Magical Soul | 10-21-2014 02:22 PM | Whaaaaaaaat is brewing in the Ravennclaw CR? O: Quote:
Originally Posted by PIXIES!
(Post 11676924)
...................what was that?
A quick movement caught out of the corner of your eye or the faint sound of the buzzing of wings... and is that giggling? ..becomes more apparent as a small creature flits about the room, followed by another, and another...
Soon a multitude of pixies flies throughout the Ravenclaw common room, zipping here and there as they see what kind of mischief fun they can get into. A couple pixies dash towards the pair of first year boys, one flying near a boy's ear (Anise) to whisper something unintelligible, then giggle before flying off again. Another sprinkles pixie dust on the other boy's head (Thornton).
Oooh pretty! A giggling pixie flies off to play with the prefect's hair (Jasmine), pulling on it a bit as it zips around her head. And a pair of pixies buzz around in front of another boy's face (Paris). Are they trying to say something?
Play with us, Ravenclaws! | Quote:
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
(Post 11676926)
Merlin's sequined slippers!
Thornton's attention was drawn away from Anise by the sudden movement over his face. He squeezed his eyes shut as the pixie dust fell down. Getting some in his nose, Thornton sat up, rubbing his nose, but.. but... "ACHOO!!" He sneezed forcefully, trying to cover his mouth and nose as quickly as he could. Looking around, first confused, and then somewhat delighted, he followed the movement of the pixies with his eyes.
Holding out a hand toward one, he hoped that it would land. | Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
(Post 11676943)
Just as Jasmine was about to ask more questions of the boy, she heard a buzzing sound nearby. She looked up just in time to see.....pixies. Before she could react, there was a pixie in her hair and it did not feel good. Well they clearly weren't like her fairies because they knew better. As she reached up trying to make sure it didn't become entangled, the pixie flew away then began to circle her head. Where had they come from and what were they up to? Normally, Jasmine would have been amused......but this was not the best time for pixie tag. | Quote:
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
(Post 11676997)
It was definitely time to celebrate. She was proud of her Claws. This term they were working hard and they were even in second place in the House Cup race. With this in mind, Tiara had baked a few dozen cookies to leave on the study tables as an encouragement.
The heavily laden plates smelled glorious and the scent wafted back to her as she walked behind the floating cookies, wand held aloft. She got past the door's riddle and entered the common room, fully expecting to find students hard at work or relaxing after a long day of classes.
But a horde of pixies?!
"Merlin, what's going on here?" she asked loudly, completely forgetting about the cookies. | Quote:
Originally Posted by PIXIES!
(Post 11677431)
The giggling pixies flew around the room, darting around students' faces, narrowly dodging swatting hands as they looked for some fun to be had. Several of the pixies dashed off to the study tables, pulling out pages of the books someone had left out for studying. And, oh look! A pair of pixies buzzed straight for a pillow on one of the couches. Pulling it up into the air with their little hands, they began to pull it apart at the seams, letting it burst open as the stuffing rained down on them. Such fun!
Hearing a loud voice, a few of the pixies flew towards the adult lady (Tiara), giggling as they buzzed around her head. What was this? Cookies! One of the pixies swooped down and landed on the plate, breaking off bits of a cookie to toss at the other pixies flying around.
Spotting the boy (Thornton) with his palm outstretched, two of the pixies flew over, each grabbing on to a finger and pulling upwards. But they were careful! Sometimes humans tried to catch them in their hands... but these pixies just wanted to have some fun and being captured was no fun at all! | Quote:
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
(Post 11677752)
One moment, he was just sitting there playing his ukulele, the next he had not only an older girl in his face (the house prefect to be specific) but also PIXIES. Gasping, he pushed himself up and out of his chair, landing on his back with a painful thud. "Ow." His face contorted and he looked around at the pixies once one wasn't in his face. "What the....." He looked around, tried not to think about how sore his back now was, and crawled over to the prefect. "How do you get rid of them?" | |