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The Eagles sit under a brand new navy and bronze banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. It was once said that the Hogwarts House Elves are the best in the world. It is up to your stomach to agree... but surely it will! Why wouldn't it like elf cooking?
If you're thirsty, there is also fresh pumpkin juice and water on the table, regardless of whether or not it is actually mealtime.
When Mr. Kitridge clearly did not know her name, Jasmine felt the need to help him out. "It's Miss Guidry, Jasmine Guidry." If he was going to reprimand a student, he might as well know which student he was reprimanding. Jasmine wanted to respond so badly, but she figured that back sassing her Head of House was surely a one way ticket to the dungeons.......so she bit her lip and remained silent.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Cris had been smiling at Jasmine when he heard a voice speak up behind them. Mortified on hearing what Jasmine's Head of House, had to say, Cris quickly dropped Jasmine's hand like it was a hot potato, before turning beet red!
Yes...it looked like Mr. Kitredge had the ability to make him feel like a child who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Cris blushed as he gazed up the school librarian, the look of disapproval clearly written over the older man's face.
"Uh..um...I'm sorry Mr. Kitridge. We meant no disrespect," Cris immediately apologized although he still couldn't understand why they had been called out in front of everybody. He had seen others do a lot more than they had...but then the others had been smart enough not to get caught.
Mental note to self. Public displays of affection will be limited to where there are no adults present.
Cris was upset but he kept those feelings to himself. He felt bad that he had gotten Jasmine into trouble with her Head of House. He shot her a quick look of apology and then sighed, turning his gaze to stare at the plate in front of him.
Despite her continued silence, Cris suspected that Jasmine was upset too. Only she was wise enough not to say anything.
Okay floor, you can open up now and swallow me whole. Cris immediately lost his appetite. It would be just great for his parents to hear that he had been given detention because he been caught kissing his girlfriend's hand and staring into her eyes.
Just great!!
"Apologies accepted Mr Strand and Ms Guidry. Keep in mind the example you set for the younger students with your use of public displays of affection in the future." Leo lectured. "Now I shall go find Professor Culloden. Have a good day you two!" Turning on his heel with that ending remark the librarian left the Great Hall. He hoped he had knocked some sense into the young couple. Only time would tell if that was the case. Hopefully the elves could whipp up something for him to eat maybe even an omelette?
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris forced himself to tear his eyes away from his plate of food to look at Mr. Kitridge, when he began to speak. Inwardly breathing a sigh of relief, Cris was glad the the librarian was just letting them both off with just a verbal warning, accepting their apologies before tottering off to look for their Potions Master.
Cris continued to watch the man as he disappeared down the rows of tables and out the Great Hall, before turning to look apologetically at Jasmine. "Whew! We got lucky there. I have to say that Mr. Kitridge isn't such a bad guy. I mean he could have still given is detention," Cris told Jasmine. Cris wasn't a stranger to serving detention, but he still would have felt really bad if Jasmine had to do it.
Cris stared down at his plate before pushing it aside. "Suddenly, I don't feel so hungry after all. What about you?" he asked Jasmine. He figured that if his appetite did return, he'd grab something to eat later.
Was she embarrassed about the questions? Bryant didn't know why she didn't seem to want him looking at the paper. It honestly didn't matter what she did with it. They had to get to know each other somehow. He started to take a bite of his muffin when Tora asked a question. "Yeah... I'm new... I transferred from a wizarding school in Washington DC. It was an all boys school." He said, shrugging a bit.
"I'm not really that interesting, I suppose..." He continued, taking another bite of his muffin. He kinda gave a look over at the paper that the claw girl had pulled away. "So... did you transfer in too? What are your favorite classes here and what should I try to stay away from?" He asked, smirking a bit more. She had asked two questions, so it would only be fair if he got to ask three.
Tora just gave up on trying to hide the stupid questions. She let go of the paper in favor of a nearby orange. So this guy was new! The Ravenclaw was glad her observation skills weren't so dull as to have missed a whole person for three years. "Washington DC? I live in Massachusetts," she said switching automatically into the more American accent she used at home. After all the time around Americans when she was young, she had picked up a little bit of their dialect. "I didn't transfer, I've been here since first year, but yeah, I don't live in the UK," she continued on answering his many questions. Not too many students were from the States, so it was always fun to talk about, she would have to ask some questions about that later.
Putting that thought aside, she began to talk about Hogwarts and classes. "I love Astronomy and Transfiguration, but you have to watch what you do in Transfiguration. The professor is pretty strict. Like, don't sit down before you're told you can or you'll probably get points off," She started off, but she couldn't really tell Finn about subjects and teachers he might like when she knew nothing about him. "You must have had some favorite subjects at your old school?" she asked raising her eyebrows in question.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine sat silently as she went from embarrassment to anger. She still felt that she and Cris hadn't done anything bad let alone set a bad example for the younger students. Maybe she was wrong, but she didn't get it. Listening to Cris, Jasmine replied, "I guess you're right.""We were lucky not to get detention, but still......"
Suddenly she didn't feel like eating anymore. [B]"No I'm not hungry anymore either,"[B] Jasmine said. She would be bummed about this for a while. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Jasmine sat silently as she went from embarrassment to anger. She still felt that she and Cris hadn't done anything bad let alone set a bad example for the younger students. Maybe she was wrong, but she didn't get it. Listening to Cris, Jasmine replied, "I guess you're right.""We were lucky not to get detention, but still......"
Suddenly she didn't feel like eating anymore. [B]"No I'm not hungry anymore either,"[B] Jasmine said. She would be bummed about this for a while. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"
Cris knew exactly how Jasmine felt. Like their happy bubble had been burst right after Mr. Kitridge came over to reprimand them. He sighed commiserating with her. "I know Jasmine, I feel the same way too. I don't believe that we were setting a bad example for the younger students, but you know how some adults can be," he tried to console his girlfriend.
"Now we know what not to do in certain areas of this school. This place being one of them. If you're game, would you like to head on down to the Student Garden? I have a friend there, I would like you to meet," he smiled at her, hoping that a change of scenery would bring back their previously happy mood.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Cris knew exactly how Jasmine felt. Like their happy bubble had been burst right after Mr. Kitridge came over to reprimand them. He sighed commiserating with her. "I know Jasmine, I feel the same way too. I don't believe that we were setting a bad example for the younger students, but you know how some adults can be," he tried to console his girlfriend.
"Now we know what not to do in certain areas of this school. This place being one of them. If you're game, would you like to head on down to the Student Garden? I have a friend there, I would like you to meet," he smiled at her, hoping that a change of scenery would bring back their previously happy mood.
Jasmine listend to Cris and she knew he was right, but it was going to take a long time to erase the sting of their reprimand. There was no way that she would be up for eating anything else. She just wanted to get as far away from the Great Hall as she could, as quickly as possible.
When Cris mentioned going to the Student Garden, Jasmine was all for it. A change of venue might be the only way to lighten her mood. "Yes, the Student Garden sounds like an excellent idea. I'm ready whenever you are." Jasmine was very curious about this friend that Cris wanted her to meet. Well, she would find out who it was soon enough. Right now, she was very ready to leave.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
SPOILER!!: Jasmine
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Jasmine listend to Cris and she knew he was right, but it was going to take a long time to erase the sting of their reprimand. There was no way that she would be up for eating anything else. She just wanted to get as far away from the Great Hall as she could, as quickly as possible.
When Cris mentioned going to the Student Garden, Jasmine was all for it. A change of venue might be the only way to lighten her mood. "Yes, the Student Garden sounds like an excellent idea. I'm ready whenever you are." Jasmine was very curious about this friend that Cris wanted her to meet. Well, she would find out who it was soon enough. Right now, she was very ready to leave.
Cris was glad that Jasmine was more than ready to leave the Great Hall and follow him down to meet Spike. Offering her his hand to help her get up off the bench, he walked out of the Great Hall with her.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Meizzner
It would only be fair if they hit the claws right. They were part of that house after all. The rest of Mo's plan was perfect. Moving House to House. "Alright, Sounds Good. Let's get this party started"
They both kicked off at different times because they did not talk about this part and they could wing it if necessary. Ah, a whistle. There he was. Being disillusioned and trying to find them in the air was hard. But if they could not find eachother. Neither could everyone else. So perfect.
"Now the count of three. One...Two....Three"
Snowballs, away. Bwahaha, look at those claws getting hit with snowballs. It was brilliant. Thank Merlin, they picked lunch time to do this. So people were actually here.
From across the Great Hall, the Ravenclaw table is peppered with snowballs that seem to come from nowhere. They're a little slushy, which seems to suggest someone had them stored inside their shirt, but still cold. Very cold. Did they come from the Gryffindors? The Hufflepuffs? Who knows... but this means WAR!
Above, Mo circled on his broom, practically invisible and trying his hardest not to laugh out loud and give his position away. Time to move on to the next table, Nigel?
Charlie didn't want to be back at school. She wanted to be back with Tristan, and interning, and spending time doing... not school stuff. She missed her boyfriend super dooper badly, and as much as she liked learning stuff, it seemed pointless now that she'd figured out what she wanted to do after school.
Like, how was Arithmancy going to help her merchandise and style stuff? Maybe she should have taken Divination - that way, she could have predicted trends, like, for reals.
Was it too late to swap now? She rested her chin on the palm of her hand and stirred her soup with her other one. Maybe if she got really good at Seeing, she could be a fashion forecaster. It would be cheating, in a way, but who would know?
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
Charlie didn't want to be back at school. She wanted to be back with Tristan, and interning, and spending time doing... not school stuff. She missed her boyfriend super dooper badly, and as much as she liked learning stuff, it seemed pointless now that she'd figured out what she wanted to do after school.
Like, how was Arithmancy going to help her merchandise and style stuff? Maybe she should have taken Divination - that way, she could have predicted trends, like, for reals.
Was it too late to swap now? She rested her chin on the palm of her hand and stirred her soup with her other one. Maybe if she got really good at Seeing, she could be a fashion forecaster. It would be cheating, in a way, but who would know?
Considering as Elodie had once had every reason to pick and choose a table to sit at in the Great Hall, it not fell to her friends being present for her to feel like she even could sit at a table that wasn't her own. And she couldn't sit at the Gryffindor table without feeling choked up about the memories and the feelings and the everything. Exact proof that she was nowhere near being over this whole thing yet, and the provisions she'd made to cater for her emotions just weren't the right ones. Except she was being quiet about those.
Even to those who she was closest with.
One of whom she'd spied as soon as she'd walked in. She gave Charlie a wave, not sure if she actually saw it as she seemed interested in the bowl of something she was stirring, and headed in that direction.
Only to be VIOLENTLY ATTACKED BY SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT AIR, FOOD, COMPLIMENTS OR KISSES. She accepted those things in attack formation, but definitely not....snowballs. Snowballs. "What the-" The one that had crashed into her head was melting already and the drips on her face were severely unwelcome, more so because she'd washed her hair only that morning and that was a task in itself.
"CHOO." It hadn't been her. Els knew it. She was being soupy and dramatic.
Considering as Elodie had once had every reason to pick and choose a table to sit at in the Great Hall, it not fell to her friends being present for her to feel like she even could sit at a table that wasn't her own. And she couldn't sit at the Gryffindor table without feeling choked up about the memories and the feelings and the everything. Exact proof that she was nowhere near being over this whole thing yet, and the provisions she'd made to cater for her emotions just weren't the right ones. Except she was being quiet about those.
Even to those who she was closest with.
One of whom she'd spied as soon as she'd walked in. She gave Charlie a wave, not sure if she actually saw it as she seemed interested in the bowl of something she was stirring, and headed in that direction.
Only to be VIOLENTLY ATTACKED BY SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT AIR, FOOD, COMPLIMENTS OR KISSES. She accepted those things in attack formation, but definitely not....snowballs. Snowballs. "What the-" The one that had crashed into her head was melting already and the drips on her face were severely unwelcome, more so because she'd washed her hair only that morning and that was a task in itself.
"CHOO." It hadn't been her. Els knew it. She was being soupy and dramatic.
Charlie didn't like bad mood!Charlie. She knew that when things sucked she was likely to snap at and take it all out on someone she loved and she didn't like, nor want to do that. She didn't notice Elodie waving, as she began to tear a piece of bread apart and drop little chunks into her soup. Maybe if she played with the food for long enough, it might begin to look a little bit appetising.
Or she might begin to be a little bit hungry.
Hearing the shout and knowing immediately who it was, because only one person in the world sounded like that, and only one person called her that, Charlie turned to the girl behind her, wondering what on Earth she'd done. Why Elodie was shouting at her was beyond her comprehension right now, and she wasn't in the mood for it.
Her scowl, however, melted away very quickly at the sight of the water dripping down El's face, and Charlie began to giggle. "Sorry, Els but I -" She didn't get to finish her pathetic, chortling apology because THE SNOWBALLS HAD NOW HIT HER.
She wasn't scowling, but she WASN'T HAPPY anymore, either. Her hair looked NICE today. REALLY nice. And now it was all wet and stuck to her face and MESSY.
Of course, it hadn't been Elodie, for Charlie was looking directly at her when she'd been hit, but if Elodie was allowed to say her name all dramatic like, it was only fair that the younger girl could do so in return. POUTING.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
Charlie didn't like bad mood!Charlie. She knew that when things sucked she was likely to snap at and take it all out on someone she loved and she didn't like, nor want to do that. She didn't notice Elodie waving, as she began to tear a piece of bread apart and drop little chunks into her soup. Maybe if she played with the food for long enough, it might begin to look a little bit appetising.
Or she might begin to be a little bit hungry.
Hearing the shout and knowing immediately who it was, because only one person in the world sounded like that, and only one person called her that, Charlie turned to the girl behind her, wondering what on Earth she'd done. Why Elodie was shouting at her was beyond her comprehension right now, and she wasn't in the mood for it.
Her scowl, however, melted away very quickly at the sight of the water dripping down El's face, and Charlie began to giggle. "Sorry, Els but I -" She didn't get to finish her pathetic, chortling apology because THE SNOWBALLS HAD NOW HIT HER.
She wasn't scowling, but she WASN'T HAPPY anymore, either. Her hair looked NICE today. REALLY nice. And now it was all wet and stuck to her face and MESSY.
Of course, it hadn't been Elodie, for Charlie was looking directly at her when she'd been hit, but if Elodie was allowed to say her name all dramatic like, it was only fair that the younger girl could do so in return. POUTING.
Of COURSE Charlie would find this funny. Of course she would laugh. It was only natural that someone would find that funny, but considering as she was supposed to be one of Elodie's best friends...she wasn't hunting down the person to blame! SHE WAS LAUGHING. And before Elodie had time to let her finish or scold her for it... she had been pelted too, as had the rest of the table and whomever else was there. This meant war.
But it didn't. Because she didn't have any intention of smacking anyone today. She hadn't put it on her morning agenda, and it wasn't exactly on her to do list for seventh year. Well...not smacking any strangers, anyways. She had three people on her list that it was okay to punch. Four, if you counted having someone on there for the pure reason that they'd been punched by her before and could potentially deserve it once again. Els hoped not though.
Raising a hand to her mouth to cover her laughter at her friend being got too, Elodie pushed the leftovers of their little bombardment onto the floor and sat down beside Charlie. "I think they got your soup...."
Of COURSE Charlie would find this funny. Of course she would laugh. It was only natural that someone would find that funny, but considering as she was supposed to be one of Elodie's best friends...she wasn't hunting down the person to blame! SHE WAS LAUGHING. And before Elodie had time to let her finish or scold her for it... she had been pelted too, as had the rest of the table and whomever else was there. This meant war.
But it didn't. Because she didn't have any intention of smacking anyone today. She hadn't put it on her morning agenda, and it wasn't exactly on her to do list for seventh year. Well...not smacking any strangers, anyways. She had three people on her list that it was okay to punch. Four, if you counted having someone on there for the pure reason that they'd been punched by her before and could potentially deserve it once again. Els hoped not though.
Raising a hand to her mouth to cover her laughter at her friend being got too, Elodie pushed the leftovers of their little bombardment onto the floor and sat down beside Charlie. "I think they got your soup...."
And her hair.
"My SOUP?!"
Charlie was startled, and outraged, and there was much hand flailing going on as she tried to shake the mess off of herself. She may have laughed at Elodie being hit, because that was a far more amusing matter.
"What about my HAIR?"
That was clearly what was important here, because even though Elodies hair still managed to look nice and pretty and perfectly effortless when pelted with snowballs, Charlies did not. Her damp blonde highlights clung to her cheeks, along with the mascara stains that made it appear like she had been crying.
Which, although she wanted to right at this moment, she had not. Grabbing a napkin from the table and wiping at her face, the Ravenclaw swivelled back around as her best friend joined her, before pushing her soup away. "Who was it?" She hoped so much that Elodie knew who the culprits were, because they'd be getting a swift kick from her stilletos at some point soon.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
"My SOUP?!"
Charlie was startled, and outraged, and there was much hand flailing going on as she tried to shake the mess off of herself. She may have laughed at Elodie being hit, because that was a far more amusing matter.
"What about my HAIR?"
That was clearly what was important here, because even though Elodies hair still managed to look nice and pretty and perfectly effortless when pelted with snowballs, Charlies did not. Her damp blonde highlights clung to her cheeks, along with the mascara stains that made it appear like she had been crying.
Which, although she wanted to right at this moment, she had not. Grabbing a napkin from the table and wiping at her face, the Ravenclaw swivelled back around as her best friend joined her, before pushing her soup away. "Who was it?" She hoped so much that Elodie knew who the culprits were, because they'd be getting a swift kick from her stilletos at some point soon.
And there was Charlie's dramatics for the day. Elodie rolled hey eyes at her friend and used her wand sensibly to dry her hair before she cried or something. "See. Look. It's fine. No damage. Get your big girl boots on before I stick my foot somewhere it shouldn't be." Choo got one of her best 'Auntie Elodie' looks, and then she sighed before getting herself a bread roll and leaving Charlie to do whatever she wanted to do with the soup. Eat it, get some more, not eat. Whatever. Didn't matter.
"You think I'd be sitting here with bread if I knew? It came from over there..." She gave a little point with her bread at that moment, and then sighed. This was what she got for not even sitting at her own table. This was her punishment for somehow not being loyal or whatever.
Charlie's was obviously punishment for looking like the world had ended or something serious had happened. "Just forget about it. If it happens again, I'll find someone to punch in the face."
And there was Charlie's dramatics for the day. Elodie rolled hey eyes at her friend and used her wand sensibly to dry her hair before she cried or something. "See. Look. It's fine. No damage. Get your big girl boots on before I stick my foot somewhere it shouldn't be." Choo got one of her best 'Auntie Elodie' looks, and then she sighed before getting herself a bread roll and leaving Charlie to do whatever she wanted to do with the soup. Eat it, get some more, not eat. Whatever. Didn't matter.
"You think I'd be sitting here with bread if I knew? It came from over there..." She gave a little point with her bread at that moment, and then sighed. This was what she got for not even sitting at her own table. This was her punishment for somehow not being loyal or whatever.
Charlie's was obviously punishment for looking like the world had ended or something serious had happened. "Just forget about it. If it happens again, I'll find someone to punch in the face."
Eat yo soup, kidda.
The soup was pushed away from her, towards the middle of the table, the snowball adding disgusting looking lumps to the mixture as it melted. Pulling something else towards her, Charlie thanked Elodie silently for drying them off and paused to tie her hair into a braid behind her head. "Big girl boots are on." She managed quietly, offering a smile at the older girl as she began to eat her bread.
It wasn't her fault everything sucked, after all.
Following the prefects gaze and bread pointing, Charlie shrugged. "No. You'd have your foot up their somewhere it shouldn't be." And not threatening hers. She wanted to know who threw it, but at the same time, couldn't actually be bothered mustering the energy to find out. "Thanks."
Her acceptance was mumbled, because even though she didn't want Elodie to punch anyone, that person definitely deserved it. Stupid idiots. Not even funny.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
The soup was pushed away from her, towards the middle of the table, the snowball adding disgusting looking lumps to the mixture as it melted. Pulling something else towards her, Charlie thanked Elodie silently for drying them off and paused to tie her hair into a braid behind her head. "Big girl boots are on." She managed quietly, offering a smile at the older girl as she began to eat her bread.
It wasn't her fault everything sucked, after all.
Following the prefects gaze and bread pointing, Charlie shrugged. "No. You'd have your foot up their somewhere it shouldn't be." And not threatening hers. She wanted to know who threw it, but at the same time, couldn't actually be bothered mustering the energy to find out. "Thanks."
Her acceptance was mumbled, because even though she didn't want Elodie to punch anyone, that person definitely deserved it. Stupid idiots. Not even funny.
Elodie slightly regretted being so forceful with Charlie sometimes, but if she had learnt anything over the past couple of days...it was that you needed someone on your side no matter what it was you did. Not that Charlie had done anything, but...Els was on her side. She may have had a funny way of showing it, but with things that had happened...snapping was the only way she could get anything in a caring sense out of herself. "Good. Now lace them up and keep them on..." She really did care about the Ravenclaw though.
See. She knew exactly what would be happening if Elodie was clued in on anything that had just happened. She used her wand to dry up the bits of her uniform that were wet and reached for an apple. Violent chomping instead of killing someone. That was the plan now.
"I heard you're going to Paris with T." "heard"... Nah, she'd suggested it when he'd came over to hers crying because he couldn't think of anything to prove how much he liked her.
Elodie slightly regretted being so forceful with Charlie sometimes, but if she had learnt anything over the past couple of days...it was that you needed someone on your side no matter what it was you did. Not that Charlie had done anything, but...Els was on her side. She may have had a funny way of showing it, but with things that had happened...snapping was the only way she could get anything in a caring sense out of herself. "Good. Now lace them up and keep them on..." She really did care about the Ravenclaw though.
See. She knew exactly what would be happening if Elodie was clued in on anything that had just happened. She used her wand to dry up the bits of her uniform that were wet and reached for an apple. Violent chomping instead of killing someone. That was the plan now.
"I heard you're going to Paris with T." "heard"... Nah, she'd suggested it when he'd came over to hers crying because he couldn't think of anything to prove how much he liked her.
Nods. Nodding was happening as Charlie pulled another bowl of soup towards herself, mentally lacing up her boots. She had to reinvent the mental boots, of course - prior to Elodie's comment they'd been zip up, but that was no matter. Charlie was quite happy to change shoes. If she had to keep the same pair on allllll the time, she'd have hated it.
Elodie had probably chosen the wrong metaphor, though. Charlie was putting way too much thought into it, now. She grinned at the older girl as she began eating an apple, and started tentative spoonfuls on her soup. Tentative, just in case snow had landed in this bowl, too.
She wasn't going to eat snowy soup. Nope.
"YES. He got me plane tickets and stuff. For Christmas." And every other event to come, as Charlie was never going to let the boy buy her a present ever again. This was far too much. Her excitement showed on her face. The thought of it made her eyes light up and her mouth turn up into a grin, because it was like her two favourite things rolled into one.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine wasn't very hungry, but she knew that she should probably eat something. She had been reluctant to spend time in the Great Hall since ........the incident. Anyway, she decided that she couldn't avoid the place forever and she had to eat eventually.
Reaching the Ravenclaw table, she sat down and pondered her options. She hoped that she could grab a quick bite and leave. It wasn't much fun hanging around when you were alone.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Jasmine wasn't very hungry, but she knew that she should probably eat something. She had been reluctant to spend time in the Great Hall since ........the incident. Anyway, she decided that she couldn't avoid the place forever and she had to eat eventually.
Reaching the Ravenclaw table, she sat down and pondered her options. She hoped that she could grab a quick bite and leave. It wasn't much fun hanging around when you were alone.
Bloody hell, if she ever found her kneazle, she'd string him up--except not really because she'd never hurt her baby but he was on her last nerve these days. She got that he was restless now that they couldn't leave the castle but he needed to channel his energy into something that wasn't running away. Things got real when the Gryffindor tried enjoying lunch but had to go kneazle hunting instead.
A first sweep of the tables with her eyes told her she wouldn't find him there. You think he'd see all the yummy food and decide to help himself. Surely someone would yell about a kneazle stealing their food, that'd have helped.
With a heavy sigh Lex got down on her hands and knees to try the ground approach. It worked half the time. In all her crawling it never occured to her that she'd ended up at the Ravenclaw table. "Felix? Feeeelix? Got some nice rats for you. Felix?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Bloody hell, if she ever found her kneazle, she'd string him up--except not really because she'd never hurt her baby but he was on her last nerve these days. She got that he was restless now that they couldn't leave the castle but he needed to channel his energy into something that wasn't running away. Things got real when the Gryffindor tried enjoying lunch but had to go kneazle hunting instead.
A first sweep of the tables with her eyes told her she wouldn't find him there. You think he'd see all the yummy food and decide to help himself. Surely someone would yell about a kneazle stealing their food, that'd have helped.
With a heavy sigh Lex got down on her hands and knees to try the ground approach. It worked half the time. In all her crawling it never occured to her that she'd ended up at the Ravenclaw table. "Felix? Feeeelix? Got some nice rats for you. Felix?"
Jasmine was considering what she would have to eat when she caught something moving out of the corner of her eye. Looking down, she saw the Gryffindor prefect on her hands and knees. She was crawling on the floor and Jasmine couldn't imagine what she could possibly be doing down there. Apparantly she was looking for something. That something had a name and evidently an interest in rats.
Reaching down Jasmine tapped the prefect on the shoulder. "Hi, are you looking for something? Can I help you find it?" Do something helpful, that was a good way to take your mind off things.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Jasmine was considering what she would have to eat when she caught something moving out of the corner of her eye. Looking down, she saw the Gryffindor prefect on her hands and knees. She was crawling on the floor and Jasmine couldn't imagine what she could possibly be doing down there. Apparantly she was looking for something. That something had a name and evidently an interest in rats.
Reaching down Jasmine tapped the prefect on the shoulder. "Hi, are you looking for something? Can I help you find it?" Do something helpful, that was a good way to take your mind off things.
How far could the kneazle have gone in the short time it took for her to decide where to sit? If this was his way of sulking for not being carried down to the Great Hall then she was not amused, not even a little. Why couldn't he go missing after lunch? The beef and turkey sandwiches looked amazing and if that was stew then this kneazle was gonna have to find himself on his own time. The different scents floating around the room only served to weaken her resolve and she got set to heave herself up and give in to the hunger when she felt a tap at her shoulder.
A Ravenclaw? The Ravenclaw Table? When did she get here? "Oh, just looking for my kneazle. You wouldn't happen to have seen him, would you? Bushy tail? Silver-gray fur? Emerald eyes--Felix!" Lex's gaze fell behind the girl to spot the kneazle perched atop the table, just a little further down.
Alexa hopped off the ground, wiping her hands in her robe and brushing at her knees while the kneazle moved toward her with his ever fluid like movements. "We eating with the 'Claws then?" She asked, watching him crawl into her arms. She....didn't like Ravenclaws....not at all but they were already here and the chances of her catching whatever they had were small, yeah? So... "D'you mind if we sit here?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
How far could the kneazle have gone in the short time it took for her to decide where to sit? If this was his way of sulking for not being carried down to the Great Hall then she was not amused, not even a little. Why couldn't he go missing after lunch? The beef and turkey sandwiches looked amazing and if that was stew then this kneazle was gonna have to find himself on his own time. The different scents floating around the room only served to weaken her resolve and she got set to heave herself up and give in to the hunger when she felt a tap at her shoulder.
A Ravenclaw? The Ravenclaw Table? When did she get here? "Oh, just looking for my kneazle. You wouldn't happen to have seen him, would you? Bushy tail? Silver-gray fur? Emerald eyes--Felix!" Lex's gaze fell behind the girl to spot the kneazle perched atop the table, just a little further down.
Alexa hopped off the ground, wiping her hands in her robe and brushing at her knees while the kneazle moved toward her with his ever fluid like movements. "We eating with the 'Claws then?" She asked, watching him crawl into her arms. She....didn't like Ravenclaws....not at all but they were already here and the chances of her catching whatever they had were small, yeah? So... "D'you mind if we sit here?"
The girl looked up and......she was looking for her kneazle?.......okaaay. "No, I don't believe I've seen your kneazle", Jasmine replied. Then she noticed the girl staring over her shoulder. Turning around, she saw "Felix the kneazle" sitting in the middle of the Ravenclaw table. Now Jasmine was an animal lover and she was cool with kneazles, just not on the table where she would be eating her food.
Raising an eyebrow, Jasmine watched as the Prefect coaxed the animal to come to her. Well that was something you didnt see every day, although at Hogwarts, not much surprised her anymore. When the girl asked to sit down, Jasmine thought for the briefest of moments. She wasn't particularly in the mood for conversation, but she didn't want to be rude. And hadn't she just been thinking how awful it was to eat in the Great Hall alone?
Turning to the Gryffindor prefect, Jasmine said, "No, I don't mind". Hoping that she would not regret her decision, she said, "I'm Jasmine by the way.". Then she scooted over to make room for the girl and her cat.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
Nods. Nodding was happening as Charlie pulled another bowl of soup towards herself, mentally lacing up her boots. She had to reinvent the mental boots, of course - prior to Elodie's comment they'd been zip up, but that was no matter. Charlie was quite happy to change shoes. If she had to keep the same pair on allllll the time, she'd have hated it.
Elodie had probably chosen the wrong metaphor, though. Charlie was putting way too much thought into it, now. She grinned at the older girl as she began eating an apple, and started tentative spoonfuls on her soup. Tentative, just in case snow had landed in this bowl, too.
She wasn't going to eat snowy soup. Nope.
"YES. He got me plane tickets and stuff. For Christmas." And every other event to come, as Charlie was never going to let the boy buy her a present ever again. This was far too much. Her excitement showed on her face. The thought of it made her eyes light up and her mouth turn up into a grin, because it was like her two favourite things rolled into one.
She had been the one to bring up Tristan, but the confirmation that he was possibly the best boyfriend in the universe made her sad. She'd grown up with him. He was her best friend. And she had been his first crush and almost her first kiss. And then they'd grown up and now he was more like her brother and he was making Charlie happy - which Elodie was ecstatic about, because if anyone deserved to be happy..it was Choo.
Still, it made her sad that even though she'd once had a boyfriend...she hadn't gotten trips to Paris or flowers all the time or trips to London for the fireworks.
"You excited?"
If she wasn't... Els was taking her place and going instead of her. Paris was pretty. Charlie had been there before with Tam, so she didn't need to go again. But Elodie supposed that she didn't want to intrude on their "couple time".
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Jasmine
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
The girl looked up and......she was looking for her kneazle?.......okaaay. "No, I don't believe I've seen your kneazle", Jasmine replied. Then she noticed the girl staring over her shoulder. Turning around, she saw "Felix the kneazle" sitting in the middle of the Ravenclaw table. Now Jasmine was an animal lover and she was cool with kneazles, just not on the table where she would be eating her food.
Raising an eyebrow, Jasmine watched as the Prefect coaxed the animal to come to her. Well that was something you didnt see every day, although at Hogwarts, not much surprised her anymore. When the girl asked to sit down, Jasmine thought for the briefest of moments. She wasn't particularly in the mood for conversation, but she didn't want to be rude. And hadn't she just been thinking how awful it was to eat in the Great Hall alone?
Turning to the Gryffindor prefect, Jasmine said, "No, I don't mind". Hoping that she would not regret her decision, she said, "I'm Jasmine by the way.". Then she scooted over to make room for the girl and her cat.
Oh awesome, she didn't mind them joining. Lex didn't figure she would, not unless she'd seen her sitting with a book or something and if that was the case she wouldn't have asked to sit. Never come between a Ravenclaw and their literature. Lex had done it a couple times and it never ended well for either party. Much safer just ignoring them. The Gryffindor plopped down among the blue gang, leaving a spot next to her for Felix on account of it being bad form to keep pets on the table.
"I know." Lex said with a small nod. "I get around the place, hear names, know basics, that sort of thing." It happened when you didn't really sit still for too long and it got even worse now with them being locked up in this cold and stuffy castle the whole time. "I'd assume you know my name too but that'd just be presumptious of me. The name's Lex--Alexa actually but I can hardly think of anyone who calls me that." Though she didn't mind which. It was allt he same to her. The problem would only come if the girl opted for Lexi like some people did. She couldn't begin to explain how that name annoyed her. There were no I's in her name, thank you very much.
After reaching for a few sandwiches to fill her plate, Lex peeled the turkey slices away from one of her sandwiches and began feeding them to Felix. "I brought proper kneazle food for him up in my dorm but he likes this kind of stuff too and I don't mind treating him." Especially when he was so affectionate in return. "D'you have any pets?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Oh awesome, she didn't mind them joining. Lex didn't figure she would, not unless she'd seen her sitting with a book or something and if that was the case she wouldn't have asked to sit. Never come between a Ravenclaw and their literature. Lex had done it a couple times and it never ended well for either party. Much safer just ignoring them. The Gryffindor plopped down among the blue gang, leaving a spot next to her for Felix on account of it being bad form to keep pets on the table.
"I know." Lex said with a small nod. "I get around the place, hear names, know basics, that sort of thing." It happened when you didn't really sit still for too long and it got even worse now with them being locked up in this cold and stuffy castle the whole time. "I'd assume you know my name too but that'd just be presumptious of me. The name's Lex--Alexa actually but I can hardly think of anyone who calls me that." Though she didn't mind which. It was allt he same to her. The problem would only come if the girl opted for Lexi like some people did. She couldn't begin to explain how that name annoyed her. There were no I's in her name, thank you very much.
After reaching for a few sandwiches to fill her plate, Lex peeled the turkey slices away from one of her sandwiches and began feeding them to Felix. "I brought proper kneazle food for him up in my dorm but he likes this kind of stuff too and I don't mind treating him." Especially when he was so affectionate in return. "D'you have any pets?"
Jasmine watched as the Prefect took a seat and made room for her kneazle. Jasmine was surprised to hear that she already knew her name. Thinking of herself as one who generally flew under the radar, she didn't think that too many people knew her other than in passing. She had seen Lex in class and around the castle, but they had never oficially met. "Well it's nice to formally meet you Lex,", Jasmine said. So she got around, heard things......hmmm, she might be a good person to know. The only thing that Jasmine knew about her was that she could always be seen with sweets of some sort.
Jasmine looked at the kneazle sitting between them. "Is Felix friendly? Is it OK if I pet him?" Or does he not relate to strange people? Jasmine was not exactly in the mood to be scratched today and besides, she wasn't one to force herself on unreceptive animals.
Seeing Lex reach for food, Jasmine realized just how hungry she was. The turkey sandwiches looked good so she grabbed one for herself. Taking a bite, she listened to Lex describe Felix's food preferences. When she asked about pets, Jasmine responded. "I have a dog back at home. Then her face appeared sad for the briefest of moments when she said, "I was hoping to get a pygmy puff one day". That probably wouldn't happen now because of......reasons.
Jasmine continued to eat her sandwich before pausing a moment. "So Lex, what about you? Where are you from?" She always found it interesting to know where her classmates were from. There were students here from all around the world and Jasmine found that fascinating.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!