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-   -   What in Merlin's Beard?! Term 38 (2084-85) (

Magical Soul 08-26-2014 12:45 AM

What in Merlin's Beard?! Term 38 (2084-85)

A bit confused about the plot? Housemates talking about a mysterious something going bump in the night? Here's where you can catch up on happenings around the castle and in Hogsmeade -- out of character, of course.

This means that unless your student character heard this stuff from other students or witnessed the actual event, your student character doesn't know about it.

Also, this is a reminder to everyone to only post updates on the school plot here. Please do not post the happenings of your student character in here; that kind of chat goes in the school chat thread.

Have fun!

Magical Soul 08-26-2014 01:07 AM

:sort: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Board of Governors
President - Cassandra Rae-Branxton (Cassirin)
Vice President - Nolan Reynolds (Lissy Longbottom)
Treasurer - Harold Lagerty (Harold Lagerty)
Secretary - Carter Phillips (LilFox06)
Althea Scabior (Tegz)
Atticus Aldredge (AlwaysSnapesGirl)
Ivy Knox (sarahlooo)
Sherman Clark (lemon)
Corineus Vanderbilt (Steelsheen)
Cooper Cope (Hera)
Erik Vinteren (Erik Vinteren)

:sort: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmistress - Prof. Anastasia Truebridge (BanaBatGirl)
Deputy Head - Prof. Abraham Botros (Magical Soul)

:sort:School Staff
Ancient Runes – Prof. Abraham Botros (Magical Soul)
Arithmancy - Prof. Lolita Domingo (Lolita Domingo)
Astronomy - Prof. Airey Flamsteed (sweetpinkpixie)
CoMC - Prof. Javier Thompson (Charely Potter)
Charms – Prof. Pierson Fuller (sarahlooo)
DADA - Prof. Medea Romanos (Roselyn)
Divination - Prof. Cassiopeia Morgan (Bazinga)
Herbology - Prof. Andrew Walton (the fastest seeker)
History of Magic – Prof. Nessarose Glendower (emjay)
Muggle Studies – Prof. Josephina Nairne (PhoenixRising)
Potions - Prof. Cosgrach Culloden (StarShine)
Transfiguration – Prof. Sophia Bellaire (Davvy_Wavvy)

Flying - Mrs. Tiara Tanner (hpluvr037)
Groundskeeper – Mr. Archibald Millard (Emzily)
Librarian - Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch)
School Healer (Nurse) – Mrs. Cecelia Murdoch (The1HBIC)
School Poltergeist - Peeves
School Ghost - Moaning Myrtle
House ElvesAlgamus, Argyle, Beezley, Nimma, Pips, Quirly, Schmoop, Tinka, Tippin, Toddles

Head BoyJun Kim (Star-Lord)
Head GirlAlexa Cambridge (DaniDiNardo)

:gryff: Gryffindor
House Ghost - Sir "Nearly Headless" Nick
Head of House - Prof. Airey Flamsteed (sweetpinkpixie)
House Moderator - Prof. Medea Romanos (Roselyn)
House Prefects - Victor Bay (Grrr..Meow), Alexa Cambridge (DaniDiNardo)

:huff: Hufflepuff
House Ghost - The Fat Friar
Head of House - Prof. Josephina Nairne (PhoenixRising)
House Moderator – Prof. Nessarose Glendower (emjay)
House Prefects – Aditya Rehman (FearlessLeader19 ), Marigold McAlistor (ScarletCharm104)

:claw: Ravenclaw
House Ghost - The Grey Lady
Head of House - Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch)
House Moderator - Mrs. Tiara Tanner (hpluvr037)
House Prefects – Jun Kim (Star-Lord), Jasmine Guidry (Daydreamer11)

:slyth: Slytherin
House Ghost - The Bloody Baron
Head of House - Mrs. Cecelia Murdoch (The1HBIC)
House Moderator - Prof. Sophia Bellaire (Davvy_Wavvy)
House Prefects – Ethan Mordaunt (Mordred), Beverly Wayne (Deezerz)

Gobstones Club – Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch) and Prof. Abraham Botros (Magical Soul)

:galleon:Hogsmeade Shopkeepers
Dervish & BangesSaul Bunyons
Gladrag’s WizardwearSummer Longshadow
Hog’s Head PubSamuel Huxley
HoneydukesMaisie Windell
Madam PuddifootsSapphira Puddifoot
The Three BroomsticksHarold Lagerty
Scrivenshaft’sEdina Fairbairn
Simply Stylish Salon Monte Bossa
Zonko’s Joke Shop Emerald McDougal

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2014 03:43 AM

Speech speech SPEECH!!


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 11658209)

Anastasia stood up and walked to the front of the dais, pausing and waiting for everyone's attention before she cast sonorous on herself. Once she was ready, she began her speech.

"Good evening, everyone. Welcome back to another year. As I'm sure you all have noticed, the weather has returned to normal and the infest--- the horde of chorts from the forest are officially removed." She paused to allow time for applause, because OBVIOUSLY that statement deserved applause. Copious amounts of it.

Next. "We also have some new and returning staff this term... Professor Tanner is back," hopefully they'd know that was Tyner, just married, "and we have some new staff in Herbology and on the grounds. Please give a warm welcome to Professor Walton and Groundskeeper Milliard."

Another pause for applause.

"Now, I look forward to a WONDERFUL term with no problems and a great, friendly competitive spirit in the House points race. Please do your best in your classes and make all of our new students and teachers feel welcome. Without further ado, let's eat!"

And nowwww the food and tea and other hot items were on the tables. Delicious!

AmbiguouslyMe 09-17-2014 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11663854)
Sitting on its shelf in the damp and dusty Restricted Section of the library, a leather bound book with golden filigree and lettering begins glowing as it senses a curious spirit approaching. Finally free after all those years of being trapped on the back of the shelf behind spellbooks on hexes and dark arts, the Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales wiggled itself free from its chains with an airy giggle and fell to the floor at the girl’s feet. Its inviting glow and beautiful cover are so irresistible that the book truly seems to be calling to her to pick it up.

Yes, come on now, pick me up! Pick me up and see what fantastic things await!

So, uh... books are throwing themselves at our Head Girl. (or, at least, A book)

Edit to add:

Also, it seems like our Headmistress and some of the male staffers are "investigating" Professor Domingo and trying to figure out what she was doing in the forest last term.


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 11661202)
Good, they were all in. Anastasia made calm and cool eye contact with each man, giving them all nods before she spoke again. Now, she was looking at Piers first.

"I am thinking that we need a closer watch." She raised her brows slightly. "We need to know what SHE was thinking when she went into that forest. And I think the only way to do that is to investigate her on a personal level. I'm talking office, belongings, diary, clothing, any and all spells used by her wand... whatever you can find, I'll take and turn in to the authorities. Do not hold back. Do you have something in mind?"

A little B&E never hurt nobody. And with that sentiment, she looked to Javy and Cossy.

lazykitty 09-20-2014 04:20 AM


Looks like our Head Girl has been possessed.......

......according to this from the Library:

Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11664157)
Feeling its bindings caressed by an human's touch after so long made the book let out an airy sigh of content. It felt so nice to be appreciated again. A golden light engulfed the girl, one that caused tinglings to pass over the girl's skin, and intensified with each page the girl turned...


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11664552)
Her eyes widened as the glow got brighter but she soon found it hard to look through the sudden bright light that made everything around her seem to disappear. Evidently it was all still there though because she could hear Felix hissing louder than he'd done in the longest time. Lex never knew him to be afraid of light and it got her thinking she should just...put it back. It obviously wouldn't help her reading.

Hard as she tried though, she couldn't let the book go. A tingling held her arms fixed on the book and soon she felt she wasn't the one turning the pages anymore. Shouts came from inside the book, loud, anxious voices that increased her doubt but even then she couldn't get her hands off the book.

She tried calling for Mr. Kitridge but a face appeared in the book and it was like it took her voices. A cunning smile, dark eyes and then nothing. The lights were gone, the book slammed shut and the Gryffindor felt herself rising....but she didn't remember moving? One step after the other took her back toward the exit but it was like a dream. Lex was moving but she didn't know how.

Another hissing got her to turn but even then that wasn't her. Somehow she managed to reach her own hand toward him but he simply growled then bolted. What in Merlin's beard was going on????

And this from History of Magic:


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11664562)
It took all day but she finally got this hair to a darker colour and found robes that could double for cloak!capes. When travelling one had to in style and now that she was free, she would do it right.

Now then, what was this gathering? Had SHE been invited? Oh oh oh, it seems she was. This was where everyone was going and no one was looking at her with strange eyes. Acceptance and it was about time from the common folk. She could almost scoff at the thought. Why wouldn't she be invited? This was centuries after and she was FREE. Things would be different. She WOULD rule, starting here.

What was this? A strange oddity on the table. The Spirit of the girl she'd taken called out to these things. My my my she must like these. It was the least she could do. Maleficent swept over to this table and nicked the odd treat (chocolate frog) from the girl's desk, then continued walking without a word. But why stop there?

Walking back from the table she bounced into this one and gave him a GLARE. "Who are YOU to be bumping into ME? Don't you know who I am??" She bellowed, aghast at the fact he would dare touch her, HER, the Mistress of All Evil. It was almost too much to take so she spun on her heel, whisking her cape/cloak as she did.


The little voice caught her attention next. Ah yes, another with the treat. Again she could feel the girl's spirit getting loud. Rattled thing wasn't she? Didin't know how to properly be taken under control. Nevermind that, Maleficent would appease her with these odds delicacies so she snatched the other from this boys desk. "I'll be taking this and you'll be thanking me you haven't met upon any spinning wheels. A pleasure we got to talk young man." Then she was off again

"YOU!" She roared at this one. "You nearly knocked me over you son of a toad! An ugly toad!" The nerve. Maleficent gave him a cold glare, wondering if he knew who she was, maybe then he'd make his steps a little more sure when around her. "I'll be taking this." She informed, her tone not changing in the slightest as she snatched his chocolate frog from the table. Would he protest?

Strange, very strange. The girl got louder at the sight of this one but even then the Mistress of All Evil was able to keep a firm hold on her. No escaping just yet. It had been centuries since she was last allowed to stretch her legs. Perhaps it wasn't he girl but again treat. In any case she snatched the chocolate frog from this table as well with nothing more than a scowl and a flashy whirling of her cape to depart. Bigger fishes to fry you see.

"Give this to me." She barked, grabbing the chocolate frog from this table as well. There. Note how many she'd gotten the girl. Surely she'd quiet down now. Enough for her to go about her day maybe.

Now where to sit, where to sit. Ah, foolish question, they'd reserved her seat for her at the front of the room. A smirk of satisfaction graced her lips as she sauntered over to the comfy chair by the front and sat herself in it. None of those chairs the others were using. Those could hardly be considered comfortable and when the Mistress of All Evil Arrives, she deserved nothing but the best.

She would wait to be addressed and accepted curtsies, bows and the odd occasion of gift bestowing.

Hide your Hufflepuffs everyone!

lazykitty 09-21-2014 01:01 AM

RUH-ROH pt.2!


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 11665053)

"I DO dare," Anastasia nearly cackled at the girl's reaction. "The gall of ME? Of ME? To sit where I belong? YOU are the student here, Alexa, now snap out of it!" She angrily snapped her fingers in front of the girl's face and then dramatically looked at her watch.

OKAY. She'd had it. She'd had her two seconds to vacate the chair and yet she was still there. So it was now time to DO something about it. "We don't HAVE royalty in the wizarding world," she answered Alexa coolly, "and that DOES include you, Cambridge. So now I will MAKE you vacate my seat." With two smooth swishes of her wand, the girl was disarmed and dumped out of the chair and off the dais entirely. As the levitating throne came settling back into its proper place, the redhead gracefully took her seat and vanished Alexa's former plate.

Now, for the girl's belongings she had collected from her disarmament... She pocketed the wand first and then set the parchment and watch off to the side. But what was this? An exceptionally heavy bag of... candy? The redhead opened the bag and examined a few chocolate frogs and a giant book inside. The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales she read off the spine with a great lack of interest.

That could stay inside the bag for now, and under her chair it went. "Don't let your late-night reading inspire you too much now, dear Head Girl," she clucked at the child on the floor opposite her table. "Now get up, dust yourself off, and go sit with your pride of lions. Perhaps THEY will fashion you a crown." A crown of mashed potatoes, if she knew them at all.


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11665062)
Maleficent wanted nothing more than to smack away the hand snapping before her but it was removed before she had that chance and before she knew it, SHE was removed; lifted and thrown from the dais like she was a sack of turnips.


She flew to her feet once initial shock wore off, noting the woman had STOLEN her possessions. "You hand those back immediately!!" She demanded, STOMPING BACK TO THE DAIS. You could see the fury with each step until she was across from the woman once more. "None of those belong to you and I have plans for that book!" Even the girl's spirit seemed incensed. Clearly she couldn't let this go on. "Do you know the power that book holds?" More to the point, what would happen if the wrong person came out. It would be just awful if you let out the likes of Cinderella and told her she was the head. Goodness.

"I'll have my crown after I collect my belongings."

And just what ARE Maleficent!Alexa's plans with this book?!

Holmesian Feline 09-21-2014 01:04 AM

That spinning wheel seems familiar :shifty:


Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 11665073)
Golden sparkles began appearing in a corner of the room. Glowing more and more brightly with each passing moment, there was a quick burst of light and then a shape began to fade into existence among the remaining sparkles.

There it was. A spinning wheel with an especially sharp looking spindle. How curious...

lazykitty 09-24-2014 12:12 AM

From the practice pitch:


Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 11665896)
Though the air is calm, the birds are singing, the grass is pleasantly wet, and the air has the crisp sense of impending autumn, all is not necessarily well. A low rumble can be heard over the birdsong. Slight tremors can be felt in the earth. Sharp crackling noises add to the rumbling and can be heard coming from... Are they coming from underground?!

Could it be? Natural disasters at Hogwarts? Seems like an earthquake to me.......

Holmesian Feline 09-24-2014 02:16 AM

Another pitch bites the dust


Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 11666006)
The rumblings grew ever louder and the shaking grew ever worse. Cracks continued to be heard, but now they began to appear on the ground as well. Then it stopped quite suddenly and all was still for several seconds. Until...


A massive sinkhole opened up in the earth. Its middle was directly over the central circle of the Quidditch Pitch. The hole kept falling in on itself, its edges rapidly approaching the stands and goal posts. CRASH! Sure enough, the far set of golden hoops fell victim to the abyss just before the dust settled.

Hopefully no one was on the Pitch at the time or they would have been swallowed up into the earth.

...Just don't tell Vindictus.

Edward Penguin 09-26-2014 02:06 PM

Seems like some shady, shadiness going on at the school.


Originally Posted by Professor Piers
After receiving word from Javy that the coast was clear, Piers headed down the flight of stairs and went towards the Arithmancy professor's classroom. He hadn't had much reason to visit this part of the castle, but he knew where it was. He had disillusioned himself and was walking close to the walls to avoid any students, but not many had lingered anyway. He was just being cautious.

The Charms professor crept up to the office door and quickly began working on getting past whatever locks and enchantments Lolita had placed on her entrance. It only took a couple minutes, and once he was sure he wasn't going to get attacked or set an alarm off, he opened the door and stepped inside to her office.

Good? No trip wires, no alarm sensors? Huh. Good. She wasn't as crazy as he thought.

Quickly shutting the door, Piers went through her office as fast as he could without missing anything. He went straight for her desk and shuffled through some papers, careful not to mess anything up. When he came across what looked like a journal, he flipped it open to some of the most recent pages until... Ah, last term.

And there it was. The word "chorts" stood out, clear as day, like the sweet smell of VICTORY. Piers quickly scanned his eyes over the journal pages. Lolita had been tracking the chorts movements. It didn't sound like she had brought them, but she was tracking them. AND she had been going into the forest to see them. SEE? They were right! Piers got enough information. He wanted to get out of there quickly in case Lolita didn't find the company of Cos and Javy as pleasant as they had hoped.

Piers performed a quick duplicating spell, copying all the pages she had written from the last term up until present time, just in case there was more information. He shoved the papers in his pocket and closed the journal before quickly making his way out of her office.

Now, time to talk to the Headmistress?

Holmesian Feline 09-27-2014 09:25 PM

Sleepy Professor...


Originally Posted by Magical Soul (Post 11667256)
Botros chose this corner specifically, even though the library was quiet and he couldn't see Leo when he walked in with the book under his arm. Now, he took a cozy seat deep into this new room, let his cane drop to the floor and stretched out his legs in front of him as he placed the big book on his lap.

He searched through the pages for that one interesting illustration, but it didn't take him long to find it. In fact, he was staring with hungry eyes at the page, slowly moving his gaze up and down to see if the story was recognizable since the figures were not runes or ancient alphabet.... not one that he recognized anyway.


Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11667263)
I The book seemed like it was helping you with your search. The pages flipped swiftly in your hand, as if by a nonexistent breeze, and landed on the page your heart had long-desired. The words and the illustration glowed, showing off and luring you in. Something exceptional about this particular story must be making you curiouser and curiouser, the book seemed to feed off your attention, seeking more from you. A tiny speckle of light escaped the book, so small you could barely see it, and traveled through air to the old man's forehead, and POOF! More and more glittering speckles followed suit, just like a harmless show of light to the onlookers.


Originally Posted by Magical Soul (Post 11667275)
Botros got lost into the book significantly quickly considering it was a story book. Sure he did read to his grandchildren often and he found those kid stories charming but not enough to the point where he'd read one for himself. This book was interesting, though, first because of how Alexa seemed ready to fight for it, and then with those not-codes turning out to be a weird font?? catching his eyes.

Now, it was something about the story and the way the words were put together. He couldn't take his eyes off it, he kept reading and turning page after page, he must've lost track of time because by the time he was at the end of the story and there was an illustration of an under-the-sea castle of sorts, Botros felt tired-- no, not tired, but sleepy and he just wanted to.. rest... his... eyes a little... and ...



Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11667279)
The glow and glitter vanished with the old man's snoring and drool almost dropping on to the beauty that was those enchanted pages. Ekh. But the book itself seemed just like any ordinary exceptionally beautiful but normal ish piece of literary open in a professor's lap.

... until it disappeared, nowhere to be found in the library HAH.

...and book going poof!

lazykitty 09-28-2014 08:53 PM

And the Quidditch Pitch has been completely swallowed by a giant sinkhole:

Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 11666006)
The rumblings grew ever louder and the shaking grew ever worse. Cracks continued to be heard, but now they began to appear on the ground as well. Then it stopped quite suddenly and all was still for several seconds. Until...


A massive sinkhole opened up in the earth. Its middle was directly over the central circle of the Quidditch Pitch. The hole kept falling in on itself, its edges rapidly approaching the stands and goal posts. CRASH! Sure enough, the far set of golden hoops fell victim to the abyss just before the dust settled.

Hopefully no one was on the Pitch at the time or they would have been swallowed up into the earth.


Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 11667273)
Though the growth of the sinkhole began to slow down, it didn't stop before it reached the stands. The second set of goal hoops had long ago succumbed to the collapse, and now the stands themselves began to tremble.

Shake, shake, creak, creeeak, snaaaap SNAP!

The first section of bleachers came down and disappeared into the black hole. Like a set of dominoes, the rest of the stands began to fall, section by section. In less than a minute the stadium ceased to exist, having given way to the sinkhole that by now had reached its final size.

YIKES!!!! Probably a good thing we're not having Quidditch again this term........

lazykitty 09-29-2014 01:54 AM

And things get even weirder (if that's possible).....

From the Room of Requirement:


Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 11667680)
The spinning wheel began to glow and sparkle once again as the two Gryffindors debated if and where it should be touched. The glow intensified and then in another burst of was gone.

Disappearing spinning wheel.

Hera 09-29-2014 01:38 PM

ZOMG! There be a sneaky sneaky book invading the Lions Den and luring the Lions into playing a game of touchy feelly!

Seems like little Miss Heather's the first to fall for its... trap?


Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11667777)
What was this? A leather bound book with golden lettering just appears out of nowhere parking itself right in the middle of the Gryffindor Common Room. To most it would appear to be just a normal everyday fairy tale book, but to others it would appear to be something else.

The glow that was emitting from the book was enough to make anyone curious about what was inside it.


Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11667884)
SOOOOOOO much attention!

The book began to glow even more brightly in the hands of the Gryffindor (lazykitty), hoping that all those present would flock to it like pixies to sugarplums.

Yes. Come closer and flip through its pages and feel the leather bindings that held those glorious pages together! Come come, no need to be shy.

Wicked things, this way come!

griffin 09-30-2014 07:54 AM

Lex is back!


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 11668051)
It didn't go unnoticed that he hadn't answered her question. Why mention this Gryffindor person when you had no intention of explaining afterwards? It was nonesense at best and left her with even less remorse for the person who...admittedly lost a lot of points if you asked her. People seem to really like taking his points. Must have been a bloody pacifist. Things wouldn't have gone as well if those were HER's....for


Blink blink.


It took a moment for the Gryffindor to properly get her bearings and figure out exactly what was happening. Maybe a few more blinks too. What happened? The oddly enchanted feeling she'd had seemed to be slipping away inch by inch until she found herself here. Er.....what in Merlin's beard was she doing perched on Professor Fuller's desk? She...was...just gonna get What? Alexa tried grasping what the Professor had said but all she got was camera, partner and charming pictures? Everything was still a little blurry.

Headache >__<

How did she get here and what even? With an awkward turn she reached for a camera as everyone else came to get one then she moved to Grayson. "Er...what are we doing?" And why was the room kinda spinning?

Looks like more people are coming out of the book...

SPOILER!!: fairy tale characters (bolding of names by me)

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 11667869)

Oh look, there was a fellow snake house person! Rumplestitlskin had decided that he REALLY liked those snake people. THEY were the kind of people he needed on his side - always scheming and not afraid to run down people in their way. AND they could all do magic, just like him! He just needed to figure out a way to exploit them without them knowing what was going on, but that wouldn't be hard of course. He was Rumplestiltskin - he could do it!

But what this snake was talking about...he had NO idea. "Sister? I don't have a SISTER," he told him. Women were the worst - the last thing he wanted was to be related to one.

Now he was distracted by the woman in the front of the room, asking them about necromancy. Rumple had decided that pretending to be a student would be the best way to infiltrate this school and get information about everyone, so that when the time came for him to put his big straw-spinning operation into play, he'd know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. That was the only way you'd be successful in this business! But now, he perked up in his seat. Necromancy? Of course Rumple knew what that was - and he was very skilled at it, too!

"Necromancy is, of course, the art of using the dead to predict the future. Or use them to do your bidding. I prefer the latter," he said with a smirk.


Originally Posted by natethegreat (Post 11668119)
So far Aladdin has searched all over the place for his monkey Abu! For some reason he just could not find it! Another thing he just wasn't finding was his Genie's Lamp or his Genie. As a matter of fact, there wasn't a single Genie lamp in this weird castle. The architecture was completely off from anything he has seen before! Where were all the different colors of purple, red, blue, and green? Why was the stone gray and black, and not a tan or light brown color! This was just nonsense to Aladdin.

Finally making up the spiral steps he mumbled under his breath "If only my magic carpet was working." That's when he noticed the girl inside of the tall tower. Peering inside he cleared his throat and stated "Excuse me, have you seen my Monkey, Abu? Or an antique style lamp? Also you wouldn't happen to know how to fix a magic carpet by any chance would you?" Aladdin had so many questions, but there was such little time to ask them!

Getting a better glance at the inside there was all these different types of foreign birds. All of them seemed to be the same species of animal, but different kinds of that species. Aladdin knew he's seen them before, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it until he gazed upon one particular bird. They were all owls! When he was riding on his magic carpet back home with Jasmine, he saw a few of them fly by over the desert.


Originally Posted by Meizzner (Post 11667571)
Peter was in need of something fun to do. An adventure, some might say. Everything around here was boring. So he just went to where there might some fun to do.

Outside the Castle.

And look where he ends up in front of a tree that he could climb and jump off of. Plus the view from up there would be more better than the one he has now.

Not even thinking on that because Peter Pan would not die or get injured from something simple like that. Never. He was just too amazing. He climbs the tree to see for himself how the view is and if there is anything awesome to see up there.

Maybe he can even see through the glass thing.


Originally Posted by Deezerz (Post 11668066)

Ever since she had been freed, Beauty enjoyed the feeling of stretching her new limbs. It was even better when surrounded by books, lots and lots of them. The mere thought of being surrounded by new knowledge made her happy and giddy.

Where to start?

She wiggled her fingers, her bottom lip between her teeth. Maybe she'd go read about brave knights and princes. Or about potions. Or history. Or...EVERYTHING OR--


Flat on her face, landed Beauty.

"Owwwww!" she whimpered. Tripping people was mean! Owww! Her nose. Rub, rub, ouch.

Rumplestiltskin, Aladdin, Peter Pan, Beauty (Beauty and the Beast)... The characters from the book are possessing students all over the school.

Hera 09-30-2014 08:02 AM

............. beware the Head of House..... he be looking for a fight, yaaaaaarrrrrr!!!! :whistle:


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 11668205)
He quite literally was getting to the best point of the story when the book just...vanished. Vanished right out of his hands into thin air. "Noooooooooo," he groaned as he groped at the air for an invisible book that didn't exist. The fingers on his left hand balled up into a fist save for his index and middle fingers which instead curved a little and continued to stick out.

What had he just been looking for? It was...OF COURSE.

Turning his head around, he GLARED at the lost boys - and...girls? - and leaned forward to peer at each of them directly in the eye. No. None of them were who he was seeking. NONE of them. Must have slipped out right under his nose like the crowing coward that he was. BAD FORM! BAD FORM INDEED.

"Come back here and fight me!" the man bellowed suddenly as he stood up straight and spun in place to look around the entire room. "Or I'll find you wherever you are, you hear me? Bad form! Bad form indeed!"

And then without another word, he made his way to leave the room, tossing the shrunken head that had been in his hand into the fireplace on his way out.

"Proud and insolent youth! Prepare t' meet thy doom!" he roared just as the door closed behind him.

Ginevra 09-30-2014 09:06 AM

I think Alice from Alice in Wonderland/Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass (whatever book you like to refer to) has possessed another Gryffindor (lazykitty).

SPOILER!!: Charms Class

Originally Posted by lazykitty (Post 11668218)
Wait, the professor wasn't familiar with gifs? Such a shame, really such a shame. In her mind everyone should be......and just where had Mr. Rabbit gotten to anyway? He had been hopping so fast, she couldn't really follow! Hmm.....maybe one of these people would be kind enough to tell her? "Excuse me, has anyone seen a white rabbit pass through here? He had on a rather snappy bow tie, a little vest and was carrying a pocket watch."

What were these people doing, anyway? Didn't they know that shouting words and waving sticks didn't do anything?

itsjustjesse 10-05-2014 05:20 AM

Emily Browne (former Ravenclaw, now MLE Department Head) and Auror Legend Chosen are in the ministry...


Originally Posted by Hera (Post 11670262)
Walking with long, powerful strides - quick but lacking exertion, Emily Browne navigated the way to the Arithmancy Professor's office. This was made much easier with the Headmistress's office being located on the same floor - what with the ease of transportation as a result of proximity. The letter from the Headmistress herself - with the copies of incriminating evidence, in addition to the warrant for the woman's arrest, were extracted from her pocket and handed over to her accomplice. "You can do the honours," he mused to Chosen.

Stopping before the woman's office door, Emily knocked swiftly and stood back.

There was seldom a need for her presence during an arrest. Her team had that covered, but this, well this was something else. Aside from the directness of the Headmistress, and the networking opportunity, she was also able to see the woman who had taken house points from her son. Not that she particularly cared about that, but the boy did.

Domingo...what did you doooo?

The information behind this can be found in the Headmistresses Office, & The Staff room. Good luck.

Edward Penguin 10-06-2014 04:49 PM

Wow! This class devolved quickly
So...there appears to be a food fight (maybe sort of provoked by Ian Tinker) in Astronomy class 2.

lazykitty 10-07-2014 02:06 AM

What even..........?


Originally Posted by TROLL! (Post 11671057)

Where were those Billy Goats he wanted to eat them up. Hitting the door once more it crashed to the ground and the Troll looked around the door way.

"I'm coming to Gobble you up."

The Troll slammed his feet down as he moved into the room.


In the Potions class.

ArianaBlack 10-08-2014 03:51 AM

And then the troll sort of just... Poofed?


Originally Posted by TROLL! (Post 11671537)
More spells started coming at the troll and he continued to swing his club breaking whatever was around him. His club tried to leave his hands after some tried to disarm, but all missing he swung harder. The more sells that came at him the meaner he was getting.


He stopped moving and took his big hand down to pick up the older man when he was hit in the face by something hard. Taking the Troll off guard he faltered backwards a few steps. Shaking his head he swung again this time letting out a very spit filled "GROOOOWWWWLLLLLLLLL"

Just as he was about to lung at the professor he felt something else hard hit him in the head. This time the Troll stumbled forward as his club slammed into the floor very close to it's target, the professor.


He hit the ground knocked out, but what happened next wasn't expected.
With a quiet POOF the troll was gone. Where did it go?

Edward Penguin 10-09-2014 10:28 AM

I suppose there's a job opening at Hogwarts :lol: or no Arithmancy classes :woot:


Originally Posted by Headmisstress
Oh ho ho, just in time, Anastasia was just in time.... She could hear the commotion coming from the Arithmancy professor's room all the way from her stone gargoyles, but now that she was here... with her original copied copies of journal entries in hand... Annie was definitely going to watch the spectacle.

"Good to see you again, Chosen," the redhead poked into the office, not at all bothering to disguise her delight. She flicked her eyes over toward the MLE woman, Emily... she was doing a great job over there. Great job. "Browne, thank you for coming in today...." Of course.

And then there she was, en route out the door. Bunz naturally blocked Lolita's departure and spared her a glance as icy as the school had been last year. "Domingo.... I have two words for you... you're fired."

BOOM. DONE. End of story, right?

BanaBatGirl 10-13-2014 09:25 PM

Come one, come all, it's just the adventure you've been waiting for! Bring your galleons, your friends, and your warmest cloak, and head on down to the Front Gate. Just remember to be back at the castle by dark, or else you'll be locked out!

Hogsmeade weekend will last until about October 20 (more or less the entire IC month of January). Remember that any RPG character can be played in Hogsmeade now as long as they are listed somewhere in your profile.

Magical Soul 10-21-2014 02:22 PM

Whaaaaaaaat is brewing in the Ravennclaw CR? O:


Originally Posted by PIXIES! (Post 11676924)
...................what was that?

A quick movement caught out of the corner of your eye or the faint sound of the buzzing of wings... and is that giggling? ..becomes more apparent as a small creature flits about the room, followed by another, and another...

Soon a multitude of pixies flies throughout the Ravenclaw common room, zipping here and there as they see what kind of mischief fun they can get into. A couple pixies dash towards the pair of first year boys, one flying near a boy's ear (Anise) to whisper something unintelligible, then giggle before flying off again. Another sprinkles pixie dust on the other boy's head (Thornton).

Oooh pretty! A giggling pixie flies off to play with the prefect's hair (Jasmine), pulling on it a bit as it zips around her head. And a pair of pixies buzz around in front of another boy's face (Paris). Are they trying to say something?

Play with us, Ravenclaws!


Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe (Post 11676926)
Merlin's sequined slippers!

Thornton's attention was drawn away from Anise by the sudden movement over his face. He squeezed his eyes shut as the pixie dust fell down. Getting some in his nose, Thornton sat up, rubbing his nose, but.. but...

"ACHOO!!" He sneezed forcefully, trying to cover his mouth and nose as quickly as he could. Looking around, first confused, and then somewhat delighted, he followed the movement of the pixies with his eyes.

Holding out a hand toward one, he hoped that it would land.


Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 (Post 11676943)

Just as Jasmine was about to ask more questions of the boy, she heard a buzzing sound nearby. She looked up just in time to see.....pixies. Before she could react, there was a pixie in her hair and it did not feel good. Well they clearly weren't like her fairies because they knew better. As she reached up trying to make sure it didn't become entangled, the pixie flew away then began to circle her head. Where had they come from and what were they up to? Normally, Jasmine would have been amused......but this was not the best time for pixie tag.


Originally Posted by hpluvr037 (Post 11676997)
It was definitely time to celebrate. She was proud of her Claws. This term they were working hard and they were even in second place in the House Cup race. With this in mind, Tiara had baked a few dozen cookies to leave on the study tables as an encouragement.

The heavily laden plates smelled glorious and the scent wafted back to her as she walked behind the floating cookies, wand held aloft. She got past the door's riddle and entered the common room, fully expecting to find students hard at work or relaxing after a long day of classes.

But a horde of pixies?!

"Merlin, what's going on here?"
she asked loudly, completely forgetting about the cookies.


Originally Posted by PIXIES! (Post 11677431)

The giggling pixies flew around the room, darting around students' faces, narrowly dodging swatting hands as they looked for some fun to be had. Several of the pixies dashed off to the study tables, pulling out pages of the books someone had left out for studying. And, oh look! A pair of pixies buzzed straight for a pillow on one of the couches. Pulling it up into the air with their little hands, they began to pull it apart at the seams, letting it burst open as the stuffing rained down on them. Such fun!

Hearing a loud voice, a few of the pixies flew towards the adult lady (Tiara), giggling as they buzzed around her head. What was this? Cookies! One of the pixies swooped down and landed on the plate, breaking off bits of a cookie to toss at the other pixies flying around.

Spotting the boy (Thornton) with his palm outstretched, two of the pixies flew over, each grabbing on to a finger and pulling upwards. But they were careful! Sometimes humans tried to catch them in their hands... but these pixies just wanted to have some fun and being captured was no fun at all!


Originally Posted by grangerfan8 (Post 11677752)
One moment, he was just sitting there playing his ukulele, the next he had not only an older girl in his face (the house prefect to be specific) but also PIXIES. Gasping, he pushed himself up and out of his chair, landing on his back with a painful thud.

"Ow." His face contorted and he looked around at the pixies once one wasn't in his face. "What the....." He looked around, tried not to think about how sore his back now was, and crawled over to the prefect. "How do you get rid of them?"

ArianaBlack 10-24-2014 08:03 PM

The fairy tale book made another appearance, this time in Divination *GASPS* and looks like Professor Morgan is only going by 'Your Majesty' now :lol:

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE After enticing it's newest victim, the book just poofed away!


Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11679508)
The book was being opened again and it stretched it's pages, but soon it was slammed down against a hard table. That wasn't what the Fairy Tale book was use to and it glowed a bit to welcome the niceness again.


Originally Posted by Saraie (Post 11679511)
Cinna was sitting there waving and smiling back at her friends as they walked in. Eat your heart out Bellaire. She was making this lesson a social event. Professor Cassie would not mind, right? She was a million times cooler than Bellaire.

Who in the name name of Merlin was that? It looked like Professsor Cassie kind of. Persona wise it was a BIG no. She kept blinking at her. She was acting very strange. What was that Snow White she was reading? Cinna jumped as Cassie slammed the book on the table right in front on her.

Tilting her head to read the name on the spine of the book. Books never really attracted her but this one did. Strange right. She pulled the book closer to her as she keep an eye on professor royally strange Cassie. Maybe there was a clue in it as to why the normally pleasant professor was being anything but.

She pulled the book into lap so no one would notice her doing this. She looked up acting like she was paying attention.


Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11679538)
Feeling hands on it again the book hoped this time it wouldn't be slammed to the hard table. This person didn't seem to want to open it, but how could someone not open and read the book that was glowing with so much welcome.

The stories seemed to be whispering read me to the newest stranger.


Originally Posted by Saraie (Post 11679552)
Cinna tried really hard to pay attention in the lesson. She really did. Not that the lesson was going anywhere right now. Everyone must've been in shock like she was over Professor Cassie's new personality and wardrobe.

But the book on her lap was distracting her. Even from her favortie Professors strangeness. Her hand were still on the book and she even heard Mari telling her don't do it. She didn't look up at the hufflepuff when she spoke. She opened up the book. The glow attracting her, like no other book had before. She flipped around through the pages until she found a story. She started reading one. She was going to have to get to know these fairy tale stories so she could tell her new baby brother all about them.


Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales (Post 11679556)
The books pages started turning and the glow of the pages brightened as the girl began to read. It's stories jumping off the pages and it's warmth tickling her skin.

Though it was having it's fun in the class full of children the book decided that it's time here was done and with a quiet poof, left the hands of the girl.

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