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Despite having been displaced from the greenhouses, the plants were fairing much better within the castle walls, so she wouldn't be complaining. In addition to this, it meant she could stay longer for breakfast and still make it to class well ahead of time. It still wasn't warm, within the room off the Great Hall, but it was considerably better than the damaged greenhouses, offering them some protection from the elements.
The long room had been set up specifically for the lesson. A long table, much like the ones found in the Great Hall, has been moved into the centre and placed at intervals behind them were a number of medium to large pots, and barrows of potting mix. On the table are four boxes containing seeds. The boxes aren't labeled, so only time would reveal their contents... unless you're particularly apt at identification.
Standing at the head of the table - with a blank blackboard positioned behind her, Seren slipped on her new gloves and waited patiently for the students to arrive. Tick, tock.
OOC: The lesson has started. If you haven't done so already then please read through the Herbology Rules and Expectations and the SS Site Rules. All SS Board Rules apply. IC rule breaking will result in IC punishment, OOC rule breaking will result in OOC punishment.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Lux was happy to see that the plants seemed to be doing much better ever since they had moved from the Greenhouses. It had broken her heart to see Professor Bentley so distraught over her little plants; they must be like her babies.
"Hello, Professor. How are you and your plants doing today?" She was so excited to see what was planned for the class because Herbology was always a lot of fun.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Zander flipped when he saw the notice for the upcoming herbology lesson. Lux had told him that he had to avoid Professor Bentley at all costs. Well... She didn't exactly say Professor Bentley, because Lux had no idea that Bentley was the beautiful girl that Zander had his eyes on. Ahem. And she could never know. No one could know. It was already embarrassing enough without anyone knowing his secret.
So how could he avoid her during a HERBOLOGY lesson?! Impossible. He'd just have to avoid eye contact. At all costs. Also speaking. He'd have to avoid that too. This would be a struggle.
He was feeling particularly antsy about todays lesson. He had managed to become a red sweaty mess even in the freezing Hogwarts winter. Ugh. This is bad. He hasn't even seen her yet. Taking a deep breath, Zander quickly ran into the room. Yes, ran. He analyzed it as quickly as he could. Okay, long table. Boxes. Where was Bentley?
NO. CAN'T FIND BENTLEY. Okay. A little peek wouldn't hurt. NO NO NO IT HURT. HE WAS WRONG. NO. MUST AVOID EYE CONTACT. Panicked Zander ran all the way to the OPPOSITE side of the table. It hurt his heart knowing that he couldn't even say hello. This would be a long lesson. What was Lux's advice again? Think of something you hate instead of thinking of the girl he liked?
BRUSSEL SPROUTS. MUST THINK ABOUT BRUSSEL SPROUTS. Those evil, evil vegetables would have to help push out thoughts of Beautiful Herbology Angel Bentley. THEY JUST HAD TO OKAY!?! HE WAS DYING HERE.
Speaking of Lux, the hufflepuff was already there. He could just go stand next to her? NO SHE WOULD TOTALLY FIGURE IT OUT. NOPE OKAY. NO TALKING AT ALL. NOT FOR THIS KID. AHHH THE NERVOUS SWEAT WAS BACK. AND THE STOMACH FLUTTERIES. GAH.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris poked his head into the room before stepping in. He smiled to see all the plants looking green and growing upright. Hopefully, that meant that they were recovering nicely. As he walked in, Cris noticed the arrangement of the room. One nice long table, with medium to large pots placed near them and wheelbarrows filled with potting soil.
It sure looked like they were going to be planting stuff today. Cris liked that idea. Moving on and creating new life. Walking up to Professor Bentley, he greeted her with a smile.
"Hello, Professor Bentley. I hope you are doing well. It's good to see that the plants are making a good recovery," he told the Professor as he looked all around him. Walking over to an empty spot on the benches, Cris sat down while keeping an eye out for Jasmine.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Another Herbology lesson! Adi was looking forward to this one because he wanted to check up on the plants they'd saved. He hadn't gotten the time to do that before so it was the lesson was perfect to do that.
"Hello, Professor,'' Adi said to Bentley. He scanned the surroundings, taking in the plants (which seemed to be doing okay) and the long table with stuff on it. What was in those boxes? Hmmm.
Oh look! A couple of his friends were there already! "Hey, Lux! Hiya, Cris!'' And his new friend, the one he had made in Divination. "What's up, Zander?'' Was it him or did the Gryffindor looked a bit distracted? Or panicky? Or both?
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine made her way to the Room off the Great Hall for Herbology class. She was anxious to see how the plants were doing since the incident at the Greenhouses. When she walked into the room, Jasmine couldn't help but notice how chilly it was. She guessed that it was better than being in the frozen Greenhouse.
Jasmine headed over to the Professor and greeted her. "Hello Professor Bentley. I'm glad to see he plants looking so much better." Moving on, Jasmine saw her friends and walked by to say hello. "Hi Lux. Hi Adi." Then she went over to Cris and sat next to him on the bench. "Hello Cris. The plants look pretty good, don't you think?" Although Jasmine was sad that some of the plants were lost, she was happy that they had been able to save so many.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
It was nice to have class within the castle, not only to avoid the crazy cold outside but because Mo was still munching a strip of bacon just seconds before he wandered into the classroom. He was glad to slip on his gloves over his bacon-fingers, since those flesh-eating plants were still hanging out along the wall and looked particularly hungry today.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Hearing someone run into the classroom, Lux was shocked when she turned and saw that it was Zander. Raising her brow, she found his behaviour was rather worrying. "Are you okay? You don't look so well." Was he feeling sick? Was it because of the lake? She could kick herself if he was ill because of what had happened; she should have taken him to Healer Tillstorm!
Adi and Jasmine came in and she was happy to see them. "Hello! I hope you both are doing well." She was still happy that Jasmine had liked her Valentines Day card, and Adi had been so very nice to her at the book club meeting. She knew such wonderful people.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Alexa had a GAME PLAN. Herbology would be by the Great Hall essentially which meant she wouldn't spend a ridiculous amount of time crossing the grounds in the cold SO she COULD sleep in, still make it to breakfast at a decent time and then head to class. This had to be the best thing to happen to her since all this cold started. What other classes could they move? Surely the other Professors were good with compromise--especially Thompson. Creatures couldn't stay in that cold, pfft no.
"G'morning Professor." Lex chirped, entering the room. Man, hauling the plants here wasn't easy but it was another chance to be with the flesh eaters when she did so no complaints here, just a content Gryffindor taking her place at the long table.
"D'you reckon the plants like it in here Professor? They must be used to nice scenery because of the glass walls they used to have." What if they were frustrated now? What if there was a plant revolt? Was she the only one who realized that if such a thing were to occur they'd have to tie up Bentley and lock her in a closet before attempting a retaliation and taking back of the castle from the frustrated plants?
This was all a delicate matter.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Ethan had to force himself to wake up early that morning, in order for him not to be late for class. It took him hours to sleep last night, and the boy looked a bit tired when he got inside the makeshift greenhouse. He too had to force himself to smile, because this is Herbology, and Professor Bentley likes it when students are all smiles and whatnot.
His usual greeting though wasn’t heard though, instead a faint grin was on his face. “Good day, professor.” He said as soon as he got inside, and gave her a wave.
He then nodded at the students who are already present: Lux, Jasmine, Cris, Adi, Zander, Mo, and Lex. Sup, yo? Here’s hoping you lot are having a better morning compared to this Slytherin.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
...and more students were coming into the room now. Jasmine...special smile for her.....as he waited for her to greet the Professor before scooting over to let her sit down.
"Yes I'm really glad that the plants seem to be faring really well, despite the circumstances. We were very lucky that Professor Bentley discovered the damage quickly. I shudder to think what would have happened if she had been a few hours late," Cris whispered to Jasmine turning his head to look at Professor Bentley. She definitely looked more chipper now. Cris could still recall the look on her face, when he found her that day in the Greenhouse.
But that was in the past, new life beginning. Cris smiled and waved at his friend as they came trooping in one by one. "Hey there , hey Zander, hi Marcus, hey Ethan," Cris greeted them one by one.
Oh there was the Lion Prefect who wasn't wearing her....never mind, "Hi Alexa"...it was Alexa right or should he have called her Miss Cambridge?
Toby was really NOT happy about the issue with the Greenhouses. They were one of his most favourite places to go in the castle, but now... well... Hogwarts happened.
Perhaps that was why the Hufflepuff was looking much less chipper than usual as he entered the room off the Great Hall, bag slung over his shoulder and gloves already in his hand. It wasn't that he looked devastatingly upset or anything, but the bounce in Toby's step was missing, though the jittery fidgeting seemed to be cranked up to eleven.
"Morning-Professor-Bentley," Toby greeted the professor as soon as he saw her, words flying out super fast. He was fully aware of how restless seemed today, and offered an apologetic smile to Bently as he quickly found a place at the long table.
Pulling on his gloves, Toby took a deeeeeeeeeeeep breath and tried hard to consciously slow himself down. Easy does it, Tobes. Chill out and breeeeeeeathe.
...? Yeah, no. That wasn't going to work.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Class in the castle meant two things: Ascanius could sleep in and little to no exposure to the elements would keep his face nice longer, yeah? Yeah. He WAS that conceited.
Walking in amongst his peers, he smiled charmingly at Bentley, "Hello, Professor. You look lovely today." Though, in juxtaposition to the previous year anyone looked good, yeah?
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Well, this was different. Sophie had only been at Hogwarts for two and a half years, but she was already so used to going out to the greenhouses for Herbology lessons. However, the greenhouses were no more, so heading to the Great Hall it was. Sophie stepped into the new classroom and took a look around. Professor Bentley had done a pretty good job of transferring everything from one place to the other. She took note of the woman slipping on her gloves and spoke as she passed her by. "Hello, Professor," she said.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
And he had made it before class had even started, Simon deserved a pat on his back just for that. Oh yes. He was nice and somewhat early and he hadn't gotten lost in finding the place. Double win!
Entering the makeshift greenhouse, he gazed at the plants a little. They seemed to all be in a much better condition then they were the day that they all had to move the plants up here. He greeted Professor Bentley warmly. "Hello Professor! How are you? The plants are looking happier here," he said with a smile. Then he gave a couple of nods and waves to Zander and Sophie that he recognized. "Hey guys!" he called out to them with a smile. After doing so, he made his way over towards Ethan. He glanced at his friend and noticed that his friend wasn't his usual sparky self. Perhaps it was too early. "Hey mate!" he said, sliding into the seat next to his dormmate.
Then he reached into his backpack and pulled out his notebook, quill, and gloves. After placing them onto the table, he glanced around the room and saw a boy (Toby) that looked very, very, very familiar. Huh. It was weird because Simon knew that he hadn't met him before. He just looked familiar and Simon didn't know why.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Just the concept of having Herbology inside the castle was both promising and strange. Of course, they couldn’t exactly have it out in the Greenhouses where class usually happened, not when said greenhouses had been damaged. Lily understood that clearly, but the idea of Herbology so close to the Great Hall seemed odd. That wasn’t going to stop her from attending, simply out of curiosity as to what they could do while they were inside the castle, but she still felt odd. Although there was the double advantage of being able to take her time during breakfast as well as not having to venture outside. The castle was cold, but she knew it would have been worse if they’d had to go out into the grounds. She didn’t have to bother with quite as much spell casting on herself inside the castle, so it was easy to give Professor Bentley a smile as she’d walked into the room just off the Great Hall for class.
“Good morning, Professor Bentley,” she said, looking at the plants as she passed them on her way to a spot near the table, giving Lux and a few others a wave as she passed them as well. The plants looked a lot better than when they’d all had to be moved inside, so she knew the professor must have been more relaxed. Her babies weren’t about to die. She’d finally settled her gaze onto the boxes on the table, trying to decipher what they were going to be planting as she’d slipped her gloves on. It paid to be prepared, after all, and knowing what they would be dealing with was just as important as having all her supplies ready.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Kevin was still having a cold, since he kept refusing to go and see the Healer despite two Professor having told him that he should go. Maybe it was his Gryffindor pride that he didn't want to see a healer over a little cold or maybe he was just stupid. Probably a mixture of both.
His throat hurt less though as the tea he had gotten from the Astronomy Professor and the chicken soup from the Divination Professor had done its jobs for now, but that didn't mean that his nose and cheeks weren't red anymore. 'Cause they still were and if anyone made a joke about him looking like Rudolph the Reindeer, he would curse said person.
He breathed through his mouth as he entered the new Greenhouse location that was in the room off the Great Hall and looked around. Seemed like the plants were doing a lot better in here than back at the freezing cold Greenhouses. The Professor stood in front of the blackboard and the Gryffindor walked towards her, feeling sliiiiightly..just slightly... embarrassed that he had attacked her in the boys dormitory. By accident of course! "Hello" that was it...just an hello with an accompanied sneeze and then he moved away to find a seat.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Ethan sighed, and sat straighter on his seat and decided to just get on with the day. Yeah, he will take a nap during the break and skip his lunch. Yup. That’s the plan. While waiting for the others, he got out his book, notebook, and muggle pencil out of his bag, then donned his gloves on because…cold you know?
He looked up just in time to see Simon (Toby) and…wait, why is Simon wearing a Hufflepuff’s uniform? He thought that once sorted to a house, there’s no way they could transfer? Ethan squinted his eyes at the boy and then, the real Simon came to sit beside him. Ethan eyed his dorm mate too and, “Hey.” Still suspicious, you see? His eyes travelled from his buddy to the Hufflepuff boy. “Do you…” he trailed off as he pointed from the boy to Simon looking super confused.
Okay, maybe he just lacks sleep, that’s all.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by Squishy
Lux was happy to see that the plants seemed to be doing much better ever since they had moved from the Greenhouses. It had broken her heart to see Professor Bentley so distraught over her little plants; they must be like her babies.
"Hello, Professor. How are you and your plants doing today?" She was so excited to see what was planned for the class because Herbology was always a lot of fun.
They felt smooth against her skin... her new gloves, and she was rather enjoying admiring them as the first footsteps could be heard making an entrance.
Seren looked up to see a bright and early Lux, an honourary Gryffindor at that. "Hello dear," she chimed in reply, an easy smile lighting her features. "We're doing well... settling into the new arrangements..." It was hardly ideal, but it was better than the alternative - freeze to death. "And how are you this morning?"
SPOILER!!: Zander
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Zander flipped when he saw the notice for the upcoming herbology lesson. Lux had told him that he had to avoid Professor Bentley at all costs. Well... She didn't exactly say Professor Bentley, because Lux had no idea that Bentley was the beautiful girl that Zander had his eyes on. Ahem. And she could never know. No one could know. It was already embarrassing enough without anyone knowing his secret.
So how could he avoid her during a HERBOLOGY lesson?! Impossible. He'd just have to avoid eye contact. At all costs. Also speaking. He'd have to avoid that too. This would be a struggle.
He was feeling particularly antsy about todays lesson. He had managed to become a red sweaty mess even in the freezing Hogwarts winter. Ugh. This is bad. He hasn't even seen her yet. Taking a deep breath, Zander quickly ran into the room. Yes, ran. He analyzed it as quickly as he could. Okay, long table. Boxes. Where was Bentley?
NO. CAN'T FIND BENTLEY. Okay. A little peek wouldn't hurt. NO NO NO IT HURT. HE WAS WRONG. NO. MUST AVOID EYE CONTACT. Panicked Zander ran all the way to the OPPOSITE side of the table. It hurt his heart knowing that he couldn't even say hello. This would be a long lesson. What was Lux's advice again? Think of something you hate instead of thinking of the girl he liked?
BRUSSEL SPROUTS. MUST THINK ABOUT BRUSSEL SPROUTS. Those evil, evil vegetables would have to help push out thoughts of Beautiful Herbology Angel Bentley. THEY JUST HAD TO OKAY!?! HE WAS DYING HERE.
Speaking of Lux, the hufflepuff was already there. He could just go stand next to her? NO SHE WOULD TOTALLY FIGURE IT OUT. NOPE OKAY. NO TALKING AT ALL. NOT FOR THIS KID. AHHH THE NERVOUS SWEAT WAS BACK. AND THE STOMACH FLUTTERIES. GAH.
What was perhaps a little odd, was the behaviours of the next student to enter. Zander.
No greeting, no warm smile.. he seemed downright sulky like that.
"Everything alright Zander?" she asked, concerned eyes on her Lion.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Cris poked his head into the room before stepping in. He smiled to see all the plants looking green and growing upright. Hopefully, that meant that they were recovering nicely. As he walked in, Cris noticed the arrangement of the room. One nice long table, with medium to large pots placed near them and wheelbarrows filled with potting soil.
It sure looked like they were going to be planting stuff today. Cris liked that idea. Moving on and creating new life. Walking up to Professor Bentley, he greeted her with a smile.
"Hello, Professor Bentley. I hope you are doing well. It's good to see that the plants are making a good recovery," he told the Professor as he looked all around him. Walking over to an empty spot on the benches, Cris sat down while keeping an eye out for Jasmine.
Yes, he had a spot reserved for her. Nod...nod.
"Good morning, Cris," Seren greeted the Hufflepuff as he joined them at the table. "It's good to see everything going better now," she agreed, well was perhaps still too great a stretch, all things considered. "At least you won't have to worry about losing a limb crossing the grounds anymore." That was a bonus.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Another Herbology lesson! Adi was looking forward to this one because he wanted to check up on the plants they'd saved. He hadn't gotten the time to do that before so it was the lesson was perfect to do that.
"Hello, Professor,'' Adi said to Bentley. He scanned the surroundings, taking in the plants (which seemed to be doing okay) and the long table with stuff on it. What was in those boxes? Hmmm.
Oh look! A couple of his friends were there already! "Hey, Lux! Hiya, Cris!'' And his new friend, the one he had made in Divination. "What's up, Zander?'' Was it him or did the Gryffindor looked a bit distracted? Or panicky? Or both?
Oh good, she was still concerned with Zander's .. quietness, so the fact that Adi was here and mingling with the Lion, eased her mind.
"Good morning, dear," she replied as he passed her.
SPOILER!!: Jasmine
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Jasmine made her way to the Room off the Great Hall for Herbology class. She was anxious to see how the plants were doing since the incident at the Greenhouses. When she walked into the room, Jasmine couldn't help but notice how chilly it was. She guessed that it was better than being in the frozen Greenhouse.
Jasmine headed over to the Professor and greeted her. "Hello Professor Bentley. I'm glad to see he plants looking so much better." Moving on, Jasmine saw her friends and walked by to say hello. "Hi Lux. Hi Adi." Then she went over to Cris and sat next to him on the bench. "Hello Cris. The plants look pretty good, don't you think?" Although Jasmine was sad that some of the plants were lost, she was happy that they had been able to save so many.
If there was any face that could brighten her day, it was Jasmine's. "Good morning," she greeted the Ravenclaw in return, "so am I... I hate to think of what might have come of them had we not worked so well and so quickly to have them moved." It was a tremendous feat, and one that she was still grateful for.
SPOILER!!: Marcus
Originally Posted by Cassirin
It was nice to have class within the castle, not only to avoid the crazy cold outside but because Mo was still munching a strip of bacon just seconds before he wandered into the classroom. He was glad to slip on his gloves over his bacon-fingers, since those flesh-eating plants were still hanging out along the wall and looked particularly hungry today.
Mo would prefer NOT to be a snack, thanks.
"Morning, Professor. How are you this morning?"
She was happy enough to stand and wait for the last of the students to arrive while the others chatted a bit. Seren found herself straightening up the nearest box and then turned her attention to the pot and a different box beside her.
Looking up at the sound of another approaching, she flashed Marcus a smile, "Good morning," she replied, emphasising the good. How could it not be when they no longer had to endure the conditions outside the castle... not that the condition inside was all that great either. "I'm much better than I was at the weekend, and how are you?"
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Alexa had a GAME PLAN. Herbology would be by the Great Hall essentially which meant she wouldn't spend a ridiculous amount of time crossing the grounds in the cold SO she COULD sleep in, still make it to breakfast at a decent time and then head to class. This had to be the best thing to happen to her since all this cold started. What other classes could they move? Surely the other Professors were good with compromise--especially Thompson. Creatures couldn't stay in that cold, pfft no.
"G'morning Professor." Lex chirped, entering the room. Man, hauling the plants here wasn't easy but it was another chance to be with the flesh eaters when she did so no complaints here, just a content Gryffindor taking her place at the long table.
"D'you reckon the plants like it in here Professor? They must be used to nice scenery because of the glass walls they used to have." What if they were frustrated now? What if there was a plant revolt? Was she the only one who realized that if such a thing were to occur they'd have to tie up Bentley and lock her in a closet before attempting a retaliation and taking back of the castle from the frustrated plants?
This was all a delicate matter.
It sounded as if someone was in a good mood. Seren turned slightly to acknowledge her Prefect, giving her a grin and a little wink. "Mooooorning," she trilled in reply.
"I think they like it a lot better than the greenhouses in their current state, though I'm sure it's a distressing adjustment." Being literally uprooted and shifted out of their ideal conditions - formerly, ideal conditions. Something she needed to remind herself of.
SPOILER!!: Ethan
Originally Posted by Mordred
Ethan had to force himself to wake up early that morning, in order for him not to be late for class. It took him hours to sleep last night, and the boy looked a bit tired when he got inside the makeshift greenhouse. He too had to force himself to smile, because this is Herbology, and Professor Bentley likes it when students are all smiles and whatnot.
His usual greeting though wasn’t heard though, instead a faint grin was on his face. “Good day, professor.” He said as soon as he got inside, and gave her a wave.
He then nodded at the students who are already present: Lux, Jasmine, Cris, Adi, Zander, Mo, and Lex. Sup, yo? Here’s hoping you lot are having a better morning compared to this Slytherin.
A grinning Ethan was a pleasant addition to the group that was forming, and she happily returned the happy-mannered gesture. "Morning, Ethan," she added, mirroring his wave also.
Originally Posted by Felixir
Toby was really NOT happy about the issue with the Greenhouses. They were one of his most favourite places to go in the castle, but now... well... Hogwarts happened.
Perhaps that was why the Hufflepuff was looking much less chipper than usual as he entered the room off the Great Hall, bag slung over his shoulder and gloves already in his hand. It wasn't that he looked devastatingly upset or anything, but the bounce in Toby's step was missing, though the jittery fidgeting seemed to be cranked up to eleven.
"Morning-Professor-Bentley," Toby greeted the professor as soon as he saw her, words flying out super fast. He was fully aware of how restless seemed today, and offered an apologetic smile to Bently as he quickly found a place at the long table.
Pulling on his gloves, Toby took a deeeeeeeeeeeep breath and tried hard to consciously slow himself down. Easy does it, Tobes. Chill out and breeeeeeeathe.
...? Yeah, no. That wasn't going to work.
If there was anyone that could empathise with her regarding the greenhouse debacle, it was Toobias. The boy had a knack for herbology, and it was clear in his actions that he felt strongly for the subject. Always such a thrilling thing to see. She offered him a smaller, softer smile and a greeting to follow, "G'morning Toby." He looked like he needed a hug, but she doubted he would appreciate one... in front of all his peers, too.
SPOILER!!: Ascanius
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Class in the castle meant two things: Ascanius could sleep in and little to no exposure to the elements would keep his face nice longer, yeah? Yeah. He WAS that conceited.
Walking in amongst his peers, he smiled charmingly at Bentley, "Hello, Professor. You look lovely today." Though, in juxtaposition to the previous year anyone looked good, yeah?
Gloves on. His silence began now.
It never ceased to amaze her, how Ascanius didn't seem to tire from giving unnecessary compliments. It had been sweet the first few times, but it had lost its novelty. "Good morning, Ascanius," she replied cheerfully nonetheless.
SPOILER!!: Sophie
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Well, this was different. Sophie had only been at Hogwarts for two and a half years, but she was already so used to going out to the greenhouses for Herbology lessons. However, the greenhouses were no more, so heading to the Great Hall it was. Sophie stepped into the new classroom and took a look around. Professor Bentley had done a pretty good job of transferring everything from one place to the other. She took note of the woman slipping on her gloves and spoke as she passed her by. "Hello, Professor," she said.
She figured now might have been a good a time as any to get some notes happening on the board, but was soon distracted with the arrival of Miss Newell.
"Good morning, Sophie," she greeted, watching as the girl continued further along the row..
SPOILER!!: Simon
Originally Posted by Emms
And he had made it before class had even started, Simon deserved a pat on his back just for that. Oh yes. He was nice and somewhat early and he hadn't gotten lost in finding the place. Double win!
Entering the makeshift greenhouse, he gazed at the plants a little. They seemed to all be in a much better condition then they were the day that they all had to move the plants up here. He greeted Professor Bentley warmly. "Hello Professor! How are you? The plants are looking happier here," he said with a smile. Then he gave a couple of nods and waves to Zander and Sophie that he recognized. "Hey guys!" he called out to them with a smile. After doing so, he made his way over towards Ethan. He glanced at his friend and noticed that his friend wasn't his usual sparky self. Perhaps it was too early. "Hey mate!" he said, sliding into the seat next to his dormmate.
Then he reached into his backpack and pulled out his notebook, quill, and gloves. After placing them onto the table, he glanced around the room and saw a boy (Toby) that looked very, very, very familiar. Huh. It was weird because Simon knew that he hadn't met him before. He just looked familiar and Simon didn't know why.
"Simon!" Seren trilled, returning his warm greeting. "I'm excellent, how about yourself?" she asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The plants did look happier here in comparison to the frozen hell from which they came... "It's progress... it could be worse."
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Just the concept of having Herbology inside the castle was both promising and strange. Of course, they couldn’t exactly have it out in the Greenhouses where class usually happened, not when said greenhouses had been damaged. Lily understood that clearly, but the idea of Herbology so close to the Great Hall seemed odd. That wasn’t going to stop her from attending, simply out of curiosity as to what they could do while they were inside the castle, but she still felt odd. Although there was the double advantage of being able to take her time during breakfast as well as not having to venture outside. The castle was cold, but she knew it would have been worse if they’d had to go out into the grounds. She didn’t have to bother with quite as much spell casting on herself inside the castle, so it was easy to give Professor Bentley a smile as she’d walked into the room just off the Great Hall for class.
“Good morning, Professor Bentley,” she said, looking at the plants as she passed them on her way to a spot near the table, giving Lux and a few others a wave as she passed them as well. The plants looked a lot better than when they’d all had to be moved inside, so she knew the professor must have been more relaxed. Her babies weren’t about to die. She’d finally settled her gaze onto the boxes on the table, trying to decipher what they were going to be planting as she’d slipped her gloves on. It paid to be prepared, after all, and knowing what they would be dealing with was just as important as having all her supplies ready.
Save for the Ravenclaw's small greeting, she'd have hardly have noticed the quiet girls arrival under other circumstances. "Morning, Lily," she greeted her in return, watching as she settled herself in and put on her gloves. Prepared as always.
SPOILER!!: Kevin
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Kevin was still having a cold, since he kept refusing to go and see the Healer despite two Professor having told him that he should go. Maybe it was his Gryffindor pride that he didn't want to see a healer over a little cold or maybe he was just stupid. Probably a mixture of both.
His throat hurt less though as the tea he had gotten from the Astronomy Professor and the chicken soup from the Divination Professor had done its jobs for now, but that didn't mean that his nose and cheeks weren't red anymore. 'Cause they still were and if anyone made a joke about him looking like Rudolph the Reindeer, he would curse said person.
He breathed through his mouth as he entered the new Greenhouse location that was in the room off the Great Hall and looked around. Seemed like the plants were doing a lot better in here than back at the freezing cold Greenhouses. The Professor stood in front of the blackboard and the Gryffindor walked towards her, feeling sliiiiightly..just slightly... embarrassed that he had attacked her in the boys dormitory. By accident of course! "Hello" that was it...just an hello with an accompanied sneeze and then he moved away to find a seat.
oooh boxes!
Was it just her, or did Kevin look a little deathly? "Hello, dear," she replied, eyes on him as he sneezed and moved off to find a spot. She wasn't watching him out of distrust, and was in no way perturbed by what had transpired earlier, no, she was concerned about his well being. She'd have asked him about it, but figured if he wanted to do something about it, then he would have... so long as he wasn't contagious.
Originally Posted by Chiara
Another Lesson of Herbology! Lucy was really happy!
"Good morning, Professor, how are you?...
"The plants are doing better in here!!..."
It was nice to see Lucy bright and early too, eager to get started. "Good morning, dear," Seren replied, flashing the Lioness a bright smile. "I'm much better... and yes, the plants are adjusting fairly well...." it was certainly better than the alternative.
Checking the time on her pendant watch, Seren pursed her lips in thought.
"We'll wait a few more minutes before getting started... make sure your gloves are on!"
OOC: I'll wait another 9-10 hours before officially starting the lesson. Come one, come all (:
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Dear...she said dear to him.
Kevin wasn't all that familiar with nice words except coming from his mother so he merely frowned at that before letting out another sneeze. Ugh, he needed a tissue but he had accidentally left the box under his pillow when he had taken a nap before this class started. "Does someone have a tissue? i need a tissue or else you'll ALL be infected with what i have and its daaaaangerous" yeah not really, just a cold but he needed a tissue NOW.
While he waited, the boy took out his gloves from his bag and put them on. Well, tissues?
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
The idea of Herbology taking place indoors was........ strange.
No really, it was.
Though, Grayson was glad that he didn't have to trudge outside to get to this particular lesson. He didn't want to battle so much snow. Do you know how tiring that was? Jeez. It was a good thing that there had been the prospect of flesh-eating plants, even if one only ate freaking fairies. Nothing exciting about that.
Stepping into the room and taking a glance around it still made him feel strange. He walked a little slowly, taking a moment to look carefully at all the plants there. At least the place looked like a Herbology classroom. There was that. And the plants looked okay too. Probably a little better here, actually. Funny. He wouldn't have expected that.
Sooooo Bentley was here. "Hello Professor!" he said, coming to a stop giving her a nod and a small smile. Pulling out his gloves, Grayson strapped them on, making sure to wiggle his fingers as he did so. There. He was ready for whatever interesting activity was planned for this lesson.
The reason why Agatha wasn't really on time - well, she wasn't late either, was she? - was because she had momentarily gotten lost and was about to head outside when she noticed people going towards the Great Hall instead. It was only then that she remembered reading something about Herbology not being in the Greenhouses, so she followed some of her classmates into the room off the Great Hall only to see loads of plants, students and professor Bentley there.
"Hello." She greeted the older woman, looking around and trying to spot someone she knew.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Angel was still feeling cold from her trip outside but she wasn't going to the Hospital wing because she was afraid of doctors and nurses, she had been since she was little.
"Mo...morning Pr...Professor." Angel gave a small shiver. "How are you today?" Angel wanted to get this lesson started, she wasn't going to miss this lesson for nothing. "I think the plants are enjoying it here loads." Angel gave a small smile.
Cutty watched from his position. He had bent down and feigned fetching dropped items from his bag to watch the feet and hear the conversations of those that entered the class. Tobes, with it's rapid, bunny-like movements was easy to identify but for the rest he needed to match the distance of sound to them. It was time some rumours started flying about something, but he picked up nothing. No great dismay there, only observation and maybe an addition to the mental checklist.
He heard the instructions of one, Professor Seren Bentley and lifted himself into a seated position for all to see. Dragonhide gloves were going on, still a bit large.