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Waiting Area Outside of Professor Culloden's Office
Your professor does not like hanging out in his office, and therefore lined you several black armchairs to sit while you are waiting for him. His doors are closed at all times though, so it's worth a knock to see if he is inside here. And if he is not, well, you'd better bring something with you to entertain yourself.
OOC: Please post here first if you want to see the Professor. You may post in the office after I let you in. You may chat with your friends, but please keep it to minimum.
They had just gotten back to school, and normally Sophie didn't see any particular hurry in rushing to visit any professors... but Culloden deserved a visit. And he deserved for Sophie to be his first visitor, didn't he? Instead of following the house leaders up to the common room, the third year broke off and darted off to the dungeons to see Culloden before turning in for the night. It was intended to just be a quick visit, and maybe she'd even catch a wandering first year on her way back and be able to help them out. Totally cool of her to lay back and make her way upstairs after everyone else, then, right? She was totally responsible.
Though she wanted to just try the knob and let herself inside to make herself at home if it was unlocked, Sophie knocked a few times - even though she was betting that she had beat the Potions Master there - then took a seat on one of the black armchairs to wait, fiddling with a small box in her hands all the while. Come ooooooooon, old man.
They had just gotten back to school, and normally Sophie didn't see any particular hurry in rushing to visit any professors... but Culloden deserved a visit. And he deserved for Sophie to be his first visitor, didn't he? Instead of following the house leaders up to the common room, the third year broke off and darted off to the dungeons to see Culloden before turning in for the night. It was intended to just be a quick visit, and maybe she'd even catch a wandering first year on her way back and be able to help them out. Totally cool of her to lay back and make her way upstairs after everyone else, then, right? She was totally responsible.
Though she wanted to just try the knob and let herself inside to make herself at home if it was unlocked, Sophie knocked a few times - even though she was betting that she had beat the Potions Master there - then took a seat on one of the black armchairs to wait, fiddling with a small box in her hands all the while. Come ooooooooon, old man.
It was unnecessary for her to knock, but she also didn't wait for long, because Cosgrach emerged a few minutes later. He had got up with the rest of the students, and had totally pushed a few of them to open himself a way to reach his rooms. What? He was a professor. He was priviledged. So he was soon in the familiar corridor and - who was that in dungeon shadows?
He halted, drew his wand and took careful, silent steps.
He sighed in relief after a few seconds. It was her. "You scared me." Did she hear the part about 'You'll die unless you cancel Quidditch!' part? Yeah. He did, too.
He grinned at her lazily then as he moved to unlock his door.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Whistling softly, Adi knocked thrice on the door that lead to Professor Culloden's office. He seriously hoped the man would lend him support to the idea he had in mind. He just needed a few ingredients that were not accessible by students.
Adi noticed the armchairs present for those who waited but he decided to stand. Hopefully Culloden was in.
Whistling softly, Adi knocked thrice on the door that lead to Professor Culloden's office. He seriously hoped the man would lend him support to the idea he had in mind. He just needed a few ingredients that were not accessible by students.
Adi noticed the armchairs present for those who waited but he decided to stand. Hopefully Culloden was in.
The man bellowed from inside: "COMIIIIN'" once he heard the knocking, and a few seconds later, he opened the door by himself. He was dressed in muggle training clothes, and he looked very sleepy.
"Adi?" He blinked against the kid's face, not caring if it was rude or not. "C'min an' take a seat if you wan'." He turned around to sit at his chair. Adi was lucky he was too sleepy to be annoyed.
Not only was that thing heavy, it was also extremely stinking. It was going to be fun, though. A bit of troublemaking once in a while was okay, Leah guessed. She just hoped that she would not smell too bad after this.
Inhaling a deep breath and smelling an unbearable odor, she knocked on the door, and waited by the armchairs.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris was glad that he had found his way to Professor Culloden's office...well his waiting room for now. He had been wanting to practice brewing a potion that would benefit both Muggles and muggleborn wizarding folk alike but never had the opportunity to do so.
He had first looked up the ingredients that would be required and was dismayed to find out that his potions kit lacked some of them. So here he was to speak with the Professor as to how he could go about acquiring his missing ingredients.
Holding his journal with one hand, Cris walked up the closed door and knocked on it.
Then he sat down in one of the black arm chairs and waited for the Professor to answer.
Not only was that thing heavy, it was also extremely stinking. It was going to be fun, though. A bit of troublemaking once in a while was okay, Leah guessed. She just hoped that she would not smell too bad after this.
Inhaling a deep breath and smelling an unbearable odor, she knocked on the door, and waited by the armchairs.
Lucky for him, the odour hadn't reached Cosgrach yet.
He was reading the newspaper when he heard the knock. He was in casual muggle clothes: jeans and a shirt. Although it was freezing outside, his office was very well heated, and he wished no one bothered to disturb him.
But they did. Oh well.
With a sigh, he collected the newspaper and walked to open the door. Work those muscles and such.
.......did it........smell here?
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Cris was glad that he had found his way to Professor Culloden's office...well his waiting room for now. He had been wanting to practice brewing a potion that would benefit both Muggles and muggleborn wizarding folk alike but never had the opportunity to do so.
He had first looked up the ingredients that would be required and was dismayed to find out that his potions kit lacked some of them. So here he was to speak with the Professor as to how he could go about acquiring his missing ingredients.
Holding his journal with one hand, Cris walked up the closed door and knocked on it.
Then he sat down in one of the black arm chairs and waited for the Professor to answer.
Well, the professor wasn't in. He came from the same corridor Cris had just passed with a plate full of goodies the house elves offered to a professor. He didn't know if they served differently to a professor and a student, and he had no intentions of sharing his even if a student was served with less. He even wanted to sneak that plate in, y'see, just so he didn't have to deal with bugging people -
Someone...was there... Cosgrach glared at the figure from afar. He even thought of not going there until the figure disappeared, but the bugger had probably heard his footsteps. And anyway, who was he afraid of? That student shouldn't even think of touching his plate! YES!
Approaching his door, he was relieved that it was Cris. He had manners, lots, so he wouldn't even eye his plate without permission. Good.
"Hello Cris," he greeted as he unlocked his door, "came for a visit? Well, c'min, c'min." He opened the door and entered, not waiting for a reply. He set the TREASURE on his table, away from visitor chairs, and indicated Cris to take a seat.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Hayden didn't know if going to actually speak with the potions professor was the best idea, but there she was anyway. She made her way down to the dungeons and found Professor Culloden's office not long after her first potions lesson. Why was she there? Hayden had questions, she seldom didn't have a question, and it wasn't once she wanted to answer by looking in a textbook. She wanted to ask her professor about it and have him explain it to her if he could. Or maybe he could give her the correct book.
She knocked on the door and stood a few feet away, waiting to see if he was in.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
She seldom had reason to venture down to the dungeons, and so when the opportunity presented itself, her curiosity won out.
Hands in her robes pocket, Seren meandered down the corridors until she came to a halt at what appeared to be a waiting area. She paused briefly, her gaze shifting over the armchairs before resting on the closed door. Cosgrach had said he would be available, but on the off chance he was meeting with someone else first, she figured it was best to knock and wait, and so she did.
After two moderate knocks on the door, Seren stood back a moment to wait, if it took longer than a short moment then she might consider sitting.
She seldom had reason to venture down to the dungeons, and so when the opportunity presented itself, her curiosity won out.
Hands in her robes pocket, Seren meandered down the corridors until she came to a halt at what appeared to be a waiting area. She paused briefly, her gaze shifting over the armchairs before resting on the closed door. Cosgrach had said he would be available, but on the off chance he was meeting with someone else first, she figured it was best to knock and wait, and so she did.
After two moderate knocks on the door, Seren stood back a moment to wait, if it took longer than a short moment then she might consider sitting.
Cosgrach wasn't meeting anyone.
It wasn't like he had any visitors, but even if he did, he would have shooed them away. This was important, and he wanted his mind to be at rest. Soon enough, he heard the knocking and walked quickly to his door. He opened it himself, and smiled at his colleague.
"Thank you for meeting me quickly," he said, "please, come in." He stepped aside. The bowl on his small coffee table between two armchairs were gone. Instead, he had a tray of tea and cookies made by house elves. Although he didn't believe he could eat, he hoped she would like them. There also stood a wand on the tray, and clearly it wasn't his.
He sat on an armchair as well. They were colleagues. His table between them would be stupid.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Benny<3 (RP moved from Gryffie Table)
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Benny winced at the laughter that escaped Adi's mouth, the Hufflepuff apparent losing the battle. No...sooooo not funny indeed, he mused to himself with a frown. He couldn't even be sure his friend was truly sorry for his outbursts.
Not exactly his favorite professor, but then did he even have a favorite professor. His mind was wandering which allowed more freedom to his speech. "Taxo machine....like expo yarrow." Cue hand over his mouth again. Though he supposed logically the potions professor made sense. What with the dungeon's proximity to where they were now. "Nico mayhem cellophane..." he murmured as he shrugged.
Something had to be done. And fast. So Culloden it was. The Gryffindor hurrying out before he could embarrass himself any further.
Adi stifled another bout of laughter threatening to escape his lips. "I'm sorry, Benny,'' he apologised again. But he couldn't stop grinning. Ah, he was loving this potion! "Shall we go see Professor Culloden now?'' he asked after another round of nonsense came from his best friend.
It seemed Benny decided this was the best option for he hurried from the Table. "Wait up, Benny!'' Adi crammed his remaining bit of sandwich into his mouth, grabbed a couple from the plate in front of him and tore off after the Gryffindor.
"Feeling okay?'' Benny had not uttered a word so far. The Hufflepuff knew that would change soon. The urge to speak must be getting harder to fight. "Don't worry. Professor Culloden would know what to do.'' And with that, he knocked on the door to the man's door to his Office.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi stifled another bout of laughter threatening to escape his lips. "I'm sorry, Benny,'' he apologised again. But he couldn't stop grinning. Ah, he was loving this potion! "Shall we go see Professor Culloden now?'' he asked after another round of nonsense came from his best friend.
It seemed Benny decided this was the best option for he hurried from the Table. "Wait up, Benny!'' Adi crammed his remaining bit of sandwich into his mouth, grabbed a couple from the plate in front of him and tore off after the Gryffindor.
"Feeling okay?'' Benny had not uttered a word so far. The Hufflepuff knew that would change soon. The urge to speak must be getting harder to fight. "Don't worry. Professor Culloden would know what to do.'' And with that, he knocked on the door to the man's door to his Office.
He had slowed navigating the stairs, his best friend catching up to him along the way. Benny had to pause ever once and awhile as he bit down more words. The Gryffindor gave a sad pointed look as Adi asked if he was okay, the look surely enough of an answer since it wasn't like he could actually get the words out. No...he was not okay.
"Hat best asphault bagel nafkindle freehumor dice shadowlight..." the third year let out, breaking into a sigh as he leaned back against the nearest stone wall. Please let the professor be there to answer the knock. "Likchen vessel--" Another sigh came as he clamped his mouth shut and slid lower on the wall.
She knocked on the door and stood a few feet away, waiting to see if he was in.
Lucky for her, Cosgrach was in.
It took him a few minutes to get to the door, as he was in the middle of changing from his sports clothes to his daily robe, but he answered in the end by opening it with his wand while he still straightened the robe.
"Come in," he called out from his desk and sat down on his chair. Hopefully, his hair looked okay.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Feeling okay?'' Benny had not uttered a word so far. The Hufflepuff knew that would change soon. The urge to speak must be getting harder to fight. "Don't worry. Professor Culloden would know what to do.'' And with that, he knocked on the door to the man's door to his Office.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
"Hat best asphault bagel nafkindle freehumor dice shadowlight..." the third year let out, breaking into a sigh as he leaned back against the nearest stone wall. Please let the professor be there to answer the knock. "Likchen vessel--" Another sigh came as he clamped his mouth shut and slid lower on the wall.
Professor wasn't at his office, but he emerged from the potions laboratory a few minutes later with his dragon hide gloves on his hands and googles on his eyes. He had just finished experimenting on a potion, and when he saw Adi and Benny, it clicked: Adi had done it!
He hurried to open his door as he greeted them with "Hello boys." He wanted to beat around the brush and speak to Benny, but he knew he had to act casual. If Benny and Adi were there, Adi probably picked the sly way and still hadn't revealed Benny that he had been... ehehe.
Removing his left glove, he drew his wand and opened his door.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by StarShine
Professor wasn't at his office, but he emerged from the potions laboratory a few minutes later with his dragon hide gloves on his hands and googles on his eyes. He had just finished experimenting on a potion, and when he saw Adi and Benny, it clicked: Adi had done it!
He hurried to open his door as he greeted them with "Hello boys." He wanted to beat around the brush and speak to Benny, but he knew he had to act casual. If Benny and Adi were there, Adi probably picked the sly way and still hadn't revealed Benny that he had been... ehehe.
Removing his left glove, he drew his wand and opened his door.
"I assume you are here to see me?" Teehee.
No response was given from the office, but soon enough movement from the nearby lab caught Benny's attention and as he turned to look better, he was greeted by Professor Culloden decked out as if in preparation for brewing. Or finishing up from doing so. Perfect timing he supposed. He straightened up from his slouched potion. "Hand jello cutting dense," the Gryffindor said by way of greeting, having done it out of habit.
Ugg....hopefully Adi could tell him what had happened. There was no way the potions master would be able to understand his own words. At Culloden's question, he simply nodded in answer to the man, trying to hold back the jumble of words threatening to leave him once more.
Hand-in-hand with Tobes, Sophie had a skip in her step as she hurried along to Culloden's office. The man had urged her to bring her Hufflepuff bestie along at some point, so she finally had during her usual time of day to visit him when she knew he'd be in. She couldn't blame Culloden for wanting to be in the presence of his two best and coolest and most fun students at once - the three of them had a special sort of bond, and Sophie was unashamedly excited to spend the time with both of them at the same time, too.
"He's gonna cry 'cause he's gonna be so honored to have us visit. His two favorites." Obviously. Knock, knock, knock. "Hey. It's Soooooph. I brought a surprise for you," she chimed, wiggling her eyebrows at Tobes. WASN'T HE EXCITED, TOO?
Hand-in-hand with Tobes, Sophie had a skip in her step as she hurried along to Culloden's office. The man had urged her to bring her Hufflepuff bestie along at some point, so she finally had during her usual time of day to visit him when she knew he'd be in. She couldn't blame Culloden for wanting to be in the presence of his two best and coolest and most fun students at once - the three of them had a special sort of bond, and Sophie was unashamedly excited to spend the time with both of them at the same time, too.
"He's gonna cry 'cause he's gonna be so honored to have us visit. His two favorites." Obviously. Knock, knock, knock. "Hey. It's Soooooph. I brought a surprise for you," she chimed, wiggling her eyebrows at Tobes. WASN'T HE EXCITED, TOO?
Soph was moving kinda fast, but that was okay, because Toby welcomed the excuse to charge around the castle like this. Yet another pro of hanging out with her; she was totally at the right pace for him. He was content just to hurry along beside his Ravenclaw companion, finding her enthusiasm to see the Potions Master endearingly amusing.
When they finally reached the door, Toby just stood there quietly. He didn't know what the surprise was that Soph was talking about, but it occurred to him that HE must be the surprise, so the fifteen year old remained quiet. Instead of speaking, Toby met Soph's gave and cracked a huge grin at her eyebrow antics. His knee was jiggling and bouncing as hid body already yearned for another excuse to move around some more.
Yooooooooooooo Culloden, OPEN UP.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
"He's gonna cry 'cause he's gonna be so honored to have us visit. His two favorites." Obviously. Knock, knock, knock. "Hey. It's Soooooph. I brought a surprise for you," she chimed, wiggling her eyebrows at Tobes. WASN'T HE EXCITED, TOO?
Originally Posted by Felixir
When they finally reached the door, Toby just stood there quietly. He didn't know what the surprise was that Soph was talking about, but it occurred to him that HE must be the surprise, so the fifteen year old remained quiet. Instead of speaking, Toby met Soph's gave and cracked a huge grin at her eyebrow antics. His knee was jiggling and bouncing as hid body already yearned for another excuse to move around some more.
Yooooooooooooo Culloden, OPEN UP.
Y'know, today was a BEAUTIFUL day. Cosgrach didn't exactly have a reason to feel so, but he had this nice feeling -
He grinned and shot from his seat. In a heartbeat, he was by the door to open it and saying "Welco - TOBY!" WHAT a surprise! His grin only widened.
"C'min, c'min." He stood aside to let them it. Could they tell he was excited to see them BOTH?
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Mo wasn't a bit nervous as he waited outside Culloden's office. He wasn't one of those students who hit up professors on their home turf all that often, but that didn't make him feel the least bit awkward to be here. Nope. Not even a little bit.
Maybe just a little bit, actually.
He gnawed on his lip as he knocked and tried to look nonchalant as he waited for the professor to invite him in. Official business, y'know?
Mo wasn't a bit nervous as he waited outside Culloden's office. He wasn't one of those students who hit up professors on their home turf all that often, but that didn't make him feel the least bit awkward to be here. Nope. Not even a little bit.
Maybe just a little bit, actually.
He gnawed on his lip as he knocked and tried to look nonchalant as he waited for the professor to invite him in. Official business, y'know?
Cosgrach was exceptionally grumpy today. He couldn't find any owls. He couldn't get out. Dungeons sucked. It was impossible to sit without a heavy cloak. He was stuck there, and he hated everyone. So, when his door was knocked on, he narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. It'd better be someone he liked. Otherwise, he was going to outright send them out of his office.
Waving his wand at the door to open it, he called "Come in," grumpily.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sophie didn't have far to walk to deliver her valentine's card. Culloden's office was in the dungeons, so Sophie just strolled down the corridor, card in hand, and arrived at the office within about a minute. She didn't plan on being here long. She needed to finish up her Divination homework, so she'd just be on her way once the card was delivered.
Sophie didn't have far to walk to deliver her valentine's card. Culloden's office was in the dungeons, so Sophie just strolled down the corridor, card in hand, and arrived at the office within about a minute. She didn't plan on being here long. She needed to finish up her Divination homework, so she'd just be on her way once the card was delivered.
*knock knock knock*
Cosgrach was angry and grumpy. He was stuck in this stupid castle, he couldn't send any owls and the stupid dungeons were freezing. He didn't want to see anyone, and yet here was someone, knocking on his door to see him.
He narrowed his eyes at it as he shivered with the cold. He thought of pretending as if he was not there, but WHERE did he have to go? Instead, with death glares and a million blankets, he walked and opened the door.
At least it was Sophie Newell. He didn't say anything, but he didn't look like he wanted to kill her too - he was just one, angry man.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: StarShine
Originally Posted by StarShine
Cosgrach was angry and grumpy. He was stuck in this stupid castle, he couldn't send any owls and the stupid dungeons were freezing. He didn't want to see anyone, and yet here was someone, knocking on his door to see him.
He narrowed his eyes at it as he shivered with the cold. He thought of pretending as if he was not there, but WHERE did he have to go? Instead, with death glares and a million blankets, he walked and opened the door.
At least it was Sophie Newell. He didn't say anything, but he didn't look like he wanted to kill her too - he was just one, angry man.
Sophie widened her eyes and just stared at the man before her. Suddenly, she was wishing she had chosen--well, ANYBODY other than Culloden. The man always seemed like a gentle soul, although still Slytherin-like, but Sophie could see the anger in his eyes today.
"Errr, sorry," she mumbled. Then she began fumbling in her robe pockets for the card. Any other time, she'd be able to pull the card right on out her pockets, but now she was fumbling around and probably making him angrier than he was before. "I'll just be a minute...or a second, even."
FINALLY, she found the card, and she held it out to him. "So we had to choose a professor to give a Valentine's Day card to for our Divination homework, and I chose you." GULP. Please don't kill me! "That's all. I'll be on my way now." She hadn't intended on coming in the office anyway.
Sophie widened her eyes and just stared at the man before her. Suddenly, she was wishing she had chosen--well, ANYBODY other than Culloden. The man always seemed like a gentle soul, although still Slytherin-like, but Sophie could see the anger in his eyes today.
"Errr, sorry," she mumbled. Then she began fumbling in her robe pockets for the card. Any other time, she'd be able to pull the card right on out her pockets, but now she was fumbling around and probably making him angrier than he was before. "I'll just be a minute...or a second, even."
FINALLY, she found the card, and she held it out to him. "So we had to choose a professor to give a Valentine's Day card to for our Divination homework, and I chose you." GULP. Please don't kill me! "That's all. I'll be on my way now." She hadn't intended on coming in the office anyway.
Cosgrach mumbled an "It's okay." It'd be okay if she kept it short. He tried to relax his face as she fumbled. He didn't want her to think he hated her - he liked her. He just didn't like the situation they were in.
...she picked him? Ooooooooh! Cosgrach quickly scanned the card as he held his index finger to indicate she should stay. His face slowly turned pleased and happy. "Thanks, Sophie!" he exclaimed, "that's very considerate of you. Especially as what you wrote about me is correct." Hehehe. "I'm glad I could somehow help you."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by StarShine
Cosgrach mumbled an "It's okay." It'd be okay if she kept it short. He tried to relax his face as she fumbled. He didn't want her to think he hated her - he liked her. He just didn't like the situation they were in.
...she picked him? Ooooooooh! Cosgrach quickly scanned the card as he held his index finger to indicate she should stay. His face slowly turned pleased and happy. "Thanks, Sophie!" he exclaimed, "that's very considerate of you. Especially as what you wrote about me is correct." Hehehe. "I'm glad I could somehow help you."
So she was still standing...and she seemed to still be alive... Sophie guessed that whatever was bothering Culloden wasn't so bad that she'd suffer his wrath for it. She began to calm down a bit and even managed a smile as he thanked her for the card.
"You're welcome," she replied. She smirked when he mentioned how the words on the card were correct. "Spoken like a true Slytherin," she said. "Well, I'll let you get back to whatever it was you were doing. I need to go submit my homework now. You should have a warm cup of tea or something, though." She nodded.