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One of the famous co-founders of Hogwarts, Rowena Ravenclaw created Ravenclaw House in which only those characterized by their wit, learning, and wisdom are to be placed. The symbol of the house is the eagle. All eagles wear robes in the house colours blue and bronze. The house ghost whom you might run into around the castle is Rowena’s daughter Helena. Today the Eagles are going strong and continue to reign in some of the Wizarding World's brightest young witches and wizards.
Ravenclaw House Cup Championships:
2049-2050, 2051-2052, 2054-2055,
2055-2056, 2058-2059, 2059-2060,
2067-2068, 2070-2071
A strong House identity is something that Ravenclaw is very proud of, but also realizes that a sign of intelligence is to be able to stand on your own whether it is physically against adversity or figuratively against issues you hold dear. Come in and show us who you are and read up on your housemates while you're at it.
Ravenclaw Head of House: Mr Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch) Ravenclaw House Mod:Magical Soul Ravenclaw Prefect: Isadora Miroslava (grangerfan8) Ravenclaw Prefect: Nigel Barrington (Meizzner) Ravenclaw House Ghost: (Grey Lady)
Come and introduce yourself!
Sample Bio:
Character Name:
Character Age:
Year in School:
Physical Description:
More About You (family background, friends, etc.):
You can answer all of these, or none of them, add more or less. Up to you! Welcome to Ravenclaw!
**Any images greater than 350 by 350 pixels need to be in a spoiler tag or they risk being removed. Thank you.
SPOILER!!: Ravenclaw Student scroll by year
First Years
Maddison Cooper (TakemetotheBurrow)
Kyroh Scabior (Kaos.Doodles)
Dmitriy Toussaint (lemon)
Penelope Wright (griffin)
Kate Pearce (Waddles)
Second Years
Gwenhwyfar Jensen (Presley Black)
Josette Edayson (SweetPeea)
╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝ Leobald Axel Kitridge ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗
╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝ ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗
➊ Meet your Maker
Blessed this world on May 2nd 2047
Currently 36 years Handsome
Made Oxford, England what it is today
Living the apartment lifestyle in Oxford, England.
Single and did I mention Handsome?
Born to Frank Axel Kitridge (Cook) and Charlotte Alice Kitridge (CEO of Kitridge books)
Share my existence with sisters Ariel (27) law enforcer and Rose (17) seventh year at Beauxbatons.
The source of my Magic: Beech, Hippogriff talon core, 14 inches
Bald Eagle patronus
Boggart: Standing in front of a mirror seeing his own bald head.
Motto: A day when you learn something new is a day to be cherished.
Amortenia: Books both new and old, newly cut grass, roses, the smell of newly fried fish
Star sign: Taurus
➋ My World is better with ...
ⓐ Books, Writing, Reading, Trivia games
ⓑ Soft music, Summery days, Sleeping in
ⓒ Candy especially liquorice, Bubble gum, Lemonade, Tea, Home cooked meals
ⓓ Flying, Romance, Fishing
ⓔ Teaching
➌ I could Live without ...
ⓐ Rain, Crowds, Badly handled books and equipment, Feeling insecure and unsure, Fast food
ⓑ Rudeness, Irresponsibility, Bullies, Liars, Disrespect
➍ You should know that I'm ...
Independent, Stubborn, Optimistic, Caring, Guarded, Smart ... and of course, Handsome.
➎ Take a closer Look
Black, slightly curly mop of hair
Brown eyes you can't resist
Masculine and strong
Comfortable is Leo’s key word when it comes to how he dresses. He prefers wearing a simple shirt and jeans but dresses up for fancy occasions in tuxes or whatever is required. He isn’t picky about clothes but about his hair. He has since he was 6 years old thought that he will go bald before he is forty since all the men in the family has gone that route and that scares him. Leo also thinks that his parents made sure he’ll go bald since they named him Leobald which in his ears sealed his fate since bald in your name is omniscient. So he takes extra care of his hair to be wary of any hair falling off.
➏ Not just a Handsome face, but an intellectual Mind
Ravenclaw 2058-2065
Favoured: History of magic, Herbology, Charms, CoMC
Reserve keeper on the quidditch team
OWL’s: 10
➐ Getting to know Me
Leobald was gifted from birth with book smarts and brains that can only be rivaled by few in his age group plus a photographic memory which made learning stuff a breeze. From the day he learned to read he could almost always be found with his head in book in his free time. When he went to Hogwarts, he from the beginning chose books and studying and getting good grades over making friends and socializing. His love for knowledge and the fact that he constantly got bullied for his name and knowledge made it easy for him to choose to be a loner.
It wasn’t until 4rd year that his head of house got involved since Leo’s temper had landed him in detention again for like the 5th time that year for hexing a peer. Sitting down with him the HoH learned the full story about the hair and the constant bullying and after some talk with his colleagues also that the knowledgeable boy had no friends. Perplexed the HoH made Leo sign up for quidditch and he even gave him homework to socialize more. For someone who chose books before living people it was a challenge to just make small talk at dinner or with a desk mate in class let alone doing it effortlessly and every day.
It didn’t make things easier that his temper flared up when people didn’t understand or didn’t believe him. In quidditch he actually showed some apt for the game but no passion so he always ended up on the keeper reserves but his HoH persisted that he should sign up each year since he needed the social interaction. Leo loved all types of trivia contests or games in classes since there he could sport his knowledge but again it led to him being bullied or just looked up on as someone looking to show off or be best.
At home in between terms his father tried to teach him to cook and bake but Leo was unfortunately a total failure in his father eyes since he couldn’t even boil an egg correctly. His dad also told him that which was disheartening to a young boy who wanted nothing more than his father’s approval. Instead Leo spent as much time as possible with his mum since she understood his passion for books and encouraged it.
As a man he is still slightly socially inept but he has made improvements. He feels insecure in big groups and always worry that people will misunderstand him or even look at him weirdly because of his broad knowledge. Leo is always on tense when meeting new people and tense usually means his temper is close too. One wrong mocking comment or joke about his hair might make his temper flare up and when he sees red he usually doesn’t think straight and that can lead to unpredictable actions. He is a patient man who is practical but not very good at communicating unless it is with just one other person since he tends clam up.
➑ It's all in a days Work
2065-2067 manager of Kitridges books, a book shop in Oxford
2067-2070 Attended university in New York, acquiring his library technician licence
2070-2072 worked as a fisherman supplying fresh fish to the local grocery stores
2073-2076 Substitute professor at Salem institute of magic/ news reporter
2077-> Librarian at Hogwarts and Gobstones Advisor
2083-> Asked to become the new head of house of Ravenclaw
After Hogwarts Leobald was sucked into the family business and helped opened and manage a new book shop his mother opened in downtown Oxford. Leo helped out while his mother was carrying his youngest sister Rose. When his mum got back into managing he fled the field to see the world ending up in New York. Taking several courses at the local university whilst learning how to fish from his mate Ben, he after 3 years was a certified library technician. Persuaded by his mate to make his hobby his profession Leo worked 2 years as a fisherman supplying fresh fish to grocery stores. Going up at the crack of dawn and doing hard work from dusk to dark was only fun for a short time.
Leaving the work as fisherman he searched for new challenges and took up the position as substitute professor at Salem Institute of magic and held it for 3 years teaching classes in a wide variety of subjects including his school favourites of charms, history of magic, herbology and Comc. In the years at Salem he tried a bit of news reporting on the side but it wasn’t something he enjoyed so he gave it up after 6 months. Resigning from his position at Salem, Leo moved back home to Oxford to be near his family again and to re-connect with his sisters whom he had missed dearly while away in the States. Content with being home and helping out at the family book shop he was surprised when Headmaster Tate of Hogwarts came calling wondering if he’d be interested in the vacant librarian position. Accepting without thinking much about it Leobald is now on his way to start working at his former school.
➒ The life Story
Leobald was born as the eldest son of Frank and Charlotte Kitridge on a rainy day in Oxford, England on May 2nd 2047. Being born into a family with mixed heritage in the lines boded for an upbringing with influences from both the muggle and magical world. From the day he was born Leo was surrounded by books and his father’s cooking. He learned to read almost as quickly as he showed magical abilities. Like all Kitridge’s his mother most especially he as he got older got more stubborn and also acquired a feisty temper when aroused. In his youth the temper usually resulted in throwing things around but luckily that has happened more seldom in adulthood.
When he was 3 his sister Ariel came into the world and they grew close as siblings usually do living close and playing with each other. One thing Leo hated was that Ariel instead of calling him Leo kept calling him ‘baldie’. It made him self-conscious and broody when he learned what bald meant from his father. From that day on he has paid extra attention to his hair and the few unlucky people who have called him ‘bald’ have been hexed through the years. 6 years after Ariel a new girl was born into the family; Rose.
Leo's temper isn't to be taken lightly; when aroused it has resulted in him serving plenty of punishments in his youth like cleaning out the weed in the vegetable patch, cleaning all the bathrooms or not being allowed to read books and at Hogwarts detention. His temper usually quiets down if Leo gets distracted by talking by books or fishing or taking a stroll but that is if someone stops him before he starts throwing things. If not then take cover and wait for the storm to pass.
During his Hogwarts years Leo showed apt in his studies and got high marks in most subjects since learning came easy to him. He took part in all games especially trivia or chess since he liked the strategy and found the games fun and exciting. When it came to friends he didn't exactly have any to speak of until his HoH got involved but even then Leo only kindled cautious relationships with his peers scared to get burned like he had in his previous years. Graduating from Hogwarts he had made a few friends and had dated one girl name Chelsea Oakheart which he kept dating for a few years until they drifted apart, the friends he has kept in touch with and cherishes fiercely.
After Hogwarts he has tried out a number of professions over the years like fisherman, shop manager, substitute professor and news reporter with different success. Currently as of term 37, 2083 he is working as the school Librarian, Gobstones Advisor and new Ravenclaw Head of House and is still single.
OOC: Hey there! *waves to all and beams* I'm Eva and I come from Sweden. This will be my 9th term on school staff and first as Ravvie HoH. In RL i work as a play worker which is basically a type of teacher. I like reading, sailing, listening to music and role-playing. If you have any questions or concerns don't be afraid to shoot me a PM/VM. I promise that I don't bite.
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 04-29-2014 at 03:07 PM.
A B R A H A M. K. B O T R O S. Graphics by BanaBatGirl. Thank you, Ro. <3
Model: Sir Michael Caine
✗ Full Name
Abraham Kareem Botros (a.k.a Ab)
✗ D.O.B.
14th - August - 2003
✗ P. O. B.
England, Birmingham.
✗ Residence
UK, London.
✗ Heritage
✗ Wand
Ebony with Dragon core, 14 ¼ inches, slightly yielding.
✗ Patronus
✗ Description
Hair: after I got 60? Grey.
Eyes: blue.
Height: 6'2"
Figure: .... Big.
Extras: slightly big ears. And those new gums and teeth you see? for 107 galleons only!
✗ Personality
Abraham is a quiet man with high manners and love for old-fashioned etiquette. He's one who'd rather be out enjoying the green fields or blue sky rather than exploring what the city of man has for him. He doesn't tolerate rudeness or shouting, and he most certainly loves kids and has a knack to get closer to them in his own way.
He does, however, have a mysterious side and hidden whims. Beside his cane which he occasionally carries around, Ab likes to collect trivial items in his home or work that hold a special memory or event. One of his greatest collecting obsessions is collecting pocket hankies.
✗ Academic life
✎Hogwarts for Witchcraft & Wizardy (2014 -2021)
• House: Hufflepuff.
• OWLs: Charms O, Transfiguration EE, Potions O, Herbology O, Ancient Runes EE, DADA EE, Astronomy EE, Muggle Studies O, and History of Magic EE.
• NEWTs: Charms O, Potions O, Herbology O, Ancient Runes O, DADA O, Charms EE, History of Magic EE, Muggle Studies O.
✎ Madrast Al-Sehr, Alexandria
• English-as-a-Second Language Teacher. (2021- 2030)
• Adjunct Teacher (2041 - 2045)
• Student Affairs Director (2046 - 2049) ✎ WU, Cairo
• Professor of Rune Study: the Well of Wayd (2050 - 2078). ✎ Hogwarts for Witchcraft & Wizardy
• Ancient Runes professor (2080 - present).
✗ Family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAbraham Botros xx+xxDeborah Botros (Deceased witch)
Sally Russ (née Botros)xxxxxxOwen BotrosxxxxxxJulianne BotrosxxxxxxJanet Botros
✗ Favorite...
Food: White rice with okra in tomato sauce. Color: Beige, Sienna and their shades. Hobby: Classic music & travel. Clothing: Pocket handkerchief. Pet: Dog/Crup. Muggle Device: cordless telephone. Occasion: Independence of Wizarding World. Name: Deborah. Sentence: back when I was a boy Never say never.
✗ Extra
A cane usually is seen with him even though he can walk on his own.
He has a special thing with pocket hankies. Do not mock the hanky.
Can be VERY a biiiiiit forgetful.
Thinks there's so much anger in current young generation.
Hair: the best brown hair and flow you will ever see Eyes: Hazel Height: 6'2"
{Magical Stuff}
Wand: 11 1/4 inch, Walnut with Sphinx talon, balanced Boggart: Box JellyFish Patronus: White Wolf
Father: Hendrik Barrington Mother: Camilla Barrington Brother: Dante Barrington
Reading Books
Studying Mermish/Mermaids
Break Dancing on Occasion
The Bro Code
Playing Guitar
Crazy Things
Nigel is a geek and gets along with mostly everyone. He is prone to following along and doing crazy things. He is lazy. But when it comes time to do work or Quidditch. He will give give one hundred percent effort. He is curious and will follow through on his interest and research them. Even if it is against the rules. He was a warped sense of pain and fear. Which results in him not showing it on the outside.
{School Years}
Ancient Runes = E
Arithmancy = E
Astronomy = E
Charms = O
Care of Magical Creatures = E
Defense Against the Dark Arts = O
History of Magic = A
Potions = A
Transfiguration = A
SPOILER!!: Terms
Interesting First Year.
Breaks Arm Second Year.
Basically a Hermit Third Year.
Fourth Year = Starfishing, Lake Shenanigans with Lex and Mika, Learning Mermish with Cat, Patronus/Dementors, Blues Brothers with Mo, First in Fun
Fifth Year = Internship, surprisingly a Prefect, Halloween, Date with Blue ,Runes with Alice and Horse Puns, Pickle Cereal and Starfish Song with Wade, Afro with Wade and Alec, Dead Kneazles, Driver's License and Road Trip with Dora, Schuyler, Mo and Cat
Sixth Year = Girlfriend, Bathroom Awkwardness with Theo,Alec and Librarian, Old, Band's First Live Performance, Bro Code/Gorilla Suit with Mo, Picnic with Dora and Mo, Beautiful Hair is Back!
Seventh Year= we shall see
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Last edited by oh its Erik ok; 04-29-2014 at 07:43 PM.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Isidora Miroslava
Full Name: Isidora Yelena Miroslava Nicknames: Dora, Siddie Birthday: August 29, 2066 Blood Status: Pureblood Birth Place: Iaşi, Romania Places she lives: Siberia (maternal grandmother's manor) and Wales (uncles home) Wand: 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Acacia with Demiguise hair core Relationship Status: Not Yours
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House: Ravenclaw Year: Seventh Achievements: Prefect (2082-2084) Classes: Depends on the lesson being taught Professor(s): Botros..... and Fuller.
Mother: Olivera Miroslava (nee Dementieva) Father: Jovan Miroslav Siblings: Aleksandra and Anatoli Other Relatives: Galina Dementieva (maternal grandmother) and Jaycob Sykes (uncle)
Physical Appearance:
Hair: Dark Brown w/highlights Eyes: Hazel/Green Height: 5'10 Handedness: Left Defining features: She has a bite mark on her left hand from a kneazle bite when she was a child that's visible on both sides. Both her ears have several piercings, and there is a beauty mark above the left side of her lip. A few other scars from magical mishaps.
Isidora had always been rather independent and reserved in her early years. Raised as an only child, she often kept to herself even when surrounded by other people as she prefered her own company to those she thought not worth her time and/or interesting. As she's grown older these traits have increased dramatically and she's become extremely anomalistic. Dora is intensely enigmatic, and can often times be distant, even to those she cares about most. It's not uncommon for her to suddenly go weeks without seeing any of her friends or family for seemingly no reason at all.
When she is around people she can come off as reserved, though really she just prefers observation over interaction, and can frequently be found sitting in dark corners or in the backs of rooms observing people and their behaviors. The teenager is more curious than she should be, especially when it comes to the opposite sex, and all that pertains to them. She's extremely analytical and has extreme issues understanding anything not based on logic such as emotion and in subsequence, people. It's impossible for her to understand people who work mostly or soley off their emotions or instincts, not being one to do so herself. Often times she can be considered rude and insensitive simply for the fact that she doesn't take into account other's feelings when speaking or acting, though she always makes a point to speak the truth. This often makes for a lot of mistakes in her personal relationships, though realization of said mistakes recently has caused her to try and be better... and still not succeeding.
Likes: Calligraphy, origami, runes, transfiguration, history, languages, potions, reading, cooking, solitary time, lists, witty banter, logic, curiosity, learning new things, riddles, folk lore, boys, observation, snogging, traveling, swimming, dancing, theatre, concerts, parties, music in her common room, abandoned locations, clothes, accessories, floral print, experimenting, distractions Dislikes: kneazles, ignorance, disloyalty, liars, cheaters, too many sweets, most gryffindors, her mind most days, being in one location for too long, rules and restrictions, people that leave, not having her best friend at Hogwarts
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Last edited by PatInTheHat; 05-26-2014 at 05:15 AM.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Personal Details
Name: Marcus Orion Branxton Nicknames: Mo, Cactus, Mosef, Moses Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green Blood Status: Pureblood Height: 6'0" Current Residence: Ambleside, Cumbria, UK Wand: 11¾ Balanced Fir with Griffin claw core Patronus: Quokka Boggart: Clowns
If there is such a thing as being too nice, Mo Branxton could be accused of it. Positive and happy-go-lucky, Mo has always been quick to find the silver lining - even in the darkest of clouds. Perhaps a result of being the doted-on youngest child of loving but busy parents, or perhaps because he was much younger than his boisterous and mischievous older sisters, Mo is a diplomat of the first order and has a serious problem with trying to please people (sometimes to his own detriment).
Recent years have tempered Mo's personality, helping him find balance between making other people happy and seeking his own happiness, and shaping his naively credulous and loving nature into one that is less quick to trust - but is more capable of empathy and sincerity.
Marcus Orion was born at Hogwarts, although he has no memory of the castle as a home the way his older sisters do. Within a few weeks of his birth, the family had retired to Branthwaite Manor, the family home in Cumbria. It was a difficult decision, as Cassandra was still serving as Headmistress and would be separated from her three small children for several days at a time. Doyle acted as Marcus Orion's primary caregiver for much of his early years, as even after Cassandra retired from Hogwarts in 2067, she continued to play an active role with the Ministry of Magic, the ITF, and various philanthropic organizations. Still, the occasional separation from his mother didn't permanently damage Marcus Orion's relationship with her, and he's a warm, loving boy with good relationships with both his parents.
Mo attended Beauxbatons Academy for two years. Although he had one sister each at both Beauxbatons Academy and Hogwarts, he was more inclined to follow the always-persistent Genevieve's advice - he selected Beauxbatons. Not only was his more gregarious sibling at that school, but she convinced him that living out of their mother's shadow was preferable. When she transferred to Hogwarts during the summer before his second year, Mo chose to stay on at Beauxbatons.
Considered one of the top three schools in Europe, Beauxbatons Academy offers the standard core subjects, as well as a focus on magical fine arts and creative expression. Although Mo had many friends there, a happy side effect of his open and generous personality, he felt a vague dissatisfaction as his second year drew to a close. Not one to put words to unhappy feelings, Mo simply informed his family and friends that he wanted to attend Hogwarts. Most assumed the decision had to do with Genevieve leaving Beauxbatons for Hogwarts, and some thought Mo wanted to be closer to his close friend since childhood, West Odessa. The truth was much simpler and yet harder to put into words: even at 12, Mo recognized he wasn't getting the academic support he wanted, and he longed for the school his mother, sisters, and West spoke so highly about.
▸ Full Name: Sophie Mae Brown ▸ Nicknames: Soph ▸ DOB: October 22, 2069 ▸ POB: Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon, England ▸ Heritage: Pureblood ▸ Year: Third
▸ Father: Kieran Brown, Hit Wizard, former Gryffindor ▸ Mother: Olivia Brown (formerly James), Herbologist, former Gryffindor ▸ related to the James family. Olivia is the sister of Matthew James, making him Sophie's uncle; Erin James is Sophie's aunt, and Maximus James is Sophie's cousin.
Sophie is a fast-paced risk-taker, thinker, and people-person who will initiate as many adventures as people will allow her. She presents a friendly face and wants to have fun, explore, and learn everything she possibly can to be the best she can be. Rules are simply optional guidelines to her enthusiastic lifestyle. A natural persuader, she has an uncanny ability to read other people's nonverbal communication and anticipate what others will say and do. She thrives in crisis situations, but becomes easily bored and struggles with expressing her emotions. Humor is her shield to vulnerability, a side that only comes out in the most serious of situations. She lives in the here-and-now, thinks on her feet, and can come across as blunt or rude without realizing she's being insensitive. Regardless, she finds a happy medium between being logical and rational and being spontaneous and carefree.
♒ Likes ♒
▸ having fun ▸ going on adventures ▸ learning stuff ▸ people ▸ new friends ▸ challenges ▸ wands ▸ magic ▸ her hair ▸ food ▸ being right ▸ thunderstorms ▸ Ravenclaw ▸ Cat & Mo ▸ Tobes ▸ Professor Culloden & potions ▸ the Appleby Arrows
♒ Dislikes ♒
▸ rules ▸ uninteresting people ▸ people who don't know how to have fun ▸ boredom ▸ being wrong ▸ talking about feelings ▸ people who don't have a sense of humor ▸ being an old person ▸ not being able to be active ▸ Cutty Mordaunt
♒ History ♒
Born on the 22nd of October in 2069 in Ottery St. Catchpole, Sophie Mae Brown was the first and only child to a pureblood wizarding family, consisting of her father, Kieran Brown - a Hit Wizard - and her mother, Olivia Brown (nee James) - a Herbologist. Both former Gryffindors, the two raised Sophie to be fearless.
With her Hit Wizard father frequently away from home, Sophie grew to be best friends with her mother, who worked at home in the family greenhouse. Every night before she went to bed since she was two years old, Olivia would read magical fairytale books to Sophie, filling her head with creativity and imagination. Until she was seven and became less theatrical, Sophie enjoyed creating her own action-packed, whimsical, and often improvised stories and acting them out for her one-man audience, her mother. She thrived on the excitement on the moment and couldn't get enough of creating her own fun.
Olivia taught Sophie about every magical plant she could before Sophie would run off and decide to climb a tree. Despite her short attention span in her youth, Sophie enjoyed learning about everything magical and would plow through any magical book in the house when the weather was poor or she was too sick to go outside. The topic she loved to talk about most with her mother was Hogwarts and all the adventures and opportunities that came with it. Despite her mother's stories of Gryffindor house, Sophie knew outright that she wanted to be placed in Ravenclaw. She acknowledged her own Gryffindor traits, but she knew she treasured wit and learning above all else and figured she could still get to have just as many cool adventures as she would as a Gryffindor. When Sophie received her Hogwarts letter, she promptly framed it on her bedroom wall.
♒ Family Life ♒
Father: Kieran Brown, a former Gryffindor and current Hit Wizard, is fairly missing in action from Sophie's life. When he's home, the family has nice, regal dinners and Kieran makes Sophie feel special by sharing top-secret stories with her over the dinner table that he would probably lose his job over if the right people knew he was sharing them. Still, he loves his daughter and wants the best for her. Not big on physical affection, Kieran enjoys winning his daughter over by buying her things. And it works. A mutual happy, loving relationship.
Mother: Olivia Brown, a former Gryffindor and current Herbologist, works from home in the family's greenhouse. If you were to ask her to name the hundred magical plants she has in her greenhouse, she would be able to do it in less than five minutes. Alphabetically. Olivia's relationship with her daughter is everything she hoped it would be when she had a daughter; the two never share feelings, but they share ideas, thoughts, and aspirations for Sophie's life and the world at large. Olivia is supportive and thinks the freedom of expression is the best mode of parenting. She doesn't mind that Kieran spoils Sophie, as long as Sophie shows no signs of greediness. Olivia permits Sophie to be her own person, make her own choices, and, of course, learn from her own mistakes. She only steps in when she believes it to be absolutely necessary, but most of the time, Sophie makes her very proud.
Age: 14 years Birthday: 14th January, 2069 Year: Fourth House: Ravenclaw Blood Status: Her parents are witch and wizard; her father’s muggle-born. Wand: Acacia and unicorn hair, 9¼ inches, firm Patronus: Golden Eagle Amortentia: Lavender perfume, new books, freshly baked apple pie Pet: Wilma, an excitable light grey rat
Height: 5’ 1” Weight: 135 lbs Hair: Long, dark brown, and curly Eyes: Warm brown Skin: Light, not particularly remarkable
Likes & Dislikes
Likes autumn, France, books, investigations, Halloween, writing, gymnastics, the tuba, dystopian fiction, the colour purple, the smell of burning pine wood Dislikes singing, spiders, sticky things, soda, dogs, ketchup, astrology, swimming, parchment cuts, overly cheerful people
Home: Lives in a big, old house in Tinworth (a half-wizarding community in Cornwall, England.) She’s lived there all her life; though always spent summers with her grandparents in Aix-en-Provence, France, where they have a large apartment. Her bedroom is in the attic, and the window right in the centre top of the front of the house is hers to look down on the street below. Family: She’s always been close to her parents, and they spend a lot of time together at home. Her mother’s parents live in France, and she visits them every summer, her father’s are just down the block from her house.
Her father, Rory Colbert, is a Healer at St. Mungo’s, and he’s always being called back for emergencies in the middle of the night. When he’s home, however, he helps Adrienne with anything he can, and they have lots of fond memories of playing board games and baking.
Her mother, Félicie Salois, has been trying to write a book since she was in her twenties, but with her time being split between her day job at the Daily Prophet and having to take care of Adrienne, she hasn’t really gotten around to it.
RP Colour: #191970 dark blue
Last edited by aaetha; 05-11-2014 at 03:23 PM.
Reason: Didn't realise gifs had to be spoilered! Fixed.
Name: Jun Mason Kim Nicknames: Juni, Tie-Dye, Weirdo (by his annoying cousin), Giant, Babycakes Age: 16 Year: Sixth House: Ravenclaw Strongest Subject(s): Muggles Studies, Care of Magical Creatures Weakest Subject(s): Divination, History of Magic
Date of Birth: January 6th, 2067 Place of Birth: Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea Lives in: Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea (since Summer 2083) Previously Lived In: Bergen, Norway Blood Status: Muggleborn Wand Type: 12 2/3 inches, Unyielding Ebony with Phoenix feather core Patronus: Giraffe Boggart: Water (Pools, Oceans, Rivers, etc.) Occupation: Student/SM Entertainment Trainee Fun Fact: Is both right and left handed (ambidextrous)
Johanna Emily Kim (nee Peters)/Norwegian
Muggle Model: Ginnifer Goodwin
Min Yong Kim/Korean
Professional Dancer
Squib Model: Eric Mun
Kai Jason Kim (Older Brother) (18 Y.O.)
SM Entertainment Trainee
Muggle Model: Park Chan Yeol
Crup named Uggie (3 Y.O.)
Candy (sour mostly)
Dying his hair
Shopping Setting things on fire
Dancing; Singing
Peanuts (the series. Not the food.)
Beanies, Hats, Snapbacks
Annoying little children
Hot weather
His annoying cousin
Loud people
Bergen, Norway
Water (Pools, oceans, etc.)
Jun Mason Kim was born on January 6th, 2067, in Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea to Johanna and Min Yong Kim. He is the second child of the couple. He has an older brother named Kai Jason Kim, two years older than him. The couple met while Min Yong was on a world tour for a dancing production he was in. Johanna was attending said show in Norway when a mutual friend introduced the two. They dated for about three years before getting married and Min Yong permanently moved to Bergen from Seoul. About nine months later, Johanna discovered she was pregnant with Kai. The older sibling was born April 18th, 2065. Two years later, Johanna became pregnant with Jun. While near her third trimester, Johanna, her husband, and Kai traveled to Seoul. They went to visit Min Yong's family for some holidays. A couple of days after arriving, Johanna fell gravely ill and the trip was postponed until Jun was born. Little did they know there was another surprise in store for them. Johanna was later hospitalized for her sickness had gotten worse. Doctors had told Min Yong that either Johanna or his unborn son could be saved. Min Yong wasn't having any of that. He argued with the doctors to save them both or they'll have to find another hospital. Jun was born through caesarean section. Thankfully he was born healthy, even at about two months before the due date. And Johanna made a full recovery. But she's remained scared to have anymore children.
Years went by smoothly and the family relocated to Bergen, Norway. Until, things in the house began disappearing and moving on their own. Jun was about six years old when his magical abilities began to show. His brother, Kai, was getting freaked out and pleaded his parents to hire a ghostbuster, honestly believing the house was now haunted. While throwing a birthday party for Jun, the Kims invited their neighbors, Justin and Sarah Falla, and their daughter, Aleksandra; who were pureblood wizards. Both families had known each other since the days Min Yong and Johanna started living together; before the little ones were around. Min Yong confided in his neighbors and told them about the strange things happening in the house. After everyone left the party, the Fallas stayed behind and talked to the Kims about maybe one of their kids may be magical. But they weren't sure how to determine which child it was. It wasn't until Jun began running around and household items were following him.
Since then, the Fallas have helped the Kims in raising the fire loving little wizard, up until they suggested he'd attend Hogwarts. They even joined Min Yong when he went to Diagon Alley with Jun for the first time. Ever since discovering he's a wizard, Jun likes to terrorize his older brother into setting him on fire. Thankfully his brother didn't yet know Jun wasn't allowed to use magic outside of school until he's seventeen. Kai hasn't been jealous of Jun's magical ability. On the contrary, he's excited to have a wizard for a brother. That usually meant they both could now torture their annoying cousin. Min Yong was excited to have a magical child, seeing as his family was magical, but he was sadly a squib.
When Jun was five, the cousin he really dislikes pushed him into a pool. Never learning how to properly swim, Jun flapped his arms around and nearly drowned. Since then, the only water he gets close to is the shower and rain. The tie-dye boy, a nickname his family calls him because he's always dying his hair, is now ready to enter his fifth year at Hogwarts. Maybe he'll go another year without setting anything on fire. But no promises on being a bad influence.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Lily Anne Andrews
Basics: Name: Lily Anne Andrews Nicknames: Lily, Lilypad Age: 17 Birthdate: June 10, 2066 Place of Birth: San Diego, California Current Home: (while at Hogwarts) somewhere in the English countryside Blood/Lineage: Halfblood (father is halfblood, mother is pureblood) Wand: 10 inches, willow and unicorn tail hair Favorite subjects: CoMC, Herbology, and Charms Worst Subjects: Flying, Ancient Runes, Astronomy Patronus: a horse
Play-by: Melissa Benoist Post Color: #28a1bc
Appearance: Height: 5’8” Weight: approximately 125 pounds Hair Color: dark brown Eye Color: green
Personality: *will edit more in later* Likes:
tree frogs
Quidditch (although she doesn’t play)
plants Les Misérables
the Beatles
playing guitar
singing (but she doesn’t tell most people she can)
ice cream
chocolate chip cookies
the ocean
the smell of vanilla
being accused of things she didn’t do
worrying (it’s a bad habit of hers)
her friends being upset
History: *will edit in once written*
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Last edited by SilverTiger; 05-22-2014 at 08:19 AM.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
∅ Basics
Full Name: Trent Miguel Valdez Nicknames/s: Trent, T, Migs (exclusive for his twin siblings) Birthdate: May 22, 2065 Residence: Dublin, Ireland Blood Status: Pureblood Relationship Status: None of your business
Wand: 11", Holly with Phoenix feather core Patronus: Still working on it. Boggart:Bloody things ...I can't think of any.
*Formerly attended The Pacific School of Mana
∅ Appearance
Height: 5'10" Weight: 149 lbs. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Skin Color: Olive
Trent has a brooding, I-don't-have-a-hero-complex-but-I'll-help-when-I-think-you-need-it kind of personality. He's a silent observer, he'd prefer to watch people than directly interact with them. He's a hard worker: he will spend hours, days, weeks, and even months to master something he isn't essentially good at. He is one not to back down from any challenges as long as there aren't any negative consequences for he's rather also a thinker. Rational, calm and collected as often as can be (except when there's blood around). He's also very protective of people he considers dear to him (this turns into very when it comes to his twin siblings), but not as expressive considering his passive disposition. Although, mingling with kids never fails to make him smile. (Creepy, right?!)
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Maddison Arabella Cooper Model: Ashlyn Sanchez
Full Name: Maddison Arabella Cooper Nicknames: Maddie, Mac, Coop Birthday:October 15, 2071 Blood Status: Halfblood Currently lives in: Hertfordshire Wand: 9 ½ inch, Solid Blackthorn, dragon heartstring (from a Peruvian Vipertooth! The guy SAID so.) Relationship Status: Love is for weirdos.
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House: Ravenclaw Year: First Year Favorite Classes: I’ll let you know
Mother:Gina Cooper (formerly Indressano), Currator-Tate Modern, London UK Father:Harrison Cooper, Mediwizard Siblings:Benjamin, Leonardo, and Vincenzo Other Relatives: Paternal Grandfather- Benjamin Cooper Pets:Bruno (german shepherd), Zeus (Kneazle)
Physical Appearance:
Hair: Dark brown, curly Eyes: Brown Height: 4'9 Defining features: Faint freckles across cheeks and bridge of nose. (More distinct in the warm months)
History: Maddie is the youngest of four children. She’s also the only girl so growing up, the small brunette learned to have a thick skin. Her mother spends most of her time traveling, in search of interesting pieces of art to bring back to the Tate Modern. As for her father, he is incredibly invested in his work as a Mediwizard. The two often leave the boys in charge which results in Maddison looking after herself much of the time. Because of this, she’s extremely independent for an eleven year old and after spending so much time with her older brothers, probably knows more than she should about, well, everything. Of all the Coopers, Maddison has the best relationship with her mother and oldest brother, Benny. Her relationship with her father is somewhat strained as he’s not particularly affectionate or interested in her interests. She’s learned to deal with this by throwing herself into things and doing her best to succeed in order to gain favor with him.
Personality: ESTJ personality type. Bit of a tomboy. No stranger to rough housing and has a knack for athletics. Learned that showing vulnerability is seen as a weakness so she tends to keep her feelings on anything too personal to herself. Only babies cry, right? Gives one hundred percent in the areas she’s passionate about. She’s observant, but not a gossip. Amused by dramatics but doesn’t take an active part in it. Honest to a fault. Crafty. Wants things her way and always has a plan to make that happen. Driven to be a leader.
Not knowing things
About:Gwen is very shy, but once she gets to know somebody she's a real chatterbox. She is from New York, and has huge amounts of American Pride. She is also fluent in sign language on account of her older sister being deaf. She is dyslexic, and worries that she's not smart because of it.
Gwen adores her father, and in her eyes he can do no wrong. He is rarely present, but when he is he takes her out to amusement parks, coffee shops, and Broadway plays. Though more than once their daddy-daughter dates have been cut short by him having to rush off to work, Gwen can't see anything wrong with the way her father raises her.
Her mother is a different story. Gemma is always saying 'no' to practically everything. Gwen believes her mother is the reason her parents got divorced, and if her mother could only stop and listen to her father none of this would have happened. Gemma is a cheerful woman. She likes to sing and garden. She loves her children more than anything in the world. She gives warm hugs, and is always ready to lend a listening ear. She knows Gwen is unhappy with her decisions, but cannot imagine a way to help Gwen see that this is all for the best without marring her daughters image of Ryan.
Zeke is Gwen's oldest sibling. He is 17 years old, and Gwen thinks he's pretty full of himself. He plays guitar in a band with his friends and spends little time at home. When he is home he teases Gwen incessantly, much to her annoyance and his amusement.
Annora is 16 and 100% deaf. She was born without either auditory nerve. Annora is very caring. She loves fashion and often uses Gwen as a sort of live-barbie, which Gwen complains about, but secretly loves.
Grey is just older that Gwen at 14. He likes reading and bicycling. He doesn't get along very well with Gwen because he sees her as an annoying kid-sister.
Iestyn is Gwen's twin, though he is non-magical. He is the prankster of the family, and is constantly pulling practical jokes on his sister, who doesn't mind one bit, and finds them just as amusing as he does, as long as nothing is permanent.
October is the baby of the family. She is nine years old and thinks she knows all there is to know about life. She drives Gwen nuts because she is always trying to tell Gwen what to do.
Gwen's mother (Gemma) met her father (Ryan) in Spain while both were on vacation. Her mother is British, and her father American. They fell in love and Gemma moved to America to be with Ryan. Gwen is the fifth of six children born to Gemma and Ryan.
The Jensen family lived Chappaqua, NY for most of Gwen's life. Her father worked as a lawyer in NYC, but her mother was insistent that a big city was no place to raise children. Therefore they settled 40 minutes away by train and her father commuted every day. When Gwen was nine her parents began arguing all the time, and eventually it led to a divorce. Gemma moved the family back to England in order to be closer to her family for the support she needed.
Annora, having been raised in America, knew only American Sign Language. Rather than try to mainstream her into a hearing school, the family settled in London, close enough for her to attend the American School for the Deaf there. Not being able to afford living in London, they were forced to move into an apartment, too small for the large family. As a result, Gwen doesn't actually have a bedroom. She shares the fold-out couch with her younger sister.
She loves Hogwarts very much, even though in her first term she rapidly aged into an old woman. She enjoys learning, though she wishes it didn't involve so much reading.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
FULL NAME Kyroh Moises Scabior NICKNAME/ALIAS He has none. Like, seriously. GENDER Male AGE 11 YEAR First HOUSE Ravenclaw STRONGEST SUBJECTS We shall see. WEAKEST SUBJECTS We shall see about this as well.
DATE OF BIRTH November 14th 2071 PLACE OF BIRTH Heraklion, Greece LIVES IN Waterhead, The Lake District BLOOD STATUS Mixed Blood WAND 10 ½ inch Ebony with a Griffin talon core
PATRONUS Who knows? BOGGART Who knows this as well?
HEIGHT 4'7" WEIGHT 85 lbs. BUILD Thin EYES Brown HAIR Chestnut brown GENERAL Kyroh is a pretty small kid, in height and in weight. Generally shorter than his peers, Kyroh doesn't seem to mind, because it is kind of common knowledge that he'll grow. He tends to wear a lot of flannel and striped with vests, not because that is his own style, but because his step-mum picks out his clothes, and he really doesn't mind. They are just clothes after all.
His wavy chestnut brown hair, can often seen messily sticky up in different directions, sometimes because that's how his dad's hair is but mostly because he doesn't own a comb. Kyroh doesn't mind getting a little dirty and roughed up, as long as its for fun, so often his pants can be seen with holes in various places, no matter how new they tend to be.
With freckles that cover his face, Kyroh is almost always seen spotting a huge welcoming smile.
Comic books, reading, his dragons, boats, stickers, cucumbers, food, his family, learning, sandwiches, flying, superheros, Spiderman
people who think that they know everything, stories with no endings, crying too much,
The Little Scabior is a fire cracker. Kyroh is energetic and loves to be active. Openly friendly, despite growing up as an only child, he tries to do his best and share what he has with other people. When Kyroh isn't running around he is asking questions, actively showing that what, how, when, where and why happen to be his favourite words. He doesn't need to know about everything. He just wants to.
Kyroh generally tends to wear his emotions on his sleeve. When he is happy everyone knows, but the same goes out to when he is upset or frustrated. Although fully aware that he is very much a wizard, when angry Kyroh doesn't necessary attempt to keep his emotions in check, allowing his magic to cause more harm than it should, and he is 100% okay with that. Although being from a family of tough as nails Scabior's, Kyroh is known to cry in moments of too much distress, he simply can not help it, and knowing this makes him cry even more. At times when he is really overwhelmed he is often seen tugging at his hair.
Sir Spots Kitten(not at Hogwarts cause lol no, Kyroh can't actually take care of an actual living thing on his own)
Dragons (which are charmed toys but to him they might as well be pets): Scottie-Flamel, Ramsey, Sora
SPOILER!!: History here
Kyroh was born on November 14th, 2071, into the failing marriage of half-blood wizard Everett Scabior and mixed-blood witch Gloria Kerr. There are some children that could explain to you exactly how their parents act with one another, exactly how the break up happened and exactly how they felt about it. Kyroh is not one of those children. When he was only a few months old his parents divorced. Although neither one of them were really fit to raise a child on their own his father took the responsibility, and moved them from Greece close to his home town in Scotland.
From a young age, the only environment Kyroh really knew was with him and his father. Fragments of memories remain in his head of his father carrying him to work within the Ministry as he sat and played with his toys. Often times when Kyroh was younger, his mother would come and take him away for a visit him, though those visits were always kept short, and often erratic. Through much of his visits with her Gloria managed to drill one thing into his head, she was Gloria, not mom, but Gloria. Unfortunately Kyroh's inability to say her whole name, resulted in her now being known as “Glo”
When Kyroh was only 4 the dynamic that he knew changed completely. His father started working at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the History of Magic professor. Away for days on end, Everett often sent Kyroh off to different places ranging from the boy's his aunts house, to his grandparents, to his godfather. Although the change was weird and abrupt for Kyroh he quickly grew used to the family members and learned to expect the weekend visits from his father.
When he turned 7 Kyroh began to attend a small Muggle primary school, upon the suggestion of Althea Schirmer, his father's girlfriend. It is also at this age when Kyroh's godfather Cairan Black became his tutor, teaching him French language (after a nagging session from his Mother Gloria). Up until this point, doubt slowly began to rise after the realization of the lack of Kyroh's magical talents. Rumours that he might be squib began swarm around his family until an unfortunate outburst of anger in Twilfit and Tattings Upscale Robes resulted in a robe being set on fire. If that wasn't enough excitement at 8 years old Kyroh became the youngest person to ever sort of teach at Hogwarts.
A year later after finally leaving Hogwarts, Everett , Althea and Kyroh decided to move to Waterhead, where Kyroh continued in Muggle school at Ambleside Primary School.
Just like so many other kids before, Kyroh received his Hogwarts letter on his eleventh birthday. Unfortunately, for him being born in November meant waiting practically a whole year to even set foot in the school. Some way however he managed to make it through the year, waiting and biding his, and now it's time.
He's back Hogwarts!
His mother Gloria Kerr is one-fourth Veela which makes Kyroh one-eight Veela. It's unknown if he has received any Veela characteristics though.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Last edited by Kaos.Doodles; 05-11-2014 at 11:13 PM.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
{ The Basics }
Full name: Dmitriy Yves Toussaint Nicknames: Dima Date of Birth: 12th April, 2072 (age 11) Place of Birth: Guernsey, United Kingdom Current Residence: Guernsey, United Kingdom House: Ravenclaw Year: First
{ Physical Traits }
Eye color: Brown Hair: Dark brown, short Height: 4'8" Build: Lean Laterality: Ambidextrous
{ Magical Information }
Blood Status: Pureblood Wand: 9½ inch strong Dogwood with a Phoenix feather core Boggart: Unknown Patronus: Unknown Amortentia: Unknown
{ Education }
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Best Subjects: Unknown Worst Subjects: Unknown Academic Education: Private tutors in most subjects from a young age Extracurricular Education: Training in art, piano, fencing (in which his skills leave much to be desired), Tai Chi (in which his skills leave even MORE to be desired), and language studies (French, Italian, and Russian)
Likes: People, talking, books, learning, art, the piano, house elves, creatures (especially TOADS) Dislikes: Confusing stuff, know-it-alls, being ignored, boredom, waiting, most vegetables Allergies: Calendula pollen Personality: Dima is an enthusiastic, warm kid with a never-ending supply of energy. He is a generous and optimistic little charmer, and his greatest asset is his likability. The eleven year old has mastered the art of combining his genuine interest in people with his insatiable curiosity when asking questions, so it is easy for him to simultaneously obtain information and make people feel wanted. Possessing strong inter-personal and observational skills, he can often sense what is wrong with someone before others do. Even if he has only known a person for a short period of time, he knows how to use his intuition and flexibility to relate to them on their own level.
The Ravenclaw has a broad range of talents but is best at doing things which he enjoys. Project-oriented, he often participates in activities that seem directionless and without purpose, though they do not appear that way in his eyes. Dima always expects people to accept him as he is, for he unfailingly does the same. He is very adaptable and kind-hearted, but he is a stranger to the pitfalls associated with living entirely in the moment and trying to appease others.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Name: Amelia Kaikoura Johanson
Nicknames: Mia, Meek, Meeka, Mika, Pig!Girl, Creepy, and more to come
Age: 17
Year: Seventh
Blood Status: Pureblood
D.O.B: October 30th, 2065
P.O.B: Melbourne, AU
From: Witherslack, Cumbria, UK
Relationship Staus: Dating Kaiden Yarborough
Magically Delicious
Wand: 11 1/2 inches, Elm, Dragon scale (Peruvian Vipertooth)
Ability: Metamorphamagus
Pet: Kilo & Zara the Pygmy Puffs…and the return of Dez
Former Pets: Dez the pygmy puff & Luna the cat
Personality Amelia can be easily emotional though this is something she has been working on for a long time. Being raised in a large rather loud family has made her very vocal rather than quiet like most of her fellow classmates. She isn’t opposed to getting into the middle of someone’s fight and trying to break it up.
She is very inquisitive at times and when she’s not exactly in a talkative mood you would most likely be able to find her reading a book. In relationships she is very loyal and will go out to bat for a friend or significant other when the need arises.
She can be tough as nails and as soft as sweet as ice cream…nail and glass-chip filled ice cream so beware.
Likes Quidditch, Commentating Quidditch matches, Baking, Potions, Reading, Books, Divinations, Explosions, Fireworks, Fires, Animals, Most sour citrusy-candy, Learning new things, making friends, meeting people, curiosity, learning new things, the wizard of oz, folk lore, boys, snogging, traveling, swimming, clothes, accessories, lavender, lemons, experimenting, distractions, shopping (its a new one), Aurors, hippies, the earth, pets, her Pygmy Puffs, Fluffy things, her hair being petted, people braiding her hair, colorful things, getting hugs, giving hugs, Australia, Air Planes, Brooms, watching formerly young people hobble up to the seventh floors,
Dislikes Seeing people get hurt, when people intentionally hurt someone, Katnip-Tea, When her baking makes people sick, losing house points, being a recluse, when people get hurt, hearing people get hurt after the fact, blaming herself for things, people who bully others, most people who don't like hugs, some very young and snobby people, her cousin Isobel, Cats, Cats who eat everything, cats named Luna, strawberries, spiders, old age, wrinkles,
Mother: Lilian Johanson (nee Darling-Williams)
Father: Carter Johanson
Siblings: Philip “Phil” Johanson 25, James Finnlay “Finn” Johanson 25, India Collete “Dia” Johanson 23, Genvieve Melbourne Johanson 6,
a bunch of people including Kaiden, Kace, Huxley, Lily Andrews, The Strand brothers, and more.
*more to come, also PM/VM me if i left someone off kk?* History in a Nutshell
Amelia was born on August 28th 2066 to Carter and Lily Johanson in a small town outside of Melbourne Australia. The wizarding couple both purebloods worked in two separate fields of the magical community. Carter being a politician worked with the Australian Ministry of Magic as the head speechwriter for the Australian minister, he also free-lanced as a writer. Her mother Lily worked however as a magizoologist for the local zoo.
SPOILER!!: things you probably already know…
First Year In her first year Amelia was placed into the Ravenclaw house and to be honest she wasn’t all that thrilled to be a Ravenclaw at first. This was more because of the rebellious streak that has filled her life – Amelia didn’t want to follow in her sister’s footsteps and has been taking strides not to ever since she was sent to her sister’s former school. In first year she met Kaiden, Blue, West, and Theo. And more AMAZING people as well.
Second Year In her second year Amelia let her creepy flag fly. Really, people could say she was borderline stalking a fellow class & housemate’s boyfriend. Though to this day Amelia claims it was because of his chocolate. Which it was.
Third Year Has just barely started and she already made some wonderful blunders…like saying she was named creepy to one Marcus Orion Branxton. Brilliant. During the school year she developed feelings for both Branxton and her newly returned friend Kaiden Yarborough. At the end of term quidditch party she realized her feelings for Kaiden and was a bit scared off by them.
Fourth Year Amelia liked (at one time) both Kaiden Yarborough and Marcus Branxton This was a bit confusing for the fifthteen year old girl and she tried to figure out who exactly it was that she really liked. During christmas break she and Kaiden ended up sharing a kiss (her first kiss) in her childhood bedroom. They however didn't get together and start dating until a few months later in February.
Fifth Year The relationship with Yarborough was short lived as she got a bit scared off by her feelings for the boy. And the fact that she had OWLs that term she decided to focus on schooling. The summer before fifth year showed the end of the short lived Yarborough and Johanson relationship.
Sixth Year In the summer before fifth year Amelia and her ex-boyfriend of the Summer before made up and decided to try to go it as friends. This has put a bit of strain on their friendship as they were once very close and now seem at times a little awkward and forced. By the start of term they had already grown a little close and the fact that she nervously declared that she still liked him during a plane ride back to the states that she just-so-happened to be sitting next to him for and kissing him at that same time (awkward much?) the start of term was a little awkward. She and Kaiden were back together by the start of the feast after they both happened to be in the same carriage on the way into school for the start of term feast.
Seventh Year Amelia’s final year at Hogwarts started with a summer fieldtrip to Eldorado.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Last edited by itsjustjesse; 05-21-2014 at 06:45 PM.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Name: Penelope Wright
Age: 11
Place of birth: near San Francisco, California
Where she lives now: London
Blood status: half and half: witch mother, muggle father
School: Hogwarts (why does anyone even bother to write this?)
House: Ravenclaw
Year: First
Physical Description
Hair: long, wavy, brown
eyes: light brown
Pet: Owl, Ophelia
Likes: Learning, reading, books, classical music, playing piano and flute
Dislikes: Not knowing things, being disturbed when she is working, having to climb up and down all of those flights of stairs everyday, incorrect grammar
Other: claustrophobic, afraid of getting hit by things
Doesn't eat chocolate, pizza bread, certain meats, and pretty much anything else you can think of because she has a wheat allergy, and many things contain wheat. She may appear to eat very little, and unlike other students, she does not eat chocolate when they get free chocolate in DADA class, does not eat anything when they make pizza in muggle studies, and does not eat the fortune cookie when a notice for divination class sows up in the form of a fortune in a fortune cookie.
Personality: Penelope is generally shy, and doesn't speak much, but once she gets to know someone she talks more. Though mostly quiet, she has her brave moments. She can be sensitive, moody, and emotional at times.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Name: Josette Marie Edayson Nickname: Josie Gender: Female Age: Twelve House: Ravenclaw Year: Second
Birthdate: June 27th, 2071 Place of Birth: My father says I was born in France. Lives in: I'm not allowed to say, but somewhere in the United Kingdom. Blood: Pureblood Wand: 11.4" Rosewood with Fairy Wing Core. Very graceful & rare.
Patronus: I'm not sure. Boggart: What is that?
Height: 4'11" Build: Petite, but lean Hair Color: Chocolate Brown Eye Color: Clear Blue Skin: Fair, somewhat like porcelain
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry Strongest Subject(s): Ancient Runes & Potions Weakest Subject(s): Arithmancy & Transfiguration
ㄨ ( FAMILY )
Father: Pierre Edayson Mother: Emmeline Edayson (Deceased)
Pet(s):Sebastian, he likes to sleep on my head...a lot. And the doe that lives in our backyard, but my father doesn't know that I feed her treats every day.
✓ Reading
✓ Daisies
✓ Sebastian
✓ Flying
✓ Climbing Trees
✓ Baking
✓ Playing the piano
✓ Potions
✓ Runes
✗ Loud noises
✗ Scary people
✗ Being yelled at,
✗ Disappointing anyone
✗ Spiders
✗ Dark corners
✗ Frogs
✗ Failing
✗ Not knowing what I'm doing
✗ The smell of cheese
If you asked Josette about her past, the furthest she could really only tell you would be about the age when she was six years old. Any time before that is really just a blur to her. But according to her father, that's a normal thing for children to not remember too much of their past before six years old, so she's never really questioned it before. But a part of her does wish she could remember because apparently that was around the age her mother had unfortunately disappeared & passed away not too long after that. Her father told her that some evil man had taken her mother from him & never found out who/why she was taken. From stories, her father always mentions that her mother was the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid his eyes on. After moving to a small cottage, ever since then it's been Josie & her father for as long as she could remember, which also leads to the next question that yes she is an only child. So that would explain why her father has been so watchful of her, since she's all he's got in this world, so she doesn't entirely blame him. Aside from that, he can also be a bit strict, so she's always trying her best to make him happy. One of the main things she fears in life is disappointing her father. She does feel that she has a rather close bond with the protective man knowing that everything he does for her is out of love & protection. And it's out of that love & protection she'd learned this motto: STRANGERS ARE DANGEROUS.
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
(Model: Ansel Elgort)
The Basics
Full name: Bryant Finnian Morris Preferred name: Bryant, Finn Gender: Male Age: 15 House: Ravenclaw Year: Fourth
Date of Birth: June 12, 2068 Place of Birth: Washington, DC, USA Current Residence: London, England
Physical Characteristics
Height: 5'4" Build: Tall and thin Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Features: Bryant is tall and lanky with a mop of short brown hair and dark brown eyes. His build allows him to be quick and agile, though most people don't know this about him. He is quiet and spends most of his time engulfed in a book or studying thus leading to why his hair is almost always a mess.
Magic Basis and Family
Wand: 14", Yew, dragon heartstring Blood Status: Pureblood Patronus: Currently Unknown Boggart: Unknown, but if he knew, he wouldn't tell. Amortentia: Currently Unknown
Parents: Colton and Tara(nee Bryne) Morris Sibling: Keefe Kane Morris (17 1/2) Pets: Murphy(kneazle kitten gotten in summer of 2083)
Shares owl named Chase with his older brother.
School Information
Previous School: Scamander Wizarding School for Gifted Gentlemen(age 8-age 14) Current School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry Favorite Subject(s): DADA, Charms, Transfiguration Least Favorite Subject(s): Muggle Studies, Astronomy, Ancient Runes
History & More
(to be added later when he has some history to share)
GENERAL Name: Tora Grace Gallaway Nicknames: None Wand: Ebony and Pheonix Feather, 11 inch, Slightly Springy Year: Fourth House: Ravenclaw Date of birth: 17-March-2069 Heritage: Mixed Blood Born in: Exeter, England Lives in: United States (Massachusetts, just outside Boston) with her Grandparents (who work in the International Magical Corporation) Pets: Zebop (He’s a Jungle Owl)
DESCRIPTION Hair: Blonde, wavy, usually down Eyes: Jade Green with silvery blue accents Height: 5’3” (eventually her full height will be 5’5’’) Body Type: Skinny but not fragile or delicate. Some would call her sturdily built. Skin: Light tan
She is always curious and isn’t afraid to get in trouble or go on an adventure to go find an answer. Because of this, she was almost put in Gryffindor, but the Sorting Hat decided in the end that she was better off a Ravenclaw because all her brave acts came from her trying to find knowledge. Just because she was sorted into Ravenclaw does not mean that she is clever. She continues to express that she was only placed in Ravenclaw for her curiosity, when actually she is as clever and creative as they come.
Tora is outgoing and is happy to make any new friends, but she can be a bit intimidating with her ideas and has a quick temper. She has mellowed out a bit so don’t worry if you bump into her, she won’t yell at you anymore (right away).
SPOILER!!: How she feels about the other Houses:
She thinks that the majority of the Gryffindor house is brave just to be brave and thus finds them annoying. There are a few exceptions to this rule of course, and she enjoys benefitting from their bravery when she goes on knowledgeable adventures. She thinks Hufflepuffs are friendly, and wishes that she was part of that great big Hufflepuff family. They can bit too accepting of everything sometimes though for her mind. She doesn’t hate Slytherins because their ambition can get them answers. On the contrary, she admires ambition, so long as there is a limit to how far that would go. She really doesn’t like the thought of killing people.
SPOILER!!: History and Family
Schooling: American Muggle schooling from second grade up to her first year at Hogwarts. Discovery of magic: she was around five when she levitated to find out what it was like to be “tall like Dad”. She continued to show magical tendencies whenever she was particularly curious about something and wanted to find the answer. Overall: Her parents sent her to live with her magical grandparents when she was seven in the United States so she could grow up in a wizarding house. (This was also partially sparked by the birth of her brother, Andrew Gray Gallaway). She continued to go to Muggle school in the U.S. and has an interesting way of speaking where she uses most American slang but speaks with a British accent. She grew up fully immersed at home in the wizarding community and knows most things about Muggle culture and lifestyle from her friends at school. She goes to Hogwarts and not any American wizarding schools because she was born in/ is from England. Although she had friends among the Muggles, she had never had a magical friend before to talk to so she was always a bit of a loner. She also happened to get in trouble a lot (from curiosity).
FAMILY Mother: Lucy (Taveras) Gallaway. Squib, she doesn’t shun the magical world but she has no part in it. Married a Muggle (Marius Gallaway) Lives in Exeter. Father: Marius Gallaway. Muggle, he doesn’t know much about the wizarding world other than that it is there and doesn’t really have a part in it. Lives in Exeter. Siblings: Before Tora was sent to live with her grandparents Lucy and Marius had twins. Richard Gallaway and Taylor Gallaway. Neither of them are magical and although they are technically blood siblings to Tora, their relationship with her is more like cousins. Her parents love the twins more so this is a touchy sunject for Tora. Lucy and Marius had another child when Tora was 7 years old. Andrew Gray Gallaway is magical and Tora loves him very much. Grandmother: Genna (Cabellero) Taveras. (Supposed to be pronounced “Jenna” but no one ever does) Half-Blood Witch, she works for the Ministry in the International Magical Coorperation and is currently living with her husband Derrick Taveras in the United States. She went to Hogwarts (Hufflepuff). Acting guardian of Tora. Tora calls her "Gram" Grandfather: Derrick Taveras. Pureblood Wizard, he writes travel guides for witches and wizards and when he isn’t traveling he works from home. He went to Durmstrang and Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages. Acting guardian of Tora. Tora calls him “Grandad” Grandparents (father’s side): They had a falling out with Marius and have very little contact other than the annual Christmas card with Tora and the rest of her family. They live in Newcastle and know nothing of the Wizarding world.
OTHER Motto: You’re more often hurt by hesitation than by what you were hesitating to do. Favorite color: Purple. Zodiac: Pisces Boggart: Copies of herself that play on her fear of being just like everyone else (She doesn’t like people to know that though) Patronus: It’ll be a Corsac Fox Amortentia: Clear night air, old libraries. Really depending on her mood and which she love more at the moment Strongest subjects: Her two favorites- Astronomy and Transfiguration! Weakest subjects: History of Magic ‘cause it’s so dull for her and Arithmancy cause she hates it. Animagus: Later she’ll become an Animagus, Corsac Fox, been studying this since second year What she wants to be: She would love to be an astronomer in the Space Chamber at the Department of Mysteries or in the Thought Room at the Department of Mysteries or in the International Magical Corporation like Gram. Likes: Adventures that aren’t pointless. The ones where you learn loads of stuff and not only show great feats of bravery just to be brave, word puzzles but not vague riddles, more play on word type stuff, books, clear nights when you can see the stars, summer weather, magic, flying though she could never play Quidditch, and the Muggle candy Smarties. Dislikes: Pointless acts of bravery just to be brave, disappointing people. She hates it when someone withholds an answer. Foods she hates would be cauliflower, broccoli, and pork. She also hate Arithmancy. She’s afraid of tight space so a bit claustrophobic. Post Font: Book Antiqua Post Color: #226A45 Model: Chloe Grace Moretz
Kate Pearce Full Name: Katerina Eugenia Pearce Date of birth: 8 October 2071 Age: 12 Year: First Birthplace: Veliky Novgorod, Russia Lives in: Reading, England, United Kingdom Wand: 11 1/8 inches, rowan wood, dragon heartstring core
Family: Father: William (Bill) Pearce, international business professor Mother: Gina Pearce, meteorologist Siblings: Kevin, David, Phillip, and Sam
Background: Kate was adopted from an orphanage in Veliky Novgorod when she was around 3 years old. The Pearces had briefly lived in the city for Bill’s work. Since they really wanted a daughter but had only had boys, they decided to go ahead and adopt before they moved back to England. As long as she remembers, her family has lived just outside of Reading. She grew up wishing she had a dog, playing football and rugby with her brothers and neighborhood friends, and building things with Legos and K’nex with her oldest brother Kevin. She was excited (though surprised) to come to Hogwarts when she found out that she was a witch, but disappointed that none of her brothers would get to come.
Things and activities Kate likes: Reading (biographies, history, space books, science books, science fiction), sports (especially rugby and football), planes and trains, chocolate covered fruits, jump roping, fun accessories (like scrunchies, hairbows, fun socks) Things and activities Kate doesn’t like: Other people crying, feet, having to sit and listen for long periods of time, popsicles, cats because she’s allergic, the cold/being cold, her full name
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
SPOILER!!: Samantha Elizabeth Montgomery
Full name: Samantha Elizabeth Montgomery
Nicknames: Sam, Sammy
Date of Birth: June 6th
Place of Birth: Salem, Massachusetts, USA
House: Ravenclaw
Year: Fourth
{ Physical Traits }
Eye color: Green
Hair: Blonde and slightly wavy
Height: 5'7
Build: Slim
Left or Right Handed: Left
Model: Elizabeth Montgomery
{ Magical Information }
Heritage: Pureblood
Wand: 11 3/4 in, Fir Wood and Unicorn Core
{ Education }
Best Subjects: Charms and Transfiguration
Worst Subjects: Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies
{ Family }
Father: Maurice Montgomery (President of London Wizarding Gentleman's Club)
Mother: Endora Montgomery (Chairwoman of Salem Witches Council)
Cousin: Serena Montgomery (Entertainment Committee Chairwoman at Cosmo Club)
Personality: Samantha is usually a soft spoken young witch but if something bad is said about her family and friends she will let the culprit have it either verbally or magically). Much to her family's chagrin, Samantha is slightly fascinated about the Muggle world. She likes spend her time reading or appreciating art. Sam is always ready to make new friends no matter which house they're in.