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Once Professor Glendower welcomes you into her office, you are greeted with her own brand of chic and artsy decor. Fine art adorns the wall and shelves in the spacious room, giving her plenty of room for an impromptu tap dance if the mood should strike. Comfy couches and chairs in classic tones are just begging to be sat in by her guests. The desk, while stylish, is often cluttered with her papers in her organized chaos. But she claims to know where to find everything.
Come in and take a seat. You might also want to say hello to the professor's pet fwooper, Ophelia. But don't worry, she keeps a silencing charm on her most of the time. Welcome, Professor Glendower is glad you're here and can't wait to speak with you!
OOC - Please do not post in this thread until you have posted in the seating area outside the office and have been invited in, thanks!
Look how cute she was! Nessa was still beaming at the girl in the hammock when she had looked over and smiled. And what a fancy name she had -- adorable! "Well, hello, Miss Emmylou Duchannes," she said, giving her a flourished curtsy. "Welcome to my office!"
Oh a transfer! Interesting... "This is my first year too," she beamed at the girl as she pulled her office for open a little wider and gestured to the inside as she moved over a bit to allow her access. "Come on in!"
OOC - Go ahead and post in the office!
Emmylou stood up and noticed that the professor had curtsied at her. THAT WAS SO AWESOME! The third year couldn't help but curtsy back at her new professor. This lady seemed pretty awesome. Emmylou wondered if she was into princesses too? Emmy herself was Cinderella. Beaming at her professor she could sense that she would make a really awesome Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She didn't know if the professor liked to read but she had a feeling that just maybe this professor liked books because they had to read and stuff. Emmylou smiled. "Thank you for letting me check it out." It was her first year too? Emmylou wondered if she was professor at another wizarding school or was she just fresh out of wizard university?
The third year looked around at the office, it looked modern but with some oldish feels. Emmylou didn't know how to explain it but it was her mind and she really didn't have to explain it because she understood what she was saying. "Are you nervous about your first year here? I'm very nervous." But the thirteen year old was super excited about it too.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Emmylou stood up and noticed that the professor had curtsied at her. THAT WAS SO AWESOME! The third year couldn't help but curtsy back at her new professor. This lady seemed pretty awesome. Emmylou wondered if she was into princesses too? Emmy herself was Cinderella. Beaming at her professor she could sense that she would make a really awesome Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She didn't know if the professor liked to read but she had a feeling that just maybe this professor liked books because they had to read and stuff. Emmylou smiled. "Thank you for letting me check it out." It was her first year too? Emmylou wondered if she was professor at another wizarding school or was she just fresh out of wizard university?
The third year looked around at the office, it looked modern but with some oldish feels. Emmylou didn't know how to explain it but it was her mind and she really didn't have to explain it because she understood what she was saying. "Are you nervous about your first year here? I'm very nervous." But the thirteen year old was super excited about it too.
"Oh of course!" Nessa beamed at Emmylou as she thanked her for letting her in and she stood back a bit to allow the girl to gain entrance. "You're actually my first visitor," she said with a little wink, her voice a bit lower as if she was letting the girl in on a big secret. Nessa wasn't sure what she should have expected as a new professor - many visitors or few, but she was happy to have this girl come to see her.
"Please.. take a seat." She gestured towards the small couch for her to sit down if she wanted and Nessa took a seat in her own chair. She thought over the question a moment before responding. "Oh I think I'm more excited than nervous, maybe a little bit nervous though." She did want the students to really enjoy her lessons. "You are? Well, that's very normal when you're starting something new. There are certain exercises some of my old teachers taught me to overcome stage fright.. they work for being nervous too.." And she'd be happy to share them if she wanted.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
"Oh of course!" Nessa beamed at Emmylou as she thanked her for letting her in and she stood back a bit to allow the girl to gain entrance. "You're actually my first visitor," she said with a little wink, her voice a bit lower as if she was letting the girl in on a big secret. Nessa wasn't sure what she should have expected as a new professor - many visitors or few, but she was happy to have this girl come to see her.
"Please.. take a seat." She gestured towards the small couch for her to sit down if she wanted and Nessa took a seat in her own chair. She thought over the question a moment before responding. "Oh I think I'm more excited than nervous, maybe a little bit nervous though." She did want the students to really enjoy her lessons. "You are? Well, that's very normal when you're starting something new. There are certain exercises some of my old teachers taught me to overcome stage fright.. they work for being nervous too.." And she'd be happy to share them if she wanted.
Emmylou found it hard to believe that she herself was the very first visitor. The third year thought that more students would go and visit all the old and new professors but Emmylou would always be there to introduce herself to the professors...if the didn't know her. "I am?" She was still shocked. "I would have thought that there would be more students here. Maybe they think you're gonna be mean to them." It was true but maybe some were nervous to meet the new professor but she was so nice. You can't hate someone that's nice. At least that's what Emmylou thought.
The third year looked towards the seat and sat down on it. She bounced a little, it was so comfy that she couldn't not bounce a little. There were exercises? "What kind of exercises are these?" Emmylou was very curious, she didn't want to be nervous about being at this school or even in lessons.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Emmylou found it hard to believe that she herself was the very first visitor. The third year thought that more students would go and visit all the old and new professors but Emmylou would always be there to introduce herself to the professors...if the didn't know her. "I am?" She was still shocked. "I would have thought that there would be more students here. Maybe they think you're gonna be mean to them." It was true but maybe some were nervous to meet the new professor but she was so nice. You can't hate someone that's nice. At least that's what Emmylou thought.
The third year looked towards the seat and sat down on it. She bounced a little, it was so comfy that she couldn't not bounce a little. There were exercises? "What kind of exercises are these?" Emmylou was very curious, she didn't want to be nervous about being at this school or even in lessons.
"Mhmm," Nessa beamed at the girl with a confirming nod. And then her smile faded as she let out a gasp. "Do you think that's why no one else has come to visit? Have you heard people saying that?" She leaned a little closer to Emmylou, awaiting her answer. She did find it somewhat surprising that the first floor had been rather quiet.. though maybe she had missed potentially visiting students when she was out of the office. At least that what she had been telling herself, but if this little piece of news was true, she found it somewhat disturbing. "I wonder if the previous History of Magic teachers were mean and they think I will be too." Oh she frowned a little bit at this. Teachers shouldn't be mean to students and she didn't want anyone afraid of her. And of course Emmylou wouldn't know if they were, this being her first year too. She would have to find out if this was the reason.
Oh but Nessa was soon distracted from those awful thoughts as her visitor asked about the stage fright exercises.. and she was eager to share those! "Wellll.." she started, jumping up from her chair. "The first is to meditate.. like this." She sat down, cross-legged, on the floor and rested her hands gently on her legs. "Close your eyes and breathe deeply, in and out, focusing only on your breathing and relaxing every part of your body from your head to your toes." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, following her own instructions to demonstrate.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
"Mhmm," Nessa beamed at the girl with a confirming nod. And then her smile faded as she let out a gasp. "Do you think that's why no one else has come to visit? Have you heard people saying that?" She leaned a little closer to Emmylou, awaiting her answer. She did find it somewhat surprising that the first floor had been rather quiet.. though maybe she had missed potentially visiting students when she was out of the office. At least that what she had been telling herself, but if this little piece of news was true, she found it somewhat disturbing. "I wonder if the previous History of Magic teachers were mean and they think I will be too." Oh she frowned a little bit at this. Teachers shouldn't be mean to students and she didn't want anyone afraid of her. And of course Emmylou wouldn't know if they were, this being her first year too. She would have to find out if this was the reason.
Oh but Nessa was soon distracted from those awful thoughts as her visitor asked about the stage fright exercises.. and she was eager to share those! "Wellll.." she started, jumping up from her chair. "The first is to meditate.. like this." She sat down, cross-legged, on the floor and rested her hands gently on her legs. "Close your eyes and breathe deeply, in and out, focusing only on your breathing and relaxing every part of your body from your head to your toes." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, following her own instructions to demonstrate.
Emmylou shrugged at the professor. "I haven't heard anyone talking but I've been trying to focus on my studies and haven't been walking around the castle or socializing so much." Emmy would have to do some more exploring of the castle so she stops getting lost. The third year Lioness grinned. "You know once people meet you they're going to want to visit you so much because you're so nice." The blonde nodded. She had that feeling again and she sure hoped more students would visit the very nice professor. The professor made a really good point. "I can always as some students that were here and had the professor to see if it was a mean professor?" Emmylou would do that for someone and she was also very curious about it too.
Emmylou jumped from her seat a little when the professor jumped up, she didn't expect that at all. The blonde smiled and nodded as she watched the demonstration and couldn't help but join in. Emmylou got up from her seat and sat cross-legged next to her cool professor. She followed a long and closed her eyes and taking deep breathes trying to relax every muscle in her body.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
A memo in the shape of a paper plane glides gracefully through the crack beneath the door, before exercising a smooth landing on the Professor's desk.
SPOILER!!: Memo!
Dear Colleagues,
It has come to my attention that we are not communicating effectively enough where student behaviour is concerned. I for one would appreciate any and all feedback regarding the Gryffindors should issues concerning their behaviour, well being or academic progress arise. I ask this so that as Gryffindor Head of House, and Deputy Headmisstress I may assist in supporting you by monitoring and managing concerns regarding the students under my care.
Please don't hesitate to contact me directly, or indirectly via memo or owl.
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Originally Posted by emjay
Singing softly to herself, Nessa was sitting cross-legged on the comfy sofa in her office, a pile of papers on her lap. She certainly seemed to be swamped with all things related to history and schoolwork, but sitting on the sofa seemed much better than sitting at her desk today.. more relaxing or something. Maybe she should go sit in her waiting area on the cushiony hammock and get her work done. That seemed like a fun idea! Of course, she knew it was for students, but if they wanted to see her, she would just be right there to meet them.
She was seriously thinking about it when she got distracted by a rustling of feathers and she turned her head to see Ophelia making a fuss. "What's wrong, beautiful girl?" she asked the bird with a smile. "You'd like to sing too? Why, of couuurse you can!" She took the silencing charm off of the fwooper and began swaying to the music as she looked over her papers again. It wasn't long before she heard a knock at the door.
"Seems like we have a visitoorrr!" she sang, glancing back with a grin to Ophelia before she got up to answer the door. "Hello, hello!" she beamed at the girl on the hammock. Oh, wait.. this girl looked really familiar. Nessa knew her, didn't she? But.. from where? She was terrible with names and faces.. was she in the junior ensemble of A Midsummer Night's Dream that she helped with?? Possibly.. but she was sure it would come to her sooner or later. How fun if that was her!
"Welcome to my office! Come on in!" Professor Glendower opened the door wider and dramatically gestured towards the inside of the room.
In the middle of her musical warm-up, Demelza could hear what sounded like bird singing. She started eliminating bird species in her mind. Definitely not an owl, that was for sure. An augurey? No, you didn't want to hear one of those sing. Phoenix, maybe? But then the sound followed by the cheerful voice of Professor Glendower. Well, it was quite obvious that the History of Magic professor was indeed in her office. Before the young Gryffindor could hop off the hammock, the Glendower was already there, greeting her and welcoming her inside her office. And that dramatic gesturing, too! Some things just never changed. Hehe.
The office itself was quite elegant. Very Nessarose Glendower, if anyone had asked her to pinpoint its stylist. Demelza was quite at home here already, feeling like she was back in one of her old professor's offices back at the Academy. The future star-on-the-rise was about to take a seat in one of the chairs when she was immediately distracted by the bright creature in the room. Was that responsible for the singing earlier? Could she pet it?
Before even petting the bird or sitting down, Demelza turned to the professor with one of her classic bright smiles. "Hello, professor! I love the decor of your office, by the way." She paused, thinking of what else to say. Did she remember who she was? "I'm Demelza Diggle. I used to be a student at the Academy," the girl added, flipping her hair oh-so dramatically with a giggle.
Emmylou shrugged at the professor. "I haven't heard anyone talking but I've been trying to focus on my studies and haven't been walking around the castle or socializing so much." Emmy would have to do some more exploring of the castle so she stops getting lost. The third year Lioness grinned. "You know once people meet you they're going to want to visit you so much because you're so nice." The blonde nodded. She had that feeling again and she sure hoped more students would visit the very nice professor. The professor made a really good point. "I can always as some students that were here and had the professor to see if it was a mean professor?" Emmylou would do that for someone and she was also very curious about it too.
Emmylou jumped from her seat a little when the professor jumped up, she didn't expect that at all. The blonde smiled and nodded as she watched the demonstration and couldn't help but join in. Emmylou got up from her seat and sat cross-legged next to her cool professor. She followed a long and closed her eyes and taking deep breathes trying to relax every muscle in her body.
Originally Posted by Hera
A memo in the shape of a paper plane glides gracefully through the crack beneath the door, before exercising a smooth landing on the Professor's desk.
SPOILER!!: Memo!
Dear Colleagues,
It has come to my attention that we are not communicating effectively enough where student behaviour is concerned. I for one would appreciate any and all feedback regarding the Gryffindors should issues concerning their behaviour, well being or academic progress arise. I ask this so that as Gryffindor Head of House, and Deputy Headmisstress I may assist in supporting you by monitoring and managing concerns regarding the students under my care.
Please don't hesitate to contact me directly, or indirectly via memo or owl.
Kind regards,
Seren Bentley
Nessa had grown slightly distracted in her thoughts, her ind creating reasons why students might or might not have come to visit her. Was it customary for students to see professors? Had it been out of the ordinary that Emmylou had been the first and, thus far, only? Perhaps she was overthinking it and it was really nothing to be bothered with. "Oh, no.. no.. it's fine," she smiling and with a dismissive wave of the hand. It really wasn't that big of a deal, she was more curious than anything. "I'm sure there is some explanation for it." Perhaps no one else found it necessary just yet. And Emmylou didn't need to trouble herself with finding out what any reason might be. "Oh, that's so sweet of you to say!" Nessa beamed at the girl as she expressed how nice she was. She didn't see a reason not to be.
But back to their breathing exercises.She was still taking loooong, deeeep breaths, in and out, and focusing on relaxing the different parts of her body. She was at her elbows when she peeked her eyes open to see how Emmylou was progressing. Oh it looked like she was doing quite well and she gave the girl a beaming smile, even though it was unlikely she saw with her closed eyes. "Well done! And once you're--"
Oh! What was this? A sudden movement from the doorway caught Professor Glendower's attention and brown eyes followed the paper airplane all the way to her desk. Curiously, she got up to her feet and made her way over to it. Quickly, she scanned the contents, her brow crinkling a bit as she read. "I wonder what brought that on," she murmured aloud. The only real interaction she had thus far with Gryffindors were with the twin girls regarding Peeves. Nothing she really felt necessary to speak to the Deputy Headmistress or their Head of House about. Hmmm...
SPOILER!!: Demelza
Originally Posted by Zoe
In the middle of her musical warm-up, Demelza could hear what sounded like bird singing. She started eliminating bird species in her mind. Definitely not an owl, that was for sure. An augurey? No, you didn't want to hear one of those sing. Phoenix, maybe? But then the sound followed by the cheerful voice of Professor Glendower. Well, it was quite obvious that the History of Magic professor was indeed in her office. Before the young Gryffindor could hop off the hammock, the Glendower was already there, greeting her and welcoming her inside her office. And that dramatic gesturing, too! Some things just never changed. Hehe.
The office itself was quite elegant. Very Nessarose Glendower, if anyone had asked her to pinpoint its stylist. Demelza was quite at home here already, feeling like she was back in one of her old professor's offices back at the Academy. The future star-on-the-rise was about to take a seat in one of the chairs when she was immediately distracted by the bright creature in the room. Was that responsible for the singing earlier? Could she pet it?
Before even petting the bird or sitting down, Demelza turned to the professor with one of her classic bright smiles. "Hello, professor! I love the decor of your office, by the way." She paused, thinking of what else to say. Did she remember who she was? "I'm Demelza Diggle. I used to be a student at the Academy," the girl added, flipping her hair oh-so dramatically with a giggle.
Swaying a bit to the music that Ophelia was singing, Nessa was still trying to work out from where she might know this girl. It was right there on the tip of her tongue, she was sure, but she was growing more and more lost in the music. Oops! Time to put a stop to that!
Smiling apologetically at her fwooper, she quickly re-cast a silencing charm on her then turned to her guest. She noticed the teen looking about the room a bit. Admiring it? She hoped! She put such care into making it look fabulous! "Why, thank you!" she beamed as the girl confirmed as much. "Please.. take a seat.." Nessa gestured to the cushiony couch before she started to take a seat in her own chair, still trying to place the girl.
She didn't have to think on it long and she had barely sat down when she was jumping right back up at the girl's words. "Demelza! Of course!" Nessa grinned with excitement as she reached over to give the girl a hug before sitting back down. It was all fitting back together for her, she knew exactly who this girl was. Nessa had been just a teacher's assistant in the primary division of the academy and there had been so many names and faces to remember, but it was all coming back. "So tell me," she began, leaning forward and fixing her eyes intently. "How have you been? And what brings you here?" How lovely that she came for a visit! "Would you like a spot of tea?" It wouldn't take her but a minute to whip something up.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Originally Posted by emjay
Swaying a bit to the music that Ophelia was singing, Nessa was still trying to work out from where she might know this girl. It was right there on the tip of her tongue, she was sure, but she was growing more and more lost in the music. Oops! Time to put a stop to that!
Smiling apologetically at her fwooper, she quickly re-cast a silencing charm on her then turned to her guest. She noticed the teen looking about the room a bit. Admiring it? She hoped! She put such care into making it look fabulous! "Why, thank you!" she beamed as the girl confirmed as much. "Please.. take a seat.." Nessa gestured to the cushiony couch before she started to take a seat in her own chair, still trying to place the girl.
She didn't have to think on it long and she had barely sat down when she was jumping right back up at the girl's words. "Demelza! Of course!" Nessa grinned with excitement as she reached over to give the girl a hug before sitting back down. It was all fitting back together for her, she knew exactly who this girl was. Nessa had been just a teacher's assistant in the primary division of the academy and there had been so many names and faces to remember, but it was all coming back. "So tell me," she began, leaning forward and fixing her eyes intently. "How have you been? And what brings you here?" How lovely that she came for a visit! "Would you like a spot of tea?" It wouldn't take her but a minute to whip something up.
The bird's singing made Demelza sway where she stood. If the office had been set up like a dance studio and did not have all of the professor's valuables in it, she would have done a flawless ballet routine. She wondered where she could get her hands on her own bird like this. If they all sang like that, she would gladly become the owner of one. But ... why did the professor cast a silencing charm on it? It had such a pretty voice. Not as good as her own voice, of course. But a pretty voice nonetheless.
Before she could ask about it, Professor Glendower gestured for her to take a seat on her sofa. She was about to, still admiring the bird, when the woman popped out of nowhere and gave her a hug. Oh, hello. The Gryffindor hugged her back and started giggling excitedly. Clearly the professor remembered her!
After the hug ended, she sat down on the couch and made a pose out of habit. All the world was a stage, after all. When the professor started up the conversation, Demelza smiled. "I have been doing really great, actually. Not old and wrinkly like I was last term, thank goodness. Quite an interesting first term at Hogwarts, I have to say." She paused, nodding her head when tea was offered. "And it's my last year of here before taking my place in the acting world. I figured it would be terrible of me if I didn't visit while the two of us were in the same place again."
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
It had been so cozy in the hammock. Everything had felt safe and warm. Penelope had forgotten about being scared in the hammock, but now she would have to speak to the professor. Walking into the office, she said, "You asked me to come see you. I suppose you want to talk about the events that happened in class." She had spoken to the professor. The first difficult part of the discussion was over. Now all she had to do was listen to what the professor said before she needed to speak again. Penelope was really nervous about what could happen. Her stomach felt like it was twisted in a knot. What was the professor going to say?
The bird's singing made Demelza sway where she stood. If the office had been set up like a dance studio and did not have all of the professor's valuables in it, she would have done a flawless ballet routine. She wondered where she could get her hands on her own bird like this. If they all sang like that, she would gladly become the owner of one. But ... why did the professor cast a silencing charm on it? It had such a pretty voice. Not as good as her own voice, of course. But a pretty voice nonetheless.
Before she could ask about it, Professor Glendower gestured for her to take a seat on her sofa. She was about to, still admiring the bird, when the woman popped out of nowhere and gave her a hug. Oh, hello. The Gryffindor hugged her back and started giggling excitedly. Clearly the professor remembered her!
After the hug ended, she sat down on the couch and made a pose out of habit. All the world was a stage, after all. When the professor started up the conversation, Demelza smiled. "I have been doing really great, actually. Not old and wrinkly like I was last term, thank goodness. Quite an interesting first term at Hogwarts, I have to say." She paused, nodding her head when tea was offered. "And it's my last year of here before taking my place in the acting world. I figured it would be terrible of me if I didn't visit while the two of us were in the same place again."
Nessa sat back in her seat, simply beaming at Demelza. How wonderful to see the girl again! And such a promising performer! She had noticed her glancing at Ophelia earlier which made the History of Magic professor look in that direction as well. "Isn't she beautiful?" she said, smiling wistfully at the bird. "Such a shame that fwoopers need to be silenced. She really does have a lovely singing voice. Her name is Ophelia by the way." Nessa wished that she could take off the charm for a moment to allow her to say hello, but that would probably be frowned upon.
She jumped up from her seat and set about preparing a pot of tea, listening to the girl as she spoke. "Old and wrinkly?" Nessa questioned as she heated up the water with her wand and added the leaves. She had read about that aging epidemic thingamajig in the Daily Prophet, but she hadn't heard about any first-hand experiences. Professor Glendower brought the tray of tea cups, pot, and necessities over to the table in front of the couch and set it down. She poured some into her own cup and added a little cream, nodding to the girl to help herself.
"That does sound very interesting," she mused aloud as she supped on her tea, her mind wandering. "Such life experiences are invaluable for the serious actor to draw upon," she said, her hand dramatically clutching at her chest. "Oh, how it could help you grow as a performer," she turned her eyes back to Demelza as she gave her a big smile. "And you're back to your beautiful self." So, win-win!
Oh last year.. that did sound about right, she would figure the teen to be about a seventh year. "I am so pleased that you came to visit," she beamed. "Not much longer until graduation, really. Do you have anything lined up? What are your plans?" School, job, auditions?
SPOILER!!: Penelope
Originally Posted by griffin
It had been so cozy in the hammock. Everything had felt safe and warm. Penelope had forgotten about being scared in the hammock, but now she would have to speak to the professor. Walking into the office, she said, "You asked me to come see you. I suppose you want to talk about the events that happened in class." She had spoken to the professor. The first difficult part of the discussion was over. Now all she had to do was listen to what the professor said before she needed to speak again. Penelope was really nervous about what could happen. Her stomach felt like it was twisted in a knot. What was the professor going to say?
Nessa headed back inside, following the young Ravenclaw as she entered the office as well. She turned to face Penelope and took her own seat, starting to gesture to the comfy couch in front of her. But before she could even open her mouth to offer, the girl piped up first. She smiled kindly and nodded. The young one must be eager to get this over with. Bless her heart! "Well, yes, but you are welcome to sit down."
She leaned back a bit in her chair and folded her hands, resting the on her crossed legs as she looked at the first year. "So, quite a bit happened during class, starting with a bit of an outburst. And, while I welcome many forms of self-expression, we do need to maintain some sense of order in certain situations." Such as when they were giving answers to questions she asked or specific times in the classroom. "Debates can be fun at times, but they need to be done respectfully, keeping everyone's viewpoint in mind as valid." But she was concerned with the girl, herself, as much as she had been concerned with the boy in class. Such tender little feelings they all had! "Why don't you tell me what you were thinking or feeling right then.."
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
SPOILER!!: professor
Originally Posted by emjay
Nessa headed back inside, following the young Ravenclaw as she entered the office as well. She turned to face Penelope and took her own seat, starting to gesture to the comfy couch in front of her. But before she could even open her mouth to offer, the girl piped up first. She smiled kindly and nodded. The young one must be eager to get this over with. Bless her heart! "Well, yes, but you are welcome to sit down."
She leaned back a bit in her chair and folded her hands, resting the on her crossed legs as she looked at the first year. "So, quite a bit happened during class, starting with a bit of an outburst. And, while I welcome many forms of self-expression, we do need to maintain some sense of order in certain situations." Such as when they were giving answers to questions she asked or specific times in the classroom. "Debates can be fun at times, but they need to be done respectfully, keeping everyone's viewpoint in mind as valid." But she was concerned with the girl, herself, as much as she had been concerned with the boy in class. Such tender little feelings they all had! "Why don't you tell me what you were thinking or feeling right then.."
Penelope sat down on the couch in front of the professor. It would have been very comfy if she wasn't so worried about talking to the professor.
The professor was talking to her. Something about self-expression, order, debates, and respect. That was fine, as long as she didn't have to say anything about what had happened in class. This was it. Penelope was being asked to tell the professor what she had been thinking and feeling in class. No. Her thoughts and feelings were private. There was no way she would ever tell anyone anything like that. Well, maybe she just didn't want to talk about it right now, but she still didn't want to tell the professor about it. Penelope didn't even know this professor. She was not going to tell anything about her private thoughts and feelings to anyone she didn't know. Looking at her hands, not at the professor, Penelope said quietly, "I...um..." No, she would not tell the professor anything, at least for now.
Penelope sat down on the couch in front of the professor. It would have been very comfy if she wasn't so worried about talking to the professor.
The professor was talking to her. Something about self-expression, order, debates, and respect. That was fine, as long as she didn't have to say anything about what had happened in class. This was it. Penelope was being asked to tell the professor what she had been thinking and feeling in class. No. Her thoughts and feelings were private. There was no way she would ever tell anyone anything like that. Well, maybe she just didn't want to talk about it right now, but she still didn't want to tell the professor about it. Penelope didn't even know this professor. She was not going to tell anything about her private thoughts and feelings to anyone she didn't know. Looking at her hands, not at the professor, Penelope said quietly, "I...um..." No, she would not tell the professor anything, at least for now.
Nessa watched the young Ravenclaw carefully. Oh, she seemed so reluctant to talk. Perhaps she was nervous. She supposed she could understand why, maybe the girl thought she was in trouble, but it was more that she wanted to make sure she was okay and to make sure she understood proper classroom decorum. She had few rules in her class, thinking that too many would hinder self-expression, but the few that she had needed to be followed to make sure everyone was having a good time while they learned.
Still, she waited a few more minutes for her to speak, nodding a bit and encouraging her to go on when she started. But no more seemed to be coming. Okay.. A little more prompting perhaps? "Well, alright.." Nessa started out slowly. Perhaps if they started with something more basic.. "You seemed very upset in my class the other day. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright.. students don't often run from class.." At least not in her experience and she had been rather concerned as this was a first.
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
The goal was not to interact with her. Not yet at least. Cutty thought it would be better if he put that off for later. After at least one more History of Magic lesson. He pulled out the card he'd made for Professor Glendower and took a good look at it. He found himself considering the ways in which it could work to convince the former WADA graduate that he was anything like a decent human being. He wasn't. But he wanted to convince her of this.
Quick and clean-like, Cutty approached the door to Professor Glendower's office and slipped the colourful little sheet under the door and scarpered off quick as.
"That rumbly in my tummy means it must be about dinner time, Ophelia," Nessa said brightly to her fwooper as she finished painting her toenails a shocking shade of bright pink. How awful it was that she couldn't really get out of the castle to get a mani-pedi anymore. But no matter, it was simple enough to do herself, she just missed the occasional pampering.
"I suppose you might be hungry as well?" she asked the bird as she hopped up from her couch and headed over to her perch, dangling a branch of berries next to her. "Alright, alright," she began in a teasingly scolding tone as Ophelia first nipped at the branch then at Nessa's fingers. "I know you want to sing.. I suppose it will be alright once I leave since no one is in here." She was just about to undo the silencing charm and head out when she noticed a movement at the door. "That's odd," she mused aloud before heading over as she hadn't heard a knock.
It wasn't like the note that had flown in when Seren sent out that memo, but this one was simply slipped under the door. She opened the door, but saw no one in the immediate vicinity, then bent down to pick up the card. The History of Magic professor gasped as brown eyes fell over the shapes and colors, the music notes, the sentiment.. "Oh Ophelia, look at this card," she cried out, taking it over to show the bird but keeping it out of nipping distance. "Why this is just the sweetest Valentine!" Oh she was so very touched that a student would think of her on this holiday and she kept looking at it, brown eyes scanning its details again. What a dear boy!
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line