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Beside the Restricted section a new room magically appeared last year. Mr Kitridge stumbled over it when he was following a trail of rat and wombat droppings. The room was then furnished with bookshelves, a few comfy sofas, reading lamps, side tables and a few plants. On the shelves you can find books, pamphlets and magazines about any and all magical careers/professions known to exist in the magical world.
Come in, grab a magazine or book and dream about what you want to work with when you graduate from Hogwarts.
As always any questions or concerns should be run by Mr Kitridge.
Nola had finally found the perfect spot to sit down and read, maybe even do a bit of homework too. She snuggled into one end of a sofa. Shoes were bad to put on furniture so she abandoned her sneakers before she pulled her legs up to her chest where she propped her copy of Hogwarts, A History on her knees.
Her little feet clad in bright orange socks weren't cold like they had been last term with the crazy weather and she was happy she could abandon her shoes once again, because shoes were not good. Nola would use any excuse to not wear her shoes.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by QueenGinger
Nola had finally found the perfect spot to sit down and read, maybe even do a bit of homework too. She snuggled into one end of a sofa. Shoes were bad to put on furniture so she abandoned her sneakers before she pulled her legs up to her chest where she propped her copy of Hogwarts, A History on her knees.
Her little feet clad in bright orange socks weren't cold like they had been last term with the crazy weather and she was happy she could abandon her shoes once again, because shoes were not good. Nola would use any excuse to not wear her shoes.
The first thing that Lux spotted once entering this area of the library was a pair of bright orange socks. Since there was only one person she knew who walked around with no shoes, it had to be Nola. Her Little Puff.
Eagerly, she went over to her friend and gave her a hug which was a little difficult with the book in the way. "Hiiiii, Nola. How have you been?" Hard to believe she already a Second Year. Lux could remember being a Second Year.
The first thing that Lux spotted once entering this area of the library was a pair of bright orange socks. Since there was only one person she knew who walked around with no shoes, it had to be Nola. Her Little Puff.
Eagerly, she went over to her friend and gave her a hug which was a little difficult with the book in the way. "Hiiiii, Nola. How have you been?" Hard to believe she already a Second Year. Lux could remember being a Second Year.
Too immersed in reading about the amazingness that was Hogwarts, Nola didn't notice when someone approached. She hadn't even realized it was someone she knew until she was being hugged around her book. Looking up she found Lux's face. "Lux!" Nola greeted. Quickly she closed her book and put it to the side.
"I've been okay. How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time." Nola realized. "Did you have a good summer? Did you go any where special?" The questions quickly fell out of Nola's mouth. She had missed Lux, a lot.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by QueenGinger
Too immersed in reading about the amazingness that was Hogwarts, Nola didn't notice when someone approached. She hadn't even realized it was someone she knew until she was being hugged around her book. Looking up she found Lux's face. "Lux!" Nola greeted. Quickly she closed her book and put it to the side.
"I've been okay. How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time." Nola realized. "Did you have a good summer? Did you go any where special?" The questions quickly fell out of Nola's mouth. She had missed Lux, a lot.
The barrage of questions had come before Lux could even sit down beside Nola. Laughing, she thought it was adorable how the Little Puff was always asking a million things. That curious mind reminded her of her own.
Propping her feet up on the sofa, she hugged her knees to her chest before starting to give her answers. "I'm great. Summer was good. I hung around in Diagon Alley and visited with my friends and boyfriend. And I spent some time in Florida at my sister's." Summer had been amazing especially after the freezing temperatures of last term. "What about you? Do anything exciting over the summer?" It was nice to catch up with Nola; Lux had really missed her.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
After owling a quick message to Jeremiah, Gabriel headed down to the library. Usually a place of refuge, he'd spent a good deal of his time surrounded by the tomes...when demented girls weren't running him down. A slight exaggeration maybe...but they did seem to always find him there. Logic started that they were most likely aware of his attachment to the library and knew he'd be there 8 out of 10 individual times.
Facts didn't lie and could hardly be argued with.
Instead of occupying a seat of the general study tables, Gabe moved past them to take up in the corner room. People hardly frequented the area and for the things he needed to speak with Jeremiah about, the privacy was much needed (and appreciated). Also, he needed to attempt his Astronomy essay again, considering he'd finally taken a nap.
Remembering said nap made the Ravenclaw tense up and flush brightly.
Pulling his notes, a few books, and his multi color quill, he began drafting an Astronomy essay.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Jeremiah had recieved the SOS! Well, it didnt seem like an SOS so much in the moment but Jeremiah knew his friend enough to know what meeting privately to do homework. They Ravenclaw wanted to talk... or he actually wantedbto do homework and just hang out. Either was cool with him as he strode through the library looking for him. Through the shelves he carried all him current homework he had left to finis,h which wasnt much, he picked up a few stray books here and there. One on Merpeople and Mermish that he had to show Beverly and afew history books on random time era's.
Gabe probably thought Jeremiah wasnt going to show with how long it took him to finally spot him in the room. When he did peek his head in and see him though Jere swung the door open suddenly and stepped inside the corner room. "sorry i'm later then i though. I picked up some books on the way." it never failed that he made it through the library rows without picking up at least a book or seven.
"you all right mate?" he seemed more stressed then usual and Gabe was always stressed.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Jere!
Originally Posted by JennMarie
Jeremiah had received the SOS! Well, it didn't seem like an SOS so much in the moment but Jeremiah knew his friend enough to know what meeting privately to do homework. They Ravenclaw wanted to talk... or he actually wanted to do homework and just hang out. Either was cool with him as he strode through the library looking for him. Through the shelves he carried all him current homework he had left to finis,h which wasn't much, he picked up a few stray books here and there. One on Merpeople and Mermish that he had to show Beverly and a few history books on random time era's.
Gabe probably thought Jeremiah wasn't going to show with how long it took him to finally spot him in the room. When he did peek his head in and see him though Jere swung the door open suddenly and stepped inside the corner room. "sorry i'm later then i though. I picked up some books on the way." it never failed that he made it through the library rows without picking up at least a book or seven.
"you all right mate?" he seemed more stressed then usual and Gabe was always stressed.
No, concentrating on the essay just now seemed futile. Gabriel was so...CONFUSED....Utterly confused about a thing; a thing that had actually been leaving him baffled since before the Greece field trip.
He gripped his quill a bit tighter with his frustration.
Not being left to think on the matter for much longer, Gabriel's head snapped up at the entrance of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was the only person he could speak to about his trouble now. Ceorlic had been compromised with that psycho Gryffindor girl...and Ruby didn't want to make time for him. It didn't seem right...that she was focusing on her own melodramas and ignoring him completely.
.....That was a pretty depressing thought, actually.....
Because of the chosen venue, there wasn't the slightest bit of awkwardness or anxiety. Well, okay....there was anxiety...but it wasn't caused from Jeremiah. Yes, the anxiety was coming purely from within...and from recent occurrences. Those. Those were what needed to be discussed? Analyzed? One of those words.
...........Gabriel flushed a deeper red still.
"......I need to talk to someone....normal.....who will listen." He nodded somewhat, stress rubbing his thumb against the stem of his quill.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
He wasnt sure what he wanted to question first. The fact that Gabriel had really called for him to talk about something or the fact that Gabe thought he was normal. Anyone who really knew the Gryffindor knew he was far from normal though he supposed Gabe could have his own opinions. Setting his books down on a side table and his bag on the floor he picked up a random pamphlet on potion healing and squinted at some of the medical terms used in it bfore putting it back where he got it from.
"what's got you in a bother?" Clearly, it was something. Jeremiah noticed hes been off the past days he just wasnt able to put a finger on it. "has someone got on your bad side?" he hoped he wasnt calling Jeremiah to help him work out a disagreement with somone else because well, Gabriel might not like hos answer.
Sitting, Sitting, right standing made people nervous while talking so Jeremai took a seat on the floor in front of him as he reached for his bag. .......... what, there was snacks in there.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Jere!
Originally Posted by JennMarie
SPOILER!!: Gabe!
lol! Sike!
He wasnt sure what he wanted to question first. The fact that Gabriel had really called for him to talk about something or the fact that Gabe thought he was normal. Anyone who really knew the Gryffindor knew he was far from normal though he supposed Gabe could have his own opinions. Setting his books down on a side table and his bag on the floor he picked up a random pamphlet on potion healing and squinted at some of the medical terms used in it bfore putting it back where he got it from.
"what's got you in a bother?" Clearly, it was something. Jeremiah noticed hes been off the past days he just wasnt able to put a finger on it. "has someone got on your bad side?" he hoped he wasnt calling Jeremiah to help him work out a disagreement with somone else because well, Gabriel might not like hos answer.
Sitting, Sitting, right standing made people nervous while talking so Jeremai took a seat on the floor in front of him as he reached for his bag. .......... what, there was snacks in there.
By 'normal', Gabe clearly meant someone similar to himself, who was logical and a fact seeker. What wasn't there to appreciate about facts?...when they were so factual.
.........."No." Not his bad side...but most definitely his cautious one. ".......I think a girl is trying to kill me...."...more so than usual. Actually, now that he was thinking on the matter more...and with a clearer head, Gabe surmised that Clara had been actively trying to do so since they'd met at the Leaky. With the weight of it, his head fell forward on the parchment, forehead resting against the rough material. Exasperation and exhaustion. Two words to best describe the things Gabriel was feeling.
"What does it mean....when you, apparently, say a girl's name in your sleep...and another girl hears...or something...and viciously attacks you for it?" It made no logical sense. None at all.
Well, to him, at least.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
By 'normal', Gabe clearly meant someone similar to himself, who was logical and a fact seeker. What wasn't there to appreciate about facts?...when they were so factual.
.........."No." Not his bad side...but most definitely his cautious one. ".......I think a girl is trying to kill me...."...more so than usual. Actually, now that he was thinking on the matter more...and with a clearer head, Gabe surmised that Clara had been actively trying to do so since they'd met at the Leaky. With the weight of it, his head fell forward on the parchment, forehead resting against the rough material. Exasperation and exhaustion. Two words to best describe the things Gabriel was feeling.
"What does it mean....when you, apparently, say a girl's name in your sleep...and another girl hears...or something...and viciously attacks you for it?" It made no logical sense. None at all.
Well, to him, at least.
He had retrieved his bag and was rummaging through it for something while he friennds words sat in his head spinning around a bit. "kill you?!"
that was a bit extreme, no? "aha!" victory! he pulled out a small bag containing some Pumpkin Tarts and offered it to the boy. Jeremiah really wasn't a fan of pumpkin but in his retreat to the kitchen before coming here he grabbed them for his friend.
"Pumpkin tarts."
He blinked at the boy as he waited for him to take them his eyebrows furrowing at his next question. He needed to understand this.. "wait, let me understand this the right way... You were sleeping and you said a girls name, just casually and possibly for no real reason at all, in your sleep." right? "and another girl, who wasn't the one you named heard you and attacked you for it... viciously?" or you know not him but someone. He wasn't calling his friend out for doing any of the above he was just saying.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Jere!
Originally Posted by JennMarie
He had retrieved his bag and was rummaging through it for something while he friennds words sat in his head spinning around a bit. "kill you?!"
that was a bit extreme, no? "aha!" victory! he pulled out a small bag containing some Pumpkin Tarts and offered it to the boy. Jeremiah really wasn't a fan of pumpkin but in his retreat to the kitchen before coming here he grabbed them for his friend.
"Pumpkin tarts."
He blinked at the boy as he waited for him to take them his eyebrows furrowing at his next question. He needed to understand this.. "wait, let me understand this the right way... You were sleeping and you said a girls name, just casually and possibly for no real reason at all, in your sleep." right? "and another girl, who wasn't the one you named heard you and attacked you for it... viciously?" or you know not him but someone. He wasn't calling his friend out for doing any of the above he was just saying.
Accepting a pumpkin tart, Gabriel lifted his face just enough to bite into it, chew for a moment, and then swallow. He was stressed out, okay?...And from pressing his face into the parchment pages, a small smudge of ink was now visible on the tip of his nose and right cheek.
"Yes.....I just said that." The panic had yet to sink in...but it WAS sinking in.
Gabriel paused to take a deep breath, lifting his face again.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Accepting a pumpkin tart, Gabriel lifted his face just enough to bite into it, chew for a moment, and then swallow. He was stressed out, okay?...And from pressing his face into the parchment pages, a small smudge of ink was now visible on the tip of his nose and right cheek.
"Yes.....I just said that." The panic had yet to sink in...but it WAS sinking in.
Gabriel paused to take a deep breath, lifting his face again.
Yes Okay. So clearly his friend here was in a pickle... and he was being tormented by women. Poor Gabe. Jeremiah understood him completely though. Girls were terrifying! Even if he was involved with one the whole lot of them were more crazy Then a heard of hippogriffs, not that he's seen a heard of hippogriffs but you know. "I was just clarifying." he needed to understand you see. "Clara and Coral Bay....?" he tapped his chin thoughtfully trying to recall. "I don't think I do." sad times man.
" I think though If Clara got upset over Corals name or if Coral got upset over Clara.. and upset enough to attack you with her being so offended... I say..." Gabe wasn't going to like these words he knew it but his friend had come to him and he was going to be as helpful as he knew how to. " I'd say I think she likes you... or has some sick fantasy life in her head Of you already being hers and she's insanely jealous." that might of been hard to hear but it was the damned truth. "I say......... RUN." She seemed scary.
"run from her and don't look back mate." creepy girls are creepy.
Botros chose this corner specifically, even though the library was quiet and he couldn't see Leo when he walked in with the book under his arm. Now, he took a cozy seat deep into this new room, let his cane drop to the floor and stretched out his legs in front of him as he placed the big book on his lap.
He searched through the pages for that one interesting illustration, but it didn't take him long to find it. In fact, he was staring with hungry eyes at the page, slowly moving his gaze up and down to see if the story was recognizable since the figures were not runes or ancient alphabet.... not one that he recognized anyway.
Hogwarts RPG Name: The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Botros chose this corner specifically, even though the library was quiet and he couldn't see Leo when he walked in with the book under his arm. Now, he took a cozy seat deep into this new room, let his cane drop to the floor and stretched out his legs in front of him as he placed the big book on his lap.
He searched through the pages for that one interesting illustration, but it didn't take him long to find it. In fact, he was staring with hungry eyes at the page, slowly moving his gaze up and down to see if the story was recognizable since the figures were not runes or ancient alphabet.... not one that he recognized anyway.
I The book seemed like it was helping you with your search. The pages flipped swiftly in your hand, as if by a nonexistent breeze, and landed on the page your heart had long-desired. The words and the illustration glowed, showing off and luring you in. Something exceptional about this particular story must be making you curiouser and curiouser, the book seemed to feed off your attention, seeking more from you. A tiny speckle of light escaped the book, so small you could barely see it, and traveled through air to the old man's forehead, and POOF! More and more glittering speckles followed suit, just like a harmless show of light to the onlookers.
Originally Posted by The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales
I The book seemed like it was helping you with your search. The pages flipped swiftly in your hand, as if by a nonexistent breeze, and landed on the page your heart had long-desired. The words and the illustration glowed, showing off and luring you in. Something exceptional about this particular story must be making you curiouser and curiouser, the book seemed to feed off your attention, seeking more from you. A tiny speckle of light escaped the book, so small you could barely see it, and traveled through air to the old man's forehead, and POOF! More and more glittering speckles followed suit, just like a harmless show of light to the onlookers.
Botros got lost into the book significantly quickly considering it was a story book. Sure he did read to his grandchildren often and he found those kid stories charming but not enough to the point where he'd read one for himself. This book was interesting, though, first because of how Alexa seemed ready to fight for it, and then with those not-codes turning out to be a weird font?? catching his eyes.
Now, it was something about the story and the way the words were put together. He couldn't take his eyes off it, he kept reading and turning page after page, he must've lost track of time because by the time he was at the end of the story and there was an illustration of an under-the-sea castle of sorts, Botros felt tired-- no, not tired, but sleepy and he just wanted to.. rest... his... eyes a little... and ...
Hogwarts RPG Name: The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Botros got lost into the book significantly quickly considering it was a story book. Sure he did read to his grandchildren often and he found those kid stories charming but not enough to the point where he'd read one for himself. This book was interesting, though, first because of how Alexa seemed ready to fight for it, and then with those not-codes turning out to be a weird font?? catching his eyes.
Now, it was something about the story and the way the words were put together. He couldn't take his eyes off it, he kept reading and turning page after page, he must've lost track of time because by the time he was at the end of the story and there was an illustration of an under-the-sea castle of sorts, Botros felt tired-- no, not tired, but sleepy and he just wanted to.. rest... his... eyes a little... and ...
The glow and glitter vanished with the old man's snoring and drool almost dropping on to the beauty that was those enchanted pages. Ekh. But the book itself seemed just like any ordinary exceptionally beautiful but normal ish piece of literary open in a professor's lap.
... until it disappeared, nowhere to be found in the library HAH.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Ian had come into the library because the odd behavior of other students had for some reason caused him to want to find a book about fairy tales and fables. He had spent a good amount of time perusing the titles through the library that he was allowed to go into, but had been unable to find one that really drew Ian to it. Disappointed, he went to the corner room that Mr. Kitridge had opened up and found a place on the couch. '
A little bit grumpy, Ian just grabbed the first book he encountered on a shelf and began absentmindedly flipping through the pages. Why couldn't I find a Good book of fairy tales? Ian wondered to himself, not paying much attention to the large book on his lap.
Image by hermygirl...she's the best!
Last edited by Edward Penguin; 10-02-2014 at 03:44 PM.
Reason: coding
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
The library. The library was good for many things, according to Gabriel Banner. One of these things, of course, was that he could do what he need to without an audience....which was for the best because he tended to mess up A LOT in public settings.
...and this fairy had......kinda grew on him. There, he'd said it.
...and he didn't want to accidentally hurt it...by getting nervous and doing something wrong...because Gabe knew himself and knew that was wholly possible.
Anyway, the corner room...was also a closed off area...and while he was sure the fairy wouldn't run, if it did, it couldn't go far...Thus, AGAIN, reducing the chance of harming it.
Lifting the jar up to eye level, Gabe squinted at the creature. "Ready for some freedom?" Had to have been....What did living in a jar feel like, anyway? Gabe, himself, couldn't have done it....He knew right away. Confined spaces. He'd have a massive panic attack and just DIE....Dramatic sounding, yes....but TRUE.
Twisting the lid off, he moved back so it could creep out...but it didn't creep. It BURST OUT of the jar's openly and fluttered around the enclosed space. Someone was feeling......erm, spunky? today...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Toby knew this little room was more intended for people looking up magical professions and everything, but he always liked to nip in here to work on homework when the rest of the library was busy and full of distractions.
The Hufflepuff was sat in a comfy little armchair, bent all the way forwards so he could lean against one of those little tables to finish up some of his homework. By all rights, it shouldn't be taking him so long to finish up, just writing a summary of the assignment, and yet here he was still working on it.
Out of the corner of his eye, Toby could see Gabriel Banner, from Ravenclaw, letting his fairy out for the Care of Magical Creatures assignment. He tried his very best not to get too distracted by the fairy's glowing light, but finally realised he had written the word 'responsibility' four times in a row on his parchment, thanks to his brain switching off.
Toby scribbled out the extra 'responsibility's, and read through the paragraph to see what else he could add to it.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Watching the fairy for a moment...Gabe kinda smiled. He'd gotten over the weirdness of its look and had even moved onto the belief that had this creature been full sized, it wouldn't have been terrible to look at. Slow progress was slow progress...and it'd taken some time to warm up to the idea of caring for something else.
...but he'd been doing okay so far....or, he was at least doing so to the best of his ability. So, there was that. Nothing to be ashamed of...even if Gabe still was. Just a bit. About what exactly, he couldn't have said. Anxiousness was what was it...and when it came to things he didn't excel at (or even with things he DID excel at), the self doubt and worry remained.
Anyway, he had a jar to clean....Enough with the self depreciating thoughts.
He hadn't fed the creature first...So, a few scourgifying charms did the trick. The jar's bottom, its sides....the pile of leaves the fairy had been sleeping on...That was an important area to clear, correct? Gabe knew he, himself, didn't like sleeping on dirty sheets. So...He was being thoughtful, at least?
He even watered the mini!trees; making sure they were healthy and not crawling with mold and other gross substances.
Taking a cautionary sniff inside....he finally caught sight of his unknown company.
Tobias Tempus.
Well, that guy was okay. He'd.......saved them in Astro. Saved them all. He....got a small nod.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
'... Because it was more than just having the fairies in a jar and giving them some food food food man I could go for some cookies right now...'
Tobias stared at his homework. WHEN had that happened? It seemed that he'd done his usual party trick of totally zoning out when writing everything out and gotten so lost in his own thoughts that he'd started writing them down. Half this paragraph was relevant fairy stuff, and the other half had gone into a tangent about food and cookies and reminiscing about pouring flour on someone's head.
Blink blink. Well, as amusing as that would be to hand in, it wasn't very relevant. Toby crossed out alllllllllll the irrelevant stuff on his parchment, knowing he'd have to copy this all out in neat before handing it in.
Out the corner of his eye, Toby saw movement again. He knew it was Gabriel and his fairy, but still found himself looking up.
... And nodding back, with a little smile, before going back to his homework. Okay, he could do this.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Filling a space in the bottom of the jar with fairy food, Gabe set it down for the creature to fly back into. See, Gabe had switched up their routine...Putting the food in to coax it BACK into its 'home' was the more full proof way to ensure that they wouldn't have any issues...OR that the creature wouldn't get hurt. There was that, too.
He honestly had gotten attached...Gabe had even talked to his fairy some about CB....because who else could he really talk to about that. Jeremiah, yes...but Jeremiah had a girlfriend and it was kinda insufferable to hear about his experiences.
......for reasons.
Watching the fairy drift back into the jar, Gabe swooped in to seal the lid. There.
....and there was no fear of left over food this time. After days of this routine, Gabe had perfected the appropriate amount to give...It'd taken a few days to nail down, naturally, but the important thing was that he had. He wasn't really into wasting materials. It was bad for the environment....or so he'd read.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
No homework today, not for Toby. Well, he HAD homework, but that wasn't why he was here. The pamphlets and stuff had caught his attention last time he was in this room, but he'd not had the opportunity to look at them whilst doing that homework. Now he had time.
The Hufflepuff seated himself at a little table with all kinds of reading material, and just... stared at it all. Where did he start?
Hmm... what did he even like outside of Quidditch? 'Cause that was what he was looking for now, a back-up plan.
Maybe something in Herbology? Toby rifled through the stuff on the table, looking for something that might require the subject in question.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Another day, another step in caring for his fairy friend...creature.
Could a fairy be your friend? Gabe didn't know.
Anyway...today was a big deal. Earlier...when he'd been cleaning up the jar...he'd came across eggs. And....while he'd been wholly freaked out and flabbergasted....Yes, there had been flabbergasting in process...they had instructions about what to do in case this had happened.
He needed to enlarge the jar.
...but Gabe, who didn't stress too much about performing spells when he was alone, was NOT AT ALL comfortable with casting whilst the fairy was inside said jar...and the Hufflepuff Tobias Tempus was in the room again...and yes, he'd be okay but not with the creature inside his target.
Cracking open the lid, he released the thing, stepping back for a moment to give it some space...There. With it out free and roaming...Gabe pulled his wand and pointed towards the small glass home. Well, it wouldn't be that size for long...hopefully. If he could get this thing in one go...
"Engorgio.".....and nothing.
"Engorgio.".....and nothing....again.
"ENGORGIO!"...Gabe all but shouted. Shooting an apologetic look at Toby....the jar FINALLY grew in size. BEEZ....Though, oddly, he didn't feel too embarrassed. There was some blushing, OF COURSE....but other than that, he felt....okay. It had finally worked. So...
.....the fairy could say out for a bit.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____