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The classroom is certainly not as you had left it last. Professor Bellaire was able to successfully calm the raging storm (after a long and cold search for her wand) and restore some semblance of order to the room. Of course it's morning, it's early and it's really cold but it's about to get worst because the classroom is now covered in beautiful powdery snow and for those who had gotten their cloud to work, their clouds were patiently waiting for them and gently snowing. It's definitely a winter wonderland in here.
There are picket fences and stools located around the classroom but of course you know the rules by now don't you?
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Okay. He can do this!
Rolling his shoulders, and prepping for his next try, Ethan paused to watch the professor provide them with blue bell flames...Merlin, WARMTH! Oh yuussss! "Thanks, professor." Ethan gave the woman and appreciative nod and proceeded with the task.
Now...what flower? A rose? Naah, that's too common. How about...uh...a daisy? Yeah, yeah. Those look good.
Ethan paused and made sure that a clear picture of the flower was inside his head, then simultaneously waved his wand in a semi-circular motion going to his right, "Orchideous Stiriacus." The third year watched as a daisy flower in ice form came out of his wand. It wasn't perfect, but at least it wasn't an ice cube, no?
Happy, but not quite satisfied, Ethan got the flower and planted it on the snow ground.
Again. "Orchideous Stiriacus!"
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
AHH! People were producing these ice flowers left and right, and AJ still didn't have any of her own. She heard her sister asking her if she needed help, but AJ was in deep concentration and didn't reply back. Not to mention that it was looking like Angel hadn't produced any flowers of her own, so how exactly was she going to help her?
She would have plenty of time to think about Angel's logic some other time. For now though, she needed these freaking flowers to come out of her wand.
"Orchideous Stiriacus!" Her wand swirled in all the right ways. This time it looked like something was going to happen. Whatever it was though, never happened. This was frustrating. She wanted to make flowers too!
AJ noticed the professor bottling up cool looking flames. "Wicked." Not only were they pretty, but they brought some warmth to them. "Thanks professor." This was totally not the same woman who taught their first transfiguration lesson.
Angel looked at her sister, she was totally confused about why her sister wouldn't want her help. "Orchideous Stiriacus!" Angel did the wand movement and then beamed as she looked at her sister and watched as her wand froze and a tiny little flower came out for the second time, but well her sister didn't seemed to want her help for some strange reason, she would figure it out later, obviously her sister had a reason, even though she had no idea what it could be.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Throwing his lame excuse for an ice flower aside, Zander let out a sigh. GAH. Why was Transfiguration so hard! Okay, okay. Third times the charm? This time, Zander thought really hard about a rose. That's what he wanted. A pretty rose ice flower. Not another ice weed that'd just ruin their garden, if you could even call it that.
Ahem, here goes nothing. ""Orchideous Stiriacus." With the rose in mind, Zander watched as AHA! IT WORKED! Zander Adair had done the magic thing! AND IT WORKED! Fully satisfied with his... limp rose, Zander smiled. Yes. A limp ice rose was much better than no ice rose!
So with the new ice flower in hand, the third year walked over to the ground to go... ahem, plant it in their garden? What.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
"Orchideous Stiriacus," Sophie said again. As she said that, she felt the room get a bit warmer. She knew it hadn't been related to the spell she'd just cast, so--what had it been? She looked toward the professor, thinking it might have been something she'd done. The woman was going on about variety, though, so Sophie turned her attention back to her spell-casting.
She raised her wand and made a semi-circle in a clockwise direction. She dropped her wand to her side then tried the wand movement again. She made another semi-circle in a clockwise direction. So she knew how to say the incantation, and now she was sure of the wand movement.
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler
Marigold had practiced, but now she actually had to accomplish making an ice flower thingy. It was a lot warmer in the classroom, thanks to the jarred-flames, but still cold. She burrowed in her clothes for a second, then sighed and took out her wand. She made the circle and said "Orchidus Sitiacus!"
… that wasn't the incantation, was it. Aaaaargh.
"Orchideous Stiriacus," she said.
…it was kind of a flower! It looked like a bunch of leaves on a stick, but that was a start!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Warm. It was suddenly warmer in the classroom. Not to mention blue. Yep, there was definitely a blue tinge. Looking around, Adi noticed the Blue Bell Flames in the jars which were hung around the fences and so on. How cool! It certainly made the room look even better. Bellaire really was in a good mood today. Was it winter that made her that way? Whatever the reason, Adi was glad she provided them with some source of warmth.
Turning his attention back to the task at hand, he tried the spell once more. "Orchideous Stiriacus!'' Cue the wand movement plus concentration on a carnation. Adi liked those flowers for some reason.
Look! Something was happening again! The boy kept up his concentration as the flower continued to emerge until- he had a perfectly clear carnation. Yay! Finally.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
A rose.
Of course Sophie would have to do a rose. They were pretty and special, and most girls loved to get roses. She smiled as she thought of a pretty, red rose. Well, no--not a red rose. She needed an icy rose. It kind of seemed like something evil and shifty--and icy rose, but she knew it really wasn't.
So with her icy rose in mind, she decided to try the spell for real. "Orchideous Stiriacus!" she said, still keeping her icy rose in mind. She turned her wand in a semi circle in a clockwise direction. It seemed like tiny dusts of ice sprinkled their way through the air, but when they settled, they settled into a pretty, icy rose.
OHHH, COOL! She should plant this one. It wouldn't melt, would it?
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
now that he was done practicing Bay took his wand again and did the wand movement which was a semi circle in a clockwise direction as he said "Orchideous Stiriacus" as he saw the ice flower thingy appear.. sweet he thought it would good to keep that spell in his back pocket to give one to Lux one day. he he he.
Planting it as the Professor instructed after that was done he moved towards the blue flame jar things to get warmer.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
So that was the incantation sorted, and Mo decided he was practiced enough that he could attempt the actual spell. Honestly, this was just a free practice session, so the worst that could happen would be that he didn't manage a flower successfully and had to try again.
Or maybe that he exploded his flower all over, got ice shards in his soul, and couldn't tryout for a professional Quidditch team next term. Worst case scenario.
Mo drew his circle in the air before shivering violently. And now he had to begin again. The circle was drawn again, and Mo spoke the incantation as clearly as possible with chattering teeth. "Orchideous Stiriacus." And... that was a flower, but it was pretty sad looking.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
SPOILER!!: Bellaire
"Good morning everyone and welcome to another Transfiguration class! My mood is not so foul today, so the person who changes that will rue the moment they do." And that was a promise. Yep.
"Congratulations to everyone who managed to get their clouds working and for those who didn't..well your clouds seemed to want to work so they corrected themselves..." Quite odd but she'd investigate later.
"Now I plan to kick out any whiners, so for those who want you can take a seat on a stool. As you all can see, we have a garden setting here and by now you all know why. This place should be transformed into a beautiful ice garden. Now that we have the snow we can all move on to making the ice crystals or in this case, the ice flowers, which you will plant in the garden." She looked around the class for any confused faces.
"The spell we will be using today is Orchideous Stiriacus. What it will do is to conjure ice flowers from your wand which you will then plant in the garden. Now you all know that conjugation is the third branch of transfiguration right?" Her eyes narrowed at all of them. Or did she need to do a full blown lesson on conjugation because Merlin knew these kids didn't read.
"The wand movement for this spell is moving your wand in a semi circular motion in a clockwise direction. If you do the opposite you will end up creating a wreath. There will be no wreaths in my garden. If you have no questions...begin."
At the end of the last class, Penelope's cloud had only a few flakes of snow falling from it. She didn't know what might have happened between that class and this class, but the cloud was now snowing like the other clouds.
Penelope tried the incantation and the wand movements separately before attempting the spell. She didn't know about conjugation and the branches of transfiguration or whatever it was that Bellaire was talking about, but she could read about that later. "Orchideous Stiriacus! Now that she had practiced the incantation, it was time to practice the wand movement. She moved her wand in a clockwise semi-circle a few times until she was sure she had the movement right. "Orchideous Stiriacus!" This time she did the spell with the wand movement. It did not work for her the first time. Trying again, she said, "Orchideous Stiriacus!" This time it worked, and an icy flower appeared.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Right, now for a semi-circular motion in a clockwise direction. That wasn't too hard to remember - and he'd certainly know if he did it wrong, since he'd have a wreath instead of flowers!
He decided to try to and make roses, because they were pretty and hopefully easy to make. "Orchideous Stiriacus..." he muttered, moving his wand in a clockwise direction, stopping at a semi-circle. Ah, look, the professor had put some fire in the room. About time a professor decided to do that!
He was disappointed, however, because he didn't produce any flowers. Boooooo. Time to try again..."Orchideous Stiriacus!" he muttered with more gusto this time, doing the wand movement once again and watching as this time, there were some beautiful ice roses sprouting in front of him. Awesome! They weren't very smooth, but that was ok, it was something!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Actually, it was a VERY sad little flower, and Mo picked it up off the ground and turned it around and around, hoping it would somehow get bigger or more impressive or shinier or SOMETHING. Instead of just laying there like a jagged sort of vaguely flower shaped popsicle.
Boo. Terrible.
Mo stuck the flower firmly in the ground of the garden, but he wasn't done or happy at ALL with his work. He'd do it again. He'd do it better. He'd make the best and prettiest flower in the entire garden. Something. He drew the circle with his wand again, and this time he tried very hard not to chatter at ALL as he said, "Orchideous Stiriacus!" He was going to have a perfect flower this time. Watch and see.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Now Jasmine wanted to try to make an ice tulip. She hoped that she would have the chance to make a lot of different flowers for her ice garden. Now it was time to create her mental picture. Jasmine could see a field full of tulips and she focused on the prettiest one for her inspiration. Raising her wand, she moved it in a clockwise semi circle and said, Orchideous Stiriacus" It took a moment, but her wand started to get frosty at the tip. Then her ice flower started to emerge from the wand. It wasn't the prettiest tulip ever, but it was unmistakably a tulip. OK, that one could have been a bit better. She'd definitely have to work on that.
Taking her newest flower, Jasmine planted it in the ground. Things were starting to look better and better.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
SPOILER!!: bellaire and theo
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
ooc: we are running behind time and that is my fault. Though I prefer greeting everyone individually, time does not afford us that luxury so on we go!
Sophia checked her watch. Oh crap, it was almost 8:16, she was so behind time. A swift wave of her wand cause to the door to shut itself then lock. There would certainly be no late comers in her class and she would be making no exception when the end of year game and people had fallen behind. Nope.
If everyone here could make the effort to get to class on time, it obviously could be done. One point for everyone and their effort!
Right, so the clouds were behaving better than she had expected them to. Not once did she have to charm them to get them going again or anything. That perhaps had a lot to do with how cold things had gotten around here. All the clouds were thriving...why if they didn't figure out why---right right she was off thoughts again...class time.
"Good morning everyone and welcome to another Transfiguration class! My mood is not so foul today, so the person who changes that will rue the moment they do." And that was a promise. Yep.
"Congratulations to everyone who managed to get their clouds working and for those who didn't..well your clouds seemed to want to work so they corrected themselves..." Quite odd but she'd investigate later.
"Now I plan to kick out any whiners, so for those who want you can take a seat on a stool. As you all can see, we have a garden setting here and by now you all know why. This place should be transformed into a beautiful ice garden. Now that we have the snow we can all move on to making the ice crystals or in this case, the ice flowers, which you will plant in the garden." She looked around the class for any confused faces.
"The spell we will be using today is Orchideous Stiriacus. What it will do is to conjure ice flowers from your wand which you will then plant in the garden. Now you all know that conjugation is the third branch of transfiguration right?" Her eyes narrowed at all of them. Or did she need to do a full blown lesson on conjugation because Merlin knew these kids didn't read.
"The wand movement for this spell is moving your wand in a semi circular motion in a clockwise direction. If you do the opposite you will end up creating a wreath. There will be no wreaths in my garden. If you have no questions...begin."
Originally Posted by Emzily
YES, this was perfect!!
Theo happened to be amazing at conjuring flowers from his wand, likely it reflected his big, softie heart. Ha. So he was pretty excited about this activity, and having a great opportunity for Bellaire to be proud of him. Theodore pulled out his wand and adjusted his sitting position into a more comfortable one. Semi circular, clockwise... easy. He practiced this a few times to get the hang of it, but didn't spend too long on it.
Now for the pronounciations. Well, he knew the first part off by heart. "Orchideous... Stiria-cus." Weeeeeeeeeird word. "Stir-ia-cus." Like a stirring circus, he thought, and that would be how he remembered it "Orchideous Stiriurcus!" Ehhhhhhh... close enough.
Prepping himself for the wand movement, Theo gave his wrist a wiggle, cleared his throat aaaand... "Orchideous Stiriacus!" It came out louder than he had expected, mostly because he wanted Professor Bellaire to see. Viola, a bouquet of ICY flowers appeared out of the tip of his wand. Like a BAWS.
Hmm if there was one thing West was decent at it was Transfiguration. He quietly repeated the incantation, Orchideous Stiriacus, under his breath a few times and then dutifully made the semi circular clockwise movement with his wand.... but that was interesting that anti-clockwise would make a wreath. West kinda wanted to test that but later because he didn't want to be the one to turn Bellaire's mood.
He glanced over at Theo and grinned a bit seeing his mate had got it. That was always good, he knew how much it meant to Theo to impress this particular professor... even if West would never understand how their relationship worked. Weird stuff that. Theo wasn't even close to being Bellaire's best student, and she was all pureblood-y and Theo was a muggleborn. Was just weird.
Anyways it was his turn to do what he needed to do. "Orchideous Stiriacus." West said quietly but firmly, and matched that with the clockwise almost-circle motion of his wand... and conjured a bouquet of perfect icy flowers.
... well what? He was a seventh year, this stuff wasn't hard. But he was gonna try and do it non-verbally now.
He glanced at Mo since the Ravenclaw was chattering right next to him. Chattering with cold that was. "You want for me to charm your robes to keep warm?" Because that was what West had done and he had less body fat to keep warm than Mo did.... and since the blue bell flames that Bellaire had cast wasn't enough for him? Yeah.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Awww, Professor Bellaire was being sweet, trying to warm them up. Maybe she had misjudged the woman? Feeling a little bad, Lux decided that whatever was up here, this version was MUCH better than the one they had seen last lesson.
But anyway, it was time for her to get started making flowers! Was it obvious what she would attempt to do? Lilies were her favourite, and her date with Bay had definitely made her love of them even stronger. Smiling to herself, she did the wand movement while calling out, "Orchideous Stiriacus!"
Nothing happened.
Huh. She ALWAYS had trouble with the transfiguration spells right off the bat. It was the concentration involved, surely. And it was a lot more difficult to concentrate when one was COLD and remembering something amazing that their boyfriend had done for them. Get a grip, Lux. You need to focus on the practical right now, that kind of thing can come later
Clearing her mind of everything besides her ice lily, Lux performed the wand movement again. "Orchideous Stiriacus!" Now that was more like it. Beaming, she proudly planted her beautiful ice flower.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Maybe he should try the bouquet thing that the Head Boy did.
Yeah, that way he’ll be done with the task quickly. But first, a quick hot air charm should be done to himself. He’s starting to get cold again, even if the blue bell flames were present. “Ventus.” Warm air erupted from the tip of his wand and Ethan stuck it inside his snowboarding jacket. The third year sighed at the warmth and decided to sit at the stool provided. He didn’t realize that they were allowed to sit down now.
Anyway, after keeping himself warm, Ethan continued to practice with the conjuration. “Orchideous Stiriacus.” No wait, he has to think of a particular flower first. Uh…how about…a sunflower? SUNflower. Merlin, it’s already Spring and…sigh. Concentrating for a bouquet of sunflowers to come out, “Orchideous Stiriacus!” a bunch of nice looking sunflowers came out…but it was mixed with…ice cubes. Heh. Maybe, conjuring that much flowers in one go isn’t his thing.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Things were going to happen this time around, AJ just knew it. The third time was always the charm. There were rules, ya know? Twirling her wand in her hand, AJ thought about what kind of flower she should try to make. The first year wasn't exactly up on her flower talk. Who really cared about them? They were pretty and smelled nice, but that was about the extent of her knowledge.
Tulips. She would think of tulips. AJ was almost positive that she had what tulips looked like in her head. "Orchideous Stiriacus!" Perfect wand movement happened. Viola! Right before her eleven year old eyes appeared a tulip. Just one tulip, but it was a tulip. That counted. EEP! Finally feeling more confident, AJ was ready to try to get a bouquet to happen.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
On a bit of a roll now, Jasmine decided to try a different flower next. Her garden wouldn't be complete without a jasmine or two. Starting the whole process over, she began to picture a jasmine flower in her mind. Once the picture was clear, she said, "Orchideous Stiriacus". At the same time, Jasmine made the now familiar clockwise semi circle with her wand.
Once again, the frosty iciness erupted from the tip of her wand. Slowly but surely, the flower began to take shape. This time the outcome was much better and the flower looked like a pretty accurate reproduction of a jasmine flower. Not satisfied with just one of her flowers for the garden, Jasmine repeated he process with success. She took her two flowers and planted them right away. Her garden was starting to look like a garden now.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Marisol stared. She could not make something beautiful. Snow was hard enough. She'd probably kill the flowers. Mari was not very careful nor gentle, and she couldn't see why they needed flowers, in the first place.
Something, probably Slytherin ambition and a dash of her own foolishness, made her want to try.
"Orkeedeeos Steereeacos!" she whispered, flicking her wand and expecting it to do the rest. Apparently, it required more effort. Marisol pictured a frosty flower made of ice. She leaned over the fence and tried again. A few crumpled, icy wisps lay on the snow. Pitifully deflated strings that could never be garden flowers.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Ian pondered what type of plant he would like to make. Shortly after the blue bell bottles of warmth appeared, he made a decision. He thought it was a lovely stroke of genius. The weather may not exactly be the best, but he was determined he would make the very best he could. He concentrated as best he could and imagined it in his mind and then spoke the incantation.
Orchideous Stiriacus! as he moved his wand in a semi-circle from left to right. He was rather pleased to see a lovely sunflower in ice form before him.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi was feeling a lot more confident now that he had managed to create his first flower. Now, if only he could duplicate that. "Orchideous Stiriacus!'' he said once more as he did the wand movement. Nothing. But it was not enough to put down his spirits.
"Orchideous Stiriacus!'' Adi said once more doing the wand movement and concentrating on a daisy this time. Awesome! Something was happening again. A clear thingy was blossoming from the wand tip. In a few moments he had a perfect looking daisy.
The boy grabbed the two flowers and planted them right away. More flowers coming up!
Yay, blue bell flames, awesome! Professor Bellaire DOES have a heart, after all. It was warmer in the classroom now. Leah looked at the flames for a few moments before continuing to practice. It was time for the wand movement. Semi-circular motion in a clockwise direction. She swished her wand just like that. Heh, easy enough. The Hufflepuff was sure that she could manage this spell.
How very wrong she was.
Confidently, Leah looked down at her notebook to remember the incantation again, and picked up her wand. "Ahem. Orchideous Stiriacus!" She said, making a semi-circle in the.. counter-clockwise direction??? Good lord. A wreath was conjured out of her wand. Panicking, the second year stuffed it into her bag. "My mistake. I'm taking care of this." She muttered to anybody who would bother to listen. A wreath hung on her bedside table in the dorm, yes, that would be nice. It was just strange how she could do things in the wrong way with no problem but not the RIGHT one. Sigh.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Ian was pleased with his sunflower. So pleased in fact he almost forgot to plant it. That would be the centerpiece of his garden. He wondered to himself what he should do next and then it came to him. Of course! We're at a magical school that has a history with dragons. Why not?
He imagined in his head what he wanted. He hoped for more translucent quality this time. He imagined the flowers. He placed his wand in his left hand and began to speak the words again Orchideous Stririacus! Moving his wand from left to right, he was excited to see more ice flowers before him, though the ice was still rather foggy and he hadn't quite gotten the shape he was hoping for, but still his SNAPDRAGONS looked nice. He went and placed them near the sunflower he'd done, taking care to keep them from the bluebell flames.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
She'd said the spell, concentrated, and still no Ranunculus. Sad days, man. The small brunette hated not getting spells and especially in front of her classmates. It was one thing to fail on your own but to do it in front of other people, people who seemed to be GOOD at this, it was annoying. Maddie sighed and tried not to let it get her down. TRY being the operative word here.
“Orchideous Stiriacus.” Making the semicircular motion with her wand, Maddie watched and waited..and watched...and waited. SIGH.
Who needed a stupid ICE garden anyway? She liked the REAL thing.
Shifting a little, the Ravenclaw took a minute to relax. She rubbed her hands together and then blew into them, giving herself some extra warmth. She then glanced around the room, watching those who DID manage to make flowers with curiosity. If THEY could do it, SO could SHE. Merlin knew she was JUST as awesome if not MORE SO than these guys so it was definitely time to try again.
Ranunculus...Ranunculus...Ranunculus...She was going to make some!
“Orchideous Stiriacus!” The first year waved her wand and concentrated and then...SUCCESS! KSJKHKLHJSSKGJGSKJSLG! YES! YES! YES-