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The classroom is certainly not as you had left it last. Professor Bellaire was able to successfully calm the raging storm (after a long and cold search for her wand) and restore some semblance of order to the room. Of course it's morning, it's early and it's really cold but it's about to get worst because the classroom is now covered in beautiful powdery snow and for those who had gotten their cloud to work, their clouds were patiently waiting for them and gently snowing. It's definitely a winter wonderland in here.
There are picket fences and stools located around the classroom but of course you know the rules by now don't you?
Angel was scared, very scared she had no idea what was going on, she had a funny feeling that she wouldn't be able to make an ice flower, but she didn't want to get into trouble so she took out her wand and decided to practice the spell first. "Orchideous Stiriacus!!" Angel wanted to make sure she had got the saying down first before putting it with the wand movement. "Orchideous Stiriacus!" Angel beamed that was perfect, now she just had to practice the wand movement.
Angel then practiced the wand movement a few times, she was making sure that is was a Semi-circular motion in a clockwise direction, when she was sure that was perfected she put them all together and it worked. "AJ do you need a hand?" Angel looked at her sister.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
She wasn't in a foul mood today? Well... She may have said one thing, but her actions said another. Hm. Especially with the kicking out whiners thing. So if this wasn't her foul mood... Then what was?! Anyways, he wasn't going to argue. Last time she had most definitely been in a bad mood. And that was not fun. Not one bit. So no, he would not ask. Nope.
Ice garden? Uh okay no thanks. It's cold enough isn't it? Why would they be working on ice gardens when they could be working on setting fire to this horrendous cold weather? That'd only be the sensible thing to do, right? And isn't a garden too herbology for transfiguration? And Merlin knows that Zander does not need another reason to be thinking about Beautiful Bentley. Not now, anyways. And especially not after Lux's advice.
Sigh. But he didn't want to have to rue the day or whatever it was she had said. So instead of questioning anything, the Gryffindor just took out his wand and began following everyone's lead. First, he'd start with practicing the movement. Which was it? Clockwise? Or counter...? No it was definitely clockwise... Hopefully. He didn't want to end up being the sorry kid who made a wreath. Talk about humiliating. So yes, clockwise semi-circle. Easy enough.
Now to practice the incantation. "Orchideous.... uh.... Orchideous Stiriacuuuus.... Orchideous Stiriacus..... Orchideous Stiriacus...." Boy, that was a tongue twister.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Alright time for practice time. He got his wand out of his cloak. But it was kind of cool to know they were going to be making some sort of like ice palace. He was up for that! Now they were making ice flowers. That seemed pretty cool. He hoped he would be able to see all the ice sculptures once he was finished. Now onto pronouncing the word. It was Orchideous Stiriacus. He began pronouncing it..."Or-chid-e-ous Sti-ri-ac-us....Or-chid-e-ous Sti-ri-ac-us....Or-chid-e-ous Sti-ri-ac-us...." There he was getting the hang of it. Now onto saying it fully!
"Orchideous Stiriacus..... Orchideous Stiriacus..... Orchideous Stiriacus..... Orchideous Stiriacus..... Orchideous Stiriacus..... Orchideous Stiriacus..." he grinned when he got the hang of saying the spell now. Now onto doing the wand technique! He did the wand movement in a semi circular motion in a clockwise direction. He was doing a semi circle in a clockwise direction. One he did that a couple times, he was ready to put it to the test!
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Ready to try again, Jasmine prepared to repeat the spell. Trying to regain her concentration, she took a moment to focus. She visualized the ice flower in her mind and took a deep breath. Moving her wand in a clockwise semi circle, Jasmine said, "Orchideous Stiriacus". Jasmine was glad to see that the spell had worked again.
After setting down her second flower, Jasmine got ready for number three. She went through her mental preparation one more time. When she was ready, she again made the clockwise semi circle with her wand. Saying, "Orchideous Stiriacus", Jasmine watched as the ice came out of her wand and formed into a pretty flower. If she kept this up, she would soon have a bouquet.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Emmylou gave her work a strange look. She knew that she could do this, yeah? Everything was going to go smoothly because she didn't want something to go wrong but she felt like something might go wrong. There was no need to think negatively.
The third year looked around the classroom to make sure what she was thinking about the project was what the other students were doing. She wanted to observe for a little bit now. There was no way that she would get to make the ice flower properly but here she goes.
"Orchideous..." O_O Did she say that right? It sure sounded right. "Orchideous. Orchideous!" she repeated. "Orchideous Stiriacus." Emmylou blinked when nothing happened.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Time to try out this super cool spell. Adi hoped he would have as much success as Cutty did. He liked getting spells working right o his first attempt. Too bad it wasn't always possible.
"Orchideous Stiriacus!'' He made his wand go into a semi circular motion in a clockwise direction. He waited confidently for something to start coming from his wand's tip to form the flower.
A few seconds later, Adi could see nothing was going to happen. But that was nothing new, was it? Oh well. He'd have to try again.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Oh, jumping right in, were they? Mo gave his cloud a gentle nudge with his fingertips as way of greeting before pulling out his wand. Merlin, he was glad he was wearing gloves, because it was freezing in here. He could see his breath on the air.
Now, what was that incantation? He paused to remember, and the spark was triggered when his classmates began to recite it around him. Right, right. "Orchideous Stiriacus." Not easy at all, and it definitely required several passes at it. "Orchideous Stiriacus. Orchideous Stiriacus."
Time to put the spell to the test. He pointed his wand and said the spell, "Orchideous Stiriacus!" and did a semi circle clockwise and waited to see what would happen. He saw the flower coming out and then it just fizzled away. ARGH! He was sooo close! Oh well....time to try again. He cleared his mind and just concentrated on just getting the flower out of his wand.
He coughed and breathed slowly and said, "Orchideous Stiriacus!!" and then the flower bloomed out of his wand! Woaaahhh now THAT is cool. He even went to touch it and it seemed sooo cold.
Beverly Wayne. Noted. Ethan grinned at the older student, “Miss Wayne.” And gave her a nod. Well, he really can’t blame Cutty if his cousin find Miss Wayne over here, attractive. She is alright. But for Ethan, Josette is still the prettiest. Ahem. Just saying. Before he could even interrogate Miss Wayne about what transpired between her and Cutty in their Common Room, Professor Bellaire decided to start the class.
Good mood? Oh…that’s, good news then? Ethan got the impression that this professor doesn’t smile much, or in her case, always in a bad mood. Anyway! The third year gave Miss Wayne another look and nod and gave his full attention to Professor Bellaire. Well, yay, because they will not be producing snow anymore; which can be very troublesome by the way, but instead, they will conjure an ice flower. What for, exactly? And…where can he possibly use this in the future?
Ethan pushed the questions at the back of his head and went ahead to practice the spell. Orchideous Stiriacus. “Orchideous…Stiriacus.” Ethan repeated the spell under his breath, slightly getting distracted from the sight of his breath as he spoke. Merlin. Where in the world is the sun? “Orchideous…Stiriacus…Orchideous…Stiriacus. Orchideous Stiriacus.” The third year let the world roll out of his mouth naturally, while picturing what he wanted to see once he cast it with his wand.
Miss Wayne. Ha. Yeah, cool, she could totally live with that. It was exactly what she wanted, so Lute Boy Ethan just earned himself a spot on her good side. With a small grin Beverly returned his nod and turned to face Professor Bellaire...whom wasn't in a foul mood.
...Was that even possible?
Text Cut: Professor Bellaire
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
ooc: we are running behind time and that is my fault. Though I prefer greeting everyone individually, time does not afford us that luxury so on we go!
Sophia checked her watch. Oh crap, it was almost 8:16, she was so behind time. A swift wave of her wand cause to the door to shut itself then lock. There would certainly be no late comers in her class and she would be making no exception when the end of year game and people had fallen behind. Nope.
If everyone here could make the effort to get to class on time, it obviously could be done. One point for everyone and their effort!
Right, so the clouds were behaving better than she had expected them to. Not once did she have to charm them to get them going again or anything. That perhaps had a lot to do with how cold things had gotten around here. All the clouds were thriving...why if they didn't figure out why---right right she was off thoughts again...class time.
"Good morning everyone and welcome to another Transfiguration class! My mood is not so foul today, so the person who changes that will rue the moment they do." And that was a promise. Yep.
"Congratulations to everyone who managed to get their clouds working and for those who didn't..well your clouds seemed to want to work so they corrected themselves..." Quite odd but she'd investigate later.
"Now I plan to kick out any whiners, so for those who want you can take a seat on a stool. As you all can see, we have a garden setting here and by now you all know why. This place should be transformed into a beautiful ice garden. Now that we have the snow we can all move on to making the ice crystals or in this case, the ice flowers, which you will plant in the garden." She looked around the class for any confused faces.
"The spell we will be using today is Orchideous Stiriacus. What it will do is to conjure ice flowers from your wand which you will then plant in the garden. Now you all know that conjugation is the third branch of transfiguration right?" Her eyes narrowed at all of them. Or did she need to do a full blown lesson on conjugation because Merlin knew these kids didn't read.
"The wand movement for this spell is moving your wand in a semi circular motion in a clockwise direction. If you do the opposite you will end up creating a wreath. There will be no wreaths in my garden. If you have no questions...begin."
So they were finally going to work on their ice garden, that was something the Slytherin was eager to see and try. Back home her family had quite a prized garden, but an ice garden was on a totally different level. Not only that, but SHE was going to get to conjure and plant ice flowers. She wasn't going to get that opportunity again until she turned of age to do it on her own.
Taking her wand from its holster Beverly twirled it between her fingers. Orchideous Stiriacus. The first half seemed easier than the second half of the incantation, but either way she'd work her way through it. She was Beverly Wayne for Merlin's sake! BAHAHA!
Okay, okay, cool it with the ego, Wayne.
"Sti-ri-a-cus," she said. "Stiii-riii-aaa-cuus...Orchideous Sti-ri-a-cuuus." Not bad if she said so herself. Which she did. Not bad. Now all together and not like a lame loser. "Orchideous Stiriacus...Orchideous Stiriacus...Orchideous Stiriacus."
Now, THAT wasn't bad. Not at all. Wand work was next.
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler
CONJUGATION? Wasn't that supposed to be, like, SUPER hard? Marigold looked/assessed Bellaire's countenance. Nope, she seemed to be serious. Hmm. Then again, thinking about it, OWLs were in a year and conjugation was going to be on them, yes? MERLIN. She needed to get a tutor. Maybe Dec could teach her runes? Hmm. Note to self.
The incantation would be hard, so she decided to tackle that first. "OrchEEDeUS stireeACKus? OrchidEud STEEReeacus? Orchideous Stiriacus?" she said very slowly and methodically. She chanted the two words a couple more times before she felt confident.
Next was the movement, yes? Clockwise. She moved her wand slowly in a circle. Just like potions.
Agatha listened carefully to every word Sophi-- professor Bellaire said. She totally knew Conjuration was a branch of Transfiguration. She knew it. Yes. She nodded her head to let professor Bellaire know she knew. Nod nod nod. Did she see that?
They were geting on with it already. Okay, then. Agatha pulled out her wand after watching the instructions. She didn't have time to even pronounce the incantation correctly ONCE when there were some people already conjuring flowers. Cutty was the first one she saw doing it. Merlin, he was fast! And good! The girl starred at the flowers for a moment, as if inspecting it at the same time Cutty did. She wanted to make a flower like that! She would!
"Orchideous Sit--" There was crazy Nigel conjuring up some flowers too!! Why were they all so FAST?? That was so annoying! Agatha frowned and tried to focus on the task. "Orchid--"GASP! The HEAD BOY had conjured up a FULL BOUQUET of icy flowers and they were SO PRETTY! The third year stared in awe at his work.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Considering they were going to be making this one big garden Lex felt she needed to claim her own little section here, that way in case anyone did make wreaths, it wouldn't be mixed in with hers because that's how you got blamed for the idiocy of others and Lex was plainly not about that life at all.
Alexa walked about in the fallen snow, dragging her feet as she went until she'd made a little circle in the ground. She would fill this part first before branching out to the rest of the class room.
Of course to fill it up she'd actually have to make the flowers but how hard could it be?
"Orchideous Stiriacus." ...Nothing? Ahem. The wand might not have heard her. Alternately the flower may have been taking some time to get here. The Professor did say something about a third level or something of transfiguration. Had to get pass the first two, you know how these things were. It was fine, she could wait.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Ice was really the LAST thing Caleb wanted MORE of, but he had to admit, the idea of ice flowers sounded - kind of cool. Not that he would EVER admit that, because liking flowers was totally NOT manly and very uncool.
"Orchideous Stiriacus...Orchideous Stiriacus..." he said, practicing the spell a few times. That was really hard to say - why were transfiguration spells so difficult to pronounce all the time??
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Ethan practiced the wand movement next. He did roll his wrist first, and wiggled his gloved finger before doing it. Left to right, in a clockwise motion. Clockwise. Counter-clockwise will give him a wreath. Maybe he will try that next, but first, a single flower should be conjured first, hmkay?
Satisfied, Ethan got his wand, and simultaneously recited the incantation. “Orchideous Stiriacus.” Nothing. Well, he wasn’t expecting ANYTHING on his first try anyway. “Orchideous Stiriacus.” Semi-circular movement, clockwise. Eh. NOTHING.
“Orchideous STIRIACUS!” Ethan’s eyes widened as he saw something come out of his wa—oh. An ICE CUBE. What? The third year scowled at it, got it off of his wand and…yes, it’s an ice cube. It doesn’t RESEMBLE a flower AT ALL. Frustrated, he popped the ice cube inside his mouth.
Anyway, more practice yes? Yes. “Orchideous Stiriacus!” More ice cubes! Perfect. Not.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
It didn't take too long for Lex to admit to herself that nothing would happen despite her intention of waiting for the wand to cooperate. She was going to have to put more concentration into it or something.
Now then...
Can someone explain how the hell THEODORE KINSLEY managed a WHOLE FRICKIN' BOUQUET when she couldn't even conjure a snow puff?? No. NO. The BigHeadBoy couldn't do better than her. Didn't he suck at spells? Sure it was grand he didn't anymore considering he'd be leaving the castle in a few months and couldn't leave a total failure but REALLY?? A bouquet?? That was just showing off. Highly and completely unnecessary and it meant Lex had to step up her game, clearly.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Those flowers were really pretty. Like, reeeeeeeeeeeally pretty. Agatha wanted to conjure up a bouquet like that one. She stepped closer to the Head Boy and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyeeed the icy flowers some more. "Pretty." She commented with a polite nod. But she could totallyyyyy do better.
"Orchideous Stic-- Stick--" Uh... She stopped speaking to be able to hear what the others were saying. "Stiriacus. Orchideous Sticiarus. Stiriacus." ...Grrrrr."Orchideous Stic--"Frown.
Agatha mouthed the words, trying to remain calm. Orchideous Sticularis. No. "Stiriacus." THERE!! Stickiarus. Sti...riacus." She decided to step away from the Head Boy. If she was going to make a fool of herself, the least she could do was to make sure no one saw it. The third year was pretty much in a corner now, trying to get the incantation right.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
ooc: we are running behind time and that is my fault. Though I prefer greeting everyone individually, time does not afford us that luxury so on we go!
Sophia checked her watch. Oh crap, it was almost 8:16, she was so behind time. A swift wave of her wand cause to the door to shut itself then lock. There would certainly be no late comers in her class and she would be making no exception when the end of year game and people had fallen behind. Nope.
If everyone here could make the effort to get to class on time, it obviously could be done. One point for everyone and their effort!
Right, so the clouds were behaving better than she had expected them to. Not once did she have to charm them to get them going again or anything. That perhaps had a lot to do with how cold things had gotten around here. All the clouds were thriving...why if they didn't figure out why---right right she was off thoughts again...class time.
"Good morning everyone and welcome to another Transfiguration class! My mood is not so foul today, so the person who changes that will rue the moment they do." And that was a promise. Yep.
"Congratulations to everyone who managed to get their clouds working and for those who didn't..well your clouds seemed to want to work so they corrected themselves..." Quite odd but she'd investigate later.
"Now I plan to kick out any whiners, so for those who want you can take a seat on a stool. As you all can see, we have a garden setting here and by now you all know why. This place should be transformed into a beautiful ice garden. Now that we have the snow we can all move on to making the ice crystals or in this case, the ice flowers, which you will plant in the garden." She looked around the class for any confused faces.
"The spell we will be using today is Orchideous Stiriacus. What it will do is to conjure ice flowers from your wand which you will then plant in the garden. Now you all know that conjugation is the third branch of transfiguration right?" Her eyes narrowed at all of them. Or did she need to do a full blown lesson on conjugation because Merlin knew these kids didn't read.
"The wand movement for this spell is moving your wand in a semi circular motion in a clockwise direction. If you do the opposite you will end up creating a wreath. There will be no wreaths in my garden. If you have no questions...begin."
Sophie had gotten her cloud to work last time, just in the nick of time before the blizzard had overtaken the room, so she looked smug with the note on the board and smiled at her cloud. It was nice that any clouds that hadn't been successfully transfigured had corrected themselves for the students that had trouble with them, though. Awfully nice. And weird. Did the clouds have feelings, too?
Ice flowersss. That was cute, but this whole wintery-theme was kind of overbearing. She appreciated Botros and his most recent Kenaz-centered lesson a lot more now.
Orchideous Stiriacus. So... a more complex take on the simple spell of Orchideous. All right. She could do that one well enough, so this one wouldn't be too far off, yeah? For now, once they were set off on their own, Sophie made sure she had the pronunciation down. What was the last word again? Stira... something? She listened for what the others were saying, then tried herself. "Orch-i-de-ous Sti-ri-a-cus?" She spoke slowly at first, then tried to say it normally, "Orchideous Stiriasus...?" No. Stiriacus. "Stiriacus. Stiiii-riiiii-a-cus." Sort of like that, yeah? "Orchideous Stiriacus." That sounded about right that time. She thought so, at least. Merlin.
Lucy thought:"Now I have to try this spell"
She moved her wand and she said:"orchideous stiriacus!"
But nothing happened..
"ok...I will try again..I don't want to give up...!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Her cloud was snowing pretty well which was interesting because Maddie had had some trouble with it before. MAYBE this whole ridiculous cold that had swept over the place WAS good for SOMETHING. ...Maybe.
So Professor Bellaire was opposed to wreaths? Of ALL the things that had been said, THAT'S the one that interested Maddie the MOST. Was it because she'd had a traumatic holiday experience? Did she think they were gaudy? Was she opposed to cheerfulness? WELL, they WERE making an ice garden. NOT exactly a place of warmth and light. Interesting stuff, this was. She'd have to write it down. But ANYWAY, time to practice.
"Orchid-e-ous Stir-ia-cus. Orchid-e-ous Stir-ia-cus." THAT was sort of a mouthful, yeah? "Orchid-e-ous Stir-ia-cus. Orchideous Stiriacus. Orchideous Stiriacus." Was that right? The twelve year old paused for a moment to listen to those sitting closest to her, wanting to her their pronunciation. She SEEMED to be doing okay so she continued. "Orchideous Stiriacus. Orchideous Stiriacus."
And the movement was...semi-circular. That wasn't hard. The clockwise part was the part she'd need to remember most. Taking her wand, the first year practice this without the incantation several times, mind on what she'd be creating.
Last edited by TakemetotheBurrow; 07-02-2014 at 02:37 PM.
Reason: I promise I can spell
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"Orchideous Stiriacus!'' Adi said clearly as he concentrated on getting that flower to bloom from his wand tip as he did the appropriate wand movement. Oh hey! Something was happening! Indeed. Something opaque was forming. But as Adi watched, the process seemed to have reversed and suddenly the opaque thing had vanished.
Weird. Why did the process stop? Exhaling sharply, the badger decided he'd try again. "Orchideous Stiriacus!'' He did the wand movement again and waited with a bit of impatience.
Blue Bell Flames for everyone! She has a heart people
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
The winter wonderland was about to become more magical because as the students had gotten to work on their spells, the professor had been back at her desk bottling blue bell flames into jars. It took her very few minutes because...well...magic. A wave of her wand multiplied the wooden fences and transfigured some of them into posts, which strategically placed themselves around the ice garden. Another wave of the professor's wand had the jars of blue flame spells attaching themselves to the posts like blue street lights, only a lot warmer and with a much more beautiful and soulful glow.
It was definitely a sight to behold, the classroom.
"That should warm things up a bit in here." Without melting the flowers. "Please remember to plant the flowers once you produce them and concentrate on the different types of flowers you want to produce, I like variety."
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Okay, time to make some flowers. Maddison took a deep breath and tried to relax, the cold making this particular task quite hard to do. She desperately wanted to move around and create some warmth but something told her Bellaire wouldn't like first years running laps in the classroom. She'd just have to DEAL. Merlin knew she wasn't going to complain! The last thing she wanted was to be on that woman's bad side. She KNEW how her own mother was and Bellaire was even more fierce, if that was possible.
"Orchideous Stiriacus." The twelve year old waved her wand in the clockwise semicircular motion and did her best to concentrate but it was no use, no flower appeared. Maybe she wasn't being specific enough? Or maybe her heart just wasn't in the whole ice flower thing. Maybe.
Suddenly there was warmth and the small brunette looked around at the bluebell flames curiously, thinking the light from them made the classroom look quite pretty. NOT that she'd ever say THAT out loud, Merlin. She did smile the tiniest bit, though. Could someone TEACH her how to make THOSE? Now THAT she was interested in. "Thanks for that, Professor." Seriously, the heat was appreciated.
And concentrating on the types of flowers you want to produce. OKAY.
Ranunculus is a cool type of flower. Maddie had seen plenty of paintings of them thanks to her mom and she liked they way they looked delicate and the colors ranged so that was a plus. With lots of images in her mind to work with, hopefully she'd be able to produce some for the garden now.
"Orchideous Stiriacus." Maddie waved her wand in the semicircle and watched and waited.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Little jars filled with happiness and warmth? Maybe Bellaire actually wasn't in a foul mood after all. Hm. Now if only she could stay this way.... Forever? Zander was actually kind of starting to like this non-foul-mood Bellaire. But it may have to do with the fact that he was freezing before, and he would like anyone who made little jars of warmth. So yes anyways, less focus on little jars of warmth and more on those flowers that he wasn't producing.
Ahem, "Orchideeeous, uh, Stiiiriacuus?" he said doing the wand movement, but focusing more on the words in the incantation. Okay, it was hard enough trying to do them both separately, but together. Together, they were worse than trying to make a potion or something. Okay, okay that was an exaggeration, BUT STILL this spell is weeeeird.
Okay, Bellaire had said to focus on the type of flower? That probably made a difference, right? Well wait a minute... How was he supposed to focus on a type of flower, when he was focusing on the pronunciation of the incantation AND the weird wand movement. GAH. SO MUCH TO FOCUS ON.
"Uhhh.... Orch-ID-eous Steer-iacus" he tried again. Ah, this time he got something! He got... an ice flower weed... GAAAAAH.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Agatha was still stressing out about getting the incantation right when all of a sudden some parts of the fence around her started getting longer and she stopped to stare. After a few seconds, she also saw some bottles with blue light flying towards them and attaching themselves to the posts. That was beautiful!
She could stare all day, but she had work to do and she was failing at it big time. The third year should focus more because she WANTED to get some flowers done. Everybody else around her seemed to be having no trouble at all with the incantation! This annoyed Agatha even more.
"Orchideous Stiriacus." She muttered between her teeth and her eyes widened when she realised she had said it right. "Sticiarus." ...
Being in a corner was doing her no good, so she slowly went over to stand near some kids who had done it right. As they said the spell over and over, Agatha paid close attention. 'Stiriacus. Stiriacus. Stiriacus. Stiriacus.'"Stiriacus." Right? That was it, wasn't it??? "Stiriacus. Stiriacus. Orchideous Stiriacus." !!!!!!
The Slytherin walked back over to her corner to try the spell. If she failed (again) no one would see. "Orchideous Stiriacus!" She said, holding her wand firmly in front of her. ...Nothing happened. WHY???
She glared around, really angry for having failed so much, and saw the others doing the semi circular movement. Oh, of course. "Orchid--" She had to listen to the others again. "Orchideous Stiriacus." She repeated slowly after some Gryffindor. She turned her attention to her wand and did the semi circular, clockwise movement. "Orchideous Stiriacus." The tip of her wand froze and a tiny little frosty flower bud appeared after a second. AHA! She had DONE IT!!
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Ooooh, blue bell flames. Thankfully, Professor Bellaire had come up with those because it definitely made the classroom feel warmer. Oooops, Jasmine should have been planting her flowers as she created them. Taking a moment to remedy the situation, she took her three flowers and planted them in the ground snow.
On her next try, she was going to try to produce a rose. Picturing the beautiful roses that grew in her mother's garden, Jasmine said, "Orchideous Stiriacus ". Simultaneously waving her wand in a clockwise semi circle, she was pleased to see the result of her visualization. The rose that she created looked almost like one of her mother's, minus the color. Bending down, she planted her rose near the other flowers.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!