but........
............. Name Sharer (Puck) was being loud with her........
"Someone's blinging it up reaaaaaaaaaal nice." Wink. No one could replace Alexa Cambridge but he was kinda glad that Puck was the one who got the badge next. Better than some ol' loony who insisted on being very Gryffindor.
But back to Bubblegum (Rorie) over there. "Yo! Congrats on getting into Slytherin." Nod.
Last edited by hermionesclone; 01-01-2015 at 10:52 PM.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
A trip to the Slytherin table? Don't mind if he did. Adi strode from the Puffer table towards the Snakes', taking a seat right next to Grayson. "Coolest Slytherin guy ever! Sup?'' Did Grayson know he was cool? Well, duh. But Adi could bet he hadn't known that Adi thought of him. Well, now he did.
Oh looky! Dot! "Prin-" Adi began but paused midway of the word. It wasn't Princess. Queen! Yes, it was Queen. "Queen Dot! Hihihi!" Her Minion was here. LOL. "How are you?" Oh and HEY you other people! Fellow prefect Puck, Dante and you rest.
Another year, another cool and swagerific entrance into the Great Hall.
There wasn't anything special about the entrance other than the fact that his walk was more of a strut than a walk. Why? Because the start of THIS year had been MUCH better than the end of the previous year already. Who knew that one summer could change so much. And, to top it off, he was away from his parent's suspicious glances. Looking innocent got tiring after a while, you know? And nothing would stop the guilt from spreading inside of him, no matter how much time he spent away from the house.
Thank Merlin for Ruby Banner and Phoenix Toros.
But he was here. At the Slytherin Table because where else would he sit? He took a seat under the green and silver banner, glancing up and down the table as he went. "'Sup, Dot," Tiny person. "Potions boy." (Dante) Lulz. He remembered that incident, alright. "Dude." (Domino) Who in the name of Merlin was HE?! And then there was a girl whose hair was brighter than his future. (Rorie) Way to show a dude up, man. Jeez.
He was about to open his mouth and ask about the hair or congratulate her on getting into the best freaking house in the school but........
............. Name Sharer (Puck) was being loud with her........
"Someone's blinging it up reaaaaaaaaaal nice." Wink. No one could replace Alexa Cambridge but he was kinda glad that Puck was the one who got the badge next. Better than some ol' loony who insisted on being very Gryffindor.
But back to Bubblegum (Rorie) over there. "Yo! Congrats on getting into Slytherin." Nod.
Domino was going to answer him but decided against it. He was already talking to someone else. So instead, she continued to look for her friend again. She found him at the Gryffendor table.
"Oy! Chance!" she shouted over the table to get to her friend.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
By the time Hady had made her way to the great hall and pushed through the doors there was already a small group of Slytherins at the table. Heading over to join her house mates her eyes swept over each one of them. There was at least one new person at the table...she'd have to say hi sometime.
Finding an empty spot on the bench she slipped onto it lightly. Not wanting to intrude on anyone's conversations the little snake girl kept quiet running a hand through her hair before separating it into sections and quickly making a loose messy braid which she tied off with a green ribbon that had been around her wrist.
Ah, finally! Gregoire was back at Hogwarts! This would be a grand year for him!
Gregoire was a fourth year here at the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Last year, he transferred over from Beauxbatons in his home city, Paris! He missed everything about Paris! Gregoire missed the sights, the sounds, the smells! Oh how much he longed to once again see the bustling tourists, the smell of freshly baked bread in the summer, and the sounds of the ringing bells of Notre Dame! Most of all, he missed his girlfriend Giovanni! Over the summer they were able to video chat, but he couldn't physically be with his American girlfriend because she was still in Paris. That was the only bad part about the summer for him.
Sighing at that thought he started to walk over to his house table. Slytherin...
Just glancing at the dirty blonde, you definitely would not think he would be in Slytherin. Though, like almost everyone, Gregoire could be really sly and sneaky. He was an excellent liar. The snake could lie straight through his teeth, and you wouldn't even realize it. This was all due to how he would just smile his normal, cool and collected smile. Also, making him mad would be your worst mistake someone could ever make. Gregoire was extremely defensive. Both of himself and his girlfriend. Mainly his girlfriend. If you even thought of insulting her in front of him, let's just say, you wouldn't see tomorrow.
Noticing an unfamiliar faces, the Frenchie casually strolled over and took a seat across from the...pink....haired girl? Was this a normal thing for people to do? Dye there hair a bright pink color? How odd. Greeting the new snake (Rorrie) with a smile from ear to ear, Gregoire said with his French accent "Bonjour! My name is Gregoire! Et toi? I mean- what's your name?" Even though Gregoire still slipped into French during the middle of that sentence, he greatly improved his English over the summer. Now he could actually speak a full sentence without having to either: A.) Stumbling over his own words or B.) Start talking in French half-way through his words, and then go back to English. That was quite a nuisance for everyone he knew, mainly the teachers though.
Then he saw one of his good friend, Grayson! "Grayson!" He exclaimed! "How's it going, mon amis?" It's been a while since they've last seen each other. Now the finally got to see each other again!
Another year, another cool and swagerific entrance into the Great Hall.
There wasn't anything special about the entrance other than the fact that his walk was more of a strut than a walk. Why? Because the start of THIS year had been MUCH better than the end of the previous year already. Who knew that one summer could change so much. And, to top it off, he was away from his parent's suspicious glances. Looking innocent got tiring after a while, you know? And nothing would stop the guilt from spreading inside of him, no matter how much time he spent away from the house.
Thank Merlin for Ruby Banner and Phoenix Toros.
But he was here. At the Slytherin Table because where else would he sit? He took a seat under the green and silver banner, glancing up and down the table as he went. "'Sup, Dot," Tiny person. "Potions boy." (Dante) Lulz. He remembered that incident, alright. "Dudette." (Domino) Who in the name of Merlin was SHE?! And then there was a girl whose hair was brighter than his future. (Rorie) Way to show a dude up, man. Jeez.
He was about to open his mouth and ask about the hair or congratulate her on getting into the best freaking house in the school but........
............. Name Sharer (Puck) was being loud with her........
"Someone's blinging it up reaaaaaaaaaal nice." Wink. No one could replace Alexa Cambridge but he was kinda glad that Puck was the one who got the badge next. Better than some ol' loony who insisted on being very Gryffindor.
But back to Bubblegum (Rorie) over there. "Yo! Congrats on getting into Slytherin." Nod.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
A trip to the Slytherin table? Don't mind if he did. Adi strode from the Puffer table towards the Snakes', taking a seat right next to Grayson. "Coolest Slytherin guy ever! Sup?'' Did Grayson know he was cool? Well, duh. But Adi could bet he hadn't known that Adi thought of him. Well, now he did.
Oh looky! Dot! "Prin-" Adi began but paused midway of the word. It wasn't Princess. Queen! Yes, it was Queen. "Queen Dot! Hihihi!" Her Minion was here. LOL. "How are you?" Oh and HEY you other people! Fellow prefect Puck, Dante and you rest.
Puck grinned over to Grayson, smirked was really the word. “Hey thanks name borrower” she chuckled. “I had to tell you because…obviously this is weird but, nah, really, I’m here to give Rorie a welcome party because she is awesome” she chuckled and grinned some more.
Oh heeeeey, Adi was there. “Hey Fellow prefect” she grinned over to Adi. Oh…and look Frenchie Gregoire was there…Aladin. “Hey, Gregoire” Puck smiled, “I wanted to say thanks for…saving me from Professor Flamsteed’s closet last term” she chuckled, “even if you didn’t know what you were doing. “Or…should I say Merci?” She asked grinning some more.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Dot made people watching sound much more awesome than it already was. Though he did not really care about who got taller. Just as long as they were still shorter than he was. A guy can dream when he is not even 5 feet tall yet.
"See anything interesting yet?"
And right when he said that a girl with pink hair showed up. Pink hair. It was shocking and weirdly cool. Like who would actually make their hair pink. People watching was paying off already. "Whoa, Pink" It would make more sense to be a house color. But pink. Then a tall lady with a badge. They always have to show off the meaningless badge. Though she was pretty. That was for sure. Dante gave her a sup nod back.
And here comes to guy he lit on fire. Hilarious from because he got points off for being lit on fire. Good thing he does not know he did that. Though he was just helping him become the hottest he could be. Yep. "What's up, Grayson" Dante said smiling. The guy who helped him in Herbo was here also. Adi, Dante thought his name was. He gave a wave to him before noticing there was someone here now in his year.
"Hey, Hady"
Now the only people left to show up were Hugo and Maggie.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Resident Ghost of Slytherin | Hot-Tempered & Not Amused
The Baron floated through the doors of the Great Hall right to the Slytherin table. "Good evening children. I trust you're all behaving yourselves." He continued floating down the length of the table only to stop when he noticed something. "Shouldn't you two (Puck, Adi) be at your own tables? I highly doubt you earned those badges you wear by ignoring the students from your own houses." They would have plenty of time later to socialize with their friends. Tonight they needed to be at their own tables welcoming the new students to their respective houses.
Someone should really teach these prefects how to be a prefect.
No first year boats or sorting hat, just directly to his house table. Like a boss.
People was already there and some of them he didn't recognized, for example the pink haired girl. Weird but cool. There were prefects at his table, as always loving to show off their badge, which was totally okay BUT...hewantedone. Aaaanyways....
The second year greeted everyone in general, "Hello people!" because that way it was much easier than doing it individually. Not that he was going to do it anyways, he was starting to feel grumpy because of FOOD. He hasn't eaten much and here he was, still waiting for the sorting and speech. Whyyyy? Maybe this was his karma for annoying Nemo about his name.
He sat down next to Dante because he was the only one from his year that he knew. "The headmistress better be quick with the speech" he was dead serious.
*Walking over to the table in a state of shock Noah found a spot and sat down. Slytherin? Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he would be put in Slytherin. Looking off in shock he tried to gather his thoughts.*
"My dads gonna kill me..."
*Good thing that he didn't have a mum around because she would probably kill him too. He had been looking forward to the famous opening feast but now he wasn't hungry. The thought of food made him feel even more sick.*
Dot made people watching sound much more awesome than it already was. Though he did not really care about who got taller. Just as long as they were still shorter than he was. A guy can dream when he is not even 5 feet tall yet.
"See anything interesting yet?"
And right when he said that a girl with pink hair showed up. Pink hair. It was shocking and weirdly cool. Like who would actually make their hair pink. People watching was paying off already. "Whoa, Pink" It would make more sense to be a house color. But pink. Then a tall lady with a badge. They always have to show off the meaningless badge. Though she was pretty. That was for sure. Dante gave her a sup nod back.
And here comes to guy he lit on fire. Hilarious from because he got points off for being lit on fire. Good thing he does not know he did that. Though he was just helping him become the hottest he could be. Yep. "What's up, Grayson" Dante said smiling. The guy who helped him in Herbo was here also. Adi, Dante thought his name was. He gave a wave to him before noticing there was someone here now in his year.
"Hey, Hady"
Now the only people left to show up were Hugo and Maggie.
Originally Posted by Bloody Baron
The Baron floated through the doors of the Great Hall right to the Slytherin table. "Good evening children. I trust you're all behaving yourselves." He continued floating down the length of the table only to stop when he noticed something. "Shouldn't you two (Puck, Adi) be at your own tables? I highly doubt you earned those badges you wear by ignoring the students from your own houses." They would have plenty of time later to socialize with their friends. Tonight they needed to be at their own tables welcoming the new students to their respective houses.
Someone should really teach these prefects how to be a prefect.
There was no way she was giving pout face at a ghost. Nope. He deserved none of her pouting. But she saw the little nod from the Barrington?...wait was he related to the Dead-something-guy’s something? Right…kind of made it clear she wasn’t up on her musicians even after just seeing like EVERYONE live…pfft.
But still, Dante got a nod. “Hey,” she grinned, and then heard the voice of the ghost and frowned. Pointing her wand at the badge she tried charming it green to satisfy the ghost but it didn’t work…nope, stupid badge. “I was just coming over to say hello and give a friend a hug” She told the Baron and smiled….yep she was going to play nice with Mr. Spectral pants. “I’ll come over and say hi again…tomorrow? Yeah?” She grinned and just stood there for a bit not leaving yet because she wanted to give Rorie Hazlewood a much needed hug.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Hearing someone mention his name, Gregoire looked up to see the female Gryffyndor Prefect sitting at his table. Wait, he saved her last term? Deep in thought Gregoire tried to remember what he did to save her. Her face seemed semi-familiar. Hearing some people say her name, started to ring a bell in his head. Puck...Puck....Puck.....
Gregoire had it! From Astronomy class while he wasn't in control of himself, and some fairy tale character was. "Ah, bonjour! I remember you now! Je vous en prie! Je vois que vous parlez Francais! Parlez-vous couramment dans la langue?" (Your welcome! I see you speak French. Are you fluent in the language?) When she spoke the French, Gregoire started to get a bit excited! Was there another person at Hogwarts he could finally talk to in French!? Gregoire would be so excited if the answer was yes!
Then a semi-familiar ghost came floating over.
Look at this! The house ghost, The Bloody Baron, decided to join them! This was a bit of a surprise! Granted, the ghosts normally did visit all the students at the start of term feast, but...Gregoire still didn't expect it. "Bonjour Bloody Baron! How are you? How was your summer?" Hopefully the ghost would be kind to him because he was a snake. Unlike how he was treating the other prefects.
Half-tempted to interfere with the bloody noble, Gregoire decided it was probably not the best idea to get into an argument with the house ghost. So after saying how was your summer, Gregoire just looked up at the nearly invisible man.
That's when he looked over at a worried looking first year (Noah). Waving at the boy Gregoire said to him, with his French accent thick as normal, "Bonjour! My name is Gregoire. Come join us! You'll love our house!" The blue eyed frenchie tried to comfort the newbie. There could be two things that could possibly be wrong with him. One, he could be homesick. Which was normal, because Gregoire feels that all the time since he is literally miles upon miles away from his home city, Paris. Or there was option number two. Which was he wasn't expecting to get into this house. Which was also reasonable. Gregoire didn't expect to end up in Slytherin either, but after a while he got used to it.
That's when he looked over at a worried looking first year (Noah). Waving at the boy Gregoire said to him, with his French accent thick as normal, "Bonjour! My name is Gregoire. Come join us! You'll love our house!" The blue eyed frenchie tried to comfort the newbie. There could be two things that could possibly be wrong with him. One, he could be homesick. Which was normal, because Gregoire feels that all the time since he is literally miles upon miles away from his home city, Paris. Or there was option number two. Which was he wasn't expecting to get into this house. Which was also reasonable. Gregoire didn't expect to end up in Slytherin either, but after a while he got used to it.
*Looking down at the table he just kept mumbling he's gonna kill me... he is going to kill me... I'm dead. That was when he heard someone talking to him.*
"Huh? Oh hi. Nice to meet you, I'm Noah."
*The guy sounded different. He spent half his life in Sweden so he was used to different accents that and his fathers job meant that he was around people from all over the world. But he never thought that there would be people from different parts of the world going to Hogwarts. He thought that only kids from the UK were allowed to go to this school. But why wouldn't other nations go to this school.*
"Nice accent. Are you from France?"
*Paris, he thought, Noah knew his accents pretty well. The talking was helping him settle down as well.* Now to not think about the howler his dad was going to be sending him.*
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Echo after just being sorted into this house of Slytherin, quickly moved over towards the table that cheered out. Everyone seemed to be talking to one another and she looked down and noticed that all the plates and stuff were empty.. "what kind of establishment has no food?" she thought as she put her head on her arms that were resting on the table. so far she had almost lost her parents at the train station, threw up while she was on the boat, and almost had a heart attack while being sorted. She was not having a good start to Hogwarts at all.
She looked around to see if she could spot her cousin Emmylou, maybe she would come and talk to her.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Text Cut: DoT!
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Like, see here? New girl, pink hair, grouchy face, bad 'tude. Dot adored her already.
"Hi. I like your hair. Pink! So pink. Is it really real or did you dye it? I'm Dot. It's short for Charlotte, but no one calls me that." And now they weren't friends but they were acquainted, and Dot was pleased as punch to be acquainted with someone with such a grouch face already.
Originally Posted by Meizzner
And right when he said that a girl with pink hair showed up. Pink hair. It was shocking and weirdly cool. Like who would actually make their hair pink. People watching was paying off already. "Whoa, Pink" It would make more sense to be a house color. But pink. Then a tall lady with a badge. They always have to show off the meaningless badge. Though she was pretty. That was for sure. Dante gave her a sup nod back.
Not long after she sat down and scanned around the hall, did a little person speak up to her. Her friend, she assumed, merely said 'Whoa, Pink.' Ummmm....okay. As much as she wished this was her natural hair color, it was far from so. It was more a combination of magic and semi-permanent hair color. "It's dyed." She said simply.
Ror repeated the girl's birth-given name in her head, Charlotte. Nowhere in it did she understand where 'Dot' come from. Not trying to seem rude, she asked anyways. "What part of Charlotte is Dot short for?"
Text Cut: PUcK
Originally Posted by Optimist
Puck had made up her choice and decided to visit her friends before heading over to where Rorie was sitting. “MAAAARINNNNAAAAAA” she happily chirped over to the pink haired girl that she already obviously loved…she practically loved her as much as she loved the babe which was saying something because she and the babe had that whole…food-baby-marriage.
She gave Dot a grin as well as one to Dante. Her red prefect badge pinned in place and glinting in the light. She was important. Like an empress. Yes? ALL HAIL EMPRESS PUCK “congratulations on getting into Slytherin Rorie!” she happily grinned.
Dot was asking Rorie about her hair and that was cool. “She’s cool isn’t she?” Puck asked even though she hadn’t really met Dot other than when she was Red…”Dot? That is an epic nickname.” She grinned. After all Puck was friendly to people...most people.
Oh, thank Tarantino! A nickname she recognized and also a voice to come along with it. Puck! Someone she hadn't despised at meeting. Tilting her head up, (because tall), she jabbed the prefect badge on her friend's chest. "Thanks, I guess??" She didn't quite get the point of separating students into different houses and tearing apart best friends from each other. Just saying. Oh and yes, yes. She is cool. All the rage.
Text Cut: GRaYsON
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
But back to Bubblegum (Rorie) over there. "Yo! Congrats on getting into Slytherin." Nod.
Did this one just 'Yo' her? Bro, you are not in 'yo'-ing terms and there was a possibility they never will be. Soooo...chill, boy. She looked at him with an apathetic look, "Is it something to be congratulated about?" If this was the best house, then why weren't here friends here too.
Text Cut: GREGoirE
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Noticing an unfamiliar faces, the Frenchie casually strolled over and took a seat across from the...pink....haired girl? Was this a normal thing for people to do? Dye there hair a bright pink color? How odd. Greeting the new snake (Rorrie) with a smile from ear to ear, Gregoire said with his French accent "Bonjour! My name is Gregoire! Et toi? I mean- what's your name?"
Another sat down across from her with a giant grin on his face. Oh, gosh they were coming from everywhere!! The fourteen year-old furrowed her eyebrows, shifting her eyes side to side, when the boy started to speak in a combination of English and French. Uhhhh...was she suppose to be able to speak French? Wasn't that another school? All she knew were like three words in Spanish from watching Mexican wrestling over the summer. Thankfully, he did end up translating what he said. She opened her mouth to respond, but closed it again when she realized this was a good moment to kill multiple birds (or in this case, multiple doltish introductions) with one stone.
The pink haired wonder hopped up on her unsuspecting prefect-friend's back for some leverage. "Listen up, Snakes!" She shouted over Puck's shoulder. "And you, ghost!" He was included in this too, yes. "I am Rorie Hazelwood. Think of me as your modern-day Hades with the fire-power of Athena. THAT'S RIGHT. Remember my name for it'll be not only in your ever-lasting thoughts, but all over billboards and movie posters someday closer than you would ever imagine. If you chose not to remember my name..." Ror narrowed her eyes at some of them, "...then fear it."
A few seconds of silence allowing them to soak it in annnnndd...moving on! She flashed a quick, sweet smile at them. "Pleasure meeting you all." Then, she finally made her way back into the seat. So...when's the food getting here?
Echo after just being sorted into this house of Slytherin, quickly moved over towards the table that cheered out. Everyone seemed to be talking to one another and she looked down and noticed that all the plates and stuff were empty.. "what kind of establishment has no food?" she thought as she put her head on her arms that were resting on the table. so far she had almost lost her parents at the train station, threw up while she was on the boat, and almost had a heart attack while being sorted. She was not having a good start to Hogwarts at all.
She looked around to see if she could spot her cousin Emmylou, maybe she would come and talk to her.
*Looking over as another girl came and sat down he clapped with his other fellow students as she sat down. Seeing the look on her face as the girl looked at the plates he smiled. His father had told him about the plates here.*
"The food wont come up until after the Head makes their speech. I'm Noah by the way."
*Was this the girl who got sick on the boats up here? He couldn't remember.*
After making a stop at the Gryffindor table - which didn't last long thanks to a nosy ghost - Beverly made a bee-line towards hers. Ah, Slytherin. Too much red and gold over there it stung her eyes. Not really, but it was headache-inducing in the louder section of the Great Hall.
Aditya was here! She knew it, in fact, she had anticipated his presence at the table, and he didn't disappoint. Playfully jabbing him on his side, Beverly wiggled her brows. No smile. Hehehe! Hopefully the Bloody Baron didn't shoo him away.
This was fun.
The Prefect then spotted one of her Snakes - one from her list - and, knowing their treaty, she thumped him on the arm. Some got nods, some tiny grins, some scowls or nothing, but Grayson Whitlock received thumps. "How's my bodyguard doing?" she greeted with a teasing grin.
Taking a seat there, she noticed the young Snake (Hadleigh) next to her braiding her own hair. "Nice braid you made there." As a fan of braids, Beverly felt it her duty to compliment when it was needed.
Kill me...Huh? Did she hear right? Glancing around after complimenting the child, her eyes landed in the direction of said voice (Noah), and tilted her head. "Who's going to kill you?" Would she have to hex someone so early in the year? Seeing as the kid was a Slytherin and Ethan wasn't around and she didn't trust Newel #2, Beverly had a tiny hunch to help the kid...sort of...maybe...yeah.
There were more greetings flying about, and since this one appeared to be a general one, Beverly returned it. She was in a great mood. "Hello...you." She didn't know his (Hugo) name, and once again, she was feeling that house unity thing and didn't want to leave him hanging. She was still waiting for answer from the kid across from her.
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Originally Posted by Gabben
*Looking over as another girl came and sat down he clapped with his other fellow students as she sat down. Seeing the look on her face as the girl looked at the plates he smiled. His father had told him about the plates here.*
"The food wont come up until after the Head makes their speech. I'm Noah by the way."
*Was this the girl who got sick on the boats up here? He couldn't remember.*
Seeing a boy that she new was in her same year because she had seen him in another boat she heard him talking.. wait... was he reading her mind... "ohh... I wonder why they just dont put the food out already!" she was a bit sad, after getting sick she was now kind of hungry because you know her stomach was empty now. "Hi Noah" so that makes four names that she knew now, smiling she cheered up a bit and introduced herself. "I'm Echo... Echo Duchannes" she didn't stick out her hand, for some reason she had an urge to hug him, so she did.
maybe she just didn't want to let him go because right now he was the only one talking to her. Finally releasing him from her hug she didn't say anything just beamed at him.