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As you come through the trap door you will find a normal sight. Smaller tables set around the room with pillows for your chairs. A few tea pots set around the room and cups for your liking and a very happy Professor Cassie at the front sipping on her own tea waiting to greet you as you come in.
Though it is normal with the lavender scents and soft relaxing music, you will notice on one table in the front left corner the crystal balls sit waiting to be used, in the back of the room mirrors that might remind you of the awful last lesson stand, in the right front corner bowls are stacked on a table, and on Professor Cassie's desk sits crystals on a string.
Something you might not see is the usual snap cup, but fear not there is a note about that.
My snap cup is still missing, but please bring up your proud moments and set in this tea cup! Also remember to set your personal item in the basket before taking your seat. We will discuss these in a moment.
Next to the temporary snap cup you will find a basket. If you remember on Professor Cassie's notice she had asked you to bring one personal item this is where that item should be placed.
Zhenya was almost running to get back upstairs to divination. She forgot what time it was and didn't want to be late and disqualified… if that was a possibility? When she got back upstairs to the Divination Classroom she beamed at Professor Cassie, "I found it in the library!" She was delighted that she had actually found it. Obviously she wasn't so bad at Divination! And that was actually fun, she decided that she liked Divination now, and was sad it was their last lesson of the term. Well, first and last for Zhenya. If only she had returned back to school at the beginning of term. She held the crystal in her hand, examining it. It was hers. "Thanks for the crystal, Professor, I really love it!" Yep, they were all very lucky to have been given the crystal as a gift!
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
The Gryffindor walked all the way back to the divination classroom, in a kind of nervous panic. He was about to lie about his find. Turning more and more like Kevin with each passing day. It was kind of... Scary.
As he walked into the room, however, he put on a triumphant smile-- did that look triumphant enough???-- and walked back towards his seat. Yup. The sock he was holding in his hand was definitely the one that he had put in the 'things' pile at the beginning of class. It totally wasn't the other sock that he was wearing on his other foot. Nope. It was the same one. Heh. Heh. Heh.
Raising the worn sock into the air, he looked at Professor Morgan with a smile. "I have my sock, Professor." Yup. His sock. Not going to draw any attention to the other 6 pairs he had sitting in his bag. Those of which, he er, had no idea who they belonged to. Yeah, never accio socks in a castle full of socks people. Especially when you're near a Gryffindor Common Room. For all he knew, he could have had the Headgirl's socks in his possession. She'd be furious.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
The snacks were yummy and Lux was happy to see more people come back with their personal items. Success was always a nice thing to see even if the items would be returned regardless. She did have a question, however.
Walking over to the Professor, she asked, "Just how accurate ARE these crystals?" She hoped Professor Cassie didn't find the question rude because she didn't mean for it to be. She was merely wondering because of the response she had gotten from the crystal about her career; she so wanted it to be true. The reply to her question about Bay was obviously correct, as were the replies to her questions about Teddy....but she still needed to know for sure. Otherwise she would have a part of her that felt it was all a coincidence and maybe she wouldn't be a successful Potioneer.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Once Zhenya had composed herself; no more gasping for breath, she remembered there were SNACKS! Of course she had to have some! She made her way back to her feet and wondered over to the snacks table, browsing it. Her crystal was safe inside her pocket, and she knew just what to do with it! It was going to go into her safe box which was safely in her trunk down in her dorm. She would keep it safe. She decided on some punch and a brownie, which were DELICIOUS!
Into the classroom bounced a VERY happy Tobias Tempus. He now wore his fairy wings, the personal item that he'd had to go searching for through the castle, and had clearly been quite successful. The wings shook glitter everywhere, and Toby beamed around at those now left in the classroom.
"I found 'em," he added to Professor Morgan, just to be super clear on the matter. "Can I have a brownie now?"
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
He was close behind a Puffer on his way back up through the trap door... and Zeke couldn't help but snicker a little. Hehehehehehe. Did the dude just say Honey? like... calling the TEACHER, HONEY? AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... funniest thing, EVER.
After his snide giggling fit, Zeke straightened up and beamed at those present. Hihi. Just a firstie here.
But it was time to steal some thunder, he wanted happy moments too.
"I did it professor!" he said, dangling his compass by its necklace. Weeeheeee. "Does that mean I pass?" He needed to know these things. Important parents to impress and all.
Angel had been in so much shock that she hadn't even thought about looking for her item... the Professor was saying it wasn't theft, well she would love to see what the Professor thought if she took an item of hers and used it for a game though of course she couldn't do it now her Dragon Keychain was missing and she needed to find it.
Angel was rubbish at using the water bowl and the mirror would be hard but the crystal now that would be good because well she could use that anywhere. She quickly picked the Crystal up and asked it a question. "Is my keychain in here?" Angel waited to see what the Crystal said. The crystal swayed from one direction to the next, but not in a circle. So that meant that it wasn't in here... okay time to go and look on the grounds somewhere then.
Angel quickly left the room... she had to find this keychain it was her favourite one and she would hate it if it never came back, she wasn't sure if to trust the Professor about it not being lost forever, how did she know this was a game and not a test.
OH NO. Eden's BRacELET was LOST. SO they had to go fine their thiiiiings? Well this was like...AN EPIC GAME OF HIDE AND SEEK!!!! The Ravenclaw sighed and went to grab a map--eyeing those TREATS over there--SHE WANTED TREATS REALLY BAD. She wanted one NOW, too. Should she try to...sneak one? Glancing at Professor Morgan--and then the treats---well she felt BAD sneaking one, so she just siiiiiighed and went back to her seat. Merlin.
Damn her conscience!
She didn't even SIT. No need. She was about to get back up anyways.
"Okay, Mrs. Crystal-" She made her crystal into a woman because..WELL SHE DIDN'T KNOW BUT SHE JUST WAS OKAY? "Tell me--WHERE IS MY BRACELET? AND I WON'T HURT YOUR FAMILY--" Okay. Bad cop. Eden was playing BAAAAD cop. "Tell me RIGHT THIS INSTANCE-----" and luckily for Mrs. Crystal and her little crystal family--which, Eden was bluffing about, actually, she could NEVER harm even a CRYSTAL family, OKAY?--it started moving around above the map----AND BAAM.
The crystal landed on a spot on the second floor------EDEN SWIPED THE MAP UP AND TOOK OFF----SECOND FLOOR HERE WE COME.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Kace made his way back to the Divination Tower and he had his sketchbook in his hand. He finally found it and smiled towards Professor Cassie. "Very clever Professor Cassie...hiding my sketchbook in my room. I was looking all over that I didn't think of the obvious.." he chuckled but the crystal did help though. He saw all the other students eating snacks and he wanted some. He was quite thirsty took looking at the library,the hufflepuff table in the great hall,the tree house and his own room.
He sat down and relaxed just for a minute. He was quite sweaty walking around the whole castle.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Jasmine made it back to the classroom with a few minutes to spare. Clutching the ballerina around her neck, she went over to her seat and sat down. She was a little winded, but that was mostly because of the rushing and the stress of being separated from her most precious possession.
After a moment, Jasmine got up and went over to get some snacks. Taking her cookies and punch back to her seat, she could finally relax. She had learned that she could be successful in some forms of scrying and that made her smile. Now Jasmine had big plans for her little crystal and she still meant to give the crystal ball another try.
Seeing more people come in she grinned widely and snapped loudly! "Congrats Jasmine, I knew you could do it!" All this success was just ah-mazing and she just knew her students had it in them.
Zhenya was almost running to get back upstairs to divination. She forgot what time it was and didn't want to be late and disqualified… if that was a possibility? When she got back upstairs to the Divination Classroom she beamed at Professor Cassie, "I found it in the library!" She was delighted that she had actually found it. Obviously she wasn't so bad at Divination! And that was actually fun, she decided that she liked Divination now, and was sad it was their last lesson of the term. Well, first and last for Zhenya. If only she had returned back to school at the beginning of term. She held the crystal in her hand, examining it. It was hers. "Thanks for the crystal, Professor, I really love it!" Yep, they were all very lucky to have been given the crystal as a gift!
Beaming at Zhenay as she gave her snaps she couldn't be more happy, "I'm just so glad you like them, I hope that it comes in handy for you." Crystals were great things to have.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
The Gryffindor walked all the way back to the divination classroom, in a kind of nervous panic. He was about to lie about his find. Turning more and more like Kevin with each passing day. It was kind of... Scary.
As he walked into the room, however, he put on a triumphant smile-- did that look triumphant enough???-- and walked back towards his seat. Yup. The sock he was holding in his hand was definitely the one that he had put in the 'things' pile at the beginning of class. It totally wasn't the other sock that he was wearing on his other foot. Nope. It was the same one. Heh. Heh. Heh.
Raising the worn sock into the air, he looked at Professor Morgan with a smile. "I have my sock, Professor." Yup. His sock. Not going to draw any attention to the other 6 pairs he had sitting in his bag. Those of which, he er, had no idea who they belonged to. Yeah, never accio socks in a castle full of socks people. Especially when you're near a Gryffindor Common Room. For all he knew, he could have had the Headgirl's socks in his possession. She'd be furious.
Seeing Zander she really gave him snaps, he had been so sure he couldn't scry and look he had his item!! "I just knew you could do it! Congrats!" She hoped they were all enjoying the refreshments.
Originally Posted by Squishy
The snacks were yummy and Lux was happy to see more people come back with their personal items. Success was always a nice thing to see even if the items would be returned regardless. She did have a question, however.
Walking over to the Professor, she asked, "Just how accurate ARE these crystals?" She hoped Professor Cassie didn't find the question rude because she didn't mean for it to be. She was merely wondering because of the response she had gotten from the crystal about her career; she so wanted it to be true. The reply to her question about Bay was obviously correct, as were the replies to her questions about Teddy....but she still needed to know for sure. Otherwise she would have a part of her that felt it was all a coincidence and maybe she wouldn't be a successful Potioneer.
Having self-doubts really sucked.
As she enjoyed some punch, Cassie was just happy and excited for everyone. Hearing a voice she turned and grinned toward Lux. "It's not the crystals that make them accurate, it's the person using them actually. If you are focused and determined, it will be very accurate. That's why I used personal items. If it was just a random thing, you wouldn't be as determined in finding it as you were with your own personal item." She was sure that gave the extra motivation.
Originally Posted by Felixir
"Honey, I'm hoooooome!"
Into the classroom bounced a VERY happy Tobias Tempus. He now wore his fairy wings, the personal item that he'd had to go searching for through the castle, and had clearly been quite successful. The wings shook glitter everywhere, and Toby beamed around at those now left in the classroom.
"I found 'em," he added to Professor Morgan, just to be super clear on the matter. "Can I have a brownie now?"
Green eyes went to the door hearing a very interesting comment from a certain Hufflepuff. Laughing she gave him snaps, "Well I'm not sure about the greeting, but great job Toby! You did it!" She was excited that he was able to find his fairy wings. "You certainly did find them and I'm so glad you did, but I never had a worry." Nope her students were the best!
Originally Posted by Hera
He was close behind a Puffer on his way back up through the trap door... and Zeke couldn't help but snicker a little. Hehehehehehe. Did the dude just say Honey? like... calling the TEACHER, HONEY? AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... funniest thing, EVER.
After his snide giggling fit, Zeke straightened up and beamed at those present. Hihi. Just a firstie here.
But it was time to steal some thunder, he wanted happy moments too.
"I did it professor!" he said, dangling his compass by its necklace. Weeeheeee. "Does that mean I pass?" He needed to know these things. Important parents to impress and all.
Seeing Zeke come in the room she gave more snaps, "Great job Zeke." Just about to sip on her punch again, she heard his words and almost chocked, swallowing she nodded. "Yes, of course you will be passing. I never had any doubt."
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace made his way back to the Divination Tower and he had his sketchbook in his hand. He finally found it and smiled towards Professor Cassie. "Very clever Professor Cassie...hiding my sketchbook in my room. I was looking all over that I didn't think of the obvious.." he chuckled but the crystal did help though. He saw all the other students eating snacks and he wanted some. He was quite thirsty took looking at the library,the hufflepuff table in the great hall,the tree house and his own room.
He sat down and relaxed just for a minute. He was quite sweaty walking around the whole castle.
She laughed at Kace's comment and gave him snaps, "Congrats Kace, but you can't call me clever. I just sent them to the spot they wanted to be." There wasn't a rhyme or reason why an item when where it went. Though she was happy so many were being successful.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Seeing Zander she really gave him snaps, he had been so sure he couldn't scry and look he had his item!! "I just knew you could do it! Congrats!" She hoped they were all enjoying the refreshments.
Zander felt even more guilt when she started snapping. Hopefully Professor Morgan would never have to find out that he hadn't really found the real sock he was looking for. And instead of responding, Zander just gave her a weak smile and a small nod. Yup. He did it alright.
Uh yeah, gonna go stuff his mouth with some of the snacks so that he didn't feel as bad. Yup. Walking towards food things now. The Gryffindor grabbed a cookie and a brownie, before walking over and getting a cup of punch. Maybe he'd be too busy stuffing his face with the food to even think about the fact that there was still a missing sock somewhere around the castle.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Professor Cassie's reply to her question made a lot of sense, and Lux realized that intention was behind the success of a lot of things done in the magical world. Spells didn't work properly unless there was intention and focus behind them, and the same applied to scrying. As a form of scrying, she should have been able to put two and two together.
"That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for letting us keep our crystals. I really like mine and find it the easiest medium for scrying." Surely she would be able to come up with loads of uses for hers over the years. "And thank you for the snacks. They are really good." Professor Cassie was so nice always letting them have different things to eat or drink in her classes.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Zhenya thought she would definitely find her crystal very helpful, and she nodded at Professor Cassie. She would have to draw maps of her house, and find another map of Hogwarts, especially in her dorm room, just in case she lost anything. How helpful was this? She could probably go home and show her mother how to use it too. She was forever losing things. It was much more time friendly than using all of her time frantically rushing around trying to find things. She nibbled on some more snacks and filled up her glass of punch again.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi was back!
He had happily placed the watch on his right hand where it was now sitting next to the black one he usually wore. "Hey, Professor, I found my watch." He help up his hand, a grin on his face. "I actually got one of those methods to work.'' Which was so COOL, by the way, as he generally sucked at Divination. After leaving the class, his hunt had taken him to the Corridor to the Courtyard, The Courtyard and finally The Wooden Bridge.
Now, where were those brownies and cookies? There was a hungry Puffer here. Hehe.
"I found my item Professor." Angel said as she walked into the room with the keychain in her hand. "Your not going to hide it again are you?" Angel didn't want to go and search for it again... she was hugging it at the minute because she was just so glad to see it.
Angel smiled as she looked at the Professor. "So what do you want me to do now?" Angel was hoping that would be the end of everything because it was so hard searching for things and she hoped they could keep the crystal because that would be cool.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
The hardest point of the search had proved to be the return trek up all the staircases and ladders from the grounds and ground floor until he reached the divination classroom. While exilarated by his success, Benny was still a little weery when he returned. Thankfully after this he could return to the common room to relax and recoup some of the spent energy. They were done after this...right?
As he paused in place at the top to catch himself, the fourth year took notice to those who had arrived before him, spotting several housemates from Zeke to Zander and finally Angel. His bestie in the direction of the food that seemed more enticing now. "Success..." Benny absently said if heard any who cared as he came up beside Adi. The stuffed dragon safe and secure in one arm as he moved to take a glass of punch.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Asking it questions seemed to have worked last time -- kinda -- so that was what he was gonna do now. Just ask it a bunch of questions and hope against hope that it would give him the correct answer and not something kinda fishy like the one he asked last time. He wanted a solid answer, thank you very much. No weird semi-circles, please.
So, pulling himself up to his fullest height, Grayson took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind of all thought apart from the one dragon ornament he had. The one that was currently sitting somewhere, ready to be grabbed by someone's filthy hands who didn't deserve it. They would probably think that it was theirs now too. Stupid.
"Is my dragon somewhere in the castle?" Grayson watched for a moment as the crystal hung there before............ moving side to side! FREAKING YES! Firstly, that took away seven floors, the towers, the dungeons and the basement and secondly, the crystal MOVED. ABOUT FREAKING TIME.
"Is my dragon in the grounds?" The crystal moved around in a circle. YES. Uh huh. And you know what this meant?
He was OFF to find the dragon ornament! GoodBYE class. Don't miss him too much, mkay?
She laughed at Kace's comment and gave him snaps, "Congrats Kace, but you can't call me clever. I just sent them to the spot they wanted to be." There wasn't a rhyme or reason why an item when where it went. Though she was happy so many were being successful.
Kace was gonna answer but shut his mouth and questioned. "Wait a minute....the place they wanted to be? You mean you didn't really hide them after all?" he was quite curious about this now. As he waited for his Professor's answer he went over and got some juice and cookies. The cookies tasted nice and even the juice was. He smiled and was finally done with the Divination task. It was bittersweet it was the last lesson of the term but he knew he may do well on the OWLS. How knows right?
Artist and sketchbook reunited and it felt so good. It was a beautiful thing. She was never letting this percious out of her sight again. As soon as she gets out of class she was going to go sketch until her hand gets tired.
Mostly she was worried about not getting back to the classroom in the hour. But what do ya know she made it back. With plenty of time to spare. She made her way back to the classroom. Smiling with the sketchbook safety tucked in front of her. "I found my sketchbook." And boy was she happy.
Now could she get snacks? She had worked herself up a appatate.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
And kinda huffing and puffing because MAN, that walk up from the lake was a long one. Why was this classroom so far away from th grounds again? And WHY couldn't she have hid his item somewhere that was closer to the seventh floor? There could have been a chance for him to get this job done earlier so that he could relax later and not have to worry about where the ornament was.
Speaking of ornament, it was currently clutched in his hand, almost as if the fifth year was scared of losing it again. He hoped that his usual confident stride didn't give away that idea, even if it was as true as the fact that he was a confident young lad.
Entering the classroom again, Grayson looked over towards the Divination Professor before saying, "Found my dragon, Professor Cassie," he said, holding out his palm to show the small model of a Chinese Fireball, which was currently sleeping and letting out small furls of fake!smoke through its nostrils. And he'd used scrying for it too. Uh huh!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Alexa strolled back into the Divination classroom with no sense of urgency whatsoever. The rush to leave had only been fueled by the worry brought on by her kneazle vanishing but that ordeal was over now and he was safely in her arms once more so........how long until they'd be able to leave? Stop eyeing the tea Felix, it was rigged. You think he'd know that by now but apparently not?
The Gryffindor walked back to her seat and flopped down on the cushion before allowing Felix to curl up in her lap. No doubt she'd interrupted his nap when she found him
While he made himself comfy she began dangling the crystal idly above his head. Swing swing swing. Lex watched her kneazle paw away at the shiny new possession of theirs, content to lay there and be fixated while they waited.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: The Shy Dragon <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
The hardest point of the search had proved to be the return trek up all the staircases and ladders from the grounds and ground floor until he reached the divination classroom. While exilarated by his success, Benny was still a little weery when he returned. Thankfully after this he could return to the common room to relax and recoup some of the spent energy. They were done after this...right?
As he paused in place at the top to catch himself, the fourth year took notice to those who had arrived before him, spotting several housemates from Zeke to Zander and finally Angel. His bestie in the direction of the food that seemed more enticing now. "Success..." Benny absently said if heard any who cared as he came up beside Adi. The stuffed dragon safe and secure in one arm as he moved to take a glass of punch.
Adi was flicking his wrist in this direction and that as he admired his watch. It had been forever since he had worn it but he always brought it with him to Hogwarts. It reminded him of his parents. Obviously. Yeah, yeah, fourth year prefect Adi missed his parents a lot sometimes. Who didn't get homesick?
Success? Adi turned. "Benny!'' Adi swallowed the cookie he was munching on. "Where did your dragon go hiding?" As always when the topic of Dragons came up, the Hufflepuff usually went off picturing himself turning his bestie into one of the awesome creatures. This time was no different.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Squishy
Professor Cassie's reply to her question made a lot of sense, and Lux realized that intention was behind the success of a lot of things done in the magical world. Spells didn't work properly unless there was intention and focus behind them, and the same applied to scrying. As a form of scrying, she should have been able to put two and two together.
"That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for letting us keep our crystals. I really like mine and find it the easiest medium for scrying." Surely she would be able to come up with loads of uses for hers over the years. "And thank you for the snacks. They are really good." Professor Cassie was so nice always letting them have different things to eat or drink in her classes.
Giving Lux a smile as she seemed to understand the power of the crystals. "Make sure you thank a house elf for the ah-mazing treats. They do such a great job." She snapped for the elves even though they weren't there.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi was back!
He had happily placed the watch on his right hand where it was now sitting next to the black one he usually wore. "Hey, Professor, I found my watch." He help up his hand, a grin on his face. "I actually got one of those methods to work.'' Which was so COOL, by the way, as he generally sucked at Divination. After leaving the class, his hunt had taken him to the Corridor to the Courtyard, The Courtyard and finally The Wooden Bridge.
Now, where were those brownies and cookies? There was a hungry Puffer here. Hehe.
Beaming at Adi as he came back in the room she gave snaps. "Well done! Well done! I just knew you could do it." Yes, all of her students were so bright. It was exciting to watch them succeed.
Originally Posted by Harry174
"I found my item Professor." Angel said as she walked into the room with the keychain in her hand. "Your not going to hide it again are you?" Angel didn't want to go and search for it again... she was hugging it at the minute because she was just so glad to see it.
Angel smiled as she looked at the Professor. "So what do you want me to do now?" Angel was hoping that would be the end of everything because it was so hard searching for things and she hoped they could keep the crystal because that would be cool.
"Oh goodness no, this was a test and you have passed." Though even if they didn't find their item if they at least tried they would have passed too. "Go have some treats and punch before heading to your next lesson." Was it History of Magic? Maybe she'd make her way down there to visit Nessa if it was.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
The hardest point of the search had proved to be the return trek up all the staircases and ladders from the grounds and ground floor until he reached the divination classroom. While exilarated by his success, Benny was still a little weery when he returned. Thankfully after this he could return to the common room to relax and recoup some of the spent energy. They were done after this...right?
As he paused in place at the top to catch himself, the fourth year took notice to those who had arrived before him, spotting several housemates from Zeke to Zander and finally Angel. His bestie in the direction of the food that seemed more enticing now. "Success..." Benny absently said if heard any who cared as he came up beside Adi. The stuffed dragon safe and secure in one arm as he moved to take a glass of punch.
"Great Job Benjamin" She snapped for him as he entered with his lost item. This lesson had found it's self more successful then she could have imagined.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace was gonna answer but shut his mouth and questioned. "Wait a minute....the place they wanted to be? You mean you didn't really hide them after all?" he was quite curious about this now. As he waited for his Professor's answer he went over and got some juice and cookies. The cookies tasted nice and even the juice was. He smiled and was finally done with the Divination task. It was bittersweet it was the last lesson of the term but he knew he may do well on the OWLS. How knows right?
Chuckling at Kace's words she nodded, "I just vanished them to the placed they wanted to be. I wasn't even sure where they went." She didn't take them one at a time to their locations.
Originally Posted by Saraie
Artist and sketchbook reunited and it felt so good. It was a beautiful thing. She was never letting this percious out of her sight again. As soon as she gets out of class she was going to go sketch until her hand gets tired.
Mostly she was worried about not getting back to the classroom in the hour. But what do ya know she made it back. With plenty of time to spare. She made her way back to the classroom. Smiling with the sketchbook safety tucked in front of her. "I found my sketchbook." And boy was she happy.
Now could she get snacks? She had worked herself up a appatate.
Smiling at Cinnamon she gave her snaps. "Great job!!" Yes, everyone was doing so well. "Help yourself to the snacks before you leave."
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
And kinda huffing and puffing because MAN, that walk up from the lake was a long one. Why was this classroom so far away from th grounds again? And WHY couldn't she have hid his item somewhere that was closer to the seventh floor? There could have been a chance for him to get this job done earlier so that he could relax later and not have to worry about where the ornament was.
Speaking of ornament, it was currently clutched in his hand, almost as if the fifth year was scared of losing it again. He hoped that his usual confident stride didn't give away that idea, even if it was as true as the fact that he was a confident young lad.
Entering the classroom again, Grayson looked over towards the Divination Professor before saying, "Found my dragon, Professor Cassie," he said, holding out his palm to show the small model of a Chinese Fireball, which was currently sleeping and letting out small furls of fake!smoke through its nostrils. And he'd used scrying for it too. Uh huh!
Grayson was now back in the room and getting snaps. "Well done Grayson, well done."
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Alexa strolled back into the Divination classroom with no sense of urgency whatsoever. The rush to leave had only been fueled by the worry brought on by her kneazle vanishing but that ordeal was over now and he was safely in her arms once more so........how long until they'd be able to leave? Stop eyeing the tea Felix, it was rigged. You think he'd know that by now but apparently not?
The Gryffindor walked back to her seat and flopped down on the cushion before allowing Felix to curl up in her lap. No doubt she'd interrupted his nap when she found him
While he made himself comfy she began dangling the crystal idly above his head. Swing swing swing. Lex watched her kneazle paw away at the shiny new possession of theirs, content to lay there and be fixated while they waited.
Seeing Alexa come in with her Kneazle she beamed and snapped, "You did it!! Very good!" Did this help the seventh year be more familiar with the subject and maybe appreciate it more? Watching her sit down with the feline. "Be careful your pet doesn't scratch the crystal or it won't work as well for you." Still giving a big smile of excitement over how well they all have done.
Looking at the time she knew they needed to get going. "Alright, the hour is up. Great job everyone! If you do need me to summons your item back, please let me know. If you are finished and ready to leave you are dismissed, but please make sure you get some goodies on your way out. Seventh years it has been wonderful getting to know you. It has been ah-mazing getting to know you and watching you grow these past two years. I wish you all the best."