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Professor Culloden isn't by the door this time, but is sitting on his chair, looking at the door to see who was coming. The soft, calming blue walls welcome you again, as well as the chairs with soft cushions, charmed to take the most comfortable shape and height once a student is seated. By the door of the potions store room stands one big, grey rubbish bin and a white, porcelain washbasin with a tap for those who wants to wash their hands before/after the class and who can't perform 'Aguamenti' charm.
There writes a message in the Professor's own hand-writing on board:
Welcome to the term's second potions lesson. :-)
OOC: If you are going to RP your characer use the washbasin or the bin, you don't have to take Cosgrach's permission. Just assume he has granted it.
The lesson has started, so please don't post your characters arriving late. Just act as if they have been here all along.
Cabeza de Turco
• Purified water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
1. Grate half a unicorn horn
2. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
3. Add 3 glasses of purified water
4. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
5. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and draw an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
7. If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise with wooden stirrer.
8. Add fwooper voice chords and wave your wand.
9. Add one drop of doxy venom. It should smoke for a few seconds. Wave your wand again once it stops smoking.
10. Add the frog leg and whisper a motivational quote or an inspirational person’s name.
-The colour is dark grey and it sits completely still even if you shook it.
-It depends on how strong your will is. The weaker it gets, the longer this potion will last and the more effective it will be.
-It will also reawaken suppressed guilt and especially these will eat you alive.
-Anyone can induce guilt, but the brewer is more powerful.
-If added into a drink (not potion), it will briefly smoke. Once the smoke dissipates, the taste and the colour of the drink is the same.
* * *
Text Cut: Kevin's detention after class
Cosgrach wasn't thinking straight, so he didn't even wince when he wasted a few ingredients for that stupid brat's detention. After dinner, he came directly to his beloved classroom and went about trashing it: he broke some vials and scattered the glass everywhere, MULTIPLIED the rubbish the students left behind, yanked the rubbish bin to the ground, turned those three buckets (one: half-done potion and two: purified water) upside down and spread the liquid to every single inch of the floor (the potion was sticky and ewwwww), deliberately placed some slippery and disgusting-but-cheap ingredients around the door for him to STEP ON and SLIIIIIDE, and opened a nasty-smelly vial of potion that would make any unprepared person nauseous. It didn't affect him, though, as this was his LIFE. But if that brat even THOUGHT of vomiting!
Satisfied with his work, he went and spoke to Alexa, and returned to sit on one of the desks near the door with cold-blooded calmness, waiting for his prey.
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
okay now was time to do something he's never done before draw something in the air with his wand while in potions. adding these weird notes to his long list of steps he continued following the directions he was given.
Originally Posted by Notes
Victor Bay
Cabeza de Turco
Meaning: a scapegoat in English. The exact date of creation is unknown, but it was created some time between 1542 - the creation of Spanish Inquisition and 1689 - the Signing of International Statute of Secrecy.
• Pure water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
• clean all tools, caldron included
• wash hands
• Grate Half a unicorn horn
• Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
• Add 3 glasses of purified water
• Add hippogriff feathers one by one
• Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once.
Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
• Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
Bay picked up his grated unicorn horn that he had grated when the class first started and he added it into his cauldron, okay now here came the part he wasn't sure of but he took out his wand and drew an arrow pointing to the right. Putting his wand back in his hostler he looked around seeing other students doing the same. okay so it seemed like he did the right thing.
okay now time to cross it off. Picking up his notes quickly he crossed it off.
Originally Posted by Notes
Victor Bay
Cabeza de Turco
Meaning: a scapegoat in English. The exact date of creation is unknown, but it was created some time between 1542 - the creation of Spanish Inquisition and 1689 - the Signing of International Statute of Secrecy.
• Pure water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
• clean all tools, caldron included
• wash hands
• Grate Half a unicorn horn
• Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
• Add 3 glasses of purified water
• Add hippogriff feathers one by one
• Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once.
Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
• Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
holding the parchment in his hand he had the sudden urge to sneeze. he placed down the parchment quickly as he ran over to the sink. "ahhhhhhhh chooooooo" he sneezed into his arm "excuse me" he said to anyone around him. Taking out his wand he cleaned off his robes and then washed his hands to make sure to get rid of all the germs. Drying himself off he made his way back to his work station to wait for more instructions.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Kyroh was bored. Playing with some vials in his kit he was still paying attention. He was. Especially when Kevin dropped something. Annnnd then he started arguing with Culloden. The first year blinked, and then raised his hand, but dropped it.
"Is this why no one likes Gryffindors?"
He wasn't talking to anyone in particular. Just....yeah.
OH NEXT STEP! It was an easy one. Grabbing his bowl of grated unicorn horn Kyroh dumped it in, and then drew a slightly wobbling arrow pointing to the right, with his wand.
SPOILER!!: Kyroh's Notes
Kyroh Scabior - First Year
Potion: Cabbage Dela Whooza (Or something of the sort) History: It was created between 1542 (the creation of Spanish Inquisition) and 1689 (the Signing of International Statute of Secrecy). The Spanish Inquisition was this thing were people were being mean to other people and punishing them on their beliefs like big bullies. They made this potion to give to the people that the big bullies thought were wrong in their beliefs so they would follow them like robot zombies. Purpose: Manipulative potion Ingredients:
• Pure water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
Steps to make potion:
1. Clean grater, cauldron and bowl
2. Wash hands.
2. Cut unicorn horn in half and grate it.
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Get three glassed of purified water
5. Pour in three glasses of purified water
6. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
7. Clean wooden stirrer.
8. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once.
9. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once.
10. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again.
11. Pour grated unicorn horn in.
12. Draw an arrow pointing to the right with your wand.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Alright, his unicorn horn had been grated, and it had taken foreverrrr. He was also momentarily distracted when Culloden went over and said something to Sophie - were they in cahoots about something?? He made a mental note to ask her later.
Alright, next - heating it up. He pointed at the bottom of his cauldron and muttered "Incendio!" and waited until the flames were about halfway high, which would be medium heat. Once a minute had passed, he turned off the heat and then went to gather the purified water from Culloden's desk. He grabbed 3 glasses, using some AWESOME balancing skills to get it all back to his desk.
He then added the water in one glass at a time. Alright, making progress!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
"Incendio!" Tora declared with exuberation, because how could she not be enthusiastic when setting something on fire? She got a glass out and "Aguamenti" filled it up with clear, clean, water for when the cauldron had been heated properly. Had it been long enough yet? At about a minute, Tora went ahead and poured the three glasses of purified water into the cauldron, the metal hissing a bit as the cool water splashed across it's surface. One... "Aguamenti" Two.... "Aguamenti," Three. With that done, she looked at the beard and her notes for the next step in the potions making process.
Ten hippogriff feathers? Geez, that was a lot. Tora briefly wondered what the purpose for the hippogriff feathers was but, surprisingly, the question flew out of her mind once she looked about and realized that she was falling behind her fellow classmates. Move faster! She started dropping the feathers into her cauldron one by one. Mostly. It was a bit fast to be considered "one by one" because the feather would barely hit the water before she was dropping the next one in right after. Eh... close enough.
She counted slooooowwly to ten. it was almost painful to make herself slow down and have the patience to count: One Hippogriff...Two Hippogriffs....Three Hippogriffs... She finally reached "Ten Hippogriffs", when she got her reward: A grand SINGLE stir counterclockwise. Talk about anticlimactic! She started counting all over again. One Hippogriff... Two Hippogriff... Three Hippogriff.... Four Hippogriff... .... "Twenty Hippogriffs!" finally she made it to the end of her long count. Now again she got such a fantabulous reward for her patience with another SINGLE stir clockwise. Seriously, this was why she didn't really like potions making; it required far too much patience. Once again she counted, this time to thirty. Damn thirty. It was insufferable, but she made it through to the end.... and got only another SINGLE turn counterclockwise. Typical.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Steps 2&3
Originally Posted by StarShine
"It doesn't look dirty," he said to the girl as he was passing by her work station, "but you never know. So." Drawing his wand, he cast the cleaning spell for her this time and smiled. "Always clean it before and after brewing." Yeah?[/textcut] So far, so good. Cosgrach didn't dare get hopeful that the class would be well, but he was pleased.
"Second step is, heating the cauldron without adding anything at medium heat for a minute. Then we add three water glasses of purified water." He eyed them all. Could they do it? "These buckets have purified water." For those who couldn't produce it.
He tapped his wand on the blackboard once for the steps to appear, and then walked to Sophie Newell's working station again.
Heating on medium before doing anything else. That was easily done, though she wished the Professor would have let them wait out this minute doing the grating, that way her hands wouldn't be left idle the way they were right now. Dangerous things happened when Lex was left idle, though nothing would happen now. Not in the middle of a class and especially not this class. It would jeopardize her plan for hugs later. The Gryffindor had to think ahead.
Alexa watched the fire, burning medium as it should, below the cauldron, glancing back at her watch every now and then to see just how much longer she'd be stuck with this tedious step. Waiting for water to boil was the worse.
When it seemed the seconds were going nowhere, Lex decided to occupy herself with getting herself some purified water from the bucket. Might as well while she had nothing else to do. Three cups, yeah?
Back at her work table, she glanced once more at her watch. The minute had thankfully passed and she was able to pour the three glasses of purified water in. One of the easiest steps too. Hardly anyway to mess it up unless you were extremely clumsy and spilled the water everywhere BUT the cauldron. Wouldn't that be something?
SPOILER!!: Steps 4&5
Originally Posted by StarShine
Everyone was doing well, or so it seemed, and Cosgrach walked up to the blackboard once again. Time to move on!
"Add the hippogriff feathers one by one," he said, "and get ready for a hard step - I hope you are listening carefully and DO it carefully - because if you mess this step up, you might as well vanish the potion and start over again." It was one of those IRREVERSIBLE steps, see? They had to pay attention.
"Okay. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. Is it clear? Use a wooden stirrer, and don't forget to clean it before using - but you don't have to clean it every time. Once, thoroughly, at the beginning is enough and necessary." Got it?
He leaned on his desk to have a better view of everyone and to vanish any potions that went wrong after updating the blackboard.
Time to add the feathers!
Lex scoped them all into her hands, giving them a final count off just to be sure she actually had ten of them and hadn't miscounted or anything. It was good the Professor had mentioned them going in one at a time otherwise she might have tossed them all in there and called it a day. Something like that might have caused her to have to start over and the Gryffindor was definitely not about that life.
Her full attention was on the Professor while he explained what was meant to be a trickier portion of this brewing session and she had to admit, it did sound a bit....wow. Yeah, she'd go with that.
Lex did a mental count to ten while scourgifying her wooden spoon for stirring. When she hit 10 she jabbed the spoon into the solution and gave one counter clockwise turn. Then came the counting to 20. Not as easy to live through. That was a lot of time slipping away and she could feel her attention going with it. At 20 she gave a clockwise turn; only one, like the Professor had said. Now the count was even longer. 30. Half a minute. Half a minute that could have been better spent. Somehow she made it through it, then gave the final stir in a counter clockwise motion.
Had she done it right? The Professor was stressing on this.
SPOILER!!: Step 6 and lulz Kevin
Originally Posted by StarShine
...HE. DID. NOT.
NOW Cosgrach was angry. NOW he was furious. Did they kid even KNOW what 'venom' meant!?!?! As soon as he was done talking to those who messed up - Kevin did worse. The venom was vanished in NO time, so that no one got hurt, but...
"YOU," he pointed at the boy, "will stay HERE after class to help me with cleaning and with the cleaning of the laboratory every evening for a week. YOU will learn to be careful with venom!"
Could he tell Cosgrach was seeing RED? Did his eyes BURN?
Taking a deeeeep breath, Cosgrach closed his eyes for a second and thought of daisies and the people he loved. He was calm, he was alright, he was calm...
"The next step," he said, his voice pretty calm after shouting to Kevin, but it was still slightly angry, "is adding the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand."
K? Clear? KEVIN?
Good gracious.
Oh wow something was getting the Professor riled up. The Gryffindor had been trying to ignore it for the longest while, you know, so she could pay extra attention to her potion brewing but see, now he was yelling which must have meant it was all kinds of serious so Lex spared a glance from her cauldron in time to hear something about cleaning for a week. Who was cleaning for a week? She looked around curiously for the kid that might be hanging their head in shame but what she saw was worse. What she saw was Kevin.
Or no.
She didn't see anything. He wasn't standing their mouthing off to the Professor and he wasn't about to cost Gryffindor poin--the bloody idiot was going to cost Gryffindor points. Merlin. Lex reached across her table and jab him hard in the back with her wand to get his attention (either that or a stinging hex so he got lucky). "Oi. Knock it off and cut your losses before you make it worse for yourself and your house. See you already got Firsties thinking no one likes us." And a pointed look from the Prefect for him at at least pretend he knew how to behave. Hadn't he outgrown this annoying phase? Jeez.
So distracted was she by Kevin that she had to take a moment to stare at the board in order to get back on the right track.
Now then. She added the grated unicorn horn and put her wand to proper use, drawing an arrow to the right.
SPOILER!!: Parchment
Alexa Cambridge
Sixth Year
Cabeza de Turco
• Pure water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
1. clean all tools, caldron included, wash hands, grate Half a unicorn horn
2. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
3. Add 3 glasses of purified water
4. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
5. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Jasmine winced when the Professor made some of the students' potions vanish. "Ouch", she thought to herself. That had to hurt. Truthfully she knew that it did hurt because she had had her potion vanished on more than one occasion. Trying to shake that memory out of her head, Jasmine focused on the present.
Jasmine wrote down the next steps that the Professor had presented. Time to add the grated half unicorn horn. Jasmine grabbed the bowl containing the half unicorn horn and poured it into her cauldron. Watching her potion simmer, Jasmine picked up her wand and drew an arrow pointing to the right. She was always pretty tense in Potions and this class was no different. She really hoped that everything had been right so far. When she finished, Jasmine cleaned her bowl and put it to the side.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
He was really thankful that Lex wasn't HIS Prefect, 'cause MAN did she crack down on her cubs. Dima watched in petrified silence as she scolded that one misbehaving lion, though that was nothing compared to how Culloden could yell. That guy had one serious temper.
Not that he minded, because the only side of the professor that HE ever saw was the huggy, potion-share-y one.
Which was a GOOD thing.
Adding his grated unicorn horn to the potion, the first year peered inside his cauldron to make sure every little bit of it had gone in. When he was sure no bits of the horn had landed outside of his brewer, Dima raised his wand and mimicked the older kids' arrows to the right. Did he do that okay?
Seemed so, 'cause nothing had exploded yet! Woohoo!
Text Cut: Notes
Potions Lesson Two
Dima Toussaint
• makes people feel guilty
• effect depends on drinker's strength of will and whether or not they have a conscience
• 3 glasses purified water ✔
• 10 hippogriff feathers ✔
• ½ grated unicorn horn ✔
• glumbumble parts
• ½ fwooper voice chords
• 1 drop doxy venom
• 1 frog leg
• clean grater ✔
• grate unicorn horn ✔
• turn burner to medium ✔
• heat cauldron for a minute ✔
• clean glass ✔
• add water ✔
• clean wooden stick ✔
• drop in hippogriff feathers one by one ✔
• count to ten ✔
• stir potion once counterclockwise ✔
• count to twenty ✔
• stir potion once clockwise ✔
• count to thirty ✔
• stir potion once counterclockwise ✔
• add grated unicorn horn ✔
• draw an arrow pointing to right with wand ✔
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Cosgrach Culloden was angry again. Following his gaze, Beverly discretely glanced over at the Gryffindor responsible for this mood change. She sighed. Would there ever be a lesson where professor Culloden wouldn't get aggravated? She realized she preferred him all happy and stuff. DUH. Favorite professor.
Turning back to her station, an idea formulating in the back of her mind, Beverly shoved it away. Potion-making was not the time to get ideas that did not involve potions. That's how exploding cauldrons and zero eyebrows happened. Gazing up at the board, she jotted down the next step.
Grated unicorn horn and wand movement. Got it! Adding the first, she quickly followed with drawing the wand movement that was needed. She made sure it was carefully done. No need for fumes or bubbling goo. Those weren't fun. She knew. So did her former tutor. Poor old Sir Alphie...
*...and went towards his desk. From under it, he brought another bucker out - with magic, of course, and set it next to the pure water buckets.
"Those whose potions were vanished," he said, "should get some from this bucket and continue on with the fifth step. It will be a bit less effective, but you should be grateful you don't have to start over." Yes, yes, he knew: he was such a thoughtful professor! Hehehe.
"And read it better this time."
...HE. DID. NOT.
NOW Cosgrach was angry. NOW he was furious. Did they kid even KNOW what 'venom' meant!?!?! As soon as he was done talking to those who messed up - Kevin did worse. The venom was vanished in NO time, so that no one got hurt, but...
"YOU," he pointed at the boy, "will stay HERE after class to help me with cleaning and with the cleaning of the laboratory every evening for a week. YOU will learn to be careful with venom!"
Could he tell Cosgrach was seeing RED? Did his eyes BURN?
Taking a deeeeep breath, Cosgrach closed his eyes for a second and thought of daisies and the people he loved. He was calm, he was alright, he was calm...
"The next step," he said, his voice pretty calm after shouting to Kevin, but it was still slightly angry, "is adding the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand."
K? Clear? KEVIN?
Good gracious.
Sophie was, quite honestly, super amused as Culloden went around vanishing people's potions. She felt bad for him for having to be the bad guy, but really, if he hadn't done that to them, who knows what kind of trouble it could've made for them further down the road? He was totally doing them a favor and keeping them safe, she knew that, and couldn't blame him for doing what he did. Those kids deserved it. They even got off lucky and he made up potion for them so they didn't have to start all over! How thoughtful! And it wasn't like he was making a huge deal out of their mistakes -
...Except for Kevin. But upon seeing what the kid did, Sophie rolled her eyes and couldn't even feel bad for him. She cringed at Culloden's yelling anyway, dreading the thought of ever being the reason for that kind of anger from him - but when Kevin started yelling back at Culloden, Sophie's mouth dropped, and she joined the ranks of being mad. How dare he mouth off to Culloden! And slam his hand down on the table and raise his voice at him! She was personally offended that someone would be so disrespectful to him, and couldn't hold her tongue. SHE HAD TO DEFEND HIM. "He can tell you whatever he wants, he's your professor. Deal with it." Frankly, it seemed like a fitting punishment to teach the kid a lesson. Then she grinned in encouragement at Elodie's suggestion - YEAH. HIT HIM OVER THE HEAD. Hearing Kyroh's comment, Soph snorted. Yep. One of many reasons.
With class resuming and more instructions being given, Soph faced forward and poured her bowl of half a grated unicorn horn into her cauldron obediently, then picked up her wand and... an arrow pointing to the right? She choose that moment to eye Culloden - for reasons, like it reminded her of something else - and drew an arrow to the right over her cauldron.
'...counter clockwise... now go clockwise, girl -'
POF! Her potion was gone. Vanished. She was lucky her cauldron was still intact. If it hadn't been for her QUICK professor...
"Wait for me,"* he said simply without anger or anything (he was still surprisingly happy) - that she shouldn't start brewing again. He didn't want her to waste another horn, but he was sure there would be more mistakes -
*...and went towards his desk. From under it, he brought another bucker out - with magic, of course, and set it next to the pure water buckets.
"Those whose potions were vanished," he said, "should get some from this bucket and continue on with the fifth step. It will be a bit less effective, but you should be grateful you don't have to start over." Yes, yes, he knew: he was such a thoughtful professor! Hehehe.
"And read it better this time."
...HE. DID. NOT.
NOW Cosgrach was angry. NOW he was furious. Did they kid even KNOW what 'venom' meant!?!?! As soon as he was done talking to those who messed up - Kevin did worse. The venom was vanished in NO time, so that no one got hurt, but...
"YOU," he pointed at the boy, "will stay HERE after class to help me with cleaning and with the cleaning of the laboratory every evening for a week. YOU will learn to be careful with venom!"
Could he tell Cosgrach was seeing RED? Did his eyes BURN?
Taking a deeeeep breath, Cosgrach closed his eyes for a second and thought of daisies and the people he loved. He was calm, he was alright, he was calm...
"The next step," he said, his voice pretty calm after shouting to Kevin, but it was still slightly angry, "is adding the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand."
K? Clear? KEVIN?
Good gracious.
Vanished?!! o_______O
Her potion just went POOF?! Did she do something wrong? Candice quickly read her notes. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Clockwise. Of course. Well done, Candice, you just messed up your potion. Oh, she was not alone? Some people messed up their potions too even the Head Girl. She's kinda surprised that Miss Head Girl' potion got vanished too.
The first year heard the Potion Master told them to get another one from the bucket and continue on with the fifth step. She didn't need to start from the beginning? That's good to know. Candice walked towards where the bucket was to get the potion. "Thank you, Professor. And sorry."No mistake from here, Candice!
Back to her work station, she quickly continued on with the fifth steps. Nine...Ten....! Stirred the potion counter clockwise once. Nineteen...Twenty..!!! Clockwise once. Twenty-nine....Thirty! Counter clockwise once again. There she did it correct this time, right? Right? Right?
And what's with that older boy? Arguing with the Professor? Didn't his parents told him to respect your teachers? Geez. Sure she messed up her potion but at least she didn't try to argue with the Professor. And what's worst they boy was in her house. Her HOUSE...!!!
Is this why no one likes Gryffindors? What? Who said that? Kyroh? Oh no he didn't. "I'm a Gryffindor, you know. Was that mean you don't like me?" And here she thought they're friend.
Moving on. She added the grated unicorn horn into her cauldron and draw an arrow pointing to right with her wand.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
SPOILER!!: notes
Cabeza de Turco
• Purified water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
1. Grate half a unicorn horn
2. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
3. Add 3 glasses of purified water
4. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
5. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.[/QUOTE]
After grating the unicorn horn, Penelope lit a fire under her cauldron, "Incendio!" The fire lit, she got the water from the bucket. One by one, she added the hippogriff feathers. Hoping not to mess up, Penelope counted to ten and stirred counter clockwise once. So far, so good. Nothing had exploded, so she must be doing it right. Penelope carefully stirred the potion clockwise once after counting to twenty. Nothing exploded. Adding the unicorn horn, Penelope drew an arrow pointing to her right with her wand. What did drawing an arrow do? "Professor, why does the arrow have to point to the right?"
Last edited by griffin; 05-28-2014 at 08:09 AM.
Reason: Fixing bolding
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
SPOILER!!: Step 6 and all the dramuuuh.
Originally Posted by StarShine
Text Cut: Some students
Cosgrach watched her while he also watched the class from the corner of his eyes. It took her a few tries, and he was pretty patient when he wanted, so his expression was only encouraging. Once she got it right, he smiled at her.
Awww, look how happy she was, as well!
"That's great," he said, "I'm around if you need more assistance." And with that, he walked to some other student.
Cosgrach laughed briefly. "It's not luck, really. More of perfection. Well, I should leave you to it." He grinned at her and turned to walk to his desk.
'...counter clockwise... now go clockwise, girl -'
POF! Her potion was gone. Vanished. She was lucky her cauldron was still intact. If it hadn't been for her QUICK professor...
"Wait for me,"* he said simply without anger or anything (he was still surprisingly happy) - that she shouldn't start brewing again. He didn't want her to waste another horn, but he was sure there would be more mistakes -
Yep! What did he say? Cosgrach vanished this potion in a blink of an eye as well.
"You should have counted to ten after adding the feathers, now wait,"* he said simply - and eyed the next idiot careless student...
Okay, time to see how great Cas -
"You should have started with counter clockwise stir," he said. His tone was neutral though. He was just disappointed that Cassia wasn't maybe that great, but he didn't dwell on it much. After all, people made mistakes. He didn't even know how many cauldrons he had melted.
"Wait,"* he said as another person messed up.
Oh, it looked like half. Hopefully. So he nodded, with the worried look still on his face...
Now he showed a sign of impatience and anger, but he was still a very patient man, so he didn't say anything.
"Do enlighten me where it said to put out the fire," he said simply - and it wasn't even a request, because he KNEW it said that nowhere.
He shook his head to himself, muttered a "Wait,"* to the girl...
*...and went towards his desk. From under it, he brought another bucker out - with magic, of course, and set it next to the pure water buckets.
"Those whose potions were vanished," he said, "should get some from this bucket and continue on with the fifth step. It will be a bit less effective, but you should be grateful you don't have to start over." Yes, yes, he knew: he was such a thoughtful professor! Hehehe.
"And read it better this time."
...HE. DID. NOT.
NOW Cosgrach was angry. NOW he was furious. Did they kid even KNOW what 'venom' meant!?!?! As soon as he was done talking to those who messed up - Kevin did worse. The venom was vanished in NO time, so that no one got hurt, but...
"YOU," he pointed at the boy, "will stay HERE after class to help me with cleaning and with the cleaning of the laboratory every evening for a week. YOU will learn to be careful with venom!"
Could he tell Cosgrach was seeing RED? Did his eyes BURN?
Taking a deeeeep breath, Cosgrach closed his eyes for a second and thought of daisies and the people he loved. He was calm, he was alright, he was calm...
"The next step," he said, his voice pretty calm after shouting to Kevin, but it was still slightly angry, "is adding the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand."
K? Clear? KEVIN?
Good gracious.
Well he was scribbling down notes yeah? Well that last letter looked like it was a doodle as his hand jerked at the sound of Professor Cosgrach yelling. Again. Ethan winced as the professor’s voice echoed inside the dungeon and slowly turned to where he heard a glass shatter into pieces. Welp. Another potions ingredient gone to waste. The Slytherin looked at the Gryffindor and the potions master and gave out a sigh. Were all Gryffindors likes this? The third year got no clue since he's a new kid at Hogwarts, but yes, the house of lions' seem to be the infamous one in here. Heh. It doesn't matter to him though. Why would he be bothered anyway? He's even oblivious to the point system, so it's not an issue at all. Scratching the back of his head, Ethan got his grated unicorn horn, added it to his concoction and drew an arrow pointing to the right with his wand.
Done and...
And whooooooa. That kid right there was asking for a death wish. Ethan turned on his seat again to look at the Gryffindor glaring back at Professor Cosgrach, then to Elodie suggesting hitting him with a book, then to Eagle Sophie, then to a badged girl in Gryffindor robes. If that kid was in Slytherin, he’d probably be on his way back to where he came from. He won't survive their Head of House's wrath. He was sure of it.
Shaking his head, Ethan turned back to his workstation and braced himself for another round of shouting. And an announcement of a possible detention for Gryffindor's biggest drama king.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
major catch up... sorry if anyone addressed him, let me know?
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Following the second and third step, West put his cauldron on to a medium heat and left it for a minute. Once that time was up he conjured purified water himself, and measured three glasses full into his cauldron. This was followed by the fourth step, dropping in ten hippogriff feathers one at a time.
The next step, West listened carefully. Seemed straight forward enough. He cleaned his wooden stirrer again just to be sure, and then he counted to ten and stirred the potion anti-clockwise once. This was immediately followed by counting to twenty and stirring it clockwise once. Finally West counted to thirty and stirred anti-clockwise once again. West was pretty confident he'd done it right, given how focused he was. Just kind of keeping his mind on the task and trying not to be distracted by all the external things, and all the other things he could be thinking about right now. He ignored the drama going on around him. Shouting wasn't at him, or at one of his former team mates, so it didn't matter.
Step six and West added the grated unicorn horn to his cauldron... then following the given instruction, drew an arrow pointing to the right with his wand. Okay. He looked up at Culloden and waited to hear what was next. This was good. A good distraction. He was actually kind of enjoying it.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Baby Scabs & Baby Sophie & To Kevin's RESCUE! GRYFFINDORS UNITE. hahaha
Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Kyroh was bored. Playing with some vials in his kit he was still paying attention. He was. Especially when Kevin dropped something. Annnnd then he started arguing with Culloden. The first year blinked, and then raised his hand, but dropped it.
"Is this why no one likes Gryffindors?"
He wasn't talking to anyone in particular. Just....yeah.
OH NEXT STEP! It was an easy one. Grabbing his bowl of grated unicorn horn Kyroh dumped it in, and then drew a slightly wobbling arrow pointing to the right, with his wand.
Hahahahaha! "Shut up, BABY Claw. NO one likes first years so go eat a slug and cry yourself to sleep. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah."
Man.... Kevin had kind of screwed up or whatever, BUT WHO HADNT BEFORE? In fact, Zahra was counting herself lucky to not be in his exact shoes. She was, after all, the student that stuffed a gnome in her shirt recently.
Then some OTHER Claw was on Kevin's case? Zahra could put up with Lex (as much as she hated it) riding him as Prefect, BUT NOT THESE KNOW IT ALL CLAWS!
So Zahra made an announcement:
"Next 'Claw that says something to Kevin is getting a swirlie after class!!!!" AND THAT WAS A PROMISE!
Ugh Claws were the worst. Save for like...Nigel... but even he was pretty grumpy at times.
MEANWHILE, Zahra returned to her cauldron, threw in some unicorn whatever stuff, and MOSTLY gave the Baby Claws DARING LOOKS. SAY SOMETHING. DO IT. SHE HAD A TOILET WITH THEIR NAMES ON IT.
Toby was all sorts of distracted and staring at his potion and tapping about on his desk, so he missed a lot of whatever drama was going on. But he COULDN'T miss ZAHRA SPEAKING UP, which... yeah, it was pretty hard to ignore that. So loud, you see?
But what was she saying to KYROH? This kid was one of the sweetest kids Toby had met this year. He sort of looked between Zahra and Kyroh and then at SOPHIE and then at Zahra again and blinked. Um. No. He was not Kyroh's PROTECTOR for nothing.
Scooting closer to Kyroh, Toby leaned over and whispered to the firstie so that only he could hear, hopefully before anything else could happen.
"I like you guys, y'know. You're cool. And don't you worry about Zahra. If she tries anything, you just come find me, yeah? I got your back."
Though what he would DO about it was another thing. He'd never had to ACTIVELY protect people before. He couldn't even say give any reassurance that Zaahra was all bark and no bite, because... well... he wasn't sure that was true. Still, Kyroh was his little buddy; couldn't help but offer his assistance to the 'Claw.
He leaned back and flashed the first year a conspiratorial smile and a little wink, and leaned away again, 'cause he had to make sure his potion wasn't about to explode.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Okay, he got that he had to stay after class, he was completely cool with that. But having to clean the laboratory EVERY DAY for a whole WEEK? No, just no. "It was an ACCIDENT!" He shouted back, becoming oblivious that they were in a classroom. He had actually slammed his hand on the table "You can't tell me to clean the Lab EVERY DAY for a WHOLE WEEK over an ACCIDENT!"
He then lowered his wand and got back at GLARING at the Professor.
Originally Posted by Shanners
"Hey Professsoooorrrr? Do you want me to hit him on the head with a book? I can do that for you. Save all the legal action." Kid deserved it.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Lex reached across her table and jab him hard in the back with her wand to get his attention (either that or a stinging hex so he got lucky). "Oi. Knock it off and cut your losses before you make it worse for yourself and your house. See you already got Firsties thinking no one likes us." And a pointed look from the Prefect for him at at least pretend he knew how to behave. Hadn't he outgrown this annoying phase? Jeez.
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
[color=palevioletred]"He can tell you whatever he wants, he's your professor. Deal with it." Frankly, it seemed like a fitting punishment to teach the kid a lesson. Then she grinned in encouragement at Elodie's suggestion - YEAH. HIT HIM OVER THE HEAD. Hearing Kyroh's comment, Soph snorted. Yep. One of many reasons.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
[color=#1975FF]"Is this why no one likes Gryffindors?"
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Hahahahaha! "Shut up, BABY Claw. NO one likes first years so go eat a slug and cry yourself to sleep. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah."
"Next 'Claw that says something to Kevin is getting a swirlie after class!!!!" AND THAT WAS A PROMISE!
Oh it was? Cosgrach didn't CARE! He WANTED him to SEE that he could not have 'accidents' while brewing POTIONS - DID HE JUST SLAM HIS HAND!? Cosgrach gasped - his face UGLY with FURY - and
Oh? He turned to Elodie in complete confusion. He hadn't been expecting that. And then, Sophie - and he actually felt kind of bad for almost losing his control in front of them. See how they defended him against someone who didn't even deserve their attention. Then Kyroh asked that WONDERFUL question, which actually made Cosgrach laugh - half in hysteria and half in genuine amusement. All of these were happening so fast, almost at the same time, that he didn't have the time to decide how to react. By the time Alexa poked Kevin with her wand, though, he'd again gained control of himself and was working his Slytherin mind for a much better punishment than fury.
"Elodie -"
...WHO was THAT girl?! WHERE did she even come from? He EYED her, and his face darkened. His fury for Kevin and for this girl were quite different. With Kevin, it was premature fury, the kind that came and went. With this girl? She did it on purpose. Kevin WAS an idiot, but this girl was...
"Five points off Gryffindor." And it wasn't even from Kevin! His eyes were on that girl. WHAT was a 'swirlie', anyway? Some new lingo? Eh, in any case, it wasn't a pleasant thing, obviously.
"Next person that makes any rude comment is earning a pleasant detention with me after class."That was a promise too! Okay, girl, Kevin, anyone else?
Sending one last death glare to the girl, he turned his gaze to Kevin. His fury for him was almost forgotten.
"You can go have dinner after class and come back." He was nice enough to let him eat first, see?
"And you don't have to come any evening except tonight." He smiiiirked dirtily, then. "I was just tryin' ya." See how much of a fool he was. The result? He was silly enough to slam his hand and shout back. And iffff he even GROANED now...
For detention the bells tolled.
So this is a worrrrrse punishment than every evening with Cosgrach Culloden for Kevin Hirase. Can he keep his mouth shut now, or will he risk it all? Be sure to tune in to the next -
Text Cut: A few more people
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
holding the parchment in his hand he had the sudden urge to sneeze. he placed down the parchment quickly as he ran over to the sink. "ahhhhhhhh chooooooo" he sneezed into his arm "excuse me" he said to anyone around him. Taking out his wand he cleaned off his robes and then washed his hands to make sure to get rid of all the germs. Drying himself off he made his way back to his work station to wait for more instructions.
Ah, but there was also still some good in this world!
"Thank you, Bay," Cosgrach told the boy as he felt slightly better. Clearly, Bay had enough brains not to ruin his potion. So not all Gryffindors were idiots. It was good to know. He hoped everyone saw this.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Alright, next - heating it up. He pointed at the bottom of his cauldron and muttered "Incendio!" and waited until the flames were about halfway high, which would be medium heat. Once a minute had passed, he turned off the heat and then went to gather the purified water from Culloden's desk. He grabbed 3 glasses, using some AWESOME balancing skills to get it all back to his desk.
...and his potion was gone too.
"But Caleb," he addressed to the boy with a sigh (he wasn't angry anymore so he was lucky), "it doesn't say to turn off the heat. You can take some from this bucket too, and continue with the fifth step." Siiigh. How was it that his twin sister was great and he was just... mweh?
Originally Posted by griffin
After grating the unicorn horn, Penelope lit a fire under her cauldron, "Incendio!" The fire lit, she got the water from the bucket. One by one, she added the hippogriff feathers. Hoping not to mess up, Penelope counted to ten and stirred counter clockwise once. So far, so good. Nothing had exploded, so she must be doing it right. Penelope carefully stirred the potion clockwise once after counting to twenty. Nothing exploded. Adding the unicorn horn, Penelope drew an arrow pointing to her right with her wand. What did drawing an arrow do? "Professor, why does the arrow have to point to the right?"
If only she hadn't forgotten to count to thirty... if only! Cosgrach sighed. Her question was brilliant, but her potion was not, so he vanished it.
"You forgot to count to thirty," he told her, "so some potion from this bucket and continue from the fifth step again. Remember to count properly this time." Good?
As for her question... another person asked it too, so he looked at them both and answered.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight
So, question over here from Arista!! "Professor what will drawing an arrow to the right do?"
Oh! This girl was a Gryffindor, even! See this, Kevin? HMPF.
"Listen up, your friend's asked a good question: Why the arrow?" Were they listening? Had they been curious too? "In the previous steps, we created an artificial conscience. This motion will make that conscience progress further, meaning, it will get it function more deliberately." Because the arrow was pointing to the right, see?
He took a deep breath, remembered some happy moments in his life and calmed doooown. He also avoided looking at that girl and Kevin not to get angry again.
"Everyone," he said, not looking at those two 'dorks, "If your potion's turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise, please."
Better be.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
7. If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise with wooden stirrer.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
This was the first time in a very long time that Kevin's eyes started to get watery. It was a mixture of fury and personal emotions and they were threatening to fall. He made his hands in to fists and held his arms straight at his side. He was biting his lower lip hard and willing himself not to cry in front of everyone.
He could deal with the Professor, him thinking he didn't deserve any attention was something he could live with but when other students started to attack him as well, he almost lost it. He breathed in and out heavily and concidered himself lucky that he hadn't cried yet. He was NOT gonna cry in front of these stupid people!
His eyes went to the Hufflepuff Prefect when she OFFERED to HIT him with a book. Was that how a Prefect was supposed to act?! And then that little Kyroh dude making the Professor LAUGH at what he said made things even worse but before he could say anything he felt a hard jab in his back and he winced while looking at his OWN Prefect. "DON'T!" he yelled at her. "Touch me , got that?!"
And then another LOUD Gryffindor (Zahra) said something. Kevin was ready to grab his bag and leave but what she said made him smile a little. She was actually defending him! For the first time, someone was actually defending him! He wanted to give her a hug, she was cool! But then Culloden happened and the second year Lion LOST IT AGAIN!
"You're taking away points because she DEFENDED ME!?" he had tried not to shout, he really had but this whole thing was just unfair. "But not the people who OFFERED to hit me or the ones saying rude stuff about Gryffindors huh?!" He didn't even care about his potion anymore. So that was why he , like Zahra, DUMPED the glumbumble parts in to his cauldron without even looking if his potion had turned bright white and then without cleaning the wooden stirrer he stirred the potion five times while he was fuming.
When he was done with that, he got back to GLARING at the Professor but his features turned slightly normal when he said that he could at least have dinner. Kevin nodded his head silently but his watery eyes were still GLARING at him.
Norah's eyes flew back and forth between the professor and the students as if she were watching a quaffle being thrown back and forth. Were they all blind or did they not see the outrage on Culloden's face? She shook her head slightly to herself. Even some of the older kids were getting in on it too, and she thought they would at least know something about respect or, y'know, what it looks like when someone is about to bite your head off.
Looking down at her potion, Norah's face split into a delighted grin to see her potion's indisputable whiteness. It wasn't glowing or anything but that was definitely a bright white, uh huh. Squashing the urge to cry out delightedly, she picked up her quill to write EXACTLY what the professor had said to do when her potion was perfecto the designated color. She snorted. Glumbumble was a funny word. She added the parts slowly and carefully as to not let the beautiful liquid splash onto the floor, and proceeded to scourgify her stir stick before giving the potion five precise stirs. Take that, everyone. Ha.
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Originally Posted by Professor Culloden
Ah, but there was also still some good in this world!
"Thank you, Bay," Cosgrach told the boy as he felt slightly better. Clearly, Bay had enough brains not to ruin his potion. So not all Gryffindors were idiots. It was good to know. He hoped everyone saw this.[/b]
After he sneezed no one really said something but he heard his name called so he lifted his head to see that it was Professor Culloden that was saying "thank you" ohhhhh…. what did he do? "thanks sir" he didn't know what else to say but he was really glad that he wasn't getting into trouble. that scene over there was crazy and getting into trouble and now loosing house points. Seeing that the Professor was already all over that Bay saved his eye rollings for another time.
Seeing that new instructions were posted he quickly wrote them down.
Originally Posted by Notes
Victor Bay
Cabeza de Turco
Meaning: a scapegoat in English. The exact date of creation is unknown, but it was created some time between 1542 - the creation of Spanish Inquisition and 1689 - the Signing of International Statute of Secrecy.
• Pure water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
• clean all tools, caldron included
• wash hands
• Grate Half a unicorn horn
• Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
• Add 3 glasses of purified water
• Add hippogriff feathers one by one
• Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it
clockwise once.
Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
• Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
• If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise
with wooden stirrer.
Okay, so his potion needed to be bright white. looking in his cauldron he saw that he did indeed have the same colour that he needed to move on. He needed to use his wooden stirrer again, so he thought it was best for him to clean it even though he just used it but theres no room for error here, he didn't want to start all over again. "Scourgify" he pointed his wand to the wooden stirrer.
His wooden stirrer was now clean, now was time to do the steps. Picking up his Glumbumble parts he added them to his cauldron and then he stuck his clean wooden stirrer into his cauldron and stirred five times clockwise "one..two..three..four..five" he counted under his breath. now that it was completed well so far until he got more instructions he took out his stirrer and cleaned it again while waiting. Maybe he can people watch while he waited for this class seemed to be full of drama.
Originally Posted by Notes
Victor Bay
Cabeza de Turco
Meaning: a scapegoat in English. The exact date of creation is unknown, but it was created some time between 1542 - the creation of Spanish Inquisition and 1689 - the Signing of International Statute of Secrecy.
• Pure water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
• clean all tools, caldron included
• wash hands
• Grate Half a unicorn horn
• Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
• Add 3 glasses of purified water
• Add hippogriff feathers one by one
• Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it
clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
• Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
• If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise
with wooden stirrer.
Last edited by Grrr..Meow; 05-28-2014 at 03:29 PM.
Reason: coding >.<
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Shocked, Lux stared wide eyed at the drama that was happening right in front of her. Okay, Kevin could be... well Kevin, but that didn't mean that people needed to threaten him with violence. At least that girl was standing up for him... Though she was using violent too. And lost points for Gryffindor. Ouch.
Shaking her head sadly, Lux kept her mouth shut about everything and wrote down the next step:
SPOILER!!: Lux's Notes
Cabeza De Turco
Ingredients: • Pure water • 10 hippogriff feathers • Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
Steps to Make Potion: 1. Clean all equipment
2. Grate unicorn horn
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Add 3 glasses of purified water
5. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
6. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
7. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
8. If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise with wooden stirrer.
First things first, she cleaned her stirrer again because it was better to be safe than sorry. Once that was done, she added the glumbumble parts to her bright white potion then stirred five times clockwise. Done.
SPOILER!!: Lux's Notes
Cabeza De Turco
Ingredients: • Pure water • 10 hippogriff feathers • Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting) • Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
Steps to Make Potion: 1. Clean all equipment
2. Grate unicorn horn
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Add 3 glasses of purified water
5. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
6. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
7. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
8. If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise with wooden stirrer.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
WHAT a bunch of drama llamas! Maddie found it all VERY amusing but slightly annoying TOO because if those Gryffindor cry babies messed up HER potion, she was going to be SUPER upset. Also, she DID like Candice mostly. She made a mental note to tell her that AFTER class. She also made a note to keep an EYE on that blonde Gryffindor girl threatening claws. She was on the LIST as of NOW and NO, Maddie WASN'T afraid. ESPECIALLY after the girl got all sniffly and leaky or whatever. Boo hoo someone needs a tissue. Heh.
ANYWAY, time to move on.
PEERING down into her potion, the twelve year old noted that it WAS bright white just like Dima's teeth. She'd noticed, y'know? And THAT meant she could add the glumbumble part things. So add them she did, RIGHT into the potion. Then she CLEANED her wooden stirrer cause that was super important and AFTER she began to stir CLOCKWISE.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Another Gulp! More points deducted? Cris couldn't believe the amount of yelling that was going on in this class. He understood frustration, but he also understood respect and he believed that no matter how much you disagreed with your Professor, you NEVER yelled at them.
Unfortunately, it looked like not only was Kevin was frustrated, he seemed to have a problem with respect too. Then of course it didn't help make matters any better, when other students tried to intervene. Cris sighed and quickly ducked his head choosing to keep watch over his cauldron until Professor Culloden was done reprimanding the students and began to speak. So if he had brewed his potion correctly, it would turn bright white?
Cris quickly leaned over and looked inside his cauldron and breathed a sigh of relief. The color of his potion had indeed changed from clear to a bright white. The perfect color...especially for now.
Cris quickly noted down the steps into his journal before he proceeded with them.
Text Cut: Cris' Journal
Cabeza De Turco potion
Ingredients: 1. Pure water
2. 10 hippogriff feathers
3. Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
4. Glumbumble parts
5. Half a Fwooper voice chords
6. One drop of doxy venom
7. Frog leg
Steps to make potion: 1. Clean grater, cauldron, bowl
2. Grate unicorn horn
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Clean glass.
5. Add 3 glasses of purified water
6. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
7. Clean metal stirring spoon
8. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once
9. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once
10.Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again
11. Add grated unicorn horn to mixture.
12. Draw an arrow pointing to the right with wand
13. Color of potion will turn bright white
14. Add Glumbumble parts
15. Clean wooden stirrer
16. Stir five time clockwise with wooden stirrer
Putting his quill down, Cris extracted a wooden stirrer from his potions kit and magically cleaned it. Then he picked up the Glumbumble parts and slowly lowered them into the mixture in his cauldron, before picking up his wooden stirrer and stirring the mixture five times in a clockwise direction.
1..2..3..4..5..stop stirring.
Cris quickly reviewed his notes again, scratching off the steps he had just completed.
Text Cut: Cris' Journal
Cabeza De Turco potion
Ingredients: 1. Pure water
2. 10 hippogriff feathers
3. Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
4. Glumbumble parts
5. Half a Fwooper voice chords
6. One drop of doxy venom
7. Frog leg
Steps to make potion: 1. Clean grater, cauldron, bowl
2. Grate unicorn horn
3. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
4. Clean glass.
5. Add 3 glasses of purified water
6. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
7. Clean metal stirring spoon
8. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once
9. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once
10.Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again
11. Add grated unicorn horn to mixture.
12. Draw an arrow pointing to the right with wand
13. Color of potion will turn bright white
14. Add Glumbumble parts
15. Clean wooden stirrer
16. Stir five time clockwise with wooden stirrer
Placing his quill down, he kept watch over his cauldron and waited for further instructions.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
DRAMA. He could almost SMELL it in the air.
Grayson was immediately intrigued and his blue eyes flew between person to person as they talked. It was all happening a little too quickly but it was perfect. From what he could tell, that bugger over there had had an accident -- not THAT kind of accident but an accident nonetheless -- and was making a big ol' fuss over things. Professor got grumpy and there was mention of detention. The Prefect in Yellow was talking about hitting him with a book. PLEASE DO! She had Grayson's FULL SUPPORT if she was going to do something like that. Then Lex, being cool and all, was stepping in and being responsible. And then came the best comment anyone could hope for in all of this fuss:
'Is this why no one likes Gryffindors?'
The fourth year let out a snort at that. He didn't hate Gryffindors but MAN what a comment. It was just a shame that he didn't have some popcorn with him. And that this was taking place in a LESSON. If it was somewhere outside, he was sure that there'd be a fight. Hexes, curses, the lot. SIGH.
Oh they were going back to the potion. Did this mean that the drama had died out? Shame. He had been oh so interested in that. Grayson looked over at his cauldron, a small smirk spreading across his face at the bright white contents. He reached over and grabbed the glumbumble parts before adding that to his potion too. The wooden stirrer was cleaned once more before he dipped it into his cauldron and stirred in a clockwise motion. One, two, three, four and FIVE turns.
Text Cut: Journal
Cabeza de Turco
Grayson Whitlock
Effect: Manipulating potion; makes people feel guilty and confess sins -> sometimes making them confess things they didn't even do; extra powerful on Muggles
> Pure water
> 10 hippogriff feathers
> Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
> Glumbumble parts
> Half a Fwooper voice chords
> One drop of doxy venom
> Frog leg
1. Grate half a unicorn horn
2. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
3. Add 3 glasses of purified water
4. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
5. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
7. If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise with wooden stirrer.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Then people wondered why she didn't LIKE Ravenclaws. Kyroh got a look for his question and Collarbin for laughing at it because Gryffindor was AMAZING and everyone in blue needed to go dive into a friggin' pit with no bottom. In the middle of all the annoying chaos, Zahra was talking--usually a bad thing but this time Lex was glad she did otherwise she might have. Whether it cost them 5 points of not, it didn't matter because it was already said and everyone heard it. Zahra earned herself mad points with Lex, though she'd never want or accept them. Gryffindors sticking together, it was a thing--
Kevin wasn't learning, was he? Lex HAD been momentarily stunned by his sudden outburst but her senses were back as he continued back talking the Professor. Without thinking, her wand was at him again as she cast a silent 'langlock'. If THAT didn't shut him up, 'expulso' WOULD.
And now she was EVEN MOAR lost. What were they doing? Another glare for the Gryffindor who should have been forced into silence now before noting the white of her potion. Was that meant to happen? SHE DIDN'T KNOW BUT OTHERS WERE WHITE SO! Lex added the glumbumble parts and glanced over at someone else who'd been stirring. Right. She gave five clockwise stirs with her spoon then gave a VERY patient look to the Professor. She COULD ignore Kevin.
SPOILER!!: Parchment
Alexa Cambridge
Sixth Year
Cabeza de Turco
• Pure water
• 10 hippogriff feathers
• Half a unicorn horn (grated before starting)
• Glumbumble parts
• Half a Fwooper voice chords
• One drop of doxy venom
• Frog leg
1. clean all tools, caldron included, wash hands, grate Half a unicorn horn
2. Heat the cauldron for a minute at medium heat
3. Add 3 glasses of purified water
4. Add hippogriff feathers one by one
5. Count to ten and stir the potion counter clockwise once. Count to twenty and stir it clockwise once. Count to thirty and stir counter clockwise once again. - CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!
6. Add the grated unicorn horn and drawing an arrow pointing to right with your wand.
7. If the colour has turned bright white, add glumbumble parts and stir five times clockwise with wooden stirrer.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.