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The National Space Centre is one of the United Kingdom's leading visitor attractions that is devoted to space science and astronomy. It is located in the city of Leicester, England.
The group lands in the large parking lot just outside of The National Space Centre, hidden from all muggle gazes thanks to some large shrubbery. Hopefully no one has become too queasy from the trip, but if you have those bushes are right there to...you know...help you out. After handing the portkeys back to Professor Flamsteed, he instructs you to remove your entry ticket and to follow him. REMEMBER! Under NO circumstances are you to break the The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. Approaching the ticket gate, the professor beams over his shoulder as he demonstrates the "proper way to hand over an entry ticket" by handing it to one of the muggle staff present - who gives you a perplexed look before uttering, "Welcome to The National Space Centre. Have a safe flight!"
Once inside, Professor Flamsteed instructs you to pull out your guide maps you picked up while still in the Astronomy classroom at Hogwarts so that he can go over the various activities he hopes you will be sure to take a look at before needing to catch the portkeys - now safely tucked away in his enchanted breast pocket - back at precisely 3:05 pm from the same location in the muggle parking lot.
ACTIVITIES OOC: you do NOT need to do every single one of these activities for full participation credit for this lesson. I would like you to pick AT LEAST 2, ideally 3, and RP accordingly. There is no real post minimum for each activity as long as the content is there. Just have fun with things and, remember, your character is in MUGGLEDOM.
Please also feel free to look at the official website for the National Space Centre and click through some of the other things the place has to offer. I am taking a few liberties with some already existing exhibits there (and making up some of my own) - just work with me that the same thing in 2014 is there at 2085
Also, since we are all RPing in the SAME thread, please please PLEASE title your post with the LOCATION & ACTIVITY with which your character is participating in so we can all keep track of where we all are and find others to play with PLEASE AND THANK YOU!
The Sir Patrick Moore Planetarium is the largest in the UK and was opened in 2012 by the astronomy hero Sir Patrick Moore to a packed house.
Each show combines the latest edge-blended video technologies, sound and computer animation to immerse you in a full 360º fulldome cinema experience for no additional charge!
The show currently playing on this day is one 2014, which was brought back by popular demand, titled We Are Aliens.
OOC: youtube has a TON of clips from this that you can take a look at. Here is a link to one of them and I am sure you can maneuver yourself to find the rest
And yeah...Rupert Grint *cues Twilight theme* I am not sure if we as a site have ever established whether the Harry Potter films we know and love exist in our SS canon as something that muggles will have seen *inserts all sorts of theories here* So, for now, let's assume they DO NOT. Rupert's face does not appear in the film as far as I know, so it is just his voice.
he iconic Rocket Tower at the National Space Centre is home to Blue Streak and Thor Able rockets, as well as the Gagarin Experience, Apollo Lunar Lander and real Moon Rock.
The semi-transparent tower, which is clad in high-tech ETFE “pillows”, was designed specially to house the Centre’s largest artefacts, including the Blue Streak and Thor Able Rockets.
here are two pieces of Moon rock on public display in the UK and you can see the larger of the two at the National Space Centre. There is less than 1,000kg of Moon rock on earth, which makes this small artefact one of the most precious items you will ever see.
This Lunar sample was collected by Apollo 17 Astronaut Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, from a large fractured boulder near the rim of Shorty Crater.
Tranquility Base: The Moon Walk
SPOILER!!: description
Create your own postcard of you jumping on the lunar surface to owl home!
The area is set up with staff around to assist you as you strap into the special "seat" that will help you feel as though you are jumping on the Moon. After jumping around for a bit, the photographer will take your picture and then, using the magic of muggle technology, make it look as though you really are jumping on the Moon!
You may elect to wear one of the provided astronaut costumes if you desire or take the picture as is.
OOC: if you want to manip or draw a picture for this you may do so for possible extra credit.
Tranquility Base: Astrobotic Mining
SPOILER!!: description
The ultimate lunar challenge to see how much moon rock you can load using the digger before their time runs out.
A large arena with glass walls that prevent any entry stands before you. Behind the glass is a replica of the look and feel of the Moon's surface with various funny looking robots placed about it. After speaking with one of the muggles manning the area, you are handed a remote control to one of these replica Astrobotic Moon Diggers that you can then maneuver around the area to dig and scoop up "moon rocks" that must then be brought back to the appropriate labeled space station (Player 1, Player 2, etc) all the way to the right of the arena. You have 5 minutes to try and collect as many moon rocks as possible. If you do a stellar job then maybe, just maybe, the one of the muggle staff will let you take home a moon rock.
which is not a REAL moon rock, but a fabricated one that is...er...almost as good as the original?
Not too into mining? You can also try your hand at using another remote control to land the Lunar Lander on the Moon!
Tranquility Base: Astronaut Training
SPOILER!!: description
Think you've got the stomach to be an astronaut?
Brought in special this year, the ATX (Astronaut Training Experience) is where you can put yourself to the test and see if you have the right stuff to become an astronaut. Immerse yourself in the exciting world of today’s astronauts with realistic astronaut training. You will hear first-hand from a veteran astronauts, experience a space shuttle mission simulation and perform hands-on space exploration activities.
The area is set up in a rather extravagant manner with two activities simulating a capsule out of control and experiencing weightlessness respectively.
Round off your visit with a meal under our amazing rockets in Boosters restaurant. Serving a selection of freshly made and locally sourced sandwiches and snacks, as well as hot and cold drinks and our chef makes fresh soup everyday.
And of course don't forget to check out the Cargo Bay shop which stocks a full range of fun and interactive space toys, books, games and telescopes!
Checking his sundial watch, the professor gleefully announces that everyone is free to go about as you please...KEEPING CERTAIN THINGS IN MIND! And mentions something about living long and prospering, but by then you are probably already off and running!
OOC: please make sure you have posted in this thread departing from the Astronomy classroom BEFORE posting in here. It doesn't matter if you are just joining us now. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come!
There will be a very short homework assignment following this lesson, but consider this (with the addition of homework) the same weight as a final.
I will leave this thread open for several days (at least until noon on November 4th GMT) NEW CLOSING TIME SET FOR: Friday, November 7th at 10 pm PST and, while I hope to be around to have Airey interact with you all...I may be a bit scarce as I am preparing for a flight to America on Wednesday. I will be around to answer any questions you may have, however, so please feel free to shoot me a VM or PM if something comes up!
Kace decided to go to another activity. He loved the moonwalk but he wanted to know if he had the stuff to be a real astronaut. As he walked into the arena he noticed there was like a rock climbing thing. But he saw people using it and it looked like they were floating in mid air. Now that was pretty cool! He even saw them grabbing onto the bars. Kace thought he could do that. He lined up behind people waiting anxiously. Once it was his turn he got strapped in and got his harness on. He was nervous but anxious at the same time. The worker told him he could go. He nodded and jumped up...
Now this was cool! How was he gonna get down. He floated back down and grabbed onto the bar. He saw a worker was looking up making sure he was okay. He smiled and gave her the thumbs up. He continued to jump up and down and grabbed onto it. I guess this taught you to control your jumping skills on the moon? Once he was done he jumped off the bars to be unstrapped. Now onto the next activity which was the circular motion thing.
Eden didn't know WHERE Layla had gotten off to--but here she was, at the the training area--GOSH. She wanted to do ALL THE THINGS ever. SHE WANTED TO DO THE SPINNY THING THAT MIGHT MAKE HER SICK--
So that was where she went first. TO the spinny thing. There was a bit of a line, but she didn't care--she would wait ALL day if she HAD to. Luckily she didn't. It wasn't long before Eden was strapped in and ready to go! GAH. Her adrenaline was definitely pumping--it almost felt like a ride. And as SOON as it started--Eden could FEEEEL the butterflies in her tummy rumbling around--and it spun faster--
Eden was laughing the entire time. And when it stopped, she mostly CERTAINLY did not want to get off...but she did, and when she stepped back onto the floor--WHOA. She kind of--lost her balance a bit--and she grabbed the shoulder of the person nearest to her--[KACE]
She steadied herself--and then she REALIZED. OMG. WHOOPS. She let go almost instantly and blushed. "I'm so sorry--I--" almost fell over and used you as balance?
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Eden didn't know WHERE Layla had gotten off to--but here she was, at the the training area--GOSH. She wanted to do ALL THE THINGS ever. SHE WANTED TO DO THE SPINNY THING THAT MIGHT MAKE HER SICK--
So that was where she went first. TO the spinny thing. There was a bit of a line, but she didn't care--she would wait ALL day if she HAD to. Luckily she didn't. It wasn't long before Eden was strapped in and ready to go! GAH. Her adrenaline was definitely pumping--it almost felt like a ride. And as SOON as it started--Eden could FEEEEL the butterflies in her tummy rumbling around--and it spun faster--
Eden was laughing the entire time. And when it stopped, she mostly CERTAINLY did not want to get off...but she did, and when she stepped back onto the floor--WHOA. She kind of--lost her balance a bit--and she grabbed the shoulder of the person nearest to her--[KACE]
She steadied herself--and then she REALIZED. OMG. WHOOPS. She let go almost instantly and blushed. "I'm so sorry--I--" almost fell over and used you as balance?
Kace was watching the girl who went into the spinning astronaut thing. He thought it looked pretty cool but you gotta be soo dizzy after that. You probably couldn't even see straight. As he wa laughing and be prepared to go in he felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked to his right and saw it was the girl who went in before him. She didn't look alright and he let the person behind him go. "Oohh no it is fine. Trust me I might be the same way after I go. I am Kace by the way.." he smiled and nodded towards her. "How was that ride since I am going next?" he asked curiously.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Well that was hardly an answer if she ever heard one. The show would tell her? Lottie was assuming she'd be paying enough attention here but Lex was only in it for the amazing graphics and the screen that seemed to pop out at you. If it was wizard made then no doubt the things WOULD pop out at you but she supposed she'd have to make due with what the muggles thought through.
Looking to the screen again, she was ready to conclude that aliens were little green things with big squared heads and mismatched accents. "Do they actually look like that?" Had to be sure because now she kinda wanted one.
But then...something--no someone was climbing right over her like she was a piece of furniture to be maneuvered around and for a moment the Gryffindor was set to shove them hard enough they'd fly a few rows down but in the dark room she heard the voice of someone she wouldn't shove. Well gee, thanks Dot. Having them move their legs could have worked too.
"O'course you can stay." And a tentative look to Lottie here on the question of keeping the little snake around through the movie.
"You wouldn't happen to know what an alien is, would you?" Sure she was still waiting for the video to explain it but then what if little Dot knew and waiting became irrelevant? There was always that you know.
OF COURSE SHE COULD STAY. Dot leaned around Lexor and waved the other girl sitting there. Hi. Hi, Lexor's friend who was basically now Dot's friend. They'd better be friends, since Dot had just climbed over her, which was like sitting in someone's lap only just for a second. "I'm Dot. I can be real quiet. And Lexor said I could stay."
And cue the big smile, which wasn't doing much good here in the mostly!dark.
"Aliens is what cans are made of. Or like that foil stuff that my gran uses to cover up leftover food when she makes too much." Now that was sorted, Dot settled back in her seat and stared up at the sky thing above them.
This was weird. She wished they were really outside, and in grass instead of chairs. "..." She was being SO quiet right now. "What're those weird looking guys?"
Well that was hardly an answer if she ever heard one. The show would tell her? Lottie was assuming she'd be paying enough attention here but Lex was only in it for the amazing graphics and the screen that seemed to pop out at you. If it was wizard made then no doubt the things WOULD pop out at you but she supposed she'd have to make due with what the muggles thought through.
Looking to the screen again, she was ready to conclude that aliens were little green things with big squared heads and mismatched accents. "Do they actually look like that?" Had to be sure because now she kinda wanted one.
But then...something--no someone was climbing right over her like she was a piece of furniture to be maneuvered around and for a moment the Gryffindor was set to shove them hard enough they'd fly a few rows down but in the dark room she heard the voice of someone she wouldn't shove. Well gee, thanks Dot. Having them move their legs could have worked too.
"O'course you can stay." And a tentative look to Lottie here on the question of keeping the little snake around through the movie.
"You wouldn't happen to know what an alien is, would you?" Sure she was still waiting for the video to explain it but then what if little Dot knew and waiting became irrelevant? There was always that you know.
Originally Posted by Cacklin
OF COURSE SHE COULD STAY. Dot leaned around Lexor and waved the other girl sitting there. Hi. Hi, Lexor's friend who was basically now Dot's friend. They'd better be friends, since Dot had just climbed over her, which was like sitting in someone's lap only just for a second. "I'm Dot. I can be real quiet. And Lexor said I could stay."
And cue the big smile, which wasn't doing much good here in the mostly!dark.
"Aliens is what cans are made of. Or like that foil stuff that my gran uses to cover up leftover food when she makes too much." Now that was sorted, Dot settled back in her seat and stared up at the sky thing above them.
This was weird. She wished they were really outside, and in grass instead of chairs. "..." She was being SO quiet right now. "What're those weird looking guys?"
Actually, "There's no actual evidence of how they look, truth be told. The possibility of life out there exists, or existed, given some planets' atmosphere, but aliens... I don't think there's one event that could count as a fact." No. Not a single one. There's theories, of course, but they all differ, so...
She recognized the girl, she'd picked up and returned her wand once in... what a coincidence, Astronomy! Hopefully. Here in the dark she could be confusing the girl with someone else. A mention of Kyroh got her attention. Let's all hope the boy doesn't decide to come looking for his lost friend. Unless Kyroh was the lost friend, in which case Lotus approved of this Dot person VERY MUCH. Clearly the girl can stay.
A smile was given to Dot. "And I'm Lotus, you're definitely welcomed to stay." Not because Lex said so, but because Lottie genuinely had no issues with this. This wouldn't apply to the Scabior kid, but could apply to the Toussaint one. Merlin works in mysterious ways.
As far as the weird looking guys go... "Their representation of aliens, I think...," otherwise she got this entire thing wrong and her whole life was a lie. Not being dramatic or anything.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Hady!
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Hearing that her upset stomach wouldn't happen every time actually did help. It was something to keep in mind and kinda look forward to in a way. It'd be nice to travel without the thought of getting sick each time. "That's good to know. It wasn't as bad as last time and I'm feeling much better now." She told him smiling a little bit. He wanted to be an astronaut? Now that wasn't something she had expected to hear him say but that was cool. If it's what he wanted to do then there was nothing at all wrong with that. "Really? What do you like the most about it?"
Hady laughed softly listening to his recount of what he had done so far. Shifting her bag over her shoulder she slipped her hand into her pocket making sure her change from the cafe was still there. It was. "Sure let's go check it out." She agreed right away accepting his invite. After maybe if they had time they could do something fun.
From Hady's response, he was able to ascertain that this wasn't her first time, which was something. And come to think of it, he wondered if they'd be going on many more field trips... it was awesome, so he hoped they would, it would also help them all adjust to the travel. His stomach hadn't been much better with side-along apparition, so he figured it was something he'd have to MAJORLY adjust to. "Oh, lots of things," he replied brightly, considering the whole astronaut thing again. "It's just, larger than life you know? And there's all that space exploration, and quite frankly I lie exploring. And really... it's just exciting. Who knows what's really out there?" ... YEAHHH... big big BIG questions, and he wanted answers for them.
He was thrilled to have a companion along for the ride, and more so since it was Hady. "Awesome, and if we're quick we can see some more of the stuff they have here." Yeah, stuff, he was SO well spoken. Zeke made a mental note to fix that. "Shall we?" he probed, taking Hady's elbow and gently pulling her in the right direction. Weeeeeee!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Getting Gifts with Zeke! Post uh 8 or 9?
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
From Hady's response, he was able to ascertain that this wasn't her first time, which was something. And come to think of it, he wondered if they'd be going on many more field trips... it was awesome, so he hoped they would, it would also help them all adjust to the travel. His stomach hadn't been much better with side-along apparition, so he figured it was something he'd have to MAJORLY adjust to. "Oh, lots of things," he replied brightly, considering the whole astronaut thing again. "It's just, larger than life you know? And there's all that space exploration, and quite frankly I lie exploring. And really... it's just exciting. Who knows what's really out there?" ... YEAHHH... big big BIG questions, and he wanted answers for them.
He was thrilled to have a companion along for the ride, and more so since it was Hady. "Awesome, and if we're quick we can see some more of the stuff they have here." Yeah, stuff, he was SO well spoken. Zeke made a mental note to fix that. "Shall we?" he probed, taking Hady's elbow and gently pulling her in the right direction. Weeeeeee!
Space was huge! So given his answer to why he would want to be an astronaut it made lots of sense to her. There's always something tugging you to the world of the unknown and she didn't blame him not one little bit for wanting to know what was out there. As for her however it just wasn't for her. Sure she was having an epic time but her future rested with animals. "I know what you mean it's all really interesting and a lot of fun." She replied which wasn't a lie at all cause really how didn't like looking at stars and planets and such.
"Any suggestions on where to next?" Hady asked already knowing they might very well have the time as she let him pull her along. Keeping up with him wasn't hard at all and if they weren't inside a huge building and on a field trip for school she might just have raced him to the gift shop.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Space was huge! So given his answer to why he would want to be an astronaut it made lots of sense to her. There's always something tugging you to the world of the unknown and she didn't blame him not one little bit for wanting to know what was out there. As for her however it just wasn't for her. Sure she was having an epic time but her future rested with animals. "I know what you mean it's all really interesting and a lot of fun." She replied which wasn't a lie at all cause really how didn't like looking at stars and planets and such.
"Any suggestions on where to next?" Hady asked already knowing they might very well have the time as she let him pull her along. Keeping up with him wasn't hard at all and if they weren't inside a huge building and on a field trip for school she might just have raced him to the gift shop.
She knew what he meant! It was NICE having a friend that was like-minded, or at least could see your perspective. "It really is, and Professor Airey makes it really fun, like more than normal." And they still learned things, that was the main thing really.
Zeke pulled them through the entrance to the gift shop, Cargo Bay Shop, and already he knew he'd have a hard time picking something. He kinda wished he thought to bring MORE muggle money with him. "Mmm, not sure, is there anything you wanted to see?" It was only fair since he was dragging her here, and really he'd done the active stuff which is what most excited him in the beginning. But.... gift.... stuff. WHAT DID HE WANT?!
"You should pick something out for me," he mused with perfect seriousness. "Or we could be here a while." Did she SEEEEE the model rocket ships! And Mars rovers! and and and key chains GALORE!...
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Gifts!! Post 10 I think...
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
She knew what he meant! It was NICE having a friend that was like-minded, or at least could see your perspective. "It really is, and Professor Airey makes it really fun, like more than normal." And they still learned things, that was the main thing really.
Zeke pulled them through the entrance to the gift shop, Cargo Bay Shop, and already he knew he'd have a hard time picking something. He kinda wished he thought to bring MORE muggle money with him. "Mmm, not sure, is there anything you wanted to see?" It was only fair since he was dragging her here, and really he'd done the active stuff which is what most excited him in the beginning. But.... gift.... stuff. WHAT DID HE WANT?!
"You should pick something out for me," he mused with perfect seriousness. "Or we could be here a while." Did she SEEEEE the model rocket ships! And Mars rovers! and and and key chains GALORE!...
Learning and having fun was what it should be about. It was just to bad that not all teachers were that way. "His class is really fun, making those planets was amazing!" She agreed nodding her head. "He's a really good teacher."
Hady slipped through the doorway her eyes widening slightly at the items to choose from that were literally everywhere in the store. How could anyone decide on just one thing in this place? "Uh not exactly no. What haven't you done yet that would be fun?" Having not done much yet so far she was very open to ideas and suggestions. Right now though her eyes scanned each shelf and display rack.
Gently grabbing his wrist so they wouldn't lose one another in this shop she lightly lead him to the rockets. Cause really what kid didn't like rockets?! "Me? Are you sure?" Had he really just asked her to decide for him? Hady tilted her head slightly to the side in both question and thought.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: You two! ^^
Originally Posted by Cacklin
OF COURSE SHE COULD STAY. Dot leaned around Lexor and waved the other girl sitting there. Hi. Hi, Lexor's friend who was basically now Dot's friend. They'd better be friends, since Dot had just climbed over her, which was like sitting in someone's lap only just for a second. "I'm Dot. I can be real quiet. And Lexor said I could stay."
And cue the big smile, which wasn't doing much good here in the mostly!dark.
"Aliens is what cans are made of. Or like that foil stuff that my gran uses to cover up leftover food when she makes too much." Now that was sorted, Dot settled back in her seat and stared up at the sky thing above them.
This was weird. She wished they were really outside, and in grass instead of chairs. "..." She was being SO quiet right now. "What're those weird looking guys?"
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Text Cut: Lex+Dot
Actually, "There's no actual evidence of how they look, truth be told. The possibility of life out there exists, or existed, given some planets' atmosphere, but aliens... I don't think there's one event that could count as a fact." No. Not a single one. There's theories, of course, but they all differ, so...
She recognized the girl, she'd picked up and returned her wand once in... what a coincidence, Astronomy! Hopefully. Here in the dark she could be confusing the girl with someone else. A mention of Kyroh got her attention. Let's all hope the boy doesn't decide to come looking for his lost friend. Unless Kyroh was the lost friend, in which case Lotus approved of this Dot person VERY MUCH. Clearly the girl can stay.
A smile was given to Dot. "And I'm Lotus, you're definitely welcomed to stay." Not because Lex said so, but because Lottie genuinely had no issues with this. This wouldn't apply to the Scabior kid, but could apply to the Toussaint one. Merlin works in mysterious ways.
As far as the weird looking guys go... "Their representation of aliens, I think...," otherwise she got this entire thing wrong and her whole life was a lie. Not being dramatic or anything.
What happened to being quiet, yo?
Soooooooooooooooooooooooo.....they were giving a show on things they couldn't prove in the image that doesn't bear many facts to unsuspecting muggles who'd probably be eating this stuff up right about now? WELL, it was a good thing Lottie just told her different so she could actually focus on the show for what it quite possible was; Lies
Op, hear that Dot? Second confirmation she could stay but no Lottie, you have it backwards, the Toussaint one is a bit iffy too. He'd be rambling through the entire show and they'd have to move or they'd never hear anything. Not like Dot, she was real quiet when she had to be and helpful other times--like now with the cans and Aliens wrapping up food and---
Waaaaiiiiitttt. Lex looked from Dot to Lottie and back to Dot, or well it was dark so mostly their silhouettes if you wanted to be technical. Which one was it? Food wrap or the green guys on screen?? "Those don't look anything like the stuff food wrap is made of and if they wrap food why are they on the screen talking?"
In truth, this show really shouldn't have been so confusing. It was real simple til you tried figuring out who these Aliens they were talking about were.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Learning and having fun was what it should be about. It was just to bad that not all teachers were that way. "His class is really fun, making those planets was amazing!" She agreed nodding her head. "He's a really good teacher."
Hady slipped through the doorway her eyes widening slightly at the items to choose from that were literally everywhere in the store. How could anyone decide on just one thing in this place? "Uh not exactly no. What haven't you done yet that would be fun?" Having not done much yet so far she was very open to ideas and suggestions. Right now though her eyes scanned each shelf and display rack.
Gently grabbing his wrist so they wouldn't lose one another in this shop she lightly lead him to the rockets. Cause really what kid didn't like rockets?! "Me? Are you sure?" Had he really just asked her to decide for him? Hady tilted her head slightly to the side in both question and thought.
"No kidding, I like the hands on activities and he does plenty of those, the theory parts tend to go over my head though..." an issue he was having in most classes, like muggle studies of all things, and Runes! OHHHHH RUNES!... yeah.
There was so much to see, and touch and try and buy. Why did they only get a fiver? Five pounds was hardly enough to go nuts. "Uhh..." good question. Zeke pulled out his brochure out of his pocket and inspected it, how was he to know what they could do here? "Well I haven't seen the Rocket Tower, or the Astrobotic Mining..." whatever that was... "and there's the Moon Walk thing, we could get photos of us jumping on the moon." It sounded pretty cool, hehe. There were so many options here, and they only had such a short time to explore, choices were hard.
Returning his brochure to his pocket with one hand, and allowing himself to be dragged about by the other, Zeke followed Hady's lead. "Of course I am," he nodded with conviction. "See, I want everything, but I can't have everything, so I trust you to pick the best item what the money I have." So much trust right here. SO MUCH.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Picking gifts is hard! Post 11
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
"No kidding, I like the hands on activities and he does plenty of those, the theory parts tend to go over my head though..." an issue he was having in most classes, like muggle studies of all things, and Runes! OHHHHH RUNES!... yeah.
There was so much to see, and touch and try and buy. Why did they only get a fiver? Five pounds was hardly enough to go nuts. "Uhh..." good question. Zeke pulled out his brochure out of his pocket and inspected it, how was he to know what they could do here? "Well I haven't seen the Rocket Tower, or the Astrobotic Mining..." whatever that was... "and there's the Moon Walk thing, we could get photos of us jumping on the moon." It sounded pretty cool, hehe. There were so many options here, and they only had such a short time to explore, choices were hard.
Returning his brochure to his pocket with one hand, and allowing himself to be dragged about by the other, Zeke followed Hady's lead. "Of course I am," he nodded with conviction. "See, I want everything, but I can't have everything, so I trust you to pick the best item what the money I have." So much trust right here. SO MUCH.
He had trouble with theory lessons too? That made her feel better knowing it wasn't only her. Runes was completely kicking her butt right now. Nothing in that class made any sense at all to her. "I'm the same way, I learn much better when I'm able to see it in action." Plus it was cool getting to make whatever it was work or fix something.
"Moon Walking sounds like fun! And then we'd have a photo to send home to her families or keep for ourselves." Yeah, yeah that was totally a good idea. Maybe Professor Airey could show them how to duplicate the photos and then she'd be able to keep one at school with her and send the other home. She'd have to remember to ask the Professor later on about that.
Hearing his reasoning for wanting her to pick something for him made her laugh. Right then he sounded just like her best friend back home, Jaxon always had trouble picking just one thing. Maybe what her and Jaxon did at home could work here? Chewing on her lower lip she looked over everything as she asked him quietly her eyes mostly sticking to all the different rockets. "Well if I pick something out for you will you pick something for me? Something different then what you get and then we can use them back at school together? So it's like we're getting two things instead of just one." It was only a suggestion really which he was open to turn down if he wanted to. Cause well sometimes people didn't like to share their things and Hady wasn't to sure on how Zeke was with all that.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
He had trouble with theory lessons too? That made her feel better knowing it wasn't only her. Runes was completely kicking her butt right now. Nothing in that class made any sense at all to her. "I'm the same way, I learn much better when I'm able to see it in action." Plus it was cool getting to make whatever it was work or fix something.
"Moon Walking sounds like fun! And then we'd have a photo to send home to her families or keep for ourselves." Yeah, yeah that was totally a good idea. Maybe Professor Airey could show them how to duplicate the photos and then she'd be able to keep one at school with her and send the other home. She'd have to remember to ask the Professor later on about that.
Hearing his reasoning for wanting her to pick something for him made her laugh. Right then he sounded just like her best friend back home, Jaxon always had trouble picking just one thing. Maybe what her and Jaxon did at home could work here? Chewing on her lower lip she looked over everything as she asked him quietly her eyes mostly sticking to all the different rockets. "Well if I pick something out for you will you pick something for me? Something different then what you get and then we can use them back at school together? So it's like we're getting two things instead of just one." It was only a suggestion really which he was open to turn down if he wanted to. Cause well sometimes people didn't like to share their things and Hady wasn't to sure on how Zeke was with all that.
It was funny how they were super different, but still had loads in common. It was nice knowing he wasn't alone. "Yeaaahhh... the only exception to that is History though. I don't learn much from dress ups." Because that didn't tell him ANYTHING about dates, people and events. It was all guess work really.
"Moon walk it is!" he confirmed brighly. Because who wouldn't want a photo of themselves walking on the moon? "It'll be be awesome, and we can definitely have copies for that. I think Fuller knows how to do duplicates. Or even Nairne might be able to do them the proper way." Like, the muggle way, but that would be long and tedious and far less fun than magic.
She was laughing....
Why was she laughing?
Zeke pursed his lips as he considered Hady's proposition, but really, it was a no brainer. "You've got yourself a deal, but only if you at least pretend to like what I pick out for you, even if it sucks." Not that he'd get a sucky gift. He wouldn't pick out a boring figurine astronaut man for instance. Nope... but it was hard picking things on a budget.
His hazel eyes perused the shelves a shot while, and he turned every which way, though still maintained his hold on Hady. It was after a short moment that a box on the shelf to their left took captured his interest. "How about this?" he asked, pointing to a space torch thing. It was within their price range. Something to consider. "We could find somewhere to use it easy, and we could even take turns having it for the night." A shared present.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Finally deciding on something! Gifts cont. Post 12
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
It was funny how they were super different, but still had loads in common. It was nice knowing he wasn't alone. "Yeaaahhh... the only exception to that is History though. I don't learn much from dress ups." Because that didn't tell him ANYTHING about dates, people and events. It was all guess work really.
"Moon walk it is!" he confirmed brighly. Because who wouldn't want a photo of themselves walking on the moon? "It'll be be awesome, and we can definitely have copies for that. I think Fuller knows how to do duplicates. Or even Nairne might be able to do them the proper way." Like, the muggle way, but that would be long and tedious and far less fun than magic.
She was laughing....
Why was she laughing?
Zeke pursed his lips as he considered Hady's proposition, but really, it was a no brainer. "You've got yourself a deal, but only if you at least pretend to like what I pick out for you, even if it sucks." Not that he'd get a sucky gift. He wouldn't pick out a boring figurine astronaut man for instance. Nope... but it was hard picking things on a budget.
His hazel eyes perused the shelves a shot while, and he turned every which way, though still maintained his hold on Hady. It was after a short moment that a box on the shelf to their left took captured his interest. "How about this?" he asked, pointing to a space torch thing. It was within their price range. Something to consider. "We could find somewhere to use it easy, and we could even take turns having it for the night." A shared present.
Hady was super glad that she'd helped him out the one morning in class when they had been caring for the plants. If she hadn't they might not have become friends and really she had loads of fun hanging around with Zeke. "It is a little odd sure but maybe dressing the part is supposed to help us understand it all in some way." It was possible. Sometimes you had to play the part to really get a good feeling for what might have taken place.
Yay! They were going to go on the moon walk! Beaming with excitement Hady bounced lightly on her heels. "That would be awesome! My parents and Jaxon love when I send home photos. It would be nice to be able to have a copy for myself too." See he knew what she was thinking too and that was even better having to not always explain herself alllllll the time.
Shifting from one foot to the other and adjusting her bag over her shoulder with her free hand as her other hand was still kind of holding onto Zeke. Blinking she just realized that she still had a hold of him but he didn't seem to mind did he? He wasn't exactly pulling away. Oh well. Pushing that thought aside she grinned brightly at their deal. "I know I'll like whatever you pick." She was sure it'd be awesome.
Stepping up onto her tip toes she checked something out on a higher shelf. Rockets and space ships. You got to make them yourself with models and such. They could paint them, add stickers and maybe ask a Professor for a spell to make them fly? Her attention was shifted from the thought when Zeke pointed to something. A space torch. Reading what the box said she nodded quickly. That could be really fun. Reaching for it she pulled down the box. "This would be cool to take turns with."
Now that she had hers she pointed above them to what she had been looking at. "You get to make them yourself and paint them. I'm sure Professor Airey could teach us a spell to make them fly." Another shared gift possibly?
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Hady was super glad that she'd helped him out the one morning in class when they had been caring for the plants. If she hadn't they might not have become friends and really she had loads of fun hanging around with Zeke. "It is a little odd sure but maybe dressing the part is supposed to help us understand it all in some way." It was possible. Sometimes you had to play the part to really get a good feeling for what might have taken place.
Yay! They were going to go on the moon walk! Beaming with excitement Hady bounced lightly on her heels. "That would be awesome! My parents and Jaxon love when I send home photos. It would be nice to be able to have a copy for myself too." See he knew what she was thinking too and that was even better having to not always explain herself alllllll the time.
Shifting from one foot to the other and adjusting her bag over her shoulder with her free hand as her other hand was still kind of holding onto Zeke. Blinking she just realized that she still had a hold of him but he didn't seem to mind did he? He wasn't exactly pulling away. Oh well. Pushing that thought aside she grinned brightly at their deal. "I know I'll like whatever you pick." She was sure it'd be awesome.
Stepping up onto her tip toes she checked something out on a higher shelf. Rockets and space ships. You got to make them yourself with models and such. They could paint them, add stickers and maybe ask a Professor for a spell to make them fly? Her attention was shifted from the thought when Zeke pointed to something. A space torch. Reading what the box said she nodded quickly. That could be really fun. Reaching for it she pulled down the box. "This would be cool to take turns with."
Now that she had hers she pointed above them to what she had been looking at. "You get to make them yourself and paint them. I'm sure Professor Airey could teach us a spell to make them fly." Another shared gift possibly?
Odd was an understatement, he was beginning to get the impression that half of the Professor's were NUTS and Glendower was no exception. She was nice enough, sure, but the dress ups thing had him spooked. Once was fun, twice was boring, if he was asked to do it again, he'd do more than just NOT, he'd... make a stand, walk out or something. Mmhhmm. Still, Hady had a point, kinda. "Spose so..." but it still wasn't his thing.
Hady's enthusiasm couldn't be missed, and more to the point, he couldn't think of anyone else he'd rather share this time with. Cept maybe Ashley. And speaking of family and siblings and the like. "Jaxon your brother?" he asked curiously. "I send photos home to the family all the time, ever since Fuller gave us that camera." And that too was a cool lesson, better than the muggle studies equivalent which did his head in.
But would you look at that, Hady was good at this deal making, and sounding all convincing already. "This'll be easy then." Well not easy, but easiER. Girls could be weird fussy about things sometimes, but they were usually good at being nice about things too, and they had a deal so he needn't worry.
He may have been holding his breath as she took the box down from the shelf - which he should have helped with - but her approval was appreciated. WIN! He'd picked something, and she liked it, whether or not she meant it or was playing nice, IT COUNTED!
And then it was her turn to point things out, model roc--- SAY WHAT NOW?! Zeke pulled out from her grip and quickly closed the distance between them, pulling Hady close with one arm while using his other hand to cover her mouth. Actually come to think of it, he didn't know quite what to do now. But she said SPEEEELLLL and FLLYYYYY and stuff with muggles around. The muggles! He glanced around the shop to see who was near, but found that the people closest were probably still too far to really hear or care. "Sorry about that," he said slowly, removing his hand from her mouth and dropping his arm from her back. And how was all that for action? "I like it though, we should do it." Doing the gentlemanly thing - without attacking her face this time - he stood up on his tippy toes, one hand on a lower shelf for support while he used to other to reach up up uuupppp... and he slid the box off, catching neatly in both hands.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
This was her test. Ever since the little scene in Hadley's office AJ wondered how she would react when she was became face to face with Ian. She thought that nothing would have changed, and that she would want to fight with him over and over again. Something in her changed. Ian was still somebody that she considered a coward, and he was most definitely not somebody that she would consider a friend, but she was also over him in general. AJ wouldn't be sticking her neck out on the line for him anymore. She didn't need to test her luck anymore with the professors. Ian just wasn't worth that.
How much time had passed, she wasn't sure. AJ was taking deep breaths, counting to ten, and trying to imagine Adi's face. "You're not bothering me." He was totally bothering her. She was just trying really hard to be the bigger person. In fact her fists were balled at her sides and she had this goofy grin on her face that was forced. It was surely a sight to see. "I dunno... looks like we picked a busy attraction." There were too many tall people ahead of her to really get a good look.
Angel's happy go lucky greeting to Ian did not go unnoticed. Were the two on a friendly level? AJ raised an eyebrow in Angel's direction. Maybe she took more after Abby. Then again AJ was ready to put the whole thing behind... as hard as that actually seemed.
Angel's happy go lucky greeting to Ian did not go unnoticed. Were the two on a friendly level? AJ raised an eyebrow in Angel's direction. Maybe she took more after Abby. Then again AJ was ready to put the whole thing behind... as hard as that actually seemed.
Angel looked at Ian. "It's fun." Angel still wasn't friends with Ian but she was being friendly because well she didn't want to get into trouble. "I think you have something to tell my sister right?" Angel looked at him, If he didn't then she would totally go all devil like on him.
Angel then saw AJ raise her eyebrows, she was a bit scared now... her sister wasn't going to go all cray cray on her for being nice to Ian was she... she was still there for her sister all the time and she wasn't friends with Ian she just wasn't going to Hex him if she saw him.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine decided that it would be in her best interest to feed herself soon. If she didn't eat, she wouldn't be able to fully enjoy the other exhibits. Following the signs, she headed to the Boosters Cafe. Jasmine took a moment to check out the area before walking over to look at her lunch choices. Finally making a decision, she joined the line and waited her turn.
Jasmine ordered a turkey sandwich and a coke and went to find an empty seat. Looking around, she seemed to be the only Hogwarts student in the place which was hard to believe. Jasmine found a seat directly under a rocket.......hence the name, Boosters Cafe. She ate her sandwich and sat back to enjoy a little people watching. That was almost as interesting as the space exhibits. There were truly some characters among the crowd. When Jasmine finished eating and her hunger was satisfied, she cleared her table. Now she felt refreshed and ready for more exploring. First she would check out another exhibit and then maybe visit the gift shop for a few souvenirs. Off she went to the next adventure.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
After having her picture taken at the moon walk, Lux was starting to feel a little hungry. Maybe she should get some food at the cafe, but first she wanted to see another exhibit.
Looking around, she spotted Kace heading towards the Astronaut Training, but that simulation would be too scary for her when all she had done to combat her fear so far was climb the rock wall with Bay. It was a big leap from that to whatever she'd feel if she was doing Astronaut Training. But there was a Planetarium and that sounded like it might be pretty interesting.
Heading in that direction, she wondered if she'd see any of her friends there. Or she could always meet more new people who could become her friends!
If Toby could do that 'raised eyebrow, sceptical look' thing that he'd seen people do, he'd be giving Soph that look right now. So he settled for that kind of 'PSSHHHH' look. You know the one. Right at Soph. But he played along.
"I'd like to think I've done braver things than that in my life," he remarked as they walked.
Interesting thought about Flamsteed though. Where was that guy? Probably off nerding out over moon rocks or something, though Tobias wasn't sure there were any moon rocks here.
"Bet he believes in aliens," Toby replied after a few moments thought. His logic was that HE, TOBY, believed in other lifeforms out in space, so naturally... Airey would as well. "Big ol' universe. Can't just be for us. Maybe we're the aliens." Welp. Now Toby was thinking about other life way out there and just how different they were and would they be nice and was there and alien version of him in an alien version of Hogwarts and-
They were there. Toby saluted the people manning the entrance as they stepped in and headed straight for some seats directly in the middle of the room. He cast his eyes up to the ceiling as she spoke and gave a nod.
"Uh-huh, these things are super cool. I went to a planetarium once before, when I was ten. Don't remember much of it, but they play it all on the ceiling, it's wicked."
Okay, they were seated, settled, fidgety and READY. And just in time, 'cause the show was about to start. Time to leaaarrrn.
Soph snorted at Tobes' words, hugging his arm tighter and unable to wipe the stupid, goofy grin off her face. He was a pretty brave person in general, wasn't he? Maybe... sometimes it was impulsive bravery closely followed by regret and guilt in many situations, but his surges of of great courage were admirable all the same.
Sophie... wasn't so sure that Flamsteed believed in aliens. He was a very logical man, wasn't he? Aliens seemed a little too... out there, but she just shrugged. "So you believe, huh?" Her big grin was back and she poked his side lightly as she went on, "Maybe this film'll make a believer outta me, too." That's what it was going to be about, right? Finding evidence and reasonable cause to believe we weren't alone in the universe?
But the place was so BIG. And... the WHOLE ceiling being the movie - she briefly wondered if they could enchant the ceiling or something at school to produce imagery like what they would be experiencing today. She had no idea how that would work nor if it was even possible, but she thought the IDEA was SUPER COOL.
They were in their seats now, though, and Soph instinctively got cozy next to Tobes, still holding his hand and showing no signs of wanting to let go of him any time soon. Muggles didn't have a problem with a little hand-holding, did they? It wasn't like they were snogging or anything.
BUT THE MOVIE WAS STARTING. Her eyes grew big and she cozied closer to Tobes, squeezing his hand tightly with the BIGGEST smile on her face. THIS PLACE WAS SO COOL. SO LOUD. SO MUCH TO LOOK AT ALL AT ONCE.
Kace was watching the girl who went into the spinning astronaut thing. He thought it looked pretty cool but you gotta be soo dizzy after that. You probably couldn't even see straight. As he wa laughing and be prepared to go in he felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked to his right and saw it was the girl who went in before him. She didn't look alright and he let the person behind him go. "Oohh no it is fine. Trust me I might be the same way after I go. I am Kace by the way.." he smiled and nodded towards her. "How was that ride since I am going next?" he asked curiously.
Eden was thankful he wasn't weird or mean or anything. She just smiled shyly and took a few deep breaths. "Hi Kace--I'm Eden--" she said in a friendly manner. "And yes--it's fun but it makes you very dizzy." Mhm. "So..be prepared and stuff. " She said with a nod. "I---I don't have a partner --Well I did--but I don't know where she ran off to so..." she shrugged. "Want to be mine? I'll wait for you to get out of here--and we can do the other things around here. And MAYBE go to the gift shop." She grinned more just to look APPEALING as a partner and stuff.
"RIght..looks like it's your turn--I'll be here to lean on after if you need it--" she said with a laugh and a wink. Yep.
Eden was a dork, no doubt.
And she was also wide eyed at the things going on around them--what should they even do next? The climbing thing? had he done that already? Hmm. Maybe she'd just let him pick what they did next and stuff.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
The hungry, hungry Hufflepuff arrived at the cafe, his bestie in tow. He inhaled deeply. "Gosh. It smells so good in here.'' Glancing around, he noted there were lots of people milling around. All hungry tourists, obviously.
"Wonder if they have chocolate cake,'' Adi mused to Benny. "I could go for a slice. Or two.'' But sandwiches...there seemed to be loads of those. Soups as well. Yum! Food was food and if he couldn't find any chocolatey stuff, he'd take sandwiches and soup. "Let's go order, Benny.'' The Hufflepuff started off to do just that.
Benny moved with Adi towards the space center's cafe, one less Ravenclaw it seemed since Gabe had gone quiet and distracted with what was elsewhere in the space center and separated from them. It was okay, they didn't have to travel together. Yeah, it did smell good when they finally arrived at the place, silently agreeing with his bestie as he took in their surroundings. The fourth year wondering himself if there was something he wanted to eat. Certainly smelled like there might.
"You and a sugar high around..." he absently mused with a teasing voice, breaking off so that he didn't mention the m-word. Nope...nothing said here and made awkward amongst other patrons of the cafe. Most if not all who fit the description. "Sure thing," the Gryffindor agreed as he followed the Hufflepuff, his eyes gracing over the menu posted up on the wall as he fell into line behind Adi. Maybe some roast beef would be good. Or some soup. Or both.
Soph snorted at Tobes' words, hugging his arm tighter and unable to wipe the stupid, goofy grin off her face. He was a pretty brave person in general, wasn't he? Maybe... sometimes it was impulsive bravery closely followed by regret and guilt in many situations, but his surges of of great courage were admirable all the same.
Sophie... wasn't so sure that Flamsteed believed in aliens. He was a very logical man, wasn't he? Aliens seemed a little too... out there, but she just shrugged. "So you believe, huh?" Her big grin was back and she poked his side lightly as she went on, "Maybe this film'll make a believer outta me, too." That's what it was going to be about, right? Finding evidence and reasonable cause to believe we weren't alone in the universe?
But the place was so BIG. And... the WHOLE ceiling being the movie - she briefly wondered if they could enchant the ceiling or something at school to produce imagery like what they would be experiencing today. She had no idea how that would work nor if it was even possible, but she thought the IDEA was SUPER COOL.
They were in their seats now, though, and Soph instinctively got cozy next to Tobes, still holding his hand and showing no signs of wanting to let go of him any time soon. Muggles didn't have a problem with a little hand-holding, did they? It wasn't like they were snogging or anything.
BUT THE MOVIE WAS STARTING. Her eyes grew big and she cozied closer to Tobes, squeezing his hand tightly with the BIGGEST smile on her face. THIS PLACE WAS SO COOL. SO LOUD. SO MUCH TO LOOK AT ALL AT ONCE.
"Universe is huge, Soph. All those stars with all their planets. There's no way it's just us. It'd be like owning a neighbourhood full of mansions even though you're just one person living in one room of one house." At least, that's how he saw it in his mind. And Toby didn't bother about mentioning how it wasn't the whole 'little green men' thing he was thinking of, 'cause that was the sort of stuff that happened in movies and all, but it'd be pretty neat if it were true. "And if the universe is infinite, then eventually, there's gotta be someone else."
Toby probably could have gone on and on about it, rambling forever or something, but the lights dimmed and the voice started and he looked up at the images projected onto the ceiling.
It was neat, the whole cartoony sort of way they were showing things. Bright colours that captured Toby's attention as the movie went on about Earth being a great big network and all that, and the whole civilisation thing, and whether there were any others out in space. When the little animated characters started giving out opinions on the matter, Toby gave Soph and nudged and grinned at her in the dim light. Did she hear that first one? That cartoon person totally agreed with him.
Of course, some of the others didn't, but that was okay too.
Then all the informative stuff was happening, and Toby was... still focused and listening and taking it all in. So far.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
"Universe is huge, Soph. All those stars with all their planets. There's no way it's just us. It'd be like owning a neighbourhood full of mansions even though you're just one person living in one room of one house." At least, that's how he saw it in his mind. And Toby didn't bother about mentioning how it wasn't the whole 'little green men' thing he was thinking of, 'cause that was the sort of stuff that happened in movies and all, but it'd be pretty neat if it were true. "And if the universe is infinite, then eventually, there's gotta be someone else."
Toby probably could have gone on and on about it, rambling forever or something, but the lights dimmed and the voice started and he looked up at the images projected onto the ceiling.
It was neat, the whole cartoony sort of way they were showing things. Bright colours that captured Toby's attention as the movie went on about Earth being a great big network and all that, and the whole civilisation thing, and whether there were any others out in space. When the little animated characters started giving out opinions on the matter, Toby gave Soph and nudged and grinned at her in the dim light. Did she hear that first one? That cartoon person totally agreed with him.
Of course, some of the others didn't, but that was okay too.
Then all the informative stuff was happening, and Toby was... still focused and listening and taking it all in. So far.
A neighborhood full of mansions... Tobes was a thoughtful one, wasn't he? Soph lingered on his comments until the film actually began, wondering if maybe he WAS right and if there WAS other life out there...
But, ultimately, no matter what the show said, SHE wanted to hear Flamsteed's opinions for sure. Could they go find him later?
BIG EYES. LOADS OF COLORS. CUTE LITTLE DOG BLOCKY ROBOT THING. And one of the blocky-robot person things were talking about seeing strange flashing lights? Probably improper use of magic in front of Muggles. Or FIREWORKS shooting across the sky. Probably a really logical explanation, right?
And THEN they said that the bacteria outnumbered a human's cells by ten to one? THAT was kind of radical, and Soph wiggled a little in her seat, IMAGINING all the bacteria surging through her body. That was kind of gross. But if microbes could make their own homes anywhere there was water... that meant there could be life on any planet that had water, right? In theory? So... like Mars? Or Europa? THAT was pretty interesting, Soph thought.
Are we alone? The simple answer is... yes. HA!
And she STILL couldn't get over how COOL this all looked. It was so BIG and all the COLORS and the GRAPHICS! Soph didn't want it to be over and she was dreading the end.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Waving goodbye to Cinna, Zander decided to make his way over to the one thing he knew best: Food. So of course, the Cafe was going to be a destination on his trip over, but how much time did he have to spend there?! And that is exactly why he didn't wait even a second before rushing off.
Hopefully they didn't serve that nasty vacuum packed food that they tried in class. Although it was kind of cool to look at, that stuff did NOT actually taste like ice cream at all. Besides, how could you vacuum pack a pie?
Making his way over to the ordering posts, he asked for a sandwich and some fries before walking back to a table with his food.
AND NOW, to eat. Heh. Field trips should be ALL the time! This was great!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
A neighborhood full of mansions... Tobes was a thoughtful one, wasn't he? Soph lingered on his comments until the film actually began, wondering if maybe he WAS right and if there WAS other life out there...
But, ultimately, no matter what the show said, SHE wanted to hear Flamsteed's opinions for sure. Could they go find him later?
BIG EYES. LOADS OF COLORS. CUTE LITTLE DOG BLOCKY ROBOT THING. And one of the blocky-robot person things were talking about seeing strange flashing lights? Probably improper use of magic in front of Muggles. Or FIREWORKS shooting across the sky. Probably a really logical explanation, right?
And THEN they said that the bacteria outnumbered a human's cells by ten to one? THAT was kind of radical, and Soph wiggled a little in her seat, IMAGINING all the bacteria surging through her body. That was kind of gross. But if microbes could make their own homes anywhere there was water... that meant there could be life on any planet that had water, right? In theory? So... like Mars? Or Europa? THAT was pretty interesting, Soph thought.
Are we alone? The simple answer is... yes. HA!
And she STILL couldn't get over how COOL this all looked. It was so BIG and all the COLORS and the GRAPHICS! Soph didn't want it to be over and she was dreading the end.
Exoplanets! Toby recognised that word, and the more he listened the more he sort of recognised a fact here and there that he'd definitely seen in his Astronomy textbook. But that was cool about the whole light levels thing, about how they monitored light levels of lights of stars because a small change of light level might be an indicator of a planet passing it. Man. Cool stuff.
As the voice started on about microbes, the image on screen switched to where it was sort of panning through a reconstructed solar system. It wasn't incredibly realistic, but suddenly Toby could vividly imagine JUST how big space was, and he felt... small. Like, all that huge space, and he was a tiny speck on a tiny planet and... wow. WOW.
He shifted in his seat, getting a tad fidgety. MOVING ON.
Except now his thoughts were running away from him, and Toby was getting super distracted even though the voiceover was on about alien atmospheres. As the movie went on Toby tuned in and out and caught snippets of what was said, though probably not as much as he should be hearing.
But no. C'mon Toby. FOCUS. The fifth year shook his head and looked back up at the projection just in time to see an image of that mars robot from waaaaay back when, which reminded him of just how old this film WAS. The voiceover transitioned from talking about Mars to the topic of Europa, one of Jupiters moons. Toby sat up a little straighter and tried super hard to pay attention, 'cause he was pretty sure that the movie was almost finished, and then he'd be able to get up and move about a bit.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!