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Once you've been invited inside the Professor's Office, feel feel to take a seat either at the chair opposite his desk or any of the two long couches fixed about the room. Either's fine as he isn't usually bothered by most things. Whatever the case, he's like to make himself comfortable so you might as well do the same.
To the far corner of the room, you'll notice a large, fluffy cushion on the floor by a little cabinet that is always closed. You'll do best to leave that where it is. The scratching post, as it so happens, is also none of your concern.
The bookshelves all around the room are filled with various subjects ranging from Charms to Dragon taming, from curse breaking to cooking. It's not certain he's read them all but the Professor likes surrounding himself with as wide an array as possible, in the event he gets a chance to have a sit down but doesn't fancy a nap to while away his afternoon. You could burrow something from his 'modest' collection if he likes you enough but it's more likely he'll ask you if the Library suddenly ran out of books.
On his desk, you'll notice a picture of a woman with a wide smile and another more crowded subject consisting of five young children ranging from 2-6 years old with two sets of twins in the mix. It's best you not touch those; he'll probably know if you did.
Due to his sensitive sense of smell the Professor has also charmed the office, leaving it rather neutral if not with the faintest hint of lavender.
OOC: Be sure you've posted out in the Seating Area before posting here ^^
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Gregoire
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Gregoire figured this question would be asked. Which is why, he came prepared. With the apple of course as well.
"Yes, I knew it was considered Transfiguration, but I'm not entirely sure Professor Bellaire is an Animagus like yourself. I'd much prefer to learn from an Animagus than a Professor who isn't one." Which was entirely true...he'd rather learn from an Animagus. "Also even though she is the Transfiguration Professor, she..." Inserts clever lie "...Knows that Transfiguration isn't my strongest subject. She would think that I'm not ready to become an Animagus." Let that sink in a bit. "But obviously someone like yourself is more than capable of teaching me." The dirty blonde had some buttering up to do.
It also seemed like the Professor had lost something by the looks of his eyes and how the office was somewhat a bit messy. Not like stuff was thrown around in a rage, or swept away by a tornado. More of things didn't look like they belong where they were currently. This was the perfect opportunity to butter up the Professor more. With his best semi-concerned, semi-wondering face, Gregoire asked "Are you missing something Professor?"
There, this should help with the decision.
Bellaire must have been much better at discretion than he thought. This was the second student to fall under that assumption. Perhaps it was by design and if that was the case he certainly wouldn't be leading them to think as much. Not his to tell and all that.
There was another point to be made though..."Don't you think that your Transfiguration Professor would know best what your capable of in that field, hmm Mister Bastion?" Maddox vaguely remembered the words of his own Transfiguration Professor and it made this situation all the more real to him. "The problem is...they tend to be right when they don't think we're quite up to a particular branch of Transfiguration. It's not easily accomplished and there are many things that can go wrong if you aren't diligent enough." He would know.
"I wouldn't say I'm more capable either. I'm a pupil of that art, not a Professor." Chances were he'd get the kid stuck in the same predicament he found himself in and it was bad enough trying to fix himself. He didn't want someone else on his conscience, thanks.
Was he missing anything. Maddox gave a light, casual shrug. "No." He really should find it though. Sigh.
Originally Posted by Govoni
If he'd been caught staring, Gabriel didn't know...and he tried to play it off, accordingly. Not convincingly, mind...but the attempt was made, nonetheless. Just minding his own business...
...and...about the 'items' to be charmed...
"I want to try and...take it a step further."...because Gabe had done his homework here. He'd read about the charm in use; the coins from the Potter days and the theories about Voldemort's Dark Mark. Any changes to the original item would them be spread throughout the lot. It was a fascinating concept. "From what I've read, the Protean charm's basic function is to link one item to another...and that got me thinking about the nature of the items that are linked. What...would be the limit here?" See, stuttering and fumbling words ceased to be a thing when he really got into the subject matter. "Like a piece of parchment, for example. Would writing on the original piece translate the message throughout the lot?"
He'd forgotten to be shy, apparently.
Elbows propped on the table, fingers linked loosely as he got into deep thought, Maddox considered the limitations Gabriel was going on about. Huh, limitations had never really been something he considered with the charm, then again, he'd never had much use for it. "The item of choice might be a problem. You'll need something impressionable to say the least but some Transfiguration could help that along." Don't ask him about that though, Transfiguration wasn't a strong suit and it was Bellaire's territory.
"But the idea of parchment should work. If you were thinking along the lines of brief communication, a sheet should be good enough. Having the parchments linked, the messages will appear on each. Just scribble a notice and the others will see it. An interesting thing about the charm is it emits heat after a change has been made. So long as they keep the parchment with them they should get the messages as they are added."
Convenient when planning. They were working at that, yes? "Might I suggest little booklets? More pages? Better discussions even after you lot have been sent to bed?"
SPOILER!!: Kevin
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
He had never seen him smile or grin ...whatever he was doing... like that before so when Kevin saw the large canine teeth he raised an eyebrow. He walked past the man and in to his office, not really paying attention to his surroundings because an office was an office. And from the first look this one was just as boring looking. "What happened to your teeth? They look weird" says the one with the different eye colors*.
Looking at the chair in front of the desk and then at the long couch before making a decision and sat down on the couch. Much more comfortable. He kicked off his shoes and placed his legs on the couch like he would whenever he visited Flamsteeds office. It was a habit of his. "They're cool though, like a vampire!" .....waaait a minute. Were those teeth cat like teeth or vampire like teeth? Suspicious narrowed eyes were casted towards the Professor.
*FYI: Kevin has heterochromia which means his eyes have different colors. His is a mild case as one eye is only lighter brown than the other ^^
Unconsciously he began to scowl. Yes, he knew his teeth were a bit off at the moment but there was nothing he could do about that thanks to the shoddy animagus training gone wrong. One day he'd fix it, but for today it was not the focus of this meeting and would not become such. "I'm half vampire. Thought you knew." And a brow raised too as he gave the most solemn and legit lie.
Merlin, he thought he had terrible double standards. Strange teeth from the boy with strange eyes. What a joke. A joke that got even less entertaining when the boy kicked off his shoes and had his feet up in the couch he didn't offer him a seat in. Maddox raised a brow at him, wondering if he was serious before giving a flick toward the couch that should have started heating up until it was hot enough to scorch if you stayed long enough. Should be interesting.
"That is not the way to go about it, Mister Hirase. Courtesy dictates you wait to be offered a seat and you keep your shoes on. This is still a formal meeting."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Unconsciously he began to scowl. Yes, he knew his teeth were a bit off at the moment but there was nothing he could do about that thanks to the shoddy animagus training gone wrong. One day he'd fix it, but for today it was not the focus of this meeting and would not become such. "I'm half vampire. Thought you knew." And a brow raised too as he gave the most solemn and legit lie.
Merlin, he thought he had terrible double standards. Strange teeth from the boy with strange eyes. What a joke. A joke that got even less entertaining when the boy kicked off his shoes and had his feet up in the couch he didn't offer him a seat in. Maddox raised a brow at him, wondering if he was serious before giving a flick toward the couch that should have started heating up until it was hot enough to scorch if you stayed long enough. Should be interesting.
"That is not the way to go about it, Mister Hirase. Courtesy dictates you wait to be offered a seat and you keep your shoes on. This is still a formal meeting."
Seriously? Half vampire? Kevin rolled his eyes at the obvious lie and he didn't get why he had to scowl. "Geez i said it was cool, at least i try to say something nice" Because he was trying okay! Maybe it was awkward but he tried. Besides, if there was one thing he did not do was making fun of other peoples features because he knew what it was like to be made fun of.
Making himself more comfortable by leaning back against the back of the couch, the Gryffindor looked up at the Professor and waited for him to talk. Instead, he felt the seat heating up. Ooooh heating couch? awesome! .. it only took a few seconds before the fourteen year old jumped up from the couch with a manly yelp
"OW! YA! You burned me!" He shouted, stating the obvious. Courtesy? Was he serious?! "Courtesy or not you can't just BURN me!" he said as he put his shoes back on. Now standing upright, Kevin sighed loudly as waited for the man to offer him a seat. Why were people ALWAYS making a fuss about him sitting down somewhere?!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Kevin
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Seriously? Half vampire? Kevin rolled his eyes at the obvious lie and he didn't get why he had to scowl. "Geez i said it was cool, at least i try to say something nice" Because he was trying okay! Maybe it was awkward but he tried. Besides, if there was one thing he did not do was making fun of other peoples features because he knew what it was like to be made fun of.
Making himself more comfortable by leaning back against the back of the couch, the Gryffindor looked up at the Professor and waited for him to talk. Instead, he felt the seat heating up. Ooooh heating couch? awesome! .. it only took a few seconds before the fourteen year old jumped up from the couch with a manly yelp
"OW! YA! You burned me!" He shouted, stating the obvious. Courtesy? Was he serious?! "Courtesy or not you can't just BURN me!" he said as he put his shoes back on. Now standing upright, Kevin sighed loudly as waited for the man to offer him a seat. Why were people ALWAYS making a fuss about him sitting down somewhere?!
Huh. He was trying to be nice by saying his teeth were weird. Interesting. "It's was a good effort Mister Hirase but I'm afraid you've got your adjectives confused. 'Weird' is not a compliment when approaching a sensitive issue." That was for future reference while they were helping him on the road to healing. If he ever wondered why people didn't react positively to his 'attempts at being nice' maybe now he could start figuring why. "Believe it or not, there is a wrong way to go about being nice." Consider that carefully.
Oi vey. Shouting, shouting that sent his ears ringing in a split second. Maddox was one decibel away from a headache and it was only the start of the day; much too early for that. Naturally, he raised his wand and silenced the boy while his ears could catch their bearings. Merlin. Owwww.
The Charms Professor slouched against his desk, watching the now silent boy for a minute while he protest played over in his head. "I didn't burn you, you burned yourself when you helped yourself to something you weren't invited to. A lack of courtesy has repercussions. Do you think you'd have gotten yourself burned if you'd gone about this the right way?"
But alas, he needed to unsilence him to hear a reply so grudgingly he did. "And one does not kick their feet up in a Professor's office as if it is their dorm. It's bad practice."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Quigley!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Oooo, an apple!
The visit was now worth the delayed nap and Maddox had no issue stretching and turning back into a man then nicking the apple with a smile. "Much appreciated, Mister Rogers." A light snack before a nap was always a good idea in his experience and boy did he need one of those before he began grading homework. The Professor had already started and his hope in these children was quickly waning.
Maddox reached forward to unlock and swing the door open. "You were coming in, yes?" He asked as he walked through the door and over to his desk.
Or had this one solely come to drop off an apple as well.
Strange children walked these corridors.
OOC: He can come iiinnn
He was concerned he's have to start talking cat, that, or he'd leave empty handed. Alas, Professor Quigley wasn't going to burden him with his secret cat ways, and the apple was appreciated. Good, because he walked ALLL the way to the kitchens for that. But was he going in? "Um... yes!" Yes he was.
Quickly, Zeke followed the professor into the office after the door was unlocked and it seemed permission was given.
"I was wondering Professor, if I could pick your brain a bit?" And obviously not literally. But questions, he had them. Could he voice them? Or was the man going to eat the apple and throw him out? "About Charms," he added by way of clarification.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
"Maybe I shouldn't have said weird..." he muttered. Because he did feel bad about it and it showed on his face. "But being nice is hard okay? Even if i try its not good" It was annoying.
He knew he was going to get silenced before the Professor had even waved the wand. He watched as the man leaned against the desk and tried not to glare at him. When the spell was lifted off he waited a moment, thinking about the question instead of going in attack mode. "No?" he asked more then answered. "But you people have got to stop using magic on me!"
Woah woah wait! Kevin raised a perfect eyebrow "Why not? Don't people always say "make yourself at home"? And Flailsteed doesn't mind when I do that and he is a Head of House!" he said. Courtesy was weird okay!?
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Hera
SPOILER!!: Quigley!
He was concerned he's have to start talking cat, that, or he'd leave empty handed. Alas, Professor Quigley wasn't going to burden him with his secret cat ways, and the apple was appreciated. Good, because he walked ALLL the way to the kitchens for that. But was he going in? "Um... yes!" Yes he was.
Quickly, Zeke followed the professor into the office after the door was unlocked and it seemed permission was given.
"I was wondering Professor, if I could pick your brain a bit?" And obviously not literally. But questions, he had them. Could he voice them? Or was the man going to eat the apple and throw him out? "About Charms," he added by way of clarification.
Picking his brain? Definitely not the shortest of visits--unless he was anything like Mister Barrington and only showed up to ask about sleeping in lessons and hat hair.
No. Zeke wasn't the same, they were two different people completely thank Merlin. Maddox decided to take solace in this, flopping into his seat and taking a bit of his apple. Crunch. "Sure thing, Mister Rogers, pick away. I'm sure between myself and the books on the shelves I should have an answer."
And if after all that the kid was annoyingly exceptionally Ravenclaw for his Gryffindor britches then there was always the option of altering his memory and kicking him out.
SPOILER!!: Kevin
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
"Maybe I shouldn't have said weird..." he muttered. Because he did feel bad about it and it showed on his face. "But being nice is hard okay? Even if i try its not good" It was annoying.
He knew he was going to get silenced before the Professor had even waved the wand. He watched as the man leaned against the desk and tried not to glare at him. When the spell was lifted off he waited a moment, thinking about the question instead of going in attack mode. "No?" he asked more then answered. "But you people have got to stop using magic on me!"
Woah woah wait! Kevin raised a perfect eyebrow "Why not? Don't people always say "make yourself at home"? And Flailsteed doesn't mind when I do that and he is a Head of House!" he said. Courtesy was weird okay!?
"Perfectly alright." He said with a simple nod, not because it truly was but because in the spirit of teaching him to be nicer the man also had to make an effort. No grouching. This would be hard. "Have a seat, here." Maddox gestured to the seat by the desk afterall, this was an official visit, not a social call. "And I can identify. Being nice isn't always the easiest thing, that's why it'll take some working towards and why we are here today."
At least it seemed he'd taken a moment to think this one through before replying. Dare he hope it was progress? It could have been if not for the sentence he tacked on after. Maddox shrugged, not particularly bothered. "I used magic on my own couch Mister Hirase. I'm free to do such with my own property. You're the one who sat uninvited." He wasn't going to be taking blame for someone else's shortcomings, it was that simple.
Ah and there he went being presumptuous. "That is an overly generalized statement. I am not 'people', I am Maddox Quigley." See the difference? "Did you pass a sign on my door that says 'make yourself at home'? Have I ever exchanged such pleasantries with you? I don't believe I have. Another thing to understand with being nice is to not make assumptions. It will offend others and that is counter productive."
Now could they get started with this or....? "Tell me the biggest problem you have with being nice."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
"Perfectly alright." He said with a simple nod, not because it truly was but because in the spirit of teaching him to be nicer the man also had to make an effort. No grouching. This would be hard. "Have a seat, here." Maddox gestured to the seat by the desk afterall, this was an official visit, not a social call. "And I can identify. Being nice isn't always the easiest thing, that's why it'll take some working towards and why we are here today."
At least it seemed he'd taken a moment to think this one through before replying. Dare he hope it was progress? It could have been if not for the sentence he tacked on after. Maddox shrugged, not particularly bothered. "I used magic on my own couch Mister Hirase. I'm free to do such with my own property. You're the one who sat uninvited." He wasn't going to be taking blame for someone else's shortcomings, it was that simple.
Ah and there he went being presumptuous. "That is an overly generalized statement. I am not 'people', I am Maddox Quigley." See the difference? "Did you pass a sign on my door that says 'make yourself at home'? Have I ever exchanged such pleasantries with you? I don't believe I have. Another thing to understand with being nice is to not make assumptions. It will offend others and that is counter productive."
Now could they get started with this or....? "Tell me the biggest problem you have with being nice."
Eyeing the not-as-comfortable-looking-as-the-couch seat by the desk, Kevin walked over to it and sat down. He grinned at his words of being nice wasn’t always the easiest thing to do because he was telling the truth right? Throwing so many people in detention over nothing. Not nice.
“I didn’t mean the couch, I meant that silencing charm you used on me!” his voice was rising in anger again. “You thought I wouldn’t notice or something? You have any idea how many time that spell has been used on me?” from both Professors to ex-dumb Head Girl alike. “A loooot so I know”
Well no, when he said it like that he hadn’t mentioned anything about ‘making yourself at home’ and Kevin rolled his eyes. “No, well excuse me for being chillax” he just liked to sit on couches was that much of a big deal? According to CatMan it was apparently. Listening to the man’s words of making assumptions of being nice is counterproductive and Kevin actually nodded his head, like he was making mental notes. “You’re smarter than you look” he complimented him , Kevin-style.
He frowned at the last question and thought for a while as he stared in to space. What WAS his biggest problem with being nice anyways? “I..i don’t think that’s actually my problem” he said after a long silence and he frowned. “I think it’s my temper, I get angry so quickly over stupid things” Like how he immediately started to attack back in class instead of being like everyone else and just say silent. He still thought those point losses had been unneccarry by the way! Ugh, even remembering it made him glare.
“I have a question though” he said as his whole posture began to change and he played with his fingers “Why?” he began. Maybe he should expand that … “Why do you want to help me?"
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: *snorts* Lex used langlock, Kevin, know yo spells
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Eyeing the not-as-comfortable-looking-as-the-couch seat by the desk, Kevin walked over to it and sat down. He grinned at his words of being nice wasn’t always the easiest thing to do because he was telling the truth right? Throwing so many people in detention over nothing. Not nice.
“I didn’t mean the couch, I meant that silencing charm you used on me!” his voice was rising in anger again. “You thought I wouldn’t notice or something? You have any idea how many time that spell has been used on me?” from both Professors to ex-dumb Head Girl alike. “A loooot so I know”
Well no, when he said it like that he hadn’t mentioned anything about ‘making yourself at home’ and Kevin rolled his eyes. “No, well excuse me for being chillax” he just liked to sit on couches was that much of a big deal? According to CatMan it was apparently. Listening to the man’s words of making assumptions of being nice is counterproductive and Kevin actually nodded his head, like he was making mental notes. “You’re smarter than you look” he complimented him , Kevin-style.
He frowned at the last question and thought for a while as he stared in to space. What WAS his biggest problem with being nice anyways? “I..i don’t think that’s actually my problem” he said after a long silence and he frowned. “I think it’s my temper, I get angry so quickly over stupid things” Like how he immediately started to attack back in class instead of being like everyone else and just say silent. He still thought those point losses had been unneccarry by the way! Ugh, even remembering it made him glare.
“I have a question though” he said as his whole posture began to change and he played with his fingers “Why?” he began. Maybe he should expand that … “Why do you want to help me?"
The silencing spell--"Oh." That was all the reaction he'd gotten out of him with that, a shrug too to be certain but honestly, the man had forgotten all about casting that. But no, he wasn't surprised it'd been used on him a lot. "You'll find that different people react differently to having their buttons pushed even if not on purpose. Noise, Mister Hirase." Did he need to say more? The wincing earlier at the sudden shout should have been enough.
"You're excused."Solemn nod. And look at that, smarter than he looked. Hah. Maddox smirked, allowing himself the complimnet, even if it wasn't meant to be one. "I admit I've heard that before." Would he be offended? Nah. Most times he kept an unconcerned and disengaged look to prevent anyone from forcing him into their problems. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't prepared to go above and beyond for just anyone.
Ah. Maddox remained silent for a moment, nodding as his only indication that he was listening. Finally after another moment, he fixed the boy with a look, not a harsh one, just a look. "We'll have to work on that then. Take it from me, losing your temper is hardly worth what happens after." And it was just so much effort. Why would anyone bother? Merlin. "It's not the easiest thing, I know this, but a little practice will make it easier."
As for the why....why did it matter why he was helping? Didn't he want the help regardless? Maddox pinched the bridge of his nose while figuring how much of the truth he'd be obligated to put into this response, being a 'professional' and all. "Because, in my earlier days I knew this kid. Usually in trouble--even if not for the same temper you have, but trouble nonetheless. Real pain in butt for Professors from what I can remember. Idiot got himself suspended. The good thing is, after that he changed. Hard to believe it was the same self-invested git from before." What was the point of this again? Oh right. "What I'm trying to say is, I don't believe that people need extreme circumstances to change. I don't believe you'll be this way until they tell you to stay home a few months to think about your actions. Better to stop the train than clean up the wreckage." Was it making sense?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Professor!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
[FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="Purple"]Elbows propped on the table, fingers linked loosely as he got into deep thought, Maddox considered the limitations Gabriel was going on about. Huh, limitations had never really been something he considered with the charm, then again, he'd never had much use for it. "The item of choice might be a problem. You'll need something impressionable to say the least but some Transfiguration could help that along." Don't ask him about that though, Transfiguration wasn't a strong suit and it was Bellaire's territory.
"But the idea of parchment should work. If you were thinking along the lines of brief communication, a sheet should be good enough. Having the parchments linked, the messages will appear on each. Just scribble a notice and the others will see it. An interesting thing about the charm is it emits heat after a change has been made. So long as they keep the parchment with them they should get the messages as they are added."
Convenient when planning. They were working at that, yes? "Might I suggest little booklets? More pages? Better discussions even after you lot have been sent to bed?"
Wow. THAT was a brilliant idea.
"Sir....my next question is about the incantation. I can't...seemed to find it or the wand movement...in any of the books I've looked through." And, clearly, Gabriel couldn't performed what he couldn't find. And he'd been looking for a few weeks now, along with the potion things. Of course, all had been cleared up on the potions' end.
"Would you mind reviewing it with me?"
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Grrrr, the Professor was persistent at not teaching him how to become an Animagus. Did this mean Gregoire seriously had to go and ask Professor Bellaire? He didn't want to do that because...well...she tended to be a bit harsh on everyone. Which, she was going to be even harsher on Gregoire for what happened at the Start of Term Feast. Sigh. Looks like that's what Gregoire would have to do. Maybe, she'd be nice today? Hopefully she was in a good mood, and not in her usual, yell at everyone, mood. If that was the case there was a possibility of this happening! "Alright. Sorry I bothered you Professor. Before I go-" The Snake said rummaging through his bag. "-I think I have another apple in here somewhere."
Digging. Digging. Digging.
Aha! There it was! Gregoire pulled another apple out from his bag. Getting up, Gregoire set the other shiny red, mackintosh apple on the Professor's desk. "There you go." The Slytherin said with a smile.
Although the Professor said no to the lost question, Gregoire still had a snaking suspicion something was lost...hmmm. The French fourth year decided not to press that subject any further though. Gregoire didn't want three angry Professors at Hogwarts on him. Or...four rather...well...make that...six. So far there was, the Headmistress, Professor Tanner, the Librarian, Professor Bellaire, and Healer Murdoch. So he didn't want to add Professor Quigley to that list of people.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
SPOILER!!: he says its all the same *shrugs*
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The silencing spell--"Oh." That was all the reaction he'd gotten out of him with that, a shrug too to be certain but honestly, the man had forgotten all about casting that. But no, he wasn't surprised it'd been used on him a lot. "You'll find that different people react differently to having their buttons pushed even if not on purpose. Noise, Mister Hirase." Did he need to say more? The wincing earlier at the sudden shout should have been enough.
"You're excused."Solemn nod. And look at that, smarter than he looked. Hah. Maddox smirked, allowing himself the complimnet, even if it wasn't meant to be one. "I admit I've heard that before." Would he be offended? Nah. Most times he kept an unconcerned and disengaged look to prevent anyone from forcing him into their problems. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't prepared to go above and beyond for just anyone.
Ah. Maddox remained silent for a moment, nodding as his only indication that he was listening. Finally after another moment, he fixed the boy with a look, not a harsh one, just a look. "We'll have to work on that then. Take it from me, losing your temper is hardly worth what happens after." And it was just so much effort. Why would anyone bother? Merlin. "It's not the easiest thing, I know this, but a little practice will make it easier."
As for the why....why did it matter why he was helping? Didn't he want the help regardless? Maddox pinched the bridge of his nose while figuring how much of the truth he'd be obligated to put into this response, being a 'professional' and all. "Because, in my earlier days I knew this kid. Usually in trouble--even if not for the same temper you have, but trouble nonetheless. Real pain in butt for Professors from what I can remember. Idiot got himself suspended. The good thing is, after that he changed. Hard to believe it was the same self-invested git from before." What was the point of this again? Oh right. "What I'm trying to say is, I don't believe that people need extreme circumstances to change. I don't believe you'll be this way until they tell you to stay home a few months to think about your actions. Better to stop the train than clean up the wreckage." Was it making sense?
He wasn’t stupid, he had noticed the way the Professor acted around loud noises. Like the number one rule he had set up for class and the wincing each time. Maybe that was why he was loud? To annoy him. Well, that HAD been his first intention. Annoy the new Professor, it kind of was a ritual by now for him. “Why do you hate noises so much? I can’t stand silence, its awkward” he hated being around people yet at the same time hated being alone and left with his own thoughts.
Wait, what? He was excused? Professor CatMan actually excused that sarcasm? Was he winning? Wait, what was he winning? He wasn’t even playing a game right now. Okay he was sidetracking. But still, he was glad he didn’t hear any comment back.
When the man looked at him again, he did not look away this time. Because it wasn’t a annoyed look, nor a harsh or disappointed one but just a simple look. But then he had to roll his eyes and sighed as he leaned back against the chair. “I know that but whenever I get angry, I know it because I can feel it, it’s not a spontaneous combustion or something because I know what I’m doing and it scares me sometimes and I don’t know what else to do except …get angry, you know?” He figured that if he could just learn to take his emotions under control he would be a much better person. But how?
So the response to his question had not been what he had expected and although he did roll his eyes at the beginning of the story (because everyone knew that ‘earlier in my days’ stories were boring) , he unconsciously moved to the edge of the seat, listening closely. “…Someone actually got suspended?” this shocked him, for real. “I..i always thought that the Headmistress was just trying to scare me when I had detention with her and she threatened with that….so ..so she could have actually suspended me?” What was he supposed to do if he did get suspended? His parents would kill him!
He sat there, looking a bit troubled as he put the pieces together and he knew he had to consider himself lucky he hadn’t been suspended yet. “Do you know what happened to that kid? “ he needed to know okay?!
The Professor seemed pretty nice so far, thought it was hard for Lux to really judge based off of a few seconds of interaction with the man.
Not picking up on the fact that Cutty clearly wanted to talk to him alone, the redhead made her way into the office before taking a seat in one of the chairs opposite the desk. Time for her to look around since she had never been in the Charms office before. Was that a scratching post? Awww, he had a cat; that was sweet. Lux liked cats. There were also a lot of books, which she approved of and a photograph of kids on his desk. Kids were precious and she loved them.
Cutty waited for Lux to enter mostly so he could express his disapproval via rolled eyes behind her back. Ya know, like a good frenemy should. If he didn't know better he'd swear she was flirting. Perhaps, with the intent of garnering a discount.
Following after her, Cutty's eyes did a quick darting about the space to absorb information. The books were of particular interest as they always were to Cutty. He'd never met one that didn't give him information and in some cases such as Defensive Magical Theory do so inadvertently. He noted the literal creature comforts that their new Charms Professor probably used when he took the form which promised to scare the hell out of Airey Flamsteed. The next thing the young wizard noticed was the family portrait. It made him wonder if perhaps the wife too could transfigure into a cat. Their children were very close in age. More like a litter.
"I've been wehrkin' on something, booht it hasn't quite done what I've wanted it to. When casted at an target it's meant to cause the target to hit himself repeatedly until total knock out or finite...which ever comes first." He explained, having a seat next to Lux and getting right into it. "I've been using the incantation is 'Pugnus Vultus', but I've only gotten as far as the person throwin' his face into his fist, which is sort of the opposite of what I'd be aiming for, see."
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Quigley!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Picking his brain? Definitely not the shortest of visits--unless he was anything like Mister Barrington and only showed up to ask about sleeping in lessons and hat hair.
No. Zeke wasn't the same, they were two different people completely thank Merlin. Maddox decided to take solace in this, flopping into his seat and taking a bit of his apple. Crunch. "Sure thing, Mister Rogers, pick away. I'm sure between myself and the books on the shelves I should have an answer."
And if after all that the kid was annoyingly exceptionally Ravenclaw for his Gryffindor britches then there was always the option of altering his memory and kicking him out.
Phase one of OPERATION LEARN THINGS was happening, he was ALLOWED to pick away... metaphorically, yes, yes. "Thanks, Professor," he replied, sitting himself down even though the seat wasn't offered. He took it to mean he was allowed, since he couldn't very well just stand the whole time. Weeeheeee. He liked this Professor already... even if he was obsessed with apples.
"Well, see, I really like charms, and I'm pretty good at it too, but until now I didn't really think of it as like a SUPER important subject, it was more just stuff that's handy to know." And there was no disrespect intended there. He'd already written an essay thing on respect.. so Professor knew that, right? RIGHT? "Annyyywayyyyy... I want to be a powerful wizard one day, and when you taught us the shrinking thing, I couldn't help but notice that was a powerful thing to do. Shrink someone and BAM, you could crush them." Yeah? See? See what he was getting at?
"What I wanted to know, Professor, is what charms I should learn that I could use in like a duel or something?" Could he help? Did he know the good ones? The best ones? Of course, he was saving other questions for the better opportunities.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Govoni
Wow. THAT was a brilliant idea.
"Sir....my next question is about the incantation. I can't...seemed to find it or the wand movement...in any of the books I've looked through." And, clearly, Gabriel couldn't performed what he couldn't find. And he'd been looking for a few weeks now, along with the potion things. Of course, all had been cleared up on the potions' end.
"Would you mind reviewing it with me?"
Maddox was going to take the silence for deep consideration and if that was the case then his job was done. That was the rewarding part from what he'd been told.
Oh, more questions though.
"Funny you should ask, Mister Banner. I myself find very few pieces of literature offering information on that one." The Charms Professor summoned a book from the far corner of the shelf and watched it flop on the table before them. It was a spell he'd run into, of course and a book like this wasn't to be left on the shelf.
"It's...right...." He flipped from page to page, his index finger running along the page before finally coming to a stop. "here."
Originally Posted by Text
Protean Charm
Viniculus (Vin-ic-u-lus)
Wand Movement:
Circle drawn around objects you want to link
"I trust this is what you were looking for?"
SPOILER!!: Gregoire
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Grrrr, the Professor was persistent at not teaching him how to become an Animagus. Did this mean Gregoire seriously had to go and ask Professor Bellaire? He didn't want to do that because...well...she tended to be a bit harsh on everyone. Which, she was going to be even harsher on Gregoire for what happened at the Start of Term Feast. Sigh. Looks like that's what Gregoire would have to do. Maybe, she'd be nice today? Hopefully she was in a good mood, and not in her usual, yell at everyone, mood. If that was the case there was a possibility of this happening! "Alright. Sorry I bothered you Professor. Before I go-" The Snake said rummaging through his bag. "-I think I have another apple in here somewhere."
Digging. Digging. Digging.
Aha! There it was! Gregoire pulled another apple out from his bag. Getting up, Gregoire set the other shiny red, mackintosh apple on the Professor's desk. "There you go." The Slytherin said with a smile.
Although the Professor said no to the lost question, Gregoire still had a snaking suspicion something was lost...hmmm. The French fourth year decided not to press that subject any further though. Gregoire didn't want three angry Professors at Hogwarts on him. Or...four rather...well...make that...six. So far there was, the Headmistress, Professor Tanner, the Librarian, Professor Bellaire, and Healer Murdoch. So he didn't want to add Professor Quigley to that list of people.
"Not a waste at all." Though maybe it was. Professionalism and all that dictated he say different. "Questions are made to be asked and it's good you did." Maybe next time he'd stick to the correct field though. Maddox was certainly Bellaire would skin him alive for stealing potential students.
It wasn't something he was prepared to handle, not at all.
"Have a good day, Mister Bastion."
OooOOOOooo and another apple, even after he'd declined to help. These students had the right idea. "Thank you." He said, plucking it from the boy's grasp. Two apples in one visit. Brilliant.
SPOILER!!: Kevin
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
He wasn’t stupid, he had noticed the way the Professor acted around loud noises. Like the number one rule he had set up for class and the wincing each time. Maybe that was why he was loud? To annoy him. Well, that HAD been his first intention. Annoy the new Professor, it kind of was a ritual by now for him. “Why do you hate noises so much? I can’t stand silence, its awkward” he hated being around people yet at the same time hated being alone and left with his own thoughts.
Wait, what? He was excused? Professor CatMan actually excused that sarcasm? Was he winning? Wait, what was he winning? He wasn’t even playing a game right now. Okay he was sidetracking. But still, he was glad he didn’t hear any comment back.
When the man looked at him again, he did not look away this time. Because it wasn’t a annoyed look, nor a harsh or disappointed one but just a simple look. But then he had to roll his eyes and sighed as he leaned back against the chair. “I know that but whenever I get angry, I know it because I can feel it, it’s not a spontaneous combustion or something because I know what I’m doing and it scares me sometimes and I don’t know what else to do except …get angry, you know?” He figured that if he could just learn to take his emotions under control he would be a much better person. But how?
So the response to his question had not been what he had expected and although he did roll his eyes at the beginning of the story (because everyone knew that ‘earlier in my days’ stories were boring) , he unconsciously moved to the edge of the seat, listening closely. “…Someone actually got suspended?” this shocked him, for real. “I..i always thought that the Headmistress was just trying to scare me when I had detention with her and she threatened with that….so ..so she could have actually suspended me?” What was he supposed to do if he did get suspended? His parents would kill him!
He sat there, looking a bit troubled as he put the pieces together and he knew he had to consider himself lucky he hadn’t been suspended yet. “Do you know what happened to that kid? “ he needed to know okay?!
"Why does it matter why I dislike them? The point is to be respectful of people's limits. It's important to remember that no one owes you an explanation." So no, the issue wasn't that he disliked loud noises, it was that Kevin couldn't respect that enough to keep his voice down. "Silence isn't all that bad but if it bothers you then try to fill it constructively." Pause. "You're of an age that even if you aren't used to it, you should know what can be considered constructive." He wouldn't be going over that. The boy wasn't completely useless to himself.
That explanation he offered afterwards had Maddox drifted into serious thought. He knew what he was doing...but chose to do it anyway?
"That's a problem." He didn't even need to state it but there it was in case the young Gryffindor needed reminding. "I want you to try something." He leaned forward, locking blue eyes with the boy's mismatched pair. "The next time you feel yourself getting angry, I want you to make yourself think on something else--only at first, until you've learned to control your thoughts better--distractions often help until you're calm enough to logically consider the situation." Everyone had logic, even Hufflepuffs, therefore this couldn't have been asking TOO much. "The point is to not allow yourself to act on that anger."
The light that finally dawned on him was entertaining to watch, most definitely. It seemed the boy was finally starting to understand. "Of course you can get suspended, it's not unheard of, simply rare. From what I've heard there was a recent suspension. Gryffindor Head Girl that just left according to Airey." Who he'd gone to talk to after the detention. "So no one's saying it to scare you. It'll happen."
As for what happened to the kid...."He grew up. He matured, learned that there were better ways to get attention and he found that school was suddenly a great place. Made way more friends and isn't a nuisance to society."
SPOILER!!: Lux and Cutty
Originally Posted by Squishy
The Professor seemed pretty nice so far, thought it was hard for Lux to really judge based off of a few seconds of interaction with the man.
Not picking up on the fact that Cutty clearly wanted to talk to him alone, the redhead made her way into the office before taking a seat in one of the chairs opposite the desk. Time for her to look around since she had never been in the Charms office before. Was that a scratching post? Awww, he had a cat; that was sweet. Lux liked cats. There were also a lot of books, which she approved of and a photograph of kids on his desk. Kids were precious and she loved them.
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
Cutty waited for Lux to enter mostly so he could express his disapproval via rolled eyes behind her back. Ya know, like a good frenemy should. If he didn't know better he'd swear she was flirting. Perhaps, with the intent of garnering a discount.
Following after her, Cutty's eyes did a quick darting about the space to absorb information. The books were of particular interest as they always were to Cutty. He'd never met one that didn't give him information and in some cases such as Defensive Magical Theory do so inadvertently. He noted the literal creature comforts that their new Charms Professor probably used when he took the form which promised to scare the hell out of Airey Flamsteed. The next thing the young wizard noticed was the family portrait. It made him wonder if perhaps the wife too could transfigure into a cat. Their children were very close in age. More like a litter.
"I've been wehrkin' on something, booht it hasn't quite done what I've wanted it to. When casted at an target it's meant to cause the target to hit himself repeatedly until total knock out or finite...which ever comes first." He explained, having a seat next to Lux and getting right into it. "I've been using the incantation is 'Pugnus Vultus', but I've only gotten as far as the person throwin' his face into his fist, which is sort of the opposite of what I'd be aiming for, see."
Maddox looked between the two students, still under the impression they had come to discuss whatever matter it was together. The thought was only cemented when the Hufflepuff remained silent and let the Slytherin speak. Perhaps she'd say her piece later? Right now she seemed more content to just...sit and stare...
Ahem, attention back to Mordaunt.
A spell that would cause someone to repeatedly punch themselves until they passed out or got rescued. Huh. Sounded like he'd actually gotten something out of the spell too. That was impressive. Maddox scratched at his chin for a moment, rolling the spell over and over in his mind while considering the current dilemma. "And you've already assessed to ensure the problem doesn't stop with the intent? It might reverse the problem of the face hitting the fist instead of the fist hitting the face, just to start." They would need to work on the repetitive element after.
Originally Posted by Hera
Phase one of OPERATION LEARN THINGS was happening, he was ALLOWED to pick away... metaphorically, yes, yes. "Thanks, Professor," he replied, sitting himself down even though the seat wasn't offered. He took it to mean he was allowed, since he couldn't very well just stand the whole time. Weeeheeee. He liked this Professor already... even if he was obsessed with apples.
"Well, see, I really like charms, and I'm pretty good at it too, but until now I didn't really think of it as like a SUPER important subject, it was more just stuff that's handy to know." And there was no disrespect intended there. He'd already written an essay thing on respect.. so Professor knew that, right? RIGHT? "Annyyywayyyyy... I want to be a powerful wizard one day, and when you taught us the shrinking thing, I couldn't help but notice that was a powerful thing to do. Shrink someone and BAM, you could crush them." Yeah? See? See what he was getting at?
"What I wanted to know, Professor, is what charms I should learn that I could use in like a duel or something?" Could he help? Did he know the good ones? The best ones? Of course, he was saving other questions for the better opportunities.
That...was a lot of words. Maddox bit into his apple and chewed slowly while he listened to the young Gryffindor go on about being good at Charms and wanting to be a strong wizard one day. Admittedly a very relative term but he didn't think he could be bothered explaining that much so he let him continue.
Oh, look at that, someone else that realized defensive spells weren't the only way to win duels. Charms won duels at the end of the day, whether dark or otherwise. Not that many cared to take note of that.
"It would depend on the victory you want. You could take a duel with dark charms; those are your hexes, jinxes and curses--things you'd expect Professor Romanos to go over. However there are regular charms that do just as brilliant a job if not better. The sudden ascension charm might be a nice one, gets your opponent off their feet making them an easier target. Glisseo could trip them up; balance is crucial in a duel."
Maddox moved his head from side to side, wracking his brain for things off the top of his head. "The freezing charm; it's use speaks for itself. Banishing charm too if you've got good enough aim to banish their wands..."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Totally not picking up on the fact that Cutty didn't want her in the office with him, Lux listened carefully as he spoke to Professor Quigley about a spell that he was developing.
SNORT. Why did so many boys want to be violent? Seemed that Bay was one of the exceptions because he was generally one for non-violence unless someone was messing with her. The spell did sound pretty interesting, however, she had to admit.
"How do you create spells?" she asked curiously because she really did need to know that for the spell she wanted to create with Bay.
Maddox looked between the two students, still under the impression they had come to discuss whatever matter it was together. The thought was only cemented when the Hufflepuff remained silent and let the Slytherin speak. Perhaps she'd say her piece later? Right now she seemed more content to just...sit and stare...
Ahem, attention back to Mordaunt.
A spell that would cause someone to repeatedly punch themselves until they passed out or got rescued. Huh. Sounded like he'd actually gotten something out of the spell too. That was impressive. Maddox scratched at his chin for a moment, rolling the spell over and over in his mind while considering the current dilemma. "And you've already assessed to ensure the problem doesn't stop with the intent? It might reverse the problem of the face hitting the fist instead of the fist hitting the face, just to start." They would need to work on the repetitive element after.
Cutty paused as he gave this some thought. Had he wanted the after-effect more than he wanted to see someone's fist flying into their face? Or perhaps deep down he found the face hitting the fist far more entertaining prompting him to shift his intent unconsciously. He considered the ridicule factor of someone's hand clearly being out of their control versus the lack of clarity one risked with a face drawing quickly into the hand where ever it may be placed. Not to mention the fact that someone could adjust the position of their hand and make it look a bit more natural or place something soft between their fist and their face. A slow smile was forming...
Originally Posted by Squishy
Totally not picking up on the fact that Cutty didn't want her in the office with him, Lux listened carefully as he spoke to Professor Quigley about a spell that he was developing.
SNORT. Why did so many boys want to be violent? Seemed that Bay was one of the exceptions because he was generally one for non-violence unless someone was messing with her. The spell did sound pretty interesting, however, she had to admit.
"How do you create spells?" she asked curiously because she really did need to know that for the spell she wanted to create with Bay.
Only to be destroyed and replaced with a stern frown by Lux's interruption. She was fired. She was so, so fired! He was never bringing her on another outing again.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
“it was just a question!” he snapped, getting angry again because they always made his simple questions in to a life preach. “I was only curious to know why you are so sensitive to loud noises” but if he didn’t tell him now then that was fine. He had other ways to get information. It had even taken him a few days to get Zander to go insane and finally admit he had a crush on the ex herbology professor. Good times, good times hehe. “Like what? Homework?” he laughed now but then he frowned. He shouldn’t have said homework ..mweh.
“Wow, you just hit the nail on the head!” Kevin said sarcastically when the Professor mentioned that his anger issue was a problem. He had wanted to roll his eyes but didn’t because when the man leaned forward and he was staring at his blue eyes, the Gryffindor tried his best to look back. Which failed and he eventually averted his gaze to look at the desk. He hated it when people looked at him in the eyes, it was uncomfortable. “I’ll try to think about it…but I can’t promise it will work immediately!” he said, to be safe in case he got another episode and he would be judged again. “You know, you’re kinda cool for helping me out. Seeing as …well…you know” ahem. Their history already.
Woah! Woah woah woah! Hold up! Rewind! Playback! DID HE JUST SAY LEX WAS SUSPENDED?!
Kevin snapped his head up, a look of disbelief was on his face at first before it changed in to joy and then he laughed out loud. “Are you serious? Lex got suspended?! This is the BEST news I’ve heard ALL day!” And the day had JUST started! he looked at the door behind him , hoping this meeting was over very soon because he HAD to tell Zander this. And everyone else. Because PERFECT INFORMATION WAS PERFECT! “She was so mean to me!” he finally said, completely missing the point of what the professor was trying to say. “You know she held me hostage once?! Yeah , at a party and she tried to make Noel in to an errand boy to get her drinks , total abuse of Prefect power!” he nodded his head and crossed his arms. Leaving out the details of them crashing the party and him having been super rude to her because details weren’t important, you know? “You only said you wanted to silence and lock me up but I don’t think you would actually do that…right?” cue nervous laughter. “…but she actually DID it, insane right?!” SAY YES.
Oh right….they had been talking about that other kid who got suspended. He really wondered who that had been. Was he in the school records? Maybe he should do some investigating on his own because he was a hundred percent sure that this man wouldn’t say anything. Maybe the library kept the records? Hmm… “But if he turned out alright I can too right?” he asked after calming down. “And I’ll try to remember that I can be suspended as well” sigh. He rolled up his sleeve a bit to check his watch. “Can I go soon? I want to tell about Le---I mean , I have class soon and I need to get my books first” Forget about class man, he was so finding Zander to tell him ALL of this!
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Quigley
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
That...was a lot of words. Maddox bit into his apple and chewed slowly while he listened to the young Gryffindor go on about being good at Charms and wanting to be a strong wizard one day. Admittedly a very relative term but he didn't think he could be bothered explaining that much so he let him continue.
Oh, look at that, someone else that realized defensive spells weren't the only way to win duels. Charms won duels at the end of the day, whether dark or otherwise. Not that many cared to take note of that.
"It would depend on the victory you want. You could take a duel with dark charms; those are your hexes, jinxes and curses--things you'd expect Professor Romanos to go over. However there are regular charms that do just as brilliant a job if not better. The sudden ascension charm might be a nice one, gets your opponent off their feet making them an easier target. Glisseo could trip them up; balance is crucial in a duel."
Maddox moved his head from side to side, wracking his brain for things off the top of his head. "The freezing charm; it's use speaks for itself. Banishing charm too if you've got good enough aim to banish their wands..."
This meeting already seemed to hold a great deal of promise, he could FEEEEL and TASTE victory on the tip of his tongue... or back of his mouth... or just in general. Okay.. it wasn't VICTORY he was tasting so much as chocolate, but chocolate was a victory in its own right.
But... hang on.
"Hexes, jinxes and curses are ... Charms?" Really? Was he sure? Weren't they... different? Zeke was CONFUSED, officially. "I always thought they were their own category..." but apparently they weren't, not really... cause CHARMS was a thing and Transfiguration was DIFFERENT.. those were... were... well, JUST SPELLS.
But back onto what Professor Quigley was actually saying, cause those sounded like LOTS of good things.
"Understated might be good, I like the sound of that, my aim's a little shoddy though... how can I fix that?" and don't say practice!!!! He'd been there and done that.
Sorry for the wait, I'm internet-less at the moment >.<
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Lux and Cutty
Originally Posted by Squishy
Totally not picking up on the fact that Cutty didn't want her in the office with him, Lux listened carefully as he spoke to Professor Quigley about a spell that he was developing.
SNORT. Why did so many boys want to be violent? Seemed that Bay was one of the exceptions because he was generally one for non-violence unless someone was messing with her. The spell did sound pretty interesting, however, she had to admit.
"How do you create spells?" she asked curiously because she really did need to know that for the spell she wanted to create with Bay.
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
Cutty paused as he gave this some thought. Had he wanted the after-effect more than he wanted to see someone's fist flying into their face? Or perhaps deep down he found the face hitting the fist far more entertaining prompting him to shift his intent unconsciously. He considered the ridicule factor of someone's hand clearly being out of their control versus the lack of clarity one risked with a face drawing quickly into the hand where ever it may be placed. Not to mention the fact that someone could adjust the position of their hand and make it look a bit more natural or place something soft between their fist and their face. A slow smile was forming...
Only to be destroyed and replaced with a stern frown by Lux's interruption. She was fired. She was so, so fired! He was never bringing her on another outing again.
"A good question Miss Carrington." He'd have asked Mister Mordaunt to explain, given he was the one to undertake the invention of a new spell in his spare time but at the moment the boy looked positively put off for whatever reason so he'd sort through this one himself. "It's complex, first and foremost and requires a lot of concentration, intent, diligence, you name it. What you'll want to do is condition the wand to the action, find an incantation that you think describes the action you want as best as possible then while uttering this incantation you'll need to fix your intent. Make the wand understand exactly what it is you want it doing." Which wasn't as easy as it sounded but that went without saying.
Unless she was one of those that didn't take Charms seriously and thought everything was a simple flick of the wand? For now he would refrain from asking as much because of that benefit of the doubt thing you had to pretend to respect when you became a Professor SO attention back to Cutty. "Now you were saying, Mister Mordaunt?" About the incantation working in reverse, assessing for the strength of his intent. Yes. He was listening.
SPOILER!!: Kevin
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
“it was just a question!” he snapped, getting angry again because they always made his simple questions in to a life preach. “I was only curious to know why you are so sensitive to loud noises” but if he didn’t tell him now then that was fine. He had other ways to get information. It had even taken him a few days to get Zander to go insane and finally admit he had a crush on the ex herbology professor. Good times, good times hehe. “Like what? Homework?” he laughed now but then he frowned. He shouldn’t have said homework ..mweh.
“Wow, you just hit the nail on the head!” Kevin said sarcastically when the Professor mentioned that his anger issue was a problem. He had wanted to roll his eyes but didn’t because when the man leaned forward and he was staring at his blue eyes, the Gryffindor tried his best to look back. Which failed and he eventually averted his gaze to look at the desk. He hated it when people looked at him in the eyes, it was uncomfortable. “I’ll try to think about it…but I can’t promise it will work immediately!” he said, to be safe in case he got another episode and he would be judged again. “You know, you’re kinda cool for helping me out. Seeing as …well…you know” ahem. Their history already.
Woah! Woah woah woah! Hold up! Rewind! Playback! DID HE JUST SAY LEX WAS SUSPENDED?!
Kevin snapped his head up, a look of disbelief was on his face at first before it changed in to joy and then he laughed out loud. “Are you serious? Lex got suspended?! This is the BEST news I’ve heard ALL day!” And the day had JUST started! he looked at the door behind him , hoping this meeting was over very soon because he HAD to tell Zander this. And everyone else. Because PERFECT INFORMATION WAS PERFECT! “She was so mean to me!” he finally said, completely missing the point of what the professor was trying to say. “You know she held me hostage once?! Yeah , at a party and she tried to make Noel in to an errand boy to get her drinks , total abuse of Prefect power!” he nodded his head and crossed his arms. Leaving out the details of them crashing the party and him having been super rude to her because details weren’t important, you know? “You only said you wanted to silence and lock me up but I don’t think you would actually do that…right?” cue nervous laughter. “…but she actually DID it, insane right?!” SAY YES.
Oh right….they had been talking about that other kid who got suspended. He really wondered who that had been. Was he in the school records? Maybe he should do some investigating on his own because he was a hundred percent sure that this man wouldn’t say anything. Maybe the library kept the records? Hmm… “But if he turned out alright I can too right?” he asked after calming down. “And I’ll try to remember that I can be suspended as well” sigh. He rolled up his sleeve a bit to check his watch. “Can I go soon? I want to tell about Le---I mean , I have class soon and I need to get my books first” Forget about class man, he was so finding Zander to tell him ALL of this!
So, he was going to ignore that entire first art. It didn't matter if the boy was only asking, he was choosing to ignore and if that wasn't clear enough that he had a right to keep his reasons to himself then he didn't think explaining would help either. Instead Maddox focused on his question of homework. "Yes...homework would be a good alternative, other clubs as well. Extra credit things for Professors--trying to make friends and be normal. Take your pick." Really, it wasn't that hard.
Once again he ignored the sarcastic backlash. As far as he was concerned, whenever the boy got like this he wasn't addressing him but obviously an invisible force in the room. See? Benefit of the doubt. NO WAY was he talking to HIM like THAT. "I don't expect you to change overnight or even in the course of a day. What I expect is to see you trying." So the next time he felt like yelling and being disrespectful in his class, he didn't expect a tantrum. That was SO last class. Maddox allowed himself a small smile at what might have been gratitude on the part of the boy. "It's no problem--so long as you're sincere about this. If you want to change I'm willing to help."
.....Aaaaand now Mister Hirase looked like someone had given him an early Christmas. Right then...."Lex?....Sure...if you mean a Cambridge, otherwise, no idea what you're on about." But the boy just kept going. Abuse of power, hostage, insane. Seemed legit under Hogwarts management. "Completely insane, outrageous even." He offered helpfully with the most solemn of nods despite the fact he didn't see the big deal, especially not when it came to him. "Of course, only a joke. Otherwise I'd be unprofessional." In truth he was completely unprofessional, meant every word and was only trying to make this kid feel better but you know, what you don't know won't hurt you.
Back to the matter at hand, however. The Charms Professor straightened a little. "I think there's hope for almost anyone. The fact you are willing to change already proves that you're more likely to turn out okay and if you're willing to take everything we discussed seriously then I see no point in keeping you here." He nodded toward the door. "Enjoy your breakfast before it runs out." Or had they not started serving that yet? What time was it even?
Originally Posted by Hera
This meeting already seemed to hold a great deal of promise, he could FEEEEL and TASTE victory on the tip of his tongue... or back of his mouth... or just in general. Okay.. it wasn't VICTORY he was tasting so much as chocolate, but chocolate was a victory in its own right.
But... hang on.
"Hexes, jinxes and curses are ... Charms?" Really? Was he sure? Weren't they... different? Zeke was CONFUSED, officially. "I always thought they were their own category..." but apparently they weren't, not really... cause CHARMS was a thing and Transfiguration was DIFFERENT.. those were... were... well, JUST SPELLS.
But back onto what Professor Quigley was actually saying, cause those sounded like LOTS of good things.
"Understated might be good, I like the sound of that, my aim's a little shoddy though... how can I fix that?" and don't say practice!!!! He'd been there and done that.
Someone else that wasn't aware. It didn't truly surprise him, in fact, Maddox had come to understand that most didn't know and were content to keep on not knowing. He could have left young Zeke in the little world of ignorant bliss but he'd already sprung open the can of billywigs so he might as well. "Yes. 'Dark Charms' but charms nonetheless. They can further be broken into 'hexes', 'jinxes' and 'curses' but on a broader scale, yup, charms."
A little further explanation might not hurt. "Try to remember what a charm does, Mister Rogers. They essentially alter the appearance or behaviour of an object." To keep it plain and simple. "A spell like...say....Tarantellegra changes the behaviour of one's feet. A curse like...--the flagrante curse, causes an object to scorch all who come in contact despite that not being the original purpose of the object."
Did he see it now?
As for aim. "Practice." Heh. Yeah. No way around that. "I do recommend providing a challenge for yourself while you work, however, otherwise it gets tedious and little gets done. Some people find they work better under duress. Maybe you're one of them. Who knows, maybe your aim improves when someone else is aiming at you." Something to consider.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
"A good question Miss Carrington." He'd have asked Mister Mordaunt to explain, given he was the one to undertake the invention of a new spell in his spare time but at the moment the boy looked positively put off for whatever reason so he'd sort through this one himself. "It's complex, first and foremost and requires a lot of concentration, intent, diligence, you name it. What you'll want to do is condition the wand to the action, find an incantation that you think describes the action you want as best as possible then while uttering this incantation you'll need to fix your intent. Make the wand understand exactly what it is you want it doing." Which wasn't as easy as it sounded but that went without saying.
Unless she was one of those that didn't take Charms seriously and thought everything was a simple flick of the wand? For now he would refrain from asking as much because of that benefit of the doubt thing you had to pretend to respect when you became a Professor SO attention back to Cutty. "Now you were saying, Mister Mordaunt?" About the incantation working in reverse, assessing for the strength of his intent. Yes. He was listening.
When Professor Quiggley explained to Lux all that went into spell creation he listened carefully. Not only for general knowledge, but for the chance that he might even improve upon the efficiency of his little baby. Maaaybe Lux was good to have around afterall. She probably made him look less guilty by proxy as well. I mean...look at her.
"I think it's an issue of fohwkiss. Although, I intended the castee to hit his or her face I really wasn't feelin' too picky, apparently. Both situations struck me as amusing, boot, having given it some thought the fist to face is really more error-proof and the next time I cast my fohwkiss will be on that scenario." Time to go forth and find the practice dummies. "D'yer think it could be anything else, Professor? Is my incantation alright?"
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: This!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Maddox was going to take the silence for deep consideration and if that was the case then his job was done. That was the rewarding part from what he'd been told.
Oh, more questions though.
"Funny you should ask, Mister Banner. I myself find very few pieces of literature offering information on that one." The Charms Professor summoned a book from the far corner of the shelf and watched it flop on the table before them. It was a spell he'd run into, of course and a book like this wasn't to be left on the shelf.
"It's...right...." He flipped from page to page, his index finger running along the page before finally coming to a stop. "here."
"I trust this is what you were looking for?"
Well, Gabriel didn't feel nearly as foolish now. Even the Professor admitted the spell was tedious to track down....but there it was. Right in front of him. In black and white.
Cue excited, feverish grin. It was satisfying to FIND something after such a grueling search; even if the thing hadn't really been 'found' but freely given. He'd made the right decision in coming to the Charms Professor.
"Yes......and thank you. For the idea. It's perfect for the Prefect team."...among other things. Did he sound a bit breathless? Why, yes. Yes, he did...but Gabriel didn't mind that. It was all in the name of knowledge and he'd just learned something both NEW and highly valuable.
#Ravenclaw mission accomplished.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
"A good question Miss Carrington." He'd have asked Mister Mordaunt to explain, given he was the one to undertake the invention of a new spell in his spare time but at the moment the boy looked positively put off for whatever reason so he'd sort through this one himself. "It's complex, first and foremost and requires a lot of concentration, intent, diligence, you name it. What you'll want to do is condition the wand to the action, find an incantation that you think describes the action you want as best as possible then while uttering this incantation you'll need to fix your intent. Make the wand understand exactly what it is you want it doing." Which wasn't as easy as it sounded but that went without saying.
Unless she was one of those that didn't take Charms seriously and thought everything was a simple flick of the wand? For now he would refrain from asking as much because of that benefit of the doubt thing you had to pretend to respect when you became a Professor SO attention back to Cutty. "Now you were saying, Mister Mordaunt?" About the incantation working in reverse, assessing for the strength of his intent. Yes. He was listening.
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
When Professor Quiggley explained to Lux all that went into spell creation he listened carefully. Not only for general knowledge, but for the chance that he might even improve upon the efficiency of his little baby. Maaaybe Lux was good to have around afterall. She probably made him look less guilty by proxy as well. I mean...look at her.
"I think it's an issue of fohwkiss. Although, I intended the castee to hit his or her face I really wasn't feelin' too picky, apparently. Both situations struck me as amusing, boot, having given it some thought the fist to face is really more error-proof and the next time I cast my fohwkiss will be on that scenario." Time to go forth and find the practice dummies. "D'yer think it could be anything else, Professor? Is my incantation alright?"
Carefully Lux listened to what Professor Quigley told her. This was important information for the spell that she and Bay were going to invent. Did she want to tell him about it though? Honestly she wasn't sure because part of her had wanted to keep it a secret for the time being since that would be more fun. "Would the incantation generally be Latin?" she asked curiously. If so she would have to do some research on that because she didn't know a single word of Latin.
Listening to Cutty go on and explain his spell, she wondered if he knew the language. She had missed the frown he gave her earlier, so all she noticed was the fact that he really wanted his violent spell to work. "Is the spell meant for dueling?" she asked the boy curiously.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Cutty and Lux
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
When Professor Quiggley explained to Lux all that went into spell creation he listened carefully. Not only for general knowledge, but for the chance that he might even improve upon the efficiency of his little baby. Maaaybe Lux was good to have around afterall. She probably made him look less guilty by proxy as well. I mean...look at her.
"I think it's an issue of fohwkiss. Although, I intended the castee to hit his or her face I really wasn't feelin' too picky, apparently. Both situations struck me as amusing, boot, having given it some thought the fist to face is really more error-proof and the next time I cast my fohwkiss will be on that scenario." Time to go forth and find the practice dummies. "D'yer think it could be anything else, Professor? Is my incantation alright?"
Originally Posted by Squishy
Carefully Lux listened to what Professor Quigley told her. This was important information for the spell that she and Bay were going to invent. Did she want to tell him about it though? Honestly she wasn't sure because part of her had wanted to keep it a secret for the time being since that would be more fun. "Would the incantation generally be Latin?" she asked curiously. If so she would have to do some research on that because she didn't know a single word of Latin.
Listening to Cutty go on and explain his spell, she wondered if he knew the language. She had missed the frown he gave her earlier, so all she noticed was the fact that he really wanted his violent spell to work. "Is the spell meant for dueling?" she asked the boy curiously.
Maddox nodded slowly at the boy's inner reflection. A matter of focus sounded to be about right given the incantation being as straight forward as it was. The wand needed to have a clear idea of what you expect from it, otherwise it was likely to go a bit wonky. "I don't see much that needs work with the incantation itself. You've relayed your desire to the wand and simply need the intent to have it follow through." Again, not as easy as it sounded but there it was.
He glanced over at the Hufflepuff once more. "Not necessarily. There have been spells with English incantations; 'Point Me' for one instance and even 'Pack'." So there was technically no need to go scanning through old Latin dictionaries per say...
"Latin is simply the old tongue, as old as magic or older and thus a little easier on the wand." There was a little more to that but that was the long and short of it, as simple as possible. If she wanted anything further he could refer her to a few books so long as she had the time.
"Is there anything else I can help you both with?" While they were here and all.
Originally Posted by Govoni
Well, Gabriel didn't feel nearly as foolish now. Even the Professor admitted the spell was tedious to track down....but there it was. Right in front of him. In black and white.
Cue excited, feverish grin. It was satisfying to FIND something after such a grueling search; even if the thing hadn't really been 'found' but freely given. He'd made the right decision in coming to the Charms Professor.
"Yes......and thank you. For the idea. It's perfect for the Prefect team."...among other things. Did he sound a bit breathless? Why, yes. Yes, he did...but Gabriel didn't mind that. It was all in the name of knowledge and he'd just learned something both NEW and highly valuable.
#Ravenclaw mission accomplished.
And just like that it seemed he'd given the Ravenclaw an early Christmas. Maddox let the boy have his little moment of grinning and happy thought and whatever else Mister Banner might have been feeling while he reached into his draw for one oft he apples he occasionally stored there.
"No problem, happy to help."Crunch. Especially when it came to a spell like that one. Had he not needed it himself at some point in his life he may never have bothered to learn it.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Or was he all good in this area now? Crunch.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Carefully Lux listened to what Professor Quigley told her. This was important information for the spell that she and Bay were going to invent. Did she want to tell him about it though? Honestly she wasn't sure because part of her had wanted to keep it a secret for the time being since that would be more fun. "Would the incantation generally be Latin?" she asked curiously. If so she would have to do some research on that because she didn't know a single word of Latin.
Listening to Cutty go on and explain his spell, she wondered if he knew the language. She had missed the frown he gave her earlier, so all she noticed was the fact that he really wanted his violent spell to work. "Is the spell meant for dueling?" she asked the boy curiously.
It was genuine. The smile he was giving Lux when she turned and asked her less-incriminating question. Yes. Yes. She was definitely one he wanted around now and again. Especially when people were casting their suspicions on things they knew he did cause he did them. Not that he'd ever been severely punished for them. Even with telling the truth, Cutty somehow had managed to get away with most of what he'd done.
The genuine smile was mellow and still present as he patted the little Hufflepuff's shoulder and addressed her question, "Yea, it is, Carrington. How...How'dyer know that?" More of a rhetorical 'I find your observation clever' than a question he expected an answer to.
Text Cut: Quigz
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Maddox nodded slowly at the boy's inner reflection. A matter of focus sounded to be about right given the incantation being as straight forward as it was. The wand needed to have a clear idea of what you expect from it, otherwise it was likely to go a bit wonky. "I don't see much that needs work with the incantation itself. You've relayed your desire to the wand and simply need the intent to have it follow through." Again, not as easy as it sounded but there it was.
He glanced over at the Hufflepuff once more. "Not necessarily. There have been spells with English incantations; 'Point Me' for one instance and even 'Pack'." So there was technically no need to go scanning through old Latin dictionaries per say...
"Latin is simply the old tongue, as old as magic or older and thus a little easier on the wand." There was a little more to that but that was the long and short of it, as simple as possible. If she wanted anything further he could refer her to a few books so long as she had the time.
"Is there anything else I can help you both with?" While they were here and all.
Still beaming a bit at Lux's haphazardly applied innocence, Cutty turned his attention back to the Charms Professor to answer him. "Nar. That's all I needed. Thank you, Professor. I'll be sure to extend a discount for yer if yer ever lookin' to buy any sweets. I sell them." He 'casually' mentioned.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
SPOILER!!: Quigley and Cutty
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Maddox nodded slowly at the boy's inner reflection. A matter of focus sounded to be about right given the incantation being as straight forward as it was. The wand needed to have a clear idea of what you expect from it, otherwise it was likely to go a bit wonky. "I don't see much that needs work with the incantation itself. You've relayed your desire to the wand and simply need the intent to have it follow through." Again, not as easy as it sounded but there it was.
He glanced over at the Hufflepuff once more. "Not necessarily. There have been spells with English incantations; 'Point Me' for one instance and even 'Pack'." So there was technically no need to go scanning through old Latin dictionaries per say...
"Latin is simply the old tongue, as old as magic or older and thus a little easier on the wand." There was a little more to that but that was the long and short of it, as simple as possible. If she wanted anything further he could refer her to a few books so long as she had the time.
"Is there anything else I can help you both with?" While they were here and all.
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
It was genuine. The smile he was giving Lux when she turned and asked her less-incriminating question. Yes. Yes. She was definitely one he wanted around now and again. Especially when people were casting their suspicions on things they knew he did cause he did them. Not that he'd ever been severely punished for them. Even with telling the truth, Cutty somehow had managed to get away with most of what he'd done.
The genuine smile was mellow and still present as he patted the little Hufflepuff's shoulder and addressed her question, "Yea, it is, Carrington. How...How'dyer know that?" More of a rhetorical 'I find your observation clever' than a question he expected an answer to.
Still beaming a bit at Lux's haphazardly applied innocence, Cutty turned his attention back to the Charms Professor to answer him. "Nar. That's all I needed. Thank you, Professor. I'll be sure to extend a discount for yer if yer ever lookin' to buy any sweets. I sell them." He 'casually' mentioned.
So the spell incantation didn't HAVE to be in Latin... This was good news for Lux because it meant that she wouldn't have to study and learn a dead language which seemed quite complicated. On the plus side at least it wasn't Greek, because that had a whole other alphabet on top of everything else.
Oh boo, Latin was more effective than English. That was a bit of rain on her parade...but maybe Professor Quigley could help her out a little more. "Professor, do you know what 'clean' and 'marshmallow' would be in Latin?" This was important because it was for her spell. "That's the last question I have," she added when he asked if there was anything else he could do to help them.
Looked like Cutty was about ready to go as well, though Lux was surprised when he patted her shoulder since he hadn't given her the impression that he was big on human contact. He was also smiling at her which was really nice. Well, he got a smile right back for being so pleasant!! "It seems like the perfect dueling spell. Do you duel often?" Some boys were into that kind of thing though she knew that Bay wasn't really.