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Walking down the first floor corridor, you hear the faint sounds of a song which gradually gets louder until you reach the History of Magic classroom. Not only does the music seem to be coming from the room, but you are also greeted with a large sign hanging outside the door.
Make an Entrance
Professor Glendower does not seem to be anywhere in sight once you come inside, but feel free to take a seat in one of the desk-arm chairs arranged in a semi-circle around the perimeter of the more casual classroom. Class should begin soon!
Aidella | King of Confusion | Brittana | Forever ACROMANTULA
Of course the dragon roles were eaten up right away.
No pun intended.
So, Schuyler was left to take on the part ooooof......... a muggle sunbather. Gosh, how important! Nah, she actually didn't mind. Here she could just look good in a swim suit and get points for it, yeah?
Only not quite because...
Because THOSE things were not swim suits. They were..... full body sailor suits! Or something. Not something that displayed the toned bods of some of her very easy-on-the-eyes peers. Or showed off her own, for that matter.
With a sigh, Schuyler found her way to the costumes and pulled it down over her uniform.
Rather than imagining her character just yet, she glanced around to see if Olly was wearing one. And to evaluate how good her gluteus maximus looked in the darn thing.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris figured that the regular family going to the beach would first look for the best spot on the beach, so he started his role doing that first.
Acting like he was carrying a cooler with drinks in one hand and a beach umbrella, propped up against his shoulder, he walked like as is he was trudging through sand, lifting his legs up higher as he walked. He made like he was searching for a good spot for the family.
He first looked left and then off to the right and before pointing to a spot. Then he faked almost dropping the umbrella since he was pointing with the same hand that was keeping the umbrella up over his one shoulder.
"Over there, everyone. I see a good spot," Cris turned to his make believe family, before walking over a little and then stopping. He then put down his fake cooler and waited for someone to put down the blanket. He would prop up the umbrella once they did that.
Nessa nodded as the Hufflepuff girl asked a similar question. She did hope they all realized that their characters were up to their interpretations. She thought she made that clear. "Yes, dear," she smiled. "You may do what you feel your character might do at the beach.. really get into your character!" She glanced at the ball on the floor near the girl's feet. Hm.. where did that come from?
Annabeth grinned at the teacher. Professor Glendower had not asked anything about the beach ball, then she supposed it was okay to play with that ball - and casting spells during History of Magic lesson.
Although Anna had thought it was boring to wear those ridiculous beach outfits, the sand and the warmth made her change her mind and she thought it could be fun. The girl picked up the transfigured gobstone into a beach ball and examined it carefully. It wasn't heavy enough to contain any stinky fluid into it. After shaking the ball and not hearing any noise coming from inside, she was sure the Transfiguration had worked. Relieved, she grinned and looked around.
"Does somebody want to play? I have a beach ball!"and I'm a defenseless girl waiting for a dragon to attack me, she added in her thoughts. She looked expectantly at Mo and then at the sand under her feet. She wasn't supposed to look at the dragon before it would attack the muggles, right? Anna began bouncing the ball to avoid looking at Mo again.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Acting out history?
Benny wasn't much of an actor and wasn't really interested in any of the more exciting parts. If he had even had the chance in grabbing them up as classmates all around him rushed to volunteer for them themselves. So he was down to being one of the random muggle sunbathers that were on the beach that day. The victims of first the dragon and then the the witches and wizards augmenting their memories with memory charms.
He trudged to the box where the so-called costuming was, retrieving a swim suit for himself. Thankfully it was something to add over their clothes so he could simply put it on without any fuss. Even if he felt he looked weird in it. Ben tried his best to act normal about it, instead working on figuring out his role. His thoughts interrupted by the professor calling them all to order and setting the scene.
Cue one vacationing muggle laying out on the beach reading a book. The thirteen year old moving into place.
Agatha had decided to stop pretending she had her eyes closed and just watched as everybody else got into costumes. She was ready and didn't want to be waiting much more. Before the teacher gave new instructions, however, a Hufflepuff (Cris) came up to her and congratulated her on getting married.
Blushing even more, the third year only frowned at the older boy. Who was he anyway? Why was he talking to her like that? Simon making jokes was one thing, but she didn't even know this bloke. Mother? Oh, he was playing a Toke as well. The other boy of the family. Fine, he could stay close to them. Sort of. Not too close, though.
When professor whatever banished the podium and transformed the classroom into a beach, Agatha looked around and even before being impressed by the cool spell, she looked for the stage. She wanted to jump on it and start her amazing act. But oh, for now she wouldn't have to do much, just pretend she was at the beach with her 'family' and 'husband'. Ugh, husband.
Always staying a few feet away from the boys she didn't know, Agatha walked to the 'beach' and flipped her hair. Hello sun, hello heat. Hi beach. And HELLO audience, look how great an actress Agatha was, thank you very much.
"Right, a GOOD spot to SUNBATHE." The snake said theatrically as she projected her voice amazingly. She wanted to make sure everybody could hear her. "This IS a good spot. This NICE SUN, this very CALM beach. What could POSSIBLY happen to us here ANYWAY?" Merlin, she was good.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Oh! She was up too? Well of course! She was the Dodgy guy!!
Lex happily put aside the breathing activity they'd been made to do earlier. Action was more like it! Lex took big steps over to what was meant to be the beach, figuring the man must have had a really big personality to not be silenced and insist on giant, dirty lizards to the detriment of his reputation with others. Most, even if they were sure what they saw, would have just quieted down about the whole thing, glad to be over it and moving on. This was, persistence at his best.
There were props, yes? Good. Alexa grabbed a towel and made one big show of flopping it about a few times before laying it to rest on the 'sand'. Don't mind her, just soaking up some sun while she waited on a dragon attack--not that she was meant to know it would happen, but you got the idea.
"OI! Pipe down I'm try'na get a tan over here!" Because Dodgy might have been a grumpy man, very very grumpy. That would explain why he only went to bars to tell his story, to be around other grumpy men who drank too much. Lex began some indistinct grumbling after. Perfectly in character.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
So… she just waits here until a dragon comes to eat her? Hazel was skeptical about that. She walked over to the props, her hat rolling off her head. Maybe there would be some games or something. She looked around, but she found nothing but a beach ball. Hazel sighed and walked back over to her spot on the "beach". She laid down on the ground, pretending to sunbath. Was this really what Muggles did? Somehow she found that surprising. She wondered how long it would take for the dragon to come. Dragons could never be more appreciated.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi laughed as Cris congratulated him. "Thank you, thank you.'' He grinned at his "wife". The girl playing Tilly was the Groundskeeper's niece or something, right? He'd never spoken to her before. And he couldn't help but notice she didn't seem too happy about him playing the part of her husband.
Adi followed his "family". Sun bathing? Nooo, he'd want to get into the water.He couldn't help but admire the Professor's spell work though. Very convincing of a beach. Hehe. But why was the Snake girl shouting so much? "We hear you, Tilly,'' he called back just as loudly. Now, where were the children? "Hurry along, kids!''
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Oh they were ready to start? Bri--
Look at the BEACH! Oh MAN.
Grayson had forgotten all about whatever his character was meant to be like and the costume he had on -- which was still freaking weird, by the way -- as the cool, ocean breeze swept over him. To him, it was a nice day. MUCH better than the cold weather they had been having at Hogwarts because this was cool and not freezing. And he almost forgot that he was still at Hogwarts. Almost.
It WAS time to start being the sunbathing Muggle he was meant to be but something had caught his attention. A ball. A ball in the hands of one Sophie Newell and the word 'volleyball'. SMIRK. This sounded like a MUCH better way of spending his time than sunbathing. He didn't particularly fancy the idea of waiting for a dragon to attack and then acting freaked out and THEN pretending that his memory had been wiped. Lame.
Soooooo, he went over towards HER. Sophie. "You ready to lose?" 'Course he was inviting himself to the volleyball playing. Uh huh.
And there was another girl (Annabeth) with a ball as well. Seriously, where had those come from? "Oi! Victoria!" He was giving her a name, mkay? And it was the first olden-type name to enter the Slytherin's mind. "Come play volleyball!" Expectant looks and a waving over towards the girl.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Cris, bless his heart, was trying to tell Jasmine how nice she looked in her horrible bathing suit. "Thank you Cris. I don't know how you could say that with a straight face." How did people ever survive at the beach in these get-ups?
The Professor announced that it was time to begin their play. Jasmine tried to get into character. She was picturing herself as a young muggle girl named Mildred. She didn't know why she came up with that name or why she even needed a name for her character, but it worked for her.
So Mildred/Jasmine was at the beach for a day of fun undercover boy watching. Carrying her beach towel and beach bag, she walked barefoot through the sand while looking for the perfect spot to soak up some sun. Finding an empty spot just the right distance from he water, Mildred put her towel on the sand. Then she sat back and pulled a book from her beach bag. She didn't really plan to read, but it allowed her to observe the crowd without being obvious.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
A muggle. A beach-going muggle.
Yep. Sign him up for the role, y’all. After donning his…beach wear, he went over to where the other muggle-beach goers were and laid on the sand…or floor. Getting his sunscreen, he slathered a good amount on his arms, legs, and face. He doesn’t want to get toasty after.
Oh and don’t forget the shades. Grinning like an idiot, he whipped his sunglasses, which was too big for his face, and wore it.
“Aaaaaaaaaah. Now this is the life.” And also the perfect time to take a legit nap while everyone else is being…muggly and stuff. Mhmm.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Grayson!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Oh they were ready to start? Bri--
Look at the BEACH! Oh MAN.
Grayson had forgotten all about whatever his character was meant to be like and the costume he had on -- which was still freaking weird, by the way -- as the cool, ocean breeze swept over him. To him, it was a nice day. MUCH better than the cold weather they had been having at Hogwarts because this was cool and not freezing. And he almost forgot that he was still at Hogwarts. Almost.
It WAS time to start being the sunbathing Muggle he was meant to be but something had caught his attention. A ball. A ball in the hands of one Sophie Newell and the word 'volleyball'. SMIRK. This sounded like a MUCH better way of spending his time than sunbathing. He didn't particularly fancy the idea of waiting for a dragon to attack and then acting freaked out and THEN pretending that his memory had been wiped. Lame.
Soooooo, he went over towards HER. Sophie. "You ready to lose?" 'Course he was inviting himself to the volleyball playing. Uh huh.
And there was another girl (Annabeth) with a ball as well. Seriously, where had those come from? "Oi! Victoria!" He was giving her a name, mkay? And it was the first olden-type name to enter the Slytherin's mind. "Come play volleyball!" Expectant looks and a waving over towards the girl.
Ohh...so she COULD be a beach volleyball player?! AWESOME! She didn't exactly have a beach ball to play around with, but this was a skit, so maybe she could just pretend she had one. That sounded like a boring bummer, though, but she'd make do. Then the professor surprised her and conjured the materials she'd need. She even had a volleyball in her hands! "Cool! Thanks, Professor!" she said.
Nevermind the fact that she'd be playing this game by herself. UGH. Did she have to pretend that part, too? Bummerrr.
...but then Grayson came up and pretty much volunteered himself to be that opposing player. "Nice way to let me know you'd like to play along," she said. By asking if she was ready to lose? "I wouldn't have expected any other way." She smirked. She got Grayson's humor. "But the answer is no..." Pause. "I'm not ready to LOSE. I'm ready to WIN." So that was her way of saying she was ready to play this game against him.
"Who's Victoria?" she asked. Because whoever it was had been invited to play along. With a shrug, Sophie took her position on the opposite side of the net. With that, she served the ball, sending it soaring toward Grayson.
Last edited by Anna Banana; 06-16-2014 at 02:29 AM.
Agatha FLIPPED her hair. No, she wasn't thinking 'in character' or anything. She just flipped her hair because she was awesome, taht was all. And because of that her character was awesome and flipped her hair as well. Simple as that.
The Hufflepuff kid being happy about being her husband? Well, fine then, who wouldn't be happy for playing that part? But still, eek.
Then a girl started SHOUTING at her and Agatha shot her a glare. Then she remembered she was in a play and they were just acting. Hmph. Fine. She'd play along. "Well, we are going to tan TOO." She let the other person know. The older girl was playing a Muggle, right? So Agatha shouldn't mention anything about magic to her. Him. Sheesh, that was confusing.
The Hufflepuff kid playing her husband let her know he had heard her. "Okay, good to KNOW..." What was his character name again? Uhh..... "...''''''''huusbaand''''''''." She made sure to do the quotation marks with her fingers. She spread a towel on the sand in front of her and then flopped down on it to tan.
...Wait, she wasn't really going to get a sunburn, right? Becaue she didn't have any sunscreen and that wasn't healthy at all. "Is the sun going to burn us for real?" She lifted her head and was suddenly out of character, speaking to her fake-husband.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Alright so he was a beach going muggle. He could handle this. He could act this out. He heard Sophie offer to play beach volleyball, he grinned and thought that was a great activity to do. He got up and dressed up in his costume of a bathing suit. It seemed a little uncomfortable but hey he had to play his part right? As he made his way he noticed Grayson was playing volleyball. He asked him, "Hey dude I wanna play some volleyball! Which team or side should I go on?" he asked him.
Her character had children, which meant SHE had children. Beverly was coming to terms with this as an older student (Chris) referred to her as his mother. A hand flew to her mouth to cover a snort. It wasn't lady-like, but that sounded SO weird.
"Hello, son," she said with her most adult-ish voice. "You've grown quite a bit." LOL. 'Cause he was a giant and she was tiny and...this shouldn't amused her.
Suddenly the classroom changed to that of a beach scene. The first thing that popped into Beverly's head was Australia, then she reminded herself she was in class and this had to be the source of a charm. Maybe the Daydream Charm Professor Fuller had talked about last term.
Glancing around the Toke family, Beverly followed suit of her 'son.' Merlin. That still sounded so silly. Time to play along!
Lifting her robes just above her ankles, pretending her robes were much too expensive to get sand on them, she shaded her face with her hand and squinted in the direction (Chris) suggested. "Are you sure that's a good spot...son?" She was a mother. Mother's said son, soooo...there. Brilliant acting, Wayne!
There was Tilly (Agatha). Beverly had to fight another snort. The girl was into this, wasn't she? "You think it's nice?" she asked. "I don't want to get hit with a..." she pretended to shoot a disgusted look in Sophie's direction, which wasn't really acting. She didn't like THAT girl, "beach ball."
There was a lot of talking and a man (Lex, though she was acting a male's part, so she was a man for the time being), Beverly dramatically threw her arms up in the air the way her aunts did when their children could decided on something.
"Lets just go sit somewhere. I want my tan." Yes, listen to mummy. Now.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Okay. Dragon. Mo was a dragon. Where was his tail person? He took up a spot far to the side of his sunbathing compatriots, jogging in place and otherwise trying to get into the head of his character. That's what this was about, right? He was meant to understand the historical account from those who were there.
Including the dragon.
Mo opened his mouth to express his thoughts about these motivations before coming up against one of the hardest parts about playing a dragon. Dragons can't talk. He couldn't express how he was feeling. FRUSTRATING.
Anyway. ANYWAY, his peers were waiting, so Mo stepped up to the edge of the sand and spread his arm!wings, pretending to balance there precariously. The ground is so hot. What is this unusual place. It isn't my home.
Cue the frustrated squawking noises. Sunbathers beware. Something big is coming.
Yep. Sign him up for the role, y’all. After donning his…beach wear, he went over to where the other muggle-beach goers were and laid on the sand…or floor. Getting his sunscreen, he slathered a good amount on his arms, legs, and face. He doesn’t want to get toasty after.
Oh and don’t forget the shades. Grinning like an idiot, he whipped his sunglasses, which was too big for his face, and wore it.
“Aaaaaaaaaah. Now this is the life.” And also the perfect time to take a legit nap while everyone else is being…muggly and stuff. Mhmm.
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Riiiiiiiiight. The gryffindor found this totally ridiculous as he sat there in a muggle beach goes costume WHICH he was NOT a fan of by the way. He knew how to beach and all and he LOVED the beach except this wasn't a beach and he knew that. so with a shrug he made h is way over with the crowd of people to where they were suppose to be doing casual beach things and stuff.
He should at least have a surfboard and they should have some real waves, then it'd really be a class to reme----- "Whoa!" Thoughts interrupted!!! Jeremiah TRIPPED over some kid who was laying RIGHT where his feet were walking!! Couldn't he WAIT intill they were all over here!? Tumbling to the ground next to the kid he let out a bigger sigh than before. "oh no, i have tripped over a man tanning in the sand." he flailed his arms slightly at his side as he spoke in a low mono toned voice so that the main actors could be heard. ".................." he was not amused. and he was also on the floor already which worked out in his favor as he just laid there still as a board next to his friend here who tripped him. yo.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Oooh, they were starting now!
Seeing the dragon take his place in the production, Lux quickly joined in taking her place behind him. Since there was no stick with a tail on it for her to wave around, some improvise was needed. Grabbing the tail, she started moving it around because why not. Dragons moved their tails around. And since tails couldn't talk, she wasn't required to do any speaking or make any dragon sounds. That was for Mo to do!
Moving around with the dragon, she continued to play with his tail. Hehehe, this was fuuuuuuun. DRAGONS WERE AWESOME.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
"Hey wait a minute? Everybody wants to tan? Then why in Merlin did you all make me bring this umbrella? I could have brought more another basket of healthy food with lots of protein and carbs in it!," Cris chimed up.
Yes he was an adult and so he had to eat healthy. He needed to keep his trim, muscular body in shape. And a nice golden tan would go match superbly too. Cris faked tossing the umbrella on the ground before following his family.
"Mother (Beverly), this here is a good spot. It's far from the beach balls and the children can play on the sand while Tilly (Agatha) watches over them," Yes you Tilly, the mother who should be more concerned about the safety and amusement of her kids than with sun-tanning.
Sisters-in-laws were definitely a handful. "Thomas,(Adi) Can we please decide on a place before the entire beach gets filled up?" Cris turned to his character's 'older brother'.
Then Cris hears Mo making his dragon sounds. Wait dragon's squawk? Cris thought as he chuckled to himself. He faked a frown and began looking around him.
"Did anyone hear that? It sound like a huge bird!" Cris called out to his family.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 06-16-2014 at 02:54 AM.
Reason: Adding Mo's dragon in
Look at this group of claws being sunbathers. Either they went because their friends were being in the same group or that it was the most awesome role besides the dragon. Well time to get to the acting part.
Seems like Anna and Grayson were playing some game or another. fun stuff. But Nigel being the muggle he is for this thing. Decided to sunbath and get a tan. Plus rock the awesome swim suit he was wearing.
Yeah check out Nigel sunbathing not caring that soon a dragon named Mo will try to roast him alive or something.
Too many details
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"Thomas" tossed Agatha a grin. "Yes, dear, but don't go around shouting. Don't you think the other families will get annoyed with you?'' And was she out of character for that last bit about the sun, right? "Uhh, I'm not sure.'' He was out of character there.
Adi stifled another laugh as Cris spoke up about the umbrella and food. Merlin, he was doing an awesome job! "Right, Ellis.'' Adi "shaded" his eyes with his hands and pretended to scan the beach. "How about over there?'' he said pointing over to a spot where a few muggles were playing volleyball. But there was plenty of room for the family without disturbing the others or the others disturbing them. "It's a good spot,'' he added firmly. "Let's go.''
Adi turned back at the sound of Cris's voice. "Hear what, Ellis? All I'm hearing are those muggles over there.'' Was Ellis hearing things?
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Zander looked around waiting for his cue. Oh wait... Were they starting already?! But he hadn't even had the chance to get in character! Well, aside from this hideous swimsuit. The Gryffindor looked around and noticed all his other fellow muggles on the beach. He watched as few engaged in a fun game of volleyball and others just sat in the sun.
Hmm. What to do what to do? SANDCASTLE! Zander ran over to the, ahem, stage and began building a sandcastle. Whenever he went to the beach sandcastles were his favorite thing to do. Glancing over, he noticed the dragon taking it's position in the corner. And there's Lux as the tail!
Still he'd rather just watch than have to actually act this all out... Hmpm. Stupid rules.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: Sophie, Kace and mentions of Annabeth and the dragon!
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Ohh...so she COULD be a beach volleyball player?! AWESOME! She didn't exactly have a beach ball to play around with, but this was a skit, so maybe she could just pretend she had one. That sounded like a boring bummer, though, but she'd make do. Then the professor surprised her and conjured the materials she'd need. She even had a volleyball in her hands! "Cool! Thanks, Professor!" she said.
Nevermind the fact that she'd be playing this game by herself. UGH. Did she have to pretend that part, too? Bummerrr.
...but then Grayson came up and pretty much volunteered himself to be that opposing player. "Nice way to let me know you'd like to play along," she said. By asking if she was ready to lose? "I wouldn't have expected any other way." She smirked. She got Grayson's humor. "But the answer is no..." Pause. "I'm not ready to LOSE. I'm ready to WIN." So that was her way of saying she was ready to play this game against him.
"Who's Victoria?" she asked. Because whoever it was had been invited to play along. With a shrug, Sophie took her position on the opposite side of the net. With that, she served the ball, sending it soaring toward Grayson.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Alright so he was a beach going muggle. He could handle this. He could act this out. He heard Sophie offer to play beach volleyball, he grinned and thought that was a great activity to do. He got up and dressed up in his costume of a bathing suit. It seemed a little uncomfortable but hey he had to play his part right? As he made his way he noticed Grayson was playing volleyball. He asked him, "Hey dude I wanna play some volleyball! Which team or side should I go on?" he asked him.
He was someone in the 1900s. Someone. In the. 1990s!
Which meant that they wouldn't use such slang. SIGH. This was going to be HARD.
"Of course, fair lady," he said, bowing his head slightly, "Needless to say, it's the best way." What were they talking about again? Apparently winning or losing. P S H. WhatEVER, Newell. "It'll be rude to point out to a maiden that she's wrong," LOL. Yeah, right! "so I'm going to let you find out for yourself." WAS this the right way to speak? Who knew.
And then came Kace! Who was calling him............ dude. DUDE. Grayson slapped the Hufflepuff on his arm. "That's SIR to you!" Fake!HMPH. "And you can team up with Victoria over there," he said, nodding over towards Annabeth. He probably knew her, anyways, since they were in te same house and whatnot. Meanwhile, sup Sophie, we're joining you. Double the awesome.
As for who Victoria was, he was NOT going to answer. Why? Because they were getting started and this was MUCH more important, thank you very much.
................... What was THAT?!
"OW!" he called, rubbing the back of his head where the BALL HAD RICOCHETED OFF OF. Yeah, that's right. A ball had bounced off of his head! What a blow to his ego. But ANYWAYS. There was no time to think about that because he was SURE that that was the sound of the dragon. There was no BIRD over here. None that he knew of, anyways. But since he couldn't see the dragon and he was SURE that his character wouldn't think that there was a dragon here, he was going to have to brush it aside. No looks of glee because dragons.
SIGH. This was HARD.
Instead, his character was going to pretend that he had heard things OR that it was nothing major and carry on with the game. Yeah. Collecting up the ball, he looked over at Sophie. "Hey! We're on the same TEAM." Meaning, let's try and WIN.
And with that, he served the ball over towards the other side. The Hufflepuff-but-not-really side.
Last edited by hermionesclone; 06-16-2014 at 03:43 AM.
Reason: Adding in ellipses for sense-making reasons
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by JennMarie
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Riiiiiiiiight. The gryffindor found this totally ridiculous as he sat there in a muggle beach goes costume WHICH he was NOT a fan of by the way. He knew how to beach and all and he LOVED the beach except this wasn't a beach and he knew that. so with a shrug he made h is way over with the crowd of people to where they were suppose to be doing casual beach things and stuff.
He should at least have a surfboard and they should have some real waves, then it'd really be a class to reme----- "Whoa!" Thoughts interrupted!!! Jeremiah TRIPPED over some kid who was laying RIGHT where his feet were walking!! Couldn't he WAIT intill they were all over here!? Tumbling to the ground next to the kid he let out a bigger sigh than before. "oh no, i have tripped over a man tanning in the sand." he flailed his arms slightly at his side as he spoke in a low mono toned voice so that the main actors could be heard. ".................." he was not amused. and he was also on the floor already which worked out in his favor as he just laid there still as a board next to his friend here who tripped him. yo.
“Ooof! Hey, watch it!” cue the acting and whatnot. “How can you not see ME in my BOOTIFUL swimwear???” he asked as he removed his pretend sunglasses violently and sat up. “Oi.” He said as he threw his arms up in the air and flopped back down, then rolled to the side. “I’ll forget that you tripped on me if you got any pizza with you, dude.” Because food is the next best thing to naps, you see?
Real or not, however, Ethan was oblivious to Dragon Mo. Lying down was soooo much better.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: hermionesclone
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
He was someone in the 1900s. Someone. In the. 1990s!
Which meant that they wouldn't use such slang. SIGH. This was going to be HARD.
"Of course, fair lady," he said, bowing his head slightly, "Needless to say, it's the best way." What were they talking about again? Apparently winning or losing. P S H. WhatEVER, Newell. "It'll be rude to point out to a maiden that she's wrong," LOL. Yeah, right! "so I'm going to let you find out for yourself." WAS this the right way to speak? Who knew.
And then came Kace! Who was calling him............ dude. DUDE. Grayson slapped the Hufflepuff on his arm. "That's SIR to you!" Fake!HMPH. "And you can team up with Victoria over there," he said, nodding over towards Annabeth. He probably knew her, anyways, since they were in te same house and whatnot. Meanwhile, sup Sophie, we're joining you. Double the awesome.
As for who Victoria was, he was NOT going to answer. Why? Because they were getting started and this was MUCH more important, thank you very much.
What was THAT?!
"OW!" he called, rubbing the back of his head where the BALL HAD RICOCHETED OFF OF. Yeah, that's right. A ball had bounced off of his head! What a blow to his ego. But ANYWAYS. There was no time to think about that because he was SURE that that was the sound of the dragon. There was no BIRD over here. None that he knew of, anyways. But since he couldn't see the dragon and he was SURE that his character wouldn't think that there was a dragon here, he was going to have to brush it aside. No looks of glee because dragons.
SIGH. This was HARD.
Instead, his character was going to pretend that he had heard things OR that it was nothing major and carry on with the game. Yeah. Collecting up the ball, he looked over at Sophie. "Hey! We're on the same TEAM." Meaning, let's try and WIN.
And with that, he served the ball over towards the other side. The Hufflepuff-but-not-really side.
"Fair lady?" she asked, confused. Was he saying she needed a tan?! HOW RUDE. "We are NOT the Muggle Sunbathers." Because they were the ones getting a tan, right? Pause. She didn't really need a tan, though, did she? For a split second, Sophie glanced down to check out the tone of her skin. Okay, she was good. Not dark or anything, but not a fair lady. "A maiden?" What had gotten into Grayson all of the sudden?
Sophie looked around. This Victoria, whoever she was, was apparently playing volleyball with them. At least she was on Kace's team, because Sophie hadn't the slightest clue who Victoria was. Okay, so she was on Grayson's team. "Scared I was going to beat you after all?" she asked with a smirk. She was NOT following that up with the word 'Sir'. And then...
Grayson had gotten struck with the volleyball, which pretty much made Sophie's day. It had been HILARIOUS. She tried to stifle a laugh as she watched Grayson collect the ball and serve it to the other side. "Sorry, Grayson," she said with a laugh. "That was funny, though...wasn't it?" Hmm? Hmm?
Then there was the dragon.
"What's that squawking noise?" she asked to nobody in particular.