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Sixth Floor Corridor
Divination homework post #2 Cinna was heading to the library, yep. Believe it or not. She needed to finish this divination homework. Merlin and his lazy self wasn't helping her so. She decided to go find another cat and take it to the library and watch it. First she needed to find a cat. When she wasn't doing the assignment she had seen loads of them. Now it was like they were all hiding. Or maybe everyone had put off the assignment until now. Maybe they would get a extension. Eh, probably not but hey a girl can dream. Right? She turned a corner and seen something behind her. She turned around, a cat. Great! They were around. Maybe she should use this one. You know in case she didn't find another one. If she checked to see if it would follow her did that count as in following her? That meant something. She continued talking along the corridor. She turned her head every now and then to see if it was actually following her. After a little while she stopped and sat down in the floor. Pulled her text book out of her bag. Quote:
SPOILER!!: Notebook |
Divination HW Post 2 He was having some luck today, it seemed, because not a few moments after emerging onto the sixth floor corridor, Toby spotted himself another cat. No big surprise, really. Toby had some sort of animal radar; if there was an animal in the vicinity he was almost guaranteed to spot it. And usually pet it. This one was another sleeper. It was just laying there, on a bench, curled up and snoozing. Toby stood there watching the tabby cat sleep for a little while before it occurred to him that that might be considered a little bit creepy. But, in his defence, he was just CHECKING it wasn't about to do anything else. When he was sure it was simply a sleeping cat, Toby took a seat next to it on the bench and unfolded his parchment to add the new interpretation. The cat's ears twitched and Toby saw it lazily open up one eye to see what was going on, but soon closed it again and otherwise ignored him. Using the bench as a desk, and referring back to his other copied out parchment, Toby wrote out the new stuff. Quote:
For Jesse/Puck! Kace gave Puck an owl and decided to meet her here. He didn't want an audience for what he wanted Puck to do. In fact he didn't know what he wanted the Lion Prefect to do yet. He was quite keen to know what Puck had in store for him. He had his potion in his robes prepared to do the assignment. He fiddled with his vial and wondered how the potion was gonna taste. He hoped it didn't taste disgusting. That would just ruin it for the puff. As he waited for his friend, he got out his sketchbook and began to do some doodles and passed the time. He wondered what Puck was up to these days. |
She had her supplies with her as she made her way down toward the Hufflepuff dorms to meet up with Kace….oh hey he was there. “Hey Kace,” she grinned over to him. “Ready for this?” She asked as she took out her potion and stood in front of him grinning. There was one thing she was not going to do, and that was to lie. Yep. No lying here at all. As she stopped infront of her friend she just siiiiighed. “Don’t make me regret this okay?” She offered and groaned slightly as she uncorked her potion “Salut,” and it was gone. Trickling down her throat in its overly sweet way. |
Potions HW #1 Post 1 Kace nodded and he saw Puck drink her potion. He nodded and promised his friend she wouldn't make her regret it. "Same thing to you.." he told her honestly. I mean don't make him do something that will make Emmy upset or punch someone. He got his vial out of his robes and began to drink his potion. He held his nose during the process incase it had a horrible after-taste. He made a face and successfully drank it. Nowww what could be do to Puck? What could he convince her to not normally do? He wondered what her worst fear was? He grinned and knew this was gonna be mean but he decided to anyways. "I want you to tell Zander you like him." He knew she did but he wanted to see her do it. |
totally not a million years late Quote:
“I want you to jump off of a…no that’s not nice, I want you to…lick a statue’s foot?” Yep. Torture. For more then one person because pffft that would be hilarious. “You are also evil,” she groaned and stood there resisting as much as she could to do what she was ‘told’ to. “I can’t do it…” she grumbled at him and shook her head “I won’t. Nope. Nope wont do it.” She was more telling herself that than him. |
Arithmancy 2.1 Zander was in AN UTTER PANICK. His thirty minutes were almost up and yet still hadn't found a second person. He only had Eden. And Eden was great and everything, but she only had ONE birthday. And he needed TWO birthdays. See the problem? It was a big one. Because if he didn't get two OR WORSE, if he didn't show up then Tanner would hate him. He couldn't have that. He was already terrible with Arithmancy and if she hated him it'd make OWLs go even worse, y'know? So no. This was a real big deal. And now the Fifth Year was RUNNING. Running through corridor six. With wide eyes at anyone he passed... Which wasn't anyone... Yet. |
Thornton was just sorta ambling down the hallway thinking about things during his free period. Wondering about how to convince his parents about camp that summer. Things like that. At least, he was until he saw Zander positively flying down the hallway. Stepping to the side, he pressed up against the wall to give the older boy room to get to.. well.. wherever it was he was going. |
Arithmancy 2.2 Quote:
WHY WEREN'T THERE ANY PEOPLE IN THIS CORRIDOR??? Merlin. WHERE WERE THE PEOPLE?? WHY-- Oh wait. He was a good ten feet past Thornton before coming to an abrupt stop and a very, VERY quick turnaround. How was it that he ran completely past the boy? Must've been so focused on all the-- HE WAS WASTING TIME. Still with wide eyes, the Gryffindor RAN all the way back towards the smaller boy, trying to look all calm, cool, collected-- like Kevin. Though of course, Zander failed miserably at this. Even on those days where he wasn't running around the castle trying to get a class activity done. It was in his blood or something. The "Panic Gene". Totally. Ahem. Anyways. "HI, do you have a birthday?" Nailed it. |
Thornton shook his head a little as the prefect raced past and had turned to continue his way down the corridor when he heard Zander double-back. Pausing, he looked over his shoulder to see the older boy racing back toward him. Did he... have a birthday? Blinking a bit, Thornton nodded. Of course he had a birthday. Were there people who didn't? Particular creatures perhaps that just sort of sprang into existence? Though, Thornton supposed that would be a sort of birthday too. Or did the boy mean whether Thornton knew his birthday? Because he supposed that some kids who were adopted or had been abandoned didn't know their actual birthdays and celebrated some other sort of annual thing... Or maybe he just meant to ask what Thornton's birthday was... though the second year couldn't really puzzle together why he would need to know, and so urgently. But this was the question he chose to assume the boy was really asking. And so he offered a tentative answer. "Yes... It's in December. The twenty-third." |
Arithmancy 2.3 Quote:
"OH! That's awesome!!" That he had a birthday that is. How terrible would it be to not have one?! Then you'd never get presents. Tragic. "And the year?" Cause that was necessary for the last cycl. People always seemed to leave out the year though. That was important. Quickly leaning against the wall, he scribbled down the first part of the birthdate. Couldn't waste anytime, y'know? "Uh, thanks for this by the way... It's Uh for Arithmancy.." Just so he didn't think Zander Adair went around pestering people for their birthdays, 'cause he didn't. Not normally anyways. |
Oh. For Arithmancy. Perhaps when the prefect looked a little less frantic, Thornton would ask him what he thought of the subject. He was still trying to decide which electives to propose to his father for next year and see what he parents thought. "2072," he responded, giving Zander what was probably the last bit of information he needed. But for good measure, he would just repeat the whole thing again. "December 23, 2072. |
Arithmancy 2.4 Quote:
WAIT. TIME. HE WAS ON A TIME CRUNCH. "Anyways BYE!" And with that he was off. TO THE ARITHMANCY CLASSROOM!!! SPOILER!!: Calculations, yo |
Potions HW #1 Post 2 Quote:
HOLD THE HIPPOGRIFF :whaa: SHE WANTED HIM TO LICK THE STATUE'S FOOT!? He stood there gobsmacked and shook his head. "Aaahhh no. Not chance in bloody merlin sake." He shook his head. That was utterly gross. "Mine is somewhat civil! You are asking me to get a disease!? YOU DO REALIZE THAT!?" Alright so now he was panicking now. His temptation to lick it was there because he wanted to prove Puck wrong. "I think you can do it.." he chastised her with the still evil smirk plastered on his face. |
She just watched his face contort in shock as he registered her request and stood there placing her hand on her hips for effect. Yes. She was going to look very very demanding right now. “Civil?” She snorted and shook her head as if it was a joke. After all Kace’s request being civil was clearly meant as a joke right? “Kace, you wont get sick” she groaned and rolled her eyes as she stood there and basically leaned from the left to the right for a moment. What was she going to do? Not tell anyone anything. Sure she could do it but the question was more if she wanted to other than the draw of the potion. Unintelligible grumbling was clearly the only thing that could describe the noise that came from the Gryffindor Prefect. “…clearly you should have told me to tell people how I honestly felt…” Puck muttered and groaned at Kace. His evil looks were getting just as stubborn faces from her as she continued to shift and act like a kid who needed to pee...or just wanted to move. Made even more evident by the fact that she began pacing. "I can't tell someone who isn't here that I like them and I don't want to hurt people Kace. I'm not doing it." She more told herself than anyone. |
Potions HW #1 Post 3 SPOILER!!: Puck <3 Kace snorted when Puck mentioned she was being too awesome to be part of a power couple. "Yeah?" he asked with a skeptical eyebrow raised. "You reaaaallllyyy think so?" he challenged her. "I think you two would make a great couple and no one would be surprised because Puck your actions speak louder than your words." he winked and smirked even deeper. He got her good this time he knew it. She could deny it all she wanted. He saw her placing her hands on her hips and he gave the HUGE eyeroll. That is something his mother would do. "Comeee onnn....REALLY? The hands on the hips technique?" he gestured to it. "That is not gonna make me do it and you know it. I have a mother who does that look TOO well." he shuddered just thinking about it. "Yeahhh civil I mean sure you might get emotional pain but you won't have to worry about a disease and I would get sick. It would be just my luck!" he reasoned with her. He saw the lion perfect swaying side from side and that meant she was thinking about something. He wondered if she was considering his dare. He hoped so. Aaahh she was using the person is not here excuse. "Well I can get Zander here if you waaannntttt." he sang the last part. "No excuses here now." he winked. "I can owl Zander to be here now if you waannttt." he said teasing her. |
Kace was snorting at her and giving her that skeptical look…please, it was like he wasn’t even listening to her really. “I don’t think so Lecium. I know so.” She informed him as she stood there almost glaring him down as if begging him to keep going so she could simply refute each point with ease. But he his words just made her blink and flail her arms at him. “I haven’t done anything Kace,” she told him stubbornly. Yeah sure, Kace wasn’t the first person to question her about things but really what had she even done besides get prefected at the same time? And he was commenting that his mother did the hands on the hips thing – oh… “Oh really?” She huffed and pressed her hand against her face. It was like she was trying to push the stress out of her life. “You wouldn’t get sick Kace, and if you did I’d be sent to the Centaurs office and probably get my badge removed…which…” wait…hold the hippogriffs did he just say that. Her eyes were wide. Flying Saucer wide. “Kace noooo” she gulped and watched as he winked…no excuses “b-but Kace…he’s…what if he’s afraid of owls?” She threw the lamest excuse that came to her mind out there and stood there stubbornly staring down her friend. “I’m not telling him or anything anything nope not going to go to anyone and say ‘hey my friends took this potion and somehow…he convinced me to tell you that I like you’…” she groaned and rolled her eyes at him. “I wouldn’t even go up to Freddie Mercury’s ghost and say that.” She informed him and stood there stubbornly her own confidence in the fact that she wouldn’t act on his dare clouding her own judgment. “I’m so sure I won’t do it that well fine owl him and I’ll just tell him thanks for the comic books…and nothing more.” |
Potions HW #1 Post 4 SPOILER!!: Puck! Ohoooo! She was using his last name now. Now things were getting serious. He laughed at her attempt to glare at him. "Using my last name against me now?" he smirked even deeper. He rolled his eyes playfully of course and he retorted back, "Well you did something if you are a prefect! I meaaannn you are also a big flirt so why not give Zander the benefit of the doubt and tell him how you feel.." he baited her and circled around her. The hands on the hip thing he nodded and said, "You do it really well actually but it won't work on me.." he winked. He snorted at the part when she mentioned she won't get sick. "UM YEAH I WOULD. I mean do you know how many germs are on statues that have been here for like fifty years!?" He shuddered thinking about it. "You won't get me to do it." I mean he had done gross things in the past. Wait a minute he could find a loophole but he wasn't gonna do it. I mean Kace was the dare master but he could be quite persuasive. He was sure she probably wouldn't get her badge removed since he would do it voluntarily but she would be held responsible. When he mentioned owling Zander he hit the gold mine. He laughed evily and shrugged and said, "I couullldddd.." and he laughed when the lion prefect mentioned if he was scared of owls. "Yeaahhh right he is.." he said sarcastically. He saw the stubborn stare and he shook his head and laughed even more. The big puff shrugged and she could go with that intro. "That could work you know. I wouldn't mind if you said that." he shrugged innocently. He was still laughing at this whole situation. Hmm Puck was being more stubborn he needed more tactics and he wanted to win chocolate. "Wellll...what IF I got Cinna to help me out?" he smirked even deeper. "She could tell him and she knows it is true!" There HAH! |
This was lame. More than lame it was tedious and boring and she was Puck Sumner Greyvson she didn’t have to deal with this. Lifting her hand up she simply began to examine her fingernails in a bored fashion – even if she wasn’t really bored. It was something to do, something to distract herself from the weird feeling that the dare had given her. Heh. Not that she’d act on it…the dare or the weird. So he hadn’t fallen for her little rouse but please, it was perfect she was perfect….and she was thinking about herself in third person? What was this? Shaking her head she just sighed. “No no no its not going to work” she groaned and even managed to stomp foot not once, but every time she said no….it was like she was practicing the art of being a petulant child. “I won’t do it Kace, NO! Stop you can’t get Cinna involved I mean…its Cinna this is weird okay?” She groaned and pouted at him even. “That…” she groaned, “if I ever were to tell anyone any of that I’d have to really really trust them first and…I haven’t even told Cinna any-“ she paused “thing not that there’s anything to tell because this is a dare Kace…if you go through with it I will publically refer to you as a pillow for an entire year.” She whined even more. |
Potions HW #1 Post 5 SPOILER!!: Puck! Kace rolled his eyes at her awesome comment. "Yeaaaahhh surrreeeee.." he said playing along. He didn't totally agree in this moment. So if she liked someone she would know about it? He was quite sure she knew about it now. He raised his eyebrow skeptically and replied, "I think you do know but your in so much denial you don't know what to do with yourself.." he smirked even more. He was gonna get her to crack. He was sure of it. He saw her examining her fingernails and he rolled his eyes YET again. That was a typical girl thing if they weren't interested in the topic of discussion. "How do your nails look?" he asked playing along. UP UP UP is he cracking down on Puck now. IS THIS GONNA WORK!? He grinned even more and was happy this was working. This is something an older brother would do. "Oooohhoooo I think it will work and by the looks of things I might win this dare.." he grinned. "Trust me I have licked awful things Braedon dared me to do. I can resist this one you want me to do.." he shrugged and sat down on one of the benches close by. He heard her whine and he understood. So Cinna didn't know anything? Hmm he will have to double check with her at a later date. "Well I will ask her myself. Anyways if you refer to me as Pillow Case for the rest of the year I wouldn't mind. I am referred to as mumbles for pete's sake. Give me your worst.." he challenged her. She won't crack him. Not at all. He was a stern hufflepuff at that. He wouldn't do her dare. |
kace and puck So, here Rorie was. Strolling casually through the nearly empty corridors, homework free. Did she do her homework, you didn't ask? PAHAHAHAHA no. Rorie Hazelwood would not take a confidence potion. It would be like having a confidence overdose. She wasn't about to die when she was on the brink of fame, okay. Her body automatically pivoted to the commotion coming from the sixth floor corridor. As she grew closer, the mini Justine recognized them as peeps she knew having a row. "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT" |
i had to XD kace puck and rorie Stupid Peeves stealing his art supplies! Now he had nothing to graffiti his sign on the walls with! The Gryffindor had spend some time looking for the poltergeist but he soon came to realise that he was no where to be found and it angered him so much. He was huffing and puffing loudly and mumbling words under his breath as he walked through the sixth floor corridor when he heard a voice say 'FIGHT , FIGHT , FIGHT' Someone was fighting? OOOH THIS WAS GONNA BE GOOOD! He turned the corner and immediately saw Kace (ugh) and Puck. The person who had said fight must have been Rorie over there so that meant that......wait....Puck a Prefect and Kace a ....well....idiot... heh.. were fighting?! "Hey hey, what i miss ?" he asked Rorie as he stood next to her, watching the scene. Awww man, he should have brought snacks with him. |
As Kace and Puck were still staring at each other and trying to see if the other would cave in or not. He turned his head when he heard a voice say FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. He furrowed his brows and he didn't think he ever met the girl (Rorie). "Ermm who are you?" he asked with a skeptical eyebrow raised. He turned to Puck to see if she could fill him in. Then soon enough the guy he least wanted to see arrived. He eyed Kevin with a cold stare and he asked what did he miss? He raised his eyebrows and thought it wasn't his business to know. "Nothing yet actually. Shouldn't you be doing the potions homework?" he asked him. I mean didn't he want to be the better student according to Professor Flamsteed. Why would he wanna get into a fight anyways, he would surely run to Flamsteed to break it up anyways. It wasn't worth it. He turned to Puck to see what she thought about these two joining in. |
Puck just grumbled and glared at Kace as he obviously doubted her whole I’d know if I liked him line. Maybe she just didn’t trust certain people with those kinds of wait…he was talking about denial she was not in denial. Nope. “I’m not in denial Kace – maybe…” she groaned and trailed off as clearly she didn’t have an excuse or anything to say to this…”what? I had a hang nail?” She exclaimed as she pointed at the frayed cuticle…”these things hurt” she shrugged and yep he was so not going to make her any more riled not at all. No more rile – what even? “You are not going to win this dare – and what awful things has Braedon dared you to lick?” she asked in hopes of changing the topic but nope he was not getting anymore information. “I’ve got a deal for you I’ll a statue’s face if you just stop o—hey Rorie” she gulped as she spotted Rorie standing there….sure she had heard the fight chanting too but that was another thing entirely. “Rorie help me” she pouted at her friend and sent Kace a glare before explaining things. “Potions homework the…trust me self-potion…” she groaned “it…he’s making me tell Zander I have feelings for him” she explained and turned her head in time to see Kevin standing there. Face. Red. So red. She was almost a tomato red. “Hi…Kevin.” She blinked at him really. His timing couldn’t have been any worse…or more planned who even know. She was just standing there making a little groan noise as she stood there and turned from Kace to Rorie her eyes widening ever so slightly. Merlin she was dead. So dead. "She's...Rorie my uh...Slytherin Bestie" she nodded to Kace...Panic! in the corridor PANIC! |
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