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Office of Professor Thompson [Third Floor] Following the increasing cold conditions outdoors, Professor Thompson has decidedly claimed the spare space on the third floor in the castle. Though not as spacious as his original office, it retains all his original furniture assembled in the same arrangement with Lala the goose snoozing in her kennel. The rest of the room however lacks the consistent amount of sunshine through the one small window and creaking floorboards as you walk along. |
Come in she shall. Not the type to beat around the bush, AJ went straight to the point. "I would like to adopt an elf." Her friend told her that this particular professor would be able to help her with the whole adoption thing, and here she was. "Oh, I'm Aubrey Valentine, but I like to go by AJ." she kept forgetting to do the whole introduction thing. "I'm a first year." Although, she was sure that, that much was painfully obvious at this point. |
Cris entered the Professor's office as instructed and discreetly looked around. Nice!...very nice indeed. Not wanting to get caught inspecting the Care of Magical Creatures Professor's office, Cris quickly glanced back at Professor Thompson and greeted him with a smile and a hand shake. "Hello Professor. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I'm, Cristoffer Strand, Sander's brother. He asked me to say hi to you, when I came to speak with you.," Cris explained part of his reason for coming to speak with his Professor. Then he added the rest. "I was wondering whether you could give me any advice that would help me become a Dragonologist one day. It's been my ambition to work with dragons ever since I was a little boy. They are becoming such an endangered species and I want to ensure that they don't end up being extinct because that would be a tragedy," Cris sadly told the Professor. |
"Hello Miss Valentine, it's nice to meet you. Please have a seat. You may call me Professor Thompson." She was young so he was quick to forgive and forget. Anyways, she wanted to own an elf. "It's a difficult process for a family to have a house elf in their own home." Let alone one young student. "Have you discussed with your parents on the matter?" That was the first step in knowing where to go from that. Quote:
Dragons. It was usually that or Unicorns as the most favoured. That was fine with Javy to discuss. "Naturally, you'll need exceptional grades for Wizarding University. With how competitive it is to work with any creature it takes more than just an 'O' in my class to be considered. Having a well-rounded individual who excels in other subjects and activities will help make it into University and beyond." Now for the information on the jobs available. "Despite their decreased numbers, there's been a number of jobs in reservations. Ranging from curing for the newborns to actual taming the full-grown ones. A step into Wizarding University majoring in Magizoology will also cover topics on cross-breeding them." Now the most obvious question, "Have you had any experience with any other creature of that matter if not dragons outside of school?" |
SPOILER!!: Outside Leah entered upon instruction and aaah! There's a goose in here. Quite obvious that this is indeed the CoMC professor's office. "Oh hello, professor. I am Leah Abbott, second year." she greeted the professor when she spotted him and introduced herself in case he didn't know. "So uh, I wanted to know since this is a magical creatures lesson, whether we are going to be dealing with creatures like goblins, werewolves and dragons? Are you going to bring these types of creatures into class?" Because that would be really bizarre. The second year had more to ask and discuss, but she left the others behind first. |
SPOILER!!: Professor Thompson Cris nodded when the Professor enquired about Sander. "Sander started classes at the Wizarding University and he goes there when he's not playing with the team. Last I heard Sander played his first game and scored a goal. So the family is pretty excited about that," except their father of course, but Cris wasn't going to mention that. Then he listened with interest when Professor Thompson described the attributes required to specialize working with dragons. "I don't how well I'm going to do in my NEWTs but I hope to get the same or better grades that I received for my OWLs. Except for Astronomy which I got an E, I received Os for the rest. Would rock climbing, mixed martial arts, speed skating, running and swimming count as activities, Professor? If it doesn't, does singing and dancing hip hop?" Cris asked the older man, even as he lowered his voice when he mentioned the last two. "We have a couple of winged horses back home. Sander and I work with them a lot. Do ordinary creatures count too? We have 3 Siberian Huskies, 2 cats...and oh yes, two Pygmy Puffs and three Owls." Cris counted them off one by one. "Even though we have freed house elves living with us, we're responsible for taking care of the creatures." |
So he didn't completely blow her off, and that was definitely a good sing in her eyes. "Hello Professor Thompson! It's nice to meet you as well." She took a seat as he requested, and listened intently to what he had to say on the subject. AJ groaned when she heard about the difficult process. "Aw, man." "Well, you see I only just found out I was a witch and my parents of course have no magical background, so this is all new to me." Maybe she could talk to them about it. She could always write home. She remembered the person that came to tell her parents about Hogwarts explaining that. "Does it matter that my parents are not wizards because I could totally take care of the elf." She wanted one really bad... fingers crossed that the professor had good news for her. |
Before he could ask what she was here for, well, she had gone on ahead and dove right into it. Good, that made getting to the issue much easier. "I'm glad you asked.. Throughout my classes will entail all creatures that you would be bound to come across at some point in your life." Simple as that, "However, before we can get to the more dangerous creatures, the ones that are easier to tame are needed to be covered." So yes, they were bound to happen. Whether he would bring them in.. "The creatures I bring in no matter their rating will be at the very least observed and touched on in lectures. I can assure you that before your graduation you'll have an understanding on the former mentioned." Waiting now to see if she understand or had any other questions. Quote:
Now it was back to this Strand, who had legitimate concerns on the NEWTs. "Well, to put it simply how you've done on your OWLs would translate to the next grade below if putting in the same amount of effort." Hence why achieving an A grade in a class was rarely acceptable to continue on in the same subject for NEWTs. "The course work will only increase from here on, so it's important to stay focused but to also have some time for relaxing." His face remained blank on the examples. Suddenly it made sense on how Sander felt pressured to stay in the muggle athletics career-wise. "They certainly do.." Javy pondered for a moment, considering the activities he mentioned. "Tell you what, normally I'd recommend you see your Head of House, Professor Hadley, especially with on the appropriate courses to continue in. But in her temporarily absence, I'd recommend the Groundskeeper Mr. Kirby, who has a grand experience in fitness and athletics." Not surprising, considering his mass. Anyway, now for his creature experience. "Any form of creatures counts, yes. There is some classes that cover muggle creatures at the Wizarding University required by those majoring in Cryptozoology and Magizoology. Should you pursue University, you should have a good foundation on the material before you are able to work with Dragons." Waiting to see if he had anything else of concern or questions. Quote:
Emmylou smiled up as the professor said that she could enter his office. The blonde entered the professors office. The third year looked around at the professors office, it was amazing. Emmylou really had a thing for wood and this was something that she just loved. When she grew up she would have to have an office that looked like this even if she didn't need an office she would still have to keep this in mind. "Hello." Emmylou was starting to feel a bit strange with her southern accent at this school. "I'm Emmylou Duchannes." She smiled at the professor. Introductions last a life time. That's what her Nana Duchannes had told her. |
SPOILER!!: Professor Fuller Cris listened as Professor Thompson explained how important his grades would be for him, if he intended to attend Wizarding University. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat when he heard that he was expected to work harder if he wanted to achieve the same grades he had acquired for his OWLs. He had worked hard to get those Os and now he was expected to work harder? But then again, that was to be expected. He may have be born into riches but except for that, nothing else came easy for him and neither for his siblings. His mother had raised them to work hard and not to take things for granted. So yes, if he wanted to attend Wizarding University, he would work his butt off to get those grades. "Focused on course work but take time to smell the roses? That I can do, Professor, that I can do," he smiled bringing up Jasmine's face in his mind. Hopefully, spending more time with Jasmine would help with the second part. As for the recommendation to see the Groundskeeper, that unfortunately, confused him. Cris couldn't understand how seeing the Groundskeeper would be able to help him get into University. Fitness and athletics? He already knew how to do that. However, Cris nodded just so the Professor didn't think he was openly rejecting his suggestion. As for the next recommendation, Cris agreed wholeheartedly with Professor Thompson. Making a mental note to spend more time learning about both muggle, as well as, magical creatures, Cris nodded in understanding before standing up. "Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Professor. What you've told me has been very helpful. I will definitely take heed of your recommendations," Cris thanked his Care of Magical Creatures as he stuck out his hand to shake the Professor's. |
She listened as the professor spoke. They were bound to learn those creatures, yeah! The second year nodded enthusiastically. More questions. "I really like animals." she said, before realizing that that was quite random. She added, "What do you think about dangerous creatures, professor?" Leah personally thought that although creatures such as basilisks and werewolves were threatening to humans, people should not kill and harm them. |
"Could I have something else cool as a pet?" What did she want? "Like a unicorn for example?" That should keep her happy until she could get her hands on one of those elves. |
Breaking the bad news was getting quite repetitive for the Creature teacher though, as it wasn't in his interest to steer students away from them. Instead he opened one of his drawers to reveal a Pet Care Magazine for her to take. "Your interest in owning a pet that requires advanced knowledge and responsibility is admirable Miss Valentine." Waiting for her to take it before explaining, "While you may not be able to own a Unicorn or a House elf at the moment, there are a wide variety of creatures that could also peak your interest and that you could own presently at home." Now for the examples, "There are Puffskeins, Kneazles, Crups, and Pygmy puffs for one if you're not already interested in Owls or toads for example." Pausing to see how she felt about it. |
Emmylou had a gut feeling that this professor liked her politeness and it made Emmy feel happy. She beamed as the professor introduced himself. "It's nice to meet you and thank you." She smiled and said while taking a seat in one of the chairs that was right near her. Well Emmylou couldn't not have tea, she was addicted to it. "What kind of tea do you have?" That was a very important question, Emmy loved all tea but she also liked to have a choice of what she could have. |
Cool, he had a magazine. "Thanks professor!" She quickly flipped through the magazine and saw quite a few different creatures that looked cool, but not unicorn cool. "Oh, my friend told me about a Hippogriff, but they sound really cool so I'm assuming I can't have one of those either." Listening to the creatures that he deemed as pet ready, there were a couple that caught her attention. "Which one is the closest to a unicorn?" Or the coolest one. That was the one that she wanted. "I definitely need an owl, but I want something else too." |
A memo in the shape of a paper plane glides gracefully through the crack beneath the door, before exercising a smooth landing on the Professor's desk. SPOILER!!: Memo! |
Moving on up SPOILER!!: Prior to move Relocation was always a strange feeling, no matter how many times one goes through with it. As Javy, the Creature Professor had finished up the unpacking. The cold was just way too much for this Spaniard and his creatures, leaving him little choice but to make the move and relocating the remaining animals before they tried to escape. Now that he was all unpacked, the settling in could finally begin.. Quote:
He looked down to see a young Gryffindor girl. "Miss Royal.. what brings you here today?" He could sense another presence on her, but decided not to comment on it just yet. |
Connor walked toward Professor Thompson's office. He had questions, nothing too pressing mind you just things he was curious about. Between the event with the Unicorns and Professor Morgan telling him a little about Thestrals and how the ones in the stables were probably going to get loose he couldn't help but feel the two cases had to have something in common, both magical Horse-like creatures. It seemed a little coincidental. He arrived at the door and knocked, hopefully he wasn't busy. The Gryffindor would have hated to inconvenience him. |
First she had to get settled in her seat. Might as well get comfortable in a place like this. She fished a chocolate frog from her bag and began smearing it against the biscuit...you know, to add flavour... "Just the basics Sir...like how you proper befriend a Unicorn, so it doesn't run you through with its horn--and how you convince a Thestral to go up a couple flights of stairs." A couple being an understatement when you consider the 142 staircases they had back in the castle but all in due time. "I saw one down in Hogsmeade, didn't reckon they travelled that far but they must be looking for some place, right?" Think how helpful she was prepared to be! |
Okay he hadn't answered time to turn back and just forget about this whole thing. As she was turning though the door opened and there was the Professor...Just great. She was so ready to just turn back and there he was... Good timing Professor, good timing. "Hello Professor Thompson!!" Just smile and wave... Oh yeah, why she was here... "Um well I visited Professor Flamsteed earlier with my pet." she wasn't going to say anymore about the pet until he asked more. "And he said I should come and talk to you." At that time Anneliese poked her head from the pocket of her coat and looked over at the Professor. The Gryffindor slightly grimaced she couldn't hide for ten more seconds? |
He waved his wand to open the door, "Mr. Jones.. Come on in." It was much too cold to stay outside like this now. Waiting until he took a seat did he ask, "Now what can I do for you?" Quote:
Then it was on to this scenario she created with a Thestral.. Ah.. now he understood as she mentioned about the Hogsmeade incident. "Yes.. well, as thoughtful as that is Miss Cambridge, the Gryffindor Common room or rather any dorms in the castle here isn't a Thestral's most pleasing of environment." Now to further explain. "They're not meant to be kept indoors as they like having access to their meals and plenty of room to roam around whilst stretching their wings." Quote:
The fifth year took a seat and took a moment to think of how to word his question "Well, i was wondering about the Unicorn from the other day...i had also spoken with Professor Morgan about the Thestrals in the stables, I'd never seen Thestrals before I came here and she said she felt like they were going to run off..I just wanted to know if you thought the two things were related?" He thought they had to be, right? They were both horse like creatures.. "Also, is there a reason that only those who have seen death can see Thestrals?" This was another thing bugging him.. |
SPOILER!!: Prior to move Of course all of the cool animals required adulthood and knowledge. Since when was love not enough? AJ nodded, showing that she understood even if she didn't agree with it. She didn't want a regular horse... that was so basic. A winged horse might be cool, but not cool enough in her opinion. "I think I will pass on the horses." What kind of animal would she end up with? "I think I will get an owl, and maybe a pygmy puff or something for the time being." She had some major thinking to do. "You know until I can get a house elf and unicorn." Because that was happening. AJ stood up, and was ready to leave. "I thank you for your advice and time professor." She really did need to be off. "I'll look this over some more." she said indicating the brochure that he handed her earlier. |
Now came another question. "That's a very good question, Mr. Jones. There currently hasn't been a fully-fledged reason to that.. Some theories suggest that Thestrals are in fact remnants of the person(s) that had perished in front of another witch or wizard, as an alternative form of ghosts. However, it is difficult to prove it with only witness accounts that they are in fact only seen after witnessing another one's death." Pausing momentarily to see if he needed more clarification or had anything else of interest to ask. |
Listening to the explanation about Thestrals, the theory made sense to him. If something like that could make sense. He supposed it was as close to logic as he could wish to find in something magical. "So, no one is really sure that's the reason but it's the best idea we have?" It seemed like a strange thing not to know about. "Could it have anything to do with how unseasonably cold it's been lately?" Connor knew this was a stretch but he also knew that mysterious things often made little sense. |
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