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PhoenixRising 08-10-2011 01:14 PM

Being a Hufflepuff . . . (Hufflepuff Memory Board)
Banner created by Lockhartian

Hanging on the wall near portraits of such memorable Hufflepuffs is an innocent enough looking Memory Board. For now it lies dormant, but there is no greater sense of pride than to feel as if you've contributed something to the community.

That is precisely the purpose of this memory board; to offer Hufflepuffs, both young and old, to post something of inspiration. To say what it means to be a Hufflepuff. To feel connected not just individually, but as a house. For if Hufflepuff should take ownership of the House Cup once more, then we need every ounce of unity we can get. There is no 'i' in team, but there is a 'u' in Hufflepuff. We need that 'u' to win the house cup.

What does it mean to be a Hufflepuff to YOU?

Note: This thread is for you to post general inspirations and what it means to you (your character mostly) to be a Hufflepuff. This can be in the form of poetry or even just a paragraph or two, but it should be words, not graphics.

Hermione2286 09-14-2011 07:48 PM

Salima walked up to the board of Hufflepuff memory's and was staring for a while.
What does it mean to me to be a Hufflepuff?
Well it's a great deal. Though we arent really noticed as much... but who cares I know I don't. I really don't care about being the center of attention. I would hate that.
They say Hufflepuffs are hard working, loyal and modest...or...the other ones...
Well thats stupid we are more than that, brave, intellegent, freindly... there is also more to us than you think.
Plus not all Hufflepuff's are goody's

PhoenixAuror169 10-08-2011 11:55 AM

Amethyst walked up to the memory board, parchment and tack in hand. Getting on her tip toes, she stretched up and posted the piece of parchment. The parchment was yellow. Written nice and slightly neatly in black, it read the following:


Hufflepuff. One simple word, many means. The word Hufflepuff comes in all shapes and sizes. Hufflepuff. We are thought to be clueless, pushovers, and even stupid.

We are a lot better than what some think of us.

Brave. Patient. Hard-working. Kind. There for each other. Wonderful finders. We aren't perfect, but we are perfectly fair. We help others in their time of need, and though sometimes we don't do everything right, we'll quickly correct ourselves and know how to do it properly next time.

We are represented by the badger. Sure, We don't have fangs and slightly scared people. Sure, we aren't the wisest bunch of all with wings to fly. And Sure, we aren't the king of the jungle. But we are Badgers. We know how to get the job done and help others, and actually feel good about it.

Let's show the Snakes, Eagles, and Lions that Badgers know how to win the House Cup. And we know how to do it fairly, and honestly. We don't need tricks! Just our hard-working selves, friendship, and teamwork!

hpluvr037 10-11-2011 09:02 PM

Keefer examined the new addition to the common room. Taking out his favorite quill, he scribbled a note or two.

Being a Hufflepuff means having a second family to belong to. It's about feeling accepted by all, helping out your fellow housemates, and supporting each other. Hufflepuff sticks together through thick and thin, no matter what.

errolROCKS 10-20-2011 05:07 PM

Violet walked to the board and smiled at the comments, as she pulled out a quill and wrote her own.

Being a Hufflepuff finally means that I can be my own person, rather than half of me and my twin. People know me as Violet, not LillyandViolet. We are not just 'loyal' I mean, we're so much more! We're kind. We're intelligent. We're brave. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise! We have our own minds, we know what's right and wrong, and we'll stick with our decision until the end. To be a Hufflepuff means to be absolutely amazing. We're also particularly good finders.

PhoenixRising 12-23-2011 03:49 AM

From the School Chat, in the Hogwarts Haven (which you can join by going to the group memberships in your User CP and requesting to join 'School RP Addicts')

Two former Hufflepuff students showing words of what it means to be a Hufflepuff:


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 10828610)
The Best (superlative of Hufflepuff):
1: One who is awesome, incredible, and excels over all others <ex: The best House is Hufflepuff.>

2: The most productive of good : offering or producing the greatest advantage, utility, or satisfaction, and also having the House closest to the Kitchens. <ex: What is the best route to the best House? Through a barrel, of course.>

3: Hufflepuff. See also: Me.


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 10828725)
Modest (adj.) Only Hufflepuffs are known to present such a rare and fine quality. They possess the abilities to be brave and cunning, yet smart and mysterious. But unlike others, they don't have the need to brag about it. They are awesome and know it, but why show off what is there inside? For it is these, fair and just badgers, that truly know what to value.

Treatment: Be who you are, for those who matter don't mind, and those who mind, don't matter.


Gabrielle 01-14-2012 08:07 AM

Glenn walked up to the Memory Board and pulled out something from her backpack. It was a collage of pictures taken of various Hufflepuffs laughing and smiling, scrawled across the bottom in elegant handwriting in purple ink was one word; Friendship. The Hufflepuffs in the pictures continued their smiling on the board, some who were snapped together were continuing their conversations. She smiled and walked off.

TakemetotheBurrow 01-14-2012 09:42 PM

Ella approached the memory board and smiled. Reading the words of her fellow Hufflepuffs made her heart swell. Her classmates' words could make even the saddest member of their family feel inspired. She wanted to help inspire someone. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a quill and began to write.

A Hufflepuff is the best friend anyone could have. We are kind and loyal. We are hardworking and don't need to boast of our accomplishments to feel accomplished. We accept people for who they are. To be a Hufflepuff is to be someone that people can rely on. A shoulder to lean on, a helping hand, a listening ear. We are a group of different people who have come together to form a supportive family. It means the world to me to be a part of a house with such wonderful people, past and present. I feel like I am at home here and am honored to representative of this house...this family. -Ella Bishop, first year.

Expecto-Penguin 03-15-2012 09:15 PM

Belle went up to the board and decided to write something. "hmmm what does it mean to be a hufflepuff to me." she thought.

An Hufflepuff is a devoted, hard working person. They will not settle for anything less than trying to accomplish a task they set their mind to. We accept people's flaws and weaknesses and we work around them. I feel like i am my own person and i am finding who i am. I know who my true friends are in this house. I have been blessed to be apart of this house. I wouldn't change it any other way.- Annabelle Lecium, 4th Year.

She smiled as she saw her post on the board.

FireboltAvis88 04-05-2012 03:40 AM

Alyssa walked up to the board and this being the first time she was adding something to the board, she poured her feelings into what she was writing.

"Oh wow! This term has truly been an awesome one. I am so proud to be in this House because I've met the hardest working people here. We did it everyone. WE WON THE TRIPLE CUP CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

But even if we hadn't, I'm still proud to call myself a Badger because we don't EVER give up. I know that especially from playing in the Quidditch team. We ALWAYS come back strong no matter what obstacles are put in our way.

I want to thank our Head of House, Professor Hadley for leading the way for us. For setting a great example and showing us that as long as we work together, we can achieve anything.

~ Alyssa Potter, 3rd Year

FearlessLeader19 04-05-2012 05:22 AM

For the first time, Jory wrote on the board. He wasn't really sure how to express his feelings in writing before nor was he sure now.

A Hufflepuff doesn't judge anyone and we accept people for who they are. We're the greatest friends anyone can have, we're loyal, friendly, caring... I finally found others who are just like me and this is my family away from my family. I'm proud to be a Puff and wouldn't change beloning to this House for anything. - Jory Stoewall, third year

Talikins 04-05-2012 10:01 AM

My fail of a poem *blushes*
Another term had come to an end and everbody had grown older, they had all been through new things and everybody had new stories to share. Nessie had plenty of new things to talk about, but she felt her year wouldn't had been as good as it was, if it wasn't for her fellow badgers. It was for this particular reason that she felt she needed to write something on the memory board, and so she had wrote a small little poem and a few words of her own.

Text Cut: Poem
What does it mean to be a Hufflepuff?

People may think we’re the quiet ones,
But if they knew better they’d know we’re not quiet at all.
We’re dedicated and hard working, friendly and loyal
And we’re always there for anyone who calls.

But don’t take us as an advantage
We like to be fair and if you mess with a puff.
You should be terrified,
You should be ready to run with all your packed stuff.
I may be a Huffie,
But that does not mean I’m a Lovie Dovie.
It just means I’m as loyal,
As you are to me.

Being a friend with us is a real treat.
We love our friends almost more than our own lives.
They are most important to us
With out them we don’t know how we’d survive.
I feel like I’m luckiest person alive to be in this amazing house.
I wouldn’t have wanted to be sorted anywhere else.

It so special to be apart of this house. I think we are the best house that was ever made. We are such a special and unique family. I thank you all for making us the Awesome way we are and Well Done to all of us on our victories!

- Lots of Love from your fellow Badger Renesmee Talya Dixon, Third Year Hufflepuff.

natekka 09-05-2012 06:31 AM

Bliss walked over to the board and peered at it, what did it mean to her to be a Hufflepuff? She picked up the pen and started writing.

"To me, being a Hufflepuff means, trying to be best that you can be. Because no one can ask you to be more than that, can they? If you achieve your personal best and stay true to yourself along the way, nobody should put you down, because you tried. Also, we're different, not plain and shy like most might think. We give everyone a fair chance because that's what they deserve. No more, no less.

Above all, we are one, we stick together. If one goes down, the rest do down with them to pick them right back up again."

Bliss smiled happily at the board, that was all she needed to say, she thought and walked away.

FireboltAvis88 04-04-2013 05:30 PM

Alyssa decided that since she would be graduating next term, that she’d write her thoughts on the memory board now while she could.

"A Hufflepuff is defined to be hardworking, loyal, patient and true. Even the Sorting Hat says that. Honestly, I believe that a Badger has a combination of the traits of all the Houses; Intelligence, Cunning, Bravery, and Wit.

So be proud to be a Hufflepuff and always remember that a Puffer is never alone. We are all one big family and all you need to do is ask, and there will always be someone to help. We either win, or lose, as a team. There is no I."

Alyssa paused to read what she had written. Then she added a little poem which she was dedicating to all Hufflepuffs.

"Before I came to Hogwarts, I wanted to be a Gryffindor,
Waiting to be sorted, around the Great Hall I looked in awe,
The place looked so homey, no one could ask for anything better.
To the Sorting Hat I did go, and then I became a Badger,

And so for the last six years, I worked hard and had fun with my friends.
A family we’d become and would continue to be even until the end.
We studied, we played. We laughed and cried together.
Even if someone called me a duffer, it really didn’t matter.

So don’t be disappointed if you don’t get into the House you wanted,
Work hard, be vigilant, have fun and never be disappointed,
The Sorting Hat knows what it’s doing and this House is where you belong,
Through this House, you will achieve everything. You just need to remain strong.

There is no I, only just We.
A Hufflepuff you are, and always will be.

Bazinga 04-04-2013 09:46 PM

Minerva had seen this board before, she had even read it, but never knew the exact words she wanted to write. She finally at this moment knew what she wanted to write down on this board.

What is a Hufflepuff, a Hufflepuff is a shy kid that didn't know the future that was in store before Hogwarts, a Hufflepuff is the outgoing social butterfly, a Hufflepuff is the hard worker that tries their very best in everything they do, a Hufflepuff is a person willing to help whenever needed, a Hufflepuff is someone that is loyal to their closest friends, but will still give even their enemies a chance. A Hufflepuff is all these things and so much more.

Minerva looked at the board that pretty much was exactly what she thought of her beloved house. Turning she walked away.

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