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Professor Culloden isn't by the door this time, but is sitting on his chair, looking at the door to see who was coming. The soft, calming blue walls welcome you again, as well as the chairs with soft cushions, charmed to take the most comfortable shape and height once a student is seated. By the door of the potions store room stands one big, grey rubbish bin and a white, porcelain washbasin with a tap for those who wants to wash their hands before/after the class and who can't perform 'Aguamenti' charm.
There writes a message in the Professor's own hand-writing on board:
Welcome to the term's second potions lesson. :-)
OOC: If you are going to RP your characer use the washbasin or the bin, you don't have to take Cosgrach's permission. Just assume he has granted it.
The lesson has started, so please don't post your characters arriving late. Just act as if they have been here all along.
Cabeza de Turco
• Purified water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
1. Grate half a unicorn horn
2. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
3. Add 3 glasses of purified water
4. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
5. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and draw an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
7. If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise with wooden stirrer.
8. Add fwooper voice chords and wave your wand.
9. Add one drop of doxy venom. It should smoke for a few seconds. Wave your wand again once it stops smoking.
10. Add the frog leg and whisper a motivational quote or an inspirational person’s name.
-The colour is dark grey and it sits completely still even if you shook it.
-It depends on how strong your will is. The weaker it gets, the longer this potion will last and the more effective it will be.
-It will also reawaken suppressed guilt and especially these will eat you alive.
-Anyone can induce guilt, but the brewer is more powerful.
-If added into a drink (not potion), it will briefly smoke. Once the smoke dissipates, the taste and the colour of the drink is the same.
* * *
Text Cut: Kevin's detention after class
Cosgrach wasn't thinking straight, so he didn't even wince when he wasted a few ingredients for that stupid brat's detention. After dinner, he came directly to his beloved classroom and went about trashing it: he broke some vials and scattered the glass everywhere, MULTIPLIED the rubbish the students left behind, yanked the rubbish bin to the ground, turned those three buckets (one: half-done potion and two: purified water) upside down and spread the liquid to every single inch of the floor (the potion was sticky and ewwwww), deliberately placed some slippery and disgusting-but-cheap ingredients around the door for him to STEP ON and SLIIIIIDE, and opened a nasty-smelly vial of potion that would make any unprepared person nauseous. It didn't affect him, though, as this was his LIFE. But if that brat even THOUGHT of vomiting!
Satisfied with his work, he went and spoke to Alexa, and returned to sit on one of the desks near the door with cold-blooded calmness, waiting for his prey.
Everywhere Leah could hear people counting under their breaths, and it was starting to annoy her. After her stirrer was clean, she joined in the counting and stirring step.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Stirring clockwise once this time, she thought that this was boring. That was when Leah had the idea. She could set her watch for thirty seconds and stir when the time was up.
Whistling while the time ticked off, Leah stood with her stirrer in hand, preparing to stir. She must have looked like a warrior or something. Beep! The second year stirred counter-clockwise once again. Finished. Next step, professor?
"Thank you professor," she said gratefully. A smile lit up her face at the fact that she'd been able to cast the spell, even a little. She tried to contain her excitement, though, because she had to focus on the potion she was brewing. Hayden was already concentrating on counting to a minute in her head. She was ready to add the water as soon as it was time.
Cosgrach watched her while he also watched the class from the corner of his eyes. It took her a few tries, and he was pretty patient when he wanted, so his expression was only encouraging. Once she got it right, he smiled at her.
Awww, look how happy she was, as well!
"That's great," he said, "I'm around if you need more assistance." And with that, he walked to some other student.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Why would he tease her? "I don't think you would. I guess I just couldn't believe my luck," she admitted. Then they moved on to purified water, and Sophie nodded along. "Easy enough. Thanks."
Cosgrach laughed briefly. "It's not luck, really. More of perfection. Well, I should leave you to it." He grinned at her and turned to walk to his desk.
Originally Posted by Poolicious
Seven.....Eight...Nine...Ten! She dipped her wooden stirrer into her cauldron and stirred it counter clockwise once. And now she need to count till twenty. Eighteen....Nineteen....Twenty! Once again Candice stirred it counter clockwise once and pulled out her wooden stirrer.
Twenty nine......Thirty! Again she stirred her potion counter clockwise once. There, she's done! PHEW!
'...counter clockwise... now go clockwise, girl -'
POF! Her potion was gone. Vanished. She was lucky her cauldron was still intact. If it hadn't been for her QUICK professor...
"Wait for me,"* he said simply without anger or anything (he was still surprisingly happy) - that she shouldn't start brewing again. He didn't want her to waste another horn, but he was sure there would be more mistakes -
Originally Posted by Chiara
Lucy said:"Scourgify" and she cleaned her stirrer..then she counted ten hippogriff feathers..
She stirred the potion once counter clockwise one time and she counted again to twenty.
Lucy was excited..She stirred clockwise once. Now she had to count to thirty! When she finished counting to thirty, she stirred the potion counter clockwise once.
"It was a bit difficult this step!"Lucy thought..
Then she relaxed while waiting for new instructions
Yep! What did he say? Cosgrach vanished this potion in a blink of an eye as well.
"You should have counted to ten after adding the feathers, now wait,"* he said simply - and eyed the next idiot careless student...
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
One...Two...three.......seven......ten. With that she stirred once clockwise.
Done successfully without errors! Setting the wooden spoon aside, she blew air out of her cheeks and wiped a couple drops of sweat that apparently formed on her forehead.
Okay, time to see how great Cas -
"You should have started with counter clockwise stir," he said. His tone was neutral though. He was just disappointed that Cassia wasn't maybe that great, but he didn't dwell on it much. After all, people made mistakes. He didn't even know how many cauldrons he had melted.
"Wait,"* he said as another person messed up.
Originally Posted by Sararara
Norah looked up from her grating when she heard the professor say her name. Yup, that was her. Wait, that was half the horn, right? She looked at the horn's remainder in her hand and held it up for Professor Culloden to see. "This is half, isn't it?" It looked like half to her, though she had to admit she wasn't completely sure of its original size. DARN after all that she had messed up on the very first step. At least she hadn't grated the whole thing, though. That could be considered a tiny accomplishment. She figured she should put away the rest of the unicorn horn because the professor's eyes looked dangerously close to emitting sparks. She gave him a meek smile, "Sorry, sir."
10...9...8... she set the beaker down on the workspace and tried to blow on the flame, but it didn't go out. Huh. She tried again, this time letting a bit of spit in there two. The small flame spluttered out. Rude, but effective.
Thirty more seconds and a final stir later, Norah sat down in relief. 5 steps in and no major injuries sustained? Sounds good.
Oh, it looked like half. Hopefully. So he nodded, with the worried look still on his face...
Now he showed a sign of impatience and anger, but he was still a very patient man, so he didn't say anything.
"Do enlighten me where it said to put out the fire," he said simply - and it wasn't even a request, because he KNEW it said that nowhere.
He shook his head to himself, muttered a "Wait,"* to the girl...
*...and went towards his desk. From under it, he brought another bucker out - with magic, of course, and set it next to the pure water buckets.
"Those whose potions were vanished," he said, "should get some from this bucket and continue on with the fifth step. It will be a bit less effective, but you should be grateful you don't have to start over." Yes, yes, he knew: he was such a thoughtful professor! Hehehe.
"And read it better this time."
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Getting super irritated, the Gryffindor took a moment to realise that it was HIS watch that had went off. Kevin jumped out of his seat and in his haste to stir the potion his elbow accidentally hit the small jar of Doxy Venom and heard it shatter on the ground. Nononononooooo! He quickly stirred the potion counter clockwise again and was relieved that his potion was...kinda..okay? It didn't explode or anything.
But the Doxy Venom on the ground....how was he supposed to clean that? He didn't even know how to vanish something! GAAAAAAH.. this was NOT his day!
...HE. DID. NOT.
NOW Cosgrach was angry. NOW he was furious. Did they kid even KNOW what 'venom' meant!?!?! As soon as he was done talking to those who messed up - Kevin did worse. The venom was vanished in NO time, so that no one got hurt, but...
"YOU," he pointed at the boy, "will stay HERE after class to help me with cleaning and with the cleaning of the laboratory every evening for a week. YOU will learn to be careful with venom!"
Could he tell Cosgrach was seeing RED? Did his eyes BURN?
Taking a deeeeep breath, Cosgrach closed his eyes for a second and thought of daisies and the people he loved. He was calm, he was alright, he was calm...
"The next step," he said, his voice pretty calm after shouting to Kevin, but it was still slightly angry, "is adding the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand."
K? Clear? KEVIN?
Good gracious.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Gulp!...that's what Cris did, when he saw his Potions Master start to vanish some of his fellow classmates potions. He fought the urge to reach up and cover his cauldron with his body...just in case the professor decided to do the same with his. So when Professor Culloden started to give out the next set of instructions, Cris breathed a sigh of relief.
No vanishing meant that he was still on the right track. And since he still wanted to remain on track, Cris quickly picked up his quill and copied down the next set of instructions in his potions journal.
Text Cut: Cris' journal
Cabeza De Turco potion
Ingredients: 1. Pure water
2. 10 hippogriff feathers
3. Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
4. Glumbumble parts
5. Half a Fwooper voice chords
6. One drop of doxy venom
7. Frog leg
Steps to make potion: 1. Clean grater, cauldron, bowl
2. Grate unicorn horn
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Clean glass.
5. Add 3 glasses of purified water
6. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
7. Clean metal stirring spoon
8. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once
9. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once
10.Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again
11. Add grated unicorn horn to mixture.
12. Draw an arrow pointing to the right with wand
Placing his quill down on his workstation, Cris picked up the bowl containing his grated unicorn horn and emptied its contents into his cauldron. Placing the bowl down, Cris pulled out his wand, and began drawing an arrow pointing to the right with his wand over the cauldron.
What were they supposed to do next? Cris first updated his journal before sitting back and waiting patiently for Professor Culloden to tell them.
Text Cut: Cris' journal
Cabeza De Turco potion
Ingredients: 1. Pure water
2. 10 hippogriff feathers
3. Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
4. Glumbumble parts
5. Half a Fwooper voice chords
6. One drop of doxy venom
7. Frog leg
Steps to make potion: 1. Clean grater, cauldron, bowl
2. Grate unicorn horn
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Clean glass.
5. Add 3 glasses of purified water
6. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
7. Clean metal stirring spoon
8. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once
9. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once
10.Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again
11. Add grated unicorn horn to mixture.
12. Draw an arrow pointing to the right with wand
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
So, he wasn't kidding when he said the last steps were very important and that the contents would be vanished. Whew! Somehow AJ had managed to keep the right counts with the right directions and she still had her potion because of it.
Deciding that she didn't want to mess up at this point, the first year continued to pay close attention. She jotted down the notes first and then gave it a go. This part seemed simple enough considering that the horn was already grated. AJ let the grated horn fall into her cauldron. Next she drew an arrow pointing to the right... whatever that did. Sooo... she was once again all caught up.
Moving on? Hmmmmmmkay. Toby reached for his bowl of grated unicorn horn and, as he did so, caught sight of Sophie a little further down the classroom. He let himself just sort of LOOK at her for a moment, feeling all kinds of things and stuff, before staring back down at his cauldron again. Tobias quickly added the unicorn horn and picked up his wand again and aimed it at the bubbling liquid.
Swish, swish, swish.
He moved his wand as though tracing an arrow pointing to the right, all the time wondering what the significance of a right-pointing arrow was. Maybe something to do with the brain? Or morals? It was all kind of interesting, really.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Looking around her, Lux saw a few students have their potions vanished for not doing this last step correctly. It was amazing that the Professor never lost his temper and even had some potion on him so they could start again on that step. Wow, it was great to see the man in a good mood... That was until Kevin happened. Knocking over a bottle of doxy venom. Not good. Fortunately Professor Culloden seemed to calm down again, because he wasn't telling when he gave them the next step. Quickly she wrote it down:
SPOILER!!: Lux's Notes
Cabeza De Turco
Ingredients: • Pure water • 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
Steps to Make Potion: 1. Clean all equipment
2. Grate unicorn horn
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Add 3 glasses of purified water
5. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
6. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
7. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
Into her cauldron the grated unicorn went. Picking up her wand, she then drew a right facing arrow, not really sure what the point of it was. Maybe she would ask the Professor about it at another point unless another student asked first. Crossing off the step, she waited for further instructions.
SPOILER!!: Lux's Notes
Cabeza De Turco
Ingredients: • Pure water • 10 hippogriff feathers • Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
Steps to Make Potion: 1. Clean all equipment
2. Grate unicorn horn
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Add 3 glasses of purified water
5. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
6. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
7. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
He had to WHAT?!
The hot-headed Gryffindor GLARED back at the Professor, willing himself not to look down or away even though he wanted to. He knew that the man did not like him and he mostly just ignored him. And when he DID address the young lion it was usually with an annoyed mutter but now he was shouting at him.
Okay, he got that he had to stay after class, he was completely cool with that. But having to clean the laboratory EVERY DAY for a whole WEEK? No, just no. "It was an ACCIDENT!" He shouted back, becoming oblivious that they were in a classroom. He had actually slammed his hand on the table "You can't tell me to clean the Lab EVERY DAY for a WHOLE WEEK over an ACCIDENT!"
The Professor might have closed his eyes and took calming breaths but the Gryffindor was still spitting fire so to speak. Stupid Professor! Why did everyone even LIKE that guy?!
Kevin huffed loudly and sat back down, crossing his arms over each other as he did so. He was still GLARING at the man when he waved his wand and new instructions formed on the blackboard. Because the Professor had not vanished his potion, he figured it was still alright. So he uncrossed his arms with another loud huff and grabbed the bowl of unicorn horn he had grated earlier.
He added the grated unicorn horn in to the cauldron and then grabbed his wand. He pointed it at his potion and SLASHED it to the right and then SLASHED an right-sided V to draw the arrow. He then lowered his wand and got back at GLARING at the Professor.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Huh. The last step really had been an important one. This made Grayson all too proud that he had managed to complete that step correctly and not have his potion vanished like some of the other people in the class. He held no remorse, especially since they were going to get sample potions and all they had to do was continue with the steps. Simple. Nothing to cry about.
.............................. Oh jeez what was this?!
It wasn't the grated unicorn horn part, since that was what they had had to do at the beginning of this process. No. It was the drawing an arrow part. Merlin, that could go wrong and he could be asked to start all over again. And it was a weird step, mkay? And not one he had heard of before. Just. Freaking. Weird.
Whatever. Collecting up the bowl he had cleaned and grated out the half a unicorn horn into before, he added the contents into cauldron. Easy step done. Grayson then pulled out his wand and drew an arrow pointing to the right over his cauldron.
If he had done that wrong, he really would kick himself.
Text Cut: Journal
Cabeza de Turco
Grayson Whitlock
Effect: Manipulating potion; makes people feel guilty and confess sins -> sometimes making them confess things they didn't even do; extra powerful on Muggles
> Pure water
> 10 hippogriff feathers
> Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
> Glumbumble parts
> Half a Fwooper voice chords
> One drop of doxy venom
> Frog leg
1. Grate half a unicorn horn
2. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
3. Add 3 glasses of purified water
4. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
5. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
Lucy was a little unhappy but she followed the instructions of the professor and she took some potion from one bucket and continued on with the fifth step. Lucy said:"Scourgify!" and she cleaned her cauldron.
She counted to ten and stirred the potion counter clockwise once.
Then she counted to twenty and stirred it clockwise once.
Finally Lucy counted to thirty and stirred it clockwise once again.
She added in her cauldron the grated unicorn horn and she started to drawing an arrow pointing to right with her wand.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Perfection? Sophie felt like asking what he's meant by that comment, but he was busy, and so was she. She'd worry about that later. Right now, there was a potion to finish. It was now time to add the grated unicorn horn they'd prepared earlier. The potion only called for half of it, so Sophie made sure that was measured out just so, and then she added it into the potion. Next, she retrieved her wand then did the whole arrow to the right step.
With that, she was all caught up. Wow. This was the first potion from Culloden's classes that she'd actually had perfect luck with. Well, so far, at least.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi's head jerked around as he heard the sound of shattering glass. Oh, it was Kevin. Poor guy. It really seemed to be an accident and he thought Culloden over reacted just a wee teeny bit but Kevin needed to calm down. Shouting will get him nowhere. Except in more trouble. Anyway, back to note collecting. Adi quickly finished up just in time for the next step.
Wait...what? Arrow? Surely Adi had heard wrong. But no...the instructions had appeared on the board. He added in his grated unicorn horn and grabbed his wand and traced out and arrow to the right. Wondering what that was all about, Adi sat down again to update his notes.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Now that the hard part was over Hayden felt a little bit more relaxed. Following instructions wasn't too hard. She was sure there was probably more to potions than that, but she didn't know what it was. Maybe she could ask later but that seemed more like something she would have to learn rather than ask about. Hayden didn't like that, she wanted to be able to ask questions and have them answered.
Hayden added the previously grated half-unicorn-horn to her cauldron. How soon after adding the horn did she have to draw the arrow? Did it have to be immediately, or just any time after adding the horn? She didn't really know, but it didn't really matter. She had her wand ready to draw the arrow right after she added the horn so she drew an arrow in the air above the cauldron. Pointing right. Why? There wasn't even an incantation or anything? She just had to draw an arrow in the air? Why? What was the point in that? Hayden didn't understand why she had to do anything involved with the potion, and it sort of made her frustrated. She liked knowing WHY.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Was that boy ARGUING with the professor? Maddie's eyebrows raised and she STARED at him. He had ZERO manners and really, she wonder what HOUSE he was in because if he had been in HER house, she'd be FROWNING at him right now. Who did he think he WAS? Merlin! Talk about rude and dumb. He'd probably be cleaning for TWO weeks now. MHM.
ANYWAY, adding the grated unicorn horn over here. Maddie picked up the bowl that contained the bits of unicorn horn and added them to the cauldron. Voilà! Easy peasy! Now she just had to work on the arrow part. She could do that TOO. YUP!
Maddie held her wand and VERY carefully drew an arrow pointing to the right. ALL GOOD, yes? She looked over at the Professor curiously and waited to see. He'd DEFINITELY call her out if need be so she wasn't TOO worried.
...Well, maybe a little worried about his blood pressure. Man looked ANNOYED.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Oooh looks like there's some trouble. Thank Merlin that Zander actually did those steps correctly. He did not want all his hard work to go "pooof". Yes, thank you potion gods. Alright so next step? The grated unicorn horn that they had already grated up. Yes, that thing. Zander reached over to grab some of that and added it to his potion. Uh why'd they have to draw an arrow? What would that do? ..... Okay Culloden... If you say so. One right arrow coming right up! Yeah potions wasn't tooo bad today.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
So........... Potions class was hard. Zahra was ACTUALLY trying and still failed. She'd been in that group that had to throw HER potion away and go get some of the extra potion from Cullo's bucket.
But she had learned a few things in class.
1. Newell was a HUGE BIG TIME MAJOR suck up. Like, hahahaha TOTAL teacher's pet.
2. Some Gryffindors were ACTUALLY worse than her at Potions.
Zahra laughed the loudest at the boy KEVIN, then laughed again at his diva outburst.
AND NOW.... she was totes distracted. She'd been doing pretty good, too....
...what were they doing? Zahra went and looked over Teacher's Pet Newell's shoulder. Z would just do whatever she did.
Angel smiled as she realised that she had got the last step right, she nearly fell over from shock but she managed to keep perfectly still and upright. Angel listened carefully to the next instructions, well it was easy enough, since the horn had already been grated and no she still didn't believe it was a unicorn horn.
Angel added in her grated horn and grabbed her wand and traced out and arrow to the right. She had no idea what this was about but if the Professor had asked for it then she would do it, though she was very confused about why they had done it, she hoped the Professor would tell them later.
Kace was waiting for more directions when he heard him yelling at the first year Gryffindor. The professor didn't seem happy. Kace smirked because sometimes he would make accidents too. But he looked up and saw the next step. He carefully got his unicorn grated horn and tilted into his cauldron and then he got his wand out of his cloak. He made a arrow movement to the right with his wand. He had NO idea why...he felt kind of silly. But if everyone else was doing it then he didn't feel as bad.
He then waited silently for the next set of directions. He felt accomplished. He didn't make any mistakes. Yet...
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
That last struggle of a step and all the counting had been a success. The professor hadn't given her one of those looks AND he hadn't gotten rid of her potion. Sucks for the ones who had gotten that. Nevermind. Moving along. Their fails were their own and she didn't care enough to stop and make apologetic faces at them or feel bad for it. Sorry about that. Trying her hardest to not be noticed, she conducted herself a victory dance in succeeding at that and being better than other people when THINGS WENT DOWN.
And by things, oh helllLLLLL that kid was gonna DIE.
Elodie's eyes widened as she looked quickly between Kevin and the professor and she had the sudden urge to SET HIS HAIR ON FIRE. Of course, she didn't because she was supposed to be setting an example and everything. But she still wanted to. What a LITTLE BRAT. Who had raised him? Who had taught him that THAT was the correct behaviour? "Hey Professsoooorrrr? Do you want me to hit him on the head with a book? I can do that for you. Save all the legal action." Kid deserved it.
Whilst she waited for his answer, she added in the grated unicorn horn and performed the arrow to the right with EASE.
See kids, that was how you did it. No failing here. None of it.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Cabeza de Turco
- unrelated note: Professor Culloden thinks I'm Slytherin like. Mum would be proud.
- means 'a scapegoat' in English
- created between 1542 and 1689 (unknown exactly)
- Something between with the Spanish Inquisition and the Statute of Secrecy. First thing sounds interesting. Do research.
- "Take a cup of this, and you will spill the beans!" (Yeah, okay Professor)
- Said to make you confess your sins
- LIES ↑ ↑ ↑ - made people feel guilty. Especially powerful on muggles.
- Results depend on how strong your will is.
• Purified water (This doesn't mean the spit of a pretty person)
• 10 hippogriff feathers (Could use these to make yourself wings instead)
• Half a unicorn horn (grated)
• Glumbumble parts (emotional bumblebee is not this)
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg (legless frog is sad)
: Clean. Everything.
1. Grate half of a unicorn horn
2. Heat an empty cauldron at medium heat for a minute ( ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ )
3. Add 3 glasses of purified water
4. Add hippogriff feathers, one by one.
(Will die if not done correctly. Or not. Forgot to listen to what will go wrong, so do this right)
5. Clean a wooden stirrer thoroughly
6. Count to 10 , then stir counter clockwise ONCE ( ↺ )
7. Count to 20 , then stir clockwise ONCE ( ↻ )
8. Count to 30 , then stir counter clockwise ONCE ( ↺ )
9. Add the grated unicorn horn
10. Draw an arrow to the right with your wand
Norah's face fell. Failure already? And no more potions classes to prove herself? SIGH. She trudged up to the front of the room to collect more potion. She looked up from her shameful head hanging when she reached the professor, though, because she didn't want to be yelled at like that Kevin kid for being rude. She chanced a genuine smile before growing slightly more serious and saying, "Thank you, sir. Sorry." She turned and returned to her workspace. Nothing more could be done do fix that problem, yes?
She wrote down the next step with meticulous precision. No more mistakes, she promised herself, definitely not. Prepping her supplies so they matched the setup of the other students, she proceeded to repeat the complex counting and stirring from before. The other students with their non-vanished potions were already progressing to the weird arrow drawing stuff, and Norah was grateful when she finally gave her last counter-clockwise stir so she could join the others in adding her grated one half unicorn horn. Wait. Draw an arrow? But why? She figured she shouldn't ask though, because Professor Culloden's eyes seemed fit to burn right through someone, especially someone as small as Norah. What happened to that happy face he had drawn on the board? His face sure didn't look like that now. Giving her head a slight shake, she focused back on her wand to draw an arrow pointing right just as she had been instructed. So there. That had been perfect, right? Her potion seemed to be the similar to everyone else's to some degree, so she took that to be a good sign. Or at least it wasn't worthy of vanishing just yet. Yeah, no need to relive that.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Dec had a bit of panic arise in him when he noticed people's potions vanishing right out of their cauldrons. He stared at his potion for about 10 seconds to make sure it wasn't going anywhere. IT DIDN'T LEAVE HIM! Yay, that meant he was doing good so far.
The Hufflepuff raised an eyebrow at the scene unfolding between the professor and the student who spilled, what seemed to be the venom, on the ground. Eeeee, tough luck, kid. This professor was a odd one. Maybe he kept to much in. Needs to vent more.
He focused back onto his potion just as the professor instructed them with the next step. Draw an arrow? Allllllright. Not to toot his own unicorn horn, but he was a talented artist capable of drawing more than arrows. However, drawing with a wand onto a potion was a new thing to him. Okay, whatever the prof says... He tossed in the grated horn and drew the arrow pointing to the right, double checking which side was left and which was right JUST TO BE SURE, ya know?
SPOILER!!: Notes!
• Purified water • 10 hippogriff feathers • Half a unicorn horn (grated)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
1. Grate half a unicorn horn 2. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat 3. Add 3 glasses of purified water 4. Add hippogriff feathers one by one 5. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - YO BE CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler
Marigold let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and sighed in relief. She had done the step correctly, thank Merlin. But now the professor was getting angrier and angrier and sheeeeeesh she did not want to make him angry. That would be scary. She had bad memories of teachers yelling at her from first year, okay? Okay.
She took her unicorn horn powder thing and scooped it up, then poured it carefully into her cauldron. She took her wand and drew an arrow to the right as well before turning her focus to Sophie the snake one. She was… different this class. So was Culloden.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
It was funny that Mo had no moral qualms about making a potion that bent the will of another person. Not the use of the potion, he absolutely had qualms about that, but the actual brewing of it was fine. For research or science or whatever. And if they used it, Mo assumed it would be a monitored thing with strict parameters. No forcing people to confess and then die for his sake or whatever.
He hadn't been able to sit next to Cat (which was weird, frankly, because they always sat together), but maybe that meant he was less likely to be distracted and more likely to avoid the unfortunate run-in with the professor... like last class. He'd come out with a perfectly utilitarian potion, but he was embarrassed that, as a seventh year, he'd had to start over.
Mo listened carefully as the professor worked through the initial steps of the potion, pulling out his cauldron and giving it (and his other tools) a thorough and magical cleaning before retrieving his ingredients from the front of the room. Lots of animal parts today, but none as noteworthy and concerning as that dragon heart had been last class. Mo gave the baby Claws a glance to make sure none of them were stressing out before grabbing the now-cleaned grater and unicorn horn and carefully grating half of it into a tidy, shimmering pile.
But he wasn't going to do anything with it? Hmmm... Mo set the bowl of unicorn horn off to one side before lighting a fire under his cauldron using Incendio. Non-verbal. His specialty. It just took a liiiiittle adjustment to get the fire on low heat, and then his attention once again turned to the professor and the instructions being printed on the board. He waited for the empty cauldron to heat, opting to retrieve the purified water from Culloden's buckets while he waited. Aaaandd... perfect. Mo added the three glasses of water carefully, so as not to spill a single drop.
Next the ten hippogriff feathers, which Mo admired in the dungeon light briefly. Hippogriff feathers were the least objectionable animal part ingredient today, since they were typically lost through molting and didn't have to harvested from a deceased creature. Could unicorns live without their horns? Maybe, but they still only had ONE. Feathers grew back. The feathers were added to the purified water. One... two... all the way to ten. Mo admired how they floated on the surface of the water for just a moment.
But only just a moment, because Mo immediately needed to start counting to ten, as instructed. And then one stir COUNTER clockwise. Then a count to twenty, and Mo stirred the potion clockwise. Again, just once. Next to thirty, and Mo stirred the potion one last time. Counter clockwise. Once. The board said it, Mo did it, and his potion was NOT GOING ANYWHERE. It was perfect, and he hoped the professor would wander along to see that he could tell his clockwise from counter clockwise, his right from his left and his... oh yes.
Moving on again. NOW it was time to add the grated unicorn horn, and Mo carefully dumped the contents of his shiny-grated-horn bowl into the cauldron. All was well in there? Mo glanced inside, but since he wasn't sure what color or consistency they were looking for, he had to imagine that lack of exploding potion was the best they could do at the moment. And what was this about an arrow? With no small amount of confusion, Mo traced an arrow with his wand, glancing up at Culloden briefly to see if that was what was intended.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
When Professor Culloden went about vanishing ruined potions, Benny thought he was a goner. Surely his luck had to run out sometime, it had been holding in multiple classes and just today so far. He just wasn't sure he had any more good luck in potions. However it seemed he had passed the test because his potion was still left behind and allowed to move on to the sixth step in the process. The dealing with the grated unicorn horn they had handled before beginning.
The third year added the grated horn into his cauldron before placing the container back down for the second half. His wand picked up as Ben momentarily paused, trying to visualize the motion. Once he was okay with it, the Gryffindor moved his hand and thus his wand in the shape of the mentioned arrow, the point facing the area to his right.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
OMG!!! He was vanishing potions!!!! He wasn't kidding!! Omg!!! Stay calm, Arista! She would not mess up, the nervousness appeared on her face when she saw the first kids potion to get vanished! The nervousness soon disapered when the Professor passed her desk. Whew!!! All was fine! Somehow she had managed to do everything right and not mess anything up. How? The world would never know.
Deciding that she didn't want to mess up, the first year payed very close attention to the Professor as he spoke. She jotted down the notes first and then grabbed her grated horn. This part was simple enough considering that she had already grated the horn. Arista let the grated horn fall into her cauldron. Next she drew an arrow pointing to the right... So, question over here from Arista!! "Professor what will drawing an arrow to the right do?"
SPOILER!!: Arsita's Notes
Arista Royal's Notes for Potions Class #2
Potion: Cabeza De Turco (Or something of the sort)
Purpose: Manipulative potion
Pure water
10 hippogriff feathers
Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
Glumbumble parts
Half a Fwooper voice chords
One drop of doxy venom
Frog leg
Steps to make potion:
Clean grater, cauldron and bowl. And then wash hands.
Cut unicorn horn in half and grate it.
Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
Add 3 glasses of purified water
Add hippogriff feathers one by one
Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP ARISTA!!
Add the grated unicorn horn into the potion and draw an arrow pointing to the right with your wand.
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
There was Drama happening and that meant Nigel stopped what he was doing and watched. What other way are you going to have fun in Potions besides messing up. Which is more fun for the people who watched you screw up.
Of Course it was a Gryffindor and Culloden was furious. Now that interesting to learn what ticks him off. Though too late for Nigel. Since he was a Seventh Year and all.
Right back to the steps. Nigel added his grated stuff and drew an arrow pointing to the right with his wand. Why he was doing this he did not know. But it was fun.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.