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Was it just her? Or was it a little chilly outside this morning? Seren stood outside the entrance to Greenhouse Eight waiting patiently for the students to assemble. Pulling down on the sleeve of her black work robes, Seren fixed it closer to her skin and held it in the already gloved palm of her hands. Her gaze fell to a patch of grass only feet away where its frost had not yet been disturbed by footprints. At least it would be nicer inside. Much, much nicer.
OOC: The lesson has started. If you haven't done so already then please read through the Herbology Rules and Expectations and the SS Site Rules. All SS Board Rules apply. IC rule breaking will result in IC punishment, OOC rule breaking will result in OOC punishment.
Marisol had always found carnivorous plants interesting. They didn't have actual teeth nor a brain, but they ate like creatures. Though the first year rather liked this activity, she was not touching the rats and organs. They reminded her of a particularly nasty boy in elementary school who had once dangled a dead mouse in Mari and her best friend Sara's faces.
She therefore took the bits of steak. Marisol cautiously offered them to the weigela. Mostly because of the native English speakers reactions to the word "chokeberry". The Spaniard guessed it didn't mean anything good. The plant reached toward Mari, who quickly recoiled. Come on, she thought. Don't be a wimp!
It was foolish to place the meat in the palm of her gloves. The girl's hand was nearly bit off, and she shook all over. The steak was gone, so she gave the weigela more. Soon it gobbled it all up. This was quite the experience!
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"D'you need a boost, or what?" Mo paused beside the younger Ravenclaw and gave him a gentle nudge to the shoulder blades. This was the epic part of class, and Dima was missing out on it. He'd glad part the sea of students for the much smaller kid, but it would be better for Dima to learn to assert himself.
"Here, I'll get you one." Mo strode through the crowd to the box of meat and selected one of the less-disgusting looking rats and a handful of offal. Thank Merlin for dragonhide gloves, right? Mo pushed his way back through the students, holding out the rat in front of him as he approached Dima again.
"For you, bud. You know how to levitate? Or I guess you could toss it."
"Huh?" Dima blinked a couple of times, having to look way up to see Miss Dora's boyfriend hovering over him.
And then we was gone. And then he came back. And then he was trying to give him a rat.
"Uh... thanks, but no thanks." He eyed the dead creature in Marcus Orion's hand, pulling a face and averting his eyes. Poor lil' rat. Didn't they know it had a life too? "I don't wanna feed the plant. S'just like potions with the dragon heart, 'cept this is a WHOLE animal instead of just an organ."
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
The Slytherin went off to get another dead rat and wrinkled her nose when she got near the trunk. Sheesh, it felt like the smell was getting worse as they took out the rats. But even though Agatha was a lady, she was still pretty cool and could easily deal with these things. Sort of. This particular thing she could. Not many more disgusting things, but that wasn't important right now.
Once again, she didn't even consider using magic to feed the Chokeberry. She faced the plant - always standing at a safe distance from it - and stared at it as it moved around a bit before tossing the dead rat at it and watching it eat away.
If only all lessons were as easy as this one. Minus the smell, of course.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Going back to the meat, Lux dug her hand in and - making sure to avoid the rats at all cost - pulled out another helping that she could feed to one of the bushes.
What were the called again? Even though they had just been learning about them, for some reason the names escaped her. Wasn't one called the Chokeberry? And the other one started with a W?
Standing a good distance away from the Chokeberry, she tossed the meat. Curiously she watched as the plant started to dig in. This was so creepy/weird/fascinating all at the same time.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris waited for his turn back at the trunk, and when he got to the front of the line, reached in a pulled out another dead rat by the tail. "Sorry Ben. Just know that your honorable sacrifice is for the betterment of Herbology students everywhere," he whispered even though he knew the poor creature was beyond hearing anything right now.
He may have looked thrilled at the thought of feeding these Flesh Eating plants, and he was to a certain point, but he still felt bad that something had to die, in order for him to do so. Unfortunately, Darwin's Theory still applied..even in these greenhouses.
So it was with deep regret, that Cris carried the rat over the plant he helped identify. "Hello Ms. Chokeberry, come and get it," Cris dangled the rat right in front of the bush and then dropped it. Midway down, he watched the bush's branches pounce up and wrap themselves round the rat before dragging the carcass under its foliage at the base of the bush.
Not waiting to see what happened next, Cris walked back to the trunk.
So they were to feed the plants. Brilliant! Watching as professor Bentley did, Beverly withdrew her wand, and underhandedly went over the Levitating Charm. Simple enough, yeah? Levitate some very icky-looking food toward one of the plants -- or toss it -- and that was that, right? She could do that...at a distance. Beverly very much appreciated her limbs intact.
Walking over and daintily picking up a chunk of meat, she wrinkled her nose. Where did Bentley get all of this? Did she...sort it all out herself? Making her way toward the pygmy piranha, Beverly tossed it the piece of meat. The plant snapped, but missed. Oh, come on! Why'd it do that for? Didn't it know how to play catch? Beverly was going to teach it, then.
"Wingardium Leviosa," she cast. The red meat wandered on over back to her, and she grasped it from the air. "At your twelve o'clock." Did plants know that? Directions by time?
Okay...maybe it didn't, maybe it did, but it just snapped at the meat in midair.
Ooohhh and look at all those hands! This was exciting... and on top of that, she was curious to see how they fared in general as well as in relation to these fine beauties before them.
If she didn't know better she'd have assumed he was as fearful of the plants as the other young Slytherin boy... but no, Cutty seemed all too confident with his words to be scared. She was convinced of this.
"By all means, feed until they're satiated and they won't be as likely to want to snack on you - depending on its size and temperament." Some were easier to befriend than others, so it was by no means a blanket policy. "But it's best not to give them indigestion."
"Flesh eaters in captivity are more likely to be conscious of routine, so regular but moderated feeding is advised."
And speaking of...
It was about time to get things moving. Moving along quite nicely.
"The Weigela and Chokeberry are both rather low maintenance, so long as they have access to food. Their predatory instincts are all that is required for them to manage in a garden quite comfortable, but when grown in greenhouses we need to be a bit more accommodating with the food." Because it wasn't as if birds and garden gnomes would get in here very often. Nope.
With a quick gaze around the space and the area they were in, Seren was able to do a head count and some quick mathematics told her all she needed to know.
"Fortunately for us, we've come in time for feeding!" she announced brightly, though waiting to see the reactions of the others... or actually, best not, "but before you start worrying, the more dangerous plants in this greenhouse have already been fed and their meat has been laced with a sedation draught so they won't post a threat to either of you." No... there was just the lesser man-eating ones that might try to take a nibble. But they could handle that, they had gloves on.
"First things first, meat!" she announced, taking a few strides to one of the raised flower beds and pulling out what looked to be an ordinary trunk. A few brisk wand movements later, and the opening of the lid revealed dead rats, steak cuttings and offal. The smell wasn't particularly nice, but it could be overlooked. "Come and take a bit, and offer it up to any of the shrubs and plants in this section only," she noted, indicating the immediate area they were in. "Levitate the meat to it, or throw it, unless you're comfortable risking your hand..." which she didn't advise, because she rather liked her job and would hate for it to be taken from her. "The fanged geraniums, savage sword lilies, pygmy piranha plants, throat latching carnations and barbaric banksia also need a good feed... though you'll need to serve them smaller portions."
Taking a couple of chunks of offal for herself and stepping away from the trunk of meat bits, Seren indicated they could have at it too. "There's no need to be afraid if you don't get too close, and even then, the bushes are what will hurt, the others will only puncture you at best."
OOC: The lesson will continue in 28-39 hours depending on people posting. Have fun with this, tis an experience. Any questions don't hesitate to ask.
At first the sight of it, Cutty couldn't make out what it was. It appeared thick and rubbery, like a partially digested heart or perhaps, some bit of a rather unlucky cephlapod. Following in the example of his teacher, he moved his wand and accio'd a chunk of whatever it was over and caught it with his hand. The scent of it hit him and he smiled broadly. That was disgusting. He squeezed the offal in his palm letting it produce a wet sort of sound before plopping it down in front of him.
The savage sword lillies looked like they could use a good meal and so using the spell that Tempus had taught him, Cutty flippnsnipwitited small chunks of the offal apart from the larger whole. "Flippnsnipwitit.", he casted, then held up the small chunk with a gloved hand to examine it against the maw of the dangerous little flower. But not too closely. Although, Bentley had said it would only be a puncture wound at worse he would err on the side of caution that morning if he erred at all. With his wand in his hand, Cutty levitated the small chunklet of meat toward the plant...slooowly and watched as it reacted to the dead meat as if it were live prey and promptly devoured it whole.
It was hard to keep a fascinated smile from his face.
"How do you know it's yummy Candice? Did you lick it?" Kyroh asked, catching what Gryffindor had just said. Couldn't be that yummy. The Astronomy Professor for some reason thought that Kyroh would lick a chicken leg, so you know maybe licking meat was a Hogwarts thing?
"I.....What?" Did she lick it?
Was he crazy? "Of course not. I don't go around and lick raw meat, you know." How unsanitary. "And I don't know whether its yummy or not but I think the plants think its yummy." To prove her point, Candice walked closer to the Chokeberry and tossed it over the plant. The Chokeberry snapped the offal in a second. WICKED! "See the plant think its yummy." Smug face.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Yes! Finally, feeding time! Sadly it wasn't really student feeding time, but he could wait for after the lesson to have a little nibble. Just about. Approaching the trunk with the meat with the other students, Richard pulled his dragonhide gloves further up his hand, so they'd rest nicely and mentally hit himself. This is why he should really learn the incantations to spells by heart. Now he could use the levitation spell, but did he know it by heart?
Oh well. Throw it it it would be! Picking a nice piece of steak and holding his breath so he wouldn't have to smell it, he approached a nice looking Chokeberry. There was no way he'd risk his hand, like Professor Bentley had said, so after giving the steak a few shakes to make sure the plant caught its scent, Richard just threeeeeeeeew it over. The Chokeberry caught the food mid-air, and proceeded to quickly be done with it.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Okaaayyyyy... mixed reactions. Half the students seemed disturbed by the feeding activity, and half seemed to ... like it too much? At least there weren't any disasters yet and as far as she could tell most of the students were comfortable enough in the flesh eaters' presence. Some of the newbies looked particularly taken with the task, eyes on you Grayson and Maddison and of course her lioness, Candice.
Still the others were doing well too. If not as enthused by the experience.
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
oh awesome he didn't have to risk his fingers. "this is so cool we get to feed meat to plants" but he totally had a question… Raising his hand "Professor… the meat.. does it have to be a certain type of meat… like is this beef or deer??" he was curious of the diet but maybe the plants didn't care what kind of meat it was as long as they were fed, ahahah just like Bay.
He walked up to the chest and took out a good sized portion as he thought he'd try tossing it in the bush's first. "so i just toss it?" he was starting to second guess his thought of throwing it. Oh well here he goes.
Bay tossed a piece of meat into the bush and saw it disappear "cool" he wondered how it got observed into the plant? like where their teeth everywhere, Bay was very interested to learn. Now was the time to go grab some more meat and feed some other plants.
Looking up at Bay's question, Seren shook her head. "No, they're easily maintained, anything that moves will generally do the trick, or you know... not move." If they were already dead. It was one of the reasons she loved flesh eaters so much, they were so low maintenance it meant they could be better appreciated.
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Whatever bad mood Kevin had been in before class had started, it had seemed to have vanished in to thin air. He had also seen the wink that the Professor had send his way after he asked if the plants ate flesh and he grinned.
WAAAAAAAIT! They were actually going to FEED them!? Kevin looked at the Fanged Geranium at the back and he immediately wanted to walk towards it. However, he realised that he didn't have any food and he didn't want to offer his arm as food ...or a hand as the Professor had put it. He was all for risky stuff but losing a limb ? Even HE was not that stupid.
When his Head of House opened a trunk , Kevin took a step forward to look inside of it. He pinched his nose closed as the awful smell filled it. But after seeing the dead rats inside of it he looked up. This was officially the COOLEST lesson so far!
Eventhough they could use magic to feed the plants and Kevin knew he should be at least practising the levitating spell, he also thought that feeding the plants with his hands would be more adventurous.
With his gloved hands, the Gryffindor picked up 3 rats at once by their tails. He held them up in the air and got an idea for a prank as he looked at them. Buuuut....that would have to wait for later. He didn't want to get caught with the Professor standing so close. He learned from his mistakes...sometimes... He did have a question though before he walked away. "Which ones are the savage sword lilies?!" Because like the Fanged Geranium the Savage Sword Lilies had a cool name. It reminded him of the Gryffindor Sword. And yes, he was going straight to the dangerous plants to feed them.
It didn't surprise her that Kevin might like the activity, the boy was a stereotypical Lion in that sense, and really, who didn't like feeding flesh eaters?
"White lilies, they're long and sharp and just across from the geraniums," she explained, indicating by pointing in their direction.
Originally Posted by Squishy
They got to feed these things? O_O
Lux was honestly torn on if she wanted to do this or not. On one hand, the Professor had reassured her a little by saying that the really dangerous plants were asleep. But on the other hand, rats were disgusting and this 'feed' turned her stomach. "Yuck."
Making a face, she picked up a bit of meat and headed towards the fanged geraniums. Tossing the food at one of the plants, it SNAPPED!!! it up in no time.
"This is like feeding a pet," she said aloud to no one in particular.
The yuck barely registered with her, coming from young girls, it wasn't at all surprising. What did surprise her was that Lux compared flesh eaters to pets...
"Companions.... they're not pets, they're companions," she corrected warmly.
And Merlin...... was that an ow she heard? Seren's head span in the direction of the sound, first settling on Lex, but it seemed the Prefect was still in one piece, no... it was Toussaint.
... He didn't look like he was dying. He was fine. A weeeee puncture most likely, a drop or two of blood... the boy would live.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
He was RIGHT! The boy grinned.
Oh yeah, Kyroh was paying attention. He SO was. Kinda because he had to be good in this class, but mostly because he was scared that if he didn't pay attention some plant would grab him and eat him. And Kyroh didn't want to be eaten. Especially not by something like a plant, which so wasn't a cool thing to be eaten by. Maybe if it were the giant squid he'd rethink his position of getting eaten, but not by a plant, okay?
Time for...feeding?
As the Professor pulled out a trunk, Kyroh kind of wanted to run away. Kinda. As in. He did. Of course levitation the meat would be a good idea especially to get away from the smell, but the first year did not know the spell for that at all. It was a good thing they had their gloves on. Reaching into the trunk he pulled out a piece of the steak cutting.
He was not gonna touch a rat.
"How do you know it's yummy Candice? Did you lick it?" Kyroh asked, catching what Gryffindor had just said. Couldn't be that yummy. The Astronomy Professor for some reason thought that Kyroh would lick a chicken leg, so you know maybe licking meat was a Hogwarts thing?
Steak still in hand, he smushed it around in his hands a bit, allowing some of the blood to drain out before turning to the Professor. "Miss Professor Bentley! Do the plants have to eat raw meat? Isn't it nicer to give them something that's been cooked? And have you ever fed them students? Like the ones that don't listen?"
If you couldn't trust a Ravenclaw to ask good questions, then you could certainly expect it from a Professor's son.. or ex-Professor's at that. "Uncooked meat has more nutrients, and typically wild flesh eaters don't have access to cooked meat, so their digestive systems wouldn't appreciate it."
And that...
Was she being accused of murder again?
"No," she replied, eyes on Kyroh. "Not yet, but I suppose there's still plenty of time left in the year." She was joking, of course.
Originally Posted by lemon
"Huh?" Dima blinked a couple of times, having to look way up to see Miss Dora's boyfriend hovering over him.
And then we was gone. And then he came back. And then he was trying to give him a rat.
"Uh... thanks, but no thanks." He eyed the dead creature in Marcus Orion's hand, pulling a face and averting his eyes. Poor lil' rat. Didn't they know it had a life too? "I don't wanna feed the plant. S'just like potions with the dragon heart, 'cept this is a WHOLE animal instead of just an organ."
And ooooohhh... what did we have here? Not a creatures activist she hoped. Not that she condoned bad things happening to creatures. But food was food.
"We all have to eat somehow, don't we?" she asked, attempting to reason with logic. "Plants have lives, creatures have lives, yet we still claim them in order to satiate ourselves. Does that mean we can't do the same for them?" Flesh eaters had to eat to you know, so it was either feed them animals, or surrender yourself. Or something like that ....
But on that note, feeding time was about up, wouldn't want them getting indigestion or anything. Or... mmm... some of them were still not done.
"Alrighty, before we finish up here and move onto our next and last specimen for today, can I have a few of you handing out these last scraps, and could I have... the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors distributing a light sprinkle of dragons dung, the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs watering ... and I ask that those in third year and above, or anyone that is capable, to just immobolise the bigger shrubs whilst dung distribution occurs, thank yooooooop!" While she was giving these instructions, she'd summoned the two buckets of dung from the stores cupboard in the entrance of the greenhouse with a stack of small containers to use as scoops.
OOC: The lesson will continue in 19 hours. Interaction and team work is encouraged.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine went back to the trunk to retrieve more steak bits. She decided to feed the fanged geraniums this time and walked over to them, but remembered not to get too close. This time she would levitate the food over to the plant rather than throwing it. She could be more accurate that way.
Taking her wand in her meat free hand, Jasmine pointed it and said "Wingardium Leviosa". She slowly directed the meat chunk in the direction of the geranium. Causing it to hover above the plant, she allowed it to drop into the plant's "mouth"? Again she watched as the food quickly disappeared from view. Jasmine repeated the task several times always amazed at how plants could actually eat meat.
Just then, the Professor spoke and assigned the students new tasks to perform. Awwwww, the Ravenclaws had to sprinkle the dragon dung? Great. Jasmine couldn't wait to get started with that task.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Last scraps? Maddie could handle another scrap of meat and she wasn't as bothered as some so she picked one up and focused on one of the Pygmy Piranha Plants. Bentley HAD said they needed smaller portions or SOMETHING and Maddie had a SMALL piece so it was a perfect match. She eyed the plant and showed the meat before tossing it over. Didn't fancy losing a finger, y'know.
Then there were MORE directions! She was a claw so she got to fertilize the plants which was okay, she s'posed. Wandering over, she used one of the small containers to scoop out dung and then she waited. She wanted to see the older kids IMMOBILIZE stuff FIRST! Maybe she'd even pick up the spell and practice it later. MHM!
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi had completely forgotten that the Valentine girls were muggleborn so they would have been to muggle school before. Like him. "Sure beats doing Maths almost everyday,'' he said. "But I bet it was the good kind of shock.'' When he turned eleven, Adi was in high anticipation of his letter! It couldn't arrive too early for him.
Grinning, the Puffer replied, "That's what that sound is? I didn't know.'' He watched AJ throw a piece of meat at another plant. "You into sports?'' he asked curiously as he fished out two offal pieces. Randomly, Adi tossed them towards the plants that required smaller portions. Almost instantly they were snapped up. Heh. What hungry plants!
AJ laughed out loud to Adi's math comment. "You got that right." Math was not fun at all. In fact her and her friends would make fun of it. '"My friends and I say that it stands for mental abuse to humans." That about summed it up in her opinion. "It was definitely a good shock!" she smiled as she thought back to when she got her letter and the man came and spoke with their parents. Such an awesome moment.
"I think so anyway." What else could the sound be? It totally made sense to her. Adi then brought up one of her favorite subjects. "I love sports." You could see the passion in her eyes. "How about you?" She really hoped that he liked them as much as she did. AJ watched as the plants hungrily gobbled up the meat that Adi was throwing them. She was just about to pick a new rat when the professor started talking again. "Yay, I get dragon dung." All Adi had to do was water and that didn't sound very fun at all. She got a bucket of dung and brought it back to where Adi was standing. "I fertilize and you water?" Teamwork was always better right?
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Third years and above?! WOOT!
This meant that for the first time, Sophie was being included in 'the older kids'. This excited her, and therefore she found herself with her wand at the ready and seeking out the bigger shrubs Bentley had been talking about. Spotting a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor nearby (TakemetotheBurrow and PhoenixStar), Sophie approached them. "I can immobilize the shrubs," she said to them. "Then you two can do the light sprinkles of dragon dung, since you're in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, and I can take care of the watering." She gave them a questioning look as if to ask if they were cool with that. She didn't see why they wouldn't be, though, because that was the directions the professor had given them.
Pointing her want to a nearby large shrub, she said, "Immobulus!" Then turning her wand toward the shrub next to it, she did the same. "Immobulus!" Yeah, that was an easy spell, and thank Merlin, too, because Sophie didn't want to get eaten on her first 'older kid' job.
Toby had already selected one last steak from the trunk, and had cut it up into little pieces using 'diffindo'. He was now sat on the floor carefully levitating the pieces of meat towards the fanged geraniums, watching them with great interest as they devoured their meal. There was still a little more steak left to hand out when Bentley gave her next directions.
Figuring it was best to finish up here first, Toby used the hover charm to try and manoeuvre the little steak bites into the 'mouths' of the as yet so far unfed geraniums. It was sort of tricky, because all the plants wanted a bite, but eventually they were all fed over here and the steak was gone.
The fourth year got to his feet and brushed away the small amounts of dirt on his trousers that he'd managed to pick up from sitting on the floor. He eyed the other students for a moment before heading over to one of the shrubs.
"I got this one covered if anyone wants to fertilise or water it," he said to those nearest him who looked like they might be waiting for a chance to do so. Then Toby pointed his wand at the bush. "Immobulus."
It froze.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Probs my last post in the lesson, so no group work for us, sadlyyy
Agatha listened to the new instructions and absentmindedly went to get the last few bits of food to feed the plants. She tossed them at a random plant nearby - which she wasn't able to work out what it was, but it wasn't like she cared anyway - and pulled out her wand to do the next step.
Third year. Well she was a third year. And she could totally do that spell too. She hoped. Deciding to try it on the smallest plant possible, Agatha chose not to work in a group. She waited for some of the others to start working before she did so herself.
One of her roommates immobilised a plant near her and she took the chance to see if the spell she was thinking of was the right one. It was. Good.
Agatha would smile smugly if she had already done the spell, but she hadn't so she eyed the plant with a serious expression. "Immobulus." She said, pointing her wand to the smallest plant she could find. And it stopped moving. Aha! Smug smile. Did anyone see that?
...Actually, it wouldn't feel that awesome if people had seen it since it wasn't one of the scariest plants there, but well, it was something and her spell had worked for once, which was always good. "Aguamenti." She said, and started watering the immobilised plant. She looked around to see if any Gryffindor or Ravenclaw felt like fertilising it as well. They could if they wanted, of course. The plant bit, Agatha didn't.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
SPOILER!!: Jasmine
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Jasmine went back to the trunk to retrieve more steak bits. She decided to feed the fanged geraniums this time and walked over to them, but remembered not to get too close. This time she would levitate the food over to the plant rather than throwing it. She could be more accurate that way.
Taking her wand in her meat free hand, Jasmine pointed it and said "Wingardium Leviosa". She slowly directed the meat chunk in the direction of the geranium. Causing it to hover above the plant, she allowed it to drop into the plant's "mouth"? Again she watched as the food quickly disappeared from view. Jasmine repeated the task several times always amazed at how plants could actually eat meat.
Just then, the Professor spoke and assigned the students new tasks to perform. Awwwww, the Ravenclaws had to sprinkle the dragon dung? Great. Jasmine couldn't wait to get started with that task.
Gotcha professor.
Ethan made his way towards one of the fanged geraniums and started with the first step. Immobilize the darling plant before it starts chomping their hands while doing the second task. “Immobulus!” The Slytherin grinned as he looked at the frozen fanged geranium—yawning half way. The third year looked around for a random Gryffindor or Ravenclaw to work with.
Hey. Hi. You.
Ethan tugged the older Ravenclaw’s sleeve and gestured her (Daydreamer11) towards his fanged geranium. “You wanna help me out? The plant needs some dung.” Smiles for you, miss.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Toby had already selected one last steak from the trunk, and had cut it up into little pieces using 'diffindo'. He was now sat on the floor carefully levitating the pieces of meat towards the fanged geraniums, watching them with great interest as they devoured their meal. There was still a little more steak left to hand out when Bentley gave her next directions.
Figuring it was best to finish up here first, Toby used the hover charm to try and manoeuvre the little steak bites into the 'mouths' of the as yet so far unfed geraniums. It was sort of tricky, because all the plants wanted a bite, but eventually they were all fed over here and the steak was gone.
The fourth year got to his feet and brushed away the small amounts of dirt on his trousers that he'd managed to pick up from sitting on the floor. He eyed the other students for a moment before heading over to one of the shrubs.
"I got this one covered if anyone wants to fertilise or water it," he said to those nearest him who looked like they might be waiting for a chance to do so. Then Toby pointed his wand at the bush. "Immobulus."
It froze.
Hello, my name is Lucy, I am a first year!
If you want I can to sprinkle the dragon dung!
I'm used to fertilize the plants..I often did this with my father!
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Third years and above?! WOOT!
This meant that for the first time, Sophie was being included in 'the older kids'. This excited her, and therefore she found herself with her wand at the ready and seeking out the bigger shrubs Bentley had been talking about. Spotting a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor nearby (TakemetotheBurrow and PhoenixStar), Sophie approached them. "I can immobilize the shrubs," she said to them. "Then you two can do the light sprinkles of dragon dung, since you're in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, and I can take care of the watering." She gave them a questioning look as if to ask if they were cool with that. She didn't see why they wouldn't be, though, because that was the directions the professor had given them.
Pointing her want to a nearby large shrub, she said, "Immobulus!" Then turning her wand toward the shrub next to it, she did the same. "Immobulus!" Yeah, that was an easy spell, and thank Merlin, too, because Sophie didn't want to get eaten on her first 'older kid' job.
Dragon dung was in order and Adi could be the one to water and all that was left was to immobilize the kid eating plants. Oh yeah, she knew that the professor was downplaying the seriousness of it. Not that she really cared or anything. This was fun! She just didn't want to become plant food. AJ was sure that she was more appetizing than rats.
It was as if the older kid was reading her mind. "Cool. Thanks for the help." Technically Adi was old enough to do the zapping, but three heads were better than one right? That way they all had their duties. She watched as the girl did her part. "Wicked! You're good with your magic stick." Now that it was safe she started to sprinkle dragon dung on the plants. AJ took a quick sniff out of morbid curiosity, and didn't think dragon dung smelled any different than any plain ol dung.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Rest of maintenance? So they had to water while Claws...hey wait Jasmine was a Claw. He could work with her! Walking over to his friend, Cris asked.
"Would you like to work with me? Our house is responsible for the watering. If yes, let's first help immobilize the taller bushes first before we get started," Cris eagerly waited Jasmine's response.
While he waited, he began immobilizing the taller bushes. And with two flicks of his wand, he said,"Immobulus," and watched as a blue stream of light shot out from it and immobilized the plant he was aiming at. Ending that spell he switched to the watering one. "Aguamenti" he cast the spell while pointing his wand down at the soil. As water streamed out, Cris kept a close watch to make sure he didn't over water the plant. Ending the spell, in dramatic flair, he bowed to Jasmine.
"This one is ready for you to fertilize, my lady," Cris gestured to the plant he had just immobilized. It was only then did he notice a young Slytherin had approached Jasmine to help work with him.
Awkward!! Smiling over at the boy, Cris said hello to him,"Hello would you like to work with us? We can alternate between watering and immobilizing the plant for Jasmine if you want?"
Yes...three pairs of hands on board would definitely cover more hands.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 05-20-2014 at 04:07 PM.
Reason: Accidentally hit send before I was ready. Including Ethan
Angel threw another scrap of food at one of the plants to eat, she was glad that she was feeding them because it would help them get strong and that was something that they needed to get if they were to have a good life. Angel loved making sure that all the plants were feed nicely but she had no idea what she had to do next and it seemed her sister was busy with her friends so she didn't ask her.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
SPOILER!!: Ethan
Originally Posted by Mordred
Gotcha professor.
Ethan made his way towards one of the fanged geraniums and started with the first step. Immobilize the darling plant before it starts chomping their hands while doing the second task. “Immobulus!” The Slytherin grinned as he looked at the frozen fanged geranium—yawning half way. The third year looked around for a random Gryffindor or Ravenclaw to work with.
Hey. Hi. You.
Ethan tugged the older Ravenclaw’s sleeve and gestured her (Daydreamer11) towards his fanged geranium. “You wanna help me out? The plant needs some dung.” Smiles for you, miss.
Jasmine felt a tug at her sleeve and looked over to see a younger Slytherin boy smiling at her. He was clearly in need of some fertilizer for his plant and Jasmine was more than willing to comply. "Of course I'll help you. My name is Jasmine, what's yours?" Seeing that he had already immobilized the plant, Jasmine needed to hurry and get the dung. "I'll be right back", she told the boy. I just need to go get some dung and we'll be all set.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Rest of maintenance? So they had to water while Claws...hey wait Jasmine was a Claw. He could work with her! Walking over to his friend, Cris asked.
"Would you like to work with me? Our house is responsible for the watering. If yes, let's first help immobilize the taller bushes first before we get started," Cris eagerly waited Jasmine's response.
While he waited, he began immobilizing the taller bushes. And with two flicks of his wand, he said,"Immobulus," and watched as a blue stream of light shot out from it and immobilized the plant he was aiming at. Ending that spell he switched to the watering one. "Aguamenti" he cast the spell while pointing his wand down at the soil. As water streamed out, Cris kept a close watch to make sure he didn't over water the plant. Ending the spell, in dramatic flair, he bowed to Jasmine.
"This one is ready for you to fertilize, my lady," Cris gestured to the plant he had just immobilized. It was only then did he notice a young Slytherin had approached Jasmine to help work with him.
Awkward!! Smiling over at the boy, Cris said hello to him,"Hello would you like to work with us? We can alternate between watering and immobilizing the plant for Jasmine if you want?"
Yes...three pairs of hands on board would definitely cover more hands.
On her way to retrieve the dung, Cris approached Jasmine and asked her to work with him. Of course she wanted to work with him, but she had committed to work with her new young friend. Yes, I want to work with you, but someone beat you to the punch", Jasmine said smiling. If you both don't mind, why don't we work together? We all have different tasks to perform so that should make the whole process easier.
Jasmine went back over to her Slytherin partner hoping that he would agree to their group of three. "Do you mind if Cris here joins us? He can take care of the watering while you immobilize and I fertilize.". In the meantime, she rushed of to get the dung.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Toby had already selected one last steak from the trunk, and had cut it up into little pieces using 'diffindo'. He was now sat on the floor carefully levitating the pieces of meat towards the fanged geraniums, watching them with great interest as they devoured their meal. There was still a little more steak left to hand out when Bentley gave her next directions.
Figuring it was best to finish up here first, Toby used the hover charm to try and manoeuvre the little steak bites into the 'mouths' of the as yet so far unfed geraniums. It was sort of tricky, because all the plants wanted a bite, but eventually they were all fed over here and the steak was gone.
The fourth year got to his feet and brushed away the small amounts of dirt on his trousers that he'd managed to pick up from sitting on the floor. He eyed the other students for a moment before heading over to one of the shrubs.
"I got this one covered if anyone wants to fertilise or water it," he said to those nearest him who looked like they might be waiting for a chance to do so. Then Toby pointed his wand at the bush. "Immobulus."
It froze.
Kace heard the professor's instructions about watering the plants. That was the hufflepuffs job. As he made his way around, he noticed Toby his fellow badger immobilized the shrub. "Here mate i will help ya.." he said coming over with a watering can. He watered the bush and it seemed happier. It seemed like it was thirsty. "Do you think i should go and get the fertilizer too?" he asked him unsure.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Next and last specimen? Was the class nearly OVER? WHAT?!
Nuh uh. They JUST got started feeding the flesh eating plants and nobody had even had a minor accident yet! Lame. Maybe next time. Or maybe while they were working with whatever it was they were going to be working with next. Which, if it was another flesh eating plant, Grayson was all too excited to move on.
Whatever. The woman was saying something about WATERING the plants for the Slytherins and the Huggers and Finders. And she had also mentioned something about immobilising the plant. The fourth year took out his wand and twirled it around his fingers as he listened out to the spell that some of the third years and above were using. Immobulus. Gotcha! Clearing his throat, he pointed his wand over at the nearest shrub and said, "IMMOBULUS!"
There. One immobilised plant ready to be watered and be sprinkled with dragon dung.
What was he meant to do to gather the attention of the smart nutters and the overly brave? Do something dumb? That sounded like it could work but one look over at the Professor told him that she might not appreciate that. MAYBE. "Does anyone want to sprinkle dung on this plant?" Look, he had it all immobilised out already. Lucky bugger who got to work with him.
Angel wanted to do more but she still had a piece of meet left and she wanted to give it to one of the plants that looked like it hadn't eaten much. "You need to eat you know." Angel smiled at the plant in question, she hoped that it was hungry because it was about to get something to eat. "Here you go, enjoy." Angel lobbed the last of the food to the plant and smiled as she watched it eat, that would help it grow, she wondered if the Professor would let her look after one of these plants for her, it was all a new experience for her.