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The Badgers sit under a beautiful gold and black banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. The food will arrive after the Headmistress' traditional feast speech. To all Hufflepuffs, both new and old: enjoy the feast!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
So this was the start of his fourth year. Where did the time go? He remembered when he was a first year and now he just seemed older. As he made his way over to his favorite table, he noticed other puffs were here already. He wondered, did he really walk so slow? Or was it because so many people were trying to get into the door? We will go with the second option.
He sat down at the table and waited for the feast to start. He heard his stomach rumble, he massaged it and realized he was still hungry. He just had chocolate frogs on the train but those weren't that filling. He looked around to see the new faces and see if he saw any familiar ones.
Originally Posted by Ringo
Dylan entered the great hall, glancing around at all the familiar faces as he made his way to the Hufflepuff house table. Although he had grown out his hair pretty long over the summer, he was sure he'd be recognizable to his peers. At least he hoped so. He still just couldn't believe how fast his years at Hogwarts were flying by! It was nuts. He just couldn't imagine what it's going to be like when he's a seventh year.
Once he reached the table, he spotted his friend Kace right away and made his way over to him, smiling. "Hi! Mind if I sit by you?" he asked.
Spotting two lovely Hufflepuff boys taking seats at the table, Lux waved at them happily. It was wonderful how everyone was starting to come together for the feast, and so far the only problem was that her boyfriend was still malting. Oh well, Bay would stop shedding soon enough, as well as cawing.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi had no idea what was going on in Super Els's head, of course. If he had, he'd say she was beginning to get very protective much like Minerva had been when she was Prefect. All he saw now was the lollipop. Did she know how much he loved sweets? Well, maybe not more than Prefect Alexa but he surely loved them. And he loved that she was petting his hair. He was in heaven. "Thanks,'' he said and snuggled up closer. This was the big sister he never had. "Sounds like you had a fun one, Els!'' He had totally forgotten she would be leaving Hogwarts this year. Noooooo. Why did he always have to deal with his friends leaving every year? "Have you decided which University you want to go to?'' Just don't go too far away from him, kay?
"Ian, hi!'' His fellow third year was another one he had been unable to locate on the Train. Where had all of them been hiding? O_o Anywaaaay... "Great to see you, too, buddy. Ready to take on third year now that we're no longer old and you don't have Hannah to boss you around?'' Adi had to admit it. He did miss the obnoxious Slytherin girl.
"Hello, hello,'' Adi responded to the guy (Noel) who had very much enthusiastically called out to Els that he wanted a lollipop. "Don't forget your manners.'' He winked.
He (Declan) was glad to be here? To Adi, it didn't seem so. "Hogwarts nor Hufflepuff aren't so bad,'' he said with a grin. "What year are you in?'' Oh and introductions. "I'm Aditya Rehman but call me Adi.'' Yep. And no need to tell him he had a funny name. It wasn't at all a funny one coming from his background. Hehe.
"Kace!'' Adi finally caught sight of the fourth year again. "Sorry, I hadn't realised I lost you when we left the Train. I thought you were right behind me.'' Just then, along came another dude. "Hiya, Dylan! And hi to you too, Lux!'' Couldn't forget to greet her!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
SPOILER!!: Adi, Elodie, Ana, Lux, Declan :3
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi liked being hugged. Yep, hugs were great especially when they came from Els. And not to mention he was now feeling very much proud of her getting that Prefect Badge. He wondered who was the dude Prefect for Hufflepuff. He'd find out sooner or later. "I'm great! Summer was great, too. How was yours? What did you do?'' Ooh, lollipop! "Yes, please!'' He loves anything sweet, ya know.
The third year looked around when two others (Cristoffer) and (Declan) joined their table. It was obviously transfer students because Adi had never seen the guys before though the first one looked a tad bit familiar. "Hello, there. Welcome to Hogwarts and Hufflepuff.'' Speaking of Hufflepuff, the Sorting was going on and he was totally not paying attention. He had to be on the look out for Selena and AJ. He hoped they'd be in Hufflepuff.
Then arrived what was very much obvious was a lost guy (Ethan). He seemed to be around Adi's age. "Yo, dude.'' Adi sniggered as the guy said Smithereens table. "I think you mean Slytherin. They're over there.'' He pointed in the direction. "We're Hufflepuffs.'' This guy was of course another transfer otherwise he won't be lost nor call his House Smithereens. Hehe.
"Leah!'' Adi said when his second year friend arrived. "Hello. This won't be the last time we're talking for the term, right?'' he asked with a wink. Leah would know what he was talking about. As he waited for Els to introduce herself, the third year spoke to Gus. "Where are your manners, Gus? Leah said hi.'' Gus emitted a soft croak. "There. He greeted you back.'' Hehe.
Originally Posted by Shanners
SPOILER!!: Cris and Declan!
Each new Hufflepuff got themselves a clap when they had been sorted, and Elodie was in the middle of deciding whether transfers counted as first years in getting two lollipops when she wasn't said HELLO to by her new housemates. HELLO. PREFECT HERE. DO YOU SEE THE BADGE?!?! HELLLOOOO. Was she not wearing it in the optimum place? Could they not SEE it? Was it reflecting badly? Did she not look important enough? She had a clingy little teenager attached to her. SHE WAS IMPORTANT.
"Oi!" Just a little bit louder than it should have been to get their attention, and then she walked towards them, placing a hand on one shoulder of each boys, and peering between them. "Welcome to Hufflepuff, losers. We have lollipops, hot seventh years and you have to wipe for yourself." Forget the rest of the students in the house. They were little and not falling into her category of caring at this present second.
She had attractive new students to look after.
She placed two lollipops in front of both of them, gave their hairs a ruffle and straightened up with her hands on her hips looking for her next lollipopper.
SPOILER!!: you green invaders!
A NEW O- A new one being stolen, it seemed. "OI!" Her apparent new go-to thing to greet people with. "Stop stealing my kids!" She liked having people around her, alright, Miss Slytherin. Go back to your own table. Leave. Get outta town. SHOO.
When she'd got close enough, she could easily tell what was happening and shrugged her shoulders, offering them both lollipops. "He can stay sitting here if he wants. It's not like we bite." Plus they had sweets before the real food got started.
"Elodie Robertser." That was her name.
SPOILER!!: two little cuties and a toad
No? Wrong timing? Maybe Adi just had friends who were girls. She'd ask him later. Had to keep an eye on her little ones so they didn't get themselves into trouble with girls or boys or whatever. They were like three years old. And now Els was preparing to give Adi the talk about kissing a girl. Had he even done that? Was she behind the times? Was he keeping secrets from her? She'd flash the badge and scare any bad people off, and flash it again to approve the good ones.
"Elodie. Elodie Robertser. And....you are?" Yeah, kid. Who are you? Name, address, date of birth, shoe size, hair length, colour of toenails? ALL OF IT. SPILL. Maybe she needed a form for this. She just continued to pet Adi's hair, keeping him all close like a protective big sister and handed them both lollipops. "I've always got them. They're big help when you're stuck on homework." They weren't really. They just tasted good.
"My summer was grrrreat. I went to look at a few universities and I got to be bridesmaid at my brothers wedding." All the fun stuff.
Originally Posted by Saiai
SPOILER!!: Ethan
He came to this table because they cheered the loudest? Well, of course they did. They were all nice like that. Or at least most of them seemed to be. Some of them probably weren't.
"Easy mistake," Ana lied, attempting to make the boy feel less embarrassed. She still got lost around the castle after a year, one could hardly blame Ethan for walking to the wrong table. "They were probably paying more attention to the sorting than other houses were, although it's always nice to have new people." Had to make the boy feel welcome and all.
"Yep." At least not too many people would have heard him though. Not that Ana knew why the kid thought their house name was Smithereen. Why would you call a house that? Simple. You wouldn't. Duh.
Ana blinked slightly as Ethan opened up his arms as if to hug her. She was totally down with that. Hugs were great. Wait. Little boy. Why you no hug??? He was so cheating her of hugs! That was not on. Pouting slightly Ana decided to take matters into her own hands, leaning forward and hugging him briefly. There. Much better. Hugs were good and little boy was strange.
Shaking her head slightly in disbelief Ana giggled slightly at the thought of anyone using Smithereens as a battle cry. This kid obviously had strange things going through his mind. "Well, it is something that could be yelled easily. I don't think anyone would use it as a battle cry though."
What was with people and shortening her name??? Anastasia was not that hard to remember or to say. Honestly.
Pouting slightly at the thought of having to tell another person her English nickname she looked to the side before turning back to him. "You can call me Ana or Stasya. Whichever is easier for you to remember and pronounce. And I think I'll stick to Ethan kid." She admired his precocity in telling her she could call him awesome but she definitely wasn't going to do so. Sorry little Ethan.
SPOILER!!: Elodie
A NEW O- A new one being stolen, it seemed. "OI!" Her apparent new go-to thing to greet people with. "Stop stealing my kids!" She liked having people around her, alright, Miss Slytherin. Go back to your own table. Leave. Get outta town. SHOO.
When she'd got close enough, she could easily tell what was happening and shrugged her shoulders, offering them both lollipops. "He can stay sitting here if he wants. It's not like we bite." Plus they had sweets before the real food got started.
"Elodie Robertser." That was her name.
Say what?
"If I was worried about any house stealing your kids it'd be Gryffindor," since she knew that if Lux was ever able to arrange a resort she'd have defected to Gryffindor. As you can see this one is already one of mine." If anyone should be accusing people of kid stealing it should be Ana accusing the Hufflepuffs for cheering so loudly that they stole a kid. Even if it was accidental.
HI new best friend!
"Thank you," Ana chirped, smiling brightly at the other girl as she took the proffered lollipop. So nice. Such a good idea to come over to the Hufflepuff table. She got sweets. Obvs she needed to be helpful more often if she'd get treats out of it. Even if only coincidentally.
Elodie? Where had Ana heard that name before??
"Nice to meet you," she said, slightly hesitantly as she wracked her brains to discover why she knew that name.
Originally Posted by Squishy
It was time for Lux to show some House pride.
The young girl skipped along to the Hufflepuff table so that she could show some love and talk to her Housemates.
Spotting Elodie with a snazzy new Badge made her beam because that meant Prefect duties, which was totally awesome. Elodie so deserved it, and this was a great way for her to spend her last year at Hogwarts.
Walking behind the older girl, Lux gave her a hug despite the fact that she was talking to older people. "Hellooooo you with the shiny new Badge." BEAM.
Turning her attention along the table, she spotted Ana in conversation with a boy she had never seen before. More smiles and some hand waving for them.
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Smithereens?? Dec turned to look at the overly-excited boy joining their table. He thought they were the Hufflerpluffs? Is smithereens some sort of house pet name??
Oh, now the younger kid was glancing over at him. Admire all you want, son. He had no problem with being stared at, he always did the same. Ah, yes. The ties. Makes sense now.
Declan leaned in to whisper quietly to the boy, so he doesn't get embarrassed, "I think you might be sitting at the wrong table, mate..."
Before he could imply to him that he should match his tie colors with the banner colors, someone from the Slytherin table came to his rescue. Good. He didn't want to get involved more than he should've.
Dec turned to the new voice nearby, "Uh, thanks a lot. Glad to be here." He said, half-genuinely, smiling slightly. He was going to ask him a quick question about what the heck a Hufflepuff was, but the boy looked a bit busy with the sorting, so he just let him be.
He nearly jumped out of his seat from the scare of the extremely loud 'OI!' from the edge of the table. Dec looked behind him and across from him, trying to see who the loud girl was talking to. It became apparent it was him when she was suddenly in between him and Cris with her hands on each of their shoulders. His eyes traveled to the badge on her robe. Ah, a prefect. Was he in trouble? Did he sit at the wrong table like the smitheerns kid?
Lollipops and hot seventh years, huh? This girl was reading his mind like a book. Cheeky girl, ain't she? "'Nuff said. You've certainly captured my attention." He dallied, taking the lollipop being handed to him.
He ran his fingers through his hair again after the prefect's welcoming ruffle, turning to see who was the sassy girl chirping in. Eh, she wasn't lying and he wasn't going to deny it. "Aye, you sure are." Dec murmured after her, replacing the toothpick in his mouth with the lollipop. This is going to be an interesting year.
Ethan turned to see who it was and lo and behold it was the badged girl bearing GOODIES. And what was up with stealing her children? This is too confusing. Being a transfer can be sooo difficult. But then, she’s got food and she’s bringing it to him.
“MOTHER!!!” Ethan exclaimed totally forgetting that he doesn’t know said girl. All he knew was that she was bearing food for his stomach, so it was just right to call her that. She claimed him anyway. “…not that you’re really my mother…but foooood!” Ethan said as his eyes sparkled at the sight of lollies. “Are those for…Ooooh. It's for us!” the thirteen year old beamed and got the glorious edible stuff off of her hands. “And thanks for letting me stay in your territory.” Because, it was their table. “Nice to meet you, Elodie Robertser! I’ve got a long name and I’m getting tired of saying it over and over and over…” Pause. “Yeah, I’m Ethan. Third year. Slytherin dude.” Well, he just had to put that tiny bit of info out, because he thought it was important.
Ana made it sound important so…
He then turned to Ana and handed her the other treat. Lollipop for his new friend. Yep. He’s nice like that.
“Meeeh. I was hoping for a loud cheer from you guys.” Ethan then made a face. “Meh. Probably not. Mordred won’t cheer for me even if he was here…” Yeah, that older cousin of his might not even bother. Actually, he will be bothered, what with Ethan ending up in Slytherin.
Ana must have seen his face go sad a little, and his face blushed just a tad when she gave him a brief hug. “SHELIKESHUGS??!” Ethan’s face went from smiley to smiling ridiculously. “You like hugs!” This time, he didn’t hesitate and gave her a quick, sloppy, but friendly side hug. “You’re awesome!” And there he was proving Mordred mentally that not all Slytherins don’t do hugs.
More Yellow People came to their table, and Ethan gave them all a polite nod and smile. It was just proper, right? Being a transfer and all that. He then spotted a girl (Lux), about his age, who waved at Ana. She’s got a nice smile, and a pro waver too! Awesome! “Haaaaaaai!” Well, he had to say something at least. He was after all in the wrong table. Might as well throw in some friendly manners while he’s there.
He then got distracted when one of the older boys (Declan) leaned closer to him and whispered that he was at the wrong table. “I AM?!” Ethan asked feigning a surprise. The Slytherin then gave the older Hufflepuff a grin and a salute. “It’s all good, sir! Your mother told me I can stay.” He said as he pointed at Elodie. BEAM.
Then another boy (Adi) got his attention. He’s probably in the same year as Ethan. “YO! 'SUP DUDE?” Is that how they call each other here in Hogwarts? Well, he will soon find out. And yes, yes. He’s sitting at the wrong table. “No worries, dude! Everything has been rectified.” Nod nod. “Do you have a name? Or do I have to call you ‘Dude’?” Dude is a cool name. Duuuuuude. “I’m Ethan! A not so cool name...” Instead of a handshake, he balled up his fist for a fist bump and stretched out his arm towards the boy. Mordred will be mortified by his manners, but he’s not there so it’s all good.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
ANYONE!!! Just starting out with Mariachi stuffs. ^__^
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Mitchell didn't even bother heading over to the lion table. Nope. He was way more interested in the badger one. The yellow one. A certain blonde in particular.
He plopped himself into the seat on the other side of Kace. "He wouldn't say no." he said answering the other Badger's question. At least, Mitchell didn't think Kace would say no. The guy didn't seem to have it in him.
"Either of you two seen Goldilocks?" He owed her kisses and stuff.
Marigold was a bit late - she was chatting with a portrait outside, who was under the impression that Hogwarts was in danger of a threat having to do with Quidditch. Pshah, whatever THAT was about was clearly nothing to worry about. It wasn't true.
But now, Hogwarts. Marigold took her time coming in, smelling the smell of a lot of pre/teenage students. Lovely. That was only partly sarcasm, for Hogwarts did smell like Hogwarts. Which smelled good. She walked over to her Hufflepuff home/table, knowing she would head over to Mitch in a moment.
... If he wasn't already here! Marigold spotted her brown-haired... Acquaintance and next to Kace's familiar head. She skipped over there, gently nudged the person on the other side of Mitch over, then gracefully plopped down onto the bench. She hooked her ankle around his.
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Jakoby was nervous.
No. Make that EXTREMELY extra super duper nervous about being here right now. He could not stop shaking as he entered the great hall, and his anxiety peaked even more when it came time for the sorting. Merlin. MERLINN HE WAS GOING TO PASS OUT. He had his eyes closed the entire time he was on the stool, and once sorting was over, he wobbled his way to the table in which the Hufflepuffs were at. He was gripping his Care of Magical Creatures book tight as he took a seat at the very end of the table. Alone.
He didn't know anybody. Why did his parents make him come here again? Right, to make more friends.... he couldn't make friends. He was weird. Nobody would like him.
Forever alone, this kid was.
_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
No. Make that EXTREMELY extra super duper nervous about being here right now. He could not stop shaking as he entered the great hall, and his anxiety peaked even more when it came time for the sorting. Merlin. MERLINN HE WAS GOING TO PASS OUT. He had his eyes closed the entire time he was on the stool, and once sorting was over, he wobbled his way to the table in which the Hufflepuffs were at. He was gripping his Care of Magical Creatures book tight as he took a seat at the very end of the table. Alone.
He didn't know anybody. Why did his parents make him come here again? Right, to make more friends.... he couldn't make friends. He was weird. Nobody would like him.
Forever alone, this kid was.
The little Lamb was now a Hufflepuff... that's what that ratty old hat told her, anyway. Smoothing down her dark hair, she popped a piece of bubblegum into her mouth and walked over to the table where the people of her house were sitting. Huh. Well, being a new kid was weird. She'd been homeschooled her first three years of wizarding school -- her parents didn't like her being too far from home. But yet here she was, in an actual school, quite far from home. Her best friend had come here, and she'd convinced her parents to let her surprise him by coming, too. Heh. Lambrini Godfrey always got what she wanted.
Her big brown eyes scanned the hall for any sight of a boy with that familiar mop of brown hair. Much to her surprise (and delight) he was seated at the table she was supposed to sit at. Beaming, she skipped right over and snuck up behind him, leaning down and looping her arms around his neck. "SURPRISE, Jak!" she sang, placing a bubblegum-flavored kiss on his cheek. She quickly released him and made herself at home next to him at the table. Grinning wickedly, she asked, "I didn't give you a heart attack, did I?"
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Originally Posted by Tarath
The little Lamb was now a Hufflepuff... that's what that ratty old hat told her, anyway. Smoothing down her dark hair, she popped a piece of bubblegum into her mouth and walked over to the table where the people of her house were sitting. Huh. Well, being a new kid was weird. She'd been homeschooled her first three years of wizarding school -- her parents didn't like her being too far from home. But yet here she was, in an actual school, quite far from home. Her best friend had come here, and she'd convinced her parents to let her surprise him by coming, too. Heh. Lambrini Godfrey always got what she wanted.
Her big brown eyes scanned the hall for any sight of a boy with that familiar mop of brown hair. Much to her surprise (and delight) he was seated at the table she was supposed to sit at. Beaming, she skipped right over and snuck up behind him, leaning down and looping her arms around his neck. "SURPRISE, Jak!" she sang, placing a bubblegum-flavored kiss on his cheek. She quickly released him and made herself at home next to him at the table. Grinning wickedly, she asked, "I didn't give you a heart attack, did I?"
Jakoby stared down at his empty plate wondering where the heck his food came from. If he was anything beside anxious, he was hungry. His hazel-colored eyes looked from the plate to the book he was clutching. Maybe he could just read until the food appeared that way he was not sitting here concentrating on the fact his stomach growls were sounding like an angry dinosaur. He slowly opened up his book to where he left off, and as he began to read, it happened.....
"SJKAJS," or whatever that inhumanly sound that came from his mouth sounded like when someone snuck up on him. His knees hit the table from underneath when he jumped a little, and he almost dropped his precious book. WHO KNEW HIM HERE? Who actually knew his NAME? Though, when he calmed down, he realized that he did know that voice. "Lamb...? He looked over at the girl when she took a seat beside him. "What are you doing here? I thought your parents still wanted my parents to homeschool you." He was definitely surprised by her appearance, but he could not be more happy that she was here. "No, of course not," he replied as he tried covering up that he did almost have a heart attack and die.
Last edited by Sneakeh Cat; 05-07-2014 at 05:53 AM.
Jakoby stared down at his empty plate wondering where the heck his food came from. If he was anything beside anxious, he was hungry. His hazel-colored eyes looked from the plate to the book he was clutching. Maybe he could just read until the food appeared that way he was not sitting here concentrating on the fact his stomach growls were sounding like an angry dinosaur. He slowly opened up his book to where he left off, and as he began to read, it happened.....
"SJKAJS," or whatever inhumanly sound that came from his mouth sounded like when someone snuck up on him. His knees hit the table from underneath when he jumped a little, and he almost dropped his precious book. WHO KNEW HIM HERE? Who actually knew his NAME? Though, when he calmed down, he realized that he did know that voice. "Lamb...? He looked over at the girl when she took a seat beside him. "What are you doing here? I thought your parents still wanted my parents to homeschool you." He was definitely surprised by her appearance, but he could not be more happy that she was here. "No, of course not," he replied as he tried covering up that he did almost have a heart attack and die.
Lambrini tilted her head back and laughed so hard at Jak's reaction that she nearly choked on her gum. Yep, she'd totally given her friend a heart attack. That was HILARIOUS. "The one and only," she grinned. "I convinced my 'rents to let me come here, too. I wanted to surprise you. I couldn't let my best friend run off and have adventures without me, now could I?" Besides, she knew Jakoby well. She knew how he could get around new people, so she figured he could use a friend to help him ease his way into the completely new setting he'd been sent to. Giggling, she said, "I'm pretty sure your heart stopped for like, a second just now."
But she wasn't going to tease him for long. She looked around the hall, noticing all the students and whatnot. Yep. This was a lot different from Jak's kitchen back home in NYC. She blew a bubble with her gum and popped it. "So, whatcha reading?" She asked, peering over at the book he had.
*moves posts around because she can and so alone bestie time can happen*
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
SPOILER!!: Olly & Declan
Originally Posted by Lislchen
"...I'm one of those hot seventh years."
Olly approached Elodie from behind, not really paying much attention to the people her friend was in fact talking to. Why should she? Was she a Prefect? No. Oh but her dorm-mate was one now. Tough luck! Just standing there for a moment longer, looking incredibly pleased with herself, Olly smirked at Els. Right. Okay, maybe she should take a seat. Yes. Far away from first years. So here was NOT an option.
Which was why Olly dropped onto the bench a little further down the table, next to no one in particular. Els should come sit with her later. Yes.
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
Smithereens?? Dec turned to look at the overly-excited boy joining their table. He thought they were the Hufflerpluffs? Is smithereens some sort of house pet name??
Oh, now the younger kid was glancing over at him. Admire all you want, son. He had no problem with being stared at, he always did the same. Ah, yes. The ties. Makes sense now.
Declan leaned in to whisper quietly to the boy, so he doesn't get embarrassed, "I think you might be sitting at the wrong table, mate..."
Before he could imply to him that he should match his tie colors with the banner colors, someone from the Slytherin table came to his rescue. Good. He didn't want to get involved more than he should've.
Dec turned to the new voice nearby, "Uh, thanks a lot. Glad to be here." He said, half-genuinely, smiling slightly. He was going to ask him a quick question about what the heck a Hufflepuff was, but the boy looked a bit busy with the sorting, so he just let him be.
He nearly jumped out of his seat from the scare of the extremely loud 'OI!' from the edge of the table. Dec looked behind him and across from him, trying to see who the loud girl was talking to. It became apparent it was him when she was suddenly in between him and Cris with her hands on each of their shoulders. His eyes traveled to the badge on her robe. Ah, a prefect. Was he in trouble? Did he sit at the wrong table like the smitheerns kid?
Lollipops and hot seventh years, huh? This girl was reading his mind like a book. Cheeky girl, ain't she? "'Nuff said. You've certainly captured my attention." He dallied, taking the lollipop being handed to him.
He ran his fingers through his hair again after the prefect's welcoming ruffle, turning to see who was the sassy girl chirping in. Eh, she wasn't lying and he wasn't going to deny it. "Aye, you sure are." Dec murmured after her, replacing the toothpick in his mouth with the lollipop. This is going to be an interesting year.
Elodie momentarily forgot about the people around her, leant over to the other seventh year and whispered something about boys, plans, problems and things and promised to tell her more later. She'd probably stockpile her with the colouring books she'd acquired and all the other things they'd need to survive the year.
Back to male human. Heh. Hi. Hello there. See look! Hot seventh years!
"This is Betty. She's one of our oldest residents and she's almost upgraded to getting a personal wiper. We're ever so proud." And then she ducked slightly away to avoid any sort of incoming physical pain from Olly, leaning herself against the table in the seat free next to Declan. "She's cool though. She likes spaghetti, ice cream and colouring with the first years. Maybe you'll be able to convince her to colour with you. Colouring date!!" Not that Olly was taken or anything, hehe oops.
She supplied her dormmate with a lollipop before she left and gave her a super exaggerated finger wiggle wave. Byeeeeeeeee Betty!
SPOILER!!: Ana & Ethan
Originally Posted by Saiai
He came to this table because they cheered the loudest? Well, of course they did. They were all nice like that. Or at least most of them seemed to be. Some of them probably weren't.
"Easy mistake," Ana lied, attempting to make the boy feel less embarrassed. She still got lost around the castle after a year, one could hardly blame Ethan for walking to the wrong table. "They were probably paying more attention to the sorting than other houses were, although it's always nice to have new people." Had to make the boy feel welcome and all.
"Yep." At least not too many people would have heard him though. Not that Ana knew why the kid thought their house name was Smithereen. Why would you call a house that? Simple. You wouldn't. Duh.
Ana blinked slightly as Ethan opened up his arms as if to hug her. She was totally down with that. Hugs were great. Wait. Little boy. Why you no hug??? He was so cheating her of hugs! That was not on. Pouting slightly Ana decided to take matters into her own hands, leaning forward and hugging him briefly. There. Much better. Hugs were good and little boy was strange.
Shaking her head slightly in disbelief Ana giggled slightly at the thought of anyone using Smithereens as a battle cry. This kid obviously had strange things going through his mind. "Well, it is something that could be yelled easily. I don't think anyone would use it as a battle cry though."
What was with people and shortening her name??? Anastasia was not that hard to remember or to say. Honestly.
Pouting slightly at the thought of having to tell another person her English nickname she looked to the side before turning back to him. "You can call me Ana or Stasya. Whichever is easier for you to remember and pronounce. And I think I'll stick to Ethan kid." She admired his precocity in telling her she could call him awesome but she definitely wasn't going to do so. Sorry little Ethan.
Say what?
"If I was worried about any house stealing your kids it'd be Gryffindor," since she knew that if Lux was ever able to arrange a resort she'd have defected to Gryffindor. As you can see this one is already one of mine." If anyone should be accusing people of kid stealing it should be Ana accusing the Hufflepuffs for cheering so loudly that they stole a kid. Even if it was accidental.
HI new best friend!
"Thank you," Ana chirped, smiling brightly at the other girl as she took the proffered lollipop. So nice. Such a good idea to come over to the Hufflepuff table. She got sweets. Obvs she needed to be helpful more often if she'd get treats out of it. Even if only coincidentally.
Elodie? Where had Ana heard that name before??
"Nice to meet you," she said, slightly hesitantly as she wracked her brains to discover why she knew that name.
Originally Posted by Mordred
Ethan turned to see who it was and lo and behold it was the badged girl bearing GOODIES. And what was up with stealing her children? This is too confusing. Being a transfer can be sooo difficult. But then, she’s got food and she’s bringing it to him.
“MOTHER!!!” Ethan exclaimed totally forgetting that he doesn’t know said girl. All he knew was that she was bearing food for his stomach, so it was just right to call her that. She claimed him anyway. “…not that you’re really my mother…but foooood!” Ethan said as his eyes sparkled at the sight of lollies. “Are those for…Ooooh. It's for us!” the thirteen year old beamed and got the glorious edible stuff off of her hands. “And thanks for letting me stay in your territory.” Because, it was their table. “Nice to meet you, Elodie Robertser! I’ve got a long name and I’m getting tired of saying it over and over and over…” Pause. “Yeah, I’m Ethan. Third year. Slytherin dude.” Well, he just had to put that tiny bit of info out, because he thought it was important.
Ana made it sound important so…
He then turned to Ana and handed her the other treat. Lollipop for his new friend. Yep. He’s nice like that.
“Meeeh. I was hoping for a loud cheer from you guys.” Ethan then made a face. “Meh. Probably not. Mordred won’t cheer for me even if he was here…” Yeah, that older cousin of his might not even bother. Actually, he will be bothered, what with Ethan ending up in Slytherin.
Ana must have seen his face go sad a little, and his face blushed just a tad when she gave him a brief hug. “SHELIKESHUGS??!” Ethan’s face went from smiley to smiling ridiculously. “You like hugs!” This time, he didn’t hesitate and gave her a quick, sloppy, but friendly side hug. “You’re awesome!” And there he was proving Mordred mentally that not all Slytherins don’t do hugs.
More Yellow People came to their table, and Ethan gave them all a polite nod and smile. It was just proper, right? Being a transfer and all that. He then spotted a girl (Lux), about his age, who waved at Ana. She’s got a nice smile, and a pro waver too! Awesome! “Haaaaaaai!” Well, he had to say something at least. He was after all in the wrong table. Might as well throw in some friendly manners while he’s there.
He then got distracted when one of the older boys (Declan) leaned closer to him and whispered that he was at the wrong table. “I AM?!” Ethan asked feigning a surprise. The Slytherin then gave the older Hufflepuff a grin and a salute. “It’s all good, sir! Your mother told me I can stay.” He said as he pointed at Elodie. BEAM.
Then another boy (Adi) got his attention. He’s probably in the same year as Ethan. “YO! 'SUP DUDE?” Is that how they call each other here in Hogwarts? Well, he will soon find out. And yes, yes. He’s sitting at the wrong table. “No worries, dude! Everything has been rectified.” Nod nod. “Do you have a name? Or do I have to call you ‘Dude’?” Dude is a cool name. Duuuuuude. “I’m Ethan! A not so cool name...” Instead of a handshake, he balled up his fist for a fist bump and stretched out his arm towards the boy. Mordred will be mortified by his manners, but he’s not there so it’s all good.
Elodie was still keeping this small kid. Miss Slytherin needed to understand THAT. He sat at her table...he stayed at her table. She'd keep him with lollipops.
Any other day, any other kid...she'd have considered giving them a clip around the ear. But nope. He was cute and Els smiled a bit more, ruffled his hair and looked between him and Ana. "It's only normal for someone to want to be sorted here. We're a wonderful bunch." Unless your name was Delilah Starr and then you needed your own house. For social rejects. Goodbye Delilah.
So the kids name was Ethan? That was nice. "Well Ethan...you can either take your lollipops back to your own table with your nice new friend...orrrrr...you can stay here and eat your first Hogwarts meal with me. I'll make sure to send you back to your table before they show the new students to the common rooms." Ew gross. She'd have to do that TOO. Where the hell was Kaiden? Why was she doing everything? What a butttttt.
SPOILER!!: Noel & Silas
Originally Posted by Samia
So he was here again. Back to Hogwarts. Blegh.
OKAY FINE. Noel felt exhausted channeling all the frustration over Hogwarts not being cool enough for him, or him being in Hufflepuff. He had tried all summer to make his dearest mother understand why she shouldn't be sending him back but it had not worked. And he was here again.
Now seeing the delicious food on the table, Noel halfheartedly admitted how he had missed the food. He missed it a lot. It was just really good food, okay?
It was just really tiring being all mope-y about being in Hogwarts. SIGH. It was fate and he just could not fight it. SIGH SIGH.
Seeing all the other kids mingling at the table, Noel turned to see the Ravenclaw table - his cousin seemed pretty busy. He had to mingle with other people now. He just had to.
Noticing how the pretty prefect was handing out lollipops, Noel called out to her: "I want one tooo!"
There was one second year student like him there tooo, and lots of slightly older third year students - Noel beamed and greeted them all in general: "Hellooo"
Originally Posted by Eriin
Silas had had a rough go on the train... had actually spent most of the trip wandering about. Not that he minded too much, but he was awfully tired now. And well... this table was giving out lollipops?
Why not slide in beside the kid who was smiling all big and stuff?
Shoving his way in beside said dude he smiled weakly and said, " I'm going to sit here. " Cool, right? Cool.
MORE PEOPLE. She knew of one face, just from merely common room people watching, but the other she wasn't as familiar with. Rightly so, seeing as his robes were intact with a different house badge. They all wanted a piece of this awesome. She was totes doing Professor Hadley proud whilst she was busy doing those things that people did with newborn babies. Like not sleep. Enjoy your next 20 minute nap, Professor!
Elodie placed a lollipop in front of both of them and gave them a grin.
"A please wouldn't go amiss. But it doesn't matter. HI. I'm Elodie and I won't be at your beck and call this year." That wasn't her job.
SPOILER!!: Kace & Dylan
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
So this was the start of his fourth year. Where did the time go? He remembered when he was a first year and now he just seemed older. As he made his way over to his favorite table, he noticed other puffs were here already. He wondered, did he really walk so slow? Or was it because so many people were trying to get into the door? We will go with the second option.
He sat down at the table and waited for the feast to start. He heard his stomach rumble, he massaged it and realized he was still hungry. He just had chocolate frogs on the train but those weren't that filling. He looked around to see the new faces and see if he saw any familiar ones.
Originally Posted by Ringo
Dylan entered the great hall, glancing around at all the familiar faces as he made his way to the Hufflepuff house table. Although he had grown out his hair pretty long over the summer, he was sure he'd be recognizable to his peers. At least he hoped so. He still just couldn't believe how fast his years at Hogwarts were flying by! It was nuts. He just couldn't imagine what it's going to be like when he's a seventh year.
Once he reached the table, he spotted his friend Kace right away and made his way over to him, smiling. "Hi! Mind if I sit by you?" he asked.
Children she knew, obbbbviously. Or knew in an "I know of your face" way. LOLLIPOPS FOR THEM. "You source lollipops from me and me only this year, okay?" Her lollipops were GOOD ones.
"Elodie, by the way. Better than you. Prettier than you. And with a badge to prove it." And that was all she gave them. She skipped off back to her little group of groupies whom she was delectably in love with. Her little darlings.
SPOILER!!: Lux, Adi & Marigold
Originally Posted by Squishy
It was time for Lux to show some House pride.
The young girl skipped along to the Hufflepuff table so that she could show some love and talk to her Housemates.
Spotting Elodie with a snazzy new Badge made her beam because that meant Prefect duties, which was totally awesome. Elodie so deserved it, and this was a great way for her to spend her last year at Hogwarts.
Walking behind the older girl, Lux gave her a hug despite the fact that she was talking to older people. "Hellooooo you with the shiny new Badge." BEAM.
Turning her attention along the table, she spotted Ana in conversation with a boy she had never seen before. More smiles and some hand waving for them.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi had no idea what was going on in Super Els's head, of course. If he had, he'd say she was beginning to get very protective much like Minerva had been when she was Prefect. All he saw now was the lollipop. Did she know how much he loved sweets? Well, maybe not more than Prefect Alexa but he surely loved them. And he loved that she was petting his hair. He was in heaven. "Thanks,'' he said and snuggled up closer. This was the big sister he never had. "Sounds like you had a fun one, Els!'' He had totally forgotten she would be leaving Hogwarts this year. Noooooo. Why did he always have to deal with his friends leaving every year? "Have you decided which University you want to go to?'' Just don't go too far away from him, kay?
"Ian, hi!'' His fellow third year was another one he had been unable to locate on the Train. Where had all of them been hiding? O_o Anywaaaay... "Great to see you, too, buddy. Ready to take on third year now that we're no longer old and you don't have Hannah to boss you around?'' Adi had to admit it. He did miss the obnoxious Slytherin girl.
"Hello, hello,'' Adi responded to the guy (Noel) who had very much enthusiastically called out to Els that he wanted a lollipop. "Don't forget your manners.'' He winked.
He (Declan) was glad to be here? To Adi, it didn't seem so. "Hogwarts nor Hufflepuff aren't so bad,'' he said with a grin. "What year are you in?'' Oh and introductions. "I'm Aditya Rehman but call me Adi.'' Yep. And no need to tell him he had a funny name. It wasn't at all a funny one coming from his background. Hehe.
"Kace!'' Adi finally caught sight of the fourth year again. "Sorry, I hadn't realised I lost you when we left the Train. I thought you were right behind me.'' Just then, along came another dude. "Hiya, Dylan! And hi to you too, Lux!'' Couldn't forget to greet her!
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104
Marigold was a bit late - she was chatting with a portrait outside, who was under the impression that Hogwarts was in danger of a threat having to do with Quidditch. Pshah, whatever THAT was about was clearly nothing to worry about. It wasn't true.
But now, Hogwarts. Marigold took her time coming in, smelling the smell of a lot of pre/teenage students. Lovely. That was only partly sarcasm, for Hogwarts did smell like Hogwarts. Which smelled good. She walked over to her Hufflepuff home/table, knowing she would head over to Mitch in a moment.
... If he wasn't already here! Marigold spotted her brown-haired... Acquaintance and next to Kace's familiar head. She skipped over there, gently nudged the person on the other side of Mitch over, then gracefully plopped down onto the bench. She hooked her ankle around his.
Hey, Mitch.
OH HELLO MARIGOLD. Elodie was in the process of giving the younger girl a wave and assessing the people she was sitting with a little more when Lux swept in in full force and hugged her from behind. No damage done, but she might have lost her footing ever so slightly. "Little Lux! Hiiiiiii gorgeous!" She'd grown over the summer. Maybe a little bit, anyway. Elodie didn't pay too much attention to height unless she was laughing about how much taller than Cat she was.
"Do you like it?" She asked quietly, whispering and pulling a face and everything. Lux would tell her straight up if she didn't think it suited her or she didn't deserve it. Right? They trusted one another that much, yes?
With Lux on one side and Adi on the other, Elodie felt like a mother with two toddlers, but it was all cool. She was a good one. Handing out lollipops, ruffling hair and beating away the eager people interested in them. Nope. No duck or Lux for you kids. ALL FOR HER.
"Not yet, Duckie... I need to look over a few things again and then I think I'll decide. Maybe you can help me later in the week?" He'd tell her what he thought of her course choices, right?
Originally Posted by Colley
Meep. Meep. MEEP.
Cat was NOT hiding. For the record. She wasn't. No one had driven her away from the Slytherin table. She had only gravitated to the Hufflepuffs because best friend prefect girl was there and Cat loved her bestie. That was ALL. The Slytherin nudged herself in beside said best friend and elbowed her repeatedly, though not hard enough to hurt her. "Mo's sister is here." And it was not fun.
"Also hi and stuff." Yeah. Hello. Save me.
When Elodie was seated nicely enough, she was physically bombarded with a best friend and THINGS. As soon as Cat spoke, Els immediately looked around the hall feverishly and swatted back at her besties arm with wide eyes. "Your boyfriend's sister is here, Caterina!" Might as well repeat it. Might as well repeat everything that everyone needed to know.
"What did you do? What haven't you told me? Is she here to kill you? Should I deflect her away with my new badge? Use my imaginary ninja skills on her? Throw an apple at her head?"
.... Wait. Would she end up dead herself then? What about one of those creepy dolls? Was she gonna get one of those too?
He ran his fingers through his hair again after the prefect's welcoming ruffle, turning to see who was the sassy girl chirping in. Eh, she wasn't lying and he wasn't going to deny it. "Aye, you sure are." Dec murmured after her, replacing the toothpick in his mouth with the lollipop. This is going to be an interesting year.
Originally Posted by Shanners
Elodie momentarily forgot about the people around her, leant over to the other seventh year and whispered something about boys, plans, problems and things and promised to tell her more later. She'd probably stockpile her with the colouring books she'd acquired and all the other things they'd need to survive the year.
Back to male human. Heh. Hi. Hello there. See look! Hot seventh years!
"This is Betty. She's one of our oldest residents and she's almost upgraded to getting a personal wiper. We're ever so proud." And then she ducked slightly away to avoid any sort of incoming physical pain from Olly, leaning herself against the table in the seat free next to Declan. "She's cool though. She likes spaghetti, ice cream and colouring with the first years. Maybe you'll be able to convince her to colour with you. Colouring date!!" Not that Olly was taken or anything, hehe oops.
She supplied her dormmate with a lollipop before she left and gave her a super exaggerated finger wiggle wave. Byeeeeeeeee Betty!
Yes she was. Olly smirked at the boy and reached out to poke his forehead. "I like him." Though she wasn't talking to him per se but rather to Elodie. As if she'd done a great job finding him. Well done, Elodie. Good Prefect you are, yes.
Oh but there was whispering going on and Olly leaned a little closer to the other girl. Ah yes, okay. They could discuss this later. In their dorm. Were there any new seventh year girls by the way? There better not be. They'd just barricade the door if somebody else tried to get in. Someone who wasn't welcome, obviously. They did have the occasional visitors. Nice people. Pretty people.
"Yeah, only one more test I have to pass." Before she got her own personal wiper. "It's drawing a colorful representation of......something of your choosing on your dorm mate's face while they're asleep." She gave Elodie an innocent grin, making no move whatsoever to try and hit her or touch her in any way. "So, soon I'll have my own personal wiper."
Coloring date? Olly raised her eyebrows at Elodie. "Yeah, just ask for Betty and we can arrange a date." She took the offered lollipop and eyed for a moment. Olly really wasn't that into lollipops, to be honest. Eh. She turned it over in her hand a few times before finally taking a seat.
What was up with those official looking people by the way?
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Originally Posted by Adi
"Ian, hi!'' His fellow third year was another one he had been unable to locate on the Train. Where had all of them been hiding? O_o Anywaaaay... "Great to see you, too, buddy. Ready to take on third year now that we're no longer old and you don't have Hannah to boss you around?'' Adi had to admit it. He did miss the obnoxious Slytherin girl.
Ian smiled as he re-connected with one of his buddies. He looked around at the gathering of hufflepuffs and smiled. He was back with his people. He wondered if it would be good to sing the song of his people, but surprisingly after 2 years he still wasn't sure what kind of sound a badger made. Yeah. School will be different without Hannah, but I've met some nice other people and you're still here so all is good.
He noticed lollipops being distributed by a prefect. He got her attention. Might I have one of those please? A yellow one, if you got it would be perfect.
After falling on her face on her way over to the Gryffindor after being sorted, Emmylou wondered if she was able to visit at other tables. She didn't know so she just decided to walk over to the Hufflepuff table. She wanted to see Lux and Kace, maybe she just wanted to see Kace more. One thing that Emmylou really wanted to do was make friends with everyone but even she knew it was impossible to be friends with everyone but what was in the harm of trying. At least trying was better than not trying.
The blonde looked around, where would she sit or who would she sit with. She hoped the Hufflepuff students were as nice as the Gryffindor students or at the very least bit as nice as Kace and Lux because she wasn't sure if she had even met any other Hufflepuff students over the summer, she hadn't even thought about asking people what house they were in because what if they went to Beauxbatons or Durmstrang? Emmylou walked along the table to see if there was at least one tiny free spot.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
So this was the start of his fourth year. Where did the time go? He remembered when he was a first year and now he just seemed older. As he made his way over to his favorite table, he noticed other puffs were here already. He wondered, did he really walk so slow? Or was it because so many people were trying to get into the door? We will go with the second option.
He sat down at the table and waited for the feast to start. He heard his stomach rumble, he massaged it and realized he was still hungry. He just had chocolate frogs on the train but those weren't that filling. He looked around to see the new faces and see if he saw any familiar ones.
The smell of the food was amazing, she was hungry but she mostly just wanted all of the desert because that was the best part, all of the sweetness of the candy-like food and it was bad for you but it just tasted so darn good. How could one not like or not even try candy or cheesecake or just anything that was crafted into a sweet tasting candy.Emmylou was pretty sure that she only lived for candy and panda and Kace of course.
Speaking of Kace where was he and did he see her fall? She wanted a list of people that had seen her fall so she could tell them that she was normally never that clumsy. The third year was just merely over excited and wasn't paying any attention to where her feet were stepping. Emmylou stood on her tip toes, there he was. Her Kace and she was his Emmylou. A big grin was plastered on her tanned face. "Kace!" Emmy said happily, she hurried over to him, making sure this time that she didn't fall. Emmylou wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, looked I'm a Gryffindor." She couldn't help but be happy about it.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Hazel skipped over to the Hufflepuff house table. It felt so good to be back. She smiled at all the familiar faces and some new ones too. She was just so happy. Taking a seat at her house table, she felt good to be back home. It was so nice to be back with all her friends, all the teachers and classes, everything. She'd made so many great memories, and she was ready to make some new ones. Yup, this was going to be a great year.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Originally Posted by OwlEcho63
Hazel skipped over to the Hufflepuff house table. It felt so good to be back. She smiled at all the familiar faces and some new ones too. She was just so happy. Taking a seat at her house table, she felt good to be back home. It was so nice to be back with all her friends, all the teachers and classes, everything. She'd made so many great memories, and she was ready to make some new ones. Yup, this was going to be a great year.
Ian saw a girl sit down he didn't quite have a name for. He thought she was the same age as he, or at least the same year. He waved over to her and said Hello, there. I'm Ian. We're in the same year, aren't we? I wasn't the most observant the last coupla years so I apologize.
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Text Cut: Adi
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
He (Declan) was glad to be here? To Adi, it didn't seem so. "Hogwarts nor Hufflepuff aren't so bad,'' he said with a grin. "What year are you in?'' Oh and introductions. "I'm Aditya Rehman but call me Adi.'' Yep. And no need to tell him he had a funny name. It wasn't at all a funny one coming from his background. Hehe.
He smiled at the younger boy, "No, yeah I assume. I took a trip with the school in the summer and it was...a wild ride, for sure. I expect the same excitement from the school itself." Oh now was his chance, "Hope you don't mind me asking, but what is a Hufflepuff?"
That was an interesting name, "Aditya Rehman." Dec repeated to himself. It was important to learn his whole name just in case he needed to address the young boy formally, ya know? "Pleasure to meet you, Adi. The name's Declan, sixth year." He introduced.
Text Cut: Ethan
Originally Posted by Mordred
He then got distracted when one of the older boys (Declan) leaned closer to him and whispered that he was at the wrong table. “I AM?!” Ethan asked feigning a surprise. The Slytherin then gave the older Hufflepuff a grin and a salute. “It’s all good, sir! Your mother told me I can stay.” He said as he pointed at Elodie. BEAM.
He raised a brow at the boy. Don't need to sass him, boy! He'll let it slip by being their first day and all. Dec returned the salute, raising another brow. Mother?? He glanced up at the prefect, "Oh, wow! Thanks a lot, Mum! You're the best!" He'll make a mental note of referring to Miss Sassy as mum forever now.
Text Cut: Elodie and Olly
Originally Posted by Shanners
Elodie momentarily forgot about the people around her, leant over to the other seventh year and whispered something about boys, plans, problems and things and promised to tell her more later. She'd probably stockpile her with the colouring books she'd acquired and all the other things they'd need to survive the year.
Back to male human. Heh. Hi. Hello there. See look! Hot seventh years!
"This is Betty. She's one of our oldest residents and she's almost upgraded to getting a personal wiper. We're ever so proud." And then she ducked slightly away to avoid any sort of incoming physical pain from Olly, leaning herself against the table in the seat free next to Declan. "She's cool though. She likes spaghetti, ice cream and colouring with the first years. Maybe you'll be able to convince her to colour with you. Colouring date!!" Not that Olly was taken or anything, hehe oops.
She supplied her dormmate with a lollipop before she left and gave her a super exaggerated finger wiggle wave. Byeeeeeeeee Betty!
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Yes she was. Olly smirked at the boy and reached out to poke his forehead. "I like him." Though she wasn't talking to him per se but rather to Elodie. As if she'd done a great job finding him. Well done, Elodie. Good Prefect you are, yes.
Oh but there was whispering going on and Olly leaned a little closer to the other girl. Ah yes, okay. They could discuss this later. In their dorm. Were there any new seventh year girls by the way? There better not be. They'd just barricade the door if somebody else tried to get in. Someone who wasn't welcome, obviously. They did have the occasional visitors. Nice people. Pretty people.
"Yeah, only one more test I have to pass." Before she got her own personal wiper. "It's drawing a colorful representation of......something of your choosing on your dorm mate's face while they're asleep." She gave Elodie an innocent grin, making no move whatsoever to try and hit her or touch her in any way. "So, soon I'll have my own personal wiper."
Coloring date? Olly raised her eyebrows at Elodie. "Yeah, just ask for Betty and we can arrange a date." She took the offered lollipop and eyed for a moment. Olly really wasn't that into lollipops, to be honest. Eh. She turned it over in her hand a few times before finally taking a seat.
What was up with those official looking people by the way?
Betty?? She didn't look like a Betty. Looks like he just got caught up in a fun game. He let his head tip back as "Betty" poked his forehead, "Well, you know what they say, Some grow better with age." That sounded better in his head. Glancing back at the prefect, he brought his head back to look at the "Betty". "I like coloring. Some would say, I'm an expert at coloring." Dec called down the table as she took a seat at the end, leaning onto the table. He wasn't really fond of exploiting his artistic ability, but it always seemed to help with the ladies.
Ian saw a girl sit down he didn't quite have a name for. He thought she was the same age as he, or at least the same year. He waved over to her and said Hello, there. I'm Ian. We're in the same year, aren't we? I wasn't the most observant the last coupla years so I apologize.
Hazel smiled at the boy. "Hi, Ian. I'm Hazel. I'm a third year," she said. Meeting new people was so much fun! "Did you do anything fun over the holiday?" she aked him. She smiled some more. And some more. And some more. She was just a super smily person right now. It was so exciting! She couldn't believe she'd been at Hogwarts for two whole years and she was still meeting new people in her own house! "Apology accepted."
Dylan entered the great hall, glancing around at all the familiar faces as he made his way to the Hufflepuff house table. Although he had grown out his hair pretty long over the summer, he was sure he'd be recognizable to his peers. At least he hoped so. He still just couldn't believe how fast his years at Hogwarts were flying by! It was nuts. He just couldn't imagine what it's going to be like when he's a seventh year.
Once he reached the table, he spotted his friend Kace right away and made his way over to him, smiling. "Hi! Mind if I sit by you?" he asked.
Kace was sitting and then he heard a familiar voice. He turned around and noticed it was Dylan! WOAH! The dude had his hair long. It suited him very well. He smiled and stood up. "Hey Dude! Woah your hair got long i see." he said pointing to it. "How was your summer!?" he asked his friend. "Oh no i wouldn't mind..." he began when he saw Mitch joining their table.
SPOILER!!: Mitch :3!
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Mitchell didn't even bother heading over to the lion table. Nope. He was way more interested in the badger one. The yellow one. A certain blonde in particular.
He plopped himself into the seat on the other side of Kace. "He wouldn't say no." he said answering the other Badger's question. At least, Mitchell didn't think Kace would say no. The guy didn't seem to have it in him.
"Either of you two seen Goldilocks?" He owed her kisses and stuff.
Kace grinned and liked Mitch's remark. "Your right. I wouldn't say no. How have you been dude?" he asked his buddy giving him a one armed hug. He remembered when he met him near the whomping willow. Good times. He heard his question and he looked around. "Erm i have not seen her around. She is usually hard to find. She is probably socializing with others the social butterfly she is." he shrugged.
SPOILER!!: Lux :3
Originally Posted by Squishy
Spotting two lovely Hufflepuff boys taking seats at the table, Lux waved at them happily. It was wonderful how everyone was starting to come together for the feast, and so far the only problem was that her boyfriend was still malting. Oh well, Bay would stop shedding soon enough, as well as cawing.
"Hey, guys. How are you both doing?"
As he was talking to Mitch, he noticed another familiar face. He turned and saw Lux! "Hey Lux." he smiled towards her. "Oh i am pretty hungry, i didn't think those snacks on the food trolley filled me up." he said massaging his stomach. He looked around and said, "Where is Bay?"
SPOILER!!: Adi :3!
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Kace!'' [/B]Adi finally caught sight of the fourth year again. "Sorry, I hadn't realised I lost you when we left the Train. I thought you were right behind me.''
He heard his named called and he turned around and saw Adi. He smiled when he recognized him. "Oh don't worry about it. There is so many people that go to this school, so we were bound to get separated." he shrugged. "How was your summer?" he asked him. He never got the answer he was looking for.
SPOILER!!: Emmy (The Girlfriend)
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
The smell of the food was amazing, she was hungry but she mostly just wanted all of the desert because that was the best part, all of the sweetness of the candy-like food and it was bad for you but it just tasted so darn good. How could one not like or not even try candy or cheesecake or just anything that was crafted into a sweet tasting candy.Emmylou was pretty sure that she only lived for candy and panda and Kace of course.
Speaking of Kace where was he and did he see her fall? She wanted a list of people that had seen her fall so she could tell them that she was normally never that clumsy. The third year was just merely over excited and wasn't paying any attention to where her feet were stepping. Emmylou stood on her tip toes, there he was. Her Kace and she was his Emmylou. A big grin was plastered on her tanned face. "Kace!" Emmy said happily, she hurried over to him, making sure this time that she didn't fall. Emmylou wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, looked I'm a Gryffindor." She couldn't help but be happy about it.
Now Kace was looking around for that special someone. He didn't see her on the train. He wondered if she made it to the castle. But he did watch her sorting. He chuckled when he saw her fall but wished he could have helped her out. He was looking and he heard a very familiar voice. He smiled and said, "Emmy!" and he embraced her in a hug when she ran to him.
He smelt her familiar scent and said, "Oh i have missed you.." he said squeezing her tightly. After they hugged he noticed her uniform. He chuckled and said, "Why yes you are, a very beautiful gryffindor to be exact." he winked and kissed her softly.
He then saw Marigold join them and he nodded towards her and said to Mitch, "Hey Mitch i think i found Goldilocks for you." he winked and waved to Marigold. "How was your summer Marigold?" he asked her.
NARGLES! |Tree Hugger | Wears a Penguin Suit & Tie | Snape on a Stick
Originally Posted by OwlEcho63
Hazel smiled at the boy. "Hi, Ian. I'm Hazel. I'm a third year," she said. Meeting new people was so much fun! "Did you do anything fun over the holiday?" she aked him. She smiled some more. And some more. And some more. She was just a super smily person right now. It was so exciting! She couldn't believe she'd been at Hogwarts for two whole years and she was still meeting new people in her own house! "Apology accepted."
Ian was pleasantly surprised when she smiled. She smiled a lot. It was kind of different and made him feel a little funny, but he did what he could to act like it happened a lot. I don't know about fun. Dad took me out on his fishing boat for a couple weeks. Got to meet a couple of his new crew members. What about you? He was doing what he'd told his mum he would. He was meeting new people and after having been old over the last part of last year, he was certainly happy to make new acquaintances. He was happy with the friends he'd made last year, but it seemed only Adi was still around.
Children she knew, obbbbviously. Or knew in an "I know of your face" way. LOLLIPOPS FOR THEM. "You source lollipops from me and me only this year, okay?" Her lollipops were GOOD ones.
"Elodie, by the way. Better than you. Prettier than you. And with a badge to prove it." And that was all she gave them. She skipped off back to her little group of groupies whom she was delectably in love with. Her little darlings.
Kace was looking around and he noticed an older girl was approaching him. He noticed the prefect badge. She said she knew his face. He gave her a quizzical look and asked, "You know my face?"
He nodded when she introduced herself."Nice to meet you Elodie and thanks for the lollipop." he grinned. He admitted that she had an attitude which wasn't a bad thing. This was a chick you didn't mess with. He probably wouldn't get away with too much this year.
Elodie, Ethan, Kace, Adi, Marigold, Emmy, and Jakoby :)
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
It was amazing to see Elodie again. It had been a while, and Lux was not even going to think about the fact her friend was a Seventh Year because that would make her sad. "I think you look amazing! I'm so happy and excited for you!" Both she and Louis would make amazing Prefects, Lux knew that already! "Did you have a good summer?" Hopefully yes, because summer was a time for fun!
The boy (Ethan) sitting beside Ana gave her a polite hello in greeting, so Lux returned it enthusiastically. "Hello! I'm Lux. What's your name?" He seemed to be in Slytherin; there were a lot of awesome people in that House, so it was wonderful to see more new ones come in.
When Kace mentioned that he was pretty hungry, Lux could totally relate to it; even though she had eaten stuff on the train, it was always nice to have more food and a feast was the perfect place for that. "Besides the snacks on the train, Bay's mom also packed me up some cucumber sandwiches. She is really nice." Bay's parents were awesome, though she really did wonder what his dad did for a living that was so secretive. Where was Bay? "He's wandering around again. If you spot a trail of yellow feathers, that's him. He ate a defective Canary Cream on the train."
Tutting, she cast her eyes around and spotted some more familiar faces. Adi, Marigold, and Emmy each got a big smile and a wave. "How are you all doing?" she asked them, hoping that they were having a good time at the feast. It was nice to see that Emmy was spending time with Kace now, since they had a more long distance relationship last term.
When a new boy (Jakoby) arrived, she sent him a wave and a smile. "Hello, I'm Lux!" He seemed new, and she hoped that he would have a good time here. She would love to be his friend if he wanted to talk to her.
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Originally Posted by Tarath
Lambrini tilted her head back and laughed so hard at Jak's reaction that she nearly choked on her gum. Yep, she'd totally given her friend a heart attack. That was HILARIOUS. "The one and only," she grinned. "I convinced my 'rents to let me come here, too. I wanted to surprise you. I couldn't let my best friend run off and have adventures without me, now could I?" Besides, she knew Jakoby well. She knew how he could get around new people, so she figured he could use a friend to help him ease his way into the completely new setting he'd been sent to. Giggling, she said, "I'm pretty sure your heart stopped for like, a second just now."
But she wasn't going to tease him for long. She looked around the hall, noticing all the students and whatnot. Yep. This was a lot different from Jak's kitchen back home in NYC. She blew a bubble with her gum and popped it. "So, whatcha reading?" She asked, peering over at the book he had.
Jakoby was still finding it hard to believe that his best friend, LAMBRINI GODFREY, was here. RIGHT HERE in front of him. He had thought she would stay home with his mother and continue being homeschooled since her parents did not want her far from home but.... SHE WAS HERE! "You really did surprise me." He had gotten on that train back at Kings Cross thinking that he was coming here with no friends, except Edgar. His poor, pitiful cat that he had dragged to Hogwarts with him. "Adventures?" More like, a lot of panic attacks... "I'll let you have all the adventures, and I'll find a peaceful corner to read my books in." He did hear this place had a nice library, so he was going to check that place out asap. At her comment, her murmured, "Maybe it did." He got scared so easily. It was humiliating.
Uh.... He showed her the cover of his book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. "It's about magical creatures," he explained. ".... and where to find them. It's one of my textbooks for my Care of Magical Creatures class. I thought I would get a head start on reading it." He wanted to do well in his big boy wizarding classes because they would be nothing like the classes his mother taught, and he knew they were not going to be easy.
Originally Posted by Squishy
When a new boy (Jakoby) arrived, she sent him a wave and a smile. "Hello, I'm Lux!" He seemed new, and she hoped that he would have a good time here. She would love to be his friend if he wanted to talk to her.
Oh my merlin. Someone was TALKING TO HIM. Jakoby all of a sudden got nervous once more as he turned his attention to this redhead that was seated nearby. Well, she looked friendly.... "Uh --" He tried to remain calm. "Hi." He gave her a little smile as he added, "I'm, er, Jakoby."
Jakoby was still finding it hard to believe that his best friend, LAMBRINI GODFREY, was here. RIGHT HERE in front of him. He had thought she would stay home with his mother and continue being homeschooled since her parents did not want her far from home but.... SHE WAS HERE! "You really did surprise me." He had gotten on that train back at Kings Cross thinking that he was coming here with no friends, except Edgar. His poor, pitiful cat that he had dragged to Hogwarts with him. "Adventures?" More like, a lot of panic attacks... "I'll let you have all the adventures, and I'll find a peaceful corner to read my books in." He did hear this place had a nice library, so he was going to check that place out asap. At her comment, her murmured, "Maybe it did." He got scared so easily. It was humiliating.
Uh.... He showed her the cover of his book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. "It's about magical creatures," he explained. ".... and where to find them. It's one of my textbooks for my Care of Magical Creatures class. I thought I would get a head start on reading it." He wanted to do well in his big boy wizarding classes because they would be nothing like the classes his mother taught, and he knew they were not going to be easy.
Lambrini clapped happily, a triumphant look on her face. YAY. She'd both scared and surprised her best friend. Bahaha. This was already turning out to be a great year. "But you're at least happy I'm here, right?" Of course he was. She was loads of fun, and she knew it. Shaking her head at his words, she replied, "No, sir! There will be none of that! You can do your reading for your homework, but we're going on adventures. I didn't come all this way just to sit around and watch you put that cute little face of yours into a book!" She wanted to try new things, learn new things, and meet new people... all with her bestest friend.
When he explained what he was reading, an all-knowing expression crossed her features. "Well, duh. What else would a book with that title be about?" Not about the fantastic Beast and where to find him... you know, in his castle, where Belle finds him in that Disney movie. Aww, man. Lamb suddenly had the urge to watch that movie, but she'd left pretty much all of her muggle gadgets and gizmos back home because she figured they wouldn't work here. Depressing. "I don't want to get a head start on anything but dinner." Now, if she could just have some food.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Oh my merlin. Someone was TALKING TO HIM. Jakoby all of a sudden got nervous once more as he turned his attention to this redhead that was seated nearby. Well, she looked friendly.... "Uh --" He tried to remain calm. "Hi." He gave her a little smile as he added, "I'm, er, Jakoby."
This boy seemed shy or something. That was not good, because this was a time where people should have fun and be excited about the start of a new term!
"Nice to meet you, Jakoby. You are new here, right?" Lux had never seen him around Hogwarts before, and hoped she was right in her guess otherwise she might feel bad. Maybe he was the sort that kept to himself a lot; wouldn't surprise her since he seemed so shy.
"You can join us if you want," she added, indicating the group of people she was sitting with at the feast. Everyone was so friendly in Hufflepuff, and Jakoby might feel a little better if he started making some new friends.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Mitchell didn't even bother heading over to the lion table. Nope. He was way more interested in the badger one. The yellow one. A certain blonde in particular.
He plopped himself into the seat on the other side of Kace. "He wouldn't say no." he said answering the other Badger's question. At least, Mitchell didn't think Kace would say no. The guy didn't seem to have it in him.
"Either of you two seen Goldilocks?" He owed her kisses and stuff.
Suddenly, someone took a seat on the other side of Kace, asking about...Goldilocks? Dylan was pretty sure that's what the boy said, anyway. Perhaps it was a nickname for someone. He shrugged and shook his head at the boy, growing more curious at who this Goldilocks person was. He glanced around the table. Probably someone with blonde hair, yeah?
Originally Posted by Squishy
Spotting two lovely Hufflepuff boys taking seats at the table, Lux waved at them happily. It was wonderful how everyone was starting to come together for the feast, and so far the only problem was that her boyfriend was still malting. Oh well, Bay would stop shedding soon enough, as well as cawing.
"Hey, guys. How are you both doing?"
Dylan noticed Lux waving at them and he smiled, waving back. He had just seen her not too long ago at Diagon Alley. That had been nice, sharing candy and all. "Hey, Lux!" he replied. "I'm good, how are you? Enjoy your summer?" he asked.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Kace!'' [/B]Adi finally caught sight of the fourth year again. "Sorry, I hadn't realised I lost you when we left the Train. I thought you were right behind me.'' Just then, along came another dude. "Hiya, Dylan! And hi to you too, Lux!'' Couldn't forget to greet her!
Dylan gave Adi a nod of his head. "Hey, Adi!" he said. It was too bad they didn't hang out over the summer, he was hoping to do so. Oh well. Perhaps next summer! And speaking of summer... "Did you have a nice summer? Learn more guitar?" he asked.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
SPOILER!!: Dylan :3
Kace was sitting and then he heard a familiar voice. He turned around and noticed it was Dylan! WOAH! The dude had his hair long. It suited him very well. He smiled and stood up. "Hey Dude! Woah your hair got long i see." he said pointing to it. "How was your summer!?" he asked his friend. "Oh no i wouldn't mind..." he began when he saw Mitch joining their table.
Dylan grinned, nodding. "Yeah, I did! I thought I'd like to try it out." he told him. "Oh, my summer was good. I went on a few vacations and stuff," he then answered. "What about yours? We should hang out next time!" he nodded.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Shanners
When Elodie was seated nicely enough, she was physically bombarded with a best friend and THINGS. As soon as Cat spoke, Els immediately looked around the hall feverishly and swatted back at her besties arm with wide eyes. "Your boyfriend's sister is here, Caterina!" Might as well repeat it. Might as well repeat everything that everyone needed to know.
"What did you do? What haven't you told me? Is she here to kill you? Should I deflect her away with my new badge? Use my imaginary ninja skills on her? Throw an apple at her head?"
.... Wait. Would she end up dead herself then? What about one of those creepy dolls? Was she gonna get one of those too?
This was not fun.
"...............................I just said that!" Caterina was whispering, but it was a rather distressed sort of whispering. She propped her elbows on the table and leaned her head into her hands, tilting to look at Elodie, "I don't know why. But there's some other people around here too that I saw when I was coming over to tell you." So.... something was going down. Vivi was not here just because she liked to torture Cat. That was just a silly notion. Something was going DOWN, apparently. Although, Cat knew Vivi was fierce, so at least there was that, maybe it was meant to be working in her favor or something.
She blinked slowly at Elodie and her fifty thousand questions. Not so fast, please. Trouble concentrating here. Remember? "I haven't done anything." Caterina shrugged. "I didn't even see her at all this summer." Which wasn't a complaint, by the way. She had a preferred Branxton and it wasn't Vivi.