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As you walk along the fifth floor corridor and pass by a statue of a man with his gloves on the wrong hands, you see a series of identical-looking doors. Hanging on the fourth door to the left of the statue is large portrait that you don't quite recall being there before. The portrait is an enchanted image of people talking and lounging about in a room full of comfortable furniture.
Upon close examination, it would appear that the portrait seems to be hiding a secret of some sort amidst the painted laughter and smiles. But this castle is full of secrets to begin with and full of secrets that really aren't secrets at all, so it's easy to dismiss this portrait as something odd, but nothing more.
Or is there more to this portrait than meets the eye?
In truth, this portrait serves as the doorway to the Prefects' Lounge and is accessible only to the Prefects and Quidditch Captains of each House. The portrait and the people in it will never divulge its secret, though they will relay messages to those inside - if there's anyone inside - in the event of an emergency.
OOC: Only Prefects & Quidditch Captains may post in this thread.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Time for bestie time. Special bestie time since there was an occasion now. Because usually there didn't have to be an occasion for bestfriends to hang out together. Nope, that was a rule. However, now, they were going to blow something UP! Big surprise there. Since Cassia usually doesn't take part in that... well much. Surely hanging out with the lioness for a long time now had had its effects. And she liked to think it was vice versa. YEAH! There were bail polish bottles somewhere at the far corner of Lex's lower drawer back in her house. HA! She probably didn't know about them either but yeah, the snake liked them being there.
With her shoulders squared and her chin left up the seventeen years old walked side to side with the sixteen-year old towards the fifth floor. They looked so cool, she thought. She wanted to preserve this memory of them two gracing the corridors and the staircases with their presence. And younger students looks up as they came into view. Boy, was she gonna miss that or not. But she wasn't going to think of that, nope, not now.
Without further ado, as soon they got to the portrait, Cassia spoke the password and they were in.
No one could disturb them here.
Plopping down on one of the stalls, the blond finally broke the silence. Which was a necessary one for dramatic effects to make them look like they were heading to do some save-the-world thing. Or something awfully secretive. Cassia was most appreciative that Lex didn't break the dramatic silence as they marched up here.
"Phew, somewhere warm at last," Yeah, you'd expect something dramatic to be said after that long silence. Maybe next time.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
You knew you were rubbing off on your bestfriend when eating ice-cream after informing about a breakup warrants the suggestion to blow things up. Lex was actually surprized that Cassia had beaten her to that idea considering how things usually worked between them but it was a good kind of surprize, the kind that told her there was hope for Cassia even after she'd left the castle. The girl was developing good ideas. You needed those when the real world got dull.
There wasn't much to be said as they headed down the corridor so Lex left Cassia to the silence as they walked. If there were people watching them, she didn't notice and didn't care to notice either. They were on a mission here. She wouldn't go as far as to call it a celebration but maybe that's what it really was...as horrible as that might have been. Only thing now was figuring what would be blown up.
School property was a 'no', a very firm one as she'd learned from Mr. Firth.
Lex stepped in after Cassia, happy for the alone space. No one to bother them here, not even Professors. "The Gryffindor Common Room's nice and toasty. Could have snuck you in there." Lex commented, deciding she'd rather a spot near the tub itself, right along that section of the ground. "I'm thinking we might have to conjure whatever we want blown up, this being so short notice and all."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
You knew you were rubbing off on your bestfriend when eating ice-cream after informing about a breakup warrants the suggestion to blow things up. Lex was actually surprized that Cassia had beaten her to that idea considering how things usually worked between them but it was a good kind of surprize, the kind that told her there was hope for Cassia even after she'd left the castle. The girl was developing good ideas. You needed those when the real world got dull.
There wasn't much to be said as they headed down the corridor so Lex left Cassia to the silence as they walked. If there were people watching them, she didn't notice and didn't care to notice either. They were on a mission here. She wouldn't go as far as to call it a celebration but maybe that's what it really was...as horrible as that might have been. Only thing now was figuring what would be blown up.
School property was a 'no', a very firm one as she'd learned from Mr. Firth.
Lex stepped in after Cassia, happy for the alone space. No one to bother them here, not even Professors. "The Gryffindor Common Room's nice and toasty. Could have snuck you in there." Lex commented, deciding she'd rather a spot near the tub itself, right along that section of the ground. "I'm thinking we might have to conjure whatever we want blown up, this being so short notice and all."
Remaining perfectly still for a little bit, Cassia decided that this was in fact warmer than their common room. Mhhm. For sure. And she'd really missed the grounds, she used to hang out there most of her time whether it was winter or not. Now it had become unbearable and she liked herself way lot more than to get herself sick. "Well, if only," She said. Wouldn't be of use to get herself excited about something that couldn't happen, would it. Though it'd be cool, sleepovers were always cool.
And look who was cutting right to business, Cassia couldn't say she was surprised. She'd have been surprised and really worried had Lex not been excited about this. Which was the reason she suggested such thing. It was Lex's FIRST break-up and although claiming to be ok, the snake being the considerate person that she was, thought that something had to be done to get the lioness's mind off that topic. You might be surprised but the snake still considered herself to be of knowledge when it came to those things despite not having much going on in her life in that department.
Drawing her wand out, Cassia slid out of the stall and plopped down before her friend by the edge of the tub. "Name it," she eyed the water. Maybe they could just enjoy a swim, no ? That perhaps wouldn't be as satisfactory as blowing something up.
"Would not it be fun if we changed the color of the water,too?" Nah, that wasn't an idea for a 8-year old. It'd be COOL!
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Cassia
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
Remaining perfectly still for a little bit, Cassia decided that this was in fact warmer than their common room. Mhhm. For sure. And she'd really missed the grounds, she used to hang out there most of her time whether it was winter or not. Now it had become unbearable and she liked herself way lot more than to get herself sick. "Well, if only," She said. Wouldn't be of use to get herself excited about something that couldn't happen, would it. Though it'd be cool, sleepovers were always cool.
And look who was cutting right to business, Cassia couldn't say she was surprised. She'd have been surprised and really worried had Lex not been excited about this. Which was the reason she suggested such thing. It was Lex's FIRST break-up and although claiming to be ok, the snake being the considerate person that she was, thought that something had to be done to get the lioness's mind off that topic. You might be surprised but the snake still considered herself to be of knowledge when it came to those things despite not having much going on in her life in that department.
Drawing her wand out, Cassia slid out of the stall and plopped down before her friend by the edge of the tub. "Name it," she eyed the water. Maybe they could just enjoy a swim, no ? That perhaps wouldn't be as satisfactory as blowing something up.
"Would not it be fun if we changed the color of the water,too?" Nah, that wasn't an idea for a 8-year old. It'd be COOL!
And in that second, listening to Cassia, she decided it had to happen. Of all the people she'd seen walking around in her Common Room without a drop of Gryffindor in them, her bestie was not one of them. See how much of a problem that was? "Another plan for another day. It'll have to happen, you realize this, yes?"Of course she realized. The girl wasn't slow and this was obvious. The only reason anyone needed for doing anything was never having done it before.
Now how soon could they get to the business of blowing things up. Contrary to what the snake may have thought, Lex was not in fact suffering in any way or in need of distractions but when had the lion ever turned down a good explosive session? Exactly and she didn't plan to start now. She wasn't some wounded thing, heart broken and sad, she was Alexa Cambridge and she'd been ready to move on.
"I say you conjure a wardrobe, bonus points for you if you can get in extra details and make it mahogany." So now technically they were also improving their Transfiguration skills--for NEWTs. That was the official side story. Truthfully if someone asked she'd be nothing but forthcoming. It wasn't a secret.
Alexa peered over into the water as colour changing was mentioned. "We can try that later if we fancy a swim after a few explosions." It's give them something else to do. FUN.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
And in that second, listening to Cassia, she decided it had to happen. Of all the people she'd seen walking around in her Common Room without a drop of Gryffindor in them, her bestie was not one of them. See how much of a problem that was? "Another plan for another day. It'll have to happen, you realize this, yes?"Of course she realized. The girl wasn't slow and this was obvious. The only reason anyone needed for doing anything was never having done it before.
Now how soon could they get to the business of blowing things up. Contrary to what the snake may have thought, Lex was not in fact suffering in any way or in need of distractions but when had the lion ever turned down a good explosive session? Exactly and she didn't plan to start now. She wasn't some wounded thing, heart broken and sad, she was Alexa Cambridge and she'd been ready to move on.
"I say you conjure a wardrobe, bonus points for you if you can get in extra details and make it mahogany." So now technically they were also improving their Transfiguration skills--for NEWTs. That was the official side story. Truthfully if someone asked she'd be nothing but forthcoming. It wasn't a secret.
Alexa peered over into the water as colour changing was mentioned. "We can try that later if we fancy a swim after a few explosions." It's give them something else to do. FUN.
Now that look was one Cassia recognized very well. The I have one-heck-of-an-idea look. She expected the suggestion when she heard it. "You know, I am curious to see Gryffindors at their natural habitat." A necessary pause for a grin. "But I have this cool image of it in my imagination and I'd hate to ruin it?" did that make sense? Was she accusing the lions to have a common room that is less cool than what she imagined for them to have. But the snake had that mindset that made her believe in many weird things, Lex was one to understand those very well.
Cassia waited to hear the fun part, but she waited and waited and heard nothing that could be called fun. Oh, wait, they probably hadn't gotten there yet. That had to happen after they had the wardrobe. Mhhm. Made sense.
"Sounds easy," A complete lie. Though, she was sure she had conjured something like that at some point in her life. And this year. She was a seventh-year for Merlin's sake, she told herself as she rose to her feet, she needed to stop feel hesitant whenever she had to do something. That would certainly not help with NEWTS.
Turning her back to the tub, the blond stared at a spot on the floor and squinted her eyes. Concentrating she called. She was imagining the wardrobe, the drawers it had, the engravings on its surface. Its deep brown color, it's smooth surface that was coated with whatever cool wardrobes were coated with. Finally she closed her eyes muttered the spell under her breath and waved her wand.
Slitting her eyes open, she was actually surprised to see a wardrobe sitting there in the bathroom. It look so out of place and so beautiful at the same time. Stepping closer to it, Cassia started circling it as she ran her hand over its surface. Just like she imagined. Not being able to resist, she found herself opening drawers and closing them. The sounds the drawers made only made the wardrobe more real and existent and it brought great joy to the snake for some unknown reason.
She just found out what she was going to do after graduation. Selling pretty wardrobes to muggles. Her career path had been set.
"Isn't that a piece of art?" She asked Lex though her eyes were still on her wardrobe. "It's too beautiful we should keep it forever," Yes, all ideas about blowing things up were completely forgotten now that she was with her wardrobe.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Alexa had only just gotten to running her hand along the water idly, getting more comfortable where she sat. The movements stopped and her eyes slowly ran to the snake. "You sound like a Ravenclaw, cut that out." She said, splashing at her a little in the hopes of drawing her back to her senses. Sometimes Cassia overthought things and though she sounded perfectly philosophical, she also sounded like one of them. "We're getting you into that Common Room one way or another. It's not that hard and if it helps our Common Room is awesome so you won't need to worry about disappointment." Did that help? Was everything okay now? Gosh Cassia.
Lex gave a firm nod. "Good." That she thought it was easy. Meant there'd be no complaints, they could just get right into it. The Gryffindor sat a bit straighter, removing her hand from the water and giving the girl her full attention. It didn't really matter how they wardrobe turned out because they'd be blowing it up anyway but fake bonus points were still t stake here.
"Any day now." She quipped, watching Cassia bother with the concentration. They both knew it didn't truly matter how it turned out so why the delay?
Finally it did happen and Lex had to admit, she was impressed. It was mahogany and the detail was remarkable...you know...if you were into that type of thing in the first place. By all indications, it was a brilliant go at conjuring, Bellaire would be proud if she saw, or maybe just less diappointed in her than she was with everyone els--
Irrational Slytherin bestfriend say whaaaat? Lex blinked, willing herself to believe the girl was only joking. She KNEW they were blowing it up, and this was clearly an attempt at humour...except this was Cassia which meant it was legit and the Gryffindor deadpanned. "Step away from the wardrobe or I'm blowing you up too." Nooooo Cassia, this was NOT the time to get attached to conjured furniture!! This is celebratory explosions after a breakup being so amicable. NO.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
You knew your words weren't liked when Lex gives you that look. Cassia innocently blinked back at the girl. Ravenclaw, that's a new one. And now it was the time to really wish she could sound and be like one, with all the studying she had to be doing. Eagles must never worry about that since they particularly study for fun. That was one weird life. "Fine, we'll see about that," Though she wanted to dwell on her theory she decided that her goal here was to cheer up the un-upset Gryffindor.
But of course that was momentarily forgotten when she was dazzled by the wardrobe.
Of course she had ignored the call of urgency, she wanted to conjure a fine wardrobe and she succeeded in it. HA! wouldn't have happened if she'd done it in a haste.
Spinning around, Cassia stepped back closer to the wardrobe protectively and squinted at Lex. "No you're not," This was a PRETTY wardrobe. Did breaking up make Lex blind to see prettiness. Another reason to dislike relationships. "Can't we just make explosions in the water? " That ..... could be fun. Meh. Barely.
"You know the place here could really use a wardrobe," The school could thank her later. "Look how odd it looks here which only makes it fit more," A sentence that probably meant nothing and was above all confusing. It made perfect sense in Cassia's head though.
Opening the wardrobe's door, the snake was glad there wasn't shelves there. The drawers on both sides were enough. And without thinking, the seventeen year old crouched and wedged herself in the wardrobe. Needless to say she had to ball herself up.
Lex wouldn't blow up the school's head girl, that'd bring lots of questions. No actually she would, but she wouldn't blow up her bestie. NOPE! She was sure of that. Else Cassia would have never done such a thing that might threaten her precious life.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Yes, of course, they would revisit this another time, it was going to happen afterall. The only thing concerning her right this instant was how ridiculous Cassia was choosing to be. When someone said they would blow you up if you stayed near something, the smart thing to do was NOT step closer in a gesture of giving up your life for the conjured chunk of wood. ".......I am. The water won't be nearly as fun--or as loud for that matter. If I wanted a quiet activity I would have found Lottie." On account of the girl disliking loud things and all. "Are you going to move or not?"
Cassia's further gibberish told her otherwise. Lex's brows creased in disbelief. How in Merlin's beard was the girl being serious about this? "You do realize that makes no sense, right?" The Gryffindor was prepared to take back her Ravenclaw statement. "You wouldn't need a wardrobe in here and especially not out in the open like...that...."
Cassia just climbed inside. Cassia just climbed inside the bloody wardrobe.
Well this just turned into a real fix right there. Were it anyone else she'd have gone ahead anyway but it was perfectly bad form to blow up your bestfriend. That was equivalent to punching a Puffer. You just didn't.
With a heavy sigh, Lex got off the floor and took aim at the Snake. "Wingardium Leviosa." She'd just have to get her out of there herself. SIGH. Next time she'd suggest conjuring a pen. NO ONE GOT ATTACHED TO THOSE.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
She was flattered by the way that Lex sought her company when she needed loud things. Of course, Cassia didn't enjoy quietness either save for a couple of times where it's really needed. She didn't show the Gryffindor that she was flattered though, though it probably was obvious that she would be.
And it made perfect sense in Cassia's head which should have been the same in Lex's head. Because besties. Another proof that break-ups had unpleasant effects on a person. Even Alexa, how dangerous. Of course, the snake was smart enough not to point that out. She just gave Lex a look that said 'can't believe you didn't understand'. Looks were very important.
Speaking of those.
It would have probably been smart to keep looking at Lex instead of stubbornly stare at the wardrobe's interior. She'd have totally done something about what happened next. She was floating OUT of her beloved wardrobe. The only thing she managed to do was grabbing the wardrobe's door handle. Which resulted in her being completely stretched out horizontally above the floor. No, she didn't look ridiculous at all.
"Let me down, Lex, this is childish," Said the seventeen years old girl clutching a wardrobe's door.
Though, now that she heard it in her own voice it got her thinking. As much as it pained her to see her wardrobe in bits and pieces, this wasn't about her. It was about her friend who just got out of a relationship and was affected by this change more than she knew or would ever admit. "Fine! You can blow it up." She huffed reaching for her wand and silently casting finite. Impressive, eh? She was doing academic stuffs after all. "Though, I request a dual to avenge Wardy," Oops, she named the wardrobe. However, the dual idea should be appreciated, right?! The sixth-year was fond of such stuffs. Unless the break-up changed that, TOO.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
They were getting onto the same page here. Cassia could see the appreciation for all things loud--which was a normal thing Cassia and Lex was in no way at all absolutely heartbroken or anything related. The Gryffindor figured her bestfriend would understand this by now. Nothing broke Alexa's heart because she was never that invested in anything and anyone. Yes, common knowledge right there that she was sure the Snake knew.
And what was with that look? Lex's brows rose incredulously because how could Cassia expect anyone to understand why the Prefect's bathroom would need a wardrobe and in the oddest of locations too. It just didn't make sense no matter how pretty. The sooner her bestfriend understood this the better.
Lex swished her wand higher and higher, sighing as Cassia latched on to the door of the wardrobe. If she'd known it would have caused this much trouble she would have had them cast at the water....Merlin. "No no. Clinging to a wardrobe we're meant to be blowing up is childish. Saying we could make explosions then backing out because it's pretty is childish and ridiculous." And a very pointed look for you Miss Somerlad. This could not continue. Release the door.
Wait what?? YES!!! Lex grinned, not bothered that she had chosen to end the spell before she let her down.
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't name this thing," and she wondered why she didn't want her naming Venom, jeez, "because after we blast this thing we're definitely dueling." Cassia always knew the right things to offer...after fumbling around with nonesense first.
"Alright, step back. When I cast, you cast a protego for us, got it?" And she meant it this time because whether Cassia moved or not she was blowing this thing up anyway. It wouldn't have cost her anything to take her to Healer Tillstorm after. "Expulso!"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Fiiine, she'll internally admit that she probably shouldn't have gotten SO quickly attached to that item she'd just conjured. Surely Lex saw how pretty the thing was and it was worth getting attached to. But anyway, moving on. Shrugging her shoulders was Cassia's way of saying that yeah, she probably shouldn't have. Lex got nothing more and she'd know that she wouldn't and wouldn't be asking for a confession anyway. That's not how the two rolled.
And now came the moment that's been waited for by the Gryffindor for a while. The snake wanted to give her undivided attention to what was going to happen. Maybe this time she'd finally understand the joy that consumed her bestfriend whenever she blew something up.
Oh, and they apparently needed to cast protecting shield?! Meaning it was dangerous, as in not safe as in they might get hurt! Now she did nOT know that! She thought that since they were here for fun it wouldn't be harmful. Well, she certainly thought wrong. Clearly the word fun didn't quite have the same description for both of them.
There was no time to argue with that however, not when the lioness was pointing her wand at the wardrobe with that glint in her eye. Being the smart girl she was, Cassia stepped back and just in time managed to shout , for dramatic effect, protego. She watched chunks of wood flying around and couldn't help not pout a little bit.
Nope still didn't get what was so great about it but if it cheered up her bestie then she could live with it. "Happy now, I hope?" Could they color the water now please? :3
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
All Cassia's past trangressions could be and in fact were forgiven after she'd released the door to the wardrobe and took up her job of casting the protection charm over the two--you know with Lex not being able to do both simultaneously like that. Lex watched with shear joy as the wood broke apart, zipping in several directions and making clattering noises as it hit the stall doors, the shield and walls.
Lex waited for the shield to fade before stepping out and grinning widely at her best friend. "Wasn't that simply brilliant? You don't even have to answer, that was fantastic--I'd say we should do it again but I don't think I can sit through you furniture bonding again." Tight schedule and all.
There was definitely a glow to the Gryffindor's face as she took in the destruction she'd caused. The fact that Cassia didn't look as satisfied didn't bother her too much. In all honesty, she didn't even notice. All her focus was on the shattered wood scattered all over the room. Across from her she could see a few pieces floating in the pool tub. Like a wreckage, one that she had caused and could be proud of.
"So what'd you think?" Come on Cassia, you had to have some input on this.
Explosions = a SUPER happy Gryffindor with a crazed look in her eyes.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Cassia wasn't looking at the aftermath of what just happened. Her eyes were fixed on Alexa. It's not like it was the first time to see her bestfriend extremely happy about having blown something up but it had been a while and the snake wondered of she'd forgotten how it got or if Lex had grown more affected by this.
It was hard for her to admit but the seventh-year could only think of one thing. Yeah, someone had issues. And funnily enough that could go for the two in this room. No new information here, however.
"Well," Cassia started stepping closer to where the wardrobe once stood. "I suppose that was really..." she paused making meaningless gestures with her hands, apparently not knowing whether to tell what she really thought or give the answer that would save everyone time, a hard decision that one was. But seeing as they were her for a reason in the first place, a decision was finally made. "breathtaking," the look on the gryffindor's face was priceless and to say that that was boring would feel like kicking a puppy.
And Cassia didn't kick puppies.
"What do you plan on doing with the chunks of wood? Light them up?" As soon as the words left her mouth she regretted them. She'd meant it as a joke but she knew that an idea was probably planted in Lex's brain.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
If Lex weren't so caught up in the aftermath of the explosion she might have become concerned by the fact Cassia wasn't bouncing off the walls with excitement like she was on the inside. Maybe it was completely internal for Cassia too. Afterall, she was over there waving her hands about like she didn't really know what to say and Lex couldn't blame her. It'd been a brilliant explosion if she did say so herself. A wonderful way to see a quality invested wardrobe go.
Lex looked to her best friend when it seemed she was finally ready to get some words out. Yes Cassia? Sharing opinions was important here. Had to be sure she enjoyed it as much or they'd have to do another.
Breath-taking? Lex BEAMED at her. "Wasn't it?? I mean I was worried it wouldn't quite echo the way I wanted it to but even with the shield the sound effects were still excellent." And she was glad Cass could agree. There was hope for the girl yet--
"BRILLIANT!!" Lex grabbed her and pulled her into a small hug before beginning her search for the blown up bits of wood. "We could stack them into a file. Had like a bonfire thing going--it's kinda cold in here anyway." It was and the snake had good ideas.
They were so doing this.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.