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Tree House http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/...psbedcc2ff.jpg Image credited to Govoni On the very edge of the forest is a massive tree that houses a wooden fort high up in its branches. A rope ladder hangs down from the lowest level for easy access. From the Outside it looks to be small. Big enough to fit only four. maybe five at time. but once you come in through the latched door you'll find that the inside has been expanded. Wooden Benches stretch across the perimeter of the the indoors, each with a window you can open up to let the light filter in. Tables are placed at random around the inside, with small stools placed around each of them, just in case you wanted one more place to do all the Homework your Professor's are gonna pile up on you. Oh is that a Shuffleboard Court painted into the floor, off to the side!!?? Yes it is! Use the Shuffleboard sticks, and pucks ONLY FOR SHUFFLEBOARD! Just above you is a balcony that will overlook the rest of the inside. Two small couches sit up here for you to lounge, chit-chat, and NOT SNOG your significant other on. Any damage caught being done to the Tree House will result in serious Consequence. Don't mess with Mr.Kirby. |
Ariella Abby was just exploring when she stopped and found herself in front of a treehouse what fun she hoped that she would meet some new people soon |
Lux Bay had sent a note for Lux to meet him here, she had mentioned so many times how much she loved the tree house and because he's never been here before he could see why she loved it so much. wow he mouthed as he sat down on one of the seats. "why haven't I come here yet?" he wondered, this place was awesome. Yeah Bay might feel silly that he was a 16 year old boy in a treehouse but this treehouse but all the other tree houses to shame. |
"I think it's because you were an old man then," she teased as she reached the top of the ladder and stepped onto the platform. It was awesome to be back here again, and she was happy to be here with Bay. "Hello, stranger," she said as she went to join him. |
"did you hear about the Quidditch thing?" he suddenly asked her, it was all everyone was talking about. "It must have been some threat for them to cancel it" he said with a sad face, he loved his Quidditch and now that he didn't have any sports to try out for he thought it was best for him to work on his studies instead this year, he was glad that he didn't have to do any tests this year but he wasn't looking forward to his las year. NEWT's. ughhhhh…. |
Ugh, Quidditch. "I think it's crazy and I miss Quidditch already. Now I won't get to see you play again." Pout. She had liked cheering Bay on, but now it wasn't possible. |
Sees Baylux. For Zoe and Anyone Else xD Cris climbed up to the treehouse. The only reason he knew about it was through Sander. Sander had mentioned the times he had spent up here with Tessa and Cris decided to check out this place for himself. When he reached the top he noticed that both Bay and Lux were already in it. Not wanting to disturb their privacy, he discreetly moved to the other side of the tree house, perched his arms over the side and looked out. Sander was right. The scenery was definitely beautiful. |
"Yeah mee to but I'm actually liking the little break, last year was a bit crazy with being old and having quiddittch last year too…" maybe they should have cancelled it last year to, didn't want all the old people breaking their hips and other bones. Laughing his head turned as he saw what he thought was Cris.. so to figure out if it was him or not he yelled "Cris…." seeing if it would get this person's attention or not. |
She had never actually been in the tree house before. In fact, one of her roommates had to tell her about the fantastic view that could be seen from the tree house balcony. But she never had been so wowed by such beauty. It was so simple, yet so glamorous. The Gryffindor felt the need to slowly twirl about the place and walk backwards just to take in everything. But then she bumped into something. Or rather someone. Oops! "Oh, Merlin! I am so, so, so sorry!" Demelza stammered, grabbing onto the arm of the person she accidentally bumped into. "I wasn't paying atten-" She immediately stopped mid-sentence when she looked up at the poor soul. She had feared that it was a first year, but clearly the being in front of her was no little person. Why hellooo, handsome. I'm paying attention now. |
"Yeah, that's true. I hope they do another sport here instead. Like Quadpot or something." It could be fun, she supposed. Obviously she had never played it before, as she had never played Quidditch. Hearing Bay yell out for Cris suddenly, Lux started. She had not been expecting that. Looking around her, she spotted her friend. Clearly he had been trying to give them privacy, which was very kind of him. "Hey there, Cris!" |
Both Bay and Demelza SPOILER!!: Bay Enjoying the scenery, Cris didn't even realize that Bay or Lux had even noticed his presence, when he heard his name called out. Quickly turning his head, he raised his hand in a wave and was about to say hello when he heard someone climbing up the ladder to the treehouse. He moved a little away from it to make room for whomever it was. Surreptitiously looking at her from the corner of his eye, he saw an older girl climb up, look around and then twirl around. He quickly turned around to hide a smile. It was because he did so, that he didn't notice the girl walking back towards him, until she bumped right into him and grabbed his arm. SPOILER!!: Beautiful stranger Well hello there. Cris grabbed hold of the girl's arm to help steady her. "No...no. There's no need to apologize. Are you alright? I'm sorry. I should have moved out of your way. I know when I twirl around, I need a lot...oh...um," Cris paused in mid sentence when he belatedly realized he had revealed his secret....his secret love of dancing. So he just grinned sheepishly at the girl not realizing he was still holding her arm. |
She did manage to nod when the pretty boy asked if she was alright. In fact, she was more than alright. A warm smile was given in response to him saying that he should have moved out of the way. What a sweetheart. "No, it is my fault. I should have been paying attention to where I was going," Demelza replied, looking up at him sincerely. But her expression changed every-so-slightly when he stopping talking mid-sentence. He twirls around sometimes? Hmm. Interesting. "I'm Demelza, by the way," she quickly said, making a note to ask about the boy's twirling activities after they got through the formal introductions and everything. At that point she let go of him because just standing there holding each other's arms might be a little weird for two people who just met. "Thank you for stopping me from ending up on the floor." |
Demelza SPOILER!!: Pretty hawt girl If Cris was one to swallow loudly, his gulp would have been heard clear across the lake, but since he was a somewhat discreet swallower, his gulp was only heard and felt by himself. Which was actually a great feat since the moment he felt the girl squeeze his arm, albeit just a little, a lump formed in his throat. He had to admit he liked the touch of the girl's hand on his arm but not one to shout out that declaration to anyone who would be willing to here, he kept that thought to himself. He returned the smile when the girl smiled at him. Add beautiful smile to pretty face, Cris made a mental note to himself. He waved off her apology with another smile. "I'm just glad that you're alright. I'm just glad you weren't hurt. Wait, did I just repeat myself?" Cris paused to ask upon realization that he had done exactly that. Shaking his head, he grinned as he stuck out his hand. "Let's try this again, shall we? Hello Demelza, I'm Cristoffer but you can call me Cris. I'm a transfer from Durmstrang? What about you? Have you always been at Hogwarts?" |
"Hey!!" she said as she walked over to her. "I'm Arista." she added when she reached her with a small curtsy. "Do you happen to be a first year?" |
"Cristopher ... or Cris," she repeated, putting her hand with his so they complete the formal handshake of their meeting each other. When he mentioned that he was a transfer student, she looked up at Cris excitedly. So he was new here? Could she get him to help her with her acting exercises? She would have to ask another day. It wasn't right to spring that on people right away. And he originally went to Durmstrang? Well, that explained the buff body he had. She certainly had noticed his muscles from that arm squeeze earlier. Ahem. "Cool. How do you like it here so far?" After Cris asked if she had always been at Hogwarts, Demelza shook her head. "No, this is my second year at Hogwarts. I transferred here from the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts," she said nonchalantly, twirling her hair. "The Academy wasn't really challenging me enough, really." Because she was the perfect actress ever. Duh. "So I decided to come here, even though there aren't any acting, music, or dancing classes (crazy, I know). But you would be surprised at what you can still learn. I mean, I can act like an old lady flawlessly after the aging disease that went around last term." |
Demelza SPOILER!!: Demelza Was she blushing? Cris forced himself not to stare. She was even more pretty when she did that. Then Cris wondered whether he ever looked that good when he blushed. He made a mental note to ask Jasmine when he next saw her. "So far I like being here. It's a lot different from Durmstrang that's for sure. My brother, Sander, attended Hogwarts last term and he had lots of good things to say about this place, so naturally I was intrigued enough that I told my parents I wanted to transfer here too," Cris explained to Demelza. Wait she was from the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts? Now that was something Cris could believe. Demelza had that artistic flair about her. She had that certain je ne sais quoiness about her. His interest piqued he cocked his head as he asked her, "So which did you like the best? The acting, singing or dancing?" He wanted to reveal to her that he liked to sing and dance too, but since he had only just met her, Cris decided that was too much information to share with a stranger. ...and it wasn't like he danced ballet or anything like that. He was more of a hip hop dancer and more often than not he incorporated his martial arts moves in the dance as well. Then she mentioned something that was very familiar to him, immediately recalling the day Sander returned home for Christmas, greying, wrinkled and often tired. "So you were also affected by that aging illness? So was Sander. He's my brother. He and his girlfriend, Tessa were both infected. Was it really that bad?" Cris inquired. |
Connor was still exploring. He'd met a few people..That meant two. Kohen and Charlie..Neither of his new friends were in his house, but he was glad to have met new people.. His few days here have been weird..It was a VERY odd place, he went to a magical school before this but it was Very different than this. But this treehouse seemed pretty cool..his last school didn't have one so this was a plus, right? Right. He figured he could hang out here and read a book, he hadn't brought many with him..The one he had today was 'The Hobbit' He'd read it before but it was always a good read and one of his favorites from when he was younger, he was 12 the first time he read it, a second year. His Dad slipped it into his bag before he left for Salem and he hated reading at the time, but the story gave him a new love for books and now it reminded him of his father. |
Well, normally when meeting at a tree house, one would have plans to go inside the tree house, but this one did not, actually. Caterina was leaning against the trunk of the very large tree, waiting super patiently for Delilah to arrive. The girl had requested a lesson in punching, for whatever reason, and Cat was only ever helpful for her friends. Though surely she was going to find out why before fists went flying. Was it a bit of gossip? Or just cause it was a good thing to know? Cat didn't know at all, but while she waited to find out, she watched the progression of a line of ants climbing the tree on the other side of her. Ants. Interesting. |
SPOILER!!: Connor Melek climbed up into the tree house with her kneazle, Elouan, in her book bag. She, of course, gave the kneazle some breathing air and hadnt closed the top. The kneazle gave an annoyed hiss, not liking being in the bag but Mel didnt care. She had wanted to bring Elouan to the tree house. Melek finally got to the top and made sure that it was safe before taking Elouan out of her bag. She smiled until the kneazle bolted in the direction of a boy who was reading. Mel shouted at the kneazle, "STOP, ELOUAN!" Melek sighed and chased after the kneazle. To her dismay, Elouan hopped onto the boy's head. Mel stopped in front of the boy and tried to reach for Elouan. To the boy, she distractedly said, "So sorry... She is mad at me... I didnt mean for her to jump on your head." |
Lux, Cris and new girl. Everything was just better now that he was with Lux "yeah I don't think I'd be able to deal if I had to do tests three years in a row, i'd probably die of stress" he said jokingly but deep down he knew it was true. No one would be able to handle that at all. nope no one. Putting his arm around her he started to relax more as he saw Cris look back at them and say hello "hey what are you doing" as he gave a big yawn. Oh wait Cris had some girl with him, one he hasn't met before… wait a minute Bay totally thought that Cris would end up with Jasmine. Looking down at Lux he gave her a look that said "what about jasmine" because Cris and this girls seemed to have chemistry. hopefully Lux would know what his look meant. |
Mention of Cris and Demelza Quote:
Smiling as she leaned into him, she noticed Cris interacting with Demelza. This was very interesting seeing as he appeared to like Jasmine. What was going on? Why was he being flirty with another girl? Hearing Bay yawn, Lux shook her head. "You are ALWAYS tired." It wasn't even just when he was an old man; even when he was back to normal, he still yawned a lot. Oh well, at least she and Bay seemed to be on the same wavelength when it came to Cris and Jasmine. After returning his look, she decided to do something about it. "Hey, Cris. So how is JASMINE doing?" Hint hint. Don't forget about the other girl, Cris. |
Jun/Baek! Well... *gulp* Paloma looked up to the tree house, then back to the little road she took to get there. She could always go back, right? Like not even try to get there, because it looked interestingly small and sort of not-safe. But there was no time to chicken out of this! She took the rope ladder and started to climb slowly, just making sure her ballerinas wouldn't be damaged, nor she would fall out of there, and well...make her first trip up to the Hospital Wing during her first month at Hogwarts. She just hoped that Jun would hurry up! |
"I'm not too late, am I?" |
Then out of the blue a little creature was on his head, he looked up at a girl, saying sorry for this unique event. Merlin, this was was weird. "Oh...well i wouldn't think you did.." He said and laughed in a bit of a friendly way. He didn't want her to think he was offended accidents happened after all. "Why is she mad at you? I'm Connor by the way, I'd shake your hand but i'm trying to sit still do you can catch her." He said and smiled at her, he tried to smile at everyone, it was nice and it would make them feel nice. |
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