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The Lions sit under a beautiful scarlet and gold banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. The food will arrive after the Headmistress' traditional feast speech. To all Gryffindors, both new and old: enjoy the feast!
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
To say that the Gryffindor was nervous would be an understatement. He was absolutely AND utterly hysterical. Just like Professor Flamsteed had said, Enjoy the present… Decide what to do with the time that is given to you… use it epically… This was it. He had to do it now. And cue the deep breaths. Inhale.... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale...
The flutteries were taking action again. The flutteries, of course. They always came when he thought about her. Always without fail. Still alive but barely breathing. Actually no, he was REALLY BREATHING. And really, really heavily. And sweating. And shaking. And trying to fix his hair, but failing. And just NO ABORT MISSION HE COULDN'T.
After about ten minutes of pure deliberation, he had decided. Now or never. And with that the Gryffindor made his way to the staff table. Just before he reached it however, he totally panicked and raced all the way back to the Gryffindor table. Yeah. The delivery could wait... Maybe until he finished his food, yeah? So with that, the red-faced boy took a seat smack dab at the middle of the table, and facing the staff table of course.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Bay slowly made his way to the Gryffindor tackle, he's been out of the Hospital Wing for about a week now but he had mostly stayed in his dorm room to rest a bit more, spring Zander he made a beeline for him. As he reached the bench he sat down and looked over at his younger friend. "Oi, you okay Zander" he had picked up the pumpkin juice and poured himself a glass, it was a long walk down here and he was bundled up to keep warm.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: ohmygoshBAY!
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
Bay slowly made his way to the Gryffindor tackle, he's been out of the Hospital Wing for about a week now but he had mostly stayed in his dorm room to rest a bit more, spring Zander he made a beeline for him. As he reached the bench he sat down and looked over at his younger friend. "Oi, you okay Zander" he had picked up the pumpkin juice and poured himself a glass, it was a long walk down here and he was bundled up to keep warm.
The shaken third year hesitantly reached out to fill his plate up. Even though he wasn't really feeling hungry, he would surely attract some questionable looks if he didn't look like he was eating. Piling up a little bit of everything that was nearby, the boy looked up at the sound of a familiar voice. BAY!?!
Of course the one time he saw his first mate ever finally doing well again, he had to look completely flustered and out of his element. Rotten luck. Under any other circumstance, the third year would have probably dropped all thoughts at sight of the older boy, however, this time was a bit different. Yet, he still looked up with eyes as wide as they could go. "Bay???" Hold on a minute. Bay was knocked out in the hospital wing for the majority of term and he was asking Zander if he was okay?
"I-uh-I... I-uh..." He couldn't just tell people about his plan. He didn't need to think about it anymore. Not until after the delivery. Not until then. "I'm uh okay..." But more importantly, "Are you feeling better Bay? I've.. I've missed you a lot" and as an afterthought he added, "mate." Because Bay was his first mate ever and it was very special. And he just had SO many questions for his mate. Maybe this was just what he needed. A distraction.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Gryffindor table, here came the Hufflepuff! Adi had made it his tradition to hang out at the other tables during Feast time. First up, was the Lion table. He was actually there for Benny, Angel and AJ but they weren't there yet. Meh.
But there was Zander! And Bay! "Guys! Hi! Bay, you're all better now?'' Adi hadn't gotten around to visiting the dude in the Hospital Wing and he felt bad about that but hey. At least now he was checking up on him.
Kace decided it was time to visit the lion table. He had a lot more friends here. Plus they were apart of the Gryffinpuff gang. He had to visit them. As he made his way to the table, he noticed it was somewhat empty. No one really was here yet. Well Kace came here early that is why. He noticed Bay, his bro. They had this bromance thing going on that everyone was jealous of. Even Emmy and Lux. They just can't top it. He crept up behind Bay and put his elbow on his shoulder and looked at him, "Sup mate?"
Then he saw Zander and nodded towards him. "Sup Zander, got any plans for this summer?" Then he looked around for Emmy and Cinna and noticed they weren't there. He was even Lux and she didn't beat him there yet.
To say that the Gryffindor was nervous would be an understatement. He was absolutely AND utterly hysterical. Just like Professor Flamsteed had said, Enjoy the present… Decide what to do with the time that is given to you… use it epically… This was it. He had to do it now. And cue the deep breaths. Inhale.... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale...
The flutteries were taking action again. The flutteries, of course. They always came when he thought about her. Always without fail. Still alive but barely breathing. Actually no, he was REALLY BREATHING. And really, really heavily. And sweating. And shaking. And trying to fix his hair, but failing. And just NO ABORT MISSION HE COULDN'T.
After about ten minutes of pure deliberation, he had decided. Now or never. And with that the Gryffindor made his way to the staff table. Just before he reached it however, he totally panicked and raced all the way back to the Gryffindor table. Yeah. The delivery could wait... Maybe until he finished his food, yeah? So with that, the red-faced boy took a seat smack dab at the middle of the table, and facing the staff table of course.
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
Bay slowly made his way to the Gryffindor tackle, he's been out of the Hospital Wing for about a week now but he had mostly stayed in his dorm room to rest a bit more, spring Zander he made a beeline for him. As he reached the bench he sat down and looked over at his younger friend. "Oi, you okay Zander" he had picked up the pumpkin juice and poured himself a glass, it was a long walk down here and he was bundled up to keep warm.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace decided it was time to visit the lion table. He had a lot more friends here. Plus they were apart of the Gryffinpuff gang. He had to visit them. As he made his way to the table, he noticed it was somewhat empty. No one really was here yet. Well Kace came here early that is why. He noticed Bay, his bro. They had this bromance thing going on that everyone was jealous of. Even Emmy and Lux. They just can't top it. He crept up behind Bay and put his elbow on his shoulder and looked at him, "Sup mate?"
Then he saw Zander and nodded towards him. "Sup Zander, got any plans for this summer?" Then he looked around for Emmy and Cinna and noticed they weren't there. He was even Lux and she didn't beat him there yet.
Where had this term gone? Emmylou couldn't believe that it was almost time for summer already. This was her first year at Hogwarts ever and it had already flew by. She did have a lovely time this term besides the coldness and her friend getting attacked by a monster and her being the most horrible friend in the world by not visiting Bay at all. Emmylou just felt so horrible. The third year walked into the Great Hall and made her way over to the Gryffindor table where she noticed Zander and Bay already there. Emmylou waved to them.
"Hey Zander!"
Then the fourteen year old looked at Bay and frowned. She really didn't have a reason why she hadn't visited him. She just hoped that he could forgive her for her stupidity. "Hey Bay." she gave him a small wave. "I'm sorry I didn't visit you in the hospital wing. I'm a horrible friend and I understand if you can't forgive." Because truth be told Emmylou couldn't forgive herself and she didn't know if she ever could. As Emmylou apologized to Bay for being the most horrible friend ever, she looked up and saw the most beautiful in the whole world, her boyfriend of course. The third year smiled and jumped up and down a bit. "KACE!" Emmylou waved and beamed at him.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Last edited by MuggleDinosaur; 08-05-2014 at 12:33 AM.
Reason: Editing Kace in. <3
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
It was hard to believe that it was already the end of term feast. Where had the time gone by? It was sad to leave, but she was honestly ready to go home; this drawn out winter and Chort business had made her eager to leave Hogwarts for the summer.
Spotting some of her friends and her boyfriend at the Gryffindor table, she made a beeline towards them. Standing behind Bay, she covered his eyes with her hands. "Guess who," she said to him before smiling at everyone else.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Her first year had come to a close, and AJ was sort of disappointed about it. She was wasn't sure how she was going to leave the castle with the whole snow thing, but she wasn't worried about that at the moment. Her mind was on one thing, and one thing only. FOOD.
As she made her way down to the table, she saw her adventure buddy Zander."Everything okay?" He looked like he was going to throw up or something. Maybe he was just starved like her.
Then her eyes landed on Adi. She snuck up behind him an threw her hands over his eyes. "Guess who!" AJ was glad to see that Adi was at her table especially since she didn't see too many other people that she spoke to.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
End of term.
It wasn't unexpected already yet nor overly waited for. News of Bentley leaving was quite sad and she would be greatly missed. Almost more than how much Benny had wanted to escape the cold prison they had been encased in for most of the year. So the third year was filled with a bit of mixed feelings as everything was wrapping up all around.
He had headed down to the Great Hall when it was time, taken a little aback by the decor of the large room. Gryffindor red and gold made it clear who had won the house cup and Benny hadn't be aware. The game had been neck and neck by the house point counters and it seemed the lions had over run the snakes finally. More reason for celebration and more mixed feelings.
Making his way to his house table, he spotted a few of his classmates already there and offered them smiles. Then he spotted the awkward Hufflepuff having his eyes covered up by AJ and chuckled at the scene as he sat down beside his best friend. Benny was interest in just how this turned out.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
After having finished writing up his memory book Tag immediately headed towards his house. It would be his final time sitting here and he was going to try and enjoy it while it lasted. Which would be for a while.
At the moment he didn't see anyone who he recognized or knew really well, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't socialize with them. This would be his last time after all. Though, the boy didn't want to intrude on any going on conversations so he just sat there, sort of awkwardly, waiting for anyone to say something to him or grab his attention.
He still couldn't believe this was his last time. That he would be graduating. And never coming back here. The blonde just glanced all around the hall, looking at the Professors and his classmates and the decorations in general.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi watched a few more familiar faces arrive- Lux, whom he grinned at. "Hey, Lux.'' She must be awfully pleased and happy Bay was okay now. Which was a good thing. Adi did not like a worried and sad Lux.
There was Kace and his girlfriend, too. But the Hufflepuff didn't get to give them any form of greeting for the next thing he knew was his vision being obscured by a pair of hands and that all too familiar voice of AJ telling him to guess who it was. Automatically, Adi reached up, grabbing the hands but he didn't pull them away from his eyes.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi watched a few more familiar faces arrive- Lux, whom he grinned at. "Hey, Lux.'' She must be awfully pleased and happy Bay was okay now. Which was a good thing. Adi did not like a worried and sad Lux.
There was Kace and his girlfriend, too. But the Hufflepuff didn't get to give them any form of greeting for the next thing he knew was his vision being obscured by a pair of hands and that all too familiar voice of AJ telling him to guess who it was. Automatically, Adi reached up, grabbing the hands but he didn't pull them away from his eyes.
"Um...Angel!'' Adi said quite on purpose. Hehe.
The lion was just about to say "very funny" when she thought about maybe having some fun with this. "Aw man, how did you know?" AJ saw Benny arrive out of the corner of her eye. Normally she wouldn't call him Benny, but for the sake of fooling Adi, she would have to. "Hey, Benny. Maybe she should have called him cutie pie. That would have been more Angel like. "Have you seen AJ?" Would he go along with it?
Adi was still holding on to her hands, so for the time being, she stayed put. Surely he knew the identical sisters apart. Other than sharing the same face, there wasn't that much that they had in common.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
SPOILER!!: Adi and AJ
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi watched a few more familiar faces arrive- Lux, whom he grinned at. "Hey, Lux.'' She must be awfully pleased and happy Bay was okay now. Which was a good thing. Adi did not like a worried and sad Lux.
There was Kace and his girlfriend, too. But the Hufflepuff didn't get to give them any form of greeting for the next thing he knew was his vision being obscured by a pair of hands and that all too familiar voice of AJ telling him to guess who it was. Automatically, Adi reached up, grabbing the hands but he didn't pull them away from his eyes.
"Um...Angel!'' Adi said quite on purpose. Hehe.
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar
The lion was just about to say "very funny" when she thought about maybe having some fun with this. "Aw man, how did you know?" AJ saw Benny arrive out of the corner of her eye. Normally she wouldn't call him Benny, but for the sake of fooling Adi, she would have to. "Hey, Benny. Maybe she should have called him cutie pie. That would have been more Angel like. "Have you seen AJ?" Would he go along with it?
Adi was still holding on to her hands, so for the time being, she stayed put. Surely he knew the identical sisters apart. Other than sharing the same face, there wasn't that much that they had in common.
Benny wondered if Adi was playing or not. He certainly thought his friend could tell the sisters apart, if not by voice but by behavior. About as much as he believed that he had a clue as to which was which and had assumed it had been AJ who had come up behind the Hufflepuff. Didn't Angel tend to pull things on him and her sister on Adi? Two sisters for two besties.
Yet here AJ or Angel was asking if he had seen AJ. The third year briefly looked for clues as to what was what. Benny was the name that was used, not cutie pie or something else sweet like Angel tended to use and Ben strove to remember what was the chosen address for him from AJ.
"Nope...haven't seen her," he said, opting to play along for a little bit. If she was in fact playing.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Huh? Was it really Angel? Adi was taken aback by the thought. He positive it was AJ; his instincts told him that. He remained silent trying to figure stuff out.
Waaaait! What? Benny was there?
That was it! Adi was sure it was AJ. For two reasons. One: As good friends as they were, Angel would never cover his eyes; she would go for Benny. Two: though Angel called his bestie 'Benny', she almost one hundred percent of the time used 'Cutie Pie'.
AJ was only trying to trick him. Well, he would of course play along even if Benny opted to go along with AJ. Still holding onto AJ's hands, Adi addressed Benny. "Benny, tell your girlfriend to get her hands off of me. I know she thinks you and I are cute but she can't have both of us.''
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Hmmm... was Adi really thinking that she was Angel? AJ figured that he would know her better than that. What if he was trying to prank her back? There was only one way to find out. She was just going to have to go along with everything that was being said, and try her best to sound like Angel.
She flashed Benny a smile. He was going along with the plan. Or maybe he didn't honestly know which sister she was. Either way it didn't look like he was going to spoil her fun. The next words that Adi spoke took her by surprise, and she had to bite her tongue to keep a smart remark from coming out. That wasn't like Angel. Think, AJ. She knew she couldn't make herself blush, but that didn't matter seeing as how she had Adi's eyes covered. "Leave my cutie pie alone." That was Angelish, right? She let out a giggle for good measure. Angel giggled all of the time.
She flashed Benny an apologetic smile. Was she embarrassing him? She knew that he was quiet and reserved, and she really didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.
a lot of people! Zander, Adi, Bromance, Emmy, Lux & Tag
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
SPOILER!!: Zander
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
The shaken third year hesitantly reached out to fill his plate up. Even though he wasn't really feeling hungry, he would surely attract some questionable looks if he didn't look like he was eating. Piling up a little bit of everything that was nearby, the boy looked up at the sound of a familiar voice. BAY!?!
Of course the one time he saw his first mate ever finally doing well again, he had to look completely flustered and out of his element. Rotten luck. Under any other circumstance, the third year would have probably dropped all thoughts at sight of the older boy, however, this time was a bit different. Yet, he still looked up with eyes as wide as they could go. "Bay???" Hold on a minute. Bay was knocked out in the hospital wing for the majority of term and he was asking Zander if he was okay?
"I-uh-I... I-uh..." He couldn't just tell people about his plan. He didn't need to think about it anymore. Not until after the delivery. Not until then. "I'm uh okay..." But more importantly, "Are you feeling better Bay? I've.. I've missed you a lot" and as an afterthought he added, "mate." Because Bay was his first mate ever and it was very special. And he just had SO many questions for his mate. Maybe this was just what he needed. A distraction.
Hearing the disbelief on Zander's face could help but make Bay smirk. He wasn't a ghost or anything, geez hold yourself together man. Wait a minute.. Listening to the young Gryffindor talk was different than before.. he was normally so fun and whitty and now all he seems to be doing is stammering.. Something must be up.. but the kid was changing the subject and Bay didn't want to press him for anything else because if he wanted to talk about it the kid would.
"thats good that your alright mate." he said while thankfully was sitting on his good side so he lifted his non-achy arm over his friend. "I'm a bit soar on the left side but i can manage.. Healing up quite nicely actually" and D'AWWWWWWW he wanted to pack Zander in his bag and bring him home with him because he was just way to awesome and he knew that Zander would love hanging out at his house. "I've missed you as well.. and everyone else really.. I just feel like i've missed so much" he gave him a little squeeze.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Gryffindor table, here came the Hufflepuff! Adi had made it his tradition to hang out at the other tables during Feast time. First up, was the Lion table. He was actually there for Benny, Angel and AJ but they weren't there yet. Meh.
But there was Zander! And Bay! "Guys! Hi! Bay, you're all better now?'' Adi hadn't gotten around to visiting the dude in the Hospital Wing and he felt bad about that but hey. At least now he was checking up on him.
More and more people were coming into the hall now and of course this was the best feast.. that and the start of the year the food just tasted way better, but none were out yet because they were still waiting on the awesome speech that the Headmistress always gives. OHHHH Adi came to visit the table, what a site for soar eyes. "Hey Adi!" he smiled as he heard him ask him how he was. "Doing much better thanks for asking" while he gave a thumbs up. "How've you been?" he didn't want everything to be about him so of course he was going to ask his friends how they were.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace decided it was time to visit the lion table. He had a lot more friends here. Plus they were apart of the Gryffinpuff gang. He had to visit them. As he made his way to the table, he noticed it was somewhat empty. No one really was here yet. Well Kace came here early that is why. He noticed Bay, his bro. They had this bromance thing going on that everyone was jealous of. Even Emmy and Lux. They just can't top it. He crept up behind Bay and put his elbow on his shoulder and looked at him, "Sup mate?"
Then he saw Zander and nodded towards him. "Sup Zander, got any plans for this summer?" Then he looked around for Emmy and Cinna and noticed they weren't there. He was even Lux and she didn't beat him there yet.
Drinking more fluids he had to keep hydrated but out of no where an arm was around him and was hanging on his achy collar bone.. "OWWWWW" it didn't hurt that much but the shock contributed to the loudness of the yelping. Turning his eye with wide eyes to see who it was and it was Kace!! his best friend, man it was good to see him other than the achyness. "Heyyyy…" he said as he punched his arm, there how was that for some payback eh. "Thanks for coming to see me and all that gushy stuff dude" he winked at him jokingly.
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
Where had this term gone? Emmylou couldn't believe that it was almost time for summer already. This was her first year at Hogwarts ever and it had already flew by. She did have a lovely time this term besides the coldness and her friend getting attacked by a monster and her being the most horrible friend in the world by not visiting Bay at all. Emmylou just felt so horrible. The third year walked into the Great Hall and made her way over to the Gryffindor table where she noticed Zander and Bay already there. Emmylou waved to them.
"Hey Zander!"
Then the fourteen year old looked at Bay and frowned. She really didn't have a reason why she hadn't visited him. She just hoped that he could forgive her for her stupidity. "Hey Bay." she gave him a small wave. "I'm sorry I didn't visit you in the hospital wing. I'm a horrible friend and I understand if you can't forgive." Because truth be told Emmylou couldn't forgive herself and she didn't know if she ever could. As Emmylou apologized to Bay for being the most horrible friend ever, she looked up and saw the most beautiful in the whole world, her boyfriend of course. The third year smiled and jumped up and down a bit. "KACE!" Emmylou waved and beamed at him.
Seeing a fellow Gryffindor come up she seemed a bit.. sad.. no wait Bay didn't know the word for it.. maybe shy? no that couldn't be it.. it was Emmy here we were talking about.. And then he knew as soon as she started to talk.. "Ohhh.. its okay Emmy, I completely understand and plus I was knocked out cold, you could have just told me you came." he joked with her to make her relax some more. "but I think your one of my great friends and I appreciate the honestly…truly." she was always so good to him. "Theres nothing to forgive" he added as he had a feeling she would be going to sit next to Kace.
Originally Posted by Squishy
It was hard to believe that it was already the end of term feast. Where had the time gone by? It was sad to leave, but she was honestly ready to go home; this drawn out winter and Chort business had made her eager to leave Hogwarts for the summer.
Spotting some of her friends and her boyfriend at the Gryffindor table, she made a beeline towards them. Standing behind Bay, she covered his eyes with her hands. "Guess who," she said to him before smiling at everyone else.
Man was it ever so good to be out of that Hospital wing, too good in fact where all of his friends were around him… but he hadn't seen Lux yet though.. "I wonder where she is?" he thought as hands were around his eyes covering his vision.. "uhhhhhh…." he joked as he knew full well who it was. "Lux" he turned around and gave her the best hug that he could. "Finally.. always late." this was a complete lie because she was never late but when she did come late once in a blue moon he like to joke with her. "why don't you come sit at our table for a bit before you have to go back to yours" saying as he let her out of his weird hug.
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
After having finished writing up his memory book Tag immediately headed towards his house. It would be his final time sitting here and he was going to try and enjoy it while it lasted. Which would be for a while.
At the moment he didn't see anyone who he recognized or knew really well, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't socialize with them. This would be his last time after all. Though, the boy didn't want to intrude on any going on conversations so he just sat there, sort of awkwardly, waiting for anyone to say something to him or grab his attention.
He still couldn't believe this was his last time. That he would be graduating. And never coming back here. The blonde just glanced all around the hall, looking at the Professors and his classmates and the decorations in general.
Turning his attention back to his friends and the Gryffindor Table he saw that someone else had come and it was Tag and he looked a little bit sad. "Hey Tag!" he said to get the older lion's attention.. "whats up man?" he asked because he really did care for everyone he knew.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
The Gryffindor waited to see how Adi was reacting to it all, still amused even if he was a touch confused at the moment. His best friend in turn seemingly falling for the trickery himself or at least appearing that way. "She's not my girlfriend," Benny said at first, almost on instinct. That whole...issue was weird between them even as they were relatively fine elsewhere. And it was a double-ended answer since technically it wasn't Angel in reality.
Or was it?
As the first year responded back, she responded like Angel would have. Flashing him a smile...using the nickname Cutie pie...giggling. All was more one sister than the other. However Benny still had the feeling his first guess had been right, That it was AJ. And she was playing with Adi. And apparently so was he.
"Besides...I have no control over it." Nope...he was an innocent bystander, witness, and the one being entertained. Other than AJ of course.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi grinned. "Glad to hear about it. Lux was pretty worried about you.'' It wasn't Bay's fault he had been attacked so it wasn't his fault Lux got all worried. You know, just in case he was feeling guilty about it. "I've been good. Would have been better if it weren't for this weather.'' That be true.
Adi pressed his lips together to keep from snorting out a laugh. Really, AJ? That wasn't like Angel at all except for the words but it was too late for that. He had already figured it out. And besides, he can always tell her apart from her sisters. "Angel, you're breaking my best friend's heart. No matter what he says about you not being his girlfriend, he wants you to be. He's just too shy to tell you.'' Ahh. Poor Benny. He was definitely suffering all because Adi and AJ couldn't stop playing jokes on each other.
The Hufflepuff finally tugged AJ's hands away from his face and held them out to Benny. "Here. I apologise for being so devilishly cute that Angel wanted to break your heart.'' Hehe.
As Emmylou apologized to Bay for being the most horrible friend ever, she looked up and saw the most beautiful in the whole world, her boyfriend of course. The third year smiled and jumped up and down a bit. "KACE!" Emmylou waved and beamed at him.
As Kace was talking with Zander and Bay, he saw the most beautiful girl walk in. She saw her tiny frame walking in her robes but her huge smile made up for it. "EMMY!" he said back smirking. He went over and gave her a huge bear hug from behind. A wave wasn't good enough for him. Nope not at all. "How is my favorite panda?..." he asked resting his chin on her shoulder.
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
After having finished writing up his memory book Tag immediately headed towards his house. It would be his final time sitting here and he was going to try and enjoy it while it lasted. Which would be for a while.
At the moment he didn't see anyone who he recognized or knew really well, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't socialize with them. This would be his last time after all. Though, the boy didn't want to intrude on any going on conversations so he just sat there, sort of awkwardly, waiting for anyone to say something to him or grab his attention.
He still couldn't believe this was his last time. That he would be graduating. And never coming back here. The blonde just glanced all around the hall, looking at the Professors and his classmates and the decorations in general.
After he said his hellos to Emmy, he noticed a seventh year coming back from the memory book. He was gonna miss this dude. Their treehouse adventure was awesome this term. He wondered what he was gonna do after Hogwarts. He might ask him. "Heyy Tag!" he called out to him. He walked over to him and mentioned, "I am gonna miss you mate.."
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
Drinking more fluids he had to keep hydrated but out of no where an arm was around him and was hanging on his achy collar bone.. "OWWWWW" it didn't hurt that much but the shock contributed to the loudness of the yelping. Turning his eye with wide eyes to see who it was and it was Kace!! his best friend, man it was good to see him other than the achyness. "Heyyyy…" he said as he punched his arm, there how was that for some payback eh. "Thanks for coming to see me and all that gushy stuff dude" he winked at him jokingly.
Kace jumped back when he realized he hurt him. "Oooohhh sorry mate...I didn't know you were sore there.." he held up his hands in his defense. He didn't want Lux getting mad to him for damaging her merchandise. "Heyyy mate.." he returned giving him a one armed hug. "AAhhh no problem mate and the gushy stuff comes with the territory ya know? We got a bromance going on. It is just how we gotta roll from now on.." he grinned. But enough of that. "What are your plans for this summer?"
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Adi watched a few more familiar faces arrive- Lux, whom he grinned at. "Hey, Lux.'' She must be awfully pleased and happy Bay was okay now. Which was a good thing. Adi did not like a worried and sad Lux.
There was Kace and his girlfriend, too. But the Hufflepuff didn't get to give them any form of greeting for the next thing he knew was his vision being obscured by a pair of hands and that all too familiar voice of AJ telling him to guess who it was. Automatically, Adi reached up, grabbing the hands but he didn't pull them away from his eyes.
"Um...Angel!'' Adi said quite on purpose. Hehe.
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow
Man was it ever so good to be out of that Hospital wing, too good in fact where all of his friends were around him… but he hadn't seen Lux yet though.. "I wonder where she is?" he thought as hands were around his eyes covering his vision.. "uhhhhhh…." he joked as he knew full well who it was. "Lux" he turned around and gave her the best hug that he could. "Finally.. always late." this was a complete lie because she was never late but when she did come late once in a blue moon he like to joke with her. "why don't you come sit at our table for a bit before you have to go back to yours" saying as he let her out of his weird hug.
Laughing, Lux carefully hugged Bay. It was so nice to see him out of the hospital ward and feeling a lot better. "How are you? Are you still hurting?" Some soreness would be expected, but hopefully he was okay and wouldn't do anything to hurt himself again. At least he got to eat yummy food and catch up with his friends who he had missed a lot.
Rolling her eyes in amusement at his joke, she sat down beside him. "I think I will stay here for most of the feast if that is okay. Unless you people get tired of me." Joking of course.
Kace making Bay yelp caused her to give him a glare, but Bay seemed to be okay so she wasn't mad; he just needed to be more careful was all. Turning her attention to Adi, she said, "so how are you? Looking forward to summer?"
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Simon made his way over to the Gryffindor table to say good bye to some goodmates. He had a feeling that he'd catch Zander and hopefully Emmylou there. Plus if Emmylou was there Kace was bound to be there too. He made his way over and spotted Zander. Waving to him, he made his way over. Despite Slytherin losing the Cup (well so far ), Simon would be happy. The Gryffindors had put up an honourable fight and they had won. The ambitious Slytherin HAD to respect that. "ZANDERMAN!" he called out as he made his way over. Oh look! There were quite a number of familiar faces that he saw here. "Congrats guys." And the Snake grinned for his mates.
Well played Lions. You may have your victory today but tomorrow may be another story.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Too many things were going right now for her to be put off. The snow had ended a few days ago, tomorrow she would be OF AGE AND RUNNING THE WORLD and to top it off GRYFFINDOR WON THE HOUSE CUP!! Seriously, there was nothing to spoil this night, absolutely nothing and the lion was grinning from ear to ear as she approached the table. These were happy times. She could be sad about losing the majority of her friends later when she started table hopping but this moment was for the lions and this was their first victory in YEARS. Alexa had been to the trophy room, it was depressing but not anymore!!!!
"Well guys, we did it!!!" She said, kneeling onto the seat so she wouldn't be all that low. Had to be heard you know, when congratulations were in order.
"We showed our stuff, PUMMELLED the Snakes into the ground and TOOK THE FRICKIN' cup!!!" Were they as excited as she was? Gryffindors were ALWAYS winners but now they had a big 'ole fancy trophy that agreed with them.
She spared a glance around at all the Gryffindor decor. It had been a long time coming, it had.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
AJ was having too much fun with her little prank, and she was having a super hard time trying to stay in character. For just a second she felt bad for Angel. Her sister was going to be mad at her because she didn't appreciate pranks like AJ did. Oh well, Angel would get over it, she always did.
The next comment that came out of Adi's mouth almost tripped her up. Her tongue was getting really sore from biting so hard on it. "I could never hurt my cutie pie." Giggle. He really wanted to her-ahem-Angel's boyfriend?"Is that true, Benny Boo?" Benny Boo... where did that come from? That was definitely not something that AJ would say, so maybe she would successfully pull her prank off now.
Then Adi was letting go of her hands and passing her off to Benny. Ummm... what what she supposed to do now? She didn't want Adi to win at HER prank.
Her prefect was here. "Hey, Lex." She did a sort of jig over to her because they were the champions. Lions rule, snakes drool, that kind of thing. "Nice decorations, don't ya think?" Then AJ gave her a fist bump.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
After having finished writing up his memory book Tag immediately headed towards his house. It would be his final time sitting here and he was going to try and enjoy it while it lasted. Which would be for a while.
At the moment he didn't see anyone who he recognized or knew really well, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't socialize with them. This would be his last time after all. Though, the boy didn't want to intrude on any going on conversations so he just sat there, sort of awkwardly, waiting for anyone to say something to him or grab his attention.
He still couldn't believe this was his last time. That he would be graduating. And never coming back here. The blonde just glanced all around the hall, looking at the Professors and his classmates and the decorations in general.
After completing her memory book entry, Penelope headed for the Gryffindor table and plopped into the seat next to Tag. She sat near him at their first feast here, so it seemed like a good idea to be next to him at their last.
"Hey. Nice memory book entry," she said with a little smile, nudging him lightly with her elbow.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Too many things were going right now for her to be put off. The snow had ended a few days ago, tomorrow she would be OF AGE AND RUNNING THE WORLD and to top it off GRYFFINDOR WON THE HOUSE CUP!! Seriously, there was nothing to spoil this night, absolutely nothing and the lion was grinning from ear to ear as she approached the table. These were happy times. She could be sad about losing the majority of her friends later when she started table hopping but this moment was for the lions and this was their first victory in YEARS. Alexa had been to the trophy room, it was depressing but not anymore!!!!
"Well guys, we did it!!!" She said, kneeling onto the seat so she wouldn't be all that low. Had to be heard you know, when congratulations were in order.
"We showed our stuff, PUMMELLED the Snakes into the ground and TOOK THE FRICKIN' cup!!!" Were they as excited as she was? Gryffindors were ALWAYS winners but now they had a big 'ole fancy trophy that agreed with them.
She spared a glance around at all the Gryffindor decor. It had been a long time coming, it had.
A really loud voice caught her attention next, and she turned her eyes in Alexa's direction. Oh, yes, the house cup. Penelope hadn't ever really cared about it in previous terms...but this term had become a little different. And she was glad Gryffindor had finally won and that she'd contributed to that effort. Not as much as others, but still. Team effort. It was something to be proud of. At least her house had finally won something during her time here.
"We rock." And she lifted her hand for a high five from the prefect. Don't leave us hanging.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger