-   Term 37: May - August 2014 (
-   -   The Innovation Lounge (

sweetpinkpixie 05-12-2014 03:02 PM

The Innovation Lounge

Keep secret until this term, this room has served as a private get away and creative space for Professor Flamsteed. A grand piano sits in one corner of the room opposite an expansive bookshelf containing the remainder of his astronomy texts, science fiction novels, and other works of fiction and nonfiction the astronomer couldn't keep in his office. A few comfy chairs and one large sofa are strung about the room in what looks like a methodical manner with some sort of hidden meaning to their placement. By the door is a large white board that the professor uses to map out ideas and complicated theories related to his research.

This space is open to student use, but the door to the room may vanish from time to time when the astronomer is inside and wish not be disturbed.

This room is currently being used by the Yearbook team. Students not on Yearbook may crash the party if wanted, but don't be surprised if they get shoo'd away ;)

Lockhartian 05-12-2014 05:27 PM



That's right.

Just imagine all the places that are kept hidden from students. It was kind of hurtful that her favorite Professor of all time Airey Flamsteed didn't even tell her about this, you know? He could tell her all about his shattered dreams and whatnot, but not of this room? Like, what even??? That's hardly fair.

Not to mention that having a YB meeting on the day of her most-precious BIRTHDAY was pretty lame, dude. Of age. And the first thing she gets to do is have a YB meeting. Terrible, this was.

Either way, she was far too busy looking at the books to even notice anything else.

Also, Vesper could totally use that piano.

Colley 05-12-2014 06:17 PM

Her last term on yearbook. Caterina surely was going to miss all of it. She was just going to have to add it to the list of things she was going to miss. The term had barely started and her list was already getting pretty big. But she was also glad for it, since this gave her an opportunity to be thankful for the things she had while she was still here. Like Yearbook meetings in new rooms. See? At least she'd been able to see this room before she graduated! Cat had a small notebook and a spare quill tucked behind her ear in case she needed to make a note for herself. She was a very easily distracted person, therefore, she forgot things very easily.

One thing she didn't usually forget though, were birthdays. That was the reason why she had brought extra of the usual treats she usually brought with her to meetings. It was interesting, also, that the girl she was looking for was the first one there. Cat placed the cookies and leftover cannoli on a small table before lifting the platter of cupcakes towards Lottie. "Happy Birthday!" Maybe she should have waited for everyone else to get here too, but birthdays were too much fun to wait.

TakemetotheBurrow 05-15-2014 08:18 PM

*assumes this is after Toby recruited Maddie* :3
Maddie wasn't sure at first how she felt about this yearbook nonsense but she DID like having an excuse to ask people questions. Sometimes people got annoyed when you pestered them BUT when you threw that you were on the YEARBOOK at them, they were more likely to tell you what you wanted to know. With this in mind, Maddie had agreed to join and now she was here in this room full of books and junk for her first official yearbook meeting. Did they get BADGES for this? Maddie hoped so.

After entering the room, Maddie gave the two older girls a nod and then wandered over to the piano and took a seat. She then tickled the ivories, playing a CLASSIC. Oh yes, good old Mary Had a Little Lamb. She made a real show of it too, getting into the music. When she was done, she stood up from the piano and smiled a little. YUP. Musical genius in the house. NO BIG.

Bazinga 05-17-2014 03:07 AM

Since the Astronomy Tower was so close to the Divination Tower it was easy to get too and finding a room that said Year Book she knew she was in the correct place. Oh how lucky she was that Nessa had told her about this meeting. Though she couldn't imagine why no one had come to her to help out with the adorable little book for the school. She would love to help and help she was going to do.

Entering the room she beamed at the girls and weird little Gryffindor boy which she thought someone said was Burp, Brat, or something already there. "'Hellllllllloooo everyone." Oh and look at the wonderful cookies an cupcakes. They just thought of everything now didn't they. Looking around there were no professors there yet? Oh goodness no that couldn't be. This was always from by professors. See it was obvious she was needed to help out. "Has anyone see Professor Flamsteed?" He was the main person wasn't he?

Tanking a seat she glanced at the girls finally recognizing the first year. Placing her kitty purse on the floor she put her hand under her chin and wiggled her fingers at the girl. "So what needs to be talked about today?" She was a professor so she could start this little shin dig couldn't she?

Team ronmione 05-18-2014 08:05 PM

Hi, hello! Breaking and entering. Curious Gryffindor XD
Bored bored bored. Not even his kneazle could entertain Tag today. So the most logical thing for him to do was just wander around the castle, right? Right. Last year here so Tag should try to find new places and get lost and have an adventure as best as he could. So, he just let his feet guide him along. Though, he didn't leave his actual floor, getting lost was one thing, but going all the way down to the first floor or something like that, to get lost, was effort.

And, there. Lost already, that took what, five minutes? New record. Tag pushed through the door, one he had never seen before, at that, and walked into the room.

Oh. Hey. So all these people were lost too?

""Hi Lottie, Hi Cat, Hi little girl, Hi Professor. Are you all lost as well?" Tag said to all of them.

Cat also got lost with food, how convient was that? Very. He made his way over to her, gave the slytherin a thumbs up and took a cookie. "Excellent. Thanks."

An now blondie sat down on one of the couches. There was food here. Might as well take advantage of being lost.

DaniDiNardo 05-18-2014 10:19 PM


Had that door always been there?

The Gryffindor had spent quite some time standing on the outside, staring at it before deciding that it might have been one of those things best left unquestioned. Lex shoved the door open, finding she wasn't by any means the first one there. Good, otherwise she'd be left wondering whether she had the wrong room or something.

Everyone in the room got nods and 'hi's...even that firstie she didn't really know and Lottie got a 'happy birthday' hip bump.

Oh hey, she didn't know Tag was on the yearbook too. He got a wave before she took a cookie or three from the plate. These were for everyone, right? She wasn't just eating a birthday gift to Lottie? Merlin she hoped not...not that she thought Lottie would mind sharing, bestie privileges and all.

And lookit, the new whack job for Divination. Lex didn't say anything to the woman, she simply regarded her for a moment before focusing on the others.

sweetpinkpixie 05-18-2014 11:44 PM

Tea, Earl Grey, hot!

Was really why the professor was running a bit behind schedule today - preparing tea for the yearbook meeting. Two varieties, actually. Not much, only a few minutes as he had been busy outside his office cleaning up some more of the glitter which, unfortunately, was stuck to his suit in various places. Sigh.

Entering the room with his specialty tea set floating behind him. It had taken him YEARS to hunt this particular set down and it was very VERY precious to him. VERY. PRECIOUS.

"Sorry I'm a bit late," he announced as he entered, not bothering to really look around the room just yet. "I was held up by glitter and tea brewing."

OH LOOK SWEETS! Airey resisted the urge to make wiggly fingers towards them...for about five seconds. "Baked by you I assume, Miss Moretti?" Cue some mild pointing towards the yummies.

Setting the tea set down on the coffee table, he made a somewhat extravagant gesture towards it. Proud tea set owner over here. "Earl Grey and a special blend of raspberry tea brewed especially for you Miss Wisteria." So forgive him for accidentally setting a meeting on your birthday, okay? "Help yourselves to it while we wait for the others to get here and then we can get down to official business."

He paused and gave the rest of the room a look over before deciding to head over towards the piano.

"Good to see you here Miss Cambridge, Miss Cooper." New recruits WOOT! And............some not so new recruits. Wha?

"Mr. Kildare, can I help you with something?" Very rare to see this Gryffindor in the Astronomy Tower as far as the man could recall....and then there was..........


Sweet solstice.

"Professor Morgan...I, er, I wasn't expecting to see you here...."

emjay 05-19-2014 12:32 AM

So she might have been just a tad late. Nessa often ran on her own personal, internal clock and it didn't always exactly mesh up with actual time. But it always seemed to work out. And it probably didn't help that it took her a while to find the special room.. she didn't remember it being here when she was a student.

The brunette was fairly certain this was the right place as she found the doorway. Gasp. Look at that piano! It was even nicer than the one she had. She bit her lip in excitement as she walked in. Maybe she could play it later and she tore her eyes away from it as she spotted Cassie, then glanced at Airey. "Well of course she's here!" she said with a chuckle as she walked further into the room and took a seat in the midst of the action. "She's here to help out." Silly Astronomer.. he simply had to learn about Cassie's social organization skills. She knew she'd be such an asset to any organization. "Hello everyone!" Beam. So many cute and sweet students here already. And were those cookies?

Lockhartian 05-19-2014 04:21 AM

Not quoting, sorry. XD
Caterina! OMG! So good to see her, yes, and she was the only one who could probably make Lottie turn her gaze away from books. Well, the only one between those who had arrived. Bart was obviously included.

"Thank you!" She closed the space between her and the Slytherin and gave her a quick hug, while also asking, in a very low voice, "Are those just for me?" Well, she had to ask, so far she was seeing three people she'd rather not share her cupcakes with.

Also, the one by the piano? Was she trying to be Vesper? Because she was not succeeding.

This new Professor, though. Lottie blinked at her once before giving the woman a small smile. "Hello, Professor," it was only polite, yeah? As far as her questions go... she didn't answer the Airey one because, well, did her answer matter in any way? Also, the question about what this YB meeting will be about was left unanswered as well, because Airey was not around.

Official business will only be talked about in his presence.

Even if she didn't know what this meeting was about. She should be in the know, though, since it was her birthday and she was wasting precious time here.

Then Tag arrived and... wait, what? Why was Tag here? She eyed him curiously but smiled brightly anyway, "Hey Tag." Wink. And he was lost, lol, okay, that cleared it all up, no need to ask any questions. But he may have to leave soon, unfortunately. Wouldn't make any difference, he'd still know about this meeting later, anyway.

A smile was given to her bestie, of course. Lex hadn't had a proper welcome, had she?

OH LOOK THERE HE IS! The man who had kept this room hidden from her. She could pretend to be slightly annoyed at him for this, you know? And glitter? Had Ascanius always been right? WELLLLL... the Slytherin was usually right about almost everything..

Lottie was ready to feign annoyance until he mentioned a tea brewed especially for her. Heh. See, Kildare, you can learn a thing or two from Flamsteed. The Hogwartian was now beaming at the Astronomy Professor, "Why, thank you, how very thoughtful of you, Professor." Mmhmm. And she'll give it try, she was over the ice cream incident.

Roselyn 05-20-2014 06:35 AM


Suffering Squids! Those stairs, especially when running, good Merlin.

A liiiiittle bit out of breath, she fixed her hair before slipping into the innovation lounge, taking note of just who was there and hooooping beyond belief that nothing important had started just yet. Then again, she'd have been on time maybe if she didn't lose her watch during the summer. Perhaps...perhaps it was time. She didn't want to, but she should just...just do it. She should just buy a new watch.

Shuddering at the thought of buying such an instrument, the defense professor scooted towards the group, fiddling with her fingers behind her back.

Ahem. Helloooooo.

Team ronmione 05-21-2014 12:43 AM

Mmmm. These cookies were good. Thanks again, Cat.

Then there came a Lex, who waved at him, and swallowing his cookie bite Tag gave Lex a wave back. How nice of her, yeah? So many lost people to be honest here! Then there came an Airey Flamsteed. Hmmm. But he looked less lost than the rest of them. And he had brought tea with him too. How come no one else was taking advantage of being lost and eating? They should really do that.

"Professor Flamsteed! No, not really. Don't need help with anything." Not at all. Though Tag's girlfriend may need help with something. Just saying. "It seems that a bunch of us got lost today. Might as well make a party out of it. Did you plan on getting lost? Keep us hydrated or something?" Tag asked, pointing at the tea set.

And it was raspberry tea, of course. There could be no other drink for the Flower. "What's up bud? Lost too?"

Tag gave Professor... Professor Peppy let's call her, a small nod. She was something else. An then another professor came in, the new one for History of Magic, Tag couldn't remember, so he gave her a smile. Then Professor Romanos. She got a smile as well.

So many lost people.

pundantic 05-21-2014 01:11 AM

Ascanius wasn't late, yeah? He had just been busy prior to this and he wasn't exactly thrilled to be spending his afternoon in Flammy's presence. So, yeah, he'd taken his gooood sweet time getting here.

And now he was. Everyone could stay seated. No need to stand for his beautiful face or faint or anything else people did when he walked in the room. Looking killer. As per usual.

He didn't say a thing. Nope. Instead he just flopped down in a seat and gave everyone a glance, Lottie got a wink. As did Cat.

Oh wait, Romanos was there.

Hello Professor. She got a few appreciative looks.

Felixir 05-21-2014 01:22 AM

This was quite possibly the WORST start to his new position on the yearbook. Being LATE for the first meeting was absolutely NOT what Toby was going for. He'd been pogoing around the school on his BRAND NEW POGO STICK, you see, and become so hyper-focused on the activity that time had simply gotten away from him. This had a tendency to happen, and was getting worse and worse. It was a shame that electronic devices didn't work in this place, or Toby might have used an alarm on a digital watch or something, but no.

He might have continued pogoing all day without a care in the world, had it not been for The Incident. Toby wasn't entirely sure how he'd managed it, but the Hufflepuff had been happily bouncing along one minute, and the next he was tumbling down the moving staircase, having misjudged a jump. It seemed as though the school year simply hadn't started until he'd fallen down that blasted staircase with his pogo stick.

Of course, that had disrupted his super happy fun times, and Tobias soon became acutely aware of the time. He'd gone to stash his pogo stick back under his bed in the Hufflepuff boys' dormitory, before racing back up to the Astronomy tower. He was able to disguise his limping reasonably well but every now and then his hair would flip to one side, showing one impressive bruise already forming. That was one of the most exciting things that had happened all term.

The Hufflepuff suddenly skidded into the Innovation Room, looking all windswept and rushed and slightly worse for wear.

"Sorry I'm... late," he gasped, looking around at everyone and having the grace to look apologetic.

Toby winced ever-so-slightly (hopefully not enough that anyone would notice) as he stepped over to a seat and gratefully sank down into it, taking in the room for the first time, whilst taking a mental inventory of his probable future bruises. Nothing seemed broken, but his shoulder was twinging a bit.





Colley 05-21-2014 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Team ronmione (Post 11611919)
""Hi Lottie, Hi Cat, Hi little girl, Hi Professor. Are you all lost as well?" Tag said to all of them.

Cat also got lost with food, how convient was that? Very. He made his way over to her, gave the slytherin a thumbs up and took a cookie. "Excellent. Thanks."

An now blondie sat down on one of the couches. There was food here. Might as well take advantage of being lost.

Last time she'd checked Tag was not on the Yearbook. Unless he'd only just joined this term, then of course she wouldn't know then. As long as people were enjoying her cookies, she didn't mind who was here.

Wait, lost? They weren't lost. "We're having a Yearbook meeting." Caterina grinned, apparently that answered her question about him. Lost Tag.


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 11612089)

"Sorry I'm a bit late," he announced as he entered, not bothering to really look around the room just yet. "I was held up by glitter and tea brewing."

OH LOOK SWEETS! Airey resisted the urge to make wiggly fingers towards them...for about five seconds. "Baked by you I assume, Miss Moretti?" Cue some mild pointing towards the yummies.

Setting the tea set down on the coffee table, he made a somewhat extravagant gesture towards it. Proud tea set owner over here. "Earl Grey and a special blend of raspberry tea brewed especially for you Miss Wisteria." So forgive him for accidentally setting a meeting on your birthday, okay? "Help yourselves to it while we wait for the others to get here and then we can get down to official business."

Oh look! Flamsteed was here. Good. Maybe they would be staring soon. Which meant Cat needed to get herself a seat and have her notebook ready. She smiled proudly as the man asked about the yummy things she'd brought. "Freshly at that. Chocolate chip cookies, lemon bars and chocolate chip cannoli." Because... she had a large group of people she could feed, so she was definitely going to be doing so.

Also, tea would go fabulously with the goodies. Good call, Flamsteed!


Originally Posted by Bazinga (Post 11610720)
Since the Astronomy Tower was so close to the Divination Tower it was easy to get too and finding a room that said Year Book she knew she was in the correct place. Oh how lucky she was that Nessa had told her about this meeting. Though she couldn't imagine why no one had come to her to help out with the adorable little book for the school. She would love to help and help she was going to do.

Entering the room she beamed at the girls and weird little Gryffindor boy which she thought someone said was Burp, Brat, or something already there. "'Hellllllllloooo everyone." Oh and look at the wonderful cookies an cupcakes. They just thought of everything now didn't they. Looking around there were no professors there yet? Oh goodness no that couldn't be. This was always from by professors. See it was obvious she was needed to help out. "Has anyone see Professor Flamsteed?" He was the main person wasn't he?

Tanking a seat she glanced at the girls finally recognizing the first year. Placing her kitty purse on the floor she put her hand under her chin and wiggled her fingers at the girl. "So what needs to be talked about today?" She was a professor so she could start this little shin dig couldn't she?


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 11612124)
So she might have been just a tad late. Nessa often ran on her own personal, internal clock and it didn't always exactly mesh up with actual time. But it always seemed to work out. And it probably didn't help that it took her a while to find the special room.. she didn't remember it being here when she was a student.

The brunette was fairly certain this was the right place as she found the doorway. Gasp. Look at that piano! It was even nicer than the one she had. She bit her lip in excitement as she walked in. Maybe she could play it later and she tore her eyes away from it as she spotted Cassie, then glanced at Airey. "Well of course she's here!" she said with a chuckle as she walked further into the room and took a seat in the midst of the action. "She's here to help out." Silly Astronomer.. he simply had to learn about Cassie's social organization skills. She knew she'd be such an asset to any organization. "Hello everyone!" Beam. So many cute and sweet students here already. And were those cookies?

There were two women here who Caterina had yet to meet, but apparently they were going to be working on the Yearbook this term, so now was as good a time as any, right? With a grin, Cat picked up a smaller plate with a selection of all three sweets she'd brought and offered it between the two woman. In case they wanted some. "Hello professors."


Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 11612307)
[color=#78ab46]Caterina! OMG! So good to see her, yes, and she was the only one who could probably make Lottie turn her gaze away from books. Well, the only one between those who had arrived. Bart was obviously included.

"Thank you!" She closed the space between her and the Slytherin and gave her a quick hug, while also asking, in a very low voice, "Are those just for me?" Well, she had to ask, so far she was seeing three people she'd rather not share her cupcakes with.

A hug? A hug! Cat loved hugs! Happily, Cat hugged back and nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. Only for you. Or well, you and whoever you want to share them with." She held up both of her hands. "I won't presume to tell the birthday girl what to do." Cat grinned again just cause she was happy that it was Lottie's birthday.


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 11613557)
He didn't say a thing. Nope. Instead he just flopped down in a seat and gave everyone a glance, Lottie got a wink. As did Cat.

"Hey Ascanius." Cat smiled at her fellow Slytherin when he arrived and wiggled over to stand beside him to offer sweets to him as well, if he wanted.

Bazinga 05-21-2014 02:00 PM

Everyone is in here!!
So the children were being quiet well that was alright. Cassie took one of the cookies and started to nibble on it. When she saw Professor Flamsteed come in she gave the man a huge smile and wave. He had tea, oh she was going to be good friends with this one. He offered tea right as he walked in the door, this was excellent host material and Cassiopeia loved social events. She reached over taking a cup just as he addressed her, about to answer she closed her mouth again as a very familiar voice spoke up. “Exactly, it was obvious that when looking for staff to help you just forgot to send me an owl. I was one of the top planners for the Year Book in my day. We did a fabulous job!” She was just perfect to help lead this organization and she knew it was just a matter over look on his part. He wouldn’t want to miss great planners and organizers to help.

Now turning to her best friend, “Professor Glendower” that was weird to say and it was followed by a few giggles and a huge smile. “I’m so glad you told me about this. It’s just a-mazing to be back on this team.” She was very eager to start, but then another professor caught her eye. Waving frantically towards Medea, “Hello Professor Romanos, I didn’t know you were part of this as well. This is going to be Fabtasitic.” The woman could come over and sit next to her and Nessa. She knew the three would be soon best friends.

Then there were students smiling, nodding, and saying hi. EEEP! She was meeting more wonderful students!! “Hello.. hello, isn’t this fabulous, Yearbook has always been the greatest. I’m Professor Morgan for anyone who doesn’t know me.” Yes they got happy snaps. It was just great. OH NO! She should have brought her snap cup, this would have been the perfect place. Next meeting, yes!

“So what are we discussing today?”

TakemetotheBurrow 05-21-2014 08:56 PM

*doesn't quote* ^_^
So this was a yearbook meeting.

Maddie had long since left her place at the piano and wandered closer to the others. She hadn't said much, though. She was good at observing and so observe she did. Like with the Professor who'd given her that special wave Maddie so liked to give. The small brunette placed her hand under her chin and wiggled her fingers back, a faint smile playing on her lips. She wasn't at ALL suprised that the wave had caught on so quickly since it was super cool and stuff. And P.S. Maddie had NO idea what they were supposed to be talking about so she looked to the older girls to respond. She DID question the kitty purse. WHAT? Yeah, just no. Maddie wasn't super interested in what was "stylish" and GIRLY things but she wasn't a fan of the purse.

Then some blonde boy called her little and earned an eyeroll because he wasn't exactly BIG. More people were here now too like Professor Top Hat and other professors and Toby, who she actually knew. The small brunette was still on the lookout for Dima, though. Why wasn't HE here? He was missing all the "fun."

When did they get their assignments again?

Samia 05-22-2014 09:24 PM

Late Late Late.

But he was a second year, Noel was sure he wouldn't even be noticed. NOT that he wanted that. This was the one thing Noel was all excited about at Hogwarts and well, it was about time people recognized his AHMAZING picture taking skills. And recognized him in general really.

When the rather tall twelve year old arrived, people were EVERYWHERE. Apparently they were all seniors and professors. Feeling slightly nervous, Noel tried to see anyone his own size. Eyes settling on a girl almost his height, Noel went to stand next to her. "Did I miss anything?" he asked her, trying to remember all the students he saw. They were all his yearboook buddies, after all.

sweetpinkpixie 05-23-2014 03:34 AM

no quotes. Lots of people. THANK YOU ALL FOR PLAYING <33 SORRY I AM SO SLOW T____T
Stare. Eyebrow raised. More staring.

If he didn't know better, which he did, he would have thought that Mr. Kildare was trying to make a funny. But this WAS the young man you had believed in the geocentric model - sorry kid, you were never going to live that one down - so he did genuinely believe that the boy thought everyone had come here as a result of happy coincidence. It had been how he had stumbled upon the Room of Requirement as a student and a good thing he had or else he would have leaked in his trousers.


Oh stellar. Miss Moretti was explaining to the Gryffindor why they were here. Saved him having to do so because he had...other things to deal with.

Like Miss Perky Divination over here. She WAS a Miss, right? Airey clearly didn't know about ALL his colleagues personal lives. His eyes shifted to the History of Magic professor and sighed internally. Couldn't she have, you know, ASKED first before inviting her friend along to this official meeting. Not that the man was territorial, per say, he just needed to mentally prepare himself for dealing with the new Divination woman even if he appreciated and respected the spunk. Hard to not like a somewhat kindred spirit, you know?

WOAH WOAH WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH..."Back on?" he whispered as he swooped in closer to the blonde so their conversation could be between the two of them. "Professor Morgan, you need to discuss this matter with myself and Professor Romanos first." Or had she seen it in the stars that it was destiny that she end up here and whatever sort of reasoning divination dictated. Her horoscope, perhaps? Scratch that. He didn't want to know. "It's protocol, after all." One didn't simply show up at the front gates at Hogwarts and inform the Headmistress that they were the new professor after all. Interviews. Applications. Prooooooooooocess. "You are welcome to stay and...........observe." And they could discuss this all later, yes?

Smiling when Medea came in, he inclined his head respectively towards the Divination professor once more and moved passed the DADA professor and winked. Now...where had he been going, oh yes the piano because there was some important business to take care of.

But before that....

"Oh, thank you, Miss Moretti, don't mind if I do." Because he WAS allowed to, yes? Too late now because one lemon bar was being popped into his mouth as he made his way back to the piano. Official singing business and all.

"Ah, Mr. Tempus. Glad you are here. Could you come towards the piano please. You too, Miss Wisteria," he beamed towards the two. "Only us savoring Miss Moretti's baked delights. Oh, and tea," he nodded towards Mr. Wallace when the second year entered. And he saw you too, Miss Cooper, but he would get to you in a moment.

"Alright, before we get things officially underway," he announced as he sat down at the piano. "We have some important unofficial business to take care of. It has come to my attention that there are some birthdays that need celebrating." GRIN AS HIS FINGERS BEGAN TO TICKLE THE IVORIES. "So, let's warm up those vocal cords for the discussion ahead and sing a belated Happy Birthday to Mr. Tempus and on the second go around a happy birthday to Miss Wisteria, shall we?"

Shall they? Yes!


Lockhartian 05-24-2014 04:37 AM

"One didn't simply show up at the front gates at Hogwarts..." XD
No one really looks lost, Tag, except maybe the new ones. They were all supposed to be here, you know? Didn't she tell him they have a YB meeting? She thought she had. Either way, Caterina told him.


Originally Posted by Team ronmione (Post 11613540)
And it was raspberry tea, of course. There could be no other drink for the Flower. "What's up bud? Lost too?"

Not in public, not like that, what are you doing?? Lottie still smiled, widely, but shook her head, "I don't get lost." He should know this. Honestly. Wonderful sense of direction over here.


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 11613557)
He didn't say a thing. Nope. Instead he just flopped down in a seat and gave everyone a glance, Lottie got a wink. As did Cat.

ACTUALLY, this was quite a surprise. She half-expected Ascanius not to come, he wasn't a fan of Airey, not much, not like she was. We're not saying that Lottie is, FYI. Anyway...

...the wink was returned with a smirk, of course.


Originally Posted by Colley (Post 11613591)
A hug? A hug! Cat loved hugs! Happily, Cat hugged back and nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. Only for you. Or well, you and whoever you want to share them with." She held up both of her hands. "I won't presume to tell the birthday girl what to do." Cat grinned again just cause she was happy that it was Lottie's birthday.


This day was getting better. "Wow, thank you!" Lottie wasn't going to share them with this room, then. She'll keep them. Unless Airey asked, then she'll have no choice but give him one. And Lex, and... Tag was still here? So, he was allowed to stay? If Lottie had known this she'd have send him instead of coming.

Either way, the sixth year winked at Caterina. That is correct, no one tells the birthday girl what to do. Except, apparently, coming to this meeting.

.... blink, blink.

So many words, so many words. So, that Professor was... Professor Morgan... and she seemed like she LOVES over working? Right, all this fabulous stuff was fabulous. She should work with Ascanius. The Hogwartian nodded as the woman spoke and gave her a faint smile in a 'Nice to meet you' kind of way.

Oh, hey! That one was a photographer, yes? With terrible timing. Why would they need him, then? He'd probably miss the important shots and all.

The mood brought along by cupcakes began to fade the moment Professor Morgan started to speak and things were not looking up for that Hufflepuff boy. THANK YOU, Airey Flamsteed, for all of this. /sarcasm

Speaking of...

...the Astronomy Professor was now moving to... the piano? And... Oh, Miss Wisteria, too? Well, this is... WHY is she always sharing YB stuff?? First, Nigel. Then, Theodore Kinsley. And now... Tobias. But the latter was okay, she could share with Tobias. In fact, she'd even give him one of her cupcakes. Willingly. That's a huge deal. And, wait, second go? Ouch, man, SECOND? Alice was already gone, yo! Also, she was assuming she was sharing this with Tobias. And, apparently, she came in second now.

That beaming smile she'd worn for Flamsteed faded a little, because she was torn. After all, she did have raspberry tea. He maaaay be worthy of that smile.

TakemetotheBurrow 05-25-2014 01:13 AM

Noel mostly
Oh hey, a fellow short person. Maddie looked over at the boy and shrugged. "Just some kid discriminating 'gainst short people and a kitty purse," She whispered. She WOULD have said more but she didn't want to be rude and it seemed like the meeting was ACTUALLY starting which was good. Cue good listening.

... ... ...NOPE.

Maddie wasn't a singer and the FIRST time she'd celebrated a birthday properly had been THIS year so she wasn't an expert at the song or ANYTHING. She was just going to listen, okay? Okay.

Sorry, Professor Top Hat.

lemon 05-25-2014 04:58 PM

He'd left Aunt Cela's map in his dorm, which was apparently a HUGE mistake because Dima was so lost. It might have been a good idea to leave with Maddie. At least then the first year wouldn't have had to visit the Fat Lady and then the Divination Tower and then Barnabus the Barmy all by himself.

Hogwarts was BIG. It was an issue.

But the fourth place he reached was the RIGHT one. This WAS the Innovation Lounge, right? Not some sort of choir practice?

If it was, he'd join that too! Going to stand next to Maddie, the first year joined in the belting of 'Happy Birthday' in the most awfully tone deaf voice.

Whose birthday was it again?

DaniDiNardo 05-25-2014 06:20 PM

We see you all but too much for quotes ><
Why was Tag thinking everyone was lost. Logically speaking the couldn't all have been lost if they all knew they were meant to be meeting here and anyway the Professor had shown up with greetings so......nope, thankfully not lost because Merlin knew if that was the case the Gryffindor would simply head back to her Common Room and call it a day. Have Lottie fill her in when she found it...or let Felix find the place for her. He was bloody good at directions.

Lex munched on her cookie and watched the Professor get into his whispering with the new Divination lady......and lookit, that other one was meant to teach HoM, yeah? That one had her work cut out for her and the Gryffindor wouldn't be very apologetic about it either. How she got that 'O' was a miracle....a Christmas Miracle in June rather.

Could she have a seat while other people made it in here? They seemed to be expecting a few. There was that Hufflepuff kid she didn't know and Toby...oh hey Dima too. This was shaping up to be a real party, wasn't it?

Lex fished another cookie from the plate and flopped to the floor in her own little space, just getting comfy right about now. There were enough chairs for everyone and she didn't mind the ground. Everything looked more interesting from this vantage point. She bit into her cookie again and just watched the gathering by the keyboard. So this was a yearbook meeting. The Gryffindor would admit she thought they went a bit differently but this wasn't so bad. Nah, food and friends, she liked it.

Of course Lex joined into the singing, had to, this was celebration of bestfriend right here--and Tobias too. Mhm. Kid was a good kid. But really, this singing was for Lottie while she skillfully refrained from silencing Dima. He...was killing it.

Team ronmione 05-25-2014 07:30 PM

Winkers. No need for winkers. Just blink, it wasn't that hard. One eye and another eye blinking at the same time. People should learn how to do that.

Oh, thanks for the information Cat. Yearbook meeting. That could either be really fun or really boring, but whatever, Tag had nothing better to do today, and his fun time had already ended so he'd just be staying here. See how all these people worked together.

Eh. And apparently Airey didn't care that Tag had stumbled into this yearbook meeting he had said nothing at all to the blonde but simply stare at him. Yes, we know Flamsteed, Tag was a wonderful sight to look at. He couldn't blame the Professor. The lush blonde locks, the dazzling blue eyes and that award winning smiling it was hard to look away. We appreciate beauty being noticed here.

"Of course not. Its a good thing I got lost, then. Cause now I'm with you." Tag said, addressing Lottie.

"I'm not that short. Mind you, I was much shorter two years ago. So, compared to you, I'm a giant." Mhm. Little girl calling Tag short. He'd grown four inches over the past couple of years. That'd been a miracle. She was short, not him.

And they were singing happy birthday. Well, Tag always found happy birthday singings a bit awkward, but it was his girlfriends birthday so he joined in too. Clearly singing with the best voice out of all of these people here.

The1HBIC 05-27-2014 11:07 AM

The party is over
Healer Tillstorm had spent hours upon hours going over the finances of the yearbook. No matter how many different ways she crunched the numbers the results were always the same. There was no where near enough money in the budget to produce a successful yearbook this term.

With budget books in hand, Cece arrived at the yearbook meeting only to find what looked like a party going on instead of a meeting. And what was Kildare doing there? Last she knew he was not on the yearbook committee.

Spotting Flamsteed at the piano she went over to him. "This is how you run a meeting Flamsteed? It's no wonder the yearbook is broke." Yeah, she interrupted him right in the middle of this silly birthday song. Now was not the time to be celebrating birthdays. Now was the time to be having a yearbook meeting and trying to figure out just how they were going to fix the financial problems they were having.

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